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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save $1,000 on our most popular sleep number smart bed. plus, special financing. ends saturday. shop now at everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow. so trump media soars on wall street, people rally behind
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him and his conservative social media outlet we talk about that and more with tennessee senator bill hagerty and a report on collapse of baltimore bridge, terrible story. and can david mccormick win pennsylvania senate s seat. >> nbc reportedly filing ronna mcdaniel after hiring her 15 minutes ago, a great story. mark simone and alec lace will have something to say about that. >> and success of trump media stock offering on wall street kelly o'grady has that and more details. reporter: good to see you, dj t ticker soared in first day of trading pairing back some gains in last hour, trump media technology, it really did exceed
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particulars reached -- expectations, reached to 79.38 and closed trading under 58 dollars, up 16% on the day. trading was halted at one point because of volatility. overall, it really defined logic, based on share price company is worth under 8 billion. analysts argue this does not represent the underlying, truth social has under 5 millionmillion users. the folks that hop hopped in a lot of smaller retail investors, trump supporters, these who are betting on stock are betting on trump's election campaign. this is like gamestop. amc we saw a couple years ago, financials did not make sense but it was a community movement.
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trump's net worth added 4.5 billion, he can't access the shares for another 6 months. unless he gets board approval. larry: i want to say one thing. all the start ups so many of tech start ups lost money for years. i'm thinking of amazon, twitter. i could go down a long list. what is happening is not unusual. that is my comment. i think that stock tells you that people think there is a lot of value, thank you kelly o'grady. couple thoughts from me on this. donald trump successful trump media stock offering is first and more most vote of confidence by his supporters in the country. at the time when mr. trump is under attack f weaponize lawfare and election interference campaign waged death penalty against him by joe biden and left wing prosecutors.
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mr. trump stands tall today. price of trump media soared, his wealth has jumped over 6 billion dollars. putting him as one of the wealthiest people in world, giving him a war chest to fight slings and arrows going after him, including new york story where appeals court slashed his bond retirement to 175 million dollars. lord knows what more the local legal juveniles will try to do to trump financially, but he now has a big cushion, he may have to wait 6 months to cash in on stock or perhaps company will provide him with a waiver should he need it sooner, right now she in better financial shape than perhaps a couple weeks ago, there is more to this, truth social, mr. trump's company, social media platform will
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sponsor an ever growing free speech conservative community, breitbart economy editor, john carney has written about this he notes that trump platform will offer a bastion free speech tapping to a vein ofs soso see tal discontent. now, they will. for what it's worth i'm signing up. and trump social platform will be a key spot for mr. trump's issues in the presidential campaign. that is why trump social will grow a lot in weeks and months ahead and over the longer term. and the stock offering will add about 300 million dollars to expand and prove that truth social
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operation. so ironic that the local juvenile corrupt prosecutors, you know, the letitia jameses, and alvin braggs, the stand by your fan fan, woops -- fani willis, woops. they try to bring trump down but they can't, they can't. he is trump tough. now he is trump richer, a good combination, h. listen to what he said yet outside of the courtroom. >> they can't win an election because of the voters and energy prices and inflation and afghanistan the worst and most ema embarrassing day of our country. larry: he is trump tough, trump smart, trump wealthy, he looks like a winter to me. -- winter to me, joining
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me. billi hagerty. welcome. talking about the new trump social thing. it is impact is underestimated by people. all of these start ups lose money in the beginning this gives conservatives, a social media platform, a could discuss conservative issues. without getting hammered by lefties. without google and the woke a.i. experiment. what do you make of this phenomenon? >> i think they also know they will not get hammered biby the censorship. the platform offers something interesting i would say pop it received today, under scores that american public are behind president trump. they see potential in him and his future, and what he he is willing to put his
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name on. larry: it will create a conservative community for system soim. social media. >> is no particular home for that right now, twitter may be improved, certainly not facebook or google: there are others. let me ask you trump on the issues, are you happy with the money issues, satisfied, he is polling well, hammered away on the border. >> he is making his issues case, he it continue to do that joe biden is providing an incredible backdrop, we have seen it, we had the most secure border than we've seen under president trump, and joe biden tore is apart. now we have a catastrophe. our adversaries in world
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seeing it too, they, pumping people in here, right, lift left and center, we don't know, biden administration has pr -- precipitated greatest national security crises that we've ever faced. the situation in afghanistan was a disgrace, we are in two hot wars in middle east and ukraine. that was not case under donald trump. we stood strong as a nation, he built a strong economy here, that allowed to us build a strong posture militarily, and the world we were respected under president trump, he could do it again. larry: you tried to stop funding for air flights of illegal into country, i think that was an issue you were pushing. >> to the edge of government shut down. it looked like chuck schumer was willing to shut government down rather than
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take the vote, finally last minute he capitulateddive over democrat in u.s. senate voted to continue to use taxpayer founding to charter planes to fly in illegal immigrants, they are recruitedded in cuba and haiti and venezuela, and colombia over our borders. they of coming to 43 airports here in america, biden administration will not say which, i could imagine it is blue cities, they are trying to back fill. they want to keep counting the illegals. larry: they are not vetted. >> no. larry: they could be criminals or terrorists, you just -- how does d -- how did these flights work. you have a flight from
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venezuela, for example. now who is financing the u.s. government? >> yes, the taxpayer. >> they are not telling anyone, or declare them. >> we have talked with a whistle-blower wh explaining their charter company has flown 80 thousand in last 4 months. larry: that is incredible. i knew they were happening but i did not realize u.s. government, i thought maybe it was private or ngo . >> u.s. government is adept at using ngo's almost like a money laundering machine. make no mistake, joe biden is behind this, they are bringing 30 house people a month in with the app, they are recruiting people. it was made evident here in brooklyn. congresswoman here, chuck schumer old congressional district she needed them to retain her district, he is worried about outflow of people from new york. they are back filling, so
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they could count. >> 245 is right we have talked about this. there was a court case in new york state to stop illegals from votings but democrats continue to push that point of view. for the moment the court stepped in. talk to trump about throwing vice president, you would be -- trump about being vice president, you would be good, you have good economic knowledge. you were a great ambassador to japan, you know foreign policy. >> everything that i talked to president trump about is winning in november, he is well positioned to do, that amazing how many times i have to explain to people from overseas what president trump's policies are, media trying to pain a disstopian picture of chaos. we are in chaos under president biden.
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and they feared us and allies decided to was best to stand with us. even if he had to press them like in nato. it worked. we saw a safer world, now we have hot wars in. and more concerns from national security stand point. and all of this, thanks to joe biden, collapsing our border, and destroying the economy. larry: whatever you say, i think you would make a great vice president. >> you are kind. larry: you should be on the list. listen you to, wrapping it right down, terrific. you never know. i enjoyed working with you as a colleague. >> you too you were a great partner, the trade deal with japan. repositioning ourselves military to push china out of east china sea and south china sea, really remarkable. larry: senator billi ri bill hagerty great to
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see you. >> on kudlow, a live report from the terrible bridge collapse in baltimore, maryland. >> can david mccormick win the pennsylvania senate say seat, we'll ask him next when kudlow returns, you can catch kudlow at 4 p.m. here on fox business. if you can't watch it text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to tv rrvr the show, and you will never miss a trump social media announcement, i am kudlow we'll be quitelati back. what, why? did you forget marcus? forget what? your chem exam? uggh? flashcard time! the atomic weight of boron.
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>> let's talk about senate race in pennsylvania, it could change over to republicans joining he now david mccormack pennsylvania candidate. army combat vote and west point graduate. where were you in the class. >> i was not number one, i was in the middle.. >> you remember w at yale, he said congratulation to you c students. >> there is a path for you yet.
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>> and way, we have been talking about trump and trump social. does trump at head of ticket help you in pennsylvania. >> i think it does. there are 67 counties in pennsylvania, 55 are red. but key in the county is getting out the vote, president trump has showed that he has a great ability to to get out the vote among republican voters and motivate people that had not voted otherwise, i think i could help him, i think i could appeal to some independent and conservative democrats around philadelphia and pittsburgh, pittsburgh where i live. i think -- i hope we'll help each other. larry: new harris poll, good polling, they say, that immigration border, open border has become member one issue replacing inflation. >> i feel it. larry: so do you feel that. are people talking to you
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about that. >> i walk into a room i ask for their 3 issues, a launch in early october it was economy and border or inflation border, now reversed, they are still deeply worried about inflation. 60% of pennsylvania pay paycheck to to paycheck. the border is motivating people, there is a national security threat, 10 million illegal immigrants, 160 on terrorist watch list. it only took 13 to take down the towers, fentanyl is a destroying huge parts of pennsylvania 5,000 people tied last year in pennsylvania from fentanyl. the size and scale of this, we had less than 5,000 killed in action in 20 years in iraq and afghanistan.
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this is a huge deal. pennsylvaniaians feel it, there is an unfairness, some of immigrant communities, the latino community across pennsylvania are most animated about the illegal immigration problem. larry: that is right. trump also pushes drill, baby, drill. now pennsylvania is an oil state, pennsylvania is huge oil state, i would expect drill, baby, drill to be popular? >> absolutely. and more than that, it is the -- a shocking s stat, our fi fourth largest natural gas reserve in the world, we can't get it out of the ground, we can't get permits, and we don't have an offshore port toke pert expert it, hung of where biden's policies areo upside
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down. it great for the national security and the economy and it is great for the environment. that natural gas replaces cold fired plants in india and china this is madness, this got worse. larry: cut inflation. >> absolutely. larry: petroleum derivatives run throughout the economy, hundreds of every day things, we talk about it on show. trump is right tropical tropical storm hilary. another one -- drill, baby, drill. other one is, internationalist,tion tiktok be american owned,? should to be an american business. >> i support the bill to have bytedance divest tiktok to american ownership. i want to say i'm skeptical of the government intervening in free
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enterprise. but when it is justifiable when it is a national security issue, in this case we have been assured or not assured by our intelligence community that algorithm is in hands of chinese and data, not just tiktok we have a huge data flow problem our data is going to china from across social media platforms. and just think about concept and president trump and you emphasize it, reciprocity. larry: i was just going to say that to understand trump's view and what is right view, is the issue ofs reciprocity, they can work two ways, lower tariffs or subsidies, but if you raise them, and china is guilty as sin on this, and trying to come through the backdoor of mexico now and car business that will bankrupt our car, and the electric vehicles, if you
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raise your barriers we have to fight back on that, that ise pr reciprocity. >> 100%, an american version of tiktok would never happen in china, this thing where china is manufacturing its electric vehicles in mexico and circumventing usmca -- >> you have plants in pennsylvania, a lot of industry that would be affected by this. >> to step back, about what is happened with the subsidizing the trillions of dollars to electric vehicles, that is driving inflation it is distorting the economy could driving consumers away from fossil fuels, this is a problem that is distorted but the key thing, is making us more dependent on china. lithium batteries and solar panels, we learned during
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covid we don't want semiconductor and pharmaceuticals in china, in my opinion it will be biggest strategic miscalculation of biden administration is making us more independent an -- dependant on china. larry: say hello to wonderful wife. >> thank you, layer. >> i david mccormack. go win that race. >> next up, former president trump takes his eighth amendment excessive fine argument to supreme court, we ask one of his former lawyers, jim trusty. a wonderful story -- nbc reportedly firing former rnc share ronna mcdaniel. approximately 15 minutes after hiring her, wonderful. even-handed, free speech.
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mark simone and alec lace will lace into that. kudlow is available as podcast, every week day after our show on spotify, on apple, and fox businessed fox business podcast, i'm kudlow, vote for mccormack.
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larry: another big story, a difficult one. search for survivors in baltimore after a ship collided with massive francis scott key bring this morning. grady trimble is live right outside there with details. terrible story. what can you tell us. reporter: it is, we're covering a number of facets. most pressing is search and
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rescue underway right now. you might hear a chopper overhead. they are looking for people who were on the bridge at the time of the collapse. and we understand it, i just asked governor about this 8 construction workers on bridge at the time of the collapse. two were pulled out of the water of and will be okay, they are still searching for 6 remaining workers, it is unclear whether there were other vehicles on the bridge, right now we know officials are looking for 6 people. that is search and rescue angle. we're following the ntsb investigation. we know from officials that the ship put out a may day signal they lost power and that allowed officials on ground to stop traffic from crosses the bridge -- crossing the bridge, and saving lives. they will get on that vessel
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at some point get voice data recorder, the black box to see if that gives them signs. they have structural engineers here they will consult with. and then this is a huge shipping thoroughfare. the port here, port of baltimore handles most vehicles of any other part in the country, secretary buttigieg has been here, saying they will do all they can to mitigate supply chain problems as a result of the fact there are no ships going into or out of the part of baltimore right now. because the bridge is still in the water. and the ship. as we mentioned, first and foremost top p priority is search for 6 construction workers who were filling potholes overnight. larry: is assumption on 6
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missing they are in the water? reporter: i think so. they said this is an active search and rescue operation. this is a mile and a half long bridge, they were on the bridge itself, almost whole thing collapsed. the assumption is they could be in the water, that is why they have boats and underwater search crews and using technology like sonar to see if they can find the people. larry: my lord, not good, grady trimble thank you for that update. >> switching gears. let's talk about president trump's fraud case or cases. we'll bring in ja jaime jajim tjim trusty, we talked about 8th amendment for -- excessive fines, i know more
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trump looked at it. ehe got some relief yesterday from letitia james and engoron judge. none of less, why should someone have to pay all this money just to exercise their constitutional right to appeal a case and why isn't this exces excessive fines and streams under that eighth amendment. >> it is a win to get it reduced but still a bad day for justice, in is high for an appeal of a civil judgment. there is a lot to be sifted through in terms of how the trial was conducted, eighth amendment part is interesting, normally 8th amendment case law makes it clear, only applies to criminal finds not to -- to be taking ill gotten gains
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from someone who did something wrong. and retrieving it. in this case, what makes it different is discouragement can become punitive that mimakes it like a fineo so the eighth amendment could kick in. i am not sure it will get a lot of traction at first two levels for new york if they get to supreme court, the eighth amendment issue is sexier for the supreme court to deal with. it will be a wild ride there is a lot to appeal, all we have right now is a stay, which is good but imperfect sign for president trump, but a lot of litigation to come over the next year. larry: jim trusty is there no way for mr. trump -- i know others said to me, he has to exhaust the state appeals process, at that point, can he and his team go to a federal court and make an appeal then that
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goes to the supreme court? because, you know, this fine is outrageous. whatever you call it. it is. 175 million is outrageous. and the threat of seizing his properties, you know ruth bader ginsburg years ago said, that excessive fines, i am looking at it that was ruled excessive that is 42 thousand bmw . that is different from 500 million. can he go to the federal route after exhausting new york? >> after exhausting new york, yes, but federal route may only be the supreme court. and you know, i was a prosecutor overall for 27 years, we had a saying, we would tell each other to get creative to try to win a case. we would say, you know bad facts make bad law. and that may be how this plays out. there is bad facts, a zero
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loss loan application frud fraud with a dis disclaimer, deutsche bank kaying saying we love the guy, there is no real loss, the bad facts, as they sift their way through app appellate court it may get to a pound where there is a resounding win for president trump, this is a stretch. >> yes, got it jim trusty thank you for that update. >> my pleasure. larry: we have a hot political panel. mark simone. and alec lace. hoist of first palace -- host of first class fatherhood podcast, ronna mcdaniels sneak story, listen to white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. >> president believe that, that kind of voice that
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voicing like hers there is room for her in national political it is course. >> we saw what happened on january 6, we saw what happened when 2000 people mob, went to the capitol and undermined our democracy, it was an an attack on our democracy. larry: r ronna mcdaniels working for is an attack on our democracy, it reports this nbc is dropping her -- she would have been hired for about 15 minute, or 12. what is happening -- nbc, i am told internally, they are crying, oh, my d god, they might have hired a republican. as one of their tv con consultants. >> for inmates running the
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asylum. every anchor is attacking her. that would mean anthony scaramucci held his job longer in the white house, she is a nice woman, she would be a great asset to many companies, but, broadcasting, she is not most exciting television personality. if she will cause that much trouble i don't think she is worth it. larry: alec?e are lot of issues, one, and i don't think that it is about how good or bad she is. she could develop into a good analyst. with practice. nbc, you are supposed to be a pig network, you are supposed -- big network, even handed not just against conservatives or more liberals for many years i worked for cnbc, it is revealing itself to be a left wing news operation. >> they are not hiding it
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anymore, this is who they are, they believe in censorship, their free speech is just, what we agree with. it seems that is the way that the nbc, left wing -- they announced themselves to when they are, that is their game, the jig is up. and the press secretary saying this is an d attack on democracy. larry: i'll come back to you. you have a poor grade on first go round. it is not about whether ronna is famous communicate or, the issue is nbc's bias. but truth social from trump, affords conservatives with a platform. and it could be -- they could wind up going to television shows.
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this is opening for -- they will put 300 million no make it a better platform, i think that is really very important for people on conservative persuasion. >> it very purpose, since all of these networks have gone left wing, but, as john carney said, balkanization. it will de divide us more, the older people have to accept the fact that "new york times" is not "new york times" any more, and nbc is not wa walter cronkite any more, they are slanted and biased, they deceive you by not giving you the whole story. larry: they crucifying ronna mcdaniels for a phone call she may or may not have made after the election, really they are going after her because of her conservative
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views, they may use a democracy issue, what, joe biden's lawfare is that democracy, the way they are treating trump, that is why it is important. this issue needs discussion. >> well said, everything they don't agree with is now labeled as misinformation or disinformation, you saw what they did with mainstream media with the blood bath, they cut it and edited it. and put it out, joe biden you don't have to worry about, he does it to himself. larry: another issue. very unhappy, the front page of "new york post." biden -- police officers shot dead. by a career criminal. terrible story. coming up. mark, new york unsafe. i say unsafe. and randomly unsafe.
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you never know where it will strike. >> this is one of saddest stories, this poor cop, young guy, one-year-old child, shot and killed. career criminal. 21 priors in and out of prison, just got picked up on a gun charge, then lot go by the crazy district attorney that courts, he -- this has to stop. laken riley killed by a recidivist, if you let all criminals run loose this happens. larry: i want to add to this i think, i don't think producers in my ear, as we came on air, right. robert f. kennedy jr. chosen michelle shanahan. but, in particular s she has given money to soros type prosecutors and holds view with respect to policing we should have
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nonincarceration policies rather than incarceration that happened in new york. this guy busted, let out of jail, and kills a young cop with a family. this is who robert kennedy chose? this is a terrible decision in my opinion. >> i could not agree more, on paper she looks like a lift wing lunatic, but you dig deeper, she could be a part of the squad, a poor man's aoc, now robert f. kennedy is not stealing vote from trump supporters this is a far left pick. >> this is coming out of biden's hide, because of anti-cops. >> 100%. larry: cut their funding and you have another one. and way, enough on crime. last one. trump people will vote for president trump over biden even if trump is convicted. >> absolutely. >> a new poll. >> people want a fighter that is key, someone that
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will fight for them. larry: 56-46, even if convicted. >> they want a fighter biden and democrats and crazy new york people have put on a demonstration of what a fighter trump s no one has seen this strength and courage, john gotti never faced 4 trials at one. larry: you picked that up that game, from yours first answer, you have improved it. please our having you on. alec you laced into this you are my guy. >> mark simone, i love you and way. larry: speaker mike johnson's lips to god's ears, no new tax hikes, we talk about it with art laffer when kudlow returns, mark simone is really a good guy, he is not running for anything, we'll be right back.
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larry: no new taxes speaker mike johnson said fiscal commission or not, neuschno new taxes we talk about it with art laffer. i guess no new taxes that is good, i was worried. the fiscal commissions, they
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sit down, and before they pour first cup of coffee at 9:00 a.m., they all stalk about raising tax -- talk about raising taxes on balance the think about. we have seen it a million times. and at least johnson said no. >> i agree, just wonderful in saying no, only thing i wore about it last time i heard someone say no new taxes read my lips i was worried by that guy, george h.w. bush, i tried to read his lips, but i could not because his nose was growing so fast. just joking, mike johnson is great, he is doing a good job, i like the way he says no, get the heck out. let market solve the problem, ha is the way it should be. larry: pop bush here, had good qualities but economic policy was not one of them.
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art, other subject, inflation climate inflation, you have some crazy story from axios and elsewhere saying, you know, global warming is causing high inflation. how about the trillions of dollars we're spending, to subsidize electric vehicles and whatnot, do you think it has something to do with inflation or all flownal -- global warming. >> if you are serious, yes, it is inflation caused by dollars and spending, i look at it, and inflation occurred under jimmy carter, and joe biden. global warming mist be the problem -- must be problem. when we need to do make sure we don't elect people like jimmy carter and joe biden, then we'll get rid of global warming and we won't have inflation, i look at last wholesale price index, consumer price index, it is
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true, in june and july and august inflation picks up, maybe there is nothing to this -- not. this is a joke, we have not do those programs, we should just, if you do anything with global warming, have a carbon tax and offset it by a big income tax cut, making sure that economy prospers, and get the heck out of the way. larry: you know, electric vehicles are inflationary, bad batteries, and commodities are, and the car insurance, new the roof, because electric vehicles are you know not safe it hard to repair them, that is inflationary, i don't know about global warming, i think that greens are, art laffer, you are the best of the best, thank you so much, i'll be right back with my last word.
7:56 pm
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