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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 25, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 25, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. u.s. border patrol chief sounding the aalarm on the migrant crisis, calling it a serious, quote, national security threat. the 140,000 got aways since october is what keeps him up at night apparent ily. the white house is blaming texas governor greg abbott for chaotic scenes at the border and thursday's invasion. watch this. >> has the president seen the dramatic video of migrants surging past national guardsmen of texas? >> i have not spoke tone the president about that video.
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what i can say is this. you know, i really truly believe that's a question for the republican governor of texas. right? this is something that he should address, he should actually speak to. maria: todd piro, greg abt bougreg abbott,the governor of n you addressing, it, the president re-f refuses to do ang about it. you saw the pictures be. it was disgusting, hundreds of migrants ripping down razor wire, trampling over soldiers. >> for kjp says abbott needs to do something about it, when the biden administration is doing everything within its power legally to prevent greg abbott from the handling the border is the most insane statement that i think we've broadcast in a while. when you think about that.
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you're tying his hands behind his back, preventing him from enforcing the border and you say something like that. secondarily, what are the priorities of this administration if you, kjp, have not had a discussion about this video which shows an invasion of our country. you haven't had time, haven't had the opportunity to speak with. speakwith joe biden about this? priorities. third. taken in a bubble, the statement from the border patrol chief is another in a line statements saying how bad the situation at the border is. but maria, this isn't one of the gets like tom h homan that we he on fox all the time. this is a member of joe biden administration. he works for the biden administration. for him to say a statement like this, that this is keeping him up at night, we're in trouble. and then for joe biden to not act on a warning from somebody within his administration is inconceivable and it's horrific on every single level. maria: look, how you do you see
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it? >> yes. so if you look at the numbers, 22% of democrats say the border is a cries crisis, 44% say it'sa problem. it's a bipartisan issue when you ask any democrat or republican. in congress, democrats seem to not care. why is the people -- why are the people we're electing from both parties not caring what the constituents care about? is this democracy failing itself? this is concerning for the long-term that our politicians aren't truly caring what main street america feels on both sides. also, these bad policies, bad crime policies, bad border policies are inflationary to all of us. for example, if you're walking around the streets of new york and you are concerned about safety, crime, tons of migrants in the city, you might take an uber instead of a subway. you'll spend more money. you have shrink, stores and crime, shrink is inflationary to the consumer that's buying products so all of these things are impacting us on a day-to-day basis and a lot of people aren't directly seeing it but they
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should be feelings it. maybe they don't realize it and that's the issue. maria: i spoke with dan patrick, the lieutenant governor of texas, as he is trying to fight the federal government, him and greg abbott, to keep razor wire in place, to continue its protection at the border. here's what he told me yesterday. watch. >> the constitution, maria, says article 4, section 4, that the country, the united states shall protect each state from invasion. we're being invaded. that video clearly shows it. people argue, maria, well, it has to be a hostile armed incursion. just because the people don't have a dang uniform on, doesn't mean they're not invading us and who are their commanders? in china. how do thousands and thousands of young men get from china to america through mexico. my estimate is between 12 and 14 million have come in under biden. ithink of the children they'll
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have, automatic citizens, automatic voters. maria: the other thing is their intentions. we know that given the communist nature of china, you can't just pick up and leave. so either they're being directed or they're certainly getting approval by the government to come to america through the border. >> and maria, to that point, a really interesting anecdote from our colleague, griff jenkins. he sat down with me. he was telling me that the chinese migrants who have crossed the border in california have the ability to tap into star link in a way that our own border patrol and other members of our government can't in that very remote area. think about that. the ccp is obviously sending them there with that technology for some reason so this image of the woman with her two kids, no resources, clothes on their back, is a lie that the you biden administration is trying
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to put forward. these individuals especially in the california sector, they're there prepared, ready toen the tea-- ready to enter the country and they have all of the means of the ccp behind them. >> there's some reports out there of a lot of companies hiring migrants and laying off americans, right? 10,000 people coming through a day, that's a lot of working people coming through that will work the jobs and if that's the case, the question you need to ask yourself and earlier you talked about executives being on trump's side and caring more about politics than they usually do, the executives, billionaires, wealthy people, they're concerned about the capitalist system failing. if you pay migrants less to work jobs, that's less money to spend in the economy and that's less wealth for them. that's a concern too. maria: quick break and then explosion of shoplifting across america's blue cities, how it's become a racket exploited by thieves, a live report coming up. first markets on the move ahead of a big week of economic day
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day, the gdp and pce on deck. the word on wall street panel is here to weigh in. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ how do you like me now. ♪ how do you like me now. ♪ now that i'm on my y way. ♪ you still think i'm crazy. ♪ standing here today. ♪ i couldn't make you love me. ♪ but i always dreamed about
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chief global strategist, quincy krosby. also with me is luke lloyd. quincy, thank you for joining the conversation. i want to get your take on markets with futures kicking off the final week of march and of course the end of the first quarter, kicking that off with a decline, dow industrials down 75, nasdaq down 107 and s&p lower by 18. we had a mixed day on friday, with the dow selling off 300 points. but still talking about the best week since december and a phenomenal year-to-date. this first quarter is going down in the books with some very strong moves, the dow industrials up 4 and three quarters percent in the first quarter, nasdaq up 9 and-a-half percent, s&p up almost 10% for the first quarter. quincy, do you think this rally has legs and continues the rest of the year? >> well, i think the rally has got to pause. and i think that's what we're seeing. markets need to take a breather, they need to pause, they need to
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consolidate and this is no exception. every time we try to have a pullback, pullback that we would consider a normal resting sage for the market, something has come on to push the market higher. we hope this is it, allow the market to calm down before it starts to climb back up. maria: yields, interest rates have come off of the highs certainly of the year, this morning the 10 year treasury yield it at around 4.2% as we look ahead to a big week of inflation day that we'll get the final read on fourth quarter gdp on thursday, the february pce index out on friday. quincy, with the 10 year at 4.2%, what are your expectations for the fed at this point? >> the fed i t i think is goingo basically stay with what they said, that is, they'll try to cut rates this year. one other thing that has changed a little bit is if you notice, powell's talking more and more about the labor market and the need if necessary for them to
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cut rates if the labor market starts to deteriorate. that has come into play i think over the last number of times that he's given speeches over capitol hill and at the fed meeting so we expect that the fed will cut rates. the hope is, maria, that they cut rates because the economy remains solid but that it is slowing down which we think it is in this quarter, we'll probably see gdp down from the fourth quarter but they don't want to see the rates coming down because the economy is deteriorating at a faster pace. maria: no, that makes a lot of sense. i guess what i'm asking though is if this market has risen so much on this expectation of all these cuts and in fact when you look at things now we're in march, we've got an election in six months, if we only see one cut, two cuts maybe, tops, is that going to be a disappointment for this market and are we to going to see a
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selloff after outsize gains in stocks. >> i think so. something has to take its place then and that has to be corporate profits. and the concern there is that corporate profits, while we are probably out of the earnings recession, they will not necessarily be strong enough to take the place of a couple of those rate cuts. maria: yeah. i understand the macro story is slowing regardless. i mean, luke, you look all over the world and it's slowing, in particular china. gucci owner issued a profit warning due to a slowdown in china, the retailer anticipating sales to fall by 20% in the first quarter. china has been the place of 1.34 billion customers where everybody wants to go sell their products to but what we're seeing is an economy slowing down, some might say collapsing, given the property issues there and you're seeing the chinese consumer not live up to these expectations. >> maria, you just hit the nail
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on the head there. it all comes down to property and real estate over in china. 70% of net worth is tied up in real estate in china. we know what happened a year and-a-half or so ago with evergrande. real estate values are down 20 to 25, maybe more in some areas in china. that's a lot of money lost. and if that happens, you can't leverage money against those assets he anymore so the consumer's tapped out because they can't borrow money against that real estate, can't borrow against their net worth. the consumer is tapped out. what's happening in china is the government is now trying to bail out things, they're providing billions and billions of dollars in stimulus, pumping it into the stock market to try to keep asset prices inflated. that's not a good long-term solution, that's how you have an economic collapse when you have the government trying to bail out everything. it's a similar story with what might happen in the united states and why we have to pay attention. thankfully, in the us, only 30% of net worth is tied up in real
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estate over here. money is spread out. right now the consumer in america is leveraging their assets, leveraging their money through loans and through debt because the asset prices haven't crashed so the debt spending can continue to happen which with is why we're investing into the spending addiction in stocks like we just picked up lyft. it's a derivative of uber that hasn't done too well. it's a value oriented name. people are riding places, it's a stock you can pick up. maria: maybe. in china, they're not necessarily looking at the slowdown and wanting to continue subsidizing. they're throwing down more laws. look what happened in hong kong, the new security law allows for closed door trials, gives the police rights to detain subjecs for up to 16 days without penalties. here's a group from 81 lawmakers and public figures from across the world, the new national security legislation going to double down the repression of freedoms in hong kong with extended sentences and broadened
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definition of national security, luke. we talked about china being uninvestable. but it may get worse, actually. >> probably will. that's why you have to look at japan, mexico. we're going to unplug from them. we made them rich by adding them to the wto in 2000. there's two super powers. there's only room for one super power. we'll look at other countries. maria: any place to hide if we see a selloff on the expectations of rate cuts that may not come? >> well, yeah. i mean, you are going to probably see more money going into the value side of the market. you have a barbell strategy, you've got big tech names you think will endure no matter what the scenario is and then on the other side, you may start looking at healthcare, that looks as if it's bottoming. that has been an area which had been under pressure but we start to see a bottoming and it is in that camp of value but biotech is a little bit of a sprint.
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so i think the that's what you're going to see, more consumer staples, for example, coming they in on the other side of the barbell strategy. maria: all right. we'll leave it there. keep watching all of that. quincy, great to catch up. thanks so much. quincy krosby on markets. luke, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. quick break and then congressman scott perry is here on the dangers of the wide open border, the new threat posed by illegal crossers coming up. and new lighting on squatting laws in the country, i'll speak with an anti-squatting activist who will talk about what can be done to combat the unethical takeovers. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ i want to turn the whole thing upside down. ♪ all kind of things they say just can't be found. ♪ i'll show this love --
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>> i think we should be very concerned as the fbi director confirmed to me that there is a wing, there is a trafficking network out there that specializes in moving people, they do it for profit, moving people, migrants around the world including across the southern border who have links to isis. comcommon sense tells you if thy
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run a trafficking ring of people, they will certainly use it to get people into the united states. the existence of the network is a threat to the united states. if they can do what they did in moscow in the united states they will do it in a heartbeat. they want to do it. maria: that was senator marco rubio warning of a potential attack by isis k. joining me now is pennsylvania congressman, scott p perry. it's good to see you. thanks very much for being here. we're going to talk about that bill which the president signed into law in a moment but first your thoughts about isis now apparently reemerging. >> well, good morning, maria. and we talked about this threat for some time. at least for three years. we see the known got aways and the unknown got aways increasing every single year, probably more
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than double rates and we hear about people on the terrorist watch list. that number also -- those are the numbers of the ones what are being caught by the way, that number increasing double over the last couple years and year over year so it's reasonable to believe or to at least expect that this is not only possible, but highly likely, especially in the face of 9/11 where you had people that had came here that the information was siloed but were training to do this thing and it only took 17 of them. now we literally see hundreds if not thousands and maybe it's small in comparison to the millions that are coming in but we know that it only takes a few very motivated and determined adversaries to complete an action like this and we just saw it play out in russia and by the way, we warned russia that -- about the chatter, the intel
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runs worldwide, we warned them about the potential for this strike and now we've seen it and so, look, it's just mathematical and it fits the narrative of what they want to do. we don't have to believe it because we say that we think they're going to do it. we should be concerned because they say they want to do it. maria: yeah. well, u.s. border patrol chief jason owens called the crisis at the southern border a national security threat, he said the 140,000 known got aways who have come into the country since october is what he's most worried about. i spoke with dan patrick about this influx that is getting worse, invading our southern border. watch this. >> the constitution, maria, says article 4, section 4, that the country, the united states shall protect each state from invasion. we're being invaded. that video clearly shows it. you know, people argue, maria,
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well, it has to be a hostile armed incursion. just because these people don't have a dang uniform on doesn't mean they're not invading us. and who are their commanders? china. how do thousands and thousands of young men get from china to america through mexico? you know, my estimate is somewhere between 12 and 14 million have come in under biden. think of the children they're going to have, automatic citizens, automatic voters. maria: it's pretty incredible. you all in the republican party can't get the votes together to actually make border security a priority without spending more of nancy pelosi's budget. the president signed into law that new spending, 1 and a quarter trillion dollars, and there's no security at the border still. >> well, two things, maria. first of all, it is an invasion and we shouldn't have to quibbl. over the terminology. my friends on the left don't
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like that the word invasion is being used. i aagree with the folks that call it an invasion because that's what it is, and we should call it that. it's not inflammatory. it's reality. and finally, the fact that we even have to fight or bargain so-to-speak with the democrats over border security and national security is absurd. i will tell you, you know that i did not vote for the $1.2 trillion which is only half of the omnibus. the other half passed a couple weeks ago. i didn't vote for either one, primarily because of this crisis on the border and the invasion at the border but the fact that we have to leverage our own safety with our own colleagues who are elected by americans, who represent america and u.s. citizens is absurd. that's one thing we should all agree on, that the border is wide open, that it is a national security issue, and that we should be securing it. they don't want to and that's why there's a fight. maria: well, it doesn't look like you are able to bring any
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preferred legislation, conservative principles to the floor, given t majority by a ha. mike gallagher, head of the china select committee, decides to leave and make it impossible for the republicans to replace him before the election. you can't even have a special election. he could have left on a different day, couldn't he have? >> yeah, he could have. i'm not sure what that's about but the good news is, if there is any, the house already passed the most significant and robust border security bill in history about a year and-a-half ago. it sits in the senate. they could pick it up today. there's nothing stopping them and they should. they're saying it's not bipartisan enough or whatever. the question is, do you want to secure the border? if there's some provision in there they don't like, they don't think secures the border, tell us what that is and then we'll work with you. but they say it's dead on arrival because they don't want to secure the border, they're not interested. they want all these people
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including the terrorists and people on the watch list and the got aways, they want them to come, the price to them and the collateral damage like laken riley and other folks is working for them. it continues to be worth it to them, as long as they continue to get elected while doing the same thing. maria: the president moves right along. it's the bill he want. he signed the spending package over the weekend, includes $200 million in funding for a new fbi headquarters, 120 million for border patrol. biden called the bill good news for the american people. but he's urging congress to pass the other bills, the $118 billion national security supplemental package and that senate border deal that died in the senate. what would have been the right path here? you voted against these bills, congressman. do you think that the government should have been shut down? should you have taken it to the -- >> nobody wants the government to shut down, maria. but this is the only leverage
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left in washington because we don't get our budget done on time, we don't get our appropriation bills done on time and when we do we have seven of them done in the house on time, the senate takes none of them up, the senate doesn't do their bills. this is our circumstance. the right thing to do is to cool down the government spending, you talked about the economy and what's going to happen, i suspect there's going to be a rate cut if the late summer or the early fall, in time for the election. this economy is not going to stop the inflation, the cost of living is not going to stop going up as long as we keep pouring fuel on the fire, doesn't matter what jerome powell does. we keep adding fuel to the fire on the legislative side that was the appropriate thing to do, secure the border and no more funding for an fbi building. the fbi is spying on americans for goodness sake. maria: that's exactly right. now we're talking about $34 trillion in debt which we're going to get into shortly. congressman, we'll be watching your work. we appreciate your time this
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morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. 35 trillion in may. god bless you. maria: 35 trillion in may. thank you, scott perry. committee for a responsible budget president maya mcginnis joins me come canning up next on the $35 trillion on where the economy stands with all the additional federal spending and all of that debt. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. ♪ ♪ next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ]
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cia and top military agencies recently circulated a newsletter on ways spies can be more inclusive. one example, the section about gender identity. aan aan anonymous intelligence officer says i'm a man who likes to wear women's clothes, i think this sharpens critical thinking and perspective taking. there's an article about link linguistic diversity. we are learning about where mckenzie scott is gifting millions of dollars. it's to some left wing extremist groups that boost migrant criminals and trans athletes. some of the nonprofits include 67 migrant advocacy groups that provide legal aid including the coalition which is fighting ron
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desantis' crackdown on immigrants who commit crimes, another group is male born transgender athletes who want to compete against women. finally, several chilean nationals were arrested, . three men were arrested on conspiracy to commit burglary, found with pet deterrent and masks. there's been a rise in criminals taking advantage of a u.s. travel program, they come in, ransack homes and the gangs are coming into the u.s. from chile but also, maria, peru, ecuador, and colombia. those are some of your headlines. maria: oh, yeah, all right, cheryl, thanks very much. meanwhile, president biden signing the massive 1 and a quarter trillion dollar spending package over the weekend, including 886 billion for he defense spending, 200 million
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for new fbi headquarters, 120 million for border patrol agents and 1 billion for child care. biden is urging congress to pass the $118 billion national security supplemental package which sends money to ukraine and israel. he also wants the senate to revive that killed border deal. joining me is the president of the committee for a responsible federal government, maya mcginnis. it's great to see you. thanks so much for being here. we were just speaking to my prior guest. he said, scott perry, the debt looks like $34 trillion, it will be 35 trillion by may. your reaction? >> absolutely. we are on the wrong trajectory. last week, a congressional budget office came out with a new report showing that we are heading towards record spending levels, record deficit levels, record debt levels, record interest payments, the list goes on and on. we are on a terrible trajectory in terms of our fiscal finances
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but i will say that the fiscal responsibility act what was signed into place was the biggest piece of deficit reduction legislation that we've seen in over a decade. so does it fix sni it? not even close. baby steps are better than no stems i was glad to see they did something to start to curb discdiscretionary spending, otherwise it would have been much higher than it was. maria: how do we get out of the debt we're facing with the interest on the debt alone costing upwards of a trillion dollars. the white house announced 5 and-a-half trillion dollars of new and higher taxes in president biden's massive $7.3 trillion budget. is that the only way to get out of here, higher taxes, as well as stopping the spending. progressive policy group, american p prospect attacked the analysis of the budget, they
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claim the criticism is bad faith, you want to cut social security, maya. your response to that and the response to getting out of this debt. >> that's the life of being a bipartisan organization they washington, we're always hit by all sides. they don't like that our focus isn't on either political agenda. it's about how you radio dues reduce the debt.there's three w, one way is you raise taxes, cut spending and grow the economy which is what we need to look at. the problem with the biden budget, it raises taxes a lot and turns around and spends a lot of new money. right now, the economy is in dire need of some fiscal responsibility. right? we have strong enough growth that we can accommodate. this is the moment we should be looking at how to bring the debt down, not cutting taxes, not raising spending. i know that's what everybody wants. the real area and you have known this for as long as anybody, we
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are ignoring the entitlement programs. the other thing we saw in the congressional budget report is that both social security and medicare are headed towards insolvency. we have two front frontrunnersr president who promise not to fix the programs. the biden budget does talk about medicare. social security, nobody has a plan to fix social security. if we do nothing, we'll have across the board benefit cuts that are very large and hurt everybody in the program. that's what we need to think about, how to fix these two big entitlement programs that along with interest on the debt are growing all the spending and the growth in the budget. maria: and everybody knows that those are the areas that must be a priority and yet nobody wants to touch them, certainly not during an election year. >> they don't. and the problem is, we're going to be left with a mandate of not fixing these programs so let me be really clear. it's spelled out that for social security, if we don't do anything, when the program
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becomes insolvent, when the trust funds don't have money to pay benefits there, are across the board benefit cuts of roughly 23% that's whether you depend on social securities for every dime of your retirement or whether you don't need it. it's basically congress saying we're not going to figure out the right way to fix the program, we're going to ignore it and let the defaults happen and the choices are tough. they're not complicated. we need to slow the growth of benefits for people who need them less or we need to look at raising the retirement age for younger workers or lifting the payroll tax cap. we need to do all of these because we waited so long. doing nothing is the worst policy out there and i was really, really disappointed that the president's budget left this out completely. you have to, if you're going to be the president in the next four years, you have to have a plan to fix social security. it's leaving everybody who counts on the program including younger workers who are going to be moving towards retirement incredibly vulnerable not to
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know they can count on it but to know the default is benefit cuts and good politics but terrible policy. maria: great analysis. janet yellen admitted president biden doesn't have a plan to prevent the social security retirement fund from running out of money. she said so this week. watch. >> as we know, the system will be insolvent in eight to nine years. the president has not put out a plan, he put out a series of talking points. he calls them general principles. there's nothing detailed in the report. the president 24 theoretically s a plan. if i'm rubbing my forehead it's because it seems worse than i thought. >> he doesn't have a plan. he has principles. maria: he doesn't have a plan, just principles, maya. >> that's right it says so in the budget. they aren't putting out a plan. they're talking about doing negotiations with congress. by the way, nobody is setting the stage for negotiations.
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what you have is two front leaders for president fighting it out with each other about who can sound more as the protecter of the program but honestly is more reckless by doing nothing to fix it. you if you promise not to fix social security in certain ways you're going to leave the program in dire straits. we've waited not years but decades too long. maria: it's interesting that markets don't focus on this at all, maya. i feel like this is an issue that markets don't focus on until they dond then a you can have a very sharp reaction. your thoughts on why stock investors, bond investors just sort of look you through these numbers. >> yeah. it's exactly right and it's one of the things that allows people who want an excuse to keep borrowing to say don't worry, markets aren't worried we shouldn't be. markets tend not to worry things are in a bubble environment which is what the government debt is. let's keep going until it's a
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probandthen i'll be the first pn out. a lot of folks are worried in the financial markets about the interest payments on the national debt. they are now larger than national he defense. nation defense. we should be wore are rid about that. worried about that interest payments are the fastest growing part of the budget. we spend more money on interest than on kids under 18 years old. they're eating up the budget. i don't care whether the majority is tax cuts or spending programs, when we're borrowing and borrowing from abroad and sending interest payments out of the economy in part, we're doing our economy a huge disservice, leaving ourselves vulnerable and that means that kind of turning on a dime could happen much more abruptly. that's like what happened with the teaser rate in credit cards. we borrowed so much. now even small upticks in interest rates really hurt the federal government and our ability to spend or cut taxes on other priorities.
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maria: yeah. great point of. maya, good to see you. thanks very much. we so appreciate your time this morning. >> thanks, maria. maria: maya mcginnis joining us. quick break and then shoplifters in america's blue cities making a busy out of their five fingered discounts. madison alworth with a live report on the growing shoplifting shadow economy after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. well, the shoplifting epidemic now costing new york business billions a year, fox business' madison alworth live outside of a gristini's supermarket in new york city with more. >> reporter: they let us inside so we could bring you the story from inside the store where we see lots of shoplifting costing businesses billions of dollars and as a result, this underground resale market has been be able to flourish. we have some items that
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shoplifters come in to grab and resell, the owner telling us they make so much money off of this. take a listen. >> they filled up the entire shopping bag. that's a lot of money. it could be $500 worth of product. so small products that are high partiticket eye ems the, over $0 each, because when they sell it to somebody else at half price, they're able to make a lots of f money. >> reporter: it's gotten so bad they started to get creative with things like ice cream. this is one of those high ticket items. the small pint in new york costs a lot. but the problem for the thieves is that it doesn't have a long shelf life. they have to immediately turn around and try to sell it to a local store. they're now putting codes on these ice creams so that if they're sold at a b bodega, they
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can tell it came from here. it's much bigger than just the ice cream. it's happening outside of new york city as well. there was a raid of a resale market with a ton of items ranging from kitchen goods to luxury items, all stolen and ready to be resold for a profit. billions are lost by businesses. but the shoplifters, they're also making a profit. back to you. maria: madison, thanks very much. madison alworth. todd, they could put as many stickers or tags on the products that they want. if they are no consequences for theft, they're going to still do it. >> that's the point. and that is the problem that democratic leadership has led to both on the border and in our cities. it's simple. if you enforce the law at the border, and the laws on the books with regard to shoplifting, guess what? none of this happens. if you don't enforce the border and you don't enforce the laws on the books and you say if you
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shoplift, you can get up to $950 worth of items like you can in california, it's not going to stop anybody. if it's not going to stop anybody, if there's no deterrent, this is just going to continue. it's insane to think how different our country looks from just five years ago. shoplifters were prosecuted five years ago. now, nothing. maria: yeah. you're right. it's incredible. and it's affecting all of us. luke, it's also affecting corporate earnings. they have come up with a very nice name called shrink when they have to report weaker than exacted earnings because they're getting stolen all over the place, luke. your thoughts? >> every retailer is talking about it, walmart, target, dollar general, every earnings call you hear the word shrink. it's now a $100 billion issue compared to 10 years ago it was a $40 billion issue. the only reason it's almost tripled is because the lenient on crime policy and this is another reason why democratic policy is inflationary to the
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everyday american. when you have shrink, it's not just about i lost some money i have to add it to the price of the goods, it's also putting in better security cameras and systems, putting in more software, hiring additional staff, performing more audits, reducing hours of operation for the bad hours that they experience a lot of shrink, all that is inflationary, not just about the dollars lost, also about the money invested into the businesses and it's also about small businesses that are hurting, not just the large corporations of the world that can handle a lot of shrink. maria: of course. we'll take a short break. when we come back, big deadline day today for president trump. will he come up with half a billion dollars or will new york officials move to seize his assets as soon as today? it's the hot topic of the hour. we're getting into it on the other side of this break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
7:56 am
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8:00 am
good monday morning thanks very much for joining us this morning. . i hope you are having a good monday morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 25, it is just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour former president trump facing a major deadline today to post a 454-million-dollar bond. in his civil fraud case, fox business correspondent lydia hu outside manhattan criminal court in new york city with details good morning. >> good morning, that is right former president donald trump, confronting two major legal threats today here in new york, he and lawyers will appear in manhattan criminal court today where they are going to ask judge t


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