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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 28, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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ashley: how good is she? shake out on a wet thursday morning in midtown manhattan. the market is closed tomorrow for good friday. it is 10:00 eastern time. i'm ashley webster in for stuart varney and let's get to your money. we are green across the screen but very modestly higher, the dow up 15 points with the major exchanges up less than 0.1%. the treasuries, begin with a 10 year treasury yield up slightly, 4.19%. look at the price of oil moving higher. 82.36 a barrel and bitcoin a bit of a tear above the 70,000
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mark and it is still above 1700, $17, 70,825 on bitcoin. we have data coming from the latest read on pending home sales. >> the dealers close for february, rose more than expected, 1.16%. january was down 5%. a reversal. ashley: a flicker of hope, consumer sentiment. lauren: double down on the flicker of hope, came in march, 79.4, this is a current number better-than-expected. feeling better about the economy or different messaging of the economy coming from of the white house. if you look at current conditions the number went up and helped folks feel about expectations that came in at
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77.4. is that lower? it was higher. the inflation expectations were revised lower and that is why this number is so -- ashley: very good. thank you very much. let's get back to this fox poll. when asked what the administration's top a compliment is, the big winner was nothing, 38%. ben domenech joins me now. this can't be good for biden, can it? >> of course it's not good. a conceivable argument against an incumbent president that the best thing he did was areas where he didn't do anything at all. when you look at this poll the take away you have to have were all negative for this white house and the approach they used espousing president biden's policies, you want to
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run on your record to create a contrast and make clear if people reelect you you will continue to grow, do things that work for them and this white house can't do that. all they can do is point to negatives from the trump era, taking him back to the white house would reintroduce chaos, the same type of thing they've run on in the past and it is a hard case to make that democracy is at stake here given this is a situation where a lot of people decided the 2,020 election where people who voted for donald trump in 2016 who swung over into the biden lane and what people need to understand about these numbers and how bad they are is what they tell us is people who did that regret their decision four years later, a lot of them do and that's the reason you see trump's numbers as high as they are. ashley: interesting. move on to this topic.
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border patrol union president brandon judd warned biden is flying migrants across the us so the border doesn't look is out of control, flies them in from their own country, he also said mass amnesty is coming. that's going to upset a lot of people. what do you think? >> that something that definitely is a possibility for president biden's second term. we are in a completely ahistorical territory when it comes to failure to enforce the border. even under president obama he was referred to by some in his own party as deep order in chief, he would send people home because he understood the danger of a border that's out of control, not so under president biden, is beholden to the progressive wing of his party, letting the cartels control everything when it comes to the border, those things you see, the images you
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see of the border are not organic, they are controlled from the other side, they are using these migrants as a weapon and i think that's something we need to understand going into this election is a signal from those cartels to the biden administration that they have control and don't want to see any change in policy, they don't want to see the white house making any shifts that would appeal to the voters across the country who view immigration as being one of the biggest issues we are facing. ashley: it's really remarkable, great stuff as always, appreciate it as always. now this. a tiktok influencer who encouraged migrants to squat is back on tiktok with a new message, can't wait. what is it? lauren: he's posting videos of himself flaunting cash, he says he gets $350 a week in government subsidies and marks migrants who come here to
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actually do work, he says his business is invading abandoned houses, abusing squatters rights and selling those homes for a profit. is a criminal. one other thing, he crossed the border illegally two years ago and there wasn't enough beds at the detention center who he became part of the alternative to detention programs that was clearly a failure, not vetting the migrants that are coming here illegally. ashley: isn't that wonderful, i don't want to look at it anymore, laughing in our face. lauren: he's hiding in plain sight. he posts these videos on social channel in front of police cars in talks about doing more crime and getting the message to hard-working americans and illegals that you are a fool if you work because you could just commit more crimes to become a millionaire, his words. ashley: hayes making a lot of things tough for this country and hopefully he will pay for that. thank you very much, back to
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the markets if we can. it is very quiet today, that's one way of putting it. market essentially flat, ever so slightly higher, let's bring in gary kaltbaum. the s&p up 10%. can we carry the momentum into the next quarter? >> i think so but different characters. we made our bones in the nvidias and technology but on march 8th, i think that gargantuan reversal stopped them in their tracks. nothing wrong, they are going through pullbacks, arrests but money is flowing into oil and gold and big financials, into small caps dare i say which have been the redheaded stepchild for the last few years, nothing against the redheads and of the small caps get going, that adds to the market, the best markets are
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the ones that rotate from one area to the next without anything breaking down badly and so far so good. ashley: while i have you here what did you make of trump's stock? dj t. i feel the money going into this thing as support for donald trump, up to $66. do you have clients saying i want in this stock? >> i only had one and boy, did i push back but i told him i will let you decide. not just for trump stock but any companies that lose a lot of money, don't have a lot of sales, valuation in redwood trees i have one mantra, do not own them when we go into a bear market again. in bull markets a lot of these stocks will be teflon where they stay up and keep going, but in bear markets, they come
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down and usually get crushed down to the valuation they would be that. i would say that for the trump stock and biotech with no sales and some of these ai pretenders that are making things up with no sales, just be careful. when, not if, eventually we will go into a bear market, not sure i will be around. ashley: while you are here, it seems to be risk on for the investors we have, resilient economy, declining inflation, the fed may be with three cuts this year. there's a lot of argument for being continued risk on environment. would you agree? >> which scares me a little bit. sentiment in taters seems to was there are no bears around anymore and targets are being raised left and right. for me i just watch the markets if they start to turn down, i will deal with them. right now the market seems to be in a nice rotational sweet spot, how long i don't know.
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we got back in early november to the s&p and we've not had one scare day to sell and that worries us. it's been a long time since that and i can promise you eventually there will be some scare days but so far so good, keep fingers crossed. as far as the fed, i love the fact i think they were off the playing field, they cut rates a quarter terrific, if they don't terrific, i'm letting the market be the guide, interest rates seem to want to stay in the loan 4s here and as long as things stay stable i think we are in okay shape. ashley: i feel better already, gary, great for seeing you, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it, put a smile on my face. you are looking at the movers. are our age, very expensive furniture, restoration hardware. lauren: stock is having an extensive game at $50. customer demand will pick up because interest rates will ease.
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there prediction for revenue growth between 8% to 10%. palantir moving in the other direction, big data company cut to sell a $20 price target, they say shares are, quote, trading at egregious the rich valuation due to the unprecedented generative ai hype cycle, to their point this stock tripled in the last 52 weeks. finally, apple is holding the 170 level at 171. there's a report out of south korea their full double iphone is being delayed to 2027 and potentially might be abandoned because they can't get the right materials. ashley: always like it when we use the word egregious. gives a lot of emphasis. thank you very much. i digress. president biden will be in new york city for star-studded
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fundraiser but is not attended to attend the wake for a police officer killed during a traffic stop, but donald trump is attending. we will get into that story, businesses are scrambling to avoid major disruptions after the bridge collapse in baltimore. how much of an impact will this have on the supply-chain? congressman scott perry is on the house infrastructure committee and he is going to join us next. ♪ ere? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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ashley: businesses scrambling to avoid major disruptions after the bridge collapse in baltimore. grady trimble, what kind of
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changes are businesses having to make? >> reporter: twin ships have rerouted to baltimore to other ports according to the ship tracker marine traffic. as we talk about places ships might be going, governors of new york and new jersey put out a joint statement and they say the port authority there can take on additional cargo never directed the authority to further evaluate all available resources to minimize supply-chain disruptions. in baltimore, the crumbled he bridge is still in the river. coast guard and army corps of engineers cruz are working on a plan to remove it, the coast guard says crane barges are on the way but officials don't know how long it's going to take to clear the wreckage or when the shipping channel will reopen. getting the port back open could cost as much as $50 million according to some
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estimates. >> the collapse of the key bridges not just a maryland crisis, the collapse of the key bridge is a global crisis. the national economy in the world economy depends on the port of baltimore. >> reporter: the insurance marketplace lloyd's of london expects the bridge collapse will lead to billions in insurance claims, could be the single largest marine loss in history, carnival cruise line for its part says it is temporarily moving its baltimore operations to norfork, virginia and bracing for a $10 million loss of profit as a result. today the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg says he's meeting the shipping companies to come up with a game plan, an alternative for ships that need somewhere to go, the port here still closed. ashley: thank you very much.
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speaking of the transportation secretary, he says he doesn't have a timeline on when the baltimore port could reopen. >> rebuilding will not be quick, or easy, or cheap but we will get it done. that does not necessarily mean it will take 5 years to replace, this will be a long and difficult path but we will come together around baltimore and rebuild. ashley: congressman scott perry from pennsylvania joined me now, great to have you here. you are on the house transportation and infrastructure committee. how much of an impact do you think this bridge collapse, this tragic accident, what is the impact on the supply-chain? >> there's going to be an immediate impact but i also think america is industrious, we have a lot of resources up and down the eastern seaboard and it will take some out-of-the-box thinking, but let's remember there are still
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unaccounted for individuals that likely have been cost -- loss, we want to be respectful of that. mission number one has to be to clear the channel. once that happens, one of the biggest things, it's a qualified hazmat route. we have to deal with that in particular. there are some out-of-the-box thinking like using the expeditionary false transfer the military uses to deploy military units around the globe and force projection. maybe that's an option but other obvious alternatives might be the port of philadelphia coming from pennsylvania and other ports up and down the seaport so there's going to be a temporary disruption but america is industrious and resilient and we will resolve it pretty quickly. ashley: i want to change topics why we have you. i want to get into this, israel's top officials may
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visit washington after benjamin netanyahu canceled at a delegation earlier this week but critics say the biden administration has abandoned israel and the hostages, do you get the feeling biden is walking away from israel at this point? >> doesn't matter whether i get the feeling, the facts on the ground are what matter, whether it is the hostages or israel proper, let's face what happen, the biden administration is working to unseat the prime minister in israel, his working for a 2 state solution israel is not asking for, he's working for a cease-fire, not only globally but in the un. he is on both sides of the war sending aid to gaza through hamas and israel rightly sees that for what it should see it as, this administration, president biden and his party abandoning the jews, abandoning israel. the speaker of the house has invited or at least is in talks
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with the prime minister about addressing a joint session of congress which is the appropriate thing to do. ashley: with that said do you think the republican party is the pro israel party in this country? >> there is not one person i know of in the republican party, congress, or otherwise, that has not supported israel the over the attack that happened on october 7th was but i can point to numerous individuals in the democrat party that have made anti-semitic statements and said we should abandon israel at this time. that's not scott perry talking, those artifacts talking, the statements and actions of people in the democrat party. ashley: the republican majority shrinking in the house. multiple republicans have left or leaving congress before
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their term ends. we can speculate, what's driving the exodus? what's going on? >> can't speak for any of these individuals, some of them had individual concerns which i'm of the believe unless you get a significant family issue, you should stay your term. that's what people elected you to do but that having been said republicans are still the majority, we found a way through tight majorities to get things done in the past and i suspect we can do that for the remainder of this term. lauren: ashley: we have to leave it there but thanks for taking the time to speak with us. thank you. the mississippi secretary of state file a cease-and-desist order against black rock, he says they misled investors about their esg agenda. the secretary of state, michael watson will be on the show to a claim. the trial for sam bankman-fried has come to a end she was just
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sentenced for defrauding ftx investors lose kelly o'grady outside the white house with the details next. ♪ ♪ (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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ashley: let's look at these markets. we've been open for just about an hour, going nowhere fast, treading water, the dow, s&p and nasdaq essentially flat, the s&p finishing at a record high yesterday, anything today higher will be on the record. come in here, lauren. you are looking at other movies, let's begin with amc. lauren: down 13%. the movie theater chain tumbling after they filed to sell $250 million worth of stock in a bid to shore up the balance sheet. estée lauder is up on an upgrade from bank of america saying profits will recover because the company is pursuing good muscular new products and strategies. without giving details the stock is up 5% and they think it's going to one hundred 70. match group, the tender owner,
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jpmorgan is saying recent board additions to the cofounder of zillah will give tender the marketing muscle it needs for turnaround. investment management has been pushing for change, stock is up 2. 5%. ashley: very good. thank you very much. now to this, ftx founder sam bankman-fried's sentencing underway in new york. kelly o'grady outside the courthouse, what's the latest? >> reporter: this sentencing is still ongoing. got kicked off at 9:45 or so, but sam bankman-fried looked very disheveled, t-shirt and pants, every different from the clean-cut short haircut we saw during trial, the bushing made his back that we know so well. judge kaplan is coming down so much harder than i think anyone expected. sam bankman-fried is younger,
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that comes into play with sentencing of the prosecution is looking 40 to 50 years, the defense is seeking 5 to 6. 5, their argument is there was no harm done to victims as the bankruptcy process expects to return all those customer funds. the judge completely rejected that claim today. he went through point by point, arguing this is about intend and what sam bankman-fried and that the loss figure is $10 billion. he underscored customers will be repaid in value last in november of 2,022, the price of bitcoin is four times what it was when ftx collapse. the judge also confirmed spf perjured himself on the stand. that something he's going to consider when making this sentencing decision, recalculated the mac sentenced to wonderscore it could be up to one hundred 10 years. we also heard from a victim, it was a heart wrenching story, he
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confirms there was indeed lost and he cited multiple folks who committed suicide because of this so during the trial judge kaplan made clear how he felt about sam bankman-fried. appears to be no different today. the sentencing hearing is underway but we can expect judge kaplan to send a message to the crypto industry with this sentencing based on how it's going so far. ashley: it certainly seems that way. we will continue to follow it. thank you very much. meantime the mississippi secretary of state just filed a cease-and-desist order against black rock. he says they misled investors about their esg agenda. the secretary of state michael watson joins us this morning, great to have you here. how exactly did black rock mislead investors? >> great question. we've got a company with trillions of dollars in assets under management playing political games with
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mississippi's hard earned dollars, essentially black rock speaks out of both sides of the mouth, one day talking about return on investment and the next day holding the company hostage, pushing decarbonization efforts which at the end of the day what gets them in trouble in mississippi is mississippi investors deserve the facts about investments they are making on the front end, black rock didn't play by those rules which is why we order them to stop and penalties follow. ashley: have you had response from them? >> we cannot. we filed this tuesday, we sent them a certified copy, e-mailed them as well, not heard a response yet. ashley: just recently the texas board of education to vested 8. 5 billion from black rock for the same reason about esg. you are not divesting, you are just saying stop what you are doing. >> exactly right. this isn't just about esg. pick any topic you want.
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you are cutting securities fraud. mississippians should be safe. as long as i'm here, that is what is going to happen. ashley: do you have lower that a law in mississippi that prevents taxpayer money being invested in these areas? >> we do not. that something we will be looking at. we filed this order and we could get more information and work with everyone in mississippi to make sure they are aware what is going on. and we will push back against this. ashley: you filed on tuesday. how long is this going on do you think? >> we've been researching it and have a great security team. as we see what is happening, that's the important piece. intention to this, understanding it's going to mississippi, let's make sure we are making great progress for mississippians, that's what we have done. this just starts, we know there's securities fraud so i
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want to make sure we are getting all the information from blackrock as we move forward. ashley: we will continue to follow it. interesting stuff. thank you for joining us this morning, we really appreciate it. by the way, black rock has responded to the cease and desist order. in a statement they said, quote, many policymakers and government officials have ideas on how we should invest our client assets. we are always bound to invest consistent with our clients choices, their best financial interests. our only agenda is maximizing risk-adjusted returns for the funds our clients choose to invest in. we operate in one of the most highly regulated industries in the country and are committed to following the law in every respect. blackrock's response. now this story which has been ongoing for a while, disney has been accused of misleading shareholders. come back in, lauren.
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how are they misleading? >> it's a 50 page letter the comes from a conservative nonprofit called america first legal, they accuse disney's woke agenda of hurting shareholders. they say disney has lost $134 billion in market value in the past three years and are asking ceo bob iger to ditch the progressive agenda and embrace societal norms. they gave a lot of examples and 50 pages was one was a kids show and that kids show is teaching children you are the color of your skin, that's how you identify. this group is not alone. the activist nelson peltz is taking a similar woke argument to the disney board room, he wants to win two seats on the board and shareholders will vote on that next week, april 3rd. ashley: all right. interesting stuff. thank you very much. still had on this show we told you how women were being randomly punched in the face by strangers just walking in new
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york city. now police have made an arrest. we have a follow-up. president biden is turning to his democrat predecessors to fill his campaign war chest in a fundraiser today. a number of hollywood stars will be there. peter doocy has the details next. ♪ ♪
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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ashley: just over an hour to thursday's session on wall street, the dow is essentially flat, the s&p up a little, nasdaq around the flat line, very muted trading, look at bitcoin, nothing muted there,
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back above 70,000. at least it was earlier and it is up 71,445, good for a $2,800 gain. now let's go back to this. president biden will hold a 1-of-a-kind fundraiser new york city. alongside former president barack obama and bill clinton. . doocy is at the white house, this is a star-studded event, do we know which the liberties will show up? >> we do. this show of force for the democrats is historic, campaign is saying it will make $25 million for biden/harris 24, the most profitable fundraiser in american political history. >> this is going to be an important event to the current president, that believe in what we are trying to do in the biden harris administration, trying to move this country forward, make sure we are protecting our democracy,
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protecting our freedom to building an economy that leaves no one behind. >> they say meanwhile trump is scrambling to raise cash as he lags behind president biden and fundraiser. instead of closing the gap to fund his campaign he's fundraising to pay his legal bills and relying on donors to finance his phone, the view of the trump team reads like this. the three people who have been responsible for death, destruction and misery across the globe, these presidents are going to be hearing it from progressive activists trying to organize demonstrators outside radio city tonight to, quote, protest genocide joe's reelection fundraiser, they want people they are as early as possible as conditions allow, there's heavy rain in the forecast, aside from donors paying as much as $100,000 per picture, there are going to be problems with this event on the left and on the right. >> it's not president biden we need to worry about, it's the machine underneath him propping him up.
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that's what we are up against and what i take away from the obama and clinton machine. >> reporter: get ready to see more barack obama this election year because the new york times is reporting he's so concerned trump could reclaim the white house that he is getting ready to, quote, he cannot on the campaign trail beside president biden who is getting ready to leave the white house any minute for new york city. ashley: there are those who would argue mister obama is looking for a fourth term but we won't get into that. peter doocy at the white house, thank you so much. donald trump also in new york today. what for? lauren: he plans to attend the funeral of jonathan dillard, the have 30 one-year-old police officer shot and killed by career criminals at a traffic stop in queens so the shooter and the driver have dozens of priors, reportedly parked illegally because they were
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casing a store to rob it. that's when the officer asked to them to move and was shot below his bulletproof vest and later died. jonathan dillard leaves behind a wife and his infant son ryan. the nypd sergeants union is telling members of the new york city council whose politics and policies have created anti-police sentiment he was subjected to, to skip his wake. they don't want to see volunteers, they don't want them there. donald trump plans to be there. ashley: also, the rest has been made after those random violent attacks on women. lauren: the man arrested was arrested for assault for one of the women that was sucker punched. he has priors. he also has political ambitions having a front for new york city mayor, governor, city
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council. he is 40. the new york police department has not said if he's connected to the punching of other women. this is happening in broad daylight. all the things to get worried about, getting punched in the face in the middle of the street. bethenny frankel, the real housewife, is coming forward saying this happened to be too. arby's taking pictures in an ice area in new york city in front of a bakery and she was too embarrassed to say something until she realized this is actually happening. ashley: it is crazy and an instant of crime out of control. now this. we like to continue to prompt you to do this, don't forget friday feedback, you can e-mail your questions, comments, critiques, you bring it onto varneyfor we want to hear from you. congress is out of session but the debate over tiktok's future is hanging in the balance.
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we speak to a popular realtor on tiktok who says millions of americans will lose their livelihood or side hustles if tiktok is banned and he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage?
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. ashley: it appears momentum to pass the tiktok crackdown bill has slowed in the senate. aishah hasnie joins us this morning. do we know when and if the senate might take up this bill? >> reporter: it is stalled in the senate. there's pressure from outside groups, the american parents coalition is running a nationwide campaign accusing tiktok of mobile voting eating disorders and glorifying qualcomm. >> chinese owned tiktok is targeting america's youth. >> the social media platform is accused of using technology
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that experts say can harm the mental health of america's youth. >> reporter: 120 minutes. that's how long 40 one% of children in the us spend on tiktok every day. 8 minutes, time it takes to promote eating disorders. two minutes, to glorify self-harm. we can't go on like this. stop the poison, stop tiktok. lauren: there's also a second out bistate armor action national security focus group accusing the apps of stoking political divisions which tiktok may have to armor up for a brand-new fight with the federal government. the popular apps is now facing an ftc investigation into whether or not it deceived its users into thinking their data cannot be accessed by china. this is what the intel chair mark warner and mark rubio had been calling for for years. the ftc isn't commenting about this investigation but it could settle with of their own or refer the case to the doj.
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bottom line, the senate slow roles this, doesn't mean tiktok isn't under serious pressure. ashley: indeed it is. thank you very much for laying out where the bill stands. in us now is freddy smith, tiktok creator and realtor from orlando. he joins us this morning, you know, freddie, why do you think tiktok ban would be a disaster. i know you rely on this apps, tell me. >> the number one thing, a disaster for the consumers who use it as their information highway, to connect and share ideas and opinions, that's the number one thing that would be devastating but even in the job market it would be more devastating. people like myself in a service-based business i use it to generate leads to provide opportunities, to provide education to buyers and sellers across the country but there are chiropractors, attorneys, mortgage lenders, landscapers,
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mechanics, all types of businesses including brick and mortar businesses in town from pizza parlors to karate classes, delis, sandwich shops that utilize tiktok to advertise their business and bring real dollars to their communities so it would be devastating to the job market. ashley: if it is banned, couldn't all of those people just move to another social media platform? is than another one out there that could serve the same purpose? >> one hundred%. a lot of creators use facebook, youtube, instagram, linked toin, there are many other platforms but there's something a readily special about the culture of tiktok, people who use tiktok 30 minutes a day, an hour a day understand the culture, why we would miss this apps specifically but as a business owner it is important to be across other platforms but tiktok has done it better than any platform in my opinion. ashley: do you have any concerns? the critics say this is run by
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a chinese based company who has to turn over a data to beijing if they ask for it, does that bother you at all? >> that a deeper conversation if we peel that onion back to see if that is true. some people are talking about how powerful this apps has become for the average american to communicate with each other and they will change in this world and that is more of a threat than a foreign adversary being able to collect data because all the platforms we talked about collect our data and this is no different. ashley: how much of your business comes through tiktok? do you estimate? >> through tiktok specifically i would say 60% to 70% and i think that's true for many service providers in business who are getting their business from tiktok. ashley: so you believe this ban will have a huge impact on many people, their livelihood basically. >> across the board.
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at this point tiktok is not new, it's been around for 5 years, people have built huge brands and that is where their customers are, whether clients are, the where opportunities are so it would be devastating to millions of americans and that needs to be looked at very seriously across the board, how many people would lose so much business and so much money. ashley: we hear you. interesting perspective, thank you for taking the time to talk to us today, appreciate it. still ahead. christopher bedford will be here on biden's campaign trying to convince voters donald trump is adopting a basement campaign strategy. clay travis on sacramento declaring itself a sanctuary city for transgender people. adam johnson on trump media stock. is he buying any? the 11 am hour of "varney and company" is next.
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>> joe biden's america is doing well for the elites, but they're called elites for a reason. there aren't a lot of them s


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