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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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ura. if you are interested believe what you and larry fink are saying, small nuclear energy plants are really a possibility here. we're getting the pce on friday. okay, folks for those that don't know, this is the personal consumption expenditure, expecting to be hotter than expected or less? >> we had a series of a little bit hotter numbers that they're comfortable with, anything other than a blowout is sort of a comfortable number for the fed. they want to cut. they're hoping they get the data that allows them to do so. [closing bell rings] liz: i got to tell you, rick, thank you. it looks like we have a record close for the s&p 500, the 21st record close for the index this year. we will see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. amnesty, green cards for everyone that is the new biden strategy at the border. mike lee. the dow up 460 point. we'll report on that. trump media, my new favorite stock up 13% today, people all over the country supporting mr. trump's quest for a second term. our on jesse watters on his new book, get it together. the details how the lefts suffers from personality disorders and mental health problems. former fed head governor kevin warsh, why the fed need not cut interest rates. looks like nbc hates conservatives you know that, but they have to pay ronna mcdaniel 600 grand for one appearance. nice work if you can get it. we'll talk about it with chris bedford, alex marlow, "breitbart"'s alex marlowe. newt gingrich later in the show to tell us why joe biden is selling out israel.
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first off, edward lawrence with the latest tidbits from the white house briefing. edward, what you got. >> reporter: they're focused on the bridge collapse. maryland is in the recovery mode looking for six victims missing in the collapse. today in the briefing, transportation secretary pete buttigieg was in the white house briefing today to assure, reassure americans the administration will pay up front to replace the frances scott key bridge in baltimore t will take time but it is faster than the five years it took to build the bridge in the '70s. the secretary saying it will be a lot faster to reopen the port itself, possibly less than a year. the major issue part of the bridge is on the bow of the ship, pushed the ship, resting it on the bottom of baltimore harbor. crews have to remove the bridge and refloat the container ship, that weigh 200 million-pounds more than the weight of the washington monument. at the end of this we could see operational changes. >> what kind of changes will we
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see in the port? tug escorts for bridges like this? would that make a difference? >> for us again, i think it is too soon toe speculate any design feature or other practice would make a difference but that is the kind of thing ntsb does and do it well at the end of their investigation. >> reporter: so on israel here the white house says the israelis will reschedule a delegation to talk about any operations with rauf fa. the president publicly discouraging military operations there while the united states allowing the u.n. to pass a resolution calling for a cease-fire without condemning hamas. this decision comes at a time that president biden needs to win back voters in key battleground states. >> let me be very clear it is not about politics. it is not. the president does not lead the national security or things the right thing to do in this sense, getting that hostage deal, making sure hostages come home including as i said over and
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over again american hostages getting that humanitarian aid into gaza and making sure we believe that would lead to a cease-fire. >> reporter: still the president has been focused on his poll numbers and re-election. he and the vice president announced effort to boost applicants for student loan forgiveness. the president forgave so far $144 billion in debt. allowing or affecting four million people using taxpayer money. the biden-harris ticket needs younger votes. that might be why the president tomorrow will be campaigning with former presidents bill clinton and barack obama. charisma rubbing off of them specifically with those younger voters, larry. larry: they will be across the street from here actually. edward lawrence let me ask you one or two things. look the tragedy, tragedy of the baltimore bridge and harbor is the lost souls. it looks pretty bad right now, okay. having said that i thought janet yellen said today that the federal government wouldn't pay or cover all the charges.
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there would be insurance. now i thought your report or i thought somebody said that buttigieg said that uncle sam was going to pay for everything. which is it? >> reporter: so it is probably a combination of both, possibly could be some liability on the company that owns it. the government will pay up front. pete buttigieg says that there is an emergency fund under the bipartisan infrastructure bill that will pay up front regardless. on the back end they will see if insurance will cover any of it as well as any liability from the company that owns the ship. larry: i got it. edward lawrence, thank you ever so much. we appreciate the run down as always. joining me senator mike lee from the great state of utah. senator lee, welcome. one of the quickies that came up in the press briefing today from our own edward lawrence is the student loans. more money paid out for student loans. i'm sure this has nothing to do with election year vote buying, but mike lee, you're an
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attorney. what, what about, what in the english language does joe biden not understand? the supreme court has said you do not have the authority to do this. he keeps on doing it. can you just help me out on this? it is in our native tongue. he speaks it i think. i know you speak it. i certainly hope i speak it. what don't they understand, senator lee? >> look, supreme court has said it. nancy pelosi has said it. the rest of us acknowledge it. the president of the united states doesn't have the authority unilaterally to go around canceling this many loans, once just at the stroke of the executive pen. and yet he defiantly persists, insisting that he will find ways to do what he already has been toll he may not do under the law. this is someone, who yes, perhaps is motivated as you astutely suggest by election year politics. larry: ah. >> but ironically this could end
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up backfiring on him and it should backfire on him because this is lawless behavior. this is the sort of thing that should cause us all pause, not to elect any leader willing to defy the law like this. larry: yeah. joe, go figure. nothing to do with election politics. it probably will backfire because he is basically asking 70% of the people that didn't get the loans to pay for 30% who did, and 30% who did, do tend to come from the wealthier families and wealthier colleges on the two coasts it may not be so politically astute. good point, senator. can i ask you something else not in our edward lawrence's briefing but the biden dni, national intelligence director, they want to make a change, speaking of the english language, senator lee. no more use of the phrase radical islamist, and no more use of the phrase jihadist because we might offend somebody. i think we would probably offend
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radical islamists and jihadists but actually i i want to offend radical islamists and jihadists. what do you think about this? why would the dni make such a change? >> well first of all i would be curious to know what term or terms they would suggest that we use in place of those phrases because those are terms of art. they are terms of art people have come to understand. if you just take them away without everring anything in their place how are we going to describe those very same things? as far as not wanting to offend anyone. i understand the impulse, we try not use terminology that is needlessly offensive. those are descriptive terms. if they take those away, number one they need to explain why those are offensive. number two, they need another terminology that is offensive and not take their word they
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don't want to offend. larry: i want to offend radical is lamists that want to destroy us. i want to offend radical, in other words, make my day. do we call them sweetheart, honey bun? >> like the parent who doesn't want his kids to play cops an robbers. calling them to call the game law enforcement officials and alleged perpetrators. this is ridiculous. we're creating these cumbersome workarounds through the english language to describe the same thing while not describing the same thing well. larry: good point. you're on the warpath, and i think rightly so, this customs and border patrol phone app that gets illegals into airplanes bypassing the tsa. now that is, speaking of radical islamists, we know tears have terrorists have come into the country, we know some are flying into the country.
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we had senator hagerty on set he didn't want any federal funds going into the airplanes. you want to stop the app that automatically putting them on the dsa on the to the plane into the interior of country, can you stop this practice? >> we can stop it, we must. cory alvarez, 26-year-old haitian national was charged last week raping a disabled child in massachusetts. he came here through the cpb-1 app. he flew directly to the united states from haiti. so i have introduced a bill called the valid act would end this practice t would end the practice allowing people to use the cpb 1 app while flying from one destation to another. it would prohibit use of international flights, coming from international origin flying into the united states if the i.d. they require and deem sufficient is the bp one app. all the cbp one apdoes my name
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is bob smith, whatever your name is. you show them on the screen, see i can board this airplane. that's ridiculous. the american people can't do that, not when they fly internationally. not when they fly domestically. we shouldn't be giving privileges to illegal aliens that are denied every single day to american citizens. i introduced the valid act that would prohibit that from happening. last week we voted on an amendment to the spending bill, minibus late friday. every republican senator supported it, every democrat voted against it, just like bill hagerty's amendment, end flights that the u.s. government is paying people to fly from one u.s. origin to any place in the u.s. at government expense. larry: more open border policy, whatever biden and company say, more open border policy. i don't want to make it any hotter than it is. you're describing that.
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bill hagerty was exactly right. senator, we don't usually go to you for stock market wisdom. today was a fabulous day in the dow jones. my new favorite stock is something called trump media which is the darling of the market for the last three days. i have three questions for you, what do you make of this phenomenon? it has been tremendous increasing mr. trump's net worth. look at this thing is up $8.23 today. how much is that, i can't read it, but i think it is 19%. anyway probably leading the whole market higher. it will fortify him against all these little juvenile delinquent corrupt prosecutors here in new york and elsewhere. what do you make of the success of trump media and, sir, i got to ask you, have you bought your shares of trump media? >> you know i haven't, i haven't but i do have to say this, when you look at the lawfare being waged against president trump, i think this shows much to the chagrin of the left and those
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trying to take the president down, as horrible as those tactics have been, they have not worked and to a significant degree they have backfired, backfired on him politically as he is only become more popular since they have been doing this. and it backfired on him financially with developments like this one today. so on the one hand the left has got to stop this and at the same time it is satisfying to note that their efforts are failing and backfiring badly on the people who want to destroy us. this is wrong. and it must end. larry: part of this is sort of cool to me, really cool to me. after all, you got all these little juveniles in new york. so they're busting him up. it is a crazy excessive fine, should be stopped under the eighth amendment as you probably know. they're charging him 450 or $500 million. he goes, okay, fine, i am selling stock that will give me six billion dollars. there is part of me that really loves that, senator lee. you have to forgive me on it. that crowd is so vindictive.
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i love this. it is like fighting fire with fire. fine you want to add 450 million -- right, i'm going to six billion. that has got to be enough. not even that crowd can go to six billion in their silly excessive fines which should be overturned by the eighth amendment. you're a constitutional scholar, right? excessive fine clause of the eighth amendment should put an end to all of this nonsense. >> if ever there were a fine that can be fairly described excessive in the terms of the eighth amendment it is this one. the fact it is excessive on every ground imaginable except one. the only ground which it is not excessive is the one where they're just trying to take a cheap political shot at him to scare people out of supporting trump and to scare donald trump out of running for president of the united states. this is wrong. it has to be called out on it. i really do think it will have an impact, an adverse impact on new york. who will want to do business there after this? larry: no. >> if this is the price one pays, if one gets on the wrong side of someone politically in
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new york, nobody will want to set up shop there if they can possibly avoid it. larry: all right, senator mike lee, we appreciate you spending all this time with us. you're wonderful, very generous and gracious, and sir, if you need a stockbroker to buy that trump stock, i will text one of your deputies to help you out on it. mike lee, thank you ever so much. >> thank you. larry: take care. folks our own jesse watters coming right here on set, talking about his new book, "get it together." it is very cooled. he interviewed all these radical woke lefties show that they suffer from personality disorders, mental health problems and the like. stick with "kudlow." you will like this one. sell some books for jesse watters. my ♪. mt be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more.
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larry: we're going to try to sell some books. it will not be easy. no, it will not be hard. jesse watters, had his h his new book, "get it together," trouble tales from the radical fringe. i don't want to give the book away. >> thanks, larry. larry: a terrific book. it is a great idea. let's start, you interviewed all these radicals. >> two dozen radicals.
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i listened to their life stories for hours and it was difficult, larry. i know you don't suffer fools but i did for you. when i found out when they confessed everything, these are hilarious stories about their lives, you understand why they believe what they believe. a lot of this stuff is not based on reason. it is based on emotion, whether it is they have a daddy issue, a revenge fantasy, this is why they want to topple a stat or why they wanted to open prisons and legalize drugs. it has nothing to do with policy. it is their personal disorders and they're trying to project them on the rest of the country and the rest of the country has to say get it together. we don't say that anymore. we're afraid. we have to say no, knock it off. larry: you list a lot of issues here. personality disorders, dysfunctional childhoods, absentee dads, abusive moms, mental health problems, and it's incredible.
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i mean are you getting any negative feedback? are people arguing back, fighting back, that you're oversimplifying or -- >> we actually invited some of the people that did this book with me to come on "jesse watters primetime" and in our get it together series, the person who wants to legalize prostitution, ecosexual. i know you don't know what the ecosection all is, larry. this is a woman sexually aroused by the environment. if you beat her with a tree branch she enjoys it. so i said you're in a relationship with mother earth. does this make you a lesbian? larry, i don't see mother earth as mother. i see mother earth as a lover. so these people came back on the show. it is the business channel. you can get away with it. larry: [laughter]. that is really, really wild. so okay, and they came to you, in other words, you invited them on, they were happy to sit down,
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tell you their life story, you're taking notes and hearing the personality disorders or mental health problems? >> we're not exploiting people. we're silently judging them but we're listening. these are in graphic detail people confessing their deepest, darkest secrets to me and it explains their ideology. that their ideology is not based on reading john locke. it is based on situations they had growing up and then not healing, then projecting -- larry: we're a business show. milton friedman. frederick hayak. >> better analogy. larry: something like that, free-market capitalism. i just find it kind of incredible that they would tell their stories to you and not be offended by this? >> i still wonder why people on the fringe open their hearts to me of all people, larry, jesse watters. if you tell your life story to anybody would it be me if you're
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a democrat? larry: no. >> no. larry: i would tell you my life story. >> larry i would definitely need a drink. larry: you have to be caffeinated. >> but you were able to over come your situation. many people here are stuck and you have people who are 40, 50 years old, that are trying to empty the prisons, open the borders, legalize drugs and prostitution and you got to get to people early because when you wait until they are 30, 40, 50, you can't argue with those people. you have to start when they're young. that's what i'm doing, larry. we're going to change the world together, me and you. larry: i love that. i think it is an interesting approach and i think it is interesting that they came to you, that they talked to you openly. you're not quoting names in the book? >> some of the names we had to change for legal reasons. larry: fictionalize. >> right. many people have their names, the voodoo priestess for instance, actually did a healing for donald trump's brother. she tells that story in the
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book. the woman who has emotional support squirrel, took it on a plane was arrested. we leave their names in there. they are proud of that. >> jesse, what gave you the idea to do this? >> money. i wanted to sell books, larry, and that's why i'm on the number one show on fox business. larry: but there could be another way to sell -- your other books sold very well it did. >> yes it did. thank you for reminding the audience. you can have not only get it together but "how i saved the world." >> i'm an impoverished business host. we don't make what you big fnc bigshots. >> i see your cufflinks, larry. they're worth more than my entire wardrobe. when i used to go out for the factor we used to interview people. i only have a couple minutes with them. larry: "watters' world." >> i wanted to spend a little time to find the yes, the why is here. get it together. we understand why the people believe when they believe. larry: we love selling books, selling good books.
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jesse watters, thank you very much. >> thank you. larry: "get it together" out on one of the famous websites. personality disorders explain the radicals. in my heart i know you're right. >> you're right. larry: coming up, big day on wall street. stocks were up 470 points including my new favorite stock. it is called trump media. we report, you skied. former fed governor kevin warsh on why the fed doesn't need to cut interest rates, certainly not to juice the economy during the election. why does nbc hate conservatives? why does karine jean-pierre hang up on radio talk show hosts? why does rfk, jr. hire a george soros, alvin bragg, anti-cop running mate? you stay right here, carefully watch and listen to this show. watch and listen to this show. you will hear chris bedford and. jesse watters, "get it together"
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♪. larry: a big day on wall street, stocks up 470 points including my favorite stock, trump media. anyway, gerri willis will have ideas of her own she details the rally. >> reporter: all three major averages finished the green. let's take a look at those numbers for a second. 477 points on the dow, the s&p higher by 44 point, the nasdaq up 83. value stocks lifting both the dow and the s&p as investors snap up defensive plays ahead of friday's pce price index report. a.i. stocks like nvidia traded lower today and you can see these numbers here. markets are trying to gauge the fed's path on interest rates ahead of the federal reserve chairman's comments on monetary policy set for friday. treasury yields edged down ahead of those comments for the second day with the 10-year dropping
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below 4.2% to a two week low. meanwhile futures markets are pricing in a 70% chance of a rate cut in june. after a tell door day on tuesday, shares of trump media surging up 17% today as retail investors continue to pile into the stock controlled by the former president. the truth social network has become a way for regular investors to make a bet on trump weathering the political challenges he faces. as one trader put it to me. how else can you invest in the trump name? larry: very good, gerri, well-said. very interesting point. appreciate it so much let's continue this conversation with the best of the best, kevin warsh, former federal reserve governor, distinguished fellow at the hoof have you ever institution. kevin, just on that point what gerri willis just said, you have got, and it has been reported in "the wall street journal," you have a lot of smaller investors buying trump's stock. this is a real retail story and
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i think it is a way of showing support for him? >> so i think, a piece of that but the broader markets are telling a similar story. the federal reserve in spite of inflation that is running well above their target says that they're going to be the first central bank in modern history to cut-rates into a melt-up in stock prices. it is hard to find much of a historical precedent for it. the economy is reaccelerating. even last week the fed chairman said that they have got three cuts coming. there is very little historical experience with it. no surprise that financial market participants say the fed's got my back. larry: you've got, i mean, i don't see any reason for the fed to cut interest rates. they will be accused of juicing the economy to reelect joe biden. i don't think they want to put themselves in that pickle. you have got people like chris waller, rafael bostic, smart guys who are saying not so fast, not so fast. what is the reason to cut-rates
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here? you have a stock market going right through it. profits are doing very well. profits are the mother's milk of stock. we have the commodities chart, if we put up the crb chart. actually the crb is roaring in the last three months. that could be and inflation signal. why are they going to cut rates? >> it is not obvious to me, larry. they are obviously trying to solve the big inflation error they made several years ago by trying to nail a perfect landing. working americans living off their income as inflation moved back up, as they show some evidence last month, taking risks with those people making people with large balance sheets richer so it is hard. if you push me why it is they have a faulty map and likelihood a faulty compass. i don't think they have a real framework what is driving inflation. what you and i know america's inflation problem isn't because americans are working too hard or earning too much or living
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too well. it is because the government is printing too much. the government is spending too much, debt financing too much and that's the core of this inflation problem and it's not going away. larry: we have had periodically a semiboring debate but the fed should keep the inflation target at two or should raise it at three. people want hem to raise the target tend to be from the left and they want them to goose the economy for joe biden's re-election. why should they raise the inflation target? >> so they shouldn't. i think it is a very dangerous preoccupation boone in faculty lounges that say oh if inflation target was a little higher they would have more room. larry: senate cloakrooms. >> there is i'm afraid of growing caucus for it. central bankers around the world would say no they're not doing it. if we observe their reactions, they seem more comfortable with inflation close to 3% than i wish were the case. that is dangerous stuff. we could have a economic boom in that scenario but there will be
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a very high price to pay. larry: in a perfect world what should be done right now? >> first thing i think they should do is talk a lot less. they want to cut-rates, just cut them. stop this idle speculation, stop this tease that is unmooring financial markets from the real economy and say, hey, listen we'll make an insurance cut or two and be done with it. this talking i think ties their hands in uncertain world. the globe is very uncertain. the seas are showing a lot of problem, east china sea, south china sea, the black sea, i think they would be better off to be quiet. if they come summertime they want to cut, cut, explain it away rather than this chatter every day. we'll hear from governor waller tonight but 19 people talking about how often they would cut is not good for the economy. larry: he is speaking at the economic club i think. this is oxymoron question, why can't biden stop spending? he just put out a state of the
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union and a budget that just spends and borrows and spends and borrows? that's insanity. i mean you've got unemployment down, inflation still above their target, it is, is there an end to it? will you be at the end of the budget window almost 50% of gdp. almost, i'm sorry, 150% of gdp will be from borrowing. that is insanity. >> it is insanity, but a little worse than that. it is insanity causing thighs inflation risks point one. point two, under this spending in the last few years the government is now 40% bigger than it was the day before covid. we're at a time of full employment. there will be a recession. there will be wars. there will be needs to spend money. we're taking that fiscal space and we're spending it and we're giving it up for very little benefit. in the president's budget he says that the government will be
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25% of gdp in the outyears. we have never seen that before. he also says revenue will come in at 20% of gdp we've never seen that before either. the american people tend not to give us as much money as washington thinks even when we're at full employment. larry: are you going to buy trump's stock, trump media? >> i don't buy individual securities as you know, larry. larry: we'll figure out an index. we have a one stock index maybe you will buy it. kevin warsh, everybody, former governor of the federal reserve says let's stop what we're doing and try a new regime. let's switch some gears talk some politics here. we have chris bedford, contributor at "the federalist," alex marlowe, editor-in-chief of "breitbart news," could author of "breitbart business digest" and author of, "breaking biden." gentlemen, welcome, welcome. alex marlow nbc hates conservatives. nbc is spending a lot of money
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to hate conservatives. it will cost them 600 grand for one five minute interview with ronna mcdaniel. she may sue them for defamation. this could be the beginning. they would be better off if they liked conservatives, alex marlow. you have a thought on this. >> we're having such a blast at "breitbart" with this story. this is so fun. it exposes the fascists at nbc and nbc news exactly who they are. they are totalitarians, crybaby, they can't handle ronna mcdaniel, they're so close-minded too much for them. too tall an order. we talked to ronna a couple weeks for five minutes. it is so pathetic and embarrassing reveals who they are. this is the corporate status quo, nbc comcast universal if you're a threat to the corporate line you can't speak a few minutes aday unbelievable. so fun. larry: this is like, you know, your own john carney who writes about the balkanization of social media. this is why you need a trump,
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trump media. so you have a place for conservatives to go. this is yet another example of the bias, you know of the big liberal corporate media. this is the perfect example of why trump's stock is probably doing very well. kind of a revolt of the masses. chris bedford, i doubt if you have much disagreement so i want to go on. we've got some sound, karine jean-pierre versus a radio talk show host. she is being very rude and impolite, take a listen to this. >> would you please just ask her, does the president have dementia? >> mark, i can't even believe you're asking me this question. with that, thank you so much, mark. have an amazing amazing day. >> wow. wow. larry: she hung up. she hung up, chris bedford. you know, my mother taught me not to hang up on people. it's rude. it is a terrible thing. why do you think she did that? >> probably because she has been
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so coddled. reporters in the white house who report and actually see the president on a day-to-day basis, they can tell he is adeled. they talk about it in the hallways. they admit to each other over cocktails at their fancy restaurants. of course the president is slowing down but they don't like to really ask that many questions about that. the damn has started to crack as democrats have become more and more nervous over that. she is not used to direct questions. she is also by the way maybe one of the worst white house press secretaries i've ever seen in my life or read about in history. she doesn't, normal way to react to a question like that would be just to say no. obviously not. the president does a great job. what's the next question and move on. instead she made a news item out of it. larry: that's right. alex, it is not as though -- say you're the press secretary to the president and you're going out and your working, you know, you're working the field, you're working the state the, you're working the grassroots, you're
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working the talk shows, radio talk shows, all right that's a good thing to work. you know this question is coming and all she can do is yell at him and hang up, alex? this does not sounds to me like a brilliant political ploy. >> it is funny she describes herself as historical figure. maybe chris is right, she is historical, maybe not the way she thinks of it. she is literally not used to answer questions. this is surreal thing. i wrote a book, breaking the news, we broke the it down. the media is the exact same as the democratic party establishment to the point she is literally surprised, person's job theoretically to answer questions, answer a single question, totally delike to watch. larry: totally delike. rfk, jr., kind of sort of trying to run as a centrist, a bunch of us had dinner with him. he was very gracious. then he goes out and gets, i
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guess because this woman, nicole shanahan is such a big financeer of his campaign, you know, she has a whole history of being anti-cop, anti-law and order. she is in with soros camp. she is in the alvin bragg, camp. she backed this left-wing, anti-cop district attorney in los angeles, chris bedford, i mean why did rfk, jr. do this? >> i think this shows that he is trying to really run against joe biden more. i was wondering where he was going with the independent run. initially he was running for the democratic nomination. this cements him in a way going more towards the left-wing vote. maybe a less of a threat to trump i kind of first anticipated. also she can self-fund at this point now. she is a very, very wealthy woman, especially after her divorce from google cofounder, sergey brin. she can take the money, help him
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get on the ballot, one, two, three, four, five, six states, pretty easily. that is essential to move forward for him. larry: steve chung from the trump campaign, rfk, jr. is a environmental leftist and whack job, wants to end gasoline powered engines. he is no independent, blah, blah. this is the handwriting on the wall, rfk is going to damage biden. he is not going to damage trump at all. >> i heard a rumor there was a lot of injuries from too much high-fiving at the trump campaign last night after this was announced. larry: right. >> this is, great news for trump, obviously. if you want to break down what rfk is thinking, best case scenario trying to reposition the democrat party something perhaps more legitimate than what we've been witnessing with the biden administration. more cynically this is a very rich person who court as far left base with gascon of funding. she funded joe biden in the
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past, big donor to democrats. she is an anti-law enforcement person. such an odd pick in this current climate. she has a lot of money, that's for sure. larry: chris bedford, alex marlow, thank you ever so much. coming up next newt gingrich will tell us why joe biden is walking away from israel. please stick with kudlow. remember folks, "kudlow" is available as a podcast. episodes every weekday right after our show on spotify, apple, and fox business
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bringing you the most reliable network of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. larry: so why is joe biden walking away from israel, plain and simple? let's ask newt gingrich, former house speaker, fox news contributor, author of, march to the majority. newt, my good friend, let's just start with this the u.n. resolution which says basically immediate cease-fire. no mention of returning hostages, much less the u.s. hostages or the israeli hostages. and the united states abstains, that is incredible to me. that is a turncoat, though we have forgotten who our friends are? >> well look, you have to remember, there is a long streak of anti-semitism in the state
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department going all the way back to the founding of israel when every senior state department official opposed president trump man's decision to recognize the state of israel. the fact is that there are people in washington who have a fantasy that somehow you can have a solution in which hamas, whose policy remember, is quote, not a single jew will remain, period, not a single jew. now somehow people in the state department talk themselves into believing that that can't really be what they mean. so we, let's have a cease-fire. benjamin netanyahu is exactly right, if they don't go into raw faw rafah and finish the job, if they don't in fact hunt down the last of hamas, hamas will claim victory. hamas officials have been on television already saying we should expect more attacks like october 7th and they're
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fully prepared to continue the war. well, if you don't defeat terrorists, they come back and i think that's what the big difference between the israelly viewpoint, which by the way isn't just netanyahu, overwhelmingly the israeli people believe hamas has to be destroyed. larry: you write in your "new york sun" article that biden essentially wants to turn the gaza city of rafah into a sanctuary city for hamas terrorists. he is saying do not, do not go through the bombing of rafah. do not finally annihilate hamas, turn it into a sanctuary city. it is a clever turn of the phrase, newt, but you're right, i find this beyond comprehension for an american president? >> well you also have senator schumer, you have i think 1other democratic senators who have been coming out for positions would in effect that into
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sanctuary city for terrorism. how can you tell somebody who has opponent who say not a single jew will remain they should be peaceful? we're doing, the biden administration has a policy of appeasing iran and the iranian public position is "death to america." the ayatollah khomeni, went on television three months ago and said to reassure the american people, "death to america" is not a slogan, it's a policy and yet the biden administration has released $10 billion in money that was tied up. this is to a country whose puppets have been actively attacking americans for the last four months. i mean you have to wonder, has the biden administration lost its mind about the middle east the same it has lost its mind about the border and i think the answer is yes. larry: the same you could say it lost its mind with negotiating with iran and allowing iran to sell its oil, allowing iran to
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develop the foreign exchange reserves which financed hamas and other terrorists as well. newt, can i get you for one more, the last 35, 40 seconds. >> sure. larry: nbc, nbc firing ronna mcdaniel after one interview because she is a republican and a conservative, what do you make of that? >> well look, biden's press secretary went from the white house to nbc in three weeks. nobody at nbc complained that having biden's press secretary in the news operation was inappropriate. what you have is the most vivid example of left-wing hostility to republicans and the republican party should adopt a position of not dealing with nbc, period, until they reform themselves. larry: yeah. well-said. newt gingrich, former speaker, great friend, the great newt gingrich. appreciate it very, very much. folks i will be back with my
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nbc story, they are completely and utterly wrong to fire anna mcdaniels. they will hire obama biden press secretary for the higher conservative republican. i'm glad they paid 600 grand or even more for that. i would pay 600 grand for lizzie mcdonald is a totally separate


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