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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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woman 5 (on radio): [inaudible] [music - inner circle, "bad boys"] all♪ ♪. maria: good friday morning everyone.
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thank you for joining us this friday morning. i am maria bartiromo friday march 22, your top stories, 6:0. invasion at the southern border, the realities of joe biden's open border. shocking the video shows a group of illegal migrants trying to push through the razor wire barrier and el paso, texas barreling past and through border agents and into america, some agents are still her this morning. we will have more coming up on this, markets are extending the rally this morning. were looking at a strong market this morning stocks continuing to record performance, the dow industrial 37, the nasdaq up 26 and s&p 500 higher by six and a half, the dow touching 40000 yesterday and all three major averages finished in record territory for and the fed will cut rates coming in june kicking off next week with the final
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reading first quarter gdp, read his debut sorted on wall street and the stock at one point sorting out 1% from the initial offering price as you can see a fractional pullback on the stock in the premarket, european markets are mixed, take a look at the eurozone in the s&p 100 is higher by 71 but the cat crown is down nine points in the dax index in germany is higher by 15 this morning. in asia overnight markets finish mostly lower, hong kong was the worst performer, the hang seng down better than 2% on the session, in washington the house is aiming to vote on a one and a quarter trillion dollar thousand page, that to prevent the government shutdown, today is the deadline, even as it violates the houses owned 72 hour bill rule, we'll talk about it this morning i'll speak with the chairman of the house ways
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and means committee jason smith with me live at 8:00 a.m. eastern joe pinion is here, cheryl casone is here and the lonski group founder john lonski. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ >> it is time for the hot topic of the hour. president biden taking aim at former president donald trump campaigning in houston, texas yesterday. biden claims trump is bringing chaos into the american border pointing to the breakdown of the negotiation of the bipartisan border deal the president did not visit the southern border during his campaign stop. across the state in el paso, stunning new video taken by the new york post it shows a group of over 100 illegal migrants breaking the razor wire
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barreling through texas national guard troops and it attempted into the country. fox news national correspondent bill melugin right did not ask. it was mostly single adult men who rushed the soldiers and what is been arrested so far for assaulting a soldier. more are coming for destruction of property morsels, incredible video, joe pinion, your reaction. >> they courted this disaster and while joe biden is running around the countryside trying to gaslight americans and thinking republicans are the ones that don't secure the border, they are the ones that promise to affect the undo every single donald j trump policy. goodbye remain in mexico, goodbye title 42, hello to the chaos that we see unfolding before us. yes we will see more of this while democrats place our head in the sand and try to tell the american people that they're
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lying to them. at the end of the day the politics refacing humanitarian crisis on the southern border and the women who were being sexually assaulted in transit as well as the children refacing humanitarian crisis when it comes to fentanyl. it's killing americans in record numbers. these are the issues that should be on the minds of the american people before we get to the fact that the fairness is not there, everyday americans receiving worse treatment and the people that have been here for less than four years. maria: how does president biden expect to get away with this. we know as soon as he walked into the oval office at the beginning of his term he overturned all of trump security at the border. he did 90 plus executive orders in the first month and now he's claiming that it's trump's fault that we see the chaos at the border. >> he was in houston campaigning, by the way houston is pretty far from the actual border. >> here's what he's doing, the gas fighting us in but what biden is doing the strategy you
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blame trump and say i had a bipartisan border security bill that was right there and it was donald trump's fault that that did not get past, the pressure from donald trump that is a campaign tactic from president biden and their going to push that through again. biden did not mention texas governor abbett which i found fascinating. that is the other favorite target of the white house right now, you vilify greg abbott in the border fight and while he's trying to protect his border meanwhile we've seen with the numbers despite what were seeing in the video and what you solid el paso, arizona and california are the more favored entry for those coming up and another thing the migrants in the video were mostly venezuelan that shows you the organization that we are seeing when it comes to moving up to the u.s. southern border. it's a billion-dollar business. maria: this country is lawless under president biden let's be
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frank look at this video that we've been talking about a tick talker who went viral for telling everybody how illegal migrants can take advantage of squatting laws the video is still up on his facebook, and instagram page, this is a tick talker and he's telling people to break into american homes, watch this. >> my people i have thought about invading a house in the united states because i learned there's a law that says the house is not inhabited we can expropriate it. i think that will be my next business invade abandoned ho houses. maria: invade abandoned houses. this is what is happening, where is facebook? where is instagram, why isn't somebody taking this down. >> you're right. these videos what are the venezuelans charging across the border, the tiktok video are
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going to make great campaign commercials for the republican party to come this election year this will hurt the democrats quite badly it's doing a lot of damage to progressive democrats in destroying their message this is an early indication that we will see substantial change in washington and perhaps elsewhere after election day. maria: we are just getting started. we are more coming up and we will show the video again, the squatting story is insane. coming up the power panel is back for the entire 8:00 a.m. our hear from fox news contributor newt gingrich and kellyanne conway on the biggest stories of the morning. first markets on the move, the stocks continuing to record performance while the investors are putting their money in tech were taken about, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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rates hovering around 4.2% on the ten year take a look at the treasury yield at four-point to 4% that is down to an app basis points this morning, the fed raising the gdp and inflation outlook for the year on stronger economic growth. there still expecting three rate cuts this year. looking ahead to the final reading fourth-quarter gdp in the february pcp index out next week joining me i had to get ahead of it chief technical strategist adam turnquist, great to see you. i want to get your take on the fed and the three rate cuts that the market is expecting. >> good morning, thank you for having me on i think the market is looking at the fed in the policy meeting with a sigh of relief there was fear that we might have the median.dented to rate cuts down to 2024 and they kept the three rate cuts on the calendar for this year in the big story this year has been the fed in the market coming into an
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alignment. if you go back in january the market was looking at 60. >> seven rate cuts for 2024. that was right after december, a projection telling us there was going to be three and now in terms of fed funds future suggesting there's going to be three that's a big source of volatility removed from the market. were putting out record highs for the s&p, the dow, the nasdaq composite into new record high every three trading days on the s&p 500, the bull is in the drivers seat right now. maria: no wonder bread it had a credible day the social media company closing up 48% after the new york stock exchange debut, reddit price ipo at $34 a share but it debuted at $47 a share and closed at $50.44 up 48% would you buy the stock? >> we don't have an opinion on the name but i think it's a good
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testament to the animal spirits coming back into the market with ipos being priced pretty successful and based on price-performance with reddit there is a lot of demand that suggests the deal window will finally open and no ipo activity in 2022, 2023. i think that could really help some of the financial sector in the capital markets stocks. we see that with the financials break it out to new highs this week as well. maria: it is a great point i'm wondering if this is uppity the capital market window after being closed for so long but i'm also questioning the apple situation. you know when the general start to fall isn't that an indicator that the broader market is in trouble. is this a point that you want to look at as far as leaving the market lower at some point. apple is down 4% at the close after the justice department announced it suing the iphone
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maker for antitrust laws violating antitrust laws. shares of apple down everything $113 billion of market value. lobby bring in cheryl casone. cheryl apple has been one of the stars of the market not for the last week on the d.o.j. story. >> obviously the stock did fall when the news cost about the d.o.j. but there's a great piece in the wall street journal and adam will take this to you about the holes in the case from the justice department. in particular they cite previous issues with epic games for example, they say basically that customers are being heard and companies are being heard and shut out of iphone devices, the games case for several years ago actually found it was because people preferred the device over what they were being offered, there's a lot of other issues that the journal brings up this is not a slamdunk case against apple is my point. >> it's good to be messy and
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drawn out. from an investment impact i'm not sure how much it will matter on a longer-term basis, the stock traded lower and has better relative under performer if you look at it at the s&p 500 and the mag seven those returns have been more dispersed, the good news of the market the foot soldiers to maria's analogy of the general falling off. they are helping pick up the slack you can see that in the rotation underneath the surface of the market it does not get a lot of headlines with materials breaking out to new highs in financials with new highs that industrials making new highs. those sectors are helping support the market and it's a good sign for the health of the overall market. >> if you did put new money to work, what area do you want to put money in. >> i think small caps look really interesting going along the rotation there very cheap and relative to the broader market and there is an appeal to
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evaluations especially where the broader market is trading, things are rotating small caps look attractive within the space even energy looks interesting right now, the sector is close to breaking out, oil is moving higher in improving supply and demand backdrop. maria: $80 a barrel back up there on crude, great to see you. i been waiting for small caps to catch. great to see you, thank you. your morning mover is fedex take a look at the stock of the premarket up 12 at half percent. shares of the shipping giant jumping after beating her needs expectation despite lower demand for parcel deliveries fedex raised the fiscal 2024 guidance it announced the stock buyback of $5 billion, the stock is up 20% over the last year it is like the rest of the market. will take a break, hunter biden sugar brother lawyer kevin morris may have been blocks from
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each of use federal government. the cia getting involved stopping oversight committee from interviewing kevin morris, house oversight eric berlin is here and where congress stands on the biden impeachment effort next. stay with us. ♪ oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back we've been talking about the invasion of the southern border shocking new video by the new york post yesterday and shows a group of 100 illegal migrants breaking through a razor wire fence and el paso, texas yesterday barreling passport of patrol agents and into the country the migrants running into another fence before summer apprehended others release back into mexico, bill melugin posted this on x1 has been arrested for assaulting a soldier, more arrest likely coming for destruction of property. joining me now retired border patrol chief chris klem, thank you so much for being here, what is seen yesterday and el paso,
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your reaction. >> it was ridiculous to see this unfold we've been dealing with the border crisis for the last few years under president biden this is a prime example when you failed policies and basically encourage people to come to the united states in that manner this is why we need a secure border and it's so important that we reinforce the laws on the books that says you cannot do this, this was ridiculous to see this attitude and entitlement from people into the united states illegally. >> your telling me this is not an invasion how does that even say this is not an invasion, we are watching it in. >> regardless of what we want to call this is utter chaos and catastrophe on this administration. it invasion look at what's happening right there and i'm glad that we continue to put the foot on the gas and continue to
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show this to the american people. i think it's resignation playing across the country in different cities it's happening right here at the border and it's been happening for several years and enough is enough. if you see will happen that is why walls are important those are there for a reason because the stem the flow a couple people got through in the mass chaos came across and thank goodness the wall or gate was there to be shut. maria: what's happening in arizona the shift has taken place because of the razor wire, they cannot get into el paso so they go to arizona and san diego. a migrant shelter in arizona is halting most operations in two weeks because federal funding is running out the shelter cost $1 million a month to keep up. they want more money, joe biden wants to send more money to the border so they can build more shelters and have more migrants coming in.
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>> that's in my backyard, i live in arizona and texas stood strong and they said enough is enough they will do everything that they can within their power to the extent that they can and were seeing the deflection and el paso cedar play out yesterday and the numbers increase but right here in arizona for the last several weeks and several months a huge uptick in illegal entries but also the got a ways in the reports that are coming out of california we seen this play out there just pushing back west texas has dealt with this for many, many years and now it's shifting back to the west and right here my home stay in arizona it is unfolding. just like you much of the taxpayers have to take a broad in the local level and this a administration throw money at the problem and buckets to bailout the water instead of fixing it by securing the border. maria: the state of iowa is moving forward with an anti-illegal immigration bill that would allow local law
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enforcement to arrest illegal migrants who had previously been deported. a lot of the migrant crime that we are seeing is happening for people who have been arrested before. arizona should consider a bill like texas and this iowa bill. >> arizona has been down this before sp 1070 and a lot has to do when they focus too much on the immigration let's focus on the border security the trespassing and the criminal action which what is what texas is doing. the fear mongering of the profiling in the roundup and all that stuff that's not what that bill was focused on and now that you see i was doing something similar it's focused on the criminal actions in the fact that these people have early been arrested and removed and come back in, how many bites at the apple is a federal government going to allow illegal migrants to continue to do to this country and its cost the taxpayers of american lives and it's really degrading the
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system, all of these laws are put in place to maintain the integrity of the system, you have to enforce the local law to be able to handle the actual immigration system, uphold the integrity of our immigration enforcement we are not asking or the states are not asking for the federal government to do anything more than it's supposed to do and they're not picking up the slack in the states are trying i wish them the best of luck it's good to come down to constitutionality but we gotta keep the foot on the gas and remind the american people that the administration is responsible of this in the states are to do the best they can to fix it where there is an absence of the federal government. maria: i'm worried about safety, personal safety, national security, what kind of an impact this is having on your region of the country in terms of crime. some of these people are fine, others are not we see people coming round the terrorist watchlist who had been arrested before, some wanted for murder in their home country.
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are you seeing that crime as a result of this invasion? >> again the video unfolding of el paso who could be coming to a town near you. most of the migrants passing through our here for a short period of time they have been trained and coached along the way if you get in and get apprehended turn yourself over to border patrol, do what you're supposed to do and you will likely be released most of that will unfold when they go to their destination city in the united states because they're not staying in the border community. it's coming to america playing out everywhere else and that's where were seeing that attention. as far as an uptick in crime receiving illegal crossings but i'm not seen at the border all the stuff that were seen played out around the country is happening away from the border and that's why we say every town is aborted town every state-supported state if you don't secure the border. maria: that's what we hear all the time, every state has become
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a border state, jumping joe pinion. >> to that point obviously every child in every city becoming a border town they're going bankrupt because of the open border policies but specifically about arizona. if you look at arizona we have a senator mccain, republicans of the seniormost levels now were looking at blue across the wall and yet both senators and the governor and in many ways pushing back against any efforts to try to secure the border. how do you communicate to the borders in arizona were amongst those who see the crisis, 70% like kari lake on the other side individuals don't seem to care about it. >> is a great question, politics is going to spin this in whatever direction and lots levels of the facts, here in arizona when i was in yuma we had support from senator kelly
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selby close the gaps in yuma where we were gone 0 and 2021 and 22 but it took 18 months to get it approved at the white house and too little too late but the taxpayers it comes down to seeing how much of their money that is being spent locally to handle this problem and you continue to see the effort from arizona government at least from the governor's office pushing this to the states and pushing it back at the federal government needs to fix this but they're throwing money at the problem and that is exacerbating already difficult situations, the voters will see this and the people are cedar play out in real time and the numbers don't lie we've gone from 400,000 arrest in 2222.4 million last year that is a policy issue impacting the people right here in arizona. maria: great to see you, thank you so much for joining me. chris klem in yuma today.
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a quick break markets extended yesterday's big moves with one more week left in the month in the quarter the dow industrial 40 points, the nasdaq up 21. everything you need to know on the other side of the break. major upsets during the march madness tournament. all the highlights right here, stay with us. meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden.
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and get beauty in the hands of women who are battling cancer so much quicker shipstation the #1 choice of online sellers go to and get 2 months free maria: welcome back new jersey senator bob menendez will not seek reelection but there is a catch. cheryl casone you with the details.
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>> scandal new jersey senator bob menendez will not run in the states democratic primary. watch. >> unfortunately the accusations i'm facing of which i am innocent and will prove so will not allow me to have the dialogue and debate with political opponents that averted made the cornerstone of their campaign. new jersey ants deserve better than that. you deserve to hear from those who wish to represent you about what they would do for you and your families in the future. therefore i will not file for the democratic primary this june. i am hopeful my exoneration will take place in summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy of an independent democrat in the general election. >> menendez is facing nature 18 federal counts over a bribery scheme of gold bars, cashew mercedes and accused of acting as a foreign agent for the injection government his trial set to begin may 6 he served in the u.s. senate since 2006.
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target doubling bonuses for the salary employees after strong financial performance in 2023 even though sales dipped prophets were strong there were still challenges with the decline and store visits. overall demand for discretionary items, target expect same-store sales to decline 3 - 5% in the first quarter, the stock is up half 8% the premarket, march madness kicking off yesterday starting with devastating losses for top teams, oakland beating the kentucky wildcats 80 - 76 this is the second time in three years kentucky has been knocked out of the tournament in the first-round. >> this season these guys got so much better, so good to each other, celebrated in to define their season and our season with this game, it is the sport that we are in it is what we do but
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that's what i'm disappointed for them. they deserve this. >> that is the coach, many are blaming him and they want him fired on social media but it would cost the school $33 million to buy him out of his contract so that's probably not going to happen. another bracket buster defeating brigham young 71 - 67 this is the first time the duke's have made it to the tournament and 47 years, while come back for dayton they were able to take on nevada 63 - 60 after being down by 17-point half time and the word rob is trending on x after a foul call help kansas defeat stanford in the last 20 seconds of the game. were just beginning with the fund. >> yes we are, thank you so much. a new whistleblower is coming forward accusing the cia a blocking investigators from interviewing hunter biden sugar
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brother kevin morris, the lawyer during the five-year probe into the first son's tax returns. house oversight james comer and judiciary jim jordan sending a letter to cia william burns saying to d.o.j. officials were called in to cia headquarters and were told morris is off limits and he cannot be a witness for the investigation into hunter. the judiciary committee is suing to officials attempting to enforce subpoenas for their testimony related to the hunter biden tax investigation. lawmakers want to ask the officials why they agreed to bring charges against hunter for 2014 and 2015 tax years and why they reversed the decision a few months later, your thoughts? >> i'm old enough to remember when it was believed all whistleblowers and anyone with questionable whistleblower and now here we are with more whistleblowers coming forth in a
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concert in the message from the biden or the status quo and they can't be trusted and appears onto the average american howling inquiry into the taxes of hunter biden could be a matter that is somehow preempted by the cia. again cooler heads will prevail and maybe we'll find out something new about how important mr. morris really is to the national security of america. maria: why would the cia intervene. >> that is the question. maybe because of the preferential treatment that hunter biden has gotten under the five-year tax probe biden department of justice that would be one reason put up another roadblock because it does not make sense this is a sugar daddy he is a guy that is with hunter biden they have the cameras following them it is a big stat they are going to profit from a documentary when hunter biden can once again played the victim
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in his addiction for all of the things that he did allegedly did but in particular with the tax issue is smells wrong and by the way according to, and jordan they called these two d.o.j. officers overlaying to have a little chat with them, pressure campaign anybody? >> that's a great point the white house is rejecting oversight committee chairman into president biden to testify in the impeachment problem spokesperson telling comer to call it a day the former business partner tony bobulinski shut down dan goldman this week during the biden family influence peddling hearing, watch this. >> to did he would respond to the e-mail. >> yes they did numerous times hunter biden himself did. >> hunter biden claimed that he didn't respond to it. >> you just get a filibuster but
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i will say no one responded to the reference for ten. >> thank you for making my point they did not have to respond. >> i reclaim my time. >> joe and john tony bobulinski went in there and said his opinions and laid it on the line, he was in the room he said he met with joe biden may 2 m may 3, 2017 when they were on the sidelines of the milking conference and he said it very plainly joe biden is the big guy. >> it's good to see tony getting angry about the questioning that was taking place. tony bobulinski is an engineering graduate from penn state university. i'm pretty sure this performance can only hurt joe biden in swing states such as pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin because there is a lot of tony bobulinski in those states and
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believe me they heard every word that was said and they saw the exchange, they are tired of the horsing around and that bs from the biden administration on this particular matter. maria: 10% held by the big guy was the e-mail from the partner james gill yard to tony bobulinski, we saw it in plain sight black and white. >> i don't have any times we have to remind people that they were meeting set up via e-mail that were confirmed with the white house logs and we have the 10% for the big guy. it is all there, the overall mrn on third base convinced he had a grand slam and aoc into the congressional record and no one seems to care. is par for the course, she did not know that rico was a crime and he does not appear to recognize if you don't have to
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clarify who the big guy is it turns out everybody's already in on the fix. maria: tony bobulinski is highly regarded he was a former navy official and serve this country and he wants the truth to be out there. >> what struck me by his testimony and again, he was being attacked at the likes of aoc and how steadfast, strong and confident he appears as a witness. every time he's come out and spoken about his experience with hunter biden in the big guy to your point he is very convincing and is been steadfast in his answers, his story has not changed and that is why he was called to testify. can i make one point about kevin morris, the other possibility and i'm thinking out loud was there meetings that kevin morris had with joe biden at the time and maybe they don't want any of
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that to come out because kevin morris was in the room and had business dealings and meetings whatever those were, we know hunter biden was trying to peddle the influence of being joe biden son. where was kevin? >> he lent hunter biden all the money so he could pay the tax bill and they just met. jim jordan said of the program how is it possible that a guy that you just met a couple of weeks earlier decides to pay millions of dollars for your tax bill, how did that relationship happen and why is he paying all of hunter's bills and he said that and is a good question. what is his role why is he paying his bills and there was an e-mail that he was on, kevin morris was on and he said we need to ensure to protect this for politics. in other words he was mentioning we need to protect hunter
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because of the election. i'll ask jason smith at 8:00 a.m. when he joins me this morning he has real clarity on the e-mail and the relationship between kevin morrison hunter biden we're going to slip in a short break the back-and-forth struggles in t the real estate market this week's housing data in the new commission rules for agents costing everybody more. you were watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us.
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because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
6:50 am
this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
6:52 am
maria: welcome back a big week of housing data february existing home sales surging 9.5% the largest monthly gain in a year both february housing starts and building permits rose for the month that be expectation, the homebuilder sentiment index climate for a fourth month in a row rising three points to 51 march "mansion global" hosting fox news real estate contributor katrina campaigns, great to see you. your reaction to this data. >> thank you so much for having me. a persistent lack of existing inventory drives buyers to new
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construction and fueled by robust demand and mortgage rates lower than last fall peak cycle, these have propelled by your sentiment as you mentioned above a crucial threshold in march, buyer demand continues to be robust and if we see an increase in market activity, however, buyers are contending with several supply-side hurdles including buildable lots, shortage of billable locks and skilled labor and challenges poised by increasingly strings it building codes all of what contribute to escalating home construction cost. as mortgage rates have remained below 7% since mid december, more builders are scaling back on reducing home prices to stimulate sales. in march only 24% of builders recrreported cutting cut pricesn to 36% in december 2023 and
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marking the low-wage share since july 2023 but the average price reduction remained steady at 6% for the ninth consecutive month. meanwhile the utilization of sales incentive has remained consistent with buyers of 60% of builders offering some form of incentive in march a range maintained between 58% - 62% since september. the home prices are continuing to rise for the most part but builders are offering incentives in their more bullish about getting into the market so we see an uptick in housing start which is good news. i believe there will be challenges until interest rates come down because buyers have very low inventory and the challenge of mortgage rates at the current rate. not to mention the nar lawsuit that will create challenges for homeownership moving forward.
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>> the national association of realtors nar agreeing to policy changes to resolve multiple lawsuits from home sellers. one of them would impact to pace for real estate agents. those agents representing the buyer under the proposed rules of broker representing the seller cannot offer on nar affiliated listing services if passed in court they will be implement it mid july what do you think about this and how would that change things? >> homeownership is poised to become more challenging and already tough market the repercussions of the lawsuit are numerous and significant. for those during the notion that the agents have been exploiting consumers is vital to understand that this represents a regression in the industry by several decades the progression to the current state actually seeking increase representation in homebuying and now it's going
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to happen, basically buyers are going to go directly to the listing agent and think about the misrepresentation that will occur at that point in time and think about the kickbacks that will be given i also think that listing agents are going to use buyers against each other to get an increase in price so the seller benefits. i think this is extremely unfortunate and while people think it's going to be good for the housing market i completely disagree i don't disagree with the buyers agent having a buyer representation form but most buyers will not want to sign because they do want to pay for their age and you cannot finance the cost. that is another cost of another closing cost that cannot be included in the home price that buyers will have to figure out how to pay for. homeownership in my opinion got hit again because of the law
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lawsuit. >> thank you very much. we will watch that. katrina campaigns you can watch "mansion global" on wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. eastern with katrina. president biden keeps touting five polls that show him in the lead but we can't find them. president trump is on top on key battleground states. our power panel is back at the top of the 8:00 a.m. hour this morning. hear from fox news contributors newt gingrich and kellyanne conway live on the biggest news stories of the day. "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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