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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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we got only trial new york, birthday folks don't care about and di and anti-semitism at large, three strikes and you're out, mr. president. on the other hand, liz mcdonald grand slam homerun. >> thank you. we hope so, larry. we are going to get rid of it. let's get right at it with former u.s. attorney general,
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tom diprete. we need you, it's so good to see you. let's get to the back, nuts and bolts of the opening arguments manhattan das custody case against former president trump. from where we sit, i should fall apart on reasonable doubt with the jurors and that means trumps walks -- do we are wrong but what did you think of the opening arguments? we heard a lot of rhetoric but what proof and evidence we see "criminal conspiracy by trump to steal in 2016 election to covered up? mimic today was a fascinating day, the day when the prosecutors had to show their cards about how they will prove the case against donald trump. what we heard was a little different than what we heard before. they had big that there was a conspiracy to disrupt the election process a little bit of a different brand name, a different framing and we heard before but according to the
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prosecutors, but they will tell the jury over the next six weeks as trumps portable water conspiracy to suppress the stormy daniels stories in order to influence the elections. a tall order for the prosecutors to prove that seems to be how they will try the case. >> a lot of rhetoric but where are the facts? share the letter again from michael collins laurier. he wrote to the federal election commission in 2018. his letter reads quote, he does a trump organization nor trump campaign was a party to the one 30,000 dollars payment to stormy daniels. either trump campaign nor trump organization reimbursed michael cohen for the payment directly or indirectly. a sound like reasonable doubt. a lot of talk about the testimony from national enquirer about tactics he used two very negative stories about trump but recent data, thus about the nuts and bolts, what did you think?
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>> reasonable doubt, standard american law is the highest burden of proof imposed under american law. exceedingly high standard for the prosecutors to prove. it's interesting so much of the prosecution's case is going to turn on what michael cohen has to say and what we heard today from the trump defense team was they are going to be going after michael cohen with double battles. they went after him hard, a liar, someone who couldn't be trusted so they did their best to cut at the heart of what i think is going to be the prosecution's case for the next month or two. >> the trump defense noted he's a pervert, cohen himself admitted he's lied under oath more than once in federal court and he's accused of making false statements to prosecutors and the fbi. stormy daniels had a grudge against -- after trump did recorded on a 2007. come back to this, we are talking about federal campaign
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charge, the manhattan da is talking about, he's claiming a federal campaign violation by trump but it's built on an expired books and records misdemeanor that is years past statute of limitations. bookkeeping record in 2017 after the 2016 election, a time if it was a big federal violation, why did the d.o.j. fdc already drop it? wife wait seven years to bring it? >> all great questions and the prosecutors are going to have to provide credible answers to those questions to the jury the prosecutors have a tall task ahead of them. they are going to have to prove not just that there was a records violation but the purpose of the records violation was to violate federal election law. as we talk about this, not only will they have to have facts to prove this case they will have to be able to explain this to the jury in a way the jury can understand it. these are common sense new
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yorkers hearing this case and of the prosecutors tell a story, full of legalese and complexities and documents that don't make sense, i promise you this jury even if they are not the biggest fans of donald trump are not going to convict him. >> are two lawyers on the jury. new york attorney general letitia james lost again in court, a judge said letitia james cannot invalidate former president trump's $175 million bond that trump had to put up first before he could appeal the new york civil judgment. an appeals court already cut an initial find by more than half down from 54 million, down to 135 million. now trump can appeal, is not what is going to happen? >> i think that's exactly what's going to happen this attorney general is giving trump will orders, fighting every turn. what we have seen is ever since the trial ended, it's one victory for trump after another. he got the appeals court to cut
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the amount of the bond, he successfully buns off attorney general's attempt to basically blow up his bond and he may have very different results when this verdict or judgment from the trial judge goes up on appeal, a brand-new state of judges who will look at the evidence independently and we see that evidence differently in the trial judge day. >> it's not over till it's over. thank you. appreciate you so much. let's bring in former u.s. attorney guy who, former assistant district attorney. phil holloway, thank you for joining us. former president trump basically saying it's a biden witchhunt going on. let's get your reaction on these trump cases let's get your reaction to espn stephen smith and then democrat congressman jayapal. >> voted democrat throughout life but i am disgusted with what i'm seeing because it seems to me they are trying to use the courts, the politicized this thing with donald trump because
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they can't come up with a strategy to offset the momentum. >> i go back to the responsibly of congress here because had the senate actually gone through with the impeachment of donald trump, we would not be in this situation. >> what are you talking about, hello? they just had to go after trump and prosecute him in the courts because impeachment failed in the senate so they had no campaign strategies in the courts ask. >> it's all politics. it's all politics. it begins and ends with pol politics. i agree one 100%, look what they don't have in this case. they will have tapes, they have credible witnesses, they don't have the defendant making oral statements, any conventions. the only thing he saying is i'm innocent, i'm innocent and the prosecutors witness over and over are pathetic.
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dundas a long time, 20 years prosecuting 20 years, i would not walk this case into any state or federal courtroom. >> phil, what do you think? >> great to be with you. this is an embarrassment to the legal community i am part of. this is the kind of situation where and i agree, it's on a case on as a prosecutor that i would have brought, i'd be embarrassed because the only is the prosecutor wrong on the backs, the prosecutor is long on the law. this is an indictment that doesn't even put the defendant on notice of exactly what he is supposed to end against. thirty-six or so counts a jury can conceivably find him not guilty, they could bring another indictment with the same language because it doesn't specify the so-called of the crime strapped it to make it a felony.
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the indictment should have been tossed out pretrial, we should not be here. this is kind of thing is going to be prosecuted at all which i don't think it should have been, it was a misdemeanor under state law and only the district attorney manhattan wanted to commit election interference himself that he tried to distract this so he could bring it in 2023. >> seventy constitutional issues. this is charging overload. dozens of 34 counts based on separate piece of paper, separate pieces of keeping entries or checks. let's take this on, the judge in the case put a gag order on trump but he can't get republicans in house judiciary, they tweeted out the judges thought it may hundreds of thousands of dollars from democrats including adam schiff campaign to spread the word that adam schiff was leading the charge with six other democrats to impeach trump. what do you think?
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>> i agree, you can't get the president even if the judge wrongly decides to disregard his first amendment rights tries to get him or hold him in contempt. you also cannot blindfold the jury, he's right. he's been in court not in these cases but real cases where you put up credible witnesses must handle the law and a jury with common sense, good women and m men, i don't care their party affiliation, they will see it for what it is, pure politics. >> you strip away the media rhetoric, the hawk takes on it. when you look at what's going on to what god just said, former president trump is sitting with a gag order michael cohen can tweet out a tax on trump. what you make of this?
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there's no gag order on him. >> it goes too far from a clear violation of the first amendment rights but you talk about having affairs jury, in a normal situation out agree you have no problem finding 12 people ordinarily who would throw the case out as fast as they get but this is manhattan the best of times, four years ago donald trump only got 12% of the vote. a lot of people who might otherwise i sympathetic have led to other states like florida so i imagine the demographics are different now. i just don't know that you will get 12 people to unanimously agree to acquit donald trump. if i were defending him, i would be focusing on one or two or maybe three jurors i think be there and i would pray for a mistrial because that's probably considered a win in the book of donald trump with regard to t this. >> even if he loses, he could appeal it and he could still run for u.s. president -- he could
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appeal it, we don't know. >> but -- pinnacle books and records misdemeanor, i'm not sure about that. >> i think they might, that is there fantasy, to be the judge when the prosecutor in the history books is jailing donald trump. >> thank you so much for joining us. still ahead, texas congressman beth van duyne and brian. nancy tinkler and u.s. margarito from the claimant lawmakers in the trump campaign claiming president biden saying because he says he's going to do the biggest tax hike in u.s. history. record inflation, we will explain that would. our evening edit question is getting traction. under twist what ronald reagan asked. instead of asking are you better off, it's -- are you safer than you were four years ago?
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with gupta voter polls. house lawmakers worn as a biden breaking the law ordering all government agencies use your tax money to get out the vote. that's not what their day job is. pushing back against the so-called biden box and the white house slams trump for talking to world leaders with obama biden and other candidates doing the same. america is furious of the house failing to pass the border security bill. president biden again doing u.s. energy keeping spigots open, the biggest state sponsor of terror. israel abandoned the bigger counterstrike after pressure from the biden white house is the white house hamstringing israel israel trying to stop hamas terrorists. all of this on "the evening edit". ♪
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biden white house? israeli theaters talk about bombing work military targets inside iran including near erin's capital but there are fears this would work or, you agree it would trigger bigger conflict? >> it's quite possible. the reality is weeks ago israeli sent a bunch of highrollers over here with a long list of armed so the biden administration used that list besides what congress just passed to kind of twist israel's arm to not go for the gusto but rather go smaller, tit-for-tat and very minimalist which of course they did when they attacked. his bond was a strategic target given that it's the center of iran's nuclear program but it could have gone much more bold
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and of course that perhaps would have created a third front for israel with gaza, southern lebanon and hezbollah and of course elsewhere so it is a crapshoot here. >> what's interesting is the co-author trump foretelling nato allies to pay their fair share. president biden released funds and eased sanctions on iran and oil experts, the largest state sponsor of terror and after biden's washed exit out of afghanistan relaunch terrace state there. >> mr. biden hasn't done anything right in the last 50 years so i didn't expect to get this one right either. unfortunately israelis are very much in a tough spot. they face exit central threats from their self, their north, unfriendly neighborhood and of course iran is nuclear aiming
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and would like to destroy with all the help they get from abroad. israeli people, the jewish people so we are looking at something that i don't think they are going to back down but at the same time there's a recognition in washington that in spite of all the protests throughout the middle east, we don't typically pay attention to them because they are ruled by autocrats for the most part and they are going to align themselves with us eventually, we think. >> let's move onto this separate story. georgette democrat politician stacey abrams wants everyone to believe this wild claim that anyone who attacks diversity, equity and inclusion is attacking democracy in the economy. watch that and watch hbo's bill maher. >> what we know is the attack on diversity, equity and inclusion the ei is an attack on
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democracy, attack on education, an attack on how our economy works. >> these are the people on the bridge protesting. i think this is a result of the stuff that flows down from places like npr and colleges and i don't like it when i see college kids who don't understand anything about history and somehow now the jews are the nazis? >> the also tolerant, intolerant left, they are silent about attacks on jewish students at college campuses so why silence from democrats on that one jewish students are living in fear of their lives in places like columbia university and jail? around i advised jewish students to stay home until it's safe because of anti-semitic protests there. they've had to do classes on the internet. show blocking jewish students
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from entering the university. please have to going with riot gear so is what's going on here undercutting for the foreign left has been pushing u.s. americans to believe? >> no doubt progressive's are pushing in an incendiary way. it's reminiscent me 1938 when jews were attacked viciously by the authorities there so what we have here, yale and columbia and other universities, especially those going off the deep end trying to coalesce around the pro- palestinian groups and try to support jewish students telling them to go away or stay home and do classes virtually. this di stuff is infiltrating into the military now losses
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perhaps using military justice going after military people who refuse to use their so-called pronouns. >> thank you so much for joining us, it's good to see you. still ahead, beth van duyne from hospital businesses, lawmakers say president biden is breaking federal law using taxpayer mo money, so-called biden box. federal agencies to get out the vote. that's not what taxpayers pay them to do they are nancy tengler, lawmakers and trump slammed biden for demanding the biggest tax hike in u.s. his history. amid record inflation, they want to get rid of tax cuts. "the evening edit" asks are you safer than you were four years ago? polls show voters say no although this is coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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look who's here, ceo nancy tengler, we need to ask you about the story, what you make of what president biden did weakening title ix, putting up coal into title ix, biological males into women sports. women athletes don't feel safe. what do you think? >> i want played on a coed soccer team and i got beat up in this was just for fun sheer size and strength there's a reason we have separate sports, a reason and military academies they have lower physical standards for women, because we are inferior but felt different so notion that women are free game, this is about 50 years. >> polls show you feel safer than four years ago? americans already don't feel
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safe amid record inflation global collapse, biden demanding americans drive fully electric cars or democrat politicians getting crime loss nationwide, what do you think? >> it's obvious and i'm glad you're shining a light. you add this to how wages are below pre-pandemic levels. inflation will up 20%, even the wall street likes to measure the rate of change. the average american still paying 20% more than everything. the government is spending $10 trillion since the beginning of the pandemic which is going to continue to drive inflation so sticky inflation is stuck, people feel scared, nervous and now we learned we lost 285,000 permanent full-time jobs last year. part-time jobs are up and guess who they are going to. >> we hear you. let's get the update on how voters feel. watch this. >> who has a strong record as president again? trump outpacing biden on that
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and you've got to mention this one, necessary mental and physical health, we asked for years ago, it was a wash and now a clear liability for joe biden so these are troubling numbers. >> the broader issue between biden and trump right now, where are we, as the world a safer place for the united states today is a was four years ago? think the answer is unequivocally no. >> i've never in my lifetime seen this many suspected murderers and capital murders on the streets of houston on multiple bonds. i would not let my wife or kids walked on the streets at midnight under any circum circumstances. it is not safe and major cities in 2024. it's not safe here. >> shall the polls, gallup shows voters have ranked the economy, border crisis, crime is a top three concern 60% disapproval
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biden and the economy. trump beats biden by 22 points on his better on inflation and by ten points on the border so lawmakers and house budgets say biden is campaigning on the largest tax hike in u.s. history? he wants a $4.9 trillion tax hike because he wants to wipe out the trump tax cuts, didn't trump tax cuts benefit every income bracket? >> that's what americans know in washington d.c. most people had about $4800 more to spend. interest rates were lower so they can afford a nicer home. prices muted and job availability was widespread so this is what people are focused on chemical to the ballot box and if you live in a poor state like i do, you see the ramifications and it's not pretty and it's just getting worse every day. >> politico reports democrats are worried biden is losing hispanic voters, the advantage
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latino voters has trump to slowest in decades. we got to move on. thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. let's get to this, we welcome back to the show from house small business, beth van duyne, great to have you on, it's good to see you so help us out -- it's great to see you. this story, the chairman of your small business committee roger williams says president biden is using our tax money ordering all federal agencies like hs as -- like the fbi get out the vote. he did this in 2021, it sounds like cheating and abuse of taxpayers. our federal agencies, it sounds like he is breaking the law. >> exactly what it sounds like. they're using taxpayer dollars to campaign. they have all the resources go to areas where they are trying to get additional voters and
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concentration is on signing people up to vote. when you think of this, this is the small business administration, playing a part in getting a voter turnout, typically were ust campaign dollars being spent. it's even more nefarious when you looking at the ruckus they spend money that they are concentrating on, 22 of the 25 ruckus they are looking at the top democrat national committee targets where they need to be able to pull out voters for biden to be able to win and his presidential election in november. it's ridiculous, this is where taxpayer dollars are going, even force a small business committee now for three and a half years and you see is just that come to this committee and they need the resources so instead of doing their job, their spending it campaigning for joe biden.
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>> they accused somebody of violating the hatch act, is in the president violating the hatch act? >> that's what would seem. i'm the chairman oversight, we are definitely investigated. april 4 we sent a letter and we still haven't heard back. we need to get more why they are doing it and how it's part of the function on the ba and why we are sending taxpayer dollars to do this. it's about control, maintaining control and now it's even hurting small businesses relying on resources but also taking taxpayer dollars in funding to campaign activities just clearly a violation. >> even the michigan department say is talking about creating a new unique website that can drive to get online visitors to registered to vote. the sound like biden thoughts. mark zuckerberg's push to use zuck box to get campaign dollars
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flowing into campaigns nationwide out of facebook so it sounds like it violates state laws because a lot of states say you cannot use private tax dollars to fund electioneering just like the federal law says that. public. >> zuckerberg said he can do that. >> i have got 15 u.s. states saying biden has to stop this. >> i hope they are going to enforce that and make him stop it because what he's counting on his he's going to continue, nobody's going to call it out and i appreciate your show calling out but this is what we are trying to do, this is what we are trying to do for hearings on oversight. these are taxpayer dollars spent inappropriately on campaign activities and they are targeting 22 of the top 25
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targets where these dollars are being spent the act of his not, is just not. >> thank you for joining us, it's good to see you again. still ahead, texas congressman brian bevan, voters are angry house failed to pass border security go this past weekend. lots of foreign aid for other nation borders. the biden white house is angry former president trump talking to world leaders from places like saudi arabia, poland, argentina. you can think biden, obama and other candidates the exact same thing. first, let's check in with david asman and for sean tonight. what's coming up? >> got a lot of good stuff starting with liz peek talking to her about how far these protesters have gone up way beyond anti- israel. pro- hamas, it's like being in support of 1939 mike lee utah
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senator, he's going to be joining us about the un, their own pro, services and gaza are fine, no problem. don't worry. >> of course that was the conclusion. tudor dixon is here on the hhs secretary javier for sarah singh overturning roe v. wade was the worst thing in our lifetimes. i guess you forgot covid because that's distant memory. caroline levin from the trump campaign, the national press secretary on the trump campaign while the president is in court versus biden stumbling and bumbling. top of the hour.
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okay, michael johnson survives the threat to oust him over the $95 billion foreign aid bill for ukraine, israel and taiwan, for publicans to border officials are angry house didn't get a border security bill passed amid record crisis. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill with details. it's good to see you. >> good afternoon, the bill has the senate floor tomorrow, the senate could pass the bill tuesday or wednesday but conservatives are infuriated it lacks anything for the border. they demand opportunity to
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change the bill. >> there's nothing in the bill, nothing. the biggest issue in the country is we have terrorists, drugs, criminals walking across the southern border. i want ukraine to win, i want russia to lose but i want a secure southern border. >> the senate approved of similar foreign aid plan over the winter for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the bill scored 70 votes. the new legislation mandates china divest itself of tik tok or face operating problems in the u.s. some on the right remain opp opposed. >> under no circumstances what i vote for the bill as passed by the house of representatives yesterday. it's a really good deal for ukraine and zelenskyy, a good deal for hamas which stands to receive up to $9 billion of this $95 billion aid package.
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>> marjorie taylor grain threatened to oust house speaker mike johnson if he brought ukraine bill to the floor. the green never triggered her resolution and even though some members are disappointed, they don't want a repeat of last year. the house like a speaker for three weeks after it removed kevin mccarthy. >> we expect more conservative speaker, how american people don't deserve the drama that took place the last time. he needs to get in the bike more than he's doing. to buy more money with no offsets at the center of what he's doing that we disagree w with. >> president biden and ukrainian theater volodymyr zelenskyy spoke by phone today. zelenskyy thanked johnson and house minority leader hakeem jeffries for moving the bill for ukraine. >> thank you so much, great reporting is always. it's good to see you, my friend. joining us now, house border security caucus chair, brian
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bevan. what did you make of the reporting, no remain in mexico, no border wall funny. 9 billion of the aid package could go to ngos and gaza the end of with hamas, really? >> those are the bad points i will tell you. good to be with you. i'm not at all happy. i thought we were going to have a deal for ukraine bill to have border security. that did not happen. we will have to see what happens because just as my friend said, who got to start doing something about our border, it's got to happen. with got a border completely out of control with millions coming across and we have the fbi director in front of the judiciary committee a couple of weeks ago warning we are going to probably have real problems
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with terrorism and we already know criminal activity but it's out of control. criminal activity, terrorism potential is absolutely real and this is what happens when you have a completely incentivizing assault coming across the southern border the way joe biden is doing democrat national border patrol council president brandon judd, he said the at least could have given us a policy, that would have been something. let's listen to speaker johnson and marjorie taylor grain speaking out after the boat. >> i want to say simply i want to thank people around the country, we should only wave one slide on the house for and i think we know which like that is. i say these are not normal times, they are not. the world is destabilized and it's a tinderbox, a dangerous time.
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>> members of congress waiting the ukrainian flag of the united states house of representatives before while we are doing nothing to secure our border. i think every american should be furious mike johnson's worship is over, he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't, he will be vacated. >> show the date on the border. show the border collection of this biden white house. here's the issue also going on. house republicans already have a slim majority. now more republicans are stepping down. you can't afford to lose any votes because that would put you in a neck and neck tie policy so it's unclear to the american viewer when you see ice arrests 20%, criminal history tens of thousands of illegal migrants crossing, for felonies each call
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1400 terrace, crossing, ms gang is caught crossing. what you think? >> the border is out of control. it's not a matter of if but when we are hit again with the 9/11 type hit or even worse. criminal activity is ramping up and i'll just say this. leadership is everything i believe, in this country. we have had a week leader, president biden has been vacant. he can hardly even get out of the way. what they are doing with president trump who controlled the border, the best economy we seen in 60 years when he was in office and now they are persecuting him coming up with ms. charges, he is a lion. alexander the great said he had a quite quote saying it's not an
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army of lions led by sheep, it's an army of she led by a lion and president trump is without question a lion and they fear him on the democrat side and we have got to have fairness in this country or democracy will be destroyed. >> thank you for je you. >> again, the white house is ruining u.s. energy in this controversy, president biden limits oil drilling in alaska. iran sanctions during election year. we got energy grow, publisher climate, mark laredo joining us next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds.
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look who's here, look who's back with us. marc morano, publisher of limit marc, it's so good to see you again. we need your big brain on this. you know this $95 billion in aid package including for ukraine called the white house blaming it will crackdown on iran oil
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experts. when you look at the fine print, it shows president biden doesn't have to enforce these sanctions or any crackdown on iran to avoid gas price hikes within six months of the u.s. election so that means no man can still fund terrorists attacking u.s. tr troops, international shipping and israel. what you think of the fine pr print? >> the fine print i hate to say it, screw america once again for this administration especially on energy. they begged venezuela, middle east for more and more oil at the same time restricting domestic energy. when you look at what he's trying to do, you have to wonder, this is the exact opposite of anything in the interest of the united states national security. this is only blinded by an ideology that believes shutting down american energy is somehow benefiting the world. we have the highest standards, the highest human rights standards. >> now we are stuck with opec, opec plus considering furthering and extending production cuts into the second quarter. that means gas will go up but
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the financial times reports president biden's decision to pause and delay approvals for liquefied natural gas projects really made voters met in pennsylvania. the shell gas industry is big in pennsylvania. it employs 72000 workers in the state, pennsylvania think makes something like offensive america's natural gas, is that true? >> pennsylvania is the natural gas success story of the world. one of the key reasons, the united states has led the world reducing co2 emissions because of the fracking natural gas revolution. one of the things joe biden promised when the war in ukraine started his we would help european allies this energy was being hampered by the war, supplies with russia with our own natural gas exports and cutting that off so nothing makes any sense, he's packing his allies and harming the people of pennsylvania perhaps
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the most and overly they will remember this on election day. >> it sounds like policy incoherence. imposing sanctions, lifting on iranian oil. let's listen to dan sullivan of alaska, the biden white house putting off limits 13 million acres of land in alaska, indigenous people of alaska, people of alaska wanted. watch this. >> this president won't sanction iranian oil and gas regime. he has no problem sanctioning alaska. this administration issued 63 executive orders and executive actions singularly focused on alaska to shut our stake down. that hurts my constituents but national resources energy critical minerals, that's an american strength. this should concern all kinds of americans. but in the senate nine years, i've never seen such a cynical dishonest display of any
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presidency. >> how does that make sense? regime said hate the u.s. like china, venezuela and iran, they will benefit from what biden is doing. >> final word, set restrictions including access road to a copper mine. the u.s. domestic coppermine. china is record production. number three, closely followed by democrat republic of the congo so we are literally shutting down mining in order for china to benefit. >> thanks for joining us, it's good to see you again. look for joining us tomorrow, beth andrew. mollie hemingway, a hot show. thanks for watching "the evening edit". now time for my buddies, dagen and david in for sean. good to see you guys. ♪


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