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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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real estate is a sector call we're concerned about because within it you have the big city towers, office towers that have plenty of trouble. in addition to that related to the utility sector, that was curiously only the defensive sector that had double-digit earnings growth in the fourth quarter, but the problem with that, the market treats it as a bond proxy, when the fed is still in hike mode where it could raise possibly, where it hasn't gotten out of this. rates still at 45.25, five 1/2 fed funds -- 5.20, five 1/2 he benchmark. liz: i want you back at the end of the year. [closing bell rings] markets closing at session lows. not too much of a loss here. tomorrow we have blackrock chairman larry fink live. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so trump media soars on
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wall street as people rally behind him and his conservative social media outlet. we'll talk about that and more with tennessee senator bill hagerty. we'll also get a report on the collapse of the baltimore bridge, it is a terrible story, plus can david mccormack win the pennsylvania senate seat? he will be here. this just in, nbc reportedly firing former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel after hiring her 15 minutes ago. that's a great story too. mark simone, alec lace will have something to say about it. the biggest news on wall street, incredible success of trump media stock offering today. our own kelly o'grady has that, maybe a few other details as well. kelly. >> reporter: good to see you, larry, djt, that ticker it soared in the first day of trading, actually pared back some of those gains in the last hour but trump media and technology, it officially listed on the nasdaq under the ticker of the former president's initials and it really did exceed expectations.
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at one point it reached as high as $79.38 it closed trading here just under $58 t was up 16% on the day. trading was halted at one point because of volatility. overall it really defied the logic. based on the share price the company is worth just under eight billion dollars. analysts are arguing this doesn't represent the underlying business. truth social has under five million users. it lost 49 million in the first mine months of last year. clearly there is excitement what could become. the reality folks that hopped in today. these are not the traditional shareholders. a lot are smaller retail investors. trump supporters who want to plug their candidate. the hypothesis those betting on the stock are betting on trump's election campaign. the best comparison i can give you larry, this is like the gamestop, the amc we saw a couple years ago. the financials didn't make sense there but there was a real community movement of those smaller investors.
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trump's net worth added another four 1/2 billion today or so. he can't though, larry access the shares for another six months unless he gets board approval. i will sent it back to you. larry: i will say one thing, all these startups, some of these tech startups lost money for years. i'm thinking of amazon for one, twitter for another but i could go down a long list. what is happening here not at all unusual. anyway that was just my comment. i think the stock tells you that people think there's a lot of value. thank you, kelly o'grady, we appreciate it. couple of additional thoughts from me on this story. donald trump's wildly successful trump media stock offering is first and foremost a vote of confidence by his supporters all around the country, okay? at a time when mr. trump is under attack from the weaponized lawfare and the election interference campaign waged against him by joe biden all the way down through these various corrupt left-wing prosecutors,
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mr. trump stands tall today atop this remarkable stock market success. as the price of trump media has soared his wealth has jumped to over six billion dollars, putting him as one of the wealthiest people in the world. gives him a big war chest to fight slings and arrows of all left-wing prosecutors going after him, including of course the new york story where at least the appeals court slashed his bond requirement by roughly 65% to $175 million. lord knows what more these local legal juveniles are going to try to do to trump financially but he has got a big cushion right now. he may have to wait six months to cash in on his stocks or the perhaps the company should provide him a waiver should he need money sooner, but the point is right now he is in much better financial shape than he was perhaps a couple weeks ago but there is more to this even that. truth social, mr. trump's
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company, social media platform, will be sponsoring an ever-growing free speech, conservative community. now "breitbart"'s economics editor john carney has written brilliantly about this. he notes that the trump platform will offer a bastion of free speech, tapping into a vein of societal discontent and extending beyond the current election cycle. carney calls it balkanization. where the liberals have their media outlets but conservatives do not in terms of social media. now they will. for what ate worth i'm going to sign up myself and the trump social platform will of course be a key spot for mr. trump's issues in the presidential campaign. that's why trump's social is going to grow a lot in the weeks and months ahead as well as over the longer term, and, the stock offering will add about $300 million to expand and prove the truth social operation.
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it is so ironic that these local juvenile, corrupt prosecutors, you know, the letitia jameses, the alvin braggs, the and by your man, fani willis, oops, the jack smiths, all they try as might as they can to bring trump down, they can't, they can't bring him down. he is trump tough. now he is trump richer. good combination and he never stops selling his key issues to the public. take a listen to what he said yesterday just outside the courtroom. >> they can't win an election because of the borders, because of energy prices, because of inflation, because of afghanistan, the worst and most embarrassing day in the history of our country. larry: there you go. mr. trump, i say he is trump tough. i say he is trump smart. i say he is trump wealthy. that's why he looks like a winner to me. all right, that's my take. joining me now, great pleasure,
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a dear friend, tennessee senator bill hagerty, former colleague in the trump administration. senator hagerty, welcome. let's talk a few bits about this new trump social thing because i think its impact is probably underestimated by people. all these startup terms lose money in the beginning. that is not troublesome but this gives conservatives a social media platform of free speech. they can discuss conservative issues without getting hammered by lefties without google and its woke a.i. experiment, these kinds of things. what do you make of this phenomenon? >> they also know they won't get hammered by censorship. larry: right. >> we see really disturbing levels here in the united states particularly on social media. i think the platform does something very interesting. i haven't done analysis of this, i would say this the pop it received today underscores to me the american public are behind president trump. they see potential in him and his future what he is willing to put his name on.
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larry: i think you're exactly right. i think it is going to create a community, a conservative community for social media because there really is no particular home for that right now, i mean, twitter may be improved, certainly not facebook, certainly not google. i think there are a lot of others that aren't also. let me ask you this, trump on the issues, are you happy with him on the issues? are you satisfied? he is polling very well. he hammered away of course on the border which some polls show to be number one issue even more important than inflation? is he making his issues case amidst all thinks legal troubles? >> he certainly is and he can continue to do that because joe biden is providing a incredible backdrop to talk issues that worked. we have seen it before. most secure border under president trump. in 94 executive orders in 100 days joe biden tore it apart. this catastrophe, everyone sees the catastrophe at the southern
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border. frankly our adversaries see it too. they are pumping people in here right, left and center. we don't know who these people are. the biden administration precipitated the biggest national security crisis we ever faced larry. we're deeply concerned about what may happen. biden has done this as we saw president trump mentioned just a few minutes ago. the situation in afghanistan was an incredible disgrace. we basically found ourselves in two hot wars, in the middle east and in ukraine. that was not the case under donald trump. we stood strong as a nation. he built a strong economy here that allow you had us to build a strong posture militarily and diplomatically around the world. we will again and i think he can make that case very clearly. larry: correct me if i'm wrong, you tried to stop the funding of air flights of illegals into the country. i don't know how far you got with that, i think that was an issue that you were pushing. >> got right up to the edge of government shutdown. looked like chuck schumer was willing to shut the government
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down to take vote on this. at last minute he capitulated. every single in the democrat in the united states senate voted to continue to use taxpayer funding to charter planes, to fly illegal immigrants here to the united states of america, 320,000 came in last year alone. these are immigrants being recruited in cuba, in haiti, in venezuela, in colombia. they're flown directly in here, over our borders. they don't have to cross the borders. they come in 43 airports here in america. biden administration won't say which airports. i imagine they will be blue cities. they are trying to backfill, every democrat two weeks prior voted against my attempt to stop counting illegal migrants for purposes of proportioning congressional districts and counting illegal votes. larry: they could be criminals, they could be terrorists. they're not vetted. how did this begin? where is, who, wait. how do these flights work? you have got a flight from
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venezuela, for example. >> yes. larry: okay, now who is financing it? the u.s. government? >> taxpayers. larry: sending them on planes to do that be without telling anybody? you have to declare them? >> we talked to a whistle-blower who explained to us that there are charter companies flown 80,000 just in the past four months alone. larry: that is incredible to me. i knew these flights were happening but i didn't realize it was the u.s. government. i thought maybe it was private or ngo something? >> the u.s. government is adept using ngos almost like a money laundering machine to hire the ngos to do what the u.s. government doesn't want its fingerprints on. joe biden is behind this. they're bringing in 30,000 a month using cbp app. they are recruiting people in local jurisdictions. in brooklyn, congresswoman, chuck schumer's old congressional district. she said she needed illegal migrants to retain her district. she is worried about the outflow of new york. they're backfilling with illegal
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migrants think can count for the purposes of allocating election districts and electoral votes. larry: there was a court case in new york to stop illegals from voting although democrats continue to push that point of you. at least for the moment the law stepped in, said you can't vote. you talk to trump about being vice president. >> no. larry: you would be perfect. you have economic knowledge. you are a consultant, business man in your private life. you're a great ambassador to japan. you know foreign policy like the back of your hand? >> everything i talked with president trump about is winning in november. i think he is well-positioned to do that. it is amazing how many times i have to explain to people from overseas, what president trump's policies really are because the media are trying to paint this disdisto bean picture of chaos. we're living in chaos right now under joe biden this is not normal in the united states of america. we need to go back to policies
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president trump put in place. he got our economy strong, from our national security standpoint. our adversaries respected us, our adversaries feared us, and our allies stand by us even if he depressed them in nato. we have much safer world. we have hot wars in two jurisdictions. more from a national security standpoint than we can ever imagine. all this joe biden collapsing our border, destroying our economy. larry: whatever you say i think you would make a great vice president. i really do. >> you're very kind. larry: you should be on the list, rapping it right down. you might get a call sometime, bill hagerty. you never know. i enjoyed working with you. >> i did too. you're a great partner. look at what we accomplished, about the trade deal with japan, highest trade deal that had ever been done. militarily push china out of east china sea and south china sea. remarkable what we did under president trump.
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larry: bill hagerty. great to see you especially on set. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up on "kudlow," a live report from the terrible bridge collapse in baltimore, maryland. then can david mccormack win the pennsylvania senate seat? we'll ask him here on settle when "kudlow" returns. remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business. if you can't get us at 4:00 for some crazy reason, just text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you can never miss a trump social media pronouncement. how's that? i'm "kudlow." we'll be right back. that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. larry: pennsylvania could be a changeover to republicans. joining me know, david mccormick, pennsylvania candidate, former treasury undersecretary, army combat vet, west point graduate. tell us the truth, where were you in the class at west point? pompeo was number one i think. >> pompeo was number one. i was not number one. i was solidly in the middle. i focused on sports. larry: remember when w went to
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yale, congratulations to all you c students. there is path for you yet. we've been talking about trump, trump social and this successful stock offering. does trump at the head of the ticket help you in pennsylvania? >> i think it does, i think it does. there are 67 counties in pennsylvania, 55 of them are red but the key in those counties is getting out the vote. president trump has showed that he has a great ability to get-out-the-vote among republican voters, really motivate people that hadn't voted otherwise. i think i can help him, frankly. i think i can appeal to some of the independents, some of the conservative democrats around philadelphia and around pittsburgh, pittsburgh where i live and so i think it is symbiotic. i hope we'll both help each other. larry: you know, a new "harris poll" out today, it is good polling, they're saying that immigration, the border, the open border has become the number one issue replacing inflation. >> i feel it. larry: i was going to say. do you feel that?
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>> yeah. larry: are people talking to you about that in pennsylvania? >> i walk into the room, what are your three issues everywhere i go? when i launched campaign in early october, it was economy border, inflation border. now it is reversed. they're still deeply worried about inflation 60% of pennsylvanians live paycheck to paycheck. if you live paycheck to paycheck, prices are up 18%, paychecks up less than that. you're in a squeeze for rent and fuel. but the border, the border is motivating people in a way you can't believe for obvious reasons. it is a national security threat. 10 million illegal aliens. it took 13 to take down the towers. we see the national security risk but the fentanyl is destroying huge parts of pennsylvania. 5000 people died last year in pennsylvania from fentanyl. so the size and scale of this, just to put that in perspective, larry, we had less than 5000 killed in action in 20 years in
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iraq and afghanistan. so this is a huge deal. pennsylvanians are feeling it. there is inhern unfairness. some of the immigrant communities, latino community across pennsylvania are most animated about the illegal immigration problem. larry: that's right. trump also pushes drill, baby, drill. pennsylvania is an oil state. people may not understand that. pennsylvania is huge oil state. i would expect drill, baby, drill to be hugely popular? >> absolutely. more than that. it is the fourth largest natural gas reserves in the world, in the world, right? we can't can get that gas out of the ground, if we get it out of the ground we can't move it because we can't get permits for our pipelines. we also don't have a offshore port to export it to the world. if you think about one of the areas where biden's policies are upside down, if you think about a developing and exporting our natural gas, it is great for our
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national security. we see what happens with russia's invasion of ukraine when you're energy constrained. it is great for our economy. it creates all the great jobs in pennsylvania and across america and it is great for the environment because that natural gas replaces coal-fired plants in india and china this is absolute madness and it just got worse with this pause. larry: it would cut inflation. >> absolutely. larry: these petroleum derivatives run throughout the entire economy. hundreds of everyday things. we talked a lot about it on the show. big anti-inflation. trump i think, straight on, dead on right, drill, baby, drill. people don't get that. >> absolutely. larry: the other one, i don't know whether this is germane to pennsylvania, you're an internationalist, shouldn't tiktok be american owned, shouldn't that be an american business instead after chinese communist business? >> i support the bill to have bytedance divest tiktok for american ownership absolutely. larry: right. >> i want to say two things. number one i'm skeptical, i know
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you are, of the government intervening in free enterprise. larry: yeah. >> but when it is justifiable when it is a national security issue and in this case we have been assured or not assured by our intelligence community that that algorithm isn't in the hands of chinese or they can't get access to it and the data. unfortunately it is not justtic stock. we have a huge data flow problem going to china ahuge national security, final thing, think about the concept, president trump and you emphasized this over and over again, reciprocity. larry: i was just going to say that reciprocity. to understand trump's view, to understand what i think is the right view which the issue of reciprocity which can work two ways. >> right. larry: you can lower tariffs or subsidies none tariff barriers, we could too and china is guilty as sin on this, trying to come through the backdoor of mexico in the car business which will bankrupt our car business with
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these electric vehicles, if you raise your barriers we have to fight back on that. that is -- trump's a free trader. there has to be reciprocity. >> 100%. tiktok would never happen in china, american. larry: of course not. >> this thing where china is manufacturing its evs in mexico and circumventing usmca which you were at center of. larry: right. >> is absolutely -- larry: completely unfair. >> absolutely. larry: you got plants in pennsylvania. you have a lot of industry in pennsylvania. it will be affected by this. >> of course. just to step back what happened with the sub sidization of trillions of dollars going into evs everything else,. >> only driving inflation it is distorting economy. driving consumers away froms if sill fuels. creating a huge arbitrage with solar panels on farmland this is problem distort but key thing make us more dependent on china.
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lithium batteries and solar panels. we learned during covid we don't want pharmaceuticals in china. larry: insane. >> it will be when the dust settles biggest strategic miscalculation of biden administration make us more dependent on china when china is more of an adversary than ever. larry: you convinced me. get started and fix all of this stuff, are you ready? >> i will. larry: say hello to wonderful dina. >> i will, larry, you can hear date mccormick you can hear how well he is well-versed. president trump takes eighth amendment excessive fine argument to the supreme court. we'll ask one of his former lawyers. this is wonderful story. nbc is reportedly firing former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel, 15 minutes after she was hired.
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nbc, even-handed, anyway, free speech. mark simone, alec lace will lace into all of that. remember, folks, "kudlow" is available as a podcast. episodes available every weekday after our show on spotify, on apple and we welcome all-comers. i'm kudlow. vote for mccormick. ♪. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪. larry: all right, another pig story today, and a very difficult one, the search is underway for survivors in baltimore after a ship collided with the massive frances scott key bridge there early this morning. our own grady trimble is live right outside there with the details, grady, terrible story, what can you tell us? >> reporter: it is, larry, and we're covering a number of facets. i will start with the most pressing and that is the
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search-and-rescue efforts that are underway right now. you might be able to hear a chopper overhead. they're looking for people who were on the bridge at the time of its collapse. as far as we understand it, and i just asked governor wes moore here in maryland about this, there were eight construction workers on the bridge at the time of the collapse. two of them were pulled out of the water and are going to okay but they're still searching for six remaining construction workers. it is unclear whether there were other vehicles on the bridge but right now we know officials are definitely looking for six people. so that is the search-and-rescue angle. we're also following the ntsb's investigation. so very early days into what caused this, but we know from officials that the ship put out a mayday signal that they had lost power. that allowed officials on the ground to stop traffic from crossing the bridge and, inevitably they saved lives according to president bide and all the officials we have spoken to on the ground here.
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they're also going to get on that vessel at some point to get the voice data recorder, the black box, to see if that gives them any signs what went wrong. they have structural engineers here they will consult with whether there were any issues on the bridge itself. finally, larry, this is a huge shipping thoroughfare. in fact the port here, port of baltimore handles the most vehicles of any other port in the country. so secretary buttigieg, he has been on the ground here as well. he says they will do everything they can to mitigate any supply chain problems as a result of the fact that there are no ships going into or out of the port of baltimore right now because the bridge is still in the water. so is that ship right behind us. but of course, larry, as we mentioned, the first and foremost, top priority is the search for those six construction workers who were filling potholes overnight and now are missing. larry. larry: grady, is the assumption on the six missing that they're
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in the water? >> reporter: i think so. they said this is an active search-and-rescue operation. obviously this is a mile 1/2 long bridge. they were on the bridge itself. almost the whole thing collapsed as you saw in the video, larry. so the assumption is they could be in the water. that's why they have got boats, they have underwater search crews. they're using technology like sonar to try to see if they can find these people. larry: my lord, not good. grady trimble, thank you for that update, we appreciate it very much. all right, folks, switching gears from that awful story, let's talk a little bit about president trump's fraud case or cases. we're going to bring in james trusty, a former trump attorney and a former federal prosecutor from the department of justice. jim trusty, thank you, sir. we've talked a lot about using the eighth amendment for excessive fines. i know that mr. trump has looked at it.
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he actually pulled it out of his coat pocket during the laura inghram town hall meeting but even though he got some relief yesterday from letitia james and engoron, the judge, nonetheless, why should somebody have to pay all that money just to exercise their constitutional right to appeal a case, and why isn't this excessive fines and excessive treatment under the eighth amendment? >> yeah, i mean it's a win to get it reduced to 175 it was still a bad day for justice because it is incredibly high for appeal of a civil judgment. larry, there is a lot to be sifted through in terms of how that trial was conducted. the eighth amendment part is kind of an interesting ride because normally the eighth amendment, the case law makes very clear, only applies to criminal fines. it does not apply to disgorgement which is supposed to be essentially taking the
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ill-gotten gains from somebody who did something wrong and retrieving it. in this case what makes it different, disgorgement can become punitive which makes it more like a fine which means the eighth amendment can kick in. i think they have a very good argument in the long run about the eighth amendment. what is interesting i'm not sure it will get a lot of traction on the first two level, the appellate division, court of appeals in new york if they get to certiorari, the eighth amendment issue is a sexy issue for the supreme court to deal with. it is a wild ride. awe we have now is a stay imperfect sign for president trump but a lot of litigation to come over the next year or so. larry: jim trusty, is there no way for mr. trump -- i know others have said to me, to exhaust the state appeals process but at that point, isn't he, can't he and his team go to a federal court and make an
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appeal and that goes up to the supreme court? because look, you know, this fine is outrageous, whatever you call it, it's outrageous. 175 million is outrageous and the threat of seizing his properties is outrageous. you know ruth bader ginsburg said excessive fines, i'm looking right at it, timms versus indiana. it was 42,000-dollar bmw that is different from 500 million. can he go the federal route after exhausting new york? >> after exhausting new york, yes, but the federal route may only be the supreme court. let me just say this, larry, i was a prosecutor overall for 27 years and we used to have this saying, tell each other when we get creative to try to win a case, when the facts weren't so great, we said bad facts make bad law.
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that may be how this plays out. this is a zero loss loan application fraud with a disclaimer, with deutsche bank coming in saying we love the guy. we don't care about his estimate, we want to do more business, there is no real loss. at the end of the day the bad facts may sift their way through the appellate courts either state or federal and get to the point where there is resounding win for president trump. this was a stretch. this was creative prosecuting which ought to be a bad word or a bad phrase in this country. larry: yes, sir, got it. james trusty, thank you very much for that update. we appreciate it. >> sure. larry: folks, we got ourselves a hot political panel. mark simone, wor, hall of fame radio host, alec lace, host of "first-class fatherhood" podcast. all right, gentlemen, that is the ronna mccann el nbc story. let's listen to famous white house press seg tear karine jean-pierre. >> does the president believe
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that that kind of voice, that voice like hers, that there is room for her in the national political discourse? >> i will answer it this way. we saw what happened on january 6. we saw what happened when 2000 people, a mob, went to the capitol and undermined our democracy. it was an attack on our democracy. larry: there you go, ronna ronna mcdaniel working for nbc is an attack on democracy, i guess is what she was saying. it is reported that nbc is dropping her. if that is true, it means she would have been hired for about 15 minutes, maybe 12 minutes. maybe we have to use the eighth amendment. maybe we have to go to mark simone. what is going on? nbc i'm told internally all these people are crying, gnashing teeth. oh, my god they may have hired a republican, a republican as one of their tv consultants, mark.
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>> yeah. inmates are running asylum. every anchor is attacking her if she doesn't hold this job. that means scaramucci held the job longer than she held hers. larry: in the white house. >> she is a nice woman. she would be a great asset to many companies, the truth is, broadcasting a guest, she is not the most exciting television personality of all. if she is going to cause that much trouble i just don't think she is worth it. larry: alec, what do you think about this? there is a lot of issues here. one of them is, i don't think it is about how good or bad she is. she could develop into a very good analyst with a little practice and so forth. this is nbc, a big network, supposed to be even-handed, not supposed to be just against conservatives or for liberals. for many, many years i worked for nbc, cnbc, okay? nbc revealing itself to be this left-wing news operation? >> larry they're not trying to
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hide it anymore. this is who they are. they believe in censorship. their idea of free speech only saying what we agree with. that is what it is. if ronna mcdaniel is true she is fired she lasted longer than cnn plus. she has something going for her there. that is the way, especially nbc, left-wing, they announced themselves who they are, that is the game they're playing. the jig is up. didn't earn it press secretary saying this attack on democracy. everything is an attack on democracy, except trying to jail your political these people. larry: i will come back to you, you have a very poor grade on the first go round. seriously it is not about whether ronna is a fabulous communicator. i think she is a very smart woman, she mite do well, whatever. that is not the issue. the issue is nbc's bias, as alec says, truth social, from trump affords conservatives with a platform and it could be, they could wind up going into television shows and all the
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rest of it. this is opening for, they will put 300 million in there to make it an even better platform. i think that is really very important for people on the conservative persuasion. >> it is very important especially since all these networks have gone totally left-wing. larry: yes. >> as john carney said, balkanization, i think that is a very sad thing. it will divide us even more. a lot of especially older people, they have to accept the fact "the new york times" isn't "the new york times" anymore. nbc is not nbc anymore. it is not walter cronkite and whoever anymore. it is slanted. it's biased. it is deceiving you by not giving you the whole story. truth social very important. rumble very important. larry: they're crucifying, they're crucifying for ronna mcdaniel she may or may not have made after the election, okay? they're really going after her because of her conservative views.
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i mean that's, they may use this democracy issue. democracy what, joe biden law fair is that democracy the way they're treating trump? this is very important. this is an issue that needs ventilation and discussion. >> well-said. everything they don't agree with is now labeled as misinformation. everything is misinformation, disinformation, despite the fact you see what they just did mainstream media with the bloodbath. they ran with it, shaped. cut it, edited same request good people on both sides. joe biden don't worry editing, play the whole thing. he does it to himself we don't have to worry about that. larry: here is another issue, very unhappy issue, front page of the "new york post," police officer shot dead by a career criminal. it is a terrible, terrible story. i don't know if we have the tear sheet or not. it is coming up on the full screen. mark, new york, you know, unsafe. i say unsafe and randomly
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unsafe. you never know where it is going to strike. >> this is one of the saddest stories. this poor cop, young guy, one-year-old child, shot and killed. career criminal. 21 priors. in and out of prison. just got picked up on a gun charge a few months ago and let go by this crazy district attorney, the courts. this has got to stop. laken riley killed by a recidivist who over and over again arrested. if you let all the criminals run loose this is what happens. larry: now i want to add on to this, i think, i don't know, producers in my ear, as we were coming on air, right, robert f. kennedy, jr., has chosen this woman nicole shanahan, given money to democrats and left-wing causes but in particular she has given money to all these soros type prosecutors. she holds the view that with respect to policing we should
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have non-incarceration policies rather than incarceration policies. that is exactly what happened here in new york. this guy busted again recently, let out of jail, winds up killing a young cop with a family. this is who robert kennedy chose? this is a terrible decision in my opinion. >> i couldn't agree more, larry. just on paper she looks like just another left-wing lunatic. when you dig deeper she is progressive, could be part of the squad. poor man's aoc the good thing for us, robert f. kennedy, jr. he is stealing no votes from trump supporters. this is a far left pick. larry: this will come out of biden's hide because ever anti-cops -- >> 100%, cut their funding. don't put anybody in jail. look what happened. you have another one too, anyway enough on crime. last one, trump, people will vote for trump over biden even if trump is convicted, new poll out. >> absolutely are. larry: even if he convicted. >> go through every election
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people want a fighter, a fighter. larry: 56-46, i should have put that up. even if he is convicted. >> they want a fighter somebody who will fight hard. biden, democrats all the crazy new york people have put on a demonstration of what a fighter trump is. nobody has ever seen this kind of strength and courage. nobody. john gotti didn't ever face four trials at the same time. four trials at once. he hasn't blinked yet. larry: you picked up your game from that bad first answer. i got to tell you you really improved it. it is a pleasure to have both of you. alex you laced into it, man. you're my kind of guy. mark simone i love you anyway. folks coming up, speaker mike johnson's lips to god's ears, no new tax hikes. we'll talk about it with art laffer of laffer curve fame all when "kudlow" returns. mark simone is a good guy. he is not running for anything. we'll be right back.
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i was kind of worried. these fiscal commissions, arthur, they sit down, before they pour the first cup of coffee at nine in the morning they all start about raising taxes to balance the budget, right? you've seen this a million times. simpson-bowles all these goofy commission. >> always. larry: at least johnson said no. >> i agree. just wonderful in saying no. now the only thing i worry about, the last time i heard someone say no new taxes, read my lips, i was a little bit worried by that guy. that was george h.w. bush if you remember. i tried to read his lips, larry, i really did. george h.w. bush's but i couldn't read his lips because his nose was growing so fast, blocked out his lips. just joking. mike johnson is really great. i think he is doing a good job. i like the way he says just plain no. no taxes, no commission. get the heck out of here. let markets solve problems themselves. that is the way it should be. larry: papa bush, look he had good qualities but economic
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policy was never one of them. arthur, the other subject is, inflation, climate inflation, you've got some crazy story from "axios" and elsewhere saying, you know, global warming is causing high inflation. how about the trillions of dollars we're spending, seriously, to subsidize evs and what knot? you think those trillions of dollars has something to do with inflation or is it all global warming? >> well if you're going to be serious yes, it is inflation is caused by the dollars and by the spending you're all right. i looked at it seriously, inflation occurred under jimmy carter and joe biden. global warming must be the problem under those two people. what we need to do is make sure we don't elect people like jimmy carter and joe biden. then we'll get rid of global warming and we won't have inflation. i also looked at the last wholesale price index, consumer
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price index, all of these indices there, it's true, in june, july and august inflation tends to pick up quite substantially in those numbers. maybe there is something to this, not. larry: right. >> it is ridiculous and it's a joke and we shouldn't do those programs. frankly we should just, if you're going to do anything with global carbon, global warming have a carbon tax, offset it by a big income tax cut to make sure the economy prospers. that is the way to solve it. just get the heck out of the way. larry: you know, evs are inflationary. batteries are inflationary. the commodities are inflationary. the car insurance, we talked about, car insurance is going through the roof because evs are not safe, it is very hard to repair them. all that stuff is inflationary. i don't know about global warming. i think the greens themselves are inflationary. art laffer, you're the best of the best. thank you ever so much. folks, i will be right back with my last word.ce
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to say, i am very worried about those missing from bridge crash, very worried. hope the lord looks after them and congrats to mr. trump for his truth social stock market success, those two. i know this mcdonald is going to be all over these stories. liz: thank you so much. coming up in a few moments, senator te


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