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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 28, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good thursday morning, everybody. hangs very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hop you're having a good thursday morning. it's thursday, march 28, you 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. today the final trading day of the first quarter. time for the hot topic of the hour. a new fox news poll has trump leading biden by the biggest margin yet, 67% of voters disapprove of president biden's handling of immigration, 48% say immigration is extremely important to the 2024 vote.
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in a new york post interview border patrol union president brandon judd is warning the quote biden administration is flying migrants into the united states so that the border doesn't look as out of control as it is. he also said he expects an amnesty program in the future to accommodate the millions of people who have come into the country since the president took office in 2021. joe, i believe that number is 10 million illegals on joe biden's watch although one of the senators we had on the other day you put it as high as 14 million. >> i was fortunate enough to be in oswego county with tom homan, former director under president trump and look, he said it best. we've got over 2 million got aways since joe biden has taken the oath of office. those are the ones we know about. not the ones that have passed through areas where we do have surveillance. that's more than the population of no less than 15 states so that is not sustainable, even people that are supportive of more pervasive migrants coming
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into the country recognize it's not sustainable and whether you're on the south side of chicago listening to people talk about children being pushed out of fieldhouses to house the migrants, whether here in new york city listening the stories about migrants knocking on their door, asking for money. how is it possible that it is harder to the get into the roosevelt hotel than it is to cross the southern border of these united states of america. because they're more concerned with protecting the migrants than the american people. that's the state of you affairs of joe biden's america and if we don't get in check, forget the election we'll have a black swan event as we've seen so many people warn about time and time again. maria: texas authorities are now going back to the laws of the state, they charged nine illegal migrants who stormed the el paso border last week. look at the pictures. these charges include assault, inciting a riot and damage of property of over $2,500. now, the new york post shot that video of those people storming
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the el paso border and if you look at this caroline and you tell me this is not an invasion, i don't know what an invasion is. >> absolutely. maria, it is an a -- it is anas chaos, looks like the u.s. doesn't have national sovereignty any more. it's important to note the issue about the border spiraling out of control. it's not because of incompetence, lack of resources, it is sabotage. the biden administration reversed every major trump policy that stopped the flood from remain in mexico to title 42 and it's very manipulative not just in rhetoric but in technicalities, it's under the dubious parole program, basically said it's legally ushered in millions of illegal aliens and some of hem are criminals. maria: you have to question why and who would leave the border wide open like this in fact you want to fight for american
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citizens now i feel like the jig is up because now we know that really the goal here is to get these folks to become voters. >> without a doubt. maria: new york state, asking that illegals can vote in local elections, look how merrick garland is vowing to fight voter id laws and a venezuelan migrant posted a tiktok video, telling everybody how to steal homes, the video of squatting tips. reportedly now he's a fugitive on the run. he's been on the run from immigration authorities since crossing across the border in april of 2022. tiktok finally sus opinioned his account -- suspended his account. i tweeted out where is facebook, where is twitter, where tiktok to shut this guy down. >> it's no surprises playing the victim. everyone's coming after him, after he's teaching people how to a take over other people's homes but do you remember what china did during -- they had
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protests a few years ago and they shut off apple's air drop feature, not sure if you remember that. but that's something that china did to one of our u.s. based companies. we should be able to do something similar to tiktok, take action, without having to do the full ban thing they're talking about. there should be protective measures taken against tiktok. real quick on the 10 million plus migrants that we know have crossed the border, if they grant mass amnesty to all of these -- we already know about human trafficking issues at the border, the crime, the fentanyl, the importing of votes, we know about all that stuff. but if mass amnesty is granted to these 10 million illegals, they all become qualified aliens, they all become eligible for social security, social securities already in deep trouble. you add 10 million plus people on social security's payroll you've got real economic issues as well. >> forget social security. at least that's a long tail.
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we're talking about immediate impact on medicaid, talking about immediate impact on medicare. we know that safety net is already getting ready to burst. so look, i think that he it is telling when you have somebody on tiktok who is basically telling people to break into homes and take them over and somehow that is greeted by the left with some type of he defense, we're jumping to conclusions, but you've got moms for liberty saying we just want our children not to be exposed to pornographic material, they get placed on a hate group. you have parents that show up at pta meeting saying we would like to be informed about the materials you put in front of our kids, they're placed on a tterrorist watch list. these are contradictions that show the american people the people in power don't care about you. maria: this guy telling people how to go and steal homes, i want to go back to the policies. he's telling us i learned about u.s. squatter laws and when i figured out u.s. squatter laws
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allow an outsider, a stranger, a thief to come and own the house because he's been there for 30 days, so let's talk about the law of the land. why is it -- how is it possible that somebody can come in and live in your house if you haven't been there and they're not even prosecuted. >> he is astonished to find out that this law even exists. maria: exactly. >> it's wild. >> he's gaming the system. let's real, he's responding to incentives created by the biden administration, the progressive cities and the mayors who are in denial that sanctuary status fueled the chaos by offering the benefits. maria: more evidence of you lawless country under joe biden. we're going to take a short break. when we come back, markets on the move ahead of the data coming out, we've got the read on fourth quarter gdp coming out at 8:30 a.m. this morning, for the final read, the word on wall street panel hi here with their expectations. markets are lower. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me right now is kings view asset management partner a, mario veneroso, also with me is mark tepper this morning. mario, thank you for joining the conversation. futures are lower, fractional moves down. dow industrials down 1 point on this the final trading day of the first quarter. the nasdaq down about 5 points. markets are green across the board so far this year. we've had a great quarter. 500 set for the best start to the year since 2019 with the s&p up 10% in the first quarter, dow industrials up 5 and-a-half
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percent. the 10 year treasury yield right now is up 3 basis points at a level of 4.22% ahead of the final read of fourth quarter gdp out in about an hour's time, the expectations call for annualized growth of 3 and a quarter percent. also get the february pce number out tomorrow. it's all about rate cuts according to this market, right. >> absolutely. maria: what are you expecting? >> the market's been resilient. we're up almost 10% for the s&p on the first quarter, amazing quarter. the tell tale sign is what happened last week when powell reiterated to investors, to the market, to the american consumer, hey, guys, the dot plot, we're still going to cut three more times because it looked l as of a few weeks ago e could have upside exhaustion when markets were getting ahead of themselves and maybe they take a break. when he reiterated that, the markets rebounded, they're resilient, up a couple percent. maria: 500 points yesterday.
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>> unbelievable. where does that put us? if you look at inflation, last week the cpi was higher, ppi was double than exacted, came in at 0.6, they thought 08.3. inflation is going the other way. if you bring up an inflation chart, cpi, pce, it's heading one ya--up wards, not down. i think we'll get hotter than expected inflation with the pce number, maybe 10 basis points. i don't think that's going to dislodge the narrative of the fed reassuring the investors and the american consumer that we're going to start cutting. maria: you are expecting the rate cuts to come even though mark and i keep saying it's out ray you just to think six cuts, then three cuts, waller last night saying no rush to cut rates at all. >> if you look what happened, i mean, we're relying on the fed and the fed has historically got it wrong. if you remember during a little thing called covid, when are they they -- inflation was through the roof.
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we're printing money left and right, being fiscally i irresponsible. i don't think we're going to get three. i'm of the belief that we'll probably get two. maria: let's talk about what's working now. tech was working for a while. i think we had a pivot on tech. healthcare is working particularly companies that have the weight loss drugs. ozempic could be manufactured for less than $5 a month. the drug maker charges close to $1,000 a month for that injection because insurance. you say the hype of the ozempic, the a.i., federal reserve cuts are moving stocks right now. is it just hype? >> no. glp-1s are without a doubt a game changer. i've been into biohacking and anti-aging and longevity for over a decade. all the research i've done personally, the number one with cause of pretty much every health issue under the sun, whether it's cancer, diabetes, heart problems problems, alzhe,
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it's inflation, it's caused by insulin resistance, high glucose. look at what the glp-1 drugs are doing, it's very powerful. when you look at these -- the drug makers, eli lilly, know voe said it in the past, there's not a lot of moat around the products. i did a quick google search. i can get this delivered to my door for 270 bucks. there's compounding pharmacies around the country. you don't know what you're getting, you don't know the quality, so it's your own risk but there are other options out there. that's one of my concerns. you look at the wide ranging impact. i mean, you look at a company like beck and dickinson, the world's largest syringe maker, that company should benefit. look at junk food companies like
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krispy kremes, these companies are struggling. it's not just big f f be pharma, there's big impact from the. maria: these stocks have legs. >> without a doubt. i'm concerned about just playing it through the drug makers. i think looking at the derivative, ancillary plays, pight be the best risk reward you can search for. maria: the market rally has been narrow. we've been waiting to see a broadening out. i've been expecting a bid for small cap stocks for a while. is it happening? >> small caps are interest rate sensitive. i believe as they start cutting, as we approach june, a 70% chance, we'll get more of an inflow into the small tech stocks. earlier this year they had a golden cross. when the 0 days crosses over to the 200 day moving average, it's a matter of time.
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once they start cutting. it's not going to be the top heavy magnificent seven that lead the market. it will be a stock market eventually. but right now it's still top heavy. maria: mario, great to get your insights. thank you so much. have a blessed easter to you when we come back, more bad moves from the biden family, florida congresswoman anna paulina luna is here on her take of un00 ski hunter biden skippif his hearing yesterday. wait until you hear where the impeachment investigation stands today. stay with us. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for...
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maria: welcome back. hunter biden skipping his own court hearing had in los angeles yesterday. his lawyers asking the judge to throw out nine tax related charges, claiming they are politically motivated. special council david weiss was in the courtroom accusing hunter of dodging more than a million dollars in tax returns. the judge was skeptical of the argument, saying there doesn't seem to be evidence that public pressure from republicans influenced the prosecution's decisions, a ruling planned for april 17, if this case proceeds. hunter is facing two separate criminal trials in june, the other on the three gun charges brought in delaware. joining me is florida congresswoman, anna paulina luna.
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congresswoman, thank you for being here today. what can you tell us about the oversight's investigation into influence peddling and hunter biden's role in it? >> well, as you can see right now we know that hunter is not going to want to show up. i'm hearing the next step is issuing a subpoena to hunter biden. but i always find it interesting with this argument because we know for a fact that this administration has been using their appointees the shut down any investigations into hunter biden and his business dealings tied to his father. we know in august '21 when the whistleblowers came forward to investigate hunter biden they were approached by the cia and kevin morris was told he can't testify as a witness. we know this has been ongoing. maria: do you feel you're going to be able to push this through and finish this investigation? james comer told us about stonewalling, about how the doj is not cooperating with subpoenas or asks for information. >> i think that if comer and
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jordan decide to is issue subp, we could complete this. they have to be willing to do it. if the individuals don't show up, we can hold them in contempt. they have to issue the subpoenas and have to want to bring forth contempts. maria: cha chairman comer tole he will be issuing criminal referrals. they refer to criminality potential and go to the doj. will the doj do anything with criminal referrals? >> i don't think the doj will. there's another avenue we have as congress, it's a different type of contempt. we have that as an ability to do so. i would advise chairman comer that's another alternative. like you mentioned, i don't have faith in the doj and i'm in congress. maria: let me ask you about what's happening in florida, federal investigators in florida looking into transactions linked to president biden's brother, james biden. this part of that criminal investigation into the failed
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healthcare company, americor. the fed's probing and effort by james biden and business partners to land middle eastern investments, officials seeking information about james biden, investigating a medicare fraud linked to amayor core. we read about -- americor. we read about the agreement that james biden had with americor and the contract looks similar to the contract they were putting together for hunter biden's partners and a cefc, the chinese energy company. very similar ideas where joe biden will get equity, joe biden will perhaps get a seat on the board at some point. your thoughts on that americor investigation and james biden's role in using the biden name to say he's going to easily get money for middle eastern investors for americor. >> we've known for a while this is how this family operates. in my opinion hunter biden was absolutely a part of tying this
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together. it's been interesting because every time we bring forward this evidence and put this out there to the mainstream media they don't want to pick up on it because they continue to he deny joe biden's involvement in all this but we have the transactions from these banks, representative byron donalds did a wonderful job in one of the testimonies last week presenting the evidence and the fact they are all tied together and we know the family was benefiting not just from china but from other adversary as well. maria: it doesn't appear you've got all the members in the republican party on board with this investigation. look what's going on with so many people stepping down. ken buck, mike gallagher. georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene told me on sunday morning futures that she thinks the house should expel the wisconsin congressman mike gallagher before his planned resignation next month because if he leaves on the schedule that he wants to leave, you won't be able to have a special election. if he leaves now, gallagher's district could select a new representative before november's
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election. tennessee congressman tim burchett talked about gallagher's decision to leave when he wants to leave and eliminating any chance for a special l ex. here -- special election. here's tim burchett with me yesterday. it feels like some of your colleagues are saying screw you, i'm out of here. >> that's exactly what they're saying. i would hope mike would immediately resign, because if he's going to leave we could immediately have a special election. so i hope there's no skulldugery afoot. this looks bad. maria: do you think this is his retaliation against you and your quote, unquote, squad who fired kevin mccarthy. >> i heard that. i hope not. he got his bill across the line and then he's gone. so it's just very unfortunate. this is putting us in a horrible, horrible position. maria: so congresswoman, is that intentional, put the house in a horrible position after mike gallagher leaves yours going to hang onto the majority by a hair, one vote.
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>> i agree with representative burchett. i heard there's personal issues with representative gallagher so we're praying for him. what i will say is that the timing could not be worse and i agree, if he waits, that we will essentially not be able to fill that seat so i would publicly ask for him to do the right thing and step down early. we do not have the votes for expulsion, as you know. expulsion vote requires two thirds of congress. the democrats are hoping the seat remains open. if it does, it essentially will put us in a bad predictment so we're hoping he does the right thing and steps down early. maria: my sources tell me he's got a job with palentier, peter teal's company. they have lots of government business. i'm sure if he want t -- if he d to go at a different time, they would have the job for him. ken buck wants to apparently go and become a person on tv, talking about the election. he's leaving early. mike gallagher is leaving, leaving the house with no efforts to have a special
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election to represent his district so they lose the vote. >> this is not new, members of congress kind of departing early. what is new is members of congress departing when we're so divided at a time when there was so much upheaval domestically and internationally and so congresswoman, i think to that point, obviously, look, in the history of the country we only basically expelled 20 people. we're looking at having two people potentially expelled in the last 12 months. is there perhaps a better or more effective way to compel the congressman who for all intents and purposes many believe is a good man to simply say in service of country and in service of the district that you serve, please step aside sooner so they don't have to go for this extended period of time without representation. >> i believe that those talks are likely already in place. i'm hoping to call myself to see if i can have any influence on that decision. but what i will say is that
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earlier last week we had a newsweek article come out with ken buck saying others were going to he resign and we're heahearing two more may resign. i think this might be a little bit in retaliation of what's happened earlier this year but what i will say is this. you know, we are really the only thing standing in between whatever's left in the biden administration to help the american people so if we lose the majority, if we have people doing this for self instead of service, we're in pretty bad shape. so i'm making a public call to ask representative gallagher please don't leave at the predicted time, please resign now so we can bill that but again it's been very upsetting to see and what i will say i agree, i think palenteir can wait. what representative buck had done especially to another member of congress, potentially hamstringing a representative's election, i asked him to leave
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the freedom caucus and as a result of that he was expelled from the freedom caucus. we have a code of honor here and as a result of that if you can't live by that code of honor, then you don't deserve the title. maria: was it all worth it? was it worth the drama that has gone on in congress, taking down kevin mccarthy for doing a deal with democrats and here you are in the same exact spot, mike john son had to do a deal with democrats, we we still have $35 trillion in debt, still on nancy pelosi's budget and you have people retaliating for taking down kevin mccarthy like mike gallagher leaving so you have no representation in the district in wisconsin. >> i think there were pre-existing issues they he predated my time in congress that led to what happened with representative mccarthy. what i will say is this. we're elected to represent our district and our people. what is finding is a loyalty to an individual, not necessarily the district and i think people forget that and so what i'm hoping is that motion to vacate does not get called out because
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as you know it's one of those things that just because it's filed doesn't necessarily mean it's going to go to the floor but i would also call on our speaker, representative mike johnson, to find his inner maga mind and stop what he's doing. he's third in line to the presidency so he can stop this craziness. maria: congresswoman, it's good to see you. quick break and then xi jinping tells american ceos in beijing they need to invest more money in china despite new national security laws which undermine foreign businesses. heritage foundation, heritage action president kevin roberts is here weighing in on the communist leader claiming the economy there has not peaked. you're watching "mornings with maria." stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. two bodies recovered from the river after the francis scott key bridge collapsed. cheryl casone with more on the morning's recovery efforts. cheryl. >> that is right, maria. police divers discovering the two victims in a red pickup truck submerged under 25 feet of water. they were two of the eight construction workers who were filling potholes on the bridge when it crumbled. data from the cargo ship's black box is shedding light on the moments before impact. it confirms multiple alarms went off after the ship lost power. the crew called for assistance from a tug boat before the collision but it was too late. the head of the national transportation board says there appears to be a sheen on the
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water's surface and containers with hazardous materials inside the crashed cargo ship. >> 56 containers of hazardous materials, that's 764 tons of hazardous materials, mostly core corrosives and flammable including lithium-ion b batteri. >> personnel is being sent to baltimore to help with the cleanup. they helped safely remove and demolish part of a bridge in new york, they're heading to baltimore. they're going to refloat and remove the vessel. contributes are pouring in for former connecticut senator joe joelieberman who died yesterday
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after complications from a fall at his home. he ran for vice president back in 2000. his former running mate, al gore, paid tribute calling him a gifted leader whose affable personality and strong will made him a force to be reckoned with. he was a founder of the group called no labels. they called him a deeply principled leader who believed public service was a privilege and dedicated his life to the betterment of others. his funeral is tomorrow. a memorial service will be held at a later date. he is survived by his wife and three children. joe lieberman, 82 years old. the walt disney corporation reached a settlement with florida and governor ron desantis, settles a lawsuit over who controls the district that encompasses the disney world resort. disney and disney world are part
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of the district, the spokesman for governor desantis saying this, quote, no corporation should be its own government, moving forward we stand ready to work with disney and the district to help promote economic growth. family friendly tourism and accountable government in central florida. this two year battle began on the heels of disney's criticism of florida's parental rights in education act which critics at the time called the don't say gay bill. that prompted desantis to revoke disney's tax district controlled special privileges. there's more news out of florida, guys. finally, governor desantis is vowing to put an end to squaters squaterssigning an anti-squattil into new york. >> what new york does, florida will do the opposite. you call up, fill out a form, sheriff comes, the sheriff kicks
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them out of your property. if we don't have private property rights, we won't have a free society. >> the squatter will be asked to immediately leave and another felony, advertising sale or rent without ownership of said property. leave it to florida, maria, to do something that california seems incapable of doing right now. maria: why can't we do this on a national level? it is obviously the right thing to do. good for governor desantis. >> ask the property owners in florida feel right now, had 24 feel protected. maria: why do we h squatter las that allow strangers to come and take over your home. >> it's a constitutional right that property should not be unjustly taken without due process. why are we protecting squaters that are stealing property from the rightful property owners. maria: joe biden could learn a thing or to from governor goverr
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governdesantis. >> john lock said private property is one of the most sacred underpinnings of american society. the fact we have to pass legislation to make sure they're ousted if they're invading a home, it's absurd. >> it's fairness. this election comes down to fairness. the people who do things the right way ge get penalized. the party that taps into this message will see great results. >> national elections, there are local elections, get out and vote in local elections. maria: the democrats want illegals to be part of that. cheryl, thank you. chinese president xi jinping meeting with american ceos in beijing yesterday, telling these ceos the chinese economy is quote, sound and sustainable. the ceos of qualcomm, blackstone, fed ex, among others, all in aten donees. there's a group of people, chub
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ceo also. the wall street journal editorial board out with this, we hope these business leaders understand that mr. xi's promises are not worth much, he and the party can turn in a minute if it suits their political interests, his assurances won't stop china's continuing attempts to steal u.s. business and government secrets. joining me now is heritage foundation president, kevin roberts. thank you for being here. we see the american ceos going to kiss the ring of xi jinping so they can sell their products for 1.4 billion people regardless of the national security he threat. >> it's true. i have to you applaud the wall street journal for understanding the american nation state, national security is far more important of than concerns about the market in china, maria. so all of that to say, wouldn't it be nice for us to wake up in america tomorrow and realize that fortune 100 companies ceos are actually much more interested in america's interest and in american's interests than
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in the interest of xi jinping. maria: it's really disappointing to see this continuing after the national security threats are obvious. i want to get your take on what's going on with president trump because now apparently he's risking a violation of a gag order in the hush money case, he's demanding that the judge recuse himself for having ties to the democrat campaigns. the judge previously admitted to donating to president biden's 2020 campaign. trump posted this on truth social saying the judge's daughter shared a photo of him behind bars which he claims makes it impossible for him to get a fair trial. your reaction? >> our reaction is to put politics off to the side you which with is to say regardless of what someone thinks president trump, i happen to think he's terrific and look forward to him having a second term but let's say someone doesn't like president trump politically, i speak as a historian, i can't think of another time in american history when another american, let alone a former president has been treated this way. think about the violation of
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theth imtheeighth amendment wite latisha james case, the weaponization of our judicial system, all americans need to understand regardless of what their plans are voting for president trump or not, if that was happen to him, it can happen to he anyone of us. it's time for us to stand up not just on his behalf but for standing up to what we believe in. maria: what about censoring trump? trump was saying something at a microphone and msnbc and cnn pulled out of it, we're not going to show you was the former president is saying. >> i was thinking about that this morning. it reminds me when i was in the classroom teaching george orwell, we live in orwelian america today, where the mainstream media -- not you and your colleagues at fox business or fox, the mainstream media otherwise they do filter what we know, what we learned and it's
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all the more important for americans to really be dialed in, sort of like what cheryl said, just a minute ago. not just about national elections but about local election as well. that's really where we're going to be able to take back this country. maria: i know. the local election as we just discussed, they're being threatened by illegal voting. you know, i mean, look, now we know what the point of this wide open border is. look at all of the stories where you've got efforts to have illegals vote and then look at merrick garland, the ag, saying he's going to vow to fight voter id laws. why? >> well, the whole point as you and i have talked about for the last few years is to reorder america. by that, to allow these 10 million illegal aliens not just to vote in our elections but to live off the dole of our generous safety net programs, on your back, my back, the backs of your audience. i'm always going to point back to some hopefulness. americans have taken note of
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this. as i talk to everyday americans, they know what's at stake. i'm hopeful that at the national level, the state level, local elections, americans are going to you draw a line in the sand and say they've had enough. maria: you mentioned the biden agenda, more out-of-control spending from washington. president biden signed a 1 and a quarter trillion dollar spending bill last week. in it is a defense spending that is declining in terms of inflation. joe pinion, jump in here. that's just one part of the agenda. >> kevin, you look at budget. democrats said for years budgets are moral documents. i think people are starting to catch on. nothing we need to prioritize seems to be getting prioritized. we're not holding the chinese communist party available for bank rolling the chaos around the world. from your perspective, from the heritage foundation perspective, how do we refocus american priorities around the fact that china right now is the tip of
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the spear for everything from gaza to ukraine to russia? >> it's urgent that we refocus priorities as you say, joe and the only thing that's going to change the trajectory that we're on in terms of spending and politics is for the republican leadership in the house, including and especially my friend, speaker mike johnson, to stop acquiescing to biden and to what the swamp wants them to do and instead to draw a line in the sand. to say i've had enough and i don't care what the political consultants and pollsters are telling me about losing five points in the generic ballot. i want to save this country and ultimately that's what it's going to take. maria: it's incredible that everybody who goes in there has to continue the spending of the democrat party. and no security at the border. stunning, actually. kevin, thank you for weighing in on all of that. >> thanks for having me. maria: kevin roberts joining
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us. quick break. later today we will learn how sam bankman-fried, how long he will spend behind bars. kelly o'grady is live from new yonewyork city district court ts morning. >> reporter: sam bankman-fried is facing up to 110 years in prison. the prosecution wants 40 to 50, the defense, just five to six and-a-half. i'll break down how the judge will think about it and what to expect today. that's next. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust.
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maria: welcome back. today time for the morning buzz. today ftx founder sam bankman-fried will find out how long he'll spend behind bars after his conviction on fraud and conspiracy charges. kelly o'grady is outside the courthouse this morning with more. kelly. >> reporter: good morning, maria. that's right, sam bankman-fried was convicted in just over four hours. today we'll find out what the rest of his life likely looks like. the judge will presented with bridging the gap between what the prosecution and the defense is seeking. just for context, bankman-fried faces up to 110 years in prison after convicted on seven coipts on fraud and conspiracy, was found guilty of stealing over 10 billion in funds, spent it on
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mansions and political donations. the prosecution are looking for 40 to 50 years, the defense t te seeking five to six and-a-half. they argue there was no harm done to victims as the bankruptcy process is expected to return the money. the defense is highlighting highlightneurological strugglesh could make prison difficult to him. they say it adopts a medieval view of punishment to get what amounts to a death in prison punishment. they ignore his condition and vulnerabilities. the prosecution pushed back on the no harm argument, underscored customers will be repaid in the value they lost as of november 2022. the price of bitcoin is over four times what it was when ftx collapsed. the victims haven't seen the money yet. i read dozens of letters of support highlighting the extreme mental health challenges coming out of this for them. the sentencing hearing kicks off
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at 9:30 today. we expect to hear from victims and supporters. most folks i'm talking to are expecting 20 years. he's young. there's a possibility for rehabilitation. but this is the first major criminal crypto case. part of the sentencing goal will be to send a message to the rest of the industry. maria: for sure. thank you. kelly o'grady in new york city. mark, what's your take. >> it's good news. it sounds like the victims might be made hole. whole.we don't know yet. a crime's a crime. if you're found gil ticks you've got to do time. five to six years would be a slap in the nice all of these victims. 50 to 60 -- 40 to 50 of may not happen but i think to kelly's point, about 20 probably being the likely outcome, i think that sounds to be kind of right on. maria: the impact, the fraud caused. >> without a doubt. maria: what do you think? >> ask the everyday people who gave money to bernie madoff if they think had were made whole.
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that's not the case. i will say to juxtapose what's happening in new york city. president trump is about to go on trial for $130,000 payment to stormy daniels to make sure his spouse did not find out about infidelity and the da in new york city has determined he should probably go to prison for up to 40 years for that. the department of justice has not decided -- has basically decided they're not going to prosecute sbf for what he did with ala m meda, sending ten the of millions of dollars to the democratic party and what they have said is, it's not in the interest of justice. so again, if you want to know why people have a crisis of confidence to quote jimmy carter in what's happening in america today, it's because justice has gone off the rails. fairness doesn't p seem to exist anymore. and what they have done to trump and what they ignore across the country is a real problem for everybody. maria: what a great point you make. you're right. we'll come back and talk more
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about this. former presidents barack obama and bill clinton expected to take the stage tonight in new york city with joe biden, the star studded biden fund raise r fund fundraiser isthe hot topict on the other side of this praying. youyou're watching "mornings wih maria." stay with us. ♪
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