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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  July 16, 2011 7:30am-8:00am PDT

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the cafeteria and feat to get it back. plastics always about the plastics, huntsman up 20% in a year. >> brenda: toby. >> where is the pop? >> if oil prices are going up as much as eric says, this stock is going to be a stinker. >> brenda: all right. cavuto on business up next. in the race for a debt deal are we days away from the real deal? hi, everyone, i'm charles payne, neil will be back next week. cut, cap and balance, the house days away from a vote will match a 2.4 trillion dollar limit hike with dollar per dollar spending cuts. is this what americans need even if democrats stay it's dead on arrival. to ben stein, dagen mcdowell, charlie gasperino, daying, this gets to the idea of of serious spending cuts? >> it does, but you need-- the devil's in the detail, charles. and we will he be getting more details on the plan, and plans in the coming days, but if you
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want to have a really serious debt reduction plan, you're going to have to tackle medicare and social security and medicaid and that's just the fact of the matter. and they are trying to-- one thing that's really important in this, they're trying to cap spending as a percentage of our economy, when it got to 25% of gross domestic product under president obama. this tries to take it down in about seven years, below that mark, back to where we've been since world war ii, that's a huge step in the right direction. >> what's interesting, is that the president says everything is on the table, but he already accumulate out on friday and said that this wasn't on the trouble and this seems like a logical step. >> well, you know, i listened to what he said and i thought he was basically talking compromise here. listen, this deal i don't believe is going to happen. i think it's very low likely-- >> no deal at all. >> no, trillion dollar thing, it's going to be, i believe, when you see confluence, meaning people starting to agree on various things that can get passed at 1.5
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trillion, not 2.5 trillion. when the democrats say we'll deal with 1.5 trillion dollars in cuts without taxes and republicans say we can handle 1.5 trillion dollars, maybe a balanced budget amendment where the meeting of the minds. you have to prove to me now that 1.5 trillion dollars is enough to get our hand. and i don't think it is, but now, charles, this is right when you have divided government. this is what you get. >> the president keeps saying we've got a golden opportunity to go big and obviously, something big would include giant spending cuts as well. >> well, the thing that's puzzling me with mr. obama, he has not yet presented a detailed plan for cutting anything, not presented a detail plan at all. he's the president, the boss. >> thank you. >> he's supposed to be presenting a detailed plan the republicans have been presenting all the plans. what is going on here? what kind of abdication of responsibility is this? he's got to present a plan, a budget, a budget for the next several years, and if he wants tax increases let's he see what they are in detail not
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just in generalities and my gosh, this man acted likes' a college professor in the ab tract. he's the president, the chief administrative officer of the united states. he is asupposed to be presenting plans in detail. he's running away from that responsibility. >> and quickly to charlie's. >> dagen. the president was repeating stuff we've heard over and over and over again on friday, including going after oil companies, going after hedge fund managers. >> he also-- >> going after people with private jets. >> let's bring it out a minute. adam, the idea is he's going to work, the word he keeps saying we're gog look at spending cuts to ben's points where are the spending cuts and can they be as ambitious as 2.4 trillion dollars? >> well, we, it's a certainty that there'll be spending cuts, whatever the number is. if it's 1.5 trillion or 2.4 trillion or some fictitious larger number. your question here what about cut, cap and balance proposal. we need to understand what
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that means. the balanced budget amendment and there's code language in that. the code language. no envisioning revenue increase ins that. in other words, no tax increases, in other words, that plan that we are he' add, that you're asking us to comment here on the screen is just a republican plan, pure and simple. now, i think it's important to remind people that the crisis we're in right now is a completely artificial crisis. the republicans decide that had he we couldn't raise the debt limit without having deficit reduction. >> that's fine. and it's official-- and i'll answer your question. >> pay our bills. and debt already existing debt. >> it's someone saying we have to pay the bills now. that's fine, we can agree that that was a good idea. >> well, what's wrong with it, is that we're rattling the capital markets, we're creating-- >> actually, wait, wait, wait, hold it, hold it, i'm not done, charles. >> you're not done. >> we are he' not rattling the-- >> have you checked the price of a 10 year treasury bond?
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it's not moving. what we have is moody's and s & p, saying entities that missed the subprime crisis going and talking about default there's almost soar owe chance we will he' default and have enough money on hand to pay bond holds holders. >> the balance of the republicans is code for no taxes, we are a herriaring a lo of code words. what we're hearing from the president, we are going to spend a lot of money and tax people to death to do so and that's where the impasse is. >> adam said it's a republican plan as oppose today what, a smurf plan? of course it's a republican plan. that he e is why we're talking about it. he said it's a manufactured crisis, rather than-- >> said artificial. >> our credit card gets off, rather than waiting for the unknown time that the world turns its back on us and stops lending money to us, why don't we do something about it now and these republicans in the house were elected to do just what they're doing right now. >> it was kind of odd today.
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it was odd when you heard about the president talking about the republican congress taking out the checkbook. >> the president, certainly, to be frank, he's doing a pretty good job hijacking republican talking points, but ben, i want to get back to the notion that the president used the word modest when talking about spending cuts. the to me, we're talking buzz words here, to me modest doesn't mean real significant spending cuts? >> no, he's not interested in spending cuts. look, there's a great saying by s scott fitzgerald, i hate careless people and sue to make an accident. there's been some careless people here, there have been the republicans who said during the bush 43 years, deficits don't matter. we could name some of them on a competing cable network, but we're not going to. that was a big mistake. there were the democrats who said we could spend our way out of the recession, that turned out not to be true. we've got to get some grown-ups here, what i'm looking for here is grown-ups, not divine government, but grownup government.
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where the heck have the grown-ups gone? >> and he becomes a grownup, he becomes a grownup and they do a commercial about him, throwing granny off a cliff. >> and here is what ben is talking about-- >> he's trying, very, very hard and said if i could help one out of many. >> last word on this from adam. >> one of the grownup discussion points there needs to be revenue in any compromise that happens. that's not an ideological point, we need tax toss balance the budget. now, what-- >> start difficulting first. >> listen we need taxes, but-- >> i've been saying that before you were born. >> i know you have. >> i've been saying we need tax extension before you were born-- >> listen tax increases, but i agree with charlie. i think first and foremost let's attack the spending. you see this, take a look, they're calling for repeals it a key part of the health care law and they're democrats. the gang from forbes saying this is proving health care
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rationing is already here and get this, some saying it's a good thing. that's at the top of the hour. but up next, 25,000 security breaches at our airports since 2002. maybe this is happening because we're spending 8 billion bucks a year batting down grandma! >> i know you're worried about making your savis last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here -- to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way. call or come in and talk with us today.
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>> with more business news i'm jamie colby. more in the news of the world phone hacking investigation. dow jones chief executive hinton stepping down after charged with criticism. he was the the publisher of wall street journal once served as the chairman of the british u.k. parent hours after chief executive rebecca brooks announced her resignation. allegations first emerged last week that reporters of news of the world hacked into private cell phone accounts for stories. news corporation ceo rupert murdoch issued a statement running in britain's national newspaper, apologizing for any
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wrongdoing. british police say they've recovered names of 3700 potential victims. shutting its doors last week, it was owned by newscorp, the parent of fox news. we'll keep you updated on any developments. we'll send it back now to cavuto on business, right here on the fox news channel. >> 8 billion dollar a year for parent security including patdowns, on babies? now congress slamming the tsa this week after a new report, detailing that while infants were getting the third degree, there have been 25,000 security breaches at airports since november of 2001. calls now growing to it take airport security out of hands of the government to put airport security in the hands of the private sector, charlie. >> you know, sounds good to me. they can't-- i just wonder how they can get worse. everybody here has been through an airport security line, you know, they don't, they're not the-- >> talking about the real
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reason it's so bad. the real reason that, you know, they're patting down grandma and babies. >> it's political correctness to a large extent, right? they doesn't want any sort of semblance of racial profiling or profiling at these airports. you know what they do? they have to pat the down every single person, even grandma and the chans ever grandma having a bomb. >> no one likes it. >> wait, wait. no one likes it first and foremost we know that. we know there's a lot of room for improvement from the check bag screening to the body recognition, security measures. but we have to remember, it was private before 9/11. that's why president bush nationalized it because of the attacks on 9/11 and it was a national security risk and national security issue, that's why it was nationalized. >> ben, right now it looks like it might have gotten worse. 8 billion dollars, i don't know that people feel appreciably more secure and
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certainly feel like the government has been intruding on all of their privacy. >> i bet i travel as much as anybody else on this panel put together. on a plane almost every day and to tell you the truth, it doesn't bother me that much. i'll tell you one thing, my wife has a cigarette lighter, sorry to say she smokes, in the exact replica of a 25 caliber pistol with a laser site made of metal and accidentally brought it to the security and nobody stopped her. that's scary. >> adam. that's the point we're trying to make, we're spending billions of dollars, patting down certain people and grandma and babies and feels so-- >> my wife is a grandma. >> like typical government bureaucracy. >> charles, i say shame on us for having this conversation. first of all, they have kept us safe since 9/11, as dagen pointed out. thank you, i didn't know that it was president bush who nationalized it. this has nothing, nothing
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whatsoever to do with privatization. could they do a better job? of course they could do a better job. do you want to turn this over to people who have a bottom line focus? no, no more so than we want to turn our military or air traffic contollers over it somebody with a bottom line focus, there's a place for the markets and a place for protecting our citizens and this is the latter. >> well, i don't know you could argue that the government has a bottom line focus as well and their bottom line focus, obviously not money because we wouldn't have the debt and deficit debate that we have. they have a different set of rules and different bottom line that actually makes all americans to a certain degree, victims when they go through the airport. >> listen, i agree kind of with adam. you don't want to privatize the police force, however, we have a problem. i don't think these guys are good. i mean, if you're getting through lines with guns and with all due respect, the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber. >> they're horrible and-- >> horrible holes.
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>> they get through the system and they were detained and richard reid, right, caught on the plane by passengers on the plane and if you can get a gun, something that looks like a gun through airport security, it ain't working. >> quickly, it's an 8 billion dollar annual budget and you know what's more discussing, 6 billion dollars subsidies in the ethanol industry. if you do the math and look what we spent on airport security and where we throw money elsewhere in the country, that's another problem. >> all a waste, and ben, i think you made the perfect point though. it's because whatever the government's true, the government's real aim is, that they're focused on the wrong people and the wrong things and we've had 25,000 breaches. we've been lucky that there's been no disasters, but that's a lot of luck. sooner or later it might run out. >> i think charlie nailed this stow perfectly, it's unbelievable. it's all about political correctness, and i don't think we're going to be able to get away from that.
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i've seen so many terrifying looking people going through security and nobody pats them down and then my wife, who is a grandmother, sometimes gets patted down and other times they gets to bring. >> should have gotten patted. >> you bet she should have gotten patted down. >> leave it there. >> and up next, safety goggles, check, high victim work force, check. lighter and pipe. check. >> union workers getting high and drunk on a work break. someone here says this is the best thing for the job market? you've got to find out why. [ male announcer ] introducing the ultimate business phone --
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the motorola expert from sprint. its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit >> coming up, union workers
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getting high on a break, give me a break. and some here are
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>> here they are, steps away from the the union hall doing their thing. check out the guy with the pipe and head phones, sure must be relaxing. >> our fox affiliate in detroit, nailing the union workers during a break. the same reporter broke a similar story at a chrysler plant in michigan. it's clearly not an isolated program. this coming at the same time the democrats are trying to push more unions in the workplace, claiming they support more productivity, not too productive, if you're getting toked up during the
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the break. >> and remind me not to buy something at this plant. >> and joint or something. >> you're talking the national labor relations decision trying to make it easier to unionize in this country and luckily at the same time, you have a company like verizon that's going to demand concessions from its union work force, more concessions than we've seen in years and years and years and one of them is verizon wants to make it easier to fire people for cause and that's not what's happening when you see video like this. >> but, charlie, you look, a lot of corporations and even state governments, right, starting to crack down on unions. i guess the idea here is they can do this out in the open, really, with impunity right now. what does it say about the union movement and everything else? >> it gives new meaning to the phrase look for the union label, remember? ♪ look for the union label >> i used to love that song. >> a little marijuana sticker. listen, there's nothing you
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can say. that is sure awesome. >> fantastic tv, ben, doesn't give awe lot of hope, considering how much taxpayer money went into general motors and chrysler, doesn't make me feel too great about that investment. >> i hate to tell this to you, but people are smoking reefer all over the place and every field and when i used to work on wall street long, long, long years ago, people were smoking a lot of reefer and blowing a lot of cocaine there. so there's a lot of drug use, it's a gigantic problem. i don't know exactly how much that has to do with the issue of unionization, it does have a lot to do with the fact that we have a moral crisis in this country which people refer to get high rather than face their problems and i'm afraid a lot of people in congress seem to be doing the same thing. >> there's no doubt there's a moral crisis aspect to it. something more, listen talking about guys getting high at work in the open, adam. and does it say if you're in a union and you feel like you're
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protected and could you really get away this kind of stuff? >> well, i hate to be a kill joy in this conversation. >> you're always a kill joy, why are you apologizing? >> no, a lot of times, i laugh along with the joke with you we just had a segment where we decried, where you decried, anyway, charles the tsa invades our privacy and we feel comfortable putting these people's faces on camera and had no idea-- we have no idea if they're breaking the lie. >> are you one of the guys against the perp walk and breaking the law in public. not rust, i have a chrysler in the shop more than i've driven it, are you kidding me. just from a journalistic standpoint, you wouldn't have done that story? it's an amazing story. >> it's good entertainment value just like somebody slipping on a banana peel looking at dirty magazines. >> it's the dangerous bailout, isn't it? because those guys probably wouldn't have jobs if that
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company hadn't been saved by-- >> adam, it's the danger of enforcing unionization and saying to corporate america you're going to take the rules from union and if you don't want your workers getting high during work break, too bad. >> you call it unionization and nobody is forcing anyone to have unions, we're picking on unions right now and peccadillos and then we can talk about-- >> i do it every day what are you talking about? i do it every day, adam. it's a great story. >> it's a great story, guys, nlrb has gone to war against corporate america and they are on the side of unions and if this is going to happen, unions need to have some responsibility. got to say thanks to dagen and charlie. up next. the president threatening no social security checks if there's no deal on the debt limit. that's not going to happen, but our gang is saying it's all the more reason to set yourself up for retirement without any help from uncle
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adam? >> the fedelity select medical delivery, charles. this is similar to what i said last week. people are going to need to retire and that is a lot of medical costs. >> what do you think? >> i think it has a lot to do with that if the government cuts back on medicaid reimburse ams. that would affect us a lot. >> what stock do you like? >> i like vti. it is the broadcast possible index and now the whole world is in a bad mood. buy when they are fearful and sell when they are fearless. and you think people should be more aggressive. weighing in on social security could be a big mistake. >> what they are suggesting


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