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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks ♪ ♪.
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maria: good wednesday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo wednesday april 24, your top stories, 6:0. earnings in full swing, features are mixed as we await quarterly results in a window into the first quarter as business, at&t and ballwin reporting before the open earnings from big tech began tonight with meta out "after the bell" alphabet, microsoft reporting tomorrow, tesla on the move, after profits wound and ev news, all that coming out, europeans are higher, take a look at the year's only gains across the board. in asia overnight also move it across the board secretary of state anthony blinken arriving in shanghai for three day trip, the asian embassies higher, house speaker mike johnson in new york today to meet with jewish students at columbia university campus, protest still underway even faculty of columbia have joined into the
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protest. president trump blaming the nationwide protest on president biden who by the way gets to ride the campaign trail all week as true battles a gag order in a manhattan courtroom, joining to the conversation politics cofounder hannah cox back with us, the boosting global opinion writer and editorial board writer and bullseye american ingenuity fund manager adam johnson, "mornings with maria" is live right now ♪ ♪.
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maria: it's time for the hot topic of hour protest of columbia university happening through the night as demonstrators defy the university presidents initial midnight deadline for negotiations. [shouting] maria: this morning a columbia spokesperson claims progress has been made in negotiation with leaders of the tent occupation today will occupy for another 48 hours. those include the following, students removing a significant number of tents only allowing columbia students to protest making sure everyone complies with the fire department of new york and the students make that commitment welcome to all. house speaker mike johnson will visit the university and he will be meeting with jewish students followed by a press conference
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on anti-semitism later this afternoon. your thoughts. >> it is crazy that congress and the speaker have to get involved in something like this but is out of hand a bit of columbia and nyu watching the protest and they've gotten violent at certain times. the fact that what are the terms outside folks coming into the encampment to have to leave it's a threat to students on campus and no wonder parents are airing their frustration with the administration but again the fact that congress is getting involved shows how crazy this has become. maria: i was thinking the same thing why is mike johnson taking this on. >> i think we have to be really careful, free speech is important the right to protest is important, the sad thing this is what often happens with protest in this country it's getting completely sidetracked and becoming hateful and supporting terrorism and should not be hard to speak up for palestinians and objective what
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israel is doing without being anti-semitic and hateful. it's very scary to think about the national guard coming to the campuses involving the federal government. it brings back to the nixon administration during vietnam. at a what is he the habit and i don't think the majority of people do we need to be very careful. maria: one of the stipulations in terms of getting more time, it is just columbia students. how many of these people were not columbia students and who is organizing this, they all have the same tent and clothing, who is organizing this. >> that would be george soros and company and i'll tell you why congress is getting involved, this is another chapter with a long narrative by the far side of the democratic party about oppressors versus the oppressed is started with black lives matter that he became migrants at the border and now it's a palestinian versus israelis, the far left side of the democratic party, you have noted many times divide
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and conquer. if you can try to prove there is a group being oppressed then there is a need for the democratic party to come then and defend the group a gives them purpose and justifies big government and justifies what they're doing. i find it despicable and i hope we will eventually get to a point where the narrative whines itself down and over but unfortunately we are in the thick of it. maria: is it is a division strategy dividing all of us a different group to overtake and dominate those groups, the near post is reporting that none of the 230 protesters arrested at columbia university in new york university campuses will face any criminal charges the white house is defending to peaceful protest by condemning the calls for violence and anti-semitism seen on campus demonstrations. watch this. >> he is aware of the protester we know this is a painful moment for many communities, we respect that and we support every
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americans right to peacefully protest. when we witness calls for violence physical intimidation, hateful anti-semitic rhetoric those are unacceptable and we will denounce them, the presidents nose and silence is complicity and that's why he uses the platforms to try and ensure our fellow americans are safe. maria: the problem is people don't feel safe and you could do nouns them but when there is no consequences for actually destroying people's property and upsetting the quiet and the peace they will do it again. >> to hannah's point these did not have to get out of hand, students did not have to be shouting intifada and slogans that they know that make other people uncomfortable in the truth is students on the far left have had free reign of campus for far too long and all the sudden rules are being enforced and people are getting
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angry and it's a powder kick. the failure ultimately lies with the university for not teaching students how to have rational regional discourse and that's why you see threatening displays like this going on. maria: you're supposed to have diversity in universities. >> i would think you would want to see that. there seems to be people coming from the outside and most important laypeople are being arrested or damaging property and committing crimes then the nypd needs to investigate we need to know who they are infiltrating these campuses because they don't think the majority seems to be the actual students, something else vigorous going on and honestly what happens this gets co-opted the entire message gets drowned out because the message about anti-semitism and hatred and violence versus opposing war which i personally agree with. maria: is really important in terms of finding out who it is because these could be outside groups and communist china these can be agitators from who knows where and it's not even the students. working to keep a spotlight on that. a quick break and coming up the
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senate passed the $95 billion foreign aid package with steps to force tiktok to face the band what you need to know as it moves to the president's desk. kamala harris laughing fits may be a net negative for the democrats as we get closer to the election that is making a buzz, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. maria: welcome back take a look and features dow industrial down 14 but the nasdaq is up 95,
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shares of tesla among get and soaring, stock is up 12% despite reporting the steepest year-over-year revenue decline since 2012, revenue was down 13%. elon musk announcing affordable electric vehicles will begin in 2025 if not late this year the company has sufficient liquidity to fund its product roadmap tesla planning to cut more than 6000 jobs in texas and california joining the constellation ceo and author grove everybody wants to rule the world ray wang back with us, good to see you do you own tesla? >> idea, good morning. >> what did you think of the earnings. >> here's the interesting thing we knew a downturn and we saw delivery numbers as numbness in the main thing nobody knew between model to which is a $25000 lower cost test ev or the full self driving side that's the challenge everybody's
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looking for them to scale up into deliver a model to a lower cost vehicle so they can get the scale but were not sure how is going to do it and he was very vague on the call. maria: you sound what. >> i'm bullish the other side of the business doing energy storage, if you look into the earnings what you saw tesla's energy business must be more valuable than the car business they sold 4053 megawatts of the mega packs and the battery side of the business is going to be the bright side until they get to a model to or scale out that is a bright side of the conversation. maria: maybe that's moving the stock is up 12% we have other big tech earnings, better reporting "after the bell" then alphabet and microsoft reporting tomorrow, what are your expectations. >> i think you'll see blowout numbers from that and alphabet
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and show the ad businesses on fire and they're gaining on a.i. wins because they have a lot of a.i. capabilities informatica i think is the exponential efficiency made an impact in drive down costs better than everybody else in the ad growth is there and on alphabet side you'll see the google cloud is helping them a lot gemini is taking a hold in new chips out there and work with cpus, tp use and all the things to make a.i. happen you will see good stuff coming from the google side. maria: big tech is about to really set the tone for markets, isn't it. >> it absolutely is. big tech you have to own core ingenuity i own all the names that ray is talking about with the exception of tesla and never gotten excited about that. shin meta has got a wonderful job of no longer wasting money on the metaverse in investing on things that make money. i keep waiting for the click to buy like amazon prime you push a
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button and suddenly you own it why don't you think they rolled that out yet, they were talking about it for 18 months. >> a need to do the overtime and i haven't ro ruled out because y haven't figured how to tie the commerce piece to the ad piece that's the hardest part and i would say they're still working on the metaverse they're very quiet about that but it's one of the areas that they have been able to take a lot of cost using automation a.i. internally and their finance systems and supply system in the back office, that's how they're getting to the sufficiency. maria: it's been a rough second quarter versus the first quarter and last year how do you want to allocate capital and what do you see as the headline on the macro story this year. >> here's the challenge the a.i. evaluation is superhigh and we have to look for other stocks that are derivatives or can benefit from that and there's two other stocks that are looking at and playing that space and the valuations are as
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high never hit the full a.i. premiums and that's one aspect, the centerpiece the companies that are putting a.i. into action and what it was meant to do the 20s, one of the things that happened the winners were to be ge or frigidaire, the actual winner was coca-cola they figured out how to make cold supply chain work spirit is a great point but are you expecting the fed to cut rates or no rate cuts? >> i think we will get one rate cut at most it looks like an inflationary environment and all stimulus money has not been spent we baited a situation where we borrow in span and i think the stimulus line is going to continue all the way down to the election it's election year end that's what's going to happen. >> that's probably why inflation is elevated right now certainly above what the federal reserve would like to see it, good to see you, thank you very much. >> thanks a lot. maria: r ray wang joining us.
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the odd prediction about his pulling. >> florida is in play nationally. florida congressman carlos gimenez is here with how floridians are feeling about the president's chances coming up. stay with us. ♪
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. (marci) so, tell us about this corn festival. (stylist) oooh you got your corn pudding... (marci) it safe around here? (stylist) sometimes. [luke gasping] (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we gotta run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> i think florida is in play nationally. nikki is doing a hell of a job as the state chairman. whether the press thinks i'm good, bad or indifferent the truth comes out of the other guys mouth, you would not know it from what you are reading here but were in pretty good shape in the polls.
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>> president biden campaigning in tampa claiming he is a shot to win florida the 2024 election in good shape in the polls. biden slamming the law banning abortion after six weeks trying to tie that the former president trump, jordan before the congressman carlos gimenez harm security and select committee on china. good to see you, thank you so much. your reaction to joe biden imported? >> when you were playing the clip i was laughing. his story by his uncle being eaten by cannibals, since i'm in miami right now which the whopper was created here miami i identify a whopper when i see one. maria: what are you saying about florida you don't think it's true it does have a shot to win florida. >> absolutely not for the first time a couple of years ago republican registration surpassed democrats registration in my state afforded for the
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first time in my lifetime and i've been here for over 60 years, the gap continues to grow in the independency are also are swinging to the right. i don't believe florida is in play but if he wants to believe it, down in campaign all you want in the end we're going to hand you a big defeat. maria: it's ironic to hear the mistruths from president biden from the story that you relate to plenty of others and in the little clip he said he can't believe anything that comes out of donald trump's mouth. >> the democrats accused republicans of doing exactly what their doing. how many times have i told you you never listen to president biden you just watch what he does. what he says he is doing is completely opposite of what he's actually doing i never listen to this president he comes out with a lie after lie for all of his
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life, he continues to live because he's been lying for all of his life but that's just in his dna. maria: one thing that he will be doing is signing the senate bill in the senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package which you all pass to the house over the weekend and it provides money for ukraine, gaza, israel and taiwan it also includes legislation forcing tiktok chinese parent company by dance to sell the firm or face a ban and markets. president biden said he'll sign the bill today. your thoughts? >> i think he should sign the bill, i support aid to israel, taiwan and ukraine and i supported that part of the bill i was not crazy about humanitarian aid to gaza although there are guardrails so it does go to terrorist organizations. and when you have to work across the aisle because republican party cannot get united that is what happens, i was a strong
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supporter of military aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan and we have to confront the new axis of evil which is china, russia, north korea and iran in the united states has to be a reliable security partner in the nation around the world have to know that the united states is reliable security partner nobody is asking us to fight the wars there asking us to fight the arms and the bullets to defend themselves. maria: put the border aside for now? >> the border is joe biden's making and for people in congress we can somehow solve the border crisis. the president can snap his fingers today and solve the border know he's not, even if we pass legislation you have to pass legislation he has a right to sign it or veto it. if he vetoes nothing passes you gotta get a two thirds majority to rule as veto and that's going to happen and he does not want
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to control the border and if he doesn't want to control we can pass outcomes of legislation if the ministry to branch decides they don't want to enforce that and outside of impeaching the president the united states which you know that's not going to happen because the senate is controlled by the democrats you have to be a realist and you can't tell people and give people false expectation about a piece of legislation and what that's going to do in the end it's president biden in the only way to solve in my opinion is to elect donald trump as the next president of the united states and in a couple of days he will bring the border under control. maria: what is going on in terms of the speaker you are nobody but kevin for kevin mccarthy and you were upset that some of your colleagues overthrew to kevin mccarthy now you have mike johnson in place as the speaker and he's facing some resistance. he's going to meet with jewish
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students at columbia university the school said it may progress negotiate with anti-israel protesters who have been camped out for days. former president trump is blaming all of this on president biden, the anti-israel protest breaking out of college campuses across the country. watch this. >> what's going on with nyu and others is a disgrace and he has the wrong signal in the wrong words and he doesn't know who is backing and it's a mess. maria: what do you think? >> is absolutely right. president biden should come out and be strong on israel we are on israel's side i've never wavered on it i'm on israel's side i'm against what hamas is doing and they need to be destroyed what's happening at the campus is simple when i was mayor of miami-dade and we had the blm issues down here in
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miami you never saw buildings burning, we will support your right to protest but once you get out of that and you start violating people's rights, were not going to do that. they try this for a couple of days and we arrested folks and imposed a curfew it stopped, what they need to do in the universities presidents they need to say if your student in your violating the law in our guidelines as to how students should act, you are out of here, you're not going to be suspended you are out here. professors the ones that are backing these, you are gone to. if you do that these things will stop right away but these presidents are so weak that they won't do that, the students are on other students rights because they can even go to school, that is weakness but that's the liberal side and the progressive side and that's a happens to society where progressives are in charge. maria: do you think there's other outside groups leading us
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because it doesn't look like it's all students, who is funding it and why is mike johnson taking the sun. >> mike johnson wants to see for himself and that's if there's any legislation that could come out of congress i'm not sure that it is you don't need legislation to stop this, you do presidents of the universities to have some guts and tell her students it should be the president and running the asylum not the inmates running the asylum. maria: the tone is set from the top. you just had chuck schumer on the senate floor saying we need new elections going against benjamin netanyahu in the biggest fight of his life, yet president biden following up say that was a good speech attacking benjamin netanyahu for weeks making israel the bad guy. there is that as well. we want to know who is funding this and who is leading all of
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this. because that is part of the story as well, it's not all students. to keep a spotlight on it. maria: one more thing don't be surprised if he actually looked really deep that the ccp is involved in communist china party and destabilize it. maria: i just said that, i agree that trying to destabilize america on many fronts, i would not be surprised as well, is there a way to confirm that? >> i got some information that somehow through an organization the ccp funds the organization who is funding these people and without a doubt there's outside agitators, we've had that during the george floyd riots around the world and we knew that they were here, they try this for two days and we were tough with them and they left to other cities may be portland or seattle where they had a lot more luck. maria: thank you very much, i know you'll be studying this on the china select committee as
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well. carlos gimenez in florida today. we'll be right back.
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[honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now. kid proof your vehicle with american made products at maria: pennsylvania primary election results committed last night, gerri willis with the details. >> good morning president joe biden secured enough delegation to win pennsylvania democratic primary but voters set a strong message to the president by casting nearly 50000 right in ballot in the battleground state that could determine the outcome of the general election democrats launching a campaign urging voters to write an uncommitted protest biden's handling of the israel hamas war in the six counties with the most registered democrats writing votes more than double
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the sheer compared to the 2020 primary. meanwhile pro-palestinian congresswoman somberly survived a primary challenge against pro israel bobby patel, the first squad member to face a primary challenge this election cycle. trump backed republican dave mccormick will face democratic senator bob casey and the race that could decide who controls upper chamber, it could take a few days for official results to trickle in. the justice department agreed to pay $139 million to settle 100 claims from victims of disgrace sports physician larry nasser they accused him of years worth of sexual assault against him which allowed him to pray on his victims before his eventual arrest. the payout brings the total of victim compensation to well over a billion dollars. you're going to love the story,
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coinbase raised a 15 million-dollar act by for the 15 playoffs using something that everybody can understand pizza, fox business reporting that three commercials across four channels will begin airing today, the country's largest crypto exchange helps to highlight the complexity of more traditional payment methods that credit or venmo and how it stacks up against digital currency, the commercial is using the process of a pizza pie and what that would look like if it went through today's monetary system, the stock right now just a little higher today. i saw the commercial it is hilarious. maria: something we can all relate to. thank you. [screams] secretary of state anthony blinken arriving in shanghai kicking off a three day trip to china, anthony will get to meet with business leaders before traveling to beijing tomorrow with senior chinese officials, it is not clear whether if the duplicate will meet with xi jinping, we don't know ahead of
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the visit china's foreign minister said the relation between the u.s. and china are stabilizing despite the u.s. continuously adopting erroneous words and actions that interfere with china's internal affairs, joining the aspi senior fellow and chair of the china policy initiative d.c. international former deputy national security advisor for cheney steve gates back with me, thank you very much for being here, what you make of all of these trips of our cabinet members to china with the whole idea that they're trying to improve relations, it really hasn't happened yet. >> it has not it's part of the old form of diplomacy and engagement which seems to ignore that we face new and larger challenges, there has been a very steady trip of american officials joining in the rhetorical chorus to say everything is fine and going to get better when we face an unprecedented assault on her
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homeland with fentanyl and everything else. plus the significant chinese boost to russia and his military engagement. a whole range of things that have not been going at the right direction. anthony blinken's task is incredibly heavy i don't give him odds of success and it doesn't seemed like the chinese have rolled out the welcome mat. maria: part of the issue the chinese keep rolling over the americans the chinese communist party with a surveillance balloon and the continued flow of fentanyl into america, the covid cover-up in intellectual property theft and one after one this president fails to hold china accountable, now we have the story in the journal today the wall street journal is reporting that the u.s. is drafting sanctions that could threaten to cut off chinese banks from the global system to stop support of russia's military. they write as if the duplicate has to china officials are counting on the threat of chinese banks losing access to the dollar and the risk of trade
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ties with europe restating beijing to change tack. i gotta tell you i'm not buying it i wonder if you are is election year and joe biden is getting religious on putting sanctions on china, will we see this materialize. >> i have very grave doubts about this being real and unfortunately because these are the very tools that a serious national policymaker should deploy if something is really a high priority but there's nothing in the world that is going to convince china right now that the priority is stopping the russian aggression against ukraine or stopping china support for that. trade between china and russia has gone into the stratosphere since the conflict broke out not just in military areas but otherwise and frankly the chinese would take her leaders more seriously if this was attached to the unprecedented attack on american families. the 100,000 casualties over the last couple of years would be
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something that they might believe we were that serious about cutting them out of our financial system. this is what we did to change track on north korea 20 years ago. it worked temporarily, it's the right tool but poorly floated the german chancellor undermined the idea of the west standing together on this. maria: the ministry sugar because serious and strong message to china by addressing all of the chinese stocks that trade on the u.s. exchanges, we sell recently a congressional report that showed wall street firms have steer billions of dollars to blacklisted chinese companies this is from the house of representatives finding that wall street use billions of dollars of american retirement savings and other investments to buy shares in index funds that included more than five dozen blacklisted chinese companies. msc i, blackrock and all of these vanguard who encourage investors to buy these companies, wouldn't that be one
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pushback on communist china for all the bad behavior, they want to be on the deepest with capital markets why are we allowing investors to fund their expansion? >> is absolutely horrible and most sadly is not doing something new, these are the rules that everyone else is supposed to follow anyway. we have been allowing an adversary to act with impunity and a lot of americans being involved in enabling that this is applying the rules that exist now and that would not be interfering in china's internal affairs as the spokespeople like to spout off it would be stopping them from interfering in our internal affairs. he definitely should be an easy first step and we have got to cut off the transfer of wealth to an enemy that hates us and trying to undermine our way of life. if we don't how do we expect them to take her seriously about
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their behavior elsewhere. maria: can you imagine we have the number one adversary with companies publicly traded companies on all of our exchanges and those companies do not even follow the same standard accounting rules that all the other pump company's have to follow. joe biden signed a memorandum of understanding that two decades ago back in 2013, i believe 2013 or 2014 he signed that allowing these companies to be allowed to not follow the rules of the road the security and exchange commission public accounting standard, there's supposed to be developing country and instead we allow china to slam the united states for included $8 billion for the indo pacific region and the foreign aid bill that passed the senate, spokesperson for taiwan affairs offices we firmly oppose taiwan related content in the relevant bill of the u.s. congress claiming it sends the wrong signal to taiwan separatist forces it also includes
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legislation forcing tiktok chinese parent company by dance to sell the social media app within a year or face the u.s. began do you think that will happen? your thoughts? >> first on the signal i kind of agree a sense of wrong signal but we should be selling mortuary allies in the indo pacific and i emphasize the word selling to increase the determinate and make sure it's kind of a gift of u.s. taxpayers heavily tapped out on these kinds of things but it is laughable that the country increased challenges to japan, the philippines and people taiwan and the united states is saying $8 billion is going to move the needle is in an acceptable way. the tiktok legislation i'm interested in the process and substance i completely agree with a vested sure it's outrageous and we would have a major tool that manipulates a major platform for delivery of news for the demographic in the
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united states that matters and owned by the chinese communist party and the whistleblowers have repeatedly admitted the data has seeped over into the realm so i strongly support that by how it's implemented in the next year obviously there's a major event happening in the united states in november that i think will be determinative whether the chinese believe this is serious. >> the chinese will do everything that they can to keep their guyana, joe biden given his soft approach, look what's going on in the caribbean you mention how china is trying to overtake so much of the world is now building on the caribbean island over 200 miles from the shores of the u.s. virgin islands, this is being called it's what "country the national paradise of antigua there going to several the thoughts of xi jinping with a chinese run economic zone according to
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newsweek these documents were reviewed by newsweek it'll have its own custom and immigration formality a shipping port and a dedicated airline to issue a passport. >> their encouragement in the western hemisphere is very, very significant and is not all smiles and infrastructure in development and all of that. it has a lot to do with monitoring signals intelligence and lines of communication has to do with the critical transfer points for money laundering and human smuggling and the problem that comes up through our border, it's all about touch points to bottle up the united states if there was a clash between us and also to continue the assault on her homeland that is fueled from the south northward. maria: what would be the most important thing the anthony blinken could take away from this trip, what would he do to change the narrative of china dominating the u.s. right now.
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>> number one we have tapped the secretary of state unlike secretary anthony blinken who actually talked about being in love with american idea of the goodness in our commitment to compete innovate and overcome project confidence but also put others on notice that they cannot harm american citizens in our economy with impunity. maria: can he show confidence and strength in leadership while in beijing, we will be watching thank you for weighing in on all of that. steve gates, we'll be right back. and ♪ ♪
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maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi with xfinity. maria: time for the morning buzz. all laughing matter, the democrat national committee conducting focus groups on vice president, layers who understands why voters do not like her son criticizing her constant laughing. here's a reminder but that sounds like. >> to you plan to visit the border. >> not today. >> more parents are seeing the value of educators. [laughter] were not paying them nearly enough. >> what are your reports of
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americans should. >> i'm kind of a geek, to that extent one of the things that i love our venn diagrams. maria: the report mentions how some question whether president biden even likes his vice president saying the president's aides are frustrated by her breaking out on key issues. i don't know how she tries to break out on key issues she has very important titles, border czar, a.i. czar and she's done nothing with it. >> i don't think she is, count me among the people i can't stand her the laugh is like nails on a chalkboard what is so offensive about, the hearers have never seen a politician fail upward so much of my life she has a terrible track record it's a joke that she was picked to be vice president. as a woman i'm offended i would
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like women to get there on their own merit and she clearly didn't we see the proof of that in her lack of work and lack of success in the fact that she laughs all over town like gravity great time in this country to the past four years is offensive to people. maria: it's a nervous laugh she was pulling at 2% when she was on the presidential campaign debate stage and she still got the vp role. >> checked a couple of boxes they wanted a black person and they wanted a woman and they got both. 2%, no need to worry about that, she is not the first politician to do this, remember hilary clinton he used to laugh whenever she was asked the difficult question, i think it's a way to buy time of trying to squeeze herself out, maybe the vice president thinks it humanizes her but the rest of us see a very different way. maria: i don't know what she's laughing at either. >> the american people are not laughing, i was covering didn't answer primary, south carolina and i cannot find a single voter that was happy with the way that
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she is conducting herself as vice president or the job that she is doing they are struggling to pay the price of the tank and to pay for groceries and she's laughing away and not doing her job, voters are understandably frustrated. maria: the focus groups to try to figure it out it feels like it's pretty obvious to us. maria: i think it's pretty obvious why people dislike her we don't need to study this to in-depth it's obvious she's not good at her job at a terrible track record and as a whole this demonstration is failed the american people on every single front the ready for action on the economy in the border and they want to see an investment in this country versus sending all of her tax dollars overseas. people are not buying as a whole and they're in trouble. maria: who is funding the anti-israel protest sweeping the college campuses across the country. as a partly communist china we will search for answers of the hot topic of the hour. when we come back you're watching "mornings with maria", stay with us.
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7:00 am
maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, april 24, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. new york city mayor eric adams and police department commissioner are blaming


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