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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 27, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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back. good wednesday morning. thanks for joining us this morning i hope off aing good wednesday i am maria bartiromo. wednesday, march 27 we have breaking news 8:00 a.m. on the east coast six people presumed dead this morning as officials end the search and rescue operations pivot toward recovery mission after francis scott key bridge collapse in baltimore yesterday grady trimble is live from. >> officials don't think any
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six remaining victims will have survived, after spending all day yesterday evening, in the frigid water here but they are still looking for them. in effort to bring their families closure later on search and recovery ntsb looking into what caused the ship to lose power steer into the key bridge, as part of the investigation, they are looking at ship's safety records inspection reporting indicate may have had issues with gauges thermometers we have learned they recovered the black box if you will voyage data recordr should give some signs as to what was o going one who that may day call went in when they lost power. there are also looking into whether contaminated fuel played a role no further details just yet on that, as far as economic impact the port of baltimore one of the
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busiest in the company ford general motors shipping companies fedex amazon others are to having reroute ships to other ports along the east coast i asked pete buttigieg when channel will be back open for ships. >> the port in baltimore does the most vehicle handling of any port at all, that is just you talking about vehicle side you also have container traffic there is no question, that this will be a major protracted impact to supply chains. too soon to offer estimates what will take to clear channel reopen the port. >> american trucking association says detours trucks take will add significant cost for time delays trucks will traveling on top of destruction that closure of port of baltimore will infooik on economy too early to give a time line as to when that bridge might be
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able to be rebuilt they not removed the bridge that collapsed yesterday maria. president biden has promised that the federal government will foot the entire bill for a new bridge, maria. maria: grady thanks very much grady trimble this morning, joining me maryland state senator thanks very much for being here bridge in the heart of your district your reaction how you see the impact playing out. >> well, i want to thank you for this opportunity to be here it is great impact in our area living in here a concern more than anything else thinking about families right now praying for them we know the part most important coming into port of baltimore important for the livelihoods, what we need as a community or
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even agency part of this nation, it is important we move so much in this area, and the border is so important xral part of east coast vital get this open as soon as we can, safest manner possible with inspections fbi coast guard out there doing their job, we appreciate the partnership federal partners state very active as well. maria: looking at some business activity at that port, you mentioned the car shipments, of course, is so important, 750,000 vehicles in 2023. handling automakers auto parts from nissan toyota gm volvo jaguar, the list is long in addition to parts how long would you term to take in
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terms of pushing prices higher given logjams that, of course, will come given the clour of the bridge the collapse. >> i know there is going to be issues in that i am hoping that with our partners that we have throughout the area are in. >> we have a partner in atlantic, they have over 13,000 workers that are there, they do now, do railroads, as people have heard, our port does record amount in nation, we've done that, i believe we have a good partner in atlantic those that worked there leadership with portal of baltimore we are hoping weaker work with them with our state of local leaders and federal leaders i think we can move some of them, also we do a lot of our tractors, our
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equipment there as well very important. maria: we had john catsimatidis on show grocery storeowner oil executive i think quoting, monica said baltimore is finished, he was referring to the impact on your region on your neighborhood, what do you believe they most important to your constituents. >> i am concerned about our small mom-and-pop shops that depend on it i am concerned about our small grocery stores, big grocery stores, you know that supply and that are reaching out to small businesses. that is concerning. maria: concerning because you think they could go concerning because you think they could go under? what is pressure on small business specifically. >> i think they won't have
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what they need for sale i don't think they will have resources that they need. maria: product. >> important for them. maria: yeah. >> we want to try to find ways as possible to work with them, if possible let's do that at the same time, let's see with our partner trade point if they can work with us as well a difficult time very difficult time i think with you resources that we have, maybe an opportunity to do something with that will it take care of it you will? i am in our will not a time of need we immediate to use all our resources that are around our area whether truck whether rail, let them be our partners as well. >> state senator, two numbers jump out 5,000 trucks a day, traveling over this bridge, and 128,000 people working in immediate vicinity of this bridge, can you try to quantify? there is a number that have a working number you are thinking about in terms of
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jobs that may be at risk because of the dislocations? >> i think it can be minimal i will tell you why, we do have avenues in areas where they can still get where they need we do have the harbor tunnel one of the older tunnels reliable tunnel revamped past couple years, 95 tunnel the port mchenry tunnel those two we do have opportunities, where we have access, and 895, where people can go to locations whether port or jobs, businesses throughout our area, part in 6th district expands through the the area they have avenues they can reach out meet their needs. maria: thanks very much good to talk with you we are
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praying for your community thank you, sir. . we will be right back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now.
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shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free
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. >> what happens if it from a rates move higher number one, especially on the consumer goods shipping, things that we use every day, cars, car parts things gonna see probably marginal increase on delivered. >> we don't need a supplemental for this bridge we are awashington in infrastructure more than from the president's infrastructure bill in 2021 huge amounts of money that congress appropriated, we should repurpose and die vert. >> the high interest rates the inflation that we have under this president, inventories are very low businesses and companies don't like to hold a lot of inventory means because
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of what is happening there, in port of baltimore we are going to feel much more than normally works their policies are going to affect us, didn't cause bridge to collapse reaction -- >> reaction to the impacts of the shipping collapse, shipping analyst john former acting secretary of transportation new jersey congressman jeff van due, the crash killed six people presumed dead this morning. monica we talked yesterday that this obviously, is a horrifically interest story that peoples lives at stake yesterday, but today looking more on the economic impact. and, of course, we are waiting for more closure on six people presumed dead. >> this is going to have a massive ripple effect not just for a baltimore we talked to john catsimatidis about the fact there a massive impact
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nationwide as well, because a lot obviously, talking about trucking, et cetera. but a lot of hazardous materials went over that bridge as well so talking about nitrogen critical chemicals things by military quantity g through the tunnel system the follow-on effective economically is massive, and the interesting question is how long it is going to take to rebuild this. this is a massive span i am sure all of us in northeast have been across this, think about previous massive from your projects big dig in boston took 16 years to build a little tunnel in boston, we're not where we were like at turn of the last century put up entire state building in 8 months, it takes a lot longer with environmental impact studies this brimming out of commission for a while. >> talking about coal exports
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one of the more important to look at in 2023 second busiest but, also, a cries terminal norwegian carnival caribbean using that ports, for atlantic destinations you could see impact on trips, cruise trips president biden said he planned to travel to baltimore as quickly as he can claims to use the ride over train over francis scott key bridge that never featured rail traxion what he was talking about here is what he said yesterday. >> 130 comparison trucks francis scott key bridge over many, many times from state of delaware by train or car, been in baltimore harbor many times. >> that is a politician being a politician yeah taking a bridge trains cars, it is hollow comments like that that
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are so upsetting there is no substance behind it. >> amtrak joe. >> amtrak joe he used to take amtrak when a senator back-and-forth. maria: no train on the bridge. >> no train on bridge a bridge was primarily used by trucks people, commuting, it was built to enable hazardous chemicals from one side of baltimore to the other would keep them out of opportunels that was a risk, so, yeah there is a ripple effect. whether it is trains, no or not there is an absolute ripple effect. >> that is leader of the free world, saying this to american people at a time when an american tragedy we need you to know act quickly swiftly we need to cut government regulation that will slow any you know, processing and trying to get back up running i think number one priority is to get this open absolutely. and your guest maria, said it
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is such 19, 57 years to build that said much longer tie. maria: the infrastructure money he said was -- we're going to see what happens with conversations in washington when they get back from easter recess whether or not, talking about another supplemental spending package, quick break markets on the move taking a look at that when we come back final read fourth quarter gdp are tomorrow morning ahead of it that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow.
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to look at futures another rally underway about an hour before topping bell sounds for wednesday dow industrials up 148, nasdaq up 71, the s&p 500 higher by 18 right now, extending record performance we've been seeing pretty much all year and last year, maersk plummeted more than 6% as confirming had charted the ship that crashed into baument bridge to lows 2 1/2 percent the collapse disrupting 80 billion dollars cargo traveled
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through port of baltimore first for volume of key commodities joining me to talk about impact on markets the economy is the chief investment officer federated hermès equities, stephen auth here great to see you -- >> you've been right about this economy right about this market talking about goldilocks economy i know that, you wrote in your most recent it is less lonely people agreeing with you does this change anything for you in terms of this goldlocks perfect situation now that we know this is going to only pressure commodities higher. >> yeah first of all it is tragic news for people involved marginally negative for the economy but very, very big economy. this is a large port tenth largest port it handles 3 or 4% total u.s. volume heavyer cost of shipping for cars,, 1
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or 2% shipping a marginal shipping costs going higher clearly going to divert to other ports not going to help inflation story we have thought all along inflation is going to be sticky never been buyers of the six cuts now down to three we think one or two, as long as economy you want more or less holding up inflation not a bad thing. maria: look. at this point, you said over and over you like to apply stocks on pullback, if we're going to see one cut two, cuts as opposed to the three or six the market was expecting, down the that create disruption doubt that create a sell-off did the market kiss expecting all cuts you don't think we're getting telling them with you ratings for that sell-off to come in and buy stocks. >> i am waiting if we get a sell-off i am waiting to buy stocks but a bull market
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buying pullbacks not selling rally ironically our idea of the sticky inflation, slow, that should be helping the market. the people that have been thinking six cuts been forecasting recession. that would have been bad for earnings bad for the economy, that is why you are going to get six cuts, if you are getting, less cuts because economy is going well, the better news what is happening with earnings earnings going to 250 this year 275 next year a little ahead of consensus not tons ahead, we are seeing, importantly, beyond the magnificient 7 back half of the year where we think still value in the market. maria: the beyond magnificient 7 talking small caps. >> we like small caps overweight there overweight value overweight international merging markets areas we think there is probably lift in the back half they lagged. >> you think we can have
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another winner year. >> already up, we were targeting 5200 this year we are there six thousand for next year, going to weigh into that through course of the year who knows it could be something he big accident or of some kind so far so good. maria: look. we are seeing new ipos as well, a window capital market roir, whether a do you make of former president donald trump's emerged social media company performance djt, the symbol, of course, is his initials stock soared up again this morning most expensive to bet against surging better than 50% minutes after beginning trading yesterday you don't normally speak specific stocks, it is up 16% trump median technology group what do you think? >> i can't talk about ipos because we are heavily involved in most ipos what i will say we are very
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encouraged by performance of that ipo, and few last week bigger ones a few littler ones, earlier in the week that is a good sign for markets ipo market in general is starting to lift, after two-year bear market. we have a backlog of deals pretty good companies coming to market now a good sign for the broader market. >> maybe things come off the shelf that were on the shelf waiting because we had dearth of activity how things go in election year does that play into analysis at all. >> one of the things we said earlier on this could be a boring election i know sound it is exciting from news perspective. but when you got unusual situation two incumbents running against each other policy on certainty is not there one reason may see lift
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in the market faster than we thought, is the market is starting to feel like -- well, maybe this could work out, i mean if president trump gets reelected going to be supply-side driven reforms the tax extensions things like that that, would help under this inflation problem we've got would actually add another log to the fire as i said to guys if people on both sides of the aisle remember whoever wins election majority of investors by definition think a good thing, so the other thing i say u.s. economy is powerful the private sector is unstop ofable, the most dynamic economy i just got back from a week in london. they look to this economy as the dynamic force of the world. maria: true. >> the u.s. government can only do so much damage. maria: we will see, all the money that is flowing in all stimulus is basically offsetting what federal government chairman jay powell
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is trying to do look. it is holy week i want to end on beautiful note because you wrote an incredible book, to museum took me on a tour to met pollan museum of part pointed out the painting 1562 to 1563 how it applies during the blessed holy week. >> this is one of the largest oil paintings in the world 2 two feet high, 33-feet long, hangs at the louvre across from mona lisa the christ first miracle turned to wine, a precursor of tomorrow the passover, supper last supr with apostles quotes, painting after da vinci quotes did
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vinci's painting of last supper. >> i was going to say reminds me of last supper. >> in milan insspectacular. >> so that is the sacrifice of the lamb sacrifice of christ, also to easter because christ who died in this time 1600 years earlier with all these people a portrait of people of the age. maria: i love it. >> we are all invited to the feast for the party when you look at good friday looks kind of sad going to end well going to end in a big -- >> your thoughts, i wish you a blessed easter. >> likewise thank you so much for being here, federated hems thank you for bringing that beautiful painting with you israel blaming united states for a failed hodge deal hamas
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starts speaking with iran, mike pompeo is here live to weigh you are in watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. .ronna
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mcdaniel out other nbkraft mltdown from network anchors cheryl casone with details. cheryl: that is right, maria. nbc news cut tice with ronna mcdaniel less than one week hiring as analyst after hosting demanding she get the ax hosts celebrate on air. >> i have to say the right thing should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledged
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out remain i know how i feel grateful to see brass making right decision i think right decision feels wrong to talk about things in the company as -- i am grateful that our leadership was willing to do this i think this is a strong, i appreciate work being in a place able to say we got this one wrong, made right decision. >> our company listened to us, to you, and did what was right. >> nbc chairman apologized to employees saying i want to personally apologize to team members thought we let them down this was collective recommendation by some members of our team i proved it full prokt for it a judge issuing a gag order on former president trump trump judge juan merchan, said he one not make
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statements about witnesses, restricted from commenting about legal counsel court staff dastaff or family members of staff. in addition, trump cannot make any statements about perspective or chosen jurors judge acting on a request from new york d.a. alvin bragg the trial to begin april 15, 4 counts falsifying business records, of course, maria has pled not guilty, so all charges, this goes along with letitia james alvin bragg, i said before on air going to say doesn't alvin bragg have something better to do like clean up new york city than go after former president trump same things james went after him for? how much this is going to cost new york city taxpayers? just asking. maria: it is a question, all feeling impact of no consequences whatsoever for crime in new york city, sad situation, thank you cheryl casone meanwhile, is atin
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meeting with israel. >> said operations should not proceeded with a plan that down the -- the defense chief before that meeting. >> our security bond is unshakeableable united states closest, friend that won't change. >> over past six months, we have been -- fighting a war against a group of organization hamas, which is isis of gaza, hamas meeting with iran negotiator the picture is clear. >> joining me right now mar on this 70th secretary of state fox news contributor secretary mike pompeo thanks so much for being here. good morning great to be with you. maria: i mean all of this about rafah, israel, comes on
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the heels of comments from chuck schumer, negative comments about bibi netanyahu no longer receivers people of israel new election, get him out, sherrod brown senator there saying he would equate hamas and bibi netanyahu president buying say chuck schumer's speech was good speech, of course, resulting in israelis canceling delegate trip to united states access the situation for us now. >> well maria that is pretty good laydown of the situation the waigs that israel, whatever secretary austin says where, close maybe true we have not proven to be a reliable partner allowed u.n. to pass a resolution for fire without tying to release of hostages you can't go to rafah without -- the idf isn't going into rafah without a
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implementable plan a detailed plan to try to minimize casualty they understand what is at stake series warriors, so unfortunately what this biden administration has done listened to loudest voices on radical left pro hamas wing of party abandoned or allies very difficult given hamas power in negotiations, hamas why negotiate with israels you have americans on your side not on you, you tell hamas to lie down weapons return hostages senior leaders handed over fighting stops tomorrow, with israelis to do opposite conduct fees cease-fire this is in the middle of the their
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fight for survival, attacking netanyahu israel delegation levying qatar after hamas again rejected any terms for new hostage deal israel prime minister netanyahu office writes on x, hamas' stance demonstrates utter disinterest in negotiated deal attacking the u.n. securities counsel demanding cease-fire without conditioning the clause fightingries of hostages, the u.s. abstained, that was the last straw for the israelis why they canceled their trip here are why does the administration keep curbing a fire when we all know hamas not agreeing to any terms of hostage release? >> should maria, this is a mind-set that president biden
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had for a decade about middle east doesn't understand iran is at center of all of this all this evil, calls them pariah the administration taking houthis off terror watch liz starts to negotiate with iranians on weapons program all these things empower iranians because of hamas deal free to go massive invasion horrible brutality october 7 what happened a u.n. failure to lead automatic in the trump administration this would have been -- to not veto that resolution no tie to anything no commitment from hamas to do a darned thing other than not fire back when israelis come after them be trayce our partnership with israel i say this, saudis to allow this the
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russians chinese did do not feel they have a friend, they see president biden engaged in political theatre so they can win handful of votes in michigan so he can be reflected, that is not the way one ought to be conducting foreign policy. >> political theatre the issue so many saying all about votes the president biden is worried that he is going to lose the pro-palestinian vote in michigan as you said, minnesota, and that is why he has done this -- this about-face, it is maddening keeping a spotlight on it for sure i've got to ask you about communist china you've been so knowledgeable, on this issue, even before it was so clear of communist china's goals motives against america xi jinping meeting with american ceos academics in beijing today a chief executives blackstone qualcomm fedex in have attendance xi jinping said china has gone through
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all sorts of difficulties clalz to get where it is today called for more cooperation between united states and china secretary calling for more cooperation, while he undermines the country in plain sight. >> yeah, classic chinese propaganda mug them on the backside deliver fentanyl destroying the country, threaten taiwan come after philippines billed a military, no intention of win-win solutions what chinese talk about they say we want win-win solutions xi jinping has as deep intention hegemony to control as much global economy as he can american business have a responsibility i get it there we encouraged them go there ho years show not a be naïve allowing companies to operate inside china because in the best interest there will come a day that won't be true much like many other american companies thae kicked out, stolen intellectual
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property attempted to destroy will do that to each when time is right. american ceos looking at 1.4 billion person population trying to sell goods, but enablers of nazi germany back in the day as well would you equate xi jinping to nazi germany in have where we are no, you in perhaps in the 1930s different for handful not least of by deep economic connectivity between two but challenge maria, i think is indeed the same we are fighting about what is the world going to look like 25, 50 years ago from now is it going to operate on model that benefited united states of america enormously leadership rule of law basic property rights human dignity or looking like a world where all about power, who can steal from a whom, those are two differences the models, we have to get them right then
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maria, you and i talked about this before not just taking populations inside of china we worry has what is taking place at home inside gates united states chinese communist party operated deeply inside our country we conducted largest counter operation in history of the united states in trump administration chinese have not gone away want to undermine our republic we have to do everything we can we have tools power to do it to prevent that from happening. >> we question why joe biden just won't do it whether or not compromised, secretary quick before you go i want your take on this, deal in the world dealmakers increasingly worried about national security issues affecting m&a you've got company, selling ammunition business for almost two billion dollars, to a chechnyan group prague based conglomerate kamentel back water bottles, publicly traded company what are your thoughts
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about u.s. ammunition business sold to a czech company. >> my answer, for direct investment a friend ally i want money to i want them to invest in united states a long held policy, i think the best thing for our country, thousands of jobs hr when you get into space like ammunition technology, gets more complicated you need to make sure you understand, who the owners are there is not ab beneficial owner connected to chinese communist partyed by it if they want money in to build stuff here use their capital to mep america's economy grow i am all for it. maria: okay. and ammunition business seems pretty close to home in terms of -- >> i agree close i don't know the facts of that i agree ammunition is close to home take american weapon systems technology into american weapon systems we definitely want control of those. >> thank you, sir. . >> thank you. >> and to you, a blessed
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easter secretary mike pompeo we'll be right back. . ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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i have dropped seven pant sizes and i've kept it off. golo is real, our customers are real, and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? >> i think president trump win hispanic vote, to watch biden and brown reward people break our lus is infuriating on top
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after this the crime chaos caused by illegal immigration is predominantly hispanic community sick and tired being abused watching biden case largest deaths of hispanics migrants crossing into u.s.-mexico a result of biden policies abandoned democrats. >> republican ohio senate candidate bernie moreno joining me on "sunday morning futures", he is facing off against sherrod brown for ohio senate seat talking about hispanics shifting support from president biden to former president trump a siena poll shows biden trailing trump six points among hispanic voters, pro tempore huntington beach california tito ortiz thank you so much for being here so much to get into with you first your reaction to what you heard from bernie moreno.
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>> i think one hundred percent correct, being hispanic myself, growing up in hispanic family to see families come together nucleus, family, the border, not the just mexicans coming over it is a lot of countries scarier many are military age-group not just older people or mothers and kids. these are fighting men that are coming across the border we don't know who they are, over 7.4 million people have come over last three yearss i think should be a hard awakening to southern befored. biden campaign launching newest to quote/unquote educate hispanics about benefits of climate action plans the inflation reduction
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act you own tito's cantina how is this impacting hispanic community since you own titos. >> i think from hiring employees, all the way to produce, meat for our business, up to 7 to 15% increase over, six, seven months, what future holds just here in america people trying to pay the bill when i went to supermarket i used to pay for week's worth of food it costs me from 150 to 200 dollars now 300 to 350 dollars, just mind-blowing gal gallon of milk 10 dollars i know a lot of friends that are latino, are wake up a lot of
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conservatives, we believe in god we believe in having a family that takes care of each other. maria: maybe hispanic community should be educating the biden administration, the other way around tito ortiz great to see you, sir. thank you. >> thank you. god bless happy easter to you happy easter to you and your family tito ortiz. we'll be right back. save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free
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maria: all right, we are about 30 minutes away from the if opening bell. dow up 1655 right now, the nasdaq also higher -- 165.
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monica crowley. >> yeah, if there's any silver lining to this border catastrophe and the tsunami of illegal immigrants coming into the country is the that it's inspiring a very significant political realignment. black withs, latinos, women, asian-americans are coming in droves to president trump and the gop. maria: good point adam johnson. >> the free earnings of employment, the economy are why we are making new highs. in spite of washington's best efforts to screw things up, fortunately, we have the creative of -- creativity of american ingenue de. maria: nice. ing. >> i think it's important to note that a recent monmouth poll shows 84% believe that the illegal immigration is a serious issue. maria: there you go. thanks, everybody. we'll see you again tomorrow. "varney & company" if begins now. stuart: good morning, everyone. the market has been a rallying for months. stocks are up again this


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