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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 26, 2024 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. tuesday march 26. her top stories right now. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. a multibillion-dollar windfall paper for president trump as the true social media company sets to go public today, soaring in the premarket after an appellate judge slashes and half the bond that trump needs to come up with in his new york ag civil case. we are tracking the fast-moving developments all morning long, features indicated a nice rally at the start of trading stocks are higher this morning, the dow industrial pda, nasdaq at 93 and s&p 500 higher by 20 as investors close out the first quarter of the year this week awaiting for market moving economic and inflation data. the final rate of fourth-quarter gdp out this thursday in the february pce index on friday. bitcoin meanwhile, back above $70000 this morning take a look at the rally in bitcoin, once again above 71000 we are following the bounce in bitcoin,
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european markets are mixed, take a look at the eurozone with s&p 100 is over by a fraction, the cat crown and the dax index are higher by a fraction. in asian markets finish mostly higher. take a look at the embassies in asia with the best performer hong kong up 1%. breaking news in the u.s. overnight. a mass developing story, baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapses after a cargo ship collides into it sending cars into the water and officials say 20 people are still in the water right now. they are treating this as a mass casualty event and we are still learning the developments. we will take you here live coming up. joining the conversation all morning long wealth management president chris mcmahon is here, cyber attacks expert krysia lenzo and fox business cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live
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right now. it is time for the hot topic of the hour. president trump's newly emerged social media company trump media and technology group will trade on the nasdaq today under the symbol djt trump's initials, the stock is jumping going into the trading session, up 20% right now sitting at a level of $60 even, this has billions of dollars on paper for president trump who own 60% of the company. the former president blasting his legal challenges saying president biden's weaponize in the justice department to try to knock out his political opponent. watch. >> this is all about election interference, this is biden run things, meeting biden and his thugs, i don't know if you notice he's alive. it's a shame what is happening to our country. every single one of them is run by biden and his thugs. his only way they think they can get elected. so far it backfired because the people of this country understand. his weaponization of d.o.j. and
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fbi. he could make me more popular because the people know it is a scam. greatly respected decision of the appellate decision we will abide by that. we will put up in cash or bond very quickly, security cash or bond, whatever it is. maria: a bit of a victory for trump as a new york appeals court reduced trump's 454 million-dollar bond judgment in the civil fraud case cutting the number down to $175 million. president trump says he will pay the bond, your reaction. >> he says he will pay the bond and the collateral will be cash. that was a great media moment for him. it is going viral because it was a huge win for president trump yesterday despite every effort of letitia james and of alvin brautigan in every single one of these corrupt legal prosecutors, donald trump a still ahead and this is clear by what's to come
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with his new company that will be listed on the nasdaq, that's another big win for him, over $3 billion. in terms of his wealth on paper. definitely a win but it is no surprise that companies are leaving new york in the fact that over 160 wall street firms are exiting because of all of what is occurring in this corrupt process of new york's legal system. maria: the wall street journal gerry baker with an op-ed today titled trump's trials are a political gift to his campaign. he writes the democrats lost their strategy appears to be backfiring as swing voters turned against joe biden it is because people are looking at all of these attacks on trump and looking at as election interference with the election six months away. >> this is been politicized since the beginning and it continues to be more politicized. in particular look at the size
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of the judgment, the initial $454 million judgment which he did get reduced yesterday. that is an egregious amount of money in any suit involving business fraud, accounting. there were no victims, none of the banks said that they were victims of this but still $454 million judgment against him. the appellate court did side with the former president and he said he's going to pay in cash. to the other side of this you have for different trials happening, indictments happening in different stages against the former president in the onslaught is what the voters are responding to, the undecideds and their saying this is political hit jobs whether george and the disaster of fania willis or what's happening in d.c. with the federal trial in the immunity case in letitia james, but she ran on a platform of i'm going to get trump, that's exactly what she said and alvin bragg no different i wish
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she would clean up new york city instead of going after the former president but he cannot help himself. maria: is a good analogy, people are robbing, attacking others, raping, even murder and people are getting processed and they're coming back. when it comes to trump it's all in on whether it is money, orders for him to pay or attacks on his character. >> is amazing, he faced 91 charges, criminal charges and is so resilient he is winning this game there's no question about it. at the end of the day all these political attacks have made him stronger. pull people from the center more into his camp. made all faced 11 felony charges. it's absurd people specifically targeting him. he's benefiting from and people ultimately appreciate his swagger. maria: we will take a short break. we are just getting started.
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we are covering a majoring breaking story, we will stay on the breaking news as baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapses into the two paps go river, 20 people are said to be in the water this morning, the emergency crews are on sites. we will cover this all morning long and have the latest on the inside of this break, our power panel hour is back, fellow kaylee mcghee white is here with civil rights leo terrell for the 8:00 a.m. hour, get their thoughts of the biggest story on the morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. should
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maria: welcome back. let's take a look at futures. we are looking at a rally underway. dow industrials up 100, the nasdaq of 97 and s&p higher by 21 after stocks pulled back, the dow was down 150 at the close.
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take a look at markets, down 162 at the close for the dow, the nasdaq 44 and s&p down 16, interest rates this morning going into the final read of fourth-quarter gdp which will be released on thursday. the yield on the ten year down seven tenths of 8% is 7.43%, look at february pc on friday as well, joining me institutional services director jim iuorio, great to see you, thank you for being here. how closely are you paying attention to this collapsed bridge and baltimore? we are watching the devastation that took place overnight where a cargo ship hit this baltimore bridge and the entire bridge collapsed sending cars and individuals in the water. a major shipping area as well. do you believe this is going to have an impact on your business or commodities or shipping in
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general? what are your thoughts? >> first of all it's a terrible story see in those videos that are heartbreaking but i don't think you have much, commodities are already in a bit of an upswing but a couple of reasons there is lack of confidence in the dollar and the stewardship of the dollar so commodities are rallying and what's been going on in the middle east for so long has affected commodities as well. i think they should have a minor effect. if there is a story that shipping lanes will be closed on for a long time in my have a temporary effect but i don't think it's that big of a deal medium-term. maria: were waiting to find out the fate of what we understand 20 people still in the water, the fire department calling this a developing mass casualty event, let me get your take on markets. bitcoin is about $71000 this morning, markets are rallying in terms of stock once again this morning. we are risk on all the way on the heels of a huge rally last
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year and a big rally in the first quarter which is indeed this week, your reaction? >> the biggest single story, there still remains access liquidity in the system and the belief that more liquidity will be injected into the system from $450 billion. i know some people to understand what that is, that's looking at poll money that the u.s. treasury is tapping and spending like drunken sailors. that money runs out probably about july, right now the anticipation money will be shot into the system it shows up in places like bitcoin and gold and even equities. i'm starting to worry little bit about equities maybe three or four months into the future i think it could have a serious correction. the bitcoin rally is fascinating and that's ultimate no-confidence vote in stewardship of our currency along with gold but bitcoin is really fascinating. maria: are you saying you want to peel back money, would you sell into the rally right here? >> no but i would trim back my
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long positions and hedged them with cheap options, volatility, i know that's difficult for some people to do but i think we have both can make money and bears can make money and pigs get slaughtered. if you stay too greedy and stay too long you could eventually get hurt. i think were getting into the late indians of the equity rally. one of the things that is happening when we go from tightening cycles to e-zine cycles, the fed tends to talk about e-zine and something happens, the stock market has a quick correction and the fed comes off the sidelines and eases. i think deep down jay powell is worried about commercial real estate loans that are held in the midrange of the banking sector and i believe a big wall of debt is coming in the next few months and i think he's worried, if we get bad headlines and about commercial real estate. is it the stock market could have an 8 - 10% break. as of now take money off the top, by new and hedged it with options on the downside.
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maria: cheryl, jump in. i know you're tracking what will get here they grounded the week. we have the gdp mpc index thursday or friday. >> obviously were to get durable goods today and that's would be potentially a market mover. as far as the gdp numbers, obviously the growth of the country we are seeing a multifactor slowdown. if you look at the current reports that were getting whether cpi, ppi or pce, that's my question, at what point does the stock market start to truly react to the data? it's great to look at bitcoin and i'm gladys service got environment to maria's point in the market has so far this year been phenomenal. at what point do you expect a diptych common and is that the economic data that dictates what the market does? >> economic data, if it's trending lower than the market will believe that the fed is going to be more accommodative. with the stock market the reaction to bad economic data will come when something literally breaks and that's why
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looking at the banking system commercial real estate that could punch the stock market. right now the economic data that we talked about being so good for the last two months this is absolutely absurd when you talk about the 34.5 trillion and other national debt growing unbelievably, tricking others every 100 days and then that against the supposedly good economic data. it blows the story completely out of the water. any economist that says things are great and doesn't mention the elephant in the room is being irresponsible. maria: that's a great point, the federal reserve has been facing the tsunami of federal money. too many dollars chasing too few goods, no wonder were at 40 or high inflation. let me get your take on the story, one of the stories of the day, trump's newly emerged social media company. trump media will start trading today on the nasdaq under the symbol djt. the stock is up 25%, your reaction? >> my first reaction that we live in a strange world.
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i'm glad to be a part of in some ways. if this is rallying based on blind loyalty to donald trump, if this is rallying out of belief that we needed other platform that has the prying eyes of government away from it, not the prying eyes but the tentacles of government involves, that's one thing as well. this to me or my money this is a little too volatile in the developing story for me to be involved in yet but one thing that is interesting up until this point the democrats did the impossible to make donald trump into a sympathetic figure by weaponizing the justice department. now the good stories about donald trump's windfall, i don't love, this is just one man's opinion, i don't love it because i like the fact that they were beginning to a sympathetic figure and pulling people from the middle to his support because they realize he's being bullied and victimized this is something on the other side of the ledger i don't think a topic of a deal but i think it's fascinating. maria: he is a nice windfall
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paper 3 - $4 billion with the 60% ownership of trump media. good to see you, thank you. james iuorio joining us this morning. back to the breaking news we are awaiting a press conference, baltimore francis scott key bridge collapsing overnight after a cargo ship hits it. 20 people are said to be in the water right now. if you zoom in you can see trucks on the bridge falling as the bridge collapses, rescue efforts are underway as we speak, we are following the developing story all morning long. stay with us on this as we await the news conference. ♪
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maria: walking back. we are breaking news, baltimore francis scott key bridge collapsing overnight after cargo ship hit it and 20 people are said to be in the water right now. rescue efforts are underway, we are awaiting a press conference for baltimore officials and we will bring you that as soon as we know it is under way it's supposed to be happening in 30 minutes the container vessel that collided with baltimore bridge was chartered and they
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said no personnel were on board at the vessel and is closely following the investigation conducted by the authorities in synergy which is a company that was managing the ship they said they will do their utmost to keep customers informed. maryland department of transportation holding a press conference at 7:00 a.m. on the collapsed ship. house speaker mike johnson reportedly played each bring a ukraine aid bill up for a floor vote when congress returns from the easter recess in two weeks. over the weekend president biden urged lawmakers to pass the senate national security package which offers $60 billion for ukraine and 14 billion for israel, former president trump and lindsey graham all suggesting any future ukraine aid is in the form of a loan. joining me tennessee congressman andy ogles and member of the house financial services committee in the house freedom caucus. thank you very much for being here this morning. what is your expectation when you come back from recess in terms of the business at hand. >> there is a lot of pressure to
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put something forward on ukr ukraine. i would argue that secure our border before we secure another countries border, that has been the promise and that everyone has said we should die on, it's an 85% issue, our southern border we have fentanyl coming across the border and we talked about this ad nauseam and we don't seem to do anything about it we know we have here is coming across our southern border, why are we talking about ukraine not our own country? maria: is a great point and people want to understand why the republicans have had no luck securing the border, why? >> obviously we have an administration that is willfully allowing people to come into this country any time they ask for more money for the quote unquote border and imagine you're at the grocery store in the checkout line and the line is backing up with a call for more cashiers to come to the front so they can process more people.
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that is what joe biden wants to do. more people into the country for more voters for the democrats, i obviously am against that, not because of the border situation because that's illegal and shouldn't even be on the table but were flooding our country we haven't radiant assassins on the loose in our country. amanda underway but what are we talking about, were talking about ukraine what are we going to do to protect the broken citizens that is at home right now he was less safe because of joe biden, an off is enough, nothing should come to the floor until we secure and locked on the border. maria: what you want to say about the one and a quarter trillion dollars spending bill signed into law by president biden and includes funding for the eagle health alliance. we know about the eagle health alliance they perform gain-of-function with the wuhan institute of virology. we are still giving eagle health alliance money and you cannot secure the border? >> exactly. 2:30 a.m., this bill was released, over 1000 pages my team and other teams combing through it and you get to the
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section talking about gain-of-function research in china. holy crap what the hell are we doing do we not remember covid and the deaths and the impact to our economy because of what china let loose on the world. even if it was an accident, we know that they delayed alerting the world that covid was out there. they were literally ceiling to try to keep it from spreading meanwhile a jump to italy and spread across italy and what it crossed europe and hit our country, our economy still reeling because of covid because of gain-of-function research and what does this bill do go back to china and fund the nonsense. oh my goodness, meanwhile our southern border is wide open we have to secure the border we should stop if we have to get a gain-of-function research then let's do it at guantánamo, some sort of base or installation that we control with the trusted partner not china. maria: how did you vote on the bill?
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>> of course i voted no, hell no. again, it speaks for itself. when you have the majority of the majority, the speaker of the house is not supposed to bring a bill to the floor unless he is a majority of republican support, this bill the 1.2 trillion dollars spending bill did not pass with the majority republicans it passed with the vast majority of democrats. maria: georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene says it's enough. she joined me on sunday boarding features saying unless something changes and changes should be made to the bill she's going to bring a motion to remove house speaker mike johnson. she wants to bring that to the floor when you come back. i recognize there were not a lot of choices but freedom caucus bob good said he could not defend the job that mike johnson is doing a speaker, what are your thoughts? >> the speaker is a good friend of mine, i love him to death but he made bad play calls. what we need right now is a
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leader who is willing to say tough things, america first, not america alone but america first and nothing else moves until we secure the border. i'm going to beat this drum all day long, our border is wide open, you are left safe today because of the southern border. you are less safe because we're going to find gain-of-function research in china and covid 2.0. the idea that marjorie brought up, the motion to vacate, two ways it can be brought forward, one is a privilege motion meaning there is a timestamp, clock that run. the other one by putting on the desk. it does not have to be brought forward it can sit there as a leverage to get the speaker focused to focus on the united states of america not ukraine, not china, we have to secure our border. maria: thank you very much, were to be watching all the back, and he ogles joining us. good to see you in a blessed easter. i want to take you like to the
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press conference underway. a live press conference at the baltimore bridge collapse. >> this is a search and rescue operation and continues to be i dynamic operation with multiple local state and federal resources involved. with that i'm going to turn over to our mayor mayor brandon scott. >> thank you chief. everyone, this is an unthinkable tragedy and we after first and foremost pray for all of those who are impacted, those families, pray for our first responders and thank all of them working together, the city, state, local to make sure we are working to this tragedy. this is an ongoing active research that we are having right now. we will continue as you heard from the chief throughout as long as we have to be doing that we will do it. we have to be thinking about the families and people impacted.
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we have to try to find and safe, this is what our focus should be on right now and we will continue to work in partnership with every part of government to do everything that we can to get us to the other side of this tragedy. with that alternate over the county executive. >> thank you mayor scott perry i think we all awoke this morning to an unspeakable tragedy as the mayor indicated we know there will be families and individuals impacted by this regardless of what happens the rest of the way out. i would just echo what the mayor said and lifting our prayers for those impacted but i also asked that a residence pray for our first responders, they have been on scene since very early in the morning, not only conducted initial search and rescue operation but planning for additional ones as the sun comes up in the work that they do cannot be understated. i just want to thank them for all that they are doing and will do and hours and days ahead.
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we know we have a long road ahead not just in search and rescue but the fallout following this. we appropriately have our attention on search and rescue efforts currently. and here alongside our partners in the city to say that they have our full support just as we want to thank our state partners for the resources that they have offered up as well as the federal partners that have reached out. the mayor and i talked to the governor, we heard from the secretary of transportation. collectively we thank everyone for their thoughts, well wishes but again this is a very active situation and i just thank the chief and our team for all the great work that they're doing. alternate back over to you. >> thank you. i am just going to go around and take everyone's questions. >> chief can you tell us. maria: we are listening to a live press conference right now
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over the collapsed bridge and baltimore, we understand two people have been rescued. officials say that they are searching for upwards of seven people. we were told 20 people in the water but officials said they are searching for upwards of seven people. we will continue the coverage of this live mass casualty event, breaking news all morning long baltimore francis scott key bridge collapsing overnight after a ship hits it. seven people needing rescue this morning from the patapsco river. two people have been rescued from the water. stay with us. we'll be right back. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪
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baltimore francis scott key bridge collapses with cars and trucks on it. cheryl casone with more details. >> we've been monitoring the press conference underway. were getting new details. the breaking news out of baltimore, maryland, the francis scott key bridge partially collapsing, happened at 1:30 a.m. local we've been told two people have been rescued from the water, one refuse medical treatment, we know that one person that did get medical treatment at this point in serious condition, this is a large container ship that struck the bridge and caused the collapse and toss multiple vehicles into the water they're looking for seven vehicles underwater. local authorities telling us that they are still looking for seven individuals in the water and now were learning seven vehicles they do not know how many in total but that is their best guess at this moment. dive teams are in the water. were learning the ship caught fire before partially sank, the maryland transportation authority said all lanes to the bridges are closed and traffic
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is detoured around it. this is better known as a key bridge spans a mile and a half across the patapsco river. a four-lane highway known as i695 going across the bridge. the ship is a singapore container ship called the dolly. it's managed by synergy group, fox business has reached out for synergy and maersk cargo was on board. maryland governor released a statement he is communicating with transportation secretary buttigieg, baltimore's mayor and baltimore fire. again we continue to cover the breaking news out of baltimore. we will update as we get more details. another big news federal agents rating the home of sean p diddy combs seizing his phone and computer and is heavily armed agent moving in on l.a. property they have rifles and clear the home and haul people off at gunpoint to the diddy's son can be seen in handcuffs unclear if
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they have been taken into custody. sean diddy had four lawsuits accusing him of sexual abuse one by his former girlfriend cassie, that has been settled. tis unclear if it's linked to te lawsuits, 50-cent chimed in on this one and said it's not did he do it it's diddy done they don't come like that unless i have a case. his location currently unknown but flight data shows his private jet touchdown of the caribbean yesterday morning. he denies all allegations. baseball superstar shohei ohtani addressing his connection to an illegal gambling operation after four and half million dollars was transferred from his account to a bookkeeper now being investigated by federal authorities. >> i'm very saddened and shocked that someone who i'm trusted has done this. i have never bet on baseball or any other sports or never asked somebody to do it on my behalf. he's been stealing money from my
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account and has told lies. >> the alleged theft by his interpreter who has been fired and the mlb has opened an investigation. finally there is this independent candidate rfk junior expected to announce as a running mate today, his star-studded shortlist to include california lawyer no call shanahan, aaron rodgers, presidential candidate andrew yang, former hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard and jesse ventura. a lot of news to follow this morning, sending it back to you. maria: a diverse list for rfk. thank you so much. the breaking news of the boarding francis scott key bridge collapsing after cargo ship headset. we heard from local baltimore officials, seven cars fell into the water. search and rescue looking for seven people right now we were told earlier that 20 people were in the water. we know that two people have been rescued, one person in the trauma unit and baltimore,
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maryland governor declaring a state of emergency. it were standing by for another press conference in the next hour as we piece together how this happened. joining me fox news strategic analyst and chairman of the institute for the study of war general jack keane, great to see you, thank you for joining us on a busy news day. what we are told the patapsco river which the bridge crossed is a key waterway that serves with the port of baltimore as a hub for east coast shipping, key commodities handled at the terminal including autos, roll-on, rolloff containers, project cargo, your reaction to the breaking story this morning. >> is a horrible tragedy for anybody being on a automobile and going into the water like that. unfortunately 1:30 a.m. we are blessed it wasn't during rush-hour. but they will get to the bottom of it but as we all know
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captains of ships don't control their ship when they're in the harbor. a pilot from the harbor takes charge of the ship for the very reason to avoid accidents like this. so an investigation will determine what happened and was a human error or mechanical error that caused this accident. >> were waiting for more information, sonar has detected vehicles underwater this is very much a developing situation and we are being told, officials are calling a mass casualty event. meanwhile a fox business source confirming chinese president xi jinping will meet with u.s. business leaders and ceos in beijing, they're doing their annual meeting in the course the usual suspects are there like ray dalio and larry fink expected there as well as apples tim cook, your reaction. >> this is an annual media that takes place with our business leaders who operate in china and
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i think they have a lot on their minds because as we know president xi has been cracking down on the private sector not just dealing with foreign investment by companies operating in china, three years ago a known fact that he said to his state owned enterprises as the word implies, businesses that are run by the chinese government and he told them your mission is to not only make money, your mission is to drive the foreign companies out of china, that was a statement made privately to them, not made to the public. certainly if you watch his actions ever since that time that is clearly what is been happening as security for president xi very different from his predecessors is dominating the capital market and capital businesses in china. in other words control
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insecurity is more important to him than the capitalistic nature of his private enterprises that operate in china. that is one of the reasons why his economy is struggling and big reasons like the real estate sector and certainly high unemployment but this is another reason that the capitalistic engine that is predecessors started years ago is being slowly but surely diminished as a private enterprise similar to what we operate in the united states. maria: certainly after all of the new security national security laws that china threw down in hong kong, hong kong has approved a new national security law and this is worrying foreign executives, you gotta believe that will be topic a, one story says western leaders in the un invites groups joined hong kong's new security law saying
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erodes freedom. i'm wondering if this is the kind of narrative that xi jinping wants to see in taiwan at some point since they marched in hong kong and took over, the good to do the same thing in taiwan. >> there is no doubt about it. if they take control of taiwan, first of all they'll take control the largest semi conductor of advanced chips in the world and they will have the platform. they will put military bases in taiwan and began immediately to encroach on japan and the philippines for sure and certainly taiwan is a thriving capitalistic democratic society. i've been there many times they have full employment there and high tech environment to be sure. president xi will certainly crush a lot of that all in terms of the business in interpretation and what will happen to the people themselves.
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it's interesting, the people in taiwan think of themselves over 80% taiwanese not chinese are very proud of what they've accomplished and taiwan and they want to stay that way and the government that was elected that will take office pretty soon wanted to stay just as it is as well. maria: xi jinping is trying to model himself in the economy against going more in and linda nationalistic than anybody expected and the ceos go to kiss the ring and go to beijing, it's all about the money isn't it. >> businesses, that is what they are there in china to do to make money and i think they will likely push back on some of these controls and start to find out how expensive they are, we know full well that american companies are moving their supply chains out of china and there's been a diminishment certainly of business enterprises in china as a result
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of the control that they're putting on top of it. that will be top of mind i imagine for executives that are there and what our government has to make sure of in the china select committee in the house has been doing is to identify any of our companies who were operating in china whose technology is being transferred in terms of increasing the repression of the chinese people or increasing the regression of china abroad for the use of military civilian technology that we have transferred to the military technology. obviously any business that china operates is absolutely fused with its military. they are one and the same. >> technology is relevant to the military, they will get it. maria: which is why i talk about military civil fusion used to be called civil military fusion and they changed it to military civil fusion that tells you what the most important, the mil
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military, then there is israel and its defense minister expected to meet with u.s. defense attorney lloyd austin today this is one day after benjamin netanyahu canceled all the high-level delegations planned visit to washington, the move follows the u.s. decision to abstain from voting on a un security council resolution which demands a cease-fire in gaza allowing the resolution to pass, here's the national security communication advisor john kirby trying to paint it as positive as he could, watch this. >> we are perplexed by this is it is a nonbinding resolution there is no impact on israel and israel's ability to continue to go after hamas. >> the prime minister said it gives hamas hope that it will allow to accept a cease-fire without the release of our hostages, is he wrong? >> yes. >> does the u.s. still have leverage to change language of
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future resolutions now that this language without the hamas component has been put in place. >> i don't know of additional text that is coming but will take each one in turn. maria: general, let's face it, all of this after all of the negative commentary from the democrats and the president about benjamin netanyahu in israel in the middle of the fight for their lives, yet chuck schumer saying, benjamin netanyahu, there should be another election and that he no longer serves the needs of israel, you had sure are brown equating hamas and benjamin netanyahu and president biden saying chuck schumer speech was a good speech no wonder israel canceled its meetings. >> there is deep frustration in israel in terms of what is taking place, with the president of the united states in public spaces and speeches taking issue with how israel is conducting its military operations which is somewhat unprecedented and we
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have senator schumer taking issue with who should be running the country in a democracy that is allied so close to the united states and that stunning in itself. this resolution is disappointing because it plays an hamas hand. the un and all the countries representing see the fact that the united states is not standing behind israel which is what they have done and every previous resolution dealing with israel. there is an anti-israel movement as we well-documented on the show that exist in the un. they are strengthening hamas' hand and i'm sure that's the frustration that is taking place in israel. the defense minister is here principally to talk about getting more precision with admissions, f35 aircraft and f-15 aircraft which they paid for by the way. but nonetheless they need the munitions in particular and i
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think he's always been an advocate right from the outset to move in and to deal with has a lot in lebanon. at some point there is 80000 people from israel that have been displaced because what has bilotta is doing. if they continue to do that israel will have no choice but to take action against them. usually they are campaign to do that and that's why he's making this request in the event that the operation has to be undertaken. maria: we will leave it there, always a pleasure. general jack keane this morning on all of that. we have breaking news, baltimore francis scott key bridge collapsing overnight after a cargo ship hits it. fox news is reporting the official said there is absolutely no indication that this ship hit the bridge intentionally, no indication, griff jenkins is live on the scene with mark, what can you
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tell us. >> maria we are on the north side over the bridge collapsed were a thousand meters to a quarter of a mile to what would've been the francis scott key bridge has collapsed. let me give you a look right now in the distance it's as close as we can get you can see the mangled infrastructure of what was the bridge before at 1:30 a.m. the singapore flagged cargo ship hit one of the main beams that holds it up bringing down the video is just stunning and this is being treated by federal and local law and firstborn and first responders as a mass councils event. in a citywide press conference in the last hour we learned that the numbers are fluctuating a little bit, they believed 20 people they were looking for. now they said that there may be
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seven unaccounted for but we know two individuals were pulled from the water. one was okay, the other sent to the hospital in critical condition, the people that were on the bridge and that our would've been in any vehicles crossing and maintenance construction that happens every night along the bridge, we are hoping in the next hour hopefully in the next half-hour possibly a press conference where we are standing on the north side of the bridge with an airline department of transportation authority which will be happening and also we could see governor westmore who declared a state of emergency. you mentioned the key point, the white house issuing a statement saying the closely monitoring it but no indication of any nefarious intent but there are a lot of questions of exactly how and why a shipping container of
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this size hit the bridge in the place that they did because this is one of the major shipping thoroughfares in the nation. baltimore being one of the largest of the nation's ports that bring so many goods of containers in here, traffic on the highway stop but also traffic for ships coming out of chesapeake bay into the patapsco river. that's what were standing next to the goes into baltimore harbor where the ship was going. a lot of questions we hope to learn more in the coming hour. maria: what you are saying is that the white house is saying no indication that there was foul play in the major shipping road means this is not just a mass casualty event but also an economic story which we will continue to cover. we will catch up with you as you reporting continues. griff jenkins is live in maryland. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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7:00 am
maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks very much for joining us this morning. we're covering breaking news this morning, it's tuesday, march 26. baltimore's francis scott key bridge collapsing overnight after a cargo ship hit the bridge. we heard from local baltimore officials, at least seven cars fell into the water, search and rescue efforts looking for seven people right now. two people have been rescued. one of whoms is in critical


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