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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: in the air by mr. collins, phil collins, in the air tonight. i don't get the significance of that song relative to the day's news items but i will press on regardless. good morning, everyone, 10:00 eastern, straight to your money, pretty much a mixed market, dow down 30, but nasdaq up 94, no clear trend for stocks this morning, 10 year treasury yield is above $4.60, up four basis points, price of oil still below the $80 a barrel level, not much movement and bitcoin stuck at $66,000 for a few days now despite this event. that the markets and now this. it's come to this, hamas now dictates america's mideast
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policy. what a switch. hamas butchers jews, israel forcefully response and all across america israel is accused of genocide. that's a turnaround and a half, isn't it, such is the power of a terrorist group inside america. it is hamas the shutting down elite universities, the new york police department believes outside agitators are paying for those change in capital at wall street journal says hamas has been coordinating the college movement, a terror group turns hostagetaking butchery into a takeover of what supposed to be the sharpest minds in the country, hamas has influence in our politics. biden has a hold onto muslim and arab votes especially in michigan so he has shifted policy right after october '70 offered. or it for israel. now he's trying to stop israel from finishing off hamas in gaza. the shift is not working well. uncommitted are taking a significant chunk of primary votes.
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that influence hamas must be happy. the pro-hamas movement is gaining ground, there's no retreat, protests bringing up in colleges across the country and at columbia, the authorities are watching the tents go up in increasing numbers, schools are closed. democrat politicians under pressure, demonstrators turn up to disrupt public appearances all over the place which last night they were chanting outside senator schumer's home in brooklyn. there's something wrong here. our politics, our society is being taken over by the ugliness of anti-semitism and hamas is behind it. second hour of varney just getting started. wednesday morning, liz peek joins us in new york city, what needs to be done to stop hamas? they are operating inside
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america. >> we need leadership from president biden who has not yet stood on a podium somewhere and said this must stop. anti-semitism is not acceptable. we will not back these agitators, i had to laugh yesterday, from tent encampments at columbia, nyu, yale, and. and everyone in the country, the students of columbia. and a long-term problem that's been coming on for years. anti-rising -- rising anti-semitism for a decade. it's been ignored because a lot comes from other groups that
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are considered more favored politically than jews in america but it is unconscionable. i have jewish friends in new york who are afraid of going out and being accosted and the pew research did a survey, 46% of jews in america are -- changed their behavior, not wearing the star of david, not going to synagogue publicly, how can we be allowing this to happen. it is ignorance, these kids have no idea, the students, about the holocaust, they literally do not know or believe the holocaust took place, they don't understand israel's place in the world and unless president biden has the guts to come out in front of the public and explain this and explain our support of israel it's going to go on, it's going to go on. stuart: it an ideal opportunity for biden and for schumer too, they should come out and saying we don't want your foes, we don't respond to people you. >> the same agitators who
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showed up during occupy wall street and the other hiccups along the way where we all of a sudden allow terrorists and anti-american groups to gain some currency in our country. that has to stop. stuart: a few hundred yards from the tent in cameron's of columbia. making a big display of this. do you think he is sucking the oxygen out of biden's campaign? >> there are two things going on, trump is stuck in this courtroom and increasingly americans are aware this is a sham trial. yesterday and the day before, all about the fact that the news media was burying stories to help his campaign. thing about the hunter biden laptop story which was buried by the new york times and the washington post even though it was clearly known that it was valid, to help president biden's campaign. this is a non-trial, this is a humiliation, this is an effort to humiliate and to his knees
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joe biden's principal opponent. it is appalling but to answer your question. president biden is out there every day on the stump, not a lot of coverage of it, he looks fragile, weak, uncertain, even when he's handing out billions of taxpayer dollars he doesn't have any power. we when there's no enthusiasm. the speeches the president makes, you don't see new yorkers cheering him on. when trump speaks you see it. >> we see it in the polling, there's a lack of enthusiasm for president biden the candidate, doesn't mean he can't win. i'm fearful that abortion will be very central on two states ballots, nevada and arizona. trump needs to win those states and abortion is on the ballot and that drives turnout. makes me crazy that has happened but that's where we are.
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stuart: thanks very much, see use in. donald trump is going after columbia university for switching to hybrid classes for the rest of the semester. kelly o'grady with me this morning. what exactly is trump saying about columbia? lauren: he's blasting them for going remote and saying the other side wins if you're going to do this. donald trump took questions on the protest yesterday before meeting with the former japanese prime minister, listen to what he had to say. >> what's going on with colleges, closing columbia now, columbia should gain strength and courage and keeping the school open, it's crazy because that means the other side wins. when you start closing down colleges and universities the other side in japan they don't know about that, they don't close. they keep it open and make it work and the people running columbia have many mistakes. >> these comments came after
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columbia university shifted to virtual or hybrid with these ongoing safety concerns stemming from the protests. donald trump was asked if he would visit the students, mike johnson plan to do so, ife giving a direct answer but yelled about what he feels about columbia. definitely. stuart: i thought there was a soundbite. sorry. stuart: got caught unawares. great stuff, thank you. we got another one for you. legendary actor and comedian weighing in on this issue, don't know who he is, what' s he saying? >> john lovitz, jewish comedian has a lot to say about anti-semitism throughout everything going back to october 7th, he addressed the most recent protest on social media, all students ponds of left-wing professors. he says to the students at columbia and any other students at colleges across the united states blocking jewish kids from entering the school to go to class or you're supposed to
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be smart, you are blaming your 18-year-old classmates from the us for the actions of the government of israel. what the -- not sure if i'm allowed to say that on tv. are you being taught? quit being she been being used by your professors, these comments went viral, got a million views, thousands of comments of support. it was reposted by george actor michael rappaport who's been very active during these protests. we talked about this before, jewish hollywood has been notably absent. senator schumer has been notably absent but always coming forward. stuart: thanks. let's get back to the markets. show me tesla please, we open the market, tesla stock, some green there, tesla stock is now up 15%, it added to the gains of "the opening bell". are you buying tesla? somebody is? >> good morning. our firm, we've got to is the of course and it was more of a
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minor share as things were having a hard start to the year but yeah, really excited here about the innovations that could happen, elana musk came through in the last minute with that call saying they were coming out with their $30,000 vehicle sooner than before but ultimately tesla has been this innovator for a long time and ultimately they can lead into the future which is what they have ultimately done. stuart: so you own it, you are keeping it, you' re not selling it, but it is getting a lot from here, next case, matter, they report after the closing bell this afternoon, what are you looking for? >> take a look at meta here, they had this year they were trimming the fat if you will and now getting some innovation, our hope to get a better deal in these chips because they've got massive expenses going out here over the next week. they are sitting on a ton of
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cash, an important factor as credit is getting tight and a head wind for other companies out there but anyone looking to buy tech right now, it's not as high as it was, a short moment ago, this is an okay time to allocate back in but there are storms ahead and it's important to have our anchors established our portfolios. stuart: is there one of these big tech companies like the ones on screen, meta, apple, microsoft, alphabet, amazon, is there one that you would not buy, that you would actively sell if you got it? >> a hard thing to say those who have momentum when i sell it, i think there's a lot of head wind with apple but they are not out. everyone is using their stuff. i use it internally for every one of our team members. amazon is doing great but if the economy starts slowing down we can see dips their too but
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they all look pretty good right now and are all in a similar boat. stuart: a lot of people say exactly the same thing. it's come down regionally, we got big tech, made a lot of money out of of it. about people telling me exactly that. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. remember when governor ron to santos. dozens of migrants to martha's vineyard, they are now getting work visas, we have that story for you. bike dance has one year to sell tiktok or face a ban in the us. the tiktok crackdown bill now heads to the president's desk. mark meredith has the report from the white house next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...”
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so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: the dow is down 40, look at the nasdaq up 91 points as we speak. the senate passed the foreign aid package overnight that includes possible tiktok band. mark meredith in washington. what happens to tiktok next? >> nothing will officially change until president biden signs the foreign aid bill but you're going to talk about this later on at the white house, an indication the signing might be happening soon and once he does the countdown begins for tiktok's parent company to sell off the apps a wrist consequences. overnight, the senate passing legislation leaving bike dance 9 months to sell off the apps. if not the government can require apps stores to block it from being offered ensuring tiktok loses users fast. the company is trying to persuade lawmakers to get these
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changes, those efforts came up short, tiktok may have like as lawmakers appeared sympathetic to their fight. >> although the chinese government censors online speech in china, there's no crib 11 that the ccp has done so in the united states through tiktok. >> tiktok is won multiple court cases in the past over efforts to ban the platform and it is possible this case could go to the spring court, the companies previewing out plans to fight back put in a statement saying it would trample this bill which travels free-speech rights of one hundred 70 million americans, devastate businesses and shutter a platform that contributes 24 billion to the us economy annually. donald trump once supported a ban on tiktok has come out against it claiming it will further empower other social media giants like facebook. tiktok has yet to say when it would file a lawsuit challenging the ban but it
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could happen anytime especially after it is signed the president will talk about it in 30 minutes. stuart: lawsuits are inevitable, this is the united states of america, ain't that right? thank you very much. let's bring in zach sage box, a comedian and star on tiktok joining us on set in new york city, you make a living off tiktok. you're telling us you are terrified by some of the things you see on the platform. what terrifies you on tiktok? >> especially since october 7th i've seen a massive rise in anti-semitism flourishing on the apps and anti-israel rhetoric, things like people loving usama bin laden thinking he is awesome, teenage girls thinking he's hot which happens when an entire generation grows up this way. it's crazy. i will give you an example. i posted yesterday about the
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hostages and on my instagram, got 1.5 million views, been a for 15 hours, the same video, same exact captions put on tiktok the same time got 300. to give an example, i have 30,000 followers on tiktok, 1.4 million, 30,000 followers on instagram, one. 4 million on tiktok. that gives an example. stuart: that platform kept your post off or downgraded it. >> i had another video that went superviral on instagram. i did a jew undercover at our pro #rally and on instagram there were some issues with it getting taken down but it was up for a week on 20 million views, the same video got taken down on tiktok within minutes. there is a real -- i'm not the only creator that has seen it, not only anti-jewish but anti-western. not saying i am for the sale.
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i'm conflicted which i said in the new york post article. tiktok hasn't been able to rain in or show there isn't an anti-west bias. stuart: should be banned? if you can't sell it should we ban it? >> it's really conflicting. i don't have a straight answer because i don't want to see it get banned. i want it bought by an american company so the government can look into this and figure out why the algorithm does seem anti-american. stuart: the chinese government communist party is unwilling to let that algorithm go, they passed a rule that says that's technical information, got to keep it to yourself, they don't wanted to be sold. >> one hundred%. stuart: they would rather ban it. >> that's the point. if they are not willing to sell it, it really was about influence and what we see on college campuses right now is reflection of this. the majority of tiktok is jen zers which i went to youpen and
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ivy league soul, didn't graduate long ago, 6 years ago. when i was at penn it was a safe haven for jews. i became more connected to my judaism. i was in a jewish fraternity, very involved in jewish life, felt so safe. instagram was huge, facebook was huge, youtube was huge much what was huge, tiktok didn't exist yet. you look at some of these ivy leagues, hard not to notice the tiktok is sort of the common denominator of what has been different and what is radicalized, an entire generation in just a few years. stuart: be aware of the youth of vote. vote. there's been an awful lot of youngsters. >> i can't -- i don't want to see it get banned. not only my economic well-being but other peoples as well. so many jews right now or afraid of what they are seeing. i come from ancestors who fled the holocaust, they got out beforehand, my grandmother doesn't have any cousins. the ones who were here, we are
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the lucky ones so that is why this is so personal for jews especially in america right now. all around the world, we all are connected to the holocaust, the biggest genocide of jews in human history and somehow that information, holocaust denial is him is able to flirt on the apps, videos exposing anti-semitism, exposing misinformation about israel gets taken down immediately or seems degraded in terms of views. that's why i am terrified. stuart: thank you for being on our show. hope you find work elsewhere. >> there's a lot of apps. stuart: thanks a lot. disgraced former new york congressman george santos just ended his bid for reelection. why did he end it? >> he doesn't want to be the reason for a republican loss. it doesn't help he hasn't had much support since he announced. he said i don't want to split the ticket and hand the house
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to democrats stating this race guarantees a victory for the dems in the race. i've met with leaders and constituents and made the decision to hang appear and stop perusing the race this year, i think he meant pursuing the race, he finished by saying goodbye for now but he will be back. this comes after the sec showed he hadn't raised anybody, he said it was intentional but didn't have much support. he is out. stuart: the guy is a fabulous -- that's my personal interpretation. maybe a lawsuit on that one. and pfizer protesters continue to swarm college campuses, now republicans want president biden to take action to protect jewish students. new york republicans lambasting democrat colleagues for staying silent on the rampant anti-semitism. wears schumer? where is hakeem jeffries? mike lawler has probably -- strong opinions on anti-semitism and he is next.
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take action to protect jewish students. peter doocy joins me. what do they want biden to do? >> reporter: the president and his team are not proposing anything new, they are leaning on the month-old strategy on how to combat anti-semitism on campuses where it basically gives educators ways to report threats and organizers listening sessions. >> so we have put forward an anti-semitism strategy that we've been implanting that involves different federal agencies to do everything that we can to make sure students feel safe, jewish americans feel safe so we continue to do that work. >> the education secretary is running point on part of that campus strategy, he says why we can't comment on pending investigation every student should feel safe at school. hate has no place in our schools, all education leaders must stand against hate, anti-semitism, anti-arab and
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anti-muslim sentiment but critics can't believe president biden is more outspoken about this. >> a real president would say federal law enforcement will be there, you will not be subject to violence but president biden is terrified of ticking off the radical left of his own party. >> president biden would rather talk about anything other than this but he is going to get remarks about foreign aid bills the past overnight, 20 minutes from now. is going to address the latest on these campuses, the ugly rhetoric, that would be our chance. stuart: thank you very much indeed. democrat senator elizabeth warren dodges the question on whether chuck schumer should address anti-israel protests. >> senator schumer, speak about what's happening at columbia and other universities, would you like to hear some leadership? >> we need to get the ukrainian bill.
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and that is what we are working on. stuart: okay, congressman mike lawler, republican from new york joins me now. democrat colleagues have been silent on anti-semitism, is that because their party is split? >> the parties consumer by it. you are seeing with senator schumer calling for regime change in israel, nancy pelosi calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign. they are trying to appease a radical progressive base that pedals anti-semitism for fear they are going to lose in michigan and minnesota if the radical pro-hamas base stays home. what they are doing, putting electoral politics ahead of the national security of the united states is unconscionable frankly. what's happening on these
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college campuses where you see rapid rise in anti-semitism needs to be addressed immediately. it's why i introduced the stop anti-semitism on college campuses act as well as the anti-semitism awareness act. congress must act immediately, pass this legislation and crackdown on these universities with weak kneed administrators who are kowtowing to the pro-hamas crowd rather than ensuring the safety and well-being of all students. stuart: you are joining house speaker mike johnson on his visit to columbia university today in new york. what is your objective? what your goal? >> i was there on monday with sid rosenberg, and anthony d esposito and we weld the press conference outside columbia university today, we are going to meet with jewish students who are under siege the campus and hold a press conference with the speaker to request that. bottom line is these
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universities across america have allowed anti-semitism to reign supreme on their campuses. these administrators have done nothing to combat it. she puts a deadline of midnight to take down the encampments, blow past it and she says okay, you can stay. how embarrassing. how disgraceful. that these administrators are allowing this to occur. stuart: one of your colleagues, elyse stefanik wants biden to pull federal funding from columbia. what do you say to that? >> i introduced a bill stop anti-semitism on college campuses which would strip every institution of higher learning of federal dollars including student aid if they promote or sanction anti-semitic events on their campuses like we are seeing here at columbia university. i fundamentally agree with her that every federal dollar should be pooled.
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these universities are not entitled to it. you have students on visas joining this protest getting the opportunity to get an education here in america pedaling in this anti-semitic behavior. it needs to be stopped and often times these universities won't act unless funding is at risk. stuart: the nypd wants to know who is paying for protests at columbia. role it. >> they all were the same color as nyu and columbia. to me i think somebody is phoning us. there are professional agitators just looking for something to be agitated about to protest. stuart: i am editorializing on this program today that hamas is behind all this. what say you? >> whether it is hamas or some
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entity in the united states or another foreign entity, i don't think there's any question there's a coordinated effort. the far left in this country is a bunch of professional agitators, going back to occupy wall street, and look at what went on in the aftermath of the 2,008 financial crisis. you see what's happening on college campuses. it is intended to disrupt. it is intended to threaten. this is not about free speech. this is about trying to make everybody agree with the far left in this country. it needs to be combated. these children are there to learn, they need to be safe and secure on the campus and the administrators have a response ability to immediately end it. everyone who is engaged in physical harm or threat to be arrested immediately. these students on visas that are part of this should be deported out of the country and anyone who's engaged in this type of conduct should be expelled from these universities. there needs to be consequences.
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the participation trophy generation is here and unfortunately they've never been told no. it's time to start telling them know. stuart: thank you for being with us, important day, we appreciate it. florida governor desantis are slamming house republicans for failing to secure more funding for border security. what is the governor saying about this? >> is blasting the foreign aid bill as a huge missed opportunity. governor desantis ripped speaker johnson, house republicans for not tying the bill to border security, listen to what he had to say. >> they had an opportunity to insist that biden accept the border if he wanted the foreign aid and they decided to capitulate so he got everything he wants and republican voters did not get anything with respect to stopping this problem at the southern border. i just think that, look, we are
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doing more in florida to deal with it than the congress is. it's just pathetic. >> governor desantis warned the border crisis, the more one issue for voters and to put pressure on the biden administration to finally enact security measures as we talked about today, speaker johnson just colleagues decided to tie the tiktok band aid for ukraine, israel, taiwan, and this is a meta course of frustration against johnson over the controversial aid package so not just governor santos expressing that. we will remember when governor desantis flew 50 migrants to martha's vineyard, those migrants were given work visas, you want to explain that to us? >> what will they think of next? a few of them actually have already received a visa that allows them legal status as well is working capacity. the argument was that those illegal migrants that he sent from martha's vineyard, some were sent from texas, some from florida, they were victims of a crime, their attorney for the
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migrants blasted the governor for shipping those migrants to florida saying he, quote, orchestrated the abduction of 49 human beings. there was a sheriff in texas, they did an investigation, he said the supplies -- what precedent does this set? a lot of folks went to martha's vineyard, went to new york. stuart: what did they do? turn around and sue and say give it to me now? thank you. thanks a lot. still had the administration cracking down on hidden airline junk fees? they went airlines to give passengers automatic cash refunds, we will tell you all about that. new york lawmakers pushing a new bill that targets plastic packaging, critics say this will drive prices higher, jeff flock has the story next. ♪
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stuart: stock of the point letters layers up 12%, put out a nice future looking report yesterday, stock is up $70 at 162, the rest of the market a split decision, the dow is down the, the nasdaq up 60 points, not that much movement today, lawmakers in new york pushing a bill that would force large companies to reduce their plastic packaging, the food and toy industries not happy. jeff flock with me. what will we see higher prices because of this? jeff: there is no way around it but packaging is an issue. we've assembled a lot of things in heavy packaging. ever by kraft singles? more plastic in the wrapping of individually wrapped singles than i don't know what and the idea is you try to reduce that so take a look at what new york is proposing, something called the packaging reduction and
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recycling infrastructure act. it last that long in terms of the title. it applies to million-dollar companies, million dollars in sales, they have cut packaging the go to landfills by 50% the last 12 years incrementally and also have to pay for recycling. it's what they call extended product response really law, 33 states have these laws tips affect products like batteries, electronics, and the like, stuff that's hard to recycle. they are already paying for that. but now some states, four have already passed these laws when it comes to packaging. california, colorado, maine, oregon, new york, and others are considering it as well. look at the toy industry for one, i bought barbie, kind of cute, for one but that the package barbie comes in, barbie is plastic anyway we are talk to the toy industry and they said there's a reason for this packaging number one.
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number 2, yes, it's going to cost you. >> it translates into increased costs for companies either in transit of the product, quality of the product, terms of the product all of which in my mind means prices will go up across the board. jeff: did you ever buy a pair of scissors and you get it home and realize to get scissors open you've got to have a pair of scissors? i sound like andy rooney. stuart: he was three times your age. i will do anything i possibly can to save the planet. that's all i've got to say. see you again tomorrow. jeff: you've got those trees growing up there, absorbing all that co2, you're doing your part. stuart: see you later. a headline in the atlantic
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criticizes america's miserable obsession with owning a car, they are only bad for the environment but for american society as a whole, you can bet we are all over it and we are. look at chesler's urging get after elon musk promised to make more affordable cars in the future, 162 per share, time to buy, we will deal with that next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back.
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stuart: 'tobler, up 12%. elon musk promised more affordable cars. a professional analyst of tesla joins me now. this is surgeon because he promised more affordable cars and mass market. >> and where the company should devalue.
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and we are thinking much farther than that. the company is becoming much more valuable, one of the most valuable companies on the planet. stuart: one of the most valuable companies on the planet. that means it will it will be above $200 a share at some point. >> we have a $680, 20, 30 price target. of the when you think it can make profits of that would match that stock price? >> absolutely. the companies we invest in today are growth companies. growth companies penalize short-term earnings to create higher intrinsic value. tesla is doing is that. they are investing in the business today to create larger value later. stuart: what is with the robo taxi? you think that's going to be a big deal in the future? >> i think it is farther along than people think.
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stuart: i can't see little bubble cars running around, i can't see it. >> who would've thought of the use cases for the iphone when it came out in 2007. with a self driving in the same way. the cases are completely unimaginable today but if you haven't used it, version 12 is incredible. stuart: if you are not careful, you will be back on this program. you covered a lot of points quickly and articulately. $200 by the end of the year, $600 thereafter. 600 plus for tesla. save the best till last. you might be coming again. take a look at this headline from the atlantic, describes america's obsession and reliance on private vehicle ownership. they say hour-long commute into oversubscribed cities making us miserable, trucks getting damaged by the climate they change, they help create.
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if there's any upside, maybe it is that they will force more of us to think of investment. you know all about the economics of that. where did they go wrong if they are gone? >> several issues with this article and thanks for having me on, the quote you just showed, a little investment in public transportation, anyone with common sense will tell you investing in public transportation is never a little investment. take charlotte, north carolina. they are proposing a single light rail that will travel from downtown charlotte 25 miles from suburbia where the cost to taxpayers of $674 million that i argue was a small percentage of what charlotte uses on a daily basis. for people against suburban and
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rural america, this is not a sustainable or even necessarily a viable option to rely on public transportation. it's a better option for car ownership, to look at the fact that on public transportation in most major metropolitan cities we are seeing crime skyrocketing. a lot of americans no longer feel safe on public transportation. stuart: i don't see how you can boost, public transportation, i am from england, lived there for 15 years. the distances are all wrong. the private cars where it is. can you see a way around this? i don't see an alternative to private car. >> new york city, i spoke to people at major corporations that are offering public ride services like lift and uber to their employees.
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there are safer options to get to work every single day. in major metropolitan cities, and how are we going to get around and get it to work, how do we get children to doctors appointed extra curricular activities go to the grocery store, i don't see any way around it. stuart: thank you for joining us. i want to thank kelly for joining the show, see you again for that. still ahead. florida congressman cory mills on his real expanding a safe zone for civilians, alicia finley on the dangers of democrats caving to the demands of college students. academy award nominated actor
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