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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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friday morning thanks very much for joining us this
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morning hope you are having a good friday morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is friday, march 22, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, a whistleblower is coming forward accusing cia of blocking federal investigators from interviewing hunter biden so-called sugar brother kevin morris during five year problem into tax return james comer judiciary committee chairman jim jordan sending a let to cia director william burn saying two doj compilers allegedly called into cia headquarters told morris would not be a witness he was off limits for their investigation into hunter biden the house judiciary committee suing two officials attempting to fov subpoenas related to hunter biden investigation want to ask why they groo he had to bring chargers ghirntz, and reversed decision a few months
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later house ways and means chairman, missouri congressman jason smith here for the power hour fox news contributor senior counsel to president trump and author of here's the deal kellyanne conway, and newt gingrich. great to see everybody thank you so much for being here, this morning, mr. chairman, i appreciate you joining me on such an important day, what exactly took place from your standpoint in terms of this cia getting involved in your investigation? >> maria, this new cia, whistleblower came forward not allowing morris as witness confirms, maria, at what point two irs whistleblowers said highlighted when investigating hunter biden's tax crimes they saw this huge amount of money that came from kevin morris that paidoff hunter biden's
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taxes, that in fact they provided to the ways and means committee,a message saying that kevin morris sent to business associates of hunter biden saying we need to tick care of these tax these back taxes, or it is going to face a political or personal risk. and the irs investigators wanted to go into and possibilities of campaign finance crime at that point. but they were prevented to and saw by higher-ups. >> an email long the way that i know you and jim jordan,james comer have discussed where kevin morris is talking about we need to help hunter biden we need to do this for politics. to ensure that biden is in the white house. and how close are these two? because another comment that one of your colleagues made was that they just met before he actually looked over all this money to heb hunter
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biden. >> according to irs whistleblowers, they provided information showing the first time, that a hunter biden had ever met, kevin morris was at one of his father's fundraisers a few months before that email was sent,that email that we're talking about, that was sent was talking about paying off hunter biden's back owed taxes a couple million dollars they needed to do that soon or it would create a great political or personal risk. that was less than three weeks before super tuesday ultimately led to joe biden becoming the presidential nominee maria: unbelievable, what can you tell us in your investigation the white house rejected your invitationcomer's invitation for president biden to testify in impeachment probes, calling it a day. >> where is this investigation today?
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>> we're definitely not calling it a day there is a lot of questions we need still answered,unfortunately, the administration has been obstructing us throughout the way there's numerous emails that i want to see especially what is in all the email aliases that were sent 327 different emails correspondence between joe biden hunter biden, hunter biden's business associates we want to know what is in them the white house is not allowing those documents to be released yet. maria: a will there be accountability here you all have talked about identifiedr identifying 24 to 30 million dollars the biden family has taken from foreigners, tony bobulinski hunter biden former business partner shut down new york congressman dan goldman on influence peddling i love to get your reaction, watch this. >> did anyone reason into that
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spem yes, they did hunter biden himself did. >> it is important because hunter biden is claiming he didn't, and you responded to it. >> you are going to filibuster but i will say no one responded to the big guy reference for 10. >> thank you for making my point they didn't have to respond because they all know "the big guy" was joe biden. >> mr. chairman, your reaction to the bobulinski testimony. >> well, bobulinski i asked questions directly i said was joe biden "the brand" that was mentioned in all messages that they were selling all over the world he said joe biden was "the brand", he also said not only did joe biden know about business dealings but that he was in fact a participant enabler instant words testified to date time location of where he briefed president biden, for more than 45 minutes to an hour, about
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the chinese business association that they in a their business dealings. maria: yeah. bobulinski said that they the bidens have taken nine million was part of overall 30 or 24 mill that has been talked about, i you wonder if you can identify policy moves that joe biden has made. in terms of getting paid for anything i know you identified the prosecutor in ukraine, but i am zeroing in on china initiative when joe biden walked intowhites canceled china initiative, dindicting close to a billion dollars in i.t. theft why shut down china initiative is that something he got paid for? >> it could quite possibly be
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irs whistleblowers provided so much information to us they had an outline of where there was meetings, phone calls with hunter biden or his business associates. and how just in just a matter of time, there was also a official activity correspondence results, from right after those meetings or those phone calls, so there is numerous examples, of course, ukraine example highlighted all the time most obvious one, the president on tv. >> mr. chairman i've got to get your take on budget first let me bring in newt gingrich has a question as well newt go ahead. >> well it is important for the country to understand, why have you run into walls, where again and again and, again, the white house -- and justice literally closed down, the
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most recent example if you recall the case so much you are faurth downed the road if they similar kwnd to your questions. >> you are absolutely right would be leaps and bounds if white house were cooperative they've not been cooperative the justice department has not been cooperative important to point out the irs whistleblowers highlighted numerous examples justice department prevented any leads that led to joe biden, and they said that this was so unusual from normal course of investigation. >> almost move on, by the way, ag garland is very busy, vowing to fight voter id laws right now let me move on to the budget because this morning house will be voting on one and a quarter trillion-dollar "minibus" government spending including for overwhelmed border agents speaker johnson said rescinds
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money, klaus back unused covid funds are you confident that we avoid a government shutdown the question has to be asked in terms of where we are looks like square one republicans not united same issue that got kevin mccarthy kicked out. >> we will avoid at government shutdown today by, by no means would anyone want to be in the position that speaker johnson is right now in a tough position, to lead, this -- razor thin majority in congress. i am happy that this bill by all means, is not a perfect bill but happy win the fiscal responsibility act passed in may, meaning that we're going to stave at least one one-half trillion dollars over the next 10 years, we got to remember we're in place we are right now, because us when the democrats control white house the house and senate they
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added 10 trillion dollars additional spending that fueled inflation fire where inflation has gone up 18.6% since joe biden's taking the october of office the fact we are reducing spending this year from last year is a good thing, also, one of the provisions from the ways and means committee i really care about all the money to irs we are rescinding 10 billion dollars, of that money going to irs i want it to be more but at least 10 billion. maria: a great point what about military spending military spending is up but is it negative when you consider inflation? >> it is definitely very mixed. some of our -- our military hawks are not happy with the level of -- of spending with military, it goes up i believe 27 billion dollars. which is not keeping up with inflation. but it does go up. maria: so okay it is down when compared to inflation in a world where u.s. adversaries
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are on the march, mr. chairman thank you very much we are watching your work we appreciate your time. >> thank you, maria. >> jason smith. we'll be right back. . are you ready to meet your demise? man, we really need to upgrade your trash talk. ♪ nice shot... shot... taker. who programmed you?! i'll see you tomorrow. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more in prospectus at (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info.
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low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. maria: welcome back. time for hot topic of the hour president biden takes i'm another donald trump campaigning in houston, texas yesterday biden claiming trump is quote bringing chaos at the american border. according to breakdown in negotiations over bipartisan border deal in senate president did not visit southern border while in houston during in a campaign stop, just across the state el paso stunning video to show you look taken by "new york post" shows a group of more than 100 illegal migrants wreaking through razor wire barreling through texas national guard groups attempting to enter your states if this does not look like invasion tell me what it
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is how democrats responded to this shocking video. >> this video pretty dramatic, it is i am playing it right now. >> there are border solutions that need to happen we all agree republicans and democrats agree border provisions are important not just security to process the folks as coming in. >> key thing we have to reform immigration policy more legal pathways we have less chaos at the border. >> let's talk to our power panel this morning on this kellyanne conway great to see you this morning your reaction. kellyanne: it is very simple this is a daily reminder money of themost grievous failings of presidency. >> the subpredicate adverb for every sentence everyone knows
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on joe biden's watch the mexican foreign minister had audacity to bully america joe biden's american government saying don't send mexicans to mexico,texas you have no right to defend yourself the national policy has forced to you do so. people know what they see not what they are told when it comes to this perhaps most jawing reminder why the worst hand-wringing issue poll number for joe biden handling of the southern border and illegal immigration, and nearby handling of israel and american economy, people changed tune nine years after donald trump raised immigration border crisis into national consciousness into the ridicule people sounding like donald trump in have jay
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under [ barack obama, said unaccompanied minors flooding in in in 2014 continue imagine 1,000 a day people know what they see this will be litigating at polls number one issue in six swing states many georgia, arizona nef michigan wisconsin, pennsylvania i adopt see a way job gets out of this before november. maria: newt gingrich jump in here what gets me whether these invaders invasion at the southern border the spikes in crime, you know, forgiving student debt this country has become lawless you look at video i want you to look at viral a tiktok, tiktoker going viral because he is telling people, he wants to explain to
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illegal migrants how they can take advantage of u.s. skwauth laws video up on facebook, instagram where is facebook and instagram why aren't they taking this down -- is telling people to steal american's homes. >> watch this. >> -- my people have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there is a law that says the house is not habitated you can say exproppate it my next business invade abandoned houses. >> reaction? >>. newt: what do you and in the richest country in the world a government that is pathetically week, that paes apeaces enemies you are saying americans want me to get rich stealing or breaking the law invading their country why should i deny myself, access to all goodies? so you have flash mobs going
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through stores carjackings, you have a whole range of things, now you have on tiktok an open exhortation go steel somebody's home, this is all going to continue. until we get an administration committed to the rule of law until we are prepared frankly to deport a large number of people here illegally that person from tiktok a good example of somebody who ought to be distorted. >> i am wondering if coming from china to undermine united states you don't hear urgency from democrats on this behavior what you do here is urgency to "get trump." new york attorney general taking firststeps to seize former president's trump's property will trump be able to reach 454-million-dollar bond
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by monday deadline or give up trump tower our pour panel talking about it markets negative this morning take a look where we are after yesterday's record close nasdaq down 47, s&p 500 down 5, and dow industrials struggling to stay positive up two minutes you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, stay with us. bp personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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maria: welcome back. let's take a look at futs this morning now completely negative, complete reversal of fortunios kwlos down 4 nasdaq down 54 s&p 500 lower by 8 1/4 after a record-setter yesterday all mainly indices closed record territory dow touching 40,000 at one point s&p 500 rising above 5200 level, markets, are green across the board, take a look at week dow up 2 3/4% the s&p up 2 1/2% nasdaq up 2 2/3% on the week joining me market rebellion cofounder pete >> do you know what turned market negative other than the fact a little exhaustion let's be honest we talked technology one of the leaders but not just technology, right now
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maria, we are getting great support from energy great support from the financials when you looks another energy specifically, you start to look another some refiners they are all-time highs absolutely ripping to upside take a look at valero, then on the other side financials i tell you absolutely incredible to me to see the 52-week high from those wells fargo, bank of america, citi, jpmorgan across the board goldman sachs really is a broad-based rally maybe at this point after moves to upside okay to take a little bit of a breather. maria: yeah. i mean treasury yields down almost 5 basis points right now yields lower from where we were when market was up sitting at 4.21% on the 10-year ride now pete, i don't know if you think that played into it you are right to mention oil, oil up here 81 dollars a barrel 81.20 on price of oil that is underlyings the inflation,
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staying elevated isn't. >> it absolutely, and we've been talking about that, how sticky inflation is, obviously, heard from fed paused again expected to be a pause was 99% according to 'cme tool there is a lot of things going on within the markets, but i would say that we are still waiting to see this inflation, kind of ease up has not happened i think chair powell has been very focused very transparent about it, but even estimate the fact might be to leave more cuts i think that is actually getting in front a little bit too much i think we've got to still look at data still where we are, then we can make some of those decision further along. maria: for all of those reasons i am not buying the idea we are going to see three rate cuts. are you? >> [chuckling] not at all we spoke about this how ridiculous i thought it was i don't want to put words in your mouth the fact three to six rate cuts beginning of the year, why? and where do they get that how
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do they pull in a out where is data proves that is going to happen? that was ridiculous in my mind so many people jumped on that side, i think the reality is you've got to look at data when data actually reflects what we're looking nor 2% is level we are nowhere close to that right now. three cuts i think still probably a little bit of an inflated sort of estimate. >> we will see if when we don't get three cuts that market sells so of look what is going on the reddit, social media company soared yesterday in ipo closed you up 48% new york new york stock exchange -- it was priced 34 dollars a share bid up to 47. it is up 48% the close this morning pulling back down 3 1/4%. your thoughts? >> well my thoughts are pretty interesting this is obviously, social media you are looking at company that is not just brand new not three or four
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years old been around 19 years interesting part i don't think people focused on yesterday when ceo talked about profitability, are you kidding me been around 19 years trying to figure out profitability? i am a bit amazed by that obviously, look at names like meta, used to be facebook when they came public look at some others, they started to get very close to making money or making money this is not the story here i think, a very interesting ipo the fact pit up to upper end of 31 to 34 dollar range 34 where they marked it all of a sudden we got over 57 yesterday really, really incredible move upside i tell you this, i am not ready to jump in there yet i think they've got a lot of -- they've got to show us they can make money. maria: look, earnings pretty good but stocks like lululemon, nike down despite double beats on earnings this weak guidance my question is if getting weak guidance from
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corporate america seeing kinds of moves lululemon is down 13% nike down 6% obviously, fedex up 11% reported better-than-expected earnings despite lower demanded for deliveries if weaker guidance forward does that mean this economy is still you know slowing down, and pt we haven't seen full impact of 11 rate hikes, pete? >> right. i would say you are stall right on that maria, i think when we look at this lululemon versus nike lululemon still looks very, very strong cautions i think ceo coming out wanting to be very honest transparent about what he is looking at, for this coming year when you look at numbers absolutely incredible so i think a name like this hit to downside i think an opportunity, on the other hand i look at nike very measure company reliance on china growth model not there that is i think a problem for them
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much bigger problem than anything with lulu when you talk those two i -- i lien to lulu. >> jay powell to speak 9:00 a.m. maybe people expecting him more hawkish that is maybe going on you said you are buying energy related seats is that where you want to allocate capital? anywhere else you want to mention. >> well, i think for sure there, and i think that when you look at ai, really has expand, so no longer just an nvidia story amd, story you can see what happened micron's earnings, absolutely crushed it i think ai space has plenty of room to the upside there are interesting stocks out there you could select. >> we leave it there great to catch up with you pete, thanks. >> thank you. >> pete najarian joining us this morning. we'll be right back.. .
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learn more at fortune 500 the fortune fortune. . welcome back accused of squatter in new york attempting to defend himself claiveng he did not know he was taking over another person's home, cheryl casone with details. cheryl: it is -- so not claiming rented it legally saying oh, he has receipt but watch this. >> i feel for this lady, you know what? i -- i told lady do you want me to leave you know, because um when she was here, you know. so she said no, you stay here i showed her reset. >> i was brought in through a real estate. >> i can't believe poor lady could have house taken away like this by these kinds of people. >> so another horrible with squatting story in new york city 52-year-old nydia
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traveled to new york, from spain to get mother's apartment red to be occupied, their body was found in a duffel bag police say burned by man and woman skwaekt in mother's apartment two murder slts still at large. >> in very rare move chief of u.s. air also requesting meeting with board of directors of boeing, that expected to happen next week ceo calhoun will not aenhanced chairman of boeing ceo himself continental will attend, bad news for boeing two international airlines japan air and korean air cutting multibillion dollars deals worth over 13 million dollars something warned would happen when he joined the show on wednesday. >> okay -- america is win
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right now today airbus needs to increase production, pmg, china forget that can't do much there the place to grow is mobile 78% two more production lines next couple years america might be -- by this more than you might think, so if adds going to add probably here in usa. >> probably this, state university students in cancún say robbed at gunpoint on the beach owed hotel four men pointing rifles at faces accused them tremendouses interest passing the father of one said they gave them three options to airport, leave country or jail comfortable or give us 300 dollars apiece
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girls were scared in exchange for safety handed over 900 dollars, spring-breakers at hotel had similar he experiences, u.s. employee in mexico issued warning to potential spring brashgs be aware of violent crime in that country headlines. maria: thank you so much meanwhile, this former president donald trump, posting on truth social that he consider currently has almost 500 million dollars in cash substantial amount he intended to use for campaign, for president. trump now has just three days left to pay that 454-million-dollar bond from his new york civil fraud trial, is this election interference "the wall street journal" is reporting this, trump is in a rave against time to protect his fortune, also digital world acquisition shareholders expected to vote today whether to approve a merge with trump immediate and
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technology group that could be a positive for trump but kellyanne i want your take on all this he has a deadline to pay off that bond 454 million dollars, and if he doesn't come up with money she, letitia james wants to seize his property potentially trump tower your reaction. kellyanne: reaction what many people across this country will say if they see in a even people don't care for donald trump may not vote for him -- and say not then do it people will be outraged to watch one american that kind of power to seize iconic buildings clearly his through as he says hard work, luck, indid you say tree owesness unprecedented to have one judge no per of peers no
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ability to appeal before the bond up people say no, that is typically it is not typically for an individual or even a private company to have this size of a bond half a million dollars effectively, make large company once in a while, so that is number one, number two, this can create resurgence for 2024 lead with joe biden in, 16 states currentlies helped creates looidz resurgence people look at this see prosecution, persecution whether or not on the public bond i think a lot of money out of truth social if that goes through that is not the point the point is if one person errant ag promised, pull tape, promised, as scheme to "get trump" affirmatively as platform, if one person can do this to donald trump, they can do it to you. maria: that is why, people
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like kevin o'leary say they are questioning whether or not to do business in new york anymore that is why businesses are fleeing there are afraid the leadership in new york that turned their political against if you will against them look at where we are i had the now, newt gingrich,s leticia james is laying groundwork to seize trump assets if unable to pay 454-million-dollar bond james's team filed judgments earlier this month, this is the issue right here, and trump took a swipe at her on truth social yesterday writing numerous businesses have ended plans to relocate into new york, because of the fabricated witch hunt against me newt your thoughts. >>. first of all letitia james
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probably driving more taxpayers provening businesses out of new york than any other single example over 600,000 new york taxpayers leave to go to florida texas, georgia north carolina, tennessee the flood will increase, 40 years ago, of the vanities a corrupt new york judge, corrupt new york prosecutor get extraordinary sen tens involved in hit-and-run case 40 years ago corruption is worse new york city politics frankly a cesspool the attorney general perfect capital you are watching a financial assassination deliberate effort to destroy somebody because they are a presidential candidate i think the country understands that, i think the country most people, are enraged the rule of law could degenerate into this rule of power.
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>> newt where are the other real estate executives in new york banks, to new york coming to trump's defense saying look being there were no victims here. where are people see unfairness coming speaking out i don't hear anybody. >> no because what they know they could be next. i mean if you have a totally immoral, attorney general shows full power state of new york do you want to pick a public fight or hide in the corner as churchill once said people feed the alligator or crocodile until he is big enough to eat them lots of people are hiding hoping the crocodile attorney general doesn't eat them whil they feel bad about her eating trump but after all they are not getting in the middle that have fight i think a perfect example of why we have to profoundly change the system broke up old establishment, eliminate the corruption we see here, we see in atlanta
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frankly we see in the justice department,in washington, d.c.. maria: why i think viewers want to see term limits, in have congress, as well, kellyanne the hatred so incredible in a sense dleetdz post on x, a former executive wrote wednesday baron trump turns 1 today fair game now. the former producer told "newsweek" i posted he was fair game meaning as ultimate adult fair game for criticism from the press. now, is he -- deleted it because people attacked him saying what are you trying to do? bring on hostility against the former president's son now? kellyanne: they know what he meant some suggested that based on former posts he was trying to call out baron trump -- even more disgusting
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immediate has never been interested in getting the story their job they are interested in getting trump, the latest example barr ron trump well protected, a wonderful young man now, and he doesn't deserve this doesn't speak publicly, also shows you that donald trump said something in truth social very important he said the biggest crime i committed winning in 2016 nobody expected it doing even better in 2024 the problem they don't know how to beat him fairly and squarely a quick thing about letitia james, companies in new york afraid to stick up for trump you could be next remember eliot spitzer what a joke he ended up being writing blank checks cowering at every demand look at letitia james who you are dealing with here never, no fraud no victims no victim here, no, no finding of
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fact that shows a crime that is being litigated on appeal, so stop, stop bending the to me to political hacks to happen to have a title right now. maria: great point on elliott spirits we're taking you to streets of new york city voter outlook on the house's tiktok crackdown bill you are live on fox business. well be right back..acky . ard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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time for we hit streets of new york city asking americans what they think about the controversial crackdown but will of tiktok. watch. >> -- influences will lose their niche i mean using tiktok to -- advertise their things and stuff. and yeah, a good platform, but i don't think it is getting back would help. >> i don't think should do it i don't think hurting anybody right now. >> a form of a censorship shouldn't happen. >> i definitely think going to impact job market for.
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>> i think there is from a lot of apps especially for something like tiktok that specifically targets children. >> any platform where personal information is given out definitely is dangerous. >> if it is chinese company i think really should have american alternative i think chap chap facebook with new platform probably twitter i am sure musk is developing something. >> i definitely think time to replace it successful in people, created -- also promoting small businesses mutually. >> i think good removing it less apps scrolling all day is good. maria: a little montage of people we spoke with kellyanne reaction? kellyanne: two things the industry, they raised important concerns senate should consider, lots of
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people connecting communities on tiktok i am not on tiktok not facebook not instagram they have a right to do it people connect share medical maladies, i would say cultural commonalities i think there are constitutional concerns about bang app on company a bill of attainder 114th amendment i will say politically speaking trump gets 13 engagement on tiktok, not surprising nobody wanted to hold china to account more than me do we know the origins of advisers are uyghurs not being persecuted what about forced technology trafrz i want to hold china to account think twice before you do it, it rip something out of hands
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170 million americans, last point i think republicans may be falling into a trap received a similar briefing, it was testified a year ago tomorrow if tiktok is burning brains bodies of my four teenagers three daughters then senate should have done this a year ago, what have they been doing they sheriff done it unanimous consent. >> newt. newt: i think straightforward, american based tiktok totally opposed to chinese tiktok i think i recently did a pot cost with peter schweizer outlines in detail scare over chinese effort to undermine destroy us tiktok is part of the pattern
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i would say you don't have to ban tiktok, insist it be taken over by americans, former secretary of treasury mnuchin putting together a group to bring it should protect america from communist china we will come right back with more "mornings with maria" liveme on fox business, stay with us. .d look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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trump is a threat to the constitutional very rule of law, this is a very big historic moment we should all be frightened by what if a democrats are doing. maria: kellyanne conway. kellyanne: big story don't loss sight we still don't have answers about biden crime family more evidence, of corruption now than you ever had a russia collusion donald trump, on truth social calling this election interference many will maria: we is so appreciate your time. join me tonight on maria bartiromo's wall street at 7 p.m. eastern with my exclusive interview with house oversight committee chairman james comer. have a great weekend, everybody. "varney & company" picks it up. ashley, take it away. ashley: good morning, everyone, indeed. i'm ashley webster in for stu today. let's get to these markets and the fed rally.


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