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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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♪ ♪. maria: good friday morning. thank you so much for joining us this morning unite maria bartiromo. friday april 26, adm on the east coast. i hope you have a good friday morning. the supreme court open to granting some level of immunity to protect over president trump from prosecution and a civil fraud trial. and the hush money case. trump praising the highest court yesterday. watch. >> i think it was made clear and i hope it was made clear the president has to have immunity. you don't have a president or at most you can say a ceremonial president, that is not what the founders had in mind when the justices were on their game, presidential immunity is imperative for you practically
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want have a country anymore. maria: this on the heels of the initial arguments that we heard yesterday. the scotus warning that the supreme court is seen a dangerous precedent in trump's case if president can prosecute their political rivals. >> the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent. will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country. we can look around the world and find countries where we have seen this process where the loser gets thrown in jail. >> i'm trying to understand the disincentive from turning the oval office into the seat of criminal activity in this country. once we say no criminal liability mr. president you can do whatever you want. >> i'm concerned about future uses of the committal law to
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target political opponents based on accusations about their motives. maria: this is all the reasons behind so many people saying we are in a banana republic with a sitting president d.o.j. prosecuting a former president right now in plain sight, joining us with reaction louisiana congressman house majority leader, steve scalise, mr. leader, congressman, great to see you, thank you for being here. give us your reaction. >> good morning, great to be with you what you see is the supreme court have to confront what joe biden caused by weaponize in the federal government against his political opponent, here in this case donald trump, everybody sees this for what it is. it's donald trump going after his political opponents using every lover of the justice system he can. the supreme court does not want that to become the norm.
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this is what you see in banana republics and they cited banana republic for reason, this is what happens a political opponent runs and ultimately gets thrown in jail, look at russia they killed their political opponent for goodness sake, do you really want a situation where the government goes after him target, donald trump's name was anything else if he never ran for president everybody in america knows he would not be on trial in new york, there is no crime, the bank got their money, everything in this case is trumped up by people who literally said i'm running for office to go after donald trump, not to put criminals in jail, they let the committal's out of jail in new york as you know too well. they literally let the criminals run free while they said we're going to find something even if we don't find something on donald trump we're going to tie them up in the court so we can't run for president. that's the definition of political interference in the happens that banana republic's when they should not be allowed in the united states. maria: just a minute ago you said donald trump but you're referring to joe biden prosecuting. >> what joe biden is doing going
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after donald trump. maria: president biden headed to new york city buddy skipping any of the universities that are seen massive chaos, he's not going to go to columbia university even though his in new york city in the face of anti-israel protest erected across college campuses nationwide. this could be in new york to speak with howard stern with the apple radio view. mike johnson responded to ilhan omar's criticism of his visit to columbia on the brian kilmeade show yesterday. watch this. >> it is absurd for her to say that. it's incredible that us going there to meet with and speak out on behalf of jewish student safety could be seen as divisive in any way, this is exactly the problem. if these universities will be held accountable protect their students we wouldn't need to be there. maria: your reaction? >> first of all i'm glad speaker johnson went there on wednesday and highlighted this problem.
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i think most people in america are disgusted about what they're seeing on the campuses and is started by the way they brew their own hatred and the way the professors are teaching hatred in the classroom they don't make the jewish students feel safe, we solid and had hearings on capitol hill and we brought jewish students and who said there'd been targeted, harassed in the school, in the classroom in the schools art protecting a lot of the ivy league 60, 80, $100,000 a year, you wonder why they're tagged with all the student loan debt because are not even allowed to get a education to get the student loans and they can't get a good job. the student in the school should be on the book for some of that but it shows you what the schools priorities are, they will not protect the jewish students, the anti-semitism is allowed and growing people like ilhan omar encouraged that and that's with the democrat party has shifted to the far socialist leftward anti-semitism is the
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norm and bullying and threatening and harassment against jewish students for their faith is allowed, that is not america, that is surely not something we should tolerate. maria: congressman you were one of the 15 lawmakers directly involved in shaping and passing the house recent tiktok bill, the new york times interviewing you noting you and your colleagues have been privately working on this for over a year. some aides nickname in the bill thunder run. walk us through the process of putting the bill together and where we go from here. we just spoke with jordan zimmerman and advertising executive who went through the dilemma that companies have right now in the face that you want to reach 170 million users on tiktok. the numbers are extraordinary, half of all america when you look at the numbers. but at the same time the
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communist party is spying on them and this is a national security threat companies are getting to the realization that the ccp is stealing their data and throwing propaganda at them even as the company's try to advertise on tiktok, tell us where the process goes now? >> we knew at the very beginning that this would be going to the court. this process will go into the courts first before ultimately upheld and investor sure will happen but we had to draw up a bill that we knew would stand legal muster and build the right coalition in congress, republicans and democrats that wanted to confront the problem. it's a major national security threat and the data of most americans, i talked to young kids about this bill because tiktok is very popular especially amongst young kids and people thought that was ultimately going to defeat our bill because young kids will
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love the application to defendant. i would say how many know how much of your data is at risk and the chinese communist party has ability to get access to it. no hands go up, nobody knows that, you talk about the threats to the data and i've seen classified briefings in public briefings of what kind of data at yours is at risk if you're on tiktok, 170 million americans and people are alarmed but you say look were not getting rid of the application all we are doing is saying they have to do best and sell to an american company so no longer with the chinese communist party have access to your data. when you explain that people love the bill people who use tiktok love the bill. i think what you will see once a legal process is exhausted in the new law is upheld you will see tiktok go south, bytedance will sell to an american company and the make a lot of money and all the disinformation lies that they have been spreading about this bill will be over and americans were using it will still be able to use it but their data will not be at risk i is today. maria: how are we supposed to
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believe that tiktok is the bad guy when in fact president biden and the democrats are using tiktok. there on tiktok right now shouldn't the home be set by the top if he's admitting this is a national security threat, why is he doing tiktok videos, the president. >> that the duplicity of this president, they say one thing and they do another all the time they don't want the laws to apply to them but the law will apply to them like everybody else. but at the end of the day if you have the right leadership, our country would not be in the problems or have the problems or has today on so many fronts, economic problems, the world being on fire, all the things that you see in america, the open border is because of lack of leadership at the top from joe biden, that's why the voters are going to have allowed say on november 5. maria: we will leave it there, mr. leader, congressman great to see you, thank you very much. >> great being with you. maria: steve scalise joining us. were just getting started. taking you down to bartiromo
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boulevard here how voters are feeling about new york city court cases. that is coming up. don't miss it, "mornings with maria", live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ [alarm beeping] amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is.
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maria: welcome back time for the hot topic of hour hundreds of illegal migrants packing train cars and back onto new mexico headed to the southern border near el paso. peter doocy live at the white house with more on this. good morning to you. >> the video is pretty wild of the train it translates in english to the beast. there doesn't appear to be very many seats, it's not a passenger
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train using this video hundreds if not thousands of people riding on top of the freight cars heading north for the u.s. border. if many of them make it all the way to the southern border it's biden world boasting about border encounters going down. it could put border encounters under this president closer to the 8 million mark right now is 7,930,100. even house democrats are writing the president must act and bring order to the southern border. were calling on leaders in both the house and senate to pass legislation to get border patrol back the authority that expired last year. half of everybody surveyed in a new harris poll would support something like that deporting illegal border crossers en masse that includes 42% of people that said they are democrats, that is a change. it's going to require maneuvering among the democrats at work here because they have
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been working very hard over the last couple of years to shed the obama era immigration policies that got him tagged by activist as the porter in chief. maria: unbelievable, you just said 7.9 million encounters, these are encounters obviously were these people were apprehended. the number does not include the guideways these are just the guideways that we know what. we are looking at 2 million quote unquote guideways people that we know on surveillance camera they came into the country and got away. there in the country we have no idea what their motivation is and why they did not want to get apprehended in the first place. look at the video that you just brought us of the train cars. why isn't anybody doing anything do we have any idea where they're from and what their intentions are, are they running from persecution or do they just want a job in america or are they on the terrorist watchlist or what. >> is probably a mix of a lot of
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different things that you just mentioned but the whole idea the people coming across and we don't know their intentions or where they went that's part of why the fbi director christopher wray has been saying at house hearings and tv interviews that the threat level in the united states is so high at the moment, now you specifically warning about an attack in the homeland similar to what we saw in russia a few weeks ago at the concert hall. in terms of the other question why is anybody doing anything. a couple of weeks ago there was a story that somebody was floating in executive action from president biden by the end of april on the border. we have not seen and it's the end of april not sure what is happening there. maria: u.s. the best questions when you're in the room, we know that were counting on you to keep doing that. my question is if he continues to say he doesn't have the authority to do anything, how come he had the authority to overturn president trump
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security at the border, how can he say i don't have the authority to stop this now and when he walked into the oval office he had full authority to change everything and take away all president trump security at the border. >> great question we've been hearing he has his lawyers looking into what may be legally possible. that usually that something that takes a lawyer an hour to figure out, they can look at the law, not sure what's taking so long, they must be billing by the h hour. maria: thank you, peter doocy at the white house, joining me for the power panel hour, georgia congressman and house judiciary ranking member doug collins back with us and host about kix tomi lahren is fearless, fox news contributor tomi lahren, thank you for being here. you just heard that with peter doocy, your reaction? >> i'll tell you this a lot of negative things happening at our southern border and northern
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border but i would like to focus on the positive on this beautiful friday morning, the poll axios harris that shows the majority of americans even democrats in high numbers actually support mass deportation. i give credit for the change of heart and mind directly to texas governor greg abbott and in some sense for the governor ron desantis when their bussing and flying all the illegal immigrants into blue sanctuary cities because a lot of the individuals especially the democrats and the poll would not feel this way likely about deportation if the border situation, the border crisis and invasion was not brought to their cities and their states because a lot of them are perfectly fine with illegal immigration as long as it's only impacting texas or only impacting arizona. when they have to see up close and personal and how much money is going to support people who have no legal right to be here, all of a sudden their mind start to change you. maria: i think we missed something really important in all of the discussions. it has to do with what the u.s. does legally. we issue 1 million green cards
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every year, this is among the most generous in terms of legal immigration, what you're referring to what were talking about with this presidency is the legal migrants. >> i'm sick of liberals talking about how terrible we are in the border should be open, that is hogwash. were the most generous country in the world by far of letting people come here on green cards and other status and citiz citizenship. we do more citizenship into this country than anywhere else in the world. i wish i could be as helpful on a friday morning as tommy is but i look at these numbers and it says most people are looking at deportation. it's a simple answer, should they be here, no but then you turn around and look at the translation into some polls and states across the country and the vast majority, same people say mass deportation needs to happen in turn around and vote for joe biden, that's like saying i'm thirsty but i'm good
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have an empty cup of water, there's nothing there. what we have to do is continue to show why this matters and i agree if the polling is moving away then the republicans have to get smart enough to figure this out because we've got to get people understanding why this matters. i think were missing the why at this point. maria: were to take a short break, now on countdown mode ahead of major market moving data, features indicating again ahead of the march pc index out in nine minutes time in nasdaq upon 62, will check in with wells fargo investment institute and goebel investment strategy paul christopher ahead of the number, you're watching what is with maria live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back, features indicating again at the start of training, dow industrial 47, nasdaq upon hundred 60 and the s&p higher by 35. were waiting on important economic data five minutes away check the interest-rate into the pc index treasury yield on the ten year right now sits at 4.68%, down to it have basis points, janet yellowed reacting to yesterday's weaker than expected gdp number. watch. >> what is your reaction hot off
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the press to today's first-quarter gdp data. >> a lot of the data there is actually not yet in hand there could be revisions in the u.s. economy continues to perform very, very well, the fundamentals here are in line with inflation continuing down backward normal levels. maria: the wall street journal reported that the dream of the federal reserve rate cut is slipping away as investors lowered the expectation for rate cuts in the coming months the march pc index coming on board minutes time, the expectation call for again in core pce month over month after retentive a present and again, of 2.7% year-over-year, wells fargo investment institute ahead of global investment strategy paul christopher, thank you so much for being here. let me get your expectation for inflation longer-term it feels like it's sticky and higher, elevated for longer than many expected. >> good morning, great to be
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with you, you are right inflation has shown more stickiness than we expected and we've been talking about if not for six months, is the services sector of the economy that is pushing the prices higher, they had pricing power of the companies do and that could be a problem going forward it's not clear how much longer that will continue. maria: the wall street journal is claiming that former president trump allies are drawing up plans to challenge the feds independence day the president should be consulted on rate decisions, president biden has been talking about the fed recently he echoed the feds predictions on the delay in rate cuts a couple of weeks ago, a few months after president trump told me back in february that he would not reappoint jay powell, watch this. >> i do stand by my prediction that there has to be a rate cut, this may i'm not sure of that, we don't know what the fed is going to do for certain. maria: would you reappoint jay powell. >> no i would not do that.
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>> because he missed inflation? >> he did miss but no i would not be inclined. maria: your thoughts in terms of the president's biden trump getting involved in fed policy. >> this seems like political speculation. it would be very difficult to get that through congress and overall fed policy around election and policy in general has not really taken a political stance but we think it would be difficult to get that through congress. maria: at this point there's a lot of betting going on whether or not the fed will lower walk and one point i made the closer we get to november the less likely they will cut rates because they do what appear political in any way in your thoughts whether or not were going to get a rate cut. >> we think there could be one or two rate cuts this year in
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the market was priced into the futures market. if you go back and look at the history of the fed back to the early 60s what you find the fed has shown no hesitation to either raise rates or cut rates late in the year during a presidential election year they have been trying to be apolitical on this. maria: were waiting on the pc index, what are you going to be watching closest when we get this number out. this is the federal reserve favorite reading on inflation. >> these numbers these days, you have to look below the surface and what are the areas that we need to look at here is pce inflation personal consumption expenditure inflation outside of energy and outside of housing and if you just start to look at the core purchases of americans at a day-to-day basis and we exclude energy just because it's so volatile, that number needs to point lower even a tick or
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two lower on a year-over-year basis would be received by the zachary markets. maria: we are watching for the number, this is a much pce inflation and widow during the month of march will prices were elevated so this is going to be a factor in the pc in the last inflation really that we saw from the gdp number yesterday showed inflationary signs that prices were up across the board. were looking at that as well and whether or not, let's get to lauren simonetti. >> let's get to the pce number, the fed pegs its inflation target of 2% to this number month over month as expected .3% look at the three year-over-year number, 2.7%. engineering 2.4%, for break 2.5%, march going up 2.7% that is inflation, not only sticky but rising, take out volatile food and gas, core pce month over month .3% on annual level
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core pce rose more than expected, came in at 2.8%. 2.8% for quarter pce. final two numbers personal income came in as expected, .5% month over month. maria: these are a lot of numbers. i'm looking at the market performance and we see a rally underway. you just reported the personal income was up five tenths of 8% in line with expectation and you reported the pce at 2.8%, the nasdaq up 242 points, the dow industrial work 167 points. paul christopher, your reaction. >> the rally that started here and futures was long before it came up, the what they're looking at aztec stocks stocks are rallying on good news last night overnight in the tech sector, don't be fooled by this and if you look at january and february markets rallied until they got to the middle of the month when the cpi came up,
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consumer price index, i think we still have a couple of weeks ago this could be a bounce, i would not call it a new rally, we have to see what happens on may the 15th with cpi. maria: the pc index year-over-year is up 2.8%, the estimate 2.7%, it is hotter than expected, the month over month is in line with retentive 8% gain but the rally has gained momentum since this number was released. could be all about tech but i'm wondering if in fact this reverses later on in the day? >> if not today then look forward to reverse of people taking profits later today and next week we have the employment report that will be another indicator and remember, lauren just reported .5% gain and incomes, that is significant because people are spending that money these days on services, services are driving inflation right now and as long as we have the income number going up
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expect spending to rise in inflation in the services sector to drive overall inflation, going forward we need to be a little bit cautious. we continue to stick with quality and equity markets, u.s. over international, large-cap over small-cap and mid-cap and we like industrial, healthcare, materials and energy going forward we would try to stay away from the volatile sectors. maria: you make a great point, stephanie pomboy made this point to me yesterday that of the 1.6% gdp growth that we saw for the first quarter, consumer spending on housing, healthcare and insurance was one point to percent. paul, get that 1.6% gdp growth, one point to percent of that was spending on housing and insurance, that is all infl inflation. >> exactly right, house prices continue to go up, medical and
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insurance prices, my insurance bill is eye-popping but i got a couple of months ago, inflation and services are still very real. maria: we will leave it there, great to see you, paul christopher joining us. wells fargo. we'll see you soon. we'll be right back. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. (marci) so, tell us about this corn festival. (stylist) oooh you got your corn pudding... (marci) it safe around here? (stylist) sometimes. [luke gasping]
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maria: new polls this morning from the university of north florida shows president trump leading president biden nationally by two points, president biden thanks florida is now in play with this election cycle, even opening the first field campaign office in florida. president trump says he's confident that he can flip new york read, watch this. >> a new poll shows ten points behind president biden in new york, do you think you will new
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york. >> were very close i think will do well and will make a play for new york we will run hard in new york, we have a good chance of winning new york. maria: tomi lahren, doug collins with me this morning. what you make of it do you think new york can be flipped. >> its ambitious but i like the ambition from our former president but i will tell you outside of new york city i spend a lot of time in central and upstate new york in their arch from flags everywhere. a lot of conservatives. it's very similar in states like california it might look like the loud liberal voters are the majority and they may be but there are still undercover conservatives and a lot of people unhappy with biden's america, i would not roll president trump out and i like the ambition we can't get complacent be excited about national polls we gotta get to work and get out the vote on the republican side. maria: is quite created a president trump gma nan talks with people, construction workers here and there as he tries to gm and campaign work in
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the middle of beating the courthouse all day long. >> i think so, what is interesting a longer play using much were political donald trump and i don't mean that in terms of the things that he says but his team in here focused on winning america by also not only winning the presidency but the house in the senate. our good friend lee zeldin showed a lot of people in new york willing to vote conservative because the tide of what they're saying. by him focusing saying focusing on new york and helps the house races down and helps the da races and helps them in the state senate races. these are the kind of things that we need to do is a conservative party and republican to basically go back into what democrats have been doing for years, building up areas in which we don't think we can win statewide but we can win in a lower level and begin a process that can affect local rights and house and senate races. maria: a new research poll from
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po showing a majority of voters putting their doubt in the matchup, 15% of voters feel extremely or very confident that biden is physically fit, 65% say he is not at all fit to be president. president biden making a gaffe added glitzy new york fundraiser hosted by michael douglas yesterday saying june stick in carine hajjar instead of januare confident president trump's physical fitness although the less confident that they claim he will act ethically in office, 26% say they feel extremely confident on that. 59% say not at all. then the beauty of president biden this week talking about former years. but of course he was relying on the teleprompter and that's not a good idea for this president. watch this. >> folks, imagine what we could do next. four more years pause.
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maria: he wasn't exactly supposed to read pause but he said four more years pause because that was in the teleprompter. maria: joe biden is actually the human definition of the word pause but i think beyond the gaffe what is really concerning to me is that president biden doesn't seem to have any grasp on what is actually supposed to be reading which tells me somebody is writing this for him and he's not giving it a look beforehand, that was really terrifying whose writing our country at a think it's joe biden i don't know who it is but i would sure like to know. maria: what do you think doug. >> i think if he actually ended it in d.c. he is a classic ron burgundy, are you kidding me it is sad but we've seen this the last several years, he doesn't have a grasp on policy and if you just notice again for people
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who speak all the time, look at his face with his reading the speech, look at it, look at the face the facial expression, he had no clue to what he was doing it was like four more years pause, this is a concern it's been brought up that he is sleepwalking in many ways through this. maria: if it weren't so serious and forward so dangerous it actually would be funny but you have to get with ron burgundy this is too much. were taking you down to bartiromo boulevard next. we'll take a break and how voters feel about the new york city court cases coming up right here you're watching "mornings with maria", live on fox business. you ♪ ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome backward taking you down to bartiromo boulevard.
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the team hit the streets to ask americans if they are better things they should be spending money on instead of the trump trial, watch this. >> 100%, kidney of a train run on time can you have people not get mugged, let's see what else, education. a lot of really good things to spend more money on then this. >> i definitely think money can be spent elsewhere, transportation even funding for schools. >> absolutely no bigger waste of money than the trump trial i don't know how he can have a fair trial and i'm not advocating for him but i don't see how justice can be done. >> i think it's awful the level of security is jaw-dropping. it is new york city and not secret service when they carry mk 80s around to defend for
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the cars in and out. i hope to get the same treatment if i were to ever go on trial. >> i think the turn trial is a complete waste of money i think the city needs to spend money elsewhere, there is enough ongoing issues that we need to address. especially with everything happening globally. >> it's a disgrace that this country has got to this point, they're just trying to be a political witch-hunt and i think we need to stand up and everybody needs to come together into enough is enough. this bureaucracy entitled under corruption of our government is out of control. do we want a future for our family and our kids then we want a fair election and a fair justice system not a one-sided justice system. maria: new yorkers are smart, they want justice. maybe new york is applicable after all, your thoughts.
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>> i hope it is floatable very ambitious, for all these people out there in new york or otherwise that are tired of the political witch-hunt and tired of wasting money and resources and the political prosecution persecution of a former president, you will get to have your say in less than 200 days, you can show that you're tired of this and that you want your country back to the way it was four years ago, you can get out and you can vote but i think we should point out talking about priorities there are literally women being punched in the face on a daily basis on a random attack in new york and that is the least of it. there would be a much bigger priority for the safety and security of new yorkers and not a democrat republican issue because crime doesn't care who you vote for. take all the money on the trump trial, imagine if that went to nypd. i think everybody would be better off. maria: sure will be, a lot of people worried about their own safety in new york.
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>> i agree i think crime cares who you vote for, i think she had on something but i think they do care, if you look at new york city and the fearfulness that most are going to subways and when i come up there and people who travel through their they sense a different vibe in new york city since the last few years and it's because of this obsession with donald trump. i have a curious question next time you go to the boulevard as his people if they voted for alan bragg or the teacher james. if they did and they say the trump trial is ridiculous then say you are the problem. >> the judges it is the das who have been soft on crime no consequences for theft. we see that every day and yet donald trump is facing consequences. for what, were not sure of, we don't know the crime. something to think about when you see all of the other stuff going on in new york where
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criminality is let go, you get on to get you, and you can commit another crime. >> is a lawless america, what is disturbing, the places that have no cash bail policy, they see how disastrous it is and are not changing their tune or take a step back saying this isn't working but to also say about the trump childers businesses around the courthouse that are sick of this walking foot traffic, a lot of problems here and they should be ashamed of themselves. maria: you president trump going into all the banegas and meeting people is really incredible to watch this in the middle of the trial, we will slip in a short break and be right back, you're watching "mornings with maria", live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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♪ maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. taking the campaign right to the gridiron. the biden-harris team posted campaign video on, and last night during the nfl draft slamming former president trump
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for calling football a boring sport. watch this. >> football's boring as hell. ♪ >> nobody cares about football because of it. ♪ ♪ >> i mean, i don't -- can it's boring. ♪ maria: ah, well, it is campaign season, after all. a campaign spokesperson says the ad will target nfl fans in detroit, green bay, phoenix and pittsburgh, key cities in just a few swing states. tomi, your reaction. >> i mean, it's so cringe-worthy. i just can't watch that. this nobody going to believe that it's actually president joe who's the football and the sports guy. i mean, do you see the kind of reception donald trump gets when he goes to any sporting event, when he goes to ufc fights? no, nobody's buying that. also, joe biden won't do a super bowl interview, so there's that. good try, folks, good try. [laughter] maria: doug, your thoughts. >> the only thing worse than
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that ad is the atlanta falcons' first round draft pick last night. are. [laughter] we don't even know why we to the draft anymore because it's just -- look, this just shows they clip up things, and if this is joe biden's plan, good luck, buddy. we'll see what happens in november. [laughter] maria: were about 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a friday, and it looks like we are ending the week with some gains although anything can change because look at this market. we are well off of the highs of the morning. we did have the pce index out today, it was the up year-over-year 2.7%. the core was up 2.8%, and we had a pretty good rally right after the numbers, but that has puzzled -- fizzled. although e what's keeping this market afloat is all the gains in tech, big tech soaring. dow up 42, the nasdaq up 152 and the s&p higher or by 37, 30 minutes before the opening bell.
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final thoughts from you guys this morning. >> it's great when we see the stock market doing well, but i don't know if it's touching average americans that are still struggling with inflation. they're still not taking home enough that they need to actually support their families, pay hair bills. four years ago it was so much better. remember that a going into november, less than 200 days away, my friends. maria: yeah. and, doug, it's amazing to me that joe biden can campaign on his record even though we're talking about sticker shock every time we go to the supermarket. >> yeah. he's not going to be able to campaign on his record. it's going to shucking, jive ising, maneuvering. elections matter. gotta get out in november. maria: all right. e -- doug collins, tomi lahren, thank you so much. i will see you all tonight on maria bartiromo's "wall street." "varney & company" picks it up now. david asthma in for stuart. david: great show, maria. well, stawt said e this -- stuart said this earnings period would be a reckoning for a.,


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