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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  September 23, 2011 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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the dow dived 7 percent, the worst week since october of 2008, and back then the market was, indeed, tanking because banks were free falling and congress seemed to be fidgeting. remember that, the rescue was looking dicey and scamble, and looks familiar. moody's downgrading aid greek grants despite assurance that help is on the way for all european banks. so far, it is not. but more selling. in washington, the u.s. government, again, could be shutting, on the same day a solar company's executives were not even talking. and, if this were not cosmic enough, a satellite is falling
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to earth, likely shortly and for all we know, here, take chest we have you covered in the meantime with sandra smith on the shaky markets. and ashley webster on the trouble facing the european banks and ohio governor on what a government and a shutdown could do to economies everywhere. and now, sandra and stocks. >>reporter: ugly week for stocks finishing up with small gains in the dow, a gain of 37 points today, but, for the week, the dow losing 750 points, the obvious week for the stock in several weeks as october of 2008 and financial stocks had a lot to do with the sell off, and, in the trading, almost half of the financial stocks that make up the s&p 500 hit 52-week lows with the big loser, wells fargo
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and bank of america and citigroup, and sticks have been lunging. in the dow jones industrial average the worst peoplers d performers included alcoa and disney. and finishing up with gold, it was not a good week for precious metals and investors cashing in, turning in their gold purchases, and taking the cash to cover losses in other areas, such as the stock market. and, geld, at what point was was down 100 finishing down 10 percent for the week losing $200 and now we look at gold several hundred dollars off of the recent highs that we saw several weeks ago, the worst week for gold prices since 1987. what a week. >>neil: european leaders trying to calm the markets over
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there, and ashley webster keeping track of it. and having a tough time. >>reporter: we had a late day bounce and some finished higher but for the week, like here in the united states, the european exchange is losing anywhere from 5 percent to 7 percent, and today the french banks did the better than recently, with speculation the french government would best the capital of the banks, but, of course, it is about greece. what will greece do to get the books in order? it needs another $11 billion by next month, otherwise, it will not be able to pay state salaries and the government will halt. but young leaders say, you have to take the steps to show you are taking this seriously. today, german chancellor merkel saying greece must do what it takes but default is not an option saying it is too
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unpredictable, if greece goes it could be a domino effect. so, the big question: can greece do that? will they get the bailout senate order of the day, we hear more and more perhaps an orderly default for greece to take that threat off of the table. >>neil: do you ever sleep? >>reporter: in. >>neil: nonstop, young man. thank you, ashley webster. and now the she down after the ... shut down to be? the senate fed voting to block a bill that would have prevented a government shut down. democrats are upset with the plan to strip out green loan likes to pay for this disaster relief aid. caught not middle of this game of chicken, well, us. with us now, ohio republican governor and the form house budget chief, john kasich. you have seen this play out before. what do you think happens now? >>guest: they will figure it
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out like they did with the debt ceiling. what is happening across this country, the fact that people, businesses i talk to large and small yesterday, there is such incredible uncertainty about what is going to happen, a whole blizzards of regulations headed our way. the fact that we have a debate about tax policies and taxes potentially going up as a claim on future income and people not sure whether they should re-enter the workforce, will they be able to get a job that will be somewhat equal to 9 job they used to have before they were laid off? and, you have all this uncertainty and uncertainty contributes to an inability to do anything and when we take a look at what has happened in the market if the last two days, it is like breathtaking. we are getting used to wild swings but this is unbelievable and congress, in their inability to resolve things is also a contributor.
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i just heard it the other day, from a lady yesterday who said open the phone to me, she said, you know, i was okay until the doubt debt fight came and there was so much uncertainty it cares me and i am not hiring anyone. we have to get out of this ditch. we have do do it. and not here. we did an interview summit with 1,100 people, experts from all over the world, and we're setting our own course, because what we have to do in ohio is take care our business. >>neil: but, governor, what ... each side ... each side is blame the other. here is what the president said about this mess and where he stands. >> if asking a billionaire to pay their fair share of taxes, to pay the same tax rate as a plumber, or a teacher, is class far -- class warfare then i'm a
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warrior for the middle class. >>neil: is that resonating? >>guest: the middle class is getting pounded. look at europe, the problem in europe right now is people are not convinced they can manage their income and their spending. the problem there is when they try to get into some form of responsible budgeting, they have riots and it is creating a crisis globally. we are all connected around the world. the european crisis, their inability to manage the budgets and preserve strength if their currency, comes to the united states and it crushes our stock market, and the mill class has the 401(k)'s get hurt and the idea that we need to raise taxes or get into this kind of a war of words is not beginning to be helpful. the republicans criminal the house and the democrats control the senate and they criminal the white house. we node a reasonable compromise but taxes are in the answer.
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i don't who the heck thinks we ought to raise taxes in to country of a situation. >>neil: warren buffett. warren buffett. >>guest: well, look, when you do analysis of the kind of taxes that corporations pay before they return any money to folks, you have to examine that, but the fact is, in 1997 we got the budget balanced and we did not raise taxes. we lower the taxes on risk taking. this is not ideological for me, but about common sense. if they keep arguing there will be more regulation and more taxes, businesses will it is on the side lines and when they do, the markets are crushed, and the middle class gets crushed. plain and simple. >>neil: if we have a government shut down, a lot--. >>guest: it will not happen. it will not happen. >>neil: the fear is democrats will try to push republicans
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into that on intransigence on the issues and you could argue it is the other side's intransigence on spending but because the democrats see their numbers slipping and the president slipping, they having in to lose with a government shut down and pin it on republicans. >>guest: they might have one thing to lose and that is the fact that you are not in washington to play political games on either side of the aisle. you are this that place to be a public servant. the people that are really getting put up against the wall are our children. this kind of debt is a chairman on future income. if we continue in the she growth committee it is devastating to our families in this country, poverty is on the rise, we are not down there to my political games. you have to make choices you believe is going to move the country forward. if you are not willing to do it, you are committing political malpractice. in my opinion. >>neil: all right, governor, well put.
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>> both sides have to give a little bit. >>neil: i hear you. half billion taxpayer clams wiped out. and these guys clam up. and this guy is perfectly calm. >> these questions constitute witness bencherring. >>neil: are you kidding me? does remember how he used to be? >> mr. chairman, the rules, mr. chairman, the rules of the house of representatives. helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil.
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answer questions of the $535 million government loan, connection to the white house and how everything imploded. and now to the white house. we knew how it would play out but when you see it or try to hearing it, it doesn't look good. >>reporter: absolutely. you look at the fact you have half a billion in taxpayer money up in smoke and you basically have a solyndra stonewall when the top two executives were brought to explain themselves, saying they. whatted to cooperate but the lawyers told them to invoke the 5th, self incrimination. we will see if they cooperate down the road but interesting they are taking the 5 the a day after the "washington post" revealed this company, when they got the loan from the obama administration, was essentially spending money like drunken sailors, they had a conference room they created, they had all kinds of high-tech state-of-the-art equipment they did not use, but still in the wrap, when the company went bankrupt and republicans upton said, enough is enough, and he
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is not going to allow what happened today to stop lawmakers from getting answers about what happened. >> now we have our own modern day great train robbery. but it appears we have a heist over half a billion and possibly even willing collaborators, maybe co-conspirators. >> they had a new e-mail revealed from the past july where an official was still telling lawmakers in both parties, they had a sound economic situation, jobs were not in jeopardy, the 1,100 this went up in smoke essentially just a few weeks before the company went bankrupt. >>neil: why want to digress but i get a lot of e-mail when you come, and a woman, i want to say she said i love him like you but what you say is true since
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he came to fox everything has imploded not word. could you please pass along to ed, he should take a nice little vacation. >>guest: i would love a vacation if you can check with the executives and they will let me take a few week off, i will be flood and my wife would appreciate it but i had nothing to do with solyndra and the economic crisis. >>neil: there was a meltdown. but we can talk about it forever. since you came here we are down $5 trillion. >>reporter: thank you. >>neil: and now the governor, we have heard of course from democratic congressman waxman usually a pit bull for grilling corporate types. do you remember this? >> it is clear to me you don't want do answer our questions. can you answer yes-or-no? >> is that . >> why want to know if you are distraught but whether you kept your commitment? in february of 2010 you had an
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analysis done. you are being evasive. why can't you tell the committee if you had a discussion about this rule or that rule or the other rule. we are only talking about three different rules. you did or you didn't. >>neil: this is the same guy with the solyndra executive today. >> what we have, instead, we have heard we line of questions that seem designed to create catchy sound bits rather than establish a clear record regarding the witnesss' intent to assert their constitutional rights and these questions constitute witness badgering. the governor could be gone--. >>guest: i decline to answer your questions on the advice of my attorney. >>neil: incredible. >>governor huckabee: one thing for the executives to invoke the 5th, that tells us their attorneys say you guys may
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have criminal liability here, and you don't want to put yourself out there. but for wax man, the ultimate badger, to sit there and to act like somehow this is an extraordinary thing that we would, really, maybe, not just look the other way at half a billion being tossed away of taxpayer money, and we would like to get some answers to the questions. >>neil: having said that, we know how this plays out, with the politics involved this is particularly egregious because while democrats saying, look, we are wondering where this give is going with the billions of new funding for what do be just as questionable endeavors, where does it go? >>governor huckabee: it could be a special prosecutor and some suggest that is where it needs to go. you cannot trust the justice department of the administration, the same one would botched the "fast and furious" efforts and have not given us straight answers on the
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thousands of guns we sold so it killed people on both sides of the bother, so, usually i do not like the whole special prosecutor, it is an easy way to get the system abused, but i'm not sure how else you can come to the bottom of this story. >>neil: when you ran arkansas, and there was something that was badly funded, wouldn't the better part of valor as a governor or president, you don't pour go minute after bad. you look at the other investments that could be similar. >>governor huckabee: the only reason you cover things up because what you uncover would embarrass you, the executive, and not just those below. if you are the governor and there is an issue like a terrible waste of taxpayer money, you should be the one ling the charge, and say we will get to the bottom of it, and we will expose everything and if
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someone is liable he will be fired. and the only reason you don't, because the trail leads to your desk. >>neil: you do not rush out billions more in initiatives that could tie in companies whose own financial statements could be not necessarily criminal, but, iffy. >>governor huckabee: the politics are crazy. americans are furious about the money spent. they could not make a bigger blunder than what is be done with solyndra situation. >>neil: we will see you again. thank you very much. if rushing half a billion to a company going bust, the federal workers 6' under will
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>>neil: dead and kill making a killing raking in taxpayer to the tune of $600 million for dead people for retirement payments. here we go, again, how does this happen? >>guest: that is the billion dollar question. from 2000 until 2010, $1 billion in other payments to dead people through the social security administration, through health and human services, housing and urban development, and get this, agriculture subsidies going to dead farmers the we are getting interest some strange territory when we send dead farmersal subsidy payments. >>neil: the argument for this, put this in perspective, in percentage terms it is small, why me if this is the case but i will say this: when the numbers
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are so bad allowing for the normal percent of corruption you are talking eye popping numbers. >>guest: you are. look at the budget process, the debt ceiling debate, conditioning does everything at the very last minute. they leave in time for any sort of oversight so you have one member of congress, senator coburn with puts out the reports annually about another program that is wasting money, and what happens? the congress does not investigate it or hold hearings, and that is what we need. that is why people are frustrated. we talk of a government shut down next week people are like, here we go again, congress cannot get their work done and money is flowing out the door and part of the money was for the stimulus. the stimulus is the program that keeps on waste. the gift that keeps wasting taxpayer dollars. >>neil: we tried to get someone, anyone, to talk about this, from the office of personnel management saying they are committed to eliminating
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improper payments to deceased, and action has been taken on all $600 million in improper payments including $113 million currently in collection. but your argument is it is too little, too late, right? >>guest: not only too little too late but in 2005 they said, we know about this, we know this is happening, so we hear this every couple of years and they knowledge there is a problem, but they don't do anything. how about we cut their budget by the amount that they are wasting and say, you have to send this to the proper people or we will take money away from your budget. there has toking an incentive or disincentive. >>neil: thank you, david williams. spending keeps coming because despite the solyndra mess, the nat is trying to public out the loan guarantees to scores grown companies and the democratic congressman says there is go reason for that, that by and large these are good endeavors and are well worth the effort.
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you are aware, probably, better than anyone what has been happening, what is wrong with slowing this train down? >>guest: well, we don't have to take every high-tech green tech green jobs company with the mistake that was made with solyndra, for heavens sake, if we are going to have a big, belled, jobs plan in this country, we have to embrace high-tech and green tech technology. >>neil: how do you know who you are embracing? >>guest: the vetting must have been poor, to say the least, and it is so disappointing that we are not going to get the jobs that we were counting on from this investment in solyndra but we should not be assuming the rest of the green technology--. >>neil: that is a fair point,
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but are we makg sure they're not? are we doing our due diligence here? >>guest: on this one example it would make people think not nearly enough, but i'm sure this is in the only example of go or bad in the federal government going all the way become, many presidents ago, we continue to learn and this is a huge disagreement because we want a jobs bill. >>neil: congresswoman you are right, republicans and democrats know how to waste money, you are right about that. here is my concern: when you are in a rush to spend money, like the old game show, they had, two people would be competing with grocery carts and i loved that show. i would try to fill it with the expensive stuff, but ploy point is, when you are in a rush to spend money you are derelict in
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checking what you are spending it on, just the rush to get the money spent because you have to, by a set date and that is what we are doing and i wonder if we are going to have solyndras because we are in a rush to get the cash out. >> we have to get the cash out and we need to have a jobs bill and it is doing to take an investment from the federal government. >>neil: i understand that but the rush to repeat a mistake, potentially should offset the rush to get money out, right? >>guest: but, but, but we need to learn from the experience. >>neil: are we, though? do you think we are? >>guest: yes, i do. i believe we will learn. >>neil: how do you know? are there budge of accountants in the room saying, wait, wait, wait, this company is stating false profits or they are not all that it says? are we, a budge more accountants saying go slow. >>guest: how much did we do
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when we billed out the banks in and the investment company. >>neil: i'm talking about now, not the past. i'm criticizing this, now, what are we doing to stop this nonsense? >>guest: this was a hearing today and the hearing, i heard, was not as productive as it should have been, but we do need to vet the companies before we give them the money. >>neil: you don't know for sure whether we are? >>guest: i know they are vetting the companies but we have to learn from whether or not solyndra was thorough enough and that does in the mean that we cannot invest in high-tech companies, in green technology in the environment in the united states of america because that is the industry of the future. we give it away to china we let the indians take it, then, we are sitting here without an industry that will be the future of our country.
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>>neil: thank you. good to have you. the investors taking leadership in a world of turmoil, are any of those guys the ones, right now it provide it? herman cain says, well, he can, and he is ready to raise cain right new. ♪ ♪ ♪ when the things that you need ♪ ♪ come at just the right speed, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ medicine that can't wait legal briefs there by eight, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪
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♪ freight for you, box for me box that keeps you healthy, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ ♪ saving time, cutting stress, when you use ups ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what is the future of fuel? the debate is over. ♪ lexus hybrid drive technology is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet. even those we don't use yet. because when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer a future-proof hybrid system. you engineeamazing. ♪
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>>neil: just when it seemed like a government shut down would be unthinkable, think
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again. here we go again, mike. >> house passed a bill that would fund the government from october 1 to november 18, would give $3.7 billion to fema for disaster relief, and senate democrats put it on the shelf today showing it did not have the votes to pass for house speaker boehner there is frustration. >> it is a bipartisan bill we sent over there. it is a reasonable, responsible approach to keep our government funded and to provide fema for the disaster relief money that is needed by thousands of families. >> senate will return on monday and will vetted on the house pill with a key element stripped out, the offsets. offsets are the house republicans were trying to pay for some of the disaster relief money by taking money from green energy programs and the democrats depths like that, and senate majority leader reid said there's still time of the take a
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listen. >> government is not shutting down. i spoke to fema and they are not out of money, we will come here money, and reasonable heads will prevail and i hope over the weekend the four leaders can lead their troops in the right direction. >> he suggested the weekend away would give key leaders time to cool off. >>neil: thank you. in the meantime a house republican voting in favor of the spending bill, congressman, will we have a shut down? >>guest: well, why want to see a shutdown, and i never wanted to see that, once, again, you see the dysfunctional political bringsmanship that is occurring and senator harry reid has in creditability, after 100 days they have not pass add budget and we have had six or seven of the preparations bills and they have only done one. we are trying to continue to fund the government and provide the necessary resources to fema
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and he is playing political games. >>neil: the american people really don't know who to blame here, but i have two little brings, congressman, and when they fight with each other, i don't care who is to blame, they seem like terrorists in footsie pajamas, i'm just saying the american people are going to cast a pox on both your houses if we are at the brink again they will say, the heck with the democrats, the heck with the republicans they cannot do anything, right? >>guest: what you saw, we sent over reasonable legislation and the most important thing we have to do is to be fiscally responsible, so, we wanted to ensure fema has the right funding and looked to make sure it could be paid for and the government does not need to provide loans for the "auto industry," that promotes their
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green energy desires. we have already shown a question mark on the green energy programs as we have with solyndra. so it was a simple continuing resolution that the senate should have passed and red should -- reid should have passed but everyone tries to take an opportunity to stick someone in the eye. >>neil: the democrats counter that there was no deal on the part of republicans when president bush wanted disaster relief, no one then was talking about finding a way to offset it. i am just saying, is it inconsistent. >>guest: well, the highest annual deficit for the bush years came in the last year of 2008 and that was $500 billion and the he years of president obama we have had $1.4 trillion and $1.29 trillion, and he has
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added $5 trillion in new debt. unless we want to continue down interest this fiscal morass we have to do things deftly. >>neil: we will watch closely, congressman. reports are that putin tried to kill this guy. the europeans are constantly trying to coax this guy and now the president of georgia is laughing after all of those guys g of their retirement. it's the first of more than 6,000 sunrises the average retiree wl see. ♪ as we're living longer than ever before, prudential's challenge is to help everyone have the retirement income they'll ed to enjoy every one of their days. ♪ prudential. bring yr challenges.
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>>neil: we have a debt ceiling slamming europe but would you believe there is a european economy growing at a good clip? a very good clip. georgia. georgia. the economy is expected to jump 4 percent this year. the united states economy is flat. a far cry from neighbors if his region that are not growing, but
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deteriorating quickly. you have seen the uprisings there, georgia president saakashvili joining us. good do have you, mr. president. they were tempting, that you join the elite club and you were always leery. >>guest: actually, we need to join europe for the political and cultural civilization because georgia culture is european, the oldest christian country and christian since the 4th century. >>neil: but you have enjoyed. >>guest: we are in the process. we worried by what happens. we will grow 4 percent, and my prediction is almost 6 percent, maybe more. >>neil: which is why they want you? >>guest: but the world economy will go do hell but we have a number of solid credentials, the lowest, or secondest lowest corruption rate in europe and we used to one of the most corrupt
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and second safest country in europe, and we used to be crime ridden. we are easiest place do do business in eastern and central europe. >>neil: look who you border: russia. putin reasserting himself. should we be worried? >>guest: russia is going through a very turbulent period and the perception they have now that the west and america might be ... that is the time the area could be up for grabs. >>neil: they feel more confident? >>guest: but i saw a poll 24 percent of russians want to leave that country for good. you look at that, and you look at us, and i see a lot of russians despite the fact that the official government russia
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hates georgia but--. >>neil: putin tried to kill georgians. >>guest: but, now, they do not recognize or government and they did not allow people to go home and they do not recognize a cease-fire agreement they signed. but, at the same time, there is a group of people in russia, educated people, upper middle class who want did see entrepreneurship develop and free market. they regard georgia ... and my hope for russia, to paraphrase president obama it will get worse before it is getting better. >>neil: but they will take advantage of that. are you worried?
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>>guest: the message is, obviously, there is a problem with europe, and problems with america but my main take on the situation is that no matter what our problems are in america, american leadership in the world is still unchallenged. america will pull together. >>neil: will we get out of whatever we are in. >>guest: i am sure. >>neil: with president obama or someone else? >>guest: the american people will get over the situation and will overcome and ultimately america will be the ultimate force for good and the only power in the world that is unchallenged, with power to change the world for the good including countries like georgia who believe in the same ideals. europe will follow america's suit, they cannot on their own, cannot be successful. by the way, one lesson in the crisis we are lending, stay together, those people with have the same ideals, same way of
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life, do not look for separate solutions. and what happens in america will be decided, and the sooner america overcomes the sooner all of us will be better off. >>neil: very good to see you. the president of georgia, one of the few happy economic stories in europe these day. from the president of. to the man what wents to be president of the united states. herman cain impressed a lot of folks last night. he is here with us. now.
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>>neil: my next guest could be in single digit but can win over the crowd. >> this economy is on life support that is why my 9-1-1 plan is a bold solution, and it
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throws out the old land, that romney is hooked to the current tax code. that dog won't hunt. >>neil: with me now is herman cain. good job last night. ever feel you are still rodney danger field and not getting the respect? >>guest: i'm not getting the respect in some aspects of the media but let me tell you where i am getting the respect, from the people and the activists just attend the rallies and leading up to the debate and the turn out was incredible so i get respect from the people but not from some people in the mainstream media. >> if you had to choose a rubbing mate who would you
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choose? >> human contain because of his selection of ties and the fact we agree with the gold standard. >> i don't know how you would do this, but if you could take herman cain and make him up with gingrich i think you would have a couple of really interesting candidates. >>neil: i get the point. they like you. what did you make of that exchange? >>guest: well, governor perry made a poor choice of words, making me up with gingrich but i know the point. here is what i make of it: some of my colleagues that i'm running against recognize that my message is resonating with people. i have even seen the phrases i have used not first debate being used in the later debates and i am okay with that. that is the best foreign minister of, imitation is the
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best form of flattery but the fact that they respect what i bring do this race and they respect the solid ideas and the solid solutions i am talking about at every debate, i don't get into the political mantra as you notice. >>neil: i admire that and that is not because you african-american candidate, but it is not meant to be that, morgan freeman has been critical of tea party saying what they are doing is ratessist, and going after obama, and has underpinning being racist, and i am paraphrasing, what do you make of that argument? >>guest: first of all, i doubt if freeman, a great actor, if he has ever been to a tea party. most of the people that criticize the tea party, about having a racist element, they have never been to a tea party. >>neil: wait, wait, wait, wait, he has played a president of the united states.
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>>guest: great. great. in a movie! this is real life on the campaign. >>neil: are you offended by that? >>guest: no, i'm not offended but i think it is bad they are so shortsighted in understanding the whole tea party citizen movement. i am not offended because it does not slow down my momentum or reaction. they know i bring my message from the heart and the head. and they are spending to it. so, name-calling is something that is going to continue to this because they don't know how to stop this movement. and this movement is making a big difference in politics. because a lot of the traditional democrats are moving to the center or moving over to the conservatives. >>neil: all right, always good to see you, be well. more after this, including a choseup look at china in
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they are our sugar daddy and suddenly they are souring. china is beginning to look not that sweet. its speck tack elector growth has sloan. the latest warning sign from mercedes-benz. reporting not as many chinese takers for its premium vehicles. ain't exactly going bust there but isn't growing at the 60% clip it was there. more like 40% now. still cruising, just not racing. just like a lot of numbers out of china these days aren't racing. retail sales growing single digits from double digits and once booming factory orders barely growing at all. chinese workers spending less there. all of which should have us worrying here. pretty much everywhere because china owns not only a lot of our debt but a lot of other
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country's hides. because china's cash is king and they are one of the few countries that has cash and a royal mess if the king suddenly is found to have no cash and no clothes at the same time. not good for countries like ours that keep on piling debt and counting on the chinese to fund that debt. where does that leave us? in a word, spent without a sugar daddy and suddenly feeling very sour. very sour, indeed. which is why we are getting into this with billion air investor who knows a thing or two about the chinese and barton biggs is worried about the chinese. one hour from now on fox business network. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. 5:00 on the east coast and this is "the five". i'm kim kim along with bob


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