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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, april 24, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. new york city mayor eric adams and police department commissioner are blaming outside
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agitators for fueling the anti-israel protests at columbia and nyu while others are questioning who is funding these people. watch this. >> people who peacefully protest for an issue, they're not throwing bottles and chairs. there's some organizing going on. >> look at the tents. they all wore the same color. to me, i think somebody's funding this. >> these encampments didn't p spring up you spontaneously. looks like they have expensive camping p equipment as well. i think it's worth asking who is funding the organizations violating the law. maria: the daily mail is reporting the far left groups supporting the columbia protests supported the october 7 hamas attack and george soros fund and there's communist china because tiktok was behind a lot of the propaganda, anti-israel propaganda after october 7th. here's florida congressman carlos jiminez with me earl in r
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in the program. who is funding this. >> if you look deep, the ccp is involved, the communist party is involved. maria: i just said that. >> i have information take that yes, somehow through another organization, the ccp funds that organization who is funding these people. without a doubt, there are outside agitators. with we had in miami during the george floyd riots. we knew they were here. they tried us for two days. we were tough with them and they left. to other cities, maybe portland or seattle where they had a lot more luck. maria: hanna, your reaction? >> i don't support the federal government getting involved in protests to a large extent. one thing they should do is look into who is funding this. you have to ask who benefits. i don't think its palestinians or israel. other interests want to see us fighting one another, they want to see division, we need
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investigations into these organizations and see are they using pass through organizations. this is something our own government does. we found this with covid. the echo health allianc, we passed them money. we should look at those operations that's are flowing the other direction at this time. we need to know if the that's happening. maria: we saw the ccp trying to disrupt american life in so many different ways, whether killing american citizens with fentanyl or propaganda through tiktok. i mean, look what happened on october 7th and october 8th on tiktok. slamming israel groups. >> i mean, one of the problemses is who is funding this propaganda, where is it coming from. the other problem is why are american students buying it? there's a failure here at the university level to talk about this is how we have a reasoned discussion. this us how we look at source material and vair he phi it. i -- verify it. these are basic academic failures. when you try to engage students
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on these the topics they can't get past the oppressor, oppressed framework, they see it as a simple struggle between good and a evil, they're not willing to talk nuance. they're not willing to talk to jewish students on campus. this is an educational failure, on top of what else us going on, what outside influences are here. maria: wouldn't this be an opportunity for this administration to show strength, to show some leadership against the ccp. for god's sake antony blinken is in china to to day. how of about bringing this up. what are you doing to support this unrest in america? stop it now. >> maria, you're triggering me. i feel so unsafe. i need to get into a safe space. i mean, isn't it amazing? and thank you for calling out mr. blinken going to china yet again. maria, i think -- you've been talking about this for months. s this marks the seventh trip by a cabinet level official in about as many months. i think there have been one or two equivalent trips where
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chinese cabinet officials-they don't have a cabinet, but they've come over to the u.s. so why is it we're going to china and kowtowing when we are the largest economy in the world, we have the strongest military, we have vision, we have a document called the constitution supported by another document called the bill of rights. they've never seen anything like that china. why are we going to china? doesn't make any sense. maria: what have you gottenen from the seven trips? what have you gotten, administration, biden? what have you gotten from sending your cabinet members over and over again to communist china to beg for communication, to kiss the ring of xi jinping. nothing has changed. i don't see any evidence what take the militaries are communicating, i don't see any evidence that the ccp is pulling it back. they're right there, supporting russia. they're right there, undermining america. >> i think it's a slap in the face. it makes us look foolish, we're sending representatives, having these meetings, can't accomplish
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anything. this is a weak administration. they don't have respect for the country. that shouldn't surprise us. they need to take a enough a toh approach. maria: look at the disrespect that communist china has shown america, serving our treasury issecretary psyc psychedelic mu. she's laughing it off. >> she he laughed about it. come on. maria: she probably wanted to save face. she was trying to make believe like she thought it was funny there's no way that was funny within the halls of the white house. >> thank you. this is bringing us back to november. we need change in november. maria: we'll take a break. we're just getting started this hour. we're focusing on a big week in earnings next. we've got meta after the bell, tesla is rallying, stock is up 12 and a quarter percent despite the company reporting the biggest revenue decline in more than 10 years. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations and what it means for markets.
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is payne capital management president and payne points of wealth podcast host, ryan payne. also with me is adam johnson this morning. thank you for joining the conversationed a dam, i want to -- adam, i want to stick with you. look at markets. mixed be but there's a lot of momentum in the nasdaq. the dow industrials down 26, nasdaq up 97. the s&p up 6. at&t reported a beat on
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earnings, missed on revenue, despite surpassing subscribers. more people purchased the higher tier unlimited plans. we'll hear from boeing in 20 minutes. tech is soaring. 12.7% higher, despite the company reported the biggest revenue decline since 2012, the company announced a renewed push for evs starting early next year but still plans to cut more than 6,000 jobs in texas and california. we'll hear from meta tonight, that's the one that sets the tone tomorrow. alphabet and microsoft tomorrow night after the close, adam. how would you assess earnings and what are you expecting? >> i lake what i'm seeing so far. i'll tell you why. the estimates for the current quarter that we're in are calling for growth of about 3%. 3%, that's not great. well, that's absolutely right. that's because the estimates are generally too low. the past two quarters we've seen an average beat rate of 7%.
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that gets you to 1 10%. i think we'll see that accelerate because gdp is very strong and we have near record number of people employed and when people are making money they're spending money, that's good for the economy, good for earnings. so i'm happy with the way earnings season is progressing so far. maria: i'm glad that you talked about this narrative of the economy doing so well. we keep seeing that in all the numbers. you were betting on that from day one. you still have people like jp morgan ceo jamie dimon an outlier, putting doubt in it. he spoke yesterday at the new york economic club and he's calling the u.s. economic boom unbelievable, saying that even if we go into recession, the consumer's still in good shape but he's warning that on the inflation front we're headed back to the 1970s. that's what he told me back in january. he is still saying that, he spoke yesterday about u.s. policy at the economic club of new york yesterday. your thoughts? >> first, i shouldn't be shocked. he was dead wrong on the economy. he said we have to be concerned.
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i think anyone should be surprised with jay he my. jamie. we do have right now a lot of turmoil in the middle east, this happened in the '70s, oil prices spiked and take was a big problem for the economy. back then we were oil dependent on the middle east. today we're oil independent. so we still have prices basically beating out wages and that was a big deal. you had stagflation, slow growth, high inflation. today it's like the opposite. we have phenomenal growth, we're tracking 2.9% for first quarter gdp. that's a really high number and adam's point, we're at 50 year low unemployment, wages are going up and moderating. they're not going up as a anymore. wage inflation is starting to moderate and starting to see wages outpace inflation. that's the key thing everyone was talking about inflation beating out wages. that was a big problem. now you're seeing the opposite. you have to see where the skate
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is going to be. if that continues that's a great trend for the economy this year. that's the trend we've been seeing, moderating inflation, wages strong, people will spend money. that's good for the economy and the stock market. maria: here's jamie dimon yesterday in northern city. >> i want the next president to put the other party in their cabinet. biden, he puts some republicans in his cabinet. if it's trump, he puts some democrat in his cabinet. i would like to see practitioners go back to government like a of us, i want to help my country. maria: and when i spoke with him in january, it was really interesting the way he took on policy. i think jamie dimon wants to be treasury secretary and i think he would be a great treasury secretary by the way. here's what he was telling me when talk about policy back in january. watch this. >> the problem with saying you're a democrat or republican is that people think you're going to knee jerk support to everything that those people believe so i'm not -- i fool i l
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like i have a democratic heart, i have a more republican brain. we need policies that will work. maria: he's talking about policies. he says the democrat policies have failed. >> it reminds me actually of george w. bush who called himself a compassionate conservative, a democratic heart and a republican brain of. i do think you're right, maria. jamie wants to be treasury secretary. sounds like he is playing to both sides so whether it's republican or democrat he'd be the man for the job. one of the things i think jamie does well, it's also one of the things i don't like, is that he constantly talks about how bad things could be and then if they don't turn out to be bad he said well -- maria: we're ready anyway. >> we were prepared for the worst. i think that's a little disinjohn with us. maria: that is what -- disingenuous. maria: that's what he is doing. he's a trader at the end of the day. he is trying to figure out where you said the puck goes. >> he's a banker. bankers are the most
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conservative people on earth. hmaria: ryan, great to see you. thank you so much. adam, you're with us all morning. when we come back, new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis is here, she wants to talk about her call for columbia university's president to resign in the wake of the campus protest. that's next after a live report columbia. we'll take you to the university this morning to check in. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪(voya)♪
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can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. maria: welcome back. protesters at columbia university defying the university's president's deadline of midnight for negotiations, a columbia spokesperson claims they are making important progress. fox news' sivi kahn is live at columbia university the latest. >> reporter: pro palestinian dem staters will get to camp out on the lawn behind may for two more days. the university says it extended the dead lane to clear the encampment. there's been progress in negotiating with the student demonstrators. a columbia spokesperson says the students leading the protest have agreed to remove a significant number of tents and
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people not affiliated with columbia university from the encampment and make it welcome to all by prohibiting discriminatory or harassing language. new york house republicans are demanding the university president step down saying the campus' jewish students have been harassed by anti-semitism on and off campus. >> [chanting] >> reporter: there's a money trail, similar tents are spotted at campuses separated by thousands of miles. left of the screen shows aerial footage from protesters at nyu, the right from protester at the university of michigan. a columbia jewish student tells us she feels intimidated he by intimidated by thedemonstration. >> when we hear slogans like from the river to the sea,
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palestine will be free. there are questions about where does israel fit in there. and more explicit slogans like israel, go back to hell or saying go back to poland. it's very aaggressive. >> reporter: house speaker mike johnson is set to visit the campus to meet with jewish students who are taking the university up on the offer for the hybrid learning model. maria, back to you. maria: you have a better view than we did. we saw the pictures from yesterday, how crowded the lawn was. is it still that kind of a crowd there today? >> reporter: i'm having a hard time hearing you. i believe you asked about the lawn. yes, it is still very crowded. there are hundreds of tents set up there. as we get new aerial footage, as we start to have the sun rise we'll get to see whether the student demonstrators have complied with the concession that they made to remove some of those tents. maria: okay. great. thank you. joining us now is new york
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congresswoman house ways and means committee ma'am better, republican conference assistant whip, nicole mall a toke kiss. nicole signed og for the president of columbia to step down. in february you introduced legislation to strip federal funding from any colleges that blatantly aallow anti-semitism and strip student visas from foreign students who participate in these ain these anticipate sc protests. >> taxpayers should not be funding them, nor should we be giving people the privilege of coming to the united states to study if they're going to participate in anti-semetic activities. i'm hoping that we'll see the house take up a package of legislation that will include mine but i think what's happening right n now at columba escalated dramatically. this has been going on for
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months, about five months ago when this started and we saw actual students being physically aassaulted, verbally attacked, threatened their lives. jewish students are not safe on this campus and the fact that this president of the institution cannot keep her students safe and they have to go to remote learning for the rest of the semester is unacceptable and shows she cannot control her school, she cannot keep her students safe and therefore she needs to resign. maria: should parents demand they want their tuition back? if they paid for the whole year, now we know that it's going to be virtual. >> they should be. they should be refunded their tuition. you don't pay tens of thousands of dollars in tuition so you can learn on a computer. you're not getting the full experience that you paid for. but also questions what are they the teaching these young people, that is the other thing that we would like to know. so i think it certainly is
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important that they take those steps to refund these students and i would you sa say this as . why should we, president biden, why should we be paying for student loans of anti-semetic pro-hamas students. that is a good question for the president right now. maria: that is a great point that you raise, congresswoman. i want to get your take on who is behind this. we just spoke with one of your colleagues, carlos jiminez. do you think the chinese communist party is behind this? >> i mean, it's very possible. we don't know who is behind it. i think that certainly it's agitators, whether it's george soros or communist china or of mamarxist, anarchist organizations. we're looking at foreign money that's put in 501c3s, receiving a tax benefit from our t government. we need to look at that because they oftentimes also have super pacs in which they are supporting candidates or working
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against particular candidates so that's something that our committee is looking at right now. we're going to be probably dropping legislation in the next week or two. maria: we would like to know what you find out because this is awfully similar to what happened after october 7th. where you had massive propaganda coming out of tiktok against israel and some of the agitators, communist china related. so we'll be watching that. but i want to get your take on why mike johnson is going to columbia today. the speaker of the house's office suggested in a same the senate will not pass border security legislation this year. the office said house republicans passed multiple security bills which have been ignored by the democrat senate and proves they're unserious when it comes to dealing with the border issue. congresswoman, i guesses throwing in the towel here. you haven't been able to be successful at the border. so forget it. we're got to wait until donald
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trump is in the office is what he's saying there. instead, he's taking on this and going to columbia today to speak witwith jewish students. >> i'll be joining the speaker today at columbia. i think it's important had takee show support for the students who feel uncomfortable on campus. he wants to send the message the house will pass legislation to hold the institutions accountable. as for the border, i'm just as disappointed as you are. i think the ukraine funding was the last leverage the house had to force senator schumer to take up border provisions and also force the president to reverse some of his policies and the reality is, maria, that we did pass a lot of legislation. many pieces with bipartisan support. and senator schumer won't take any of them. the president can do this on his own. he put in place 60 policies. he should reverse them. the fact we've got to fight them every step of the way is frustrating and at this point because of the leverage that we gave away, i didn't vote for
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that bill as you know, but i believe that it is true that we do need president trump in there if we're going to make changes at this point because the democrats refuse to do anything about securing our own border. maria: so that's it? okay. so that's it? you pass this bill to send money to ukraine, to send money to israel, to send money to gaza which by the way a lot of senators have told me they think the money will go right to hamas, okay, that money that's supposed to go to humanitarian efforts in gaza and you lose all your leverage at the border so now we're supposed to wait eight months to get security at the border until next year and a new president's starting? i mean, what can happen in eight months. let me think about it. >> that's the points that i brought up last week. that's why i believe the ukraine funding should not have passed without border security. it's why i voted against it because like you, i believe that was the leverage. now, i think that, again, we're going to keep passing legislation but if we don't have a partner in the democratic party over there in the senate or the white house, you 2340e,
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know,was are we supposed to do t this point. i agree it was a mistake to give away that leverage without demanding border security provisions. that was the speaker's decision. i disagree with that. we have to move on and try to continue to pass whatever we can to continue to show the democrats won't do their job. maria: what are we supposed to do? maybe just dig in. no, not another dollar until the border is secured. period. i want to take you back to local issues. i know you've been focused on congestion issues. a poll finds 63% of new york votersvote oppose new york citys program. you're b introducing legislation today that will kill congestion pricing. so if i'm in new york city and i live uptown in 60s or 70th street and i want to go to the village i've got to pay money just to go from uptown to downtown? >> yeah.
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and it's ridiculous. but this is gone another policy brought to us by democrats who are in charge. they love it. they passed it overwhelmingly in the state legislature, slamming people who live in my district to have to pay another toll to go into a borough in the city in he which they live. we have a number of lawsuits. staten island elected officials are suing and we're supporting new jersey's lawsuit as well, josh gottheimer, a democrat from new jersey and a i have been fighting this, looking at every legislative and legal tool we have to stop it but again, if the democrats in new york actually listened to new yorkers who are saying they don't want this, it would not be happening right now. so we're going to continue to fight it and i think the lawsuit is a very -- has a lot of mayor t rite -- merit and we can wint lawsuit because they violated federal law by not doing a full and thorough economic and environmental impact study. maria: maybe. they need the money. they have to pay for stuff for the migrants. they need the money.
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you know that. >> that's right. it's misplaced priorities by our governor who is spending $2 billion to house migrants. all three of these issues from the migrant crisis, the border, congestion pricing, all brought to us by the democrats at the city, state and a federal level. people should remember that in november. maria: the biggest issue of all, leadership, leadership and policy matters. thank you. nicole malliotakis joining us this morning. we'll be back with the washington examiner's chief political correspondent and fox news contributor, byron york is here. don't miss him, after the break. ♪
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maria: welcome back. shares of boeing are higher this morning, the company reported first quarter earnings moments ago. also you announcing it's undertaking comprehensive action in commercial business to strengthen the quality of product. gerri willis with details now. >> good morning, maria. boeing reporting a double beat, earnings loss, less than expected, 113 eps with expectation of loss of 1.76 -- pardon me, against an a expectation of a loss of $1.76. revenue beating estimates, $16.57 billion, commercial airplane deliveries down 36%. boeing's ceo saying lower max production will slow the plane maker's recovery. some other headlines we're watching this morning, a swiss air jet nearly crashing this morning. pardon me.
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so those boeing earnings of course that comes of the heels of just an incredible number of engineering issues. maria: did you see the boeing earnings? because when we are looking at a stock this morning that is honk the most actively traded it's up 4% and yet the company lost money. maybe a it didn't lose as much money as they thought it would lose. >> that's a reasonable take. revenue actually was stronger than expected. 16.6 billion. that's a lot of money coming through the door. the issue is the cash flow is negative so they've got a cash burn and yet getting the benefit of the doubt because the stock is already down so much and actually there is one positive headline aside from earnings and that is that it looks like south korean airlines is going to order another 15 to 20 triple sevens. so i'm okay with boeing. i'm long it. i lost money on it but i'm okay. when great companies stumble, you buy them of. that's served me well. maria: that's interesting the way you look at it.
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you think boeing is a great company. >> ge was a great american company. maria: they're losing market share from the their international counterparts. >> true. maria: airbus. >> yes. but it's a duopoly. there's only two of them out there. i'm okay owing boeing and i've taken heat for it. maria: former president trump awaits a ruling on whether he violated the court's gag order in manhattan in the criminal trial. here's trump speaking outside the courtroom yesterday. watch. >> the case is a sham. i have a gag order which is totally unconstitutional. i'm not allowed to talk. people can talk about me. they can say whatever they want, they can lie. i'm not allowed to say anything. i'm locked up in a courtroom and this guy is out there campaigning. every time he opens his mouth gets himself into trouble. maria: joining me is the washington examiner's chief political correspondent, fox news contributor, byron york.
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it's great to see you this morning. thanks so much for being here. >> good morning, maria. maria: isn't it true, you've got joe biden going to all the swing states, attacking trump, attacking maga republicans, talking about abortion, doing whatever he wants to do during an election year and you've got donald trump in a courtroom, in a trial, with charges people are skeptical of and on top of all of that he's got this gag order. he can't say a word and it's an election year. >> there are parts about this gag order that just don't make sense. when the prosecutors recently went to the judge and said donald trump has committed seven new violations of the gag order, you've got to do something, some of the examples they listed were trump posting articles on truth social about michael cohen, articles that talked about how cohen had pleaded guilty to tax fraud and bank fraud and other crimes and this was supposedly a violation of the gag order. you have to remember, if you're
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a watcher of msnbc, you see michael cohen quite a bit. he's on television a lot. he has pod casts. he has written books. he wrote a book called "revenge accrevenge"about trump. he is beating on him ever day on his x feed, everywhere else, and trump is banned from saying anything about michael cohen. it doesn't make a lot of sense. maria: you have an op-ed in the washington examiner titled group think chorus emerges at trump trial. you write in the case of the trump trial the participants are doing what the earlier collusion group think chorus did, trying to convince millions of viewers and readers that trump is guilty of a serious crime when in fact the evidence against him is flimsy, the case against him is ill conceived. you reference the bombshell report from politico this week revealing a group of anti-trump legal pundits are holding weekly
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zoom meetings to discuss how they should cover trump in the media. jeffrey tubin a part of the group as well on zoom. >> i didn't know he was zooming again. a real interesting report from politico shows that people like andrew weissman and george conway and bill crystal have a weekly zoom call in he which they discuss arguments and strategy in the effort to get trump and actually you're seeing kind of an interesting change in the discussion of this trump trial going on right now. remember that the criminal charges are about bookkeeping. they're about trump keeping false bookkeeping records of payments made with a nondisclosure agreement with stormy daniels. it's a misdemeanor. it's passed the statute of limitations but that's the heart of the case. they're now reframing it, the prosecution is doing it and the talking heads are doing it as a conspirconspiracy to interfere e
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2016 election. trumps is not charged with conspiracy, not charged with interfering with the election. there are suggestions he must have done something else unlawful here but it's never been specified what that is. but one of the things you do sees personally if you watch -- see,s especially if you want some of the other cable channels, everybody seems to be saying the same thing and what you find out in this political -- politico article is that they're meeting, they're talking every friday to get their talking points together. maria: byron, one talking point i would like to see them explore is interfereing in the 2016 election by hillary clinton. i mean, is it not true that the russia collusion story is deja vu all over again with this? hillary clinton's campaign paid for the steele dossier. the steele dossier was a bunch of made up stuff which they admitted to, we were having beers, we embellished and she used that to take down her
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political opponent. is that not using campaign money to take down your political opponent, interfering in an election? and by the way, she called it legal expenses when she was called out on it. that right there tells you what it was, legal expenses, paying for a dossier to take down your opponent. that's what they're charging trump with right now. >> it is. that's the kicker to the story, that they did spend this money to come up with this false research against donald trump and they called it legal expenses in their reports to the federal election commission. so you're seeing a case in which hillary clinton had to pay a fine for doing this and donald trump is somehow charged with 34 felonies. maria: unbelievable. byron, thank you for weighing if on all of this. great to see you. appreciate your time. >> thank you you, maria. maria: americans are struggling with the high cost of college tuition among other high expenses. kelly s sabiri is at the
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visit and get started today. her uncle's unhappy.
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i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. interest rates on student loans expected to be at their highest point in years as college tuition costs spike, kelly
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saberi is live at the university of chicago with more. kelly, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, maria. this is one of the most expensive universities in the country, if not the most expensive to attend. if you are planning to go here, you may be looking at some extremely high interest rates if you would like to borrow money. this is a formula set by federal law, not mandated by the department of education. the u.s. treasury data creates the interest rate number that a we get from using figures from next month. so if we base this formula off of the april auction, what we're ooh looking at is a 6.61% based on what we are currently seeing this month. the official number, again, will be determined in the next month. now, not only is that up 5 and-a-half percent this year, these are recession era levels and in the 2007 to 2008 school
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year the interest rate was 6.8% and it began to decrease every academic year through 2014 at which point it then began to fluctuate. interest on government student loans for undergrads is capped at 8.25%. meanwhile, the cost of tuition is soaring, the labor department says tuition and fees has gone up 859% since 1983. inflation has increased 219% in the same period. according to the new york federal reserve, for every $1 received by you higher education institutions in subsidized federal student loans, college tuition increases by 60-cents. the white house has forgiven $153 billion in student loan debt. still, 1.6 trillion remains. march. maria: all right. kelly, thanks very much. kelly saberi in chicago. your thoughts? >> i think the government has to get out of the student loan
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business period. it doe doesn't get better if the bail out the student loans. the product they're delivering is going down if value and yet the costs keep going up and the american people have had enough. you've got to get them out of this business and i want to see action from our representatives. i heard nothing along these lines. maria: the supreme court deemed this unconstitutional and yet joe biden keeps promising we're going to forgive your student loan debt because he's trying to lure voters. >> this is another band-aid from the president. he nose knows young voters are y about gaza and these protests. this is going to come back to bite him. it's going to raise costs. maria: we have a live update on the protests and columbia university this morning. we'll take you there live, right after this. ♪
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maria: good wednesday morning everyone thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo hope you're
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having a good wednesday morning april 24. just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast time for the hot topic of hour protesters at columbia university divide the university president deadline the deadline for midnight tonight for negotiation but a columbia spokesperson claims they're making apart progress, fox news cb cotton is live at columbia this morning with the very latest. good morning. >> good morning pro palestinian student demonstrators claim the university threatened to call in the national guard to clear out the lawn but now are gearing up to see the protesters camped out for two more days university as you mentioned said it made progress with negotiations and says the students have agreed to a series of concessions to include removing a significant number of tents and people that affiliated with the university from the encampment. right now we are seeing a small group of protesters gather outside of the university in support of the students as a campus protest continues for
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longer and more than a week we have sort of seen on a daily basis small crowds show up outside of the university to support and cheer the students on, new york house republicans say the longer this goes on the more jewish students are harassed and intimidated on campus are calling a columbia's president to resign. a jewish student share this video with fox and explained she was stonewalled when she tried to enter the lawn and was approached with the chance. listen to this. >> it is important that columbia university and his other schools recognize that these are not simple protest about a political issue, these are pro-terrorist mobs. >> again that is another republican voice weighing in talking about how something needs to be done about the campus climate and were also
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preparing to see house speaker mike johnson meeting with jewish students to discuss their fears, many of the jewish students taking the university on his offer to do hybrid learning for the remainder of the semester. back to you. >> that's why many parents want their money back basically. thank you, cb cotton at columbia university, your reaction there are still lots of tents on that one. they've had the deadline, these people are not budging. >> it's not funny on its face but is a little funny, the left eats its own they've coddled this behavior on the campuses for over a decade they have given them safe spaces and let them run the circus and now they are its complete chaos on the campus. i don't think we should expect anything less as a whole is another reason we need to get the government out of funding institutions we need your parents a choice to enter their dollars are going to institutions that support their values and this was all predictable. do with it what you will.
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maria: arkansas senator tom cotton and 26 other republicans writing a letter to ag merrick garland and mcgill care donate, there demanding more from the administration take action. the department of education of federal law enforcement must act immediately to restore order prosecute the mobs who perpetrated violence and threats against jewish students and revoke the visas of all foreign nationals who have taken part in promoting terrorism and hold accountable school ministers who stood by instead of protecting their students, the white house claims a 30 implemented in anti-semitism strategy. >> we have put forward in anti-semitism strategy that we've been implementing that involves different federal agencies to do everything that we can to make sure students feel safe and jewish students feel safe and we will continue to do the work. in the meantime we have to be very clear, we have to condemn
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violent rhetoric and we have to condemn any form of hate and out of the port under president has been consistent throughout this administration. maria: it is in anti-semitism strategy being and plummeted. >> we are working ever so diligently. >> what is anti-semitism. >> it's empty words once again from the president's representative, it is unbelievable to me, talking points upon talking points, actually unfortunately what we have here is college presidents hiding behind the banner of free speech, this is not free speech violence is not free speech. if you violate the code of your community in this case, columbia university, if you're acting violently and threatening students you have violated the code of that community, you lose your right to express herself it is no longer free speech it is hate speech and threatening and you should get shut down i


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