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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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seven people unaccounted for two people pulled from the water earlier, one remains if critical condition this morning, earlier officials told us they were about 20 people in the water, now they say there are just seven people unaccounted for joining me right now is tennessee congressman house transportation infrastructure committee member tim burchett also joining the conversation for power panel civil rights attorney leo terrell steamboat ins institute kaylee mcghee white thanks for joining on busy news do a congressman i start with you tim burchett on tragedy that we're watching in
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baltimore as i mentioned the cargo ship hitting beam one of the most important beams of this prodigious causing the bridge to collapse. >> you can collateral see lost power, diesel jipz smoke out of it looks like possibly trying to restart that engine, it looks like the rudder was stomach turning -- starboard hits on port side, then tragedy ensued only good news wasn't during rush hour instead of half a dozen casualties could have been hundreds a real tragedy nothing good that can come from this. >> have you gotten a briefing being on transparence committee in terms of how something like 24 can happen you think what happened here is boat lost power? >> well, that is that looks like to me, you see the lights go out on it things have multiple backup sources for steering in, case those things
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happen so really not clear to anybody just yet what has happened. i it will be briefed later on findings, right now all just speculative if you watch video you can clearly see that lights do go out, you noticed spoke from the stack is very thick, black, that is -- that is -- i suspect diesel ship a diesel engine is fatalevering apparently lost some power hit on port side the collapse ensued. >> the white house says there are no the indications of foul play here, of course we are worried about potential terrorist attack given the wide-open border, and worries about the u.s. but the white house says no indication of
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foul play, do you have any indication, of -- of the origins of us no other than that singapore flagship i understand the fbi was on from earlier reports fbi was on-site i i am not sure if due to getting involved or the possible -- the possibility of a terrorist attack but i don't think it was a terrorist attack at this time. >> responders searching for at least seven people monitoring it your take on business at hand when you come back majorie taylor greene is upset about 1.2 trillion-dollar spending package passed into law to avoid a government shutdown you continue to spend on nancy pelosi's budget, don't you? . >> yes, ma'am, i agree with that, i am frustrated with it too we are 35 trillion dollars in debt to take in somewhere between four and five trillion
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a year spend around seven i don't carry whose math fiat currency what economics you are using that is a bad policy a policy for disaster. we're funding rule awful things, anti-semitic groups, on down the list we should know better in the banning transgender surgeries in have military a lot of things in there that are bad. and i free with her on that from that point i am frustrated with it too of course if we were to kick mike johnson out, we would hand the gavel over to jeffries no question there mike johnson is -- you know now down to one person, i know, if some folks that are in biden 15 districts where he won over trump 15 points we have respect congressman can be swayed to vote the other way. it is a real tightrope i would
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hope that -- >> i mean. >> obvious that you guys are hanging on to majority by a hair. and yet you've got people like mike gallagher who was chairman china select committee leaving, early, and leaving on a date that basically eliminates any chance a special election, so people of wisconsin, mike gallagher's district will not the representation, until after the election. why do you think that is? i mean, it feels like some colleagues are saying screw you i am out of here. >> yes, ma'am that is exactly what they are saying. you take oath go two years should do two years people fighting more people play professional baseball than have been in the united states congress if that tells you anything so it is an incredible honor i would hope they would stay on i would hope mike would immediately resign so we can have if going to leave, to have a -- we can
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immediately have a -- a special election because if he doesn't it falls into time gap where we don't have special election that seat is empty. i hope there is no skulduggery but it looks bad really does. you know. we used to say in state legislature, jimmy was my friend is friend would say if you didn't want to work you shouldn't have hired on clearly the case not out like they wanted, so bailing to me that is the time you start working. >> so after mike gallagher leaves you have majority by one vote congressman do you think this is basically his retaliation against you and your quote/unquote squad who fired kevin mccarthy? >> possibly, i have heard that i hope not i hope mike didn't hold a grudge like that you got to know that is in the back of folks mind i know he was unhappy with the situation
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very much so, and, you know -- got his ticktack bill across the line then he's gone just very unfortunate a friend of mine a marine my dad was in corp i hold great deal of respect for folks like this this is overall putting us in a horrible, horrible position. >> was it worth it all stink over kevin mccarthy, pushing him out, and your at the same place you were members saying i am out of here, you are not going to be able to have a special election, so you don't have a majority, got one vote in retrospect was it all worth it? >> yes, ma'am. you know, the way you got to -- clear wheat from chaf this is clearing we need to get rid of folks that are not in for fight because we're going to lose our country regardless who is in leadership do doesn't matter if we just go
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down this road liberal policies spending out of control, border that is just a complete porous joke, 10 million people 400 billion dollars a year the take care of these people and fentanyl, crime, everything else turn our back to it allow it to happen we will lose our country, i think by design the anarchists in white house in control that is going on right now we are not -- go ahead. >> we so appreciate it. thank you very much we will be watching your work, kaylee mcghee white, leo terrell power hour that we are kicking off here kaylee your thoughts where we are here, given the slim majority, and the attacks on donald trump. >> well i think that the congressman is right if the house republicans in a very precarious position into a really important election year what republicans need to ask themselves if they are asking voters to give them the majority, then they need to start act the like a majority
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that wants to govern when you have republicans jumping ship left and right where persuade to do keep electing them leo terrell? >> i tell you right now maria let me be clear mike gallaghers, tim, they are not republicans they are rinos rinos more dangerous than democrats these are individuals that do not agree with the trump policy, of securing the border, and this is why we're in this dilemma right now going to stay this way until we get supermajority of trump republicans, in congress. . >> will you get super majority they want toils vote you saw what new york city council did stay right there getting started following breaking news all morning long, but first, when you are out you are out former rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel could be let go from new gig at nbc because the talent is making a big stinks about it power panel is here to react to that
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irranching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . leo:
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maria: welcome back. now this, nbc is considering cutting tice with former rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel after hiring her because of traimg among staffers ted cruz writes on x, george stephanopoulos was senior democrat white house staffer jen psaki senior democrat white house saffer hires a republican end of the world kellogg's voicing distaste for hiring on air immediately after. >> we weren't asked opinion if we were we would the electronically objected for many reasons. >> we hope nbc will reconsider it goes without waying not a guest on mornings show i think bosses owe an apology putting
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in you a situation when nbc made decision to give her nbc news credibility what does she bring nbc. of. maria: nbc pews news credibility how long going on and on about thank you russia collusion story was made up kaylee? >> exactly, the complaint about ronna mcdaniel here that is she questioned the 2020 elections results in capacity as rnc chair, if that is the standard here then nbc better get ready to also fire chuck todd rachel maddow, all of whom questioned 2016 elections's results suggested donald trump was agent of russia unapologetically many still insist the 2016 election should have been hillary clinton, so hypocrisy here disdain for viewers same republican network hired hosts seem to think their viewers
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cannot stand to be composed, to an opposing viewpoint, i think shows as their ideology, if they were confident proud about things they believe, it wouldn't be a big deal for one to go on air contest those beliefs the reason opposed diversity of thought in any capacity, is because they know that they cannot with an close scrutiny. >> they showed who they are admit a tool for the white house, a partisan network, which is just reporting the democrats side of things. leo: maria you are being too kind the inmates are ruling asylum at nbc they are in the back pocket of the democratic party their goal get joe biden elected destroy candidates of president trump the game ronna
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mcdaniel poses a threat they are agent of the democrats all they want that is why are against mcdaniel, any respect conservative any republican to air views on nbc, simple as that. maria: unbelievable kaylee you worn wondered if this is going to happen walk back hiring given outrage from staffers there you jaefd scarborough not a gus on morning joe. >> it wouldn't terrorize me if they walk back on this contract with mcdaniel same network refuses to air trump speeches, spreading misinformation, they have no respect for the people who watch their chaeblg, i can't imagine why anybody would at this point. maria: all right. if trump wins leo, and they continue this breaking away from sitting president of the united states, whenever he speaks look the other day it was explaining what went on with the -- half a billion-dollar bond, and they
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just they we're going to keep following it come to him later would not take comments. >> they don't care bothers me why is management here how dare employees people receive a paycheck from management dictate policy for the corporation? it tells that you the nbc-msnbc high skakd controlled by biden administration by doc. >> apparently a short break whether we come book on breaking news of the morning, search and rescue operations underway in baltimore after collapse of the francis scott key bridge bridge the container ship hit one of the beams holding the bridge the ridge collapsed we were told initial plea 20 people in water now we are told officials searching for seven people unaccounted for, two people have been pulled from the water one this morning, in critical condition, quick break then markets on the move
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ahead of february durable goods orders that reportedly out ten minutes time, mark is here.
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intlie. welcome back djt stock on wall street today former president donald trump social media company begins trading on nasdaq today the stock already up in the premarket fox business kelly o'grady with more. >> good morning to you, maria that is right djt returning to wall street trump technology group will list on nasdaq 9:30 this morning excitement was already building yesterday. djt replacing, dwac, in marriage stock up 35% close to 8% or so premarket trading to own 58% new entity with share price that is valued over 3 1/2-billion-dollar many shareholders not traditional investors a lot smaller retail trump supporters want to plug their candidate not the type to hold the to being for
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awhile. >> share price increased as former president won states throughout the season hypothesize. >> trump is subject to a six month lockup agreement will that would prevent him from selling or using those shares as collateral for that period new board would issue a waiver to change any conditions, if not, he could still use those funds come september during the general election campaign. now this is not first time, by the way, that djt has been on exchange to ticker was used by trump hotel casino resorts in 1995 delisted after filing bankruptcy a decade later today expected to open above 50 dollars could see volatility, it could become ultimate meme stock marks first appearance on top 500 richest folks in the world now with that windfall.
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maria: stock already 61, in premarket we are watching that one kelly thank you, kelly o'grady with the latest there, joining me chief investment strategist mark luschini great to see you. thanks so much for being here, it is djt, ipo part of the euphoria or do you think a separate situation? >> i think it has its own idiosyncratic, for the reasons that previous reporter mentioned, however, certainly coming to market at a time in which obviously, a general sense of optimism, with regard to risk assets, the stock market. obviously, a lot of consensus is formed around this narrative going to avert a recession corporate progressiveability quite healthy as a consequence obviously, stocks rallied now since really beginning, the end of objective last year, being four consecutive months
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building on gains 9.4 s&p 500, already year-to-date makes it almost a year's worth of return in first three months of the year so it is a prime condition, to come to market with a listing like this kind of spac opportunity. maria: no wonder up 25% right now sitting level 6240 i want your take on broader market the first quarter, has been very good, take a look at numbers, first quarter, the dow industrials up 4% as you just said, the s&p up 9 1/2% this quarter nasdaq up better than 9%, first three months of the year we enclosed out the quarter this week tell me how the rest of the year looks to you as we come off this euphoric period for stocks in the first quarter and last year by the way. certainly a lot of chatter about risk of corrections, seven to 10% would really take market down to maybe 47, 4800,
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quite frankly, might ren size power sideline cash to take another leg higher ultimately, when we look at instances in which we've seen gainers for four consecutive months 12-month forward basis to see produce additional gains one hundred percent time 16 instances back to 1930 pods, the median return has been 19% over the subsequent 12 months a low of 5%, positive return, to a high of 40%, so, again, passes if past prologue one would say one would want to stay vested look for gains to come if we continue to see evolution of economic activity develop like we've been over the course of the last really 15 months or so continuing with momentum, in the economy,
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that we have by the label market as seen so far, that seems increasingly orders own to continue. maria: maybe the economy is slowing right mark? you've got an economy that is slowing you've got inflation still validated oil prices up to 81 dollars a barrel, where are we? a market that is in record territory bitcoin, climbing back above 71,000 dollars this morning, pulled back last week but still talking about a risk on environment, what is happening in the space why such euphoria even in environment where things are slowing down from the macro perspective? >> i mean i -- we've down shifted from last year's basic growth we had over 3% average annual pace of economic activity, in 2023, now, growth first quarter positive above trend clearly slowed from last year the jobless claims
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numbers are still very low, not indicative of any kind of fissures in labor market that is supportive having said all that not bust bitcoin, it has been could you gold bullion breaching 2,200 an ounce, in infuriates market indicative of concerns that, one of, certainly interest rates have come down inflation is falling, faster than federal reserve lowered interest rates at least projected by the most recent, in addition this is geopolitical tensions emerging we know those been ongoing sometime i think investors generally concerned about perhaps if we do see downshift in economic activity it could follow on that perhaps, the economy slows to the point we encounter recession later this year or early next i think main conference board consumer sentiment rating going to be
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another indication of where we stand on that with attitudes about labor later personal income spending in that the fed favorite inflation gauge pce a tell on where we are in aforementioned variables that could influence the economy as we go forward whether or not makes sense that equities need to grind higher and/or what kind of participation we get from these alternative assets like bitcoin, and gold. which are considered safe havens among many in investment community. maria: look approximately all that data coming up later in the week, before that we are getting durable goods order this morning, about ten seconds or so durable goods, this is an indication of whether or not ceos are paying up for important things durable goods like refrigerators things that last 8 to 12 months, we will get that read fourth quarter gdp later in the week but durable goods number gives us an
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insight into whether or not we are seeing managers pay up for big ticket items as soon as you get numbers see if a market impact cheryl casone with number right now. cheryl: durable goods coming in stronger than expected 1.4 street looking for 1.1% if you strip out transportation, companies, issuing you get .5% upside looking for .4% so again a little bit stronger than expected, core cap goods came in much stronger than expected gain .7%, looking for gain .1% so again numbers stronger than expected you know your guest was mentioning core pce later in the week income and spending that second read on fourth quarter gdp coming oh, on thursday maria next another jobs' report coming in a lot to kind of go through next couple
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weeks here. maria: for sure, mark, having said all that your reaction to the durable goods numbers no major reaction for the stock market we are still higher, dow up 75 points i am wonk how you want to allocate capital in this environment right now. >> certainly that is an encouraging number that not only durable goods but core capital goods orders importantly indicative of capital expenditures companies making business investment when it occurring were not confident on go forward basis how we would allocate capital to certainly stay fully committed to whatever propose asset allocation is givingmen to risk assets or stock portion on one portfolio, within the market. actually we've seen leadership more recent start to merge in pro-growth credible sectors industrials, basic material energy has rallied again, are, will financials in fact if you
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look at year-to-date basis is what quietly almost sneakly finances have taken over leadership relative to communication services sector then to say encourage a ban in tech related companies obviously, sectors like communicates technical obviously, consumer discretionary but run in theless some other, laggards, last 15 months or so started to take on leadership qualities, if in fact this economic condition that we're seeing right persists positive growth, a recipe for cycle sectors to continue to perform quite well perhaps be that when helps compress the delta that existed between capitalization tech to denominated s&p 500 equal paetsdz index. philadelphia federal reserve was a miss, in january, durable goods was arrived lower so good news on the
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february durable goods january revised lower mixed story at best mark great to see you. thank you so much mark luschini joining us back with more on power panel you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. in a rocky mountain setting spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure.
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kwoel we'll vs vice president kamala harris to o border czar roll meeting with guatemala at the white house yesterday to honor dura el salvador 170 mill in aid sent to guatemala all in effort, to address the quote root causes of migration. politico reporting president biden has gone silent on executive action for his border, for the border his
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administration, staffers reportedly not feeling urgency to take action on the border because of a slight decline in crossing in wintertime what calling less intense media coverage, kaylee reaction. kaylee: i think a very bad sign that kamala harris is back on border czar duty not just because incompetent ineffective it shows biden administration have not lander from fail immigration approach she mentions this root causes strategy, we know for a fact, that central america mexico have been using this policy by the administration, to essentially extort us for cash, the mexican president went on "60 minutes" this weekend said he would allow unfettered illegal illegals until united states agreed to 20 billion a year to mexico, provide am necessity to
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illegal immigrants in united states political extortion what biden administration kamala harris are enabling. >> i don't think any question leo terrell looking for root causes of migration that root cause is joe biden's open-border policy, what is the other root cause that she is looking for? it is obvious, that he opened the border, and that is the root because. leo: you are absolutely right, i would love to debate her on your program, to define that it is nothing more than a talking point. what is open borders maria democrat partin hijacked by progressive left they want open borders they want new voters they are trying to increase their voting bloc in america, that is endgame, the idea that he can't do anything about it that is joke he undid the executive policies of donald trump they have no intention of closing border they cannot and throwing money
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at the mission to countries is nothing more with an political extortion no intention at all >> i spoke with lt. governor of texas sin dan patrick to get assessment of the border today here is what he said. >> the kings says article iv section 4, that the country, united states, shall protect each state from invasion. we are being invaded, that video clearly shows it. you know people argue well it has to be a hostile armed incursion, just because people don't have a gang uniform on doesn't mean not invadeing us, who are commanders in have china how do thousands and thousands young men get to america from china my estimate under biden children they are going to have automatic citizens automatic voters.
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>> up to 14 million people having come in on joe biden's watch a, but i do find it oddnot discussion thousands every chinese nationals coming into our country through. >> are they directed. >>. kaylee: biden administration has taken political risk to accept the consequences, of unfettered illegal immigration in order likely as leo mentioned to build up voting bloc in infuriate elections why biden refuses to take executive action when it could probable safe his race in november by showing the voters that he is serious about this issue yet refuses to do accepting political cost not doing anything, the video a moment ago of violent single mental attacked our law enforcement, to try illegally enter country, that should be
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a campaign ad for donald trump it doesn't matter what anyone in the biden white house says at this point, videos like that very clearly portray the problem that is facing this country, until they get serious about it, voters are going to be the ones have to get serious. maria: i mean impossible not to believe it is an invasion after looking at that video we see the video it happened on thursday with all people from several countries, by the way, hundreds and hundreds of people knocking down the razor wire in texas, plowing into our national guard, i want to point out the, new york city council is asking the states highest court to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. so, the jig is up okay the jig is up that is why border open they want illegals to vote, leo. leo: absolutely first of all not going to happen case got you to be a citizen in this country to vote, this is
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progressive new york city basically trying to replace americans as new voting bloc illegal aliens, the illegal aliens crossed this border got nothing to worry about because progressive district attorney not going to prt mayorkas not going to prosecute they get a free pass to commit crimes a shameful part about this. maria: we are looking at migrant crime on the rise, meanwhile i want your take on these critical are voting blocs a poll finds only 59% of black voters say they are certain that they will vote in 2024 election, the poll found cost-of-living top concern for black voters today followed by racism healthcare housing costs education, how would you access the black vote today? >> the black vote has finally after 50 years said we're not going to vote as a bloc for democrats, if president trump i am shufr watching your program he needs to have
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rallies in detroit philadelphia milwaukee chicago loogs, here is a chance to break the democrat stranglehold on people of color. they want tujts that exists with trump administration. the democrats the basically assumed that blacks are going to vote for them. it is not going to happen maria. joe biden does not have a chance against a black vote in this country this year they don't have black and brown votes no democratic party. maria: we will seal so a hispanic community is also, supporting trump i believe, we are staying on all this and we've got breaking news following all morning long, seven people missing at least two have kwud after baltimore francis scott key bridge collapsed overnight because a cargo ship crashed into one of the supporting beams that picture unbelievable weing be right back with very latest first squatters stealing peoples holmes in big apple
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there is nothing they can do with it. our panel reacts this morning. you are ranching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours. fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded.
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baltimore francis scott key bridge cleansing after cooing ship hits bridge in most vulnerable spot one of the beams supporting the bridge griff jenkins live on the scene with details. >> we are just about 1,000 feet north of that bridge collapse you can see behind me normally looking at very tall francis scott key bridge only remnants after that now more than seven hours into the first and first and foremost acues phase search and rescue local and federal first responders, coast guard we learned last hour three boats a cutter helicopter you may hear above us trying to find
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some survivors we understand there maybe as many as seven individuals that are unaccounted for, two people have been pulled from the water so far, this morning. one was okay. the other in critical condition to go to the hospital, some of those individuals are looking for may not only be motorists on the bridge tote but construction workers doing overnight routine concrete repair waiting to get more details just in past few molts we saw governor moore's mortgagor a kid passing by setting up for a press conference, here that we hope to bring you and that may give more answers but acute search and rescue migrants longer term question how and why this happened we've learned just moments ago singapore's maritime port authority is in contact with u.s. coast guards trying to get more answers as we tried on figuring out how
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this unprecedented inventory happened in baltimore harbor i guess people asking questions whether or not foul play nie directly asked that question of maryland's transportation secretary i said can you rule out any intentional motive or foul play he said right now the investigation nothing he has seen would point to that treating it as accident but standard investigation right now looks like it was on a accident but unclear as to why that happened, maria. maria: all right. great reporting we so appreciate you on this griff jenkins, there, and i want to point out something that one of the analysts on wall street is saying this morning something about i have been saying this morning the partially collapse of the bridge may limit access to port of baltimore a huge portfolio can handle 173 ships at a time you can see that most ports are inside of that bridge, you got to wonder what
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that means for inflation, this from cowen this morning an economic story as much as anything else having our hearts go out to seven people that are still unaccounted for, meanwhile, there is this podcast hope blasting new york city squatter right laws watch this. >> there is a bunch of different steps that you can do, that just seems to indicate that you are the legal -- they have to take you court it could be months, months, or even before you get a trial so crazy in the name of protecting tenants which is important -- [bleep] -- >> but in name of protecting tenants you basically allow people to steal people's houses. maria: that is what we keep hearing anybody can declare residency of apple property living there 30 days i spoke with flash about this yesterday gave tips to you ho prevent unethical takeover of your home. >> the process the same rights
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that they would use, against them forcing them to fight to get back into a property, instead have had fighting to gem out absolute most important thing is being able to document, when they entered so regardless if you are on vacation or loss at family member, empty house you need cameras, you need an alarm system, locking mailbox stops people from getting mail delivered to your home they can get to your mailbox before you take the mail out that you has their name on mail can use that to set residence. >> great tips from flash shelton on squatter laws leo in step with other easy to commit crime laws in new york. leo: i tell you right now just changed law florida is changing the law, i mean, if almost could be possible with a supermajority control
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legislature in new york police can't do anything unless a court owed ridiculous. maria: totally ridiculous. kaylee: yeah, i am listening to tips from flash, it is stunning tips even applicable in the first place, to be clear squatters rights are not a thing only private rights the fact new york is thoroughly abandoned those rights is so and it american, incredible. anti-american, it is incredible. >> what we are worried about keeping a spotlight on it what can we do people's homes taken from them they have to wait a year or more to get it back. -- keep a spotlight on this for sure i want to thank you both quick break then final words. we'll be right back. . nice shot, marcus! sweet, turn simulation off. tssk, tssk, not so fast. what, why? did you forget marcus? forget what? your chem exam? uggh?
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8:58 am
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8:59 am
maria: welcome back. we want to give you a look at the breaking muse of the morning, baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapsing after a cargo ship collided into the bridge, one of several metal structures' support beams collapsing after the ship went into it. who people were already rescued, several others are still missing. kaylee mcghee white, final thoughts. >> i think that a it's very tragic and the loss of life here is, obviously, the primary concern. but keep if mind that this bridge had about 30,000 vehicles go across it every single day. that's going to affect commerce, thats' going to affect people rye thering to get to their a jobs, kids going to school. so there are a lot of long-term implications here. maria: and economic as well.
9:00 am
it's the deepest harbor in maryland's chesapeake bay. they say it's 50 feet deep. final thoughts, leo. >> yeah. you mentioned earlier, maria with, the possibility of inflation. the economic impact. and more importantly, martial security. i'm looking -- national security. i'm hooking forward to what's going to happen regarding the investigation. maria: yeah. the white house said that there was no indication of foul play, but we certainly want to hear from the fbi who's also a investigating this how did did this happen. we'll have more on the implications tomorrow. i want to thank you, kaylee mcghee white and leo terrell, for joining us in this power hour. markets are off the highs of the morning but, nonetheless, gains across the board. thanks so much for joining us in this morning. tu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. this program is all about money and politics, but today we start with the bridge collapse in baltimore that has serious consequences for travel on the eastern seaboard and trade through the port of baltimore. ea


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