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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 25, 2024 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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♪ david: a day when donald trump is campaigning in new york city with hardhats even though biden says he's not friendly with the working class, videos show a different story and this is the macho man song he likes to use as his campaigning continues. it is 10:00 eastern time. straight to your money. if you've got it all in the stock market it may be losing something, dow was down 667 points, it has continued to decline, there's some big stocks like caterpillar getting hit hard on the dow bringing it down so much, nasdaq, not a pretty picture reader, down 315, stabilizing at 2% down, the s&p is at 76.05, the 10 year treasury yields have been going up big time, 8.
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6 basis points to 4. 72 right now, the two year is over 5%. oil is trading up a bit. now it has turned the other way, down because the gdp figure was less than expected, less growth, less need for oil, bitcoin is trading down to 63,329 and we got the latest read on pending home sales. lauren: they increased by 3. 4%, the level xcviii.2, the best in a year but the national association of realtors say there will be no meaningful gain without a decline in mortgage rates and increase of inventory. stuart: all right, thank you for that. now this. a new poll showing donald trump leading president biden six key battleground states, listen to what donald trump had to say about that. .
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>> we are closing new york, leading the country by a lot, paul came out a while ago as you saw yesterday's that we are up in every swing state and not by a lot in every swing state so we are going to do very well and make a play for new york, leading the nation by a lot. he is the worst president in the history of our country, he makes jimmy carter look great. jimmy carter is happy because his presidency was brilliant by comparison. lauren: you just have to start with the contrast between a focused dynamic donald trump, there's no way you can compare his present on the campaign trail which is very restricted because all these trials which is the point of the lawfair campaign against him but compare that with president biden and it is a pathetic comparison, biden fumbling along, getting things wrong all the time, the more donald trump does this the better for him even if it is just in new york.
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>> your point is a good one. pause. you can't make this up. david: of those who don't know, biden was reading a prompter which said he was supposed to pause but he read it out loud. that happens all the time. >> you can't make this stuff up. the challenge for president biden is that it only reinforces the image that he's not up for another four years and you take the fact that the issue that's on the rise among voters concern is immigration and voters understand that it is his policies that have made the border less secure. you have an increasing number of democrats who say they are for those who are deporting those who come here illegally. the issue matrix is not good for biden when you think of the number one issue for people is the cost of living continues to
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go up. we are at 41% gas prices are higher, food is 21% higher than when president biden became president and the other side of that is trump talking about things voters say i want that. david: we will talk about that in the polls but one thing you left out his interest rates have gone up so much the american dream is dying, young people cannot afford a 7% interest on property that has gone up in value because inflation. but a pew research poll found 62% of biden voters want to replace both candidates, only 35% of trump voters feel the same way. what does that tell you about voter enthusiasm? >> the republicans and the democrats are going to come out and vote this fall. as you have seen in recent
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polling in swing states they continue to trend toward donald trump and you add the kennedy factor. from this talk that he's taking voters from donald trump there is no way that in reality that is true. where is the base of kennedy's votes? younger voters, self-described moderates, those are the folks that are key to the biden coalition. if they are not voting for barnett are voting for kennedy it hurts president biden. david: there was another paul last weekend that was devastating i think for president biden. in terms of competitiveness, trump is leading 47% to biden 30% in terms of who people think is a more effective leader, bad for both men but bad for president biden. look at the issues biden is under the water on. economy. he's under the water 59% disapprove, 39%, border
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security, 69 disapprove, 28% approve come middle east war, 69% disapprove, 27%. all the key issues biden is so underwater i don't see him coming up for air. >> we are getting to the point democrats in competitive senate demonstrates an houston strict will start is distance themselves from president biden if his numbers don't go up. david: you saw this with congresswoman lee in pennsylvania. >> the competitive senate races around the country in the swing states, wisconsin, arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, at some point those candidates say i can only take on so much of biden and start distancing themselves and it starts becoming not a two seat gains for republicans in the senate but four or five.
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david: take care on the campaign trail. npr chief catherine marrs defending book from platform's coverage. lauren: she calls the former employee who claimed npr led a progressive bias change its coverage, she calls that a distraction and defended herself and her liberal views that have regionally been dug up and used against her. she told the wall street journal there are many professions in which you set aside your own personal perspectives in order to lead in public service and that is exactly how i always lead organizations and will continue to lead npr. she is calling the critics there taking what she said as in bad faith distorting her views but she put her views on social media. david: and we've got the table.
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lauren: we have the post and we are distorting her views. david: we need to get back to the markets which are down big time, 664 points on the dow. let's check meta, plunging after mark zuckerberg warned about volatility due to their ai push, down 12. 4%. gary, you, i don't know what kind of crystal ball you have but you sold met on friday, what did you know that the rest of us didn't? gary:we started selling artech march 11th when we thought march 8th, technology on top and friday just by luck meta broke some important support levels we followed and we said let's get out of the way. to be clear, it's just pure luck that they coughed one up today and watching here, i went through all the numbers on meta. i'm not so sure it will stay down for too long, but when you
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get down like this it will be a while. david: do you have a get back in number that you are looking at? >> get back in action. it has to show, not just this morning where it's bouncing up a little bit. i have to see institutions defending it for more than a couple hours. that is what we do, read the institutions, the big-money movements, too early to tell. david: you are a big picture guy, you look at the economy and see how that might play into market action, when you look at the gdp, disappoint, it is supposed to have a 2.4% growth rate today. it came in below expectations, what does that tell you? david: it's not just coming out today, i've been worried quite a while. i think our economy is on the
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back of gargantuan unimaginable amounts of government spending brought to you by this president. we will do to. $5 to $3 trillion in deficits and i worry a lot of that is in the, the next part of the equation we are seeing right now big time, interest rates keep taking up and taking up and taking up and this talk about interest rates inflation. i'm worried about interest rates and the debt. trillions of dollars of auctions on the phone at if they go awry we see 10 year yields above 5 or higher than that and that will cause problems for the economy of the markets. i think president biden is taunting the economy and markets with gargantuan out-of-control spending, debt and deficits while he tells everybody he's lowering the debt. stuart: we are now, it's costing us now more to service the debt than our defense
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spending. there are national security issues involved, somebody needs to change things. thank you, good to talk to you. you are looking at the movers. lauren: chipotle is up 3% on a day like today, shares are high, same-store sales up 7% in the quarter because all income groups are spending more money so we are absorbing that. they told employees who can eat for free please don't order the chicken because we need the chicken, it is popular, partially response for the amazing quarter for chipotle, freed up the $15 now, 3500. david: amazon. >> investing $11 billion in indiana for data centers, this will create one thousand jobs or more, the largest
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investment, amazon down because of meta by 3%. david: i take made a terrible but buying teslas. lauren: reporting a loss that was three times what was expected as they accelerate tesla sales. david: i wonder if they are number one. they made a thing about being the number 2 company. i wonder if they exceed hurting revenue. lauren: i returned the rental car over in orlando, saw a big family vacation, saw tall hoes, big cars, i didn't see any -- not a single one. david: pro-israel students are set to counter anti-israel protests, i would say the pro-hamas protests on campus. cb cotton is outside columbia university with the latest report coming up. speaker mike johnson at house
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republicans demand columbia university's president resigned saying she's lost control of the campus. we will be speaking to the president of the israeli alliance at mit on whether it is time to step down. that's next.
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david: checking the markets about where we left off at least on the dow jones, 654 points, nasdaq is a little bigger, it is down by one. 54, it was down 2%, down 240 points, the s&p is down 65, pro-israel students and activists are said to hold a
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march at columbia university to counter the anti-israel pro-hamas protests. cb cotton, give me the latest. >> reporter: pro-israel and jewish students have started to place israeli flags around campus and this comes as columbia's leaders say they will negotiate with pro-palestinian students who have refused to leave campus lawn for more than a week. we know those negotiations are going to run through at least midnight. yesterday house speaker mike johnson said military force could be on the table because he's going to urge president biden to use it. >> my intention is to call president biden after we leave here and share with him what we have seen with our own two eyes and demanded he take action, executive authority would be appropriate. if this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidation are not stopped there's an appropriate time for the national guard.
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>> reporter: the university says pro-palestinian student demonstrators have agreed to remove tends and nonstudents and crackdown on discoverers or language better right now the lawn doesn't look much different than it did earlier in the week. no matter how many concessions protesters make as long as the encampment is up they will feel unwelcome. members of the student body continue to react to the ongoing chaos. >> can just be the view of people protesting on a time on the time, it's not the right place to be in campus anymore. >> reporter: similar protests are happening on other campuses across the country, dozens of protesters at the university of southern california and the university of texas at austin were taken into custody wednesday afternoon. the united for israel march is set to begin at 6:30 this evening and we will be
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monitoring. david: you've been doing an incredible job. my hat is off to you for all the work you've been doing. thank you for your reporting. house republicans visited columbia university yesterday, called in the university's president resigned. >> the message from you too, the inmates are running the asylum, take back control of this once great institution. it's clear the president of this university cannot control the campus. that's why i joined my colleagues in calling for her resignation. >> she has failed to keep students safe. >> it is time to resign in disgrace. she has lost control of this campus. she's lost control of this institution. david: the president of the
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israeli alliance of mit joins me now. it is time for shelf he -- --shafiq to resign? >> absolutely. i want to thank the students, house speaker johnson and chairwoman fox who have been our biggest allies in this fight the last three months in helping us raise awareness about these issues and she needs to go probably a lot of people at columbia need to go. a lot of people say when the president is not it will be better after the first congressional hearing, and mit's president was left, two down, one to go but it's not just the presidents running this. you had a giant faculty walk out. some one -- the whole dei
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infrastructure we've seen time and again we've seen our anti-semitic. todd: and things like we see on the left-hand side of the screen. now they've delayed getting fees people out. we don't know how many are students or include outside agitators swiped into that area by sympathetic students. they are negotiating now. the president of the columbia says she's negotiating. what is there to negotiate? they are interfering with operation of the campus. why negotiate with these people? >> reporter: the same thing is happening at campuses across the country including mit's campus. mit is saying they are negotiating with the students to provide them power but won't kick them out. it is ridiculous to be
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negotiating with students who are breaking rules and let's remind ourselves who is supporting these students, the ayatollah khomeini the other day in support of the student protests. hamas and the pflp put a statement in support of student protests. if you are being supported by hamas and terrorists and the ayatollah khomeini there is a problem with may be what you are protesting for and we should wonder who is funding these. stuart: to your question, to your question there's another influencer in all of this, one jewish professor at nyu said about china spreading anti-israel sentiment i want your reaction, roll it. >> i think we are being manipulated, the frame for the world's tiktok. if you look at tiktok there are 52 videos that are pro-hamas
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are pro-palestinian for everyone served on israel. i think americans are easier to fool, if i were the ccp i would be doing the same thing. social media sews division and polarization in our society. david: do you agree? >> i've been saying this for months. these students don't know what they are protesting. a video came out of a columbia student saying i don't know what we are protesting, just free palestine. kids don't understand what they are doing. they've seen a few 30-second videos about how his real evil and have taken up this cause not understanding they are being brainwashed by foreign influencers trying to degrade our democracy, trying to degrade western values and trying to influence the next generation of american voters and everybody should be worried about the future of america and western civilization, students are actively supporting terrorist organizations without
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trying to think critically or explore what it is they are protesting store why they are skipping school to protest for these people in the other thing, this is not even just destructive for jewish students on campus. there are plenty of students who are not jewish who are suffering because of the drum banging and encroachment on student property so this is a problem for all students. lauren: it's a problem at the universities, that is where they are supposed to get the education and they are not getting the education, they are not being told the truth about this issue, will about what communism is like or was like. afraid linen use to use, useful idiots which apologize if anybody is offended but that phrase is applicable here. thank you for the work you do. appreciate you coming and. a lease document exposes frustration inside ice after the agency decided to rebrand its investigative unit.
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top official in a separate ice branch called it political theater, we have that a double story coming up. president biden signed a foreign aid package including a crackdown on tiktok. montana's attorney general played a key role in passing his state's decision to ban tiktok last year. austin knutson joins us next. ♪ ♪
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constant contact. helping the small stand tall. stuart: markets still down. the dow was down 640, nasdaq is down 226, that's 1.5%, a little less so it is come back a little bit on the nasdaq, not so on the dow. looking at some other movers, let's look at whirlpool. lauren: way down by 9%, cutting a thousand jobs worldwide, or slower 3. 4% in first-quarter net sales, usually job cuts mean you're saving money, stop goes up but
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in a big way. stuart: a mining group the bhp. lauren: they want to take over anglo-american, copper minor for $38 billion, the reason is they want all copper and those mines, they have several and copper is used in the green transition. ev batteries etc. . david: you don't need as much copper but we will see how that works out, the railroad. lauren: look at that, almost 5% on a day like today, stronger earnings, higher pricing offsetting the lower volumes, they do say demand overall is down especially in the coal they move, they are shipping a lot more natural gas. david: i smell berkshire hathaway, they love union business. lauren: in the dow was down 620 points and union pacific is up 4. 7% that's a big deal. stuart: david: president biden signed a foreign aid package which included a tiktok crackdown.
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is biden still going to use the platform to campaign? as back and here's national security. >> i but campaigns decide what they are going to do. the terms of the bill is straightforward, tiktok continues to operate until either there's divestment or the timing, what we are focused on is working through that to vestment in a way that's consistent with the law and the national security concerns that brought the law into force. lauren: if you signed legislation that says tiktok is a national security risk and you want to be president of the united states again, don't campaign on it. and this explains the silence about university campuses.
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david: montana attorney general austin knutson joins me now. let's talk tiktok if you don't mind. there's questions how they are going to sell, if they are going to sell despite the legislation which what if china decides not to sell? what happens to tiktok then? >> they will be banned. david: forgive me, how do you do that? there are 175 million users in the united states. how do you banned them from using something they care so much about? >> we figured out how to do it in montana. you can do terrestrial block outs. there are certain applications that are legal in one state and not another state. sports betting applications is the best example i've got. they are able to toggle sports betting applications in certain states, certain jurisdictions, they can do this for the terrestrial us, i'm talking about apple, google, they need
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to be removed from the apple store and the google play store, that's how you do this. david: i was talking to lauren about this, both sides, both republicans and democrats, democrats are open about it but both sides want to use tiktok in this election, you know that, i know that, doesn't that mean there won't be a ban on tiktok until after the election, after the dust settles after the election? >> i think likely what we are going to see is tiktok will try to move some shells around and put together an american company to on them but will be largely controlled by bike dance or the ccp. we've seen them pull the same stunt in canada with mining corporations they were forced to do best from. i think that's likely what we are going to see here. i think they will try to take this out as long as they can. stuart: i want to switch to the
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crisis at the border, you're leading a coalition against president biden's move to abandon an immigration rule which you claim could leave the border wide open for years and years to come. explain what you are doing? >> what happened here, this is quite common, you had a group of activists, border activists, illegal immigration activists come in and sue the biden administration over some policies on the southern border that would've closed the southern border or made it more secure and now you've got the biden administration who right away at the outset of this lawsuit say we've been sued, we want to settle with you folks. this is very common tactic. a friendly administration with friendly activists. the biden administration is not actually interested in defending this law that would secure the southern border, that is why my colleagues
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jumped in and said you are not going to settle this case out of court with talking to anybody. about david: they are settling with our money, that's the whole point. >> using taxpayer money but the real take away here is this is a policy and laws that are in place to secure the southern border. montana being overrun by fentanyl, 1700% increase in fentanyl deaths coming from the southern border and that is in the last four years, the biden administration doesn't seem to care about fentanyl and where it is coming from. david: we have to run but i wish you the best. appreciate you being with us. a new leaked document is exposing frustration with immigration and customs enforcement, what are the agents frustrated about?
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charles: homeland security investigations deal with federal criminal investigations but because the far left hates ice and sanctuary cities don't work with ice, the agency needs to rebrand itself within the website to separate itself, the ice acting director told the washington post hsi's new independent branding will allow its agents to work without the undue toxicity that comes with the ice monitor. that how bad it has gotten. david: the trump campaign will host a donor retreat in florida with potential vp picks. we will tell you who made the cut and who didn't, trump met with construction and union workers in new york city, did you see this before he was heading into court for his connell trial, alexis mcadams spoke to donald trump, the report is coming up next.
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david: what a morning it was, donald trump meeting with construction and union workers in new york city before he went to court with his criminal trial. alexis mcadams, you cornered the guy, got a one on one interview, what did he tell you? >> reporter: a wild morning but where would you rather start than midtown manhattan, 6 a.m. bright and early, on the ground talking with construction workers, he told me he did say he believes he has what it takes to turn part of deep blue new york red. he had a talk with construction workers and union workers as his trailing president biden in new york polls. >> reporter: new paul shows you are 10 points behind president biden in new york, you think it's doable to win new york.
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>> we are close in new york and leading in the country by a lot. up all came a little while ago as you saw yesterday that we are up in every swing state and not by a lot in every swing state so i think we are going to do very well i'm going to make a play for new york. >> reporter: doing campaign stops before the court room and that's what he did this morning greeting and speaking with local union members from a dozen local union and construction workers a lot of supporters, his campaign tells me this visit highlights how working men and women have suffered under the biden onyx plan. this comes after president biden did secure another union backing from the head of north america's building trade union. the president has been working hard to tell union workers trump is just a bully who is not out for the working class or the labor movement. david: let me tell you something. i'm proud to be the most
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pro-union president in american history. >> many union members and some of these construction workers in new york are long time democrats. donald trump says he's going to change that. >> are more unions going to back the democrats and continue that route? >> they will continue to back the democrats but just because the heads -- doesn't mean the members are voting that way. >> so donald trump is now in that court room, day 7 and counting for the kernel court hearing but if he's got to be in the big apple he's going to make more campaign stops like this harlem to midtown, we will see where he goes next. david: thank you, appreciate it. trump's campaign is set to host a donor retreat with potential vice president picks.
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>> all the names that were mentioned as potential pics, 400 donors are expected in palm beach, some of the 16 special guests, tim scott, elyse stefanik, ben carson, nikki haley who was still getting a lot of votes. excuses reporting trump's sons are vetting their debt's transition team and potential cabinet looking for loyalty and a shared vision. they don't want what happened in 2016 when chris christie was in charge of it, he wants to get the right people in with the get go. david: chris christie was in charge of the transition team. president biden said he but that trump tax cuts expire if reelected but that would break his 2020 campaign promise not to raise taxes. grady trouble has that.
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anti-israel protests continue, students at the university of maryland staged a sit in for gaza. peter morici joins us next. ♪ like sushi classy- clem's not a morning person. i'm tasting it- or a night person. or a... people person. but he is an “i can solve this in 4 different ways” person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. i'm short but i'm... i'm confident. you know? let our expertise round out yours. spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today.
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david: now this. president biden plans to let trump era tax cuts expire next year, that would raise taxes for millions of americans who earn less than $400,000 breaking his pledge. how high could we see taxes go and for how many people would be affected by that? >> reporter: including taxpayers including those making less then 400,000 a year will pay hundreds, even thousands more in taxes if president biden is reelected and sticks to his word. >> president biden: now trump is saying he wants to give another --'s tax credit expires, okay? let me tell you something. they will expire and stay dead forever if i'm elected.
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>> reporter: here are the numbers from the tax foundation. filers with no kids could pay $250 to 1700 more dollars in taxes. taxpayers who are married with kids would pay even more, between 1600, to $7500 more depending how many kids the couple hasn't how much they make, president biden vowed that under his tax plan americans making less than $400,000 a year wouldn't have to pay more in taxes, letting the tax cuts expire seems to contradict that promise. >> that makes the 2017 tax ball, billionaires and corporations and that's not what he is 4. >> reporter: donald trump is campaigning on a different tax
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philosophy, making the tax cuts permanent and he says if he's elected he will cut taxes even more. david: thank you very much. peter, i remember candidate named walter mondale, the last candidate i remember who said he would raise taxes, he lost, got a whopping like no presidential candidate ever got in 1984, we haven't seen anything like that before particularly when you look at the trump tax code, it has brought in 47.7% in terms of revenue, it made the treasury 50% more, would that disappear if taxes were raised? >> one of the most important things we got out of the tax cuts was to make corporations competitive.
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federal, state, local corporate taxes in the middle, advanced industrialized countries and that has created investment, the national bureau of economic research which would never be accused of being a republican think tank found the tax cut was real impetus to growth, you heard the white house spokeswoman say it was a tax cut for billionaires and taxes on ordinary people go up so much, they operate on the big lie technique, repeat tax cuts for billionaires, get people to believe it and bait and switch will happen. if he got reelected, they expire in 2,025, all of a sudden people who earn $70,000 the year. president biden has snuck in
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the tax cut under the guise of beating up on billionaires. david: of the new york times not known as a conservative paper admitted 65% get a tax cut as a result of the trump tax code. i have to ask if you were at university of maryland, you see what happened in all these pro-hamas protests, is it affecting your campus as well? >> we have a protest at the end of a big area of grass, haven't had to close campus or anything like that, we haven't had to go to remote classes. you have to understand young people, at harvard, the rest of the country has a sit in. this is different from columbia or harvard and so forth.
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our students are more practically minded, a lot of immigrants to get an education and get upwardly mobile. they are not privilege like harvard and columbia. they are more practical, doesn't really bother me that they do these things. i don't agree with what protesters are saying and doubt my university is going to invest in companies that have a relationship to israel but young people do this. what's more disturbing is they get fed this by middle-age faculty, should not be seeing the world in black and white terms. david: they are set in their ways and passing it on. oklahoma governor kevin stead wants the president to liquefied the pause on natural gas project and is really leaders saying donald trump would serve the interests of israel better than biden. steve hilton on a senior democrat going for the arrest of anti-israeli protesters.
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the 11:00 hour of "varney and company" is next.
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