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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪. maria: good thursday morning. thank you so much for joining
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us. i am maria bartiromo, thursday march 21. your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast markets extending the gains after the federal reserve left ray unchanged. markets higher across the board after jay powell said to expect three rate cuts this year and three more over the next two years all three major nbc closed in record territory since the first time since november 2021, what a performance with the dow industrial 401 and the nasdaq 202 at the close yesterday. everything investors are watching. initial jobless claims in the philadelphia fed and ducks at 8:30 a.m. eastern. european markets are mixed, the eurozone factually higher. the bank of england making this decision we will have that news. in asia overnight markets finished higher with the exception of the shanghai composite, the cosby in korea to
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win 3%. the biden family influence peddling catching up as a former business associate of hunter biden testifies on capitol hill giving a list of crimes that he said they are guilty of this as house democrats sweep the growing evidence under the rug, james comer and vice president biden to testify on the foreign influence peddling as the impeachment investigation is now heating up. strategic wealth partner mark tepper, gop strategist and cyber expert krysia lenzo and homeland security advisor michael balboni. "mornings with maria" is like right now. ♪.
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maria: time for the hot topic of hour. james comer has invited president biden to testify before lawbreakers with his family's influence peddling. he posted this on x demanding more from to explain why his family received tens of millions of dollars from foreign companies during the house hearing, the former business partner tony bobulinski iqs the first sign of lying under oath. watch. >> with hunter biden telling the truth when he testified under oath that his father was never involved in any of his business dealings. >> no he was not visibly lies. >> do you know whether the biden family made any money from china. >> they did millions of dollars. approximately 8 - 9000000. >> i think it's over 10 million.
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>> who's the big guy. >> joe biden. >> are you sure about that. >> i'm a thousand% sure. >> i think it's laughable that the democrats are asking the left away and all my credibility a convicted felon. >> if you keep lying you end up in prison. >> you are the one who is lying. maria: what a hearing yesterday, what you make of that. >> it was a lot to take in, tony bobulinski has been waiting so long to testify and present all of this evidence pursuant republicans to have there been credible evidence to come forward with hunter biden as a foreign agent that lied under oath he perjured himself consistently to hide his families influence peddling schemes and the democrats are doing everything to hide this to not cover the hearing specifically and to go after him claiming about certain laws, the rico act is not really a crime
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if it's not a crime is aoc mentioned why are they going to trump with the case in georgia. every respect this is an important hearing in the hunter biden could not even show up despite asking for it but clearly tony bobulinski is a lot to lose he's an honorable human being and we commend him on everything that he came forward with yesterday. maria: i commend him as well he served this country with honor. james comer talked about $30 million that they identified in money going to the biden family. bob belinsky said eight or nine or 10 million came from china and comer talked about 170 sars that is the suspicious activity reports and the gift of a porsche and two diamonds to hunter biden from foreigners. bob belinsky accused hunter under the racketeering influenced and corrupt organization act as you
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mentioned rico this is a federal law targeting or designs crime to take on high-ranking criminals and expose corruption. alexandria ocasio-cortez was not having it she is getting slammed online after this exchange. >> did you witness the president commit a crime, is it your testimony today. >> what crime have you witn witnessed. >> how much time do i have to go through it, corruption statute, rico ends conspiracy. >> what is the crime. >> specifically. >> you're obviously not familiar with corruption. >> excuse me sir, excuse me sir. >> rico is not a crime if the category. >> is a category of crimes that you are charged of. maria: michael balboni. >> if i was ever charged god for bid with the rico statute i would think i'm in big trouble. in trying to normalize this type
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of behavior, having all the shell corporations, receiving these gifts like that is okay from china. that's not an influence came from an intelligence perspective, bought and sold, it's unbelievable that they take this perspective on this particular situation and what america is looking at, you have all these double standards, there's trump's prosecutions going after him in the same it's all good there's nothing to see here, they are not passing the left test. maria: i find that shameful, the democrats were all in on getting trump and taking trump down however, they could in talking about him being a businessman but when we see evidence that this family has accepted money from foreigners and influence peddling they claim there's nothing to see here. >> alvin bragg, letitia james read on getting trump, when it
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comes to the family they claim there's nothing to see. with tony bobulinski, his testimony has been so incredibly consistent over the last four years, one of my biggest takeaways he said that jim biden in 2017 told him that they were going to continue to do their thing and conduct their business because the plausible deniability, that makes it very difficult to play the card that joe biden is an elderly man with poor memory that shows there was mel intent they were aware they were doing things wrong. maria: were just getting started, more dangerous games making their way into the country to president biden's open border, some migrants learn how to exploit progressive policies. were getting into, the federal reserve leaving interest rates unchanged as expected but is forecasting rate cuts to come. everything that you need to know coming out. "mornings with maria", live on fox business.
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treasury yield pulling back by four and a quarter basis points sitting at a level four-point to 33% after the federal reserve left interest rates unchanged for the fifth consecutive meeting but what they said in the press conference really powered the market the fed raise the gdp and inflation outlook on strong economic growth and projected three rate cuts this year, jay powell said the rates will not return to the lowest levels that they were however,. >> or policy rate is likely at its peak for this tightening cycle and if the economy evolves broadly as expected it will likely be appropriate to begin dialing back policy restraint at some point rates will back into the low levels that we solve around the world that were rates at her level to 0 in some cases. noc rates going back down to that level but i think there's tremendous uncertainty around that. i don't think we know if this is
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a bump on the road or something work. >> joining us ahead of u.s. rates gregory for narrow, what did you hear yesterday. >> i continue to hear a fed chair that wants to lower rates at some point this year, with a financial condition the general moon and i think this is how chair powell manages policy for the fed in both directions were they were tightening and the policy all if you look into thousand 23 in october or november, loose conditions he's had every reason to push back on market performance in the first quarter 2023 and he's not doing it. that tells me he's easing conditions in trying to loosen policy without moving formal rates. at some point i think he will move formal rates lower. maria: after the hot hotter than expected cpi i was thinking the
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fed would try to communicate dialing back this euphoria of so many rate cuts but that's not what he did at all. >> what they did do they are still maintaining three cuts this year they taken cuts off the table for the next two years, the higher for longer may come true but not as high. when you look at investors there cheering on where they were yesterday there drinking the fed put rate cut kool-aid without a doubt. yesterday morning the fed funds futures replace about 2.9 cuts this year. it's up to 3.4, the fed said three and investors are expecting 3.4 that shows you how much investors are relying on the rate cuts in history has shown that when you look at rate cuts typically during a positive market does well but as soon as you have the first cut over the next 12 months the market judged on 20 through 24% what you make
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of that. >> he same further out the curve and attire for longer and were not going back to 0, the reality we do not know and he said we can find your way back to 0 but i don't think we want to find our way back to 0 but i continue to think a pathway from where we are now even down to 4% in 2025 is saying the economy is doing well we have not had any major blowups or hiccups and it's a very low conducive rate environment. with that said the inflation readings he is dismissing january and february. if you look at 2023 we had high prints as their as well. he's expecting us to get onto the monthly range of 0 to point to. if we get one more round of higher inflation readings i think markets are little vulnerable. maria: i'm not buying it i'm not buying three cuts this year. i don't believe it i think the
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inflation story is still elevated and will see what happens at the next meeting but will hear from the bank of england on the interest rate today at 8:00 a.m. eastern the central bank expected to hold interest rates steady at five-point to percent. i want to get your take on that. >> was missing from the hall conversation is what's happening with the consumers. we never bake into these types of discussions, credit card debt where is it now, the loan defaults, car payments, there is an underpinning of real uncertainty in america and we never talk about that the disconnect between wall street and the individual consumer gets larger and larger. maria: the consumer has done well but the tapping into credit cards and the 401ks. >> he was asymmetric and i agree i thought what are the interesting things he talked about yesterday and i think this is critical is the employment market and he said it was asymmetric in both directions he
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thought that they could potentially lower rates. in other words we could continue to produce jobs and have a good labor market but at the same time lower rates and on the flipside if we start to see the consumer crack i think the fed will move very, very quickly which i thought was interesting that was a devilish comment from him. maria: i see the moving quickly but three seems so unlikely. we'll see how the economy moves. great to get your take, gregory for an ally joining us. your morning mover the chipmaker soaring after putting a double beat on earnings and revenue driven by the a.i. boom micron is up 17.5% this morning not and, $793 million and forecast higher revenue for the fiscal third quarter the stock is up 60% the last year doing really well. we will keep following the. president biden screen agenda coming for the auto industry with a new mandate on electric
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vehicle sales taxes congressman keith self is here with more on that in the campaign promise to reverse all of these regulations. stay with us, back in a minute. ♪ (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer.
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maria: welcome back president biden taking another step to advance the climate change with the aggressive omission standards ever finalize. the new regulation pressuring automakers to curb gas powered vehicle tailpipe emissions by 2027 rapidly the trump campaign warning that the forcing americans to buy expensive vehicles and rely on china. the trump campaign valley the chapel reverse the mandates on day one of his new administration, generally taxes congressman keith self ahead of the foreign affairs committee said a retired army special forces lieutenant colonel, thank you for being here today. i think it's an import point to make that the trump campaign is empowering china, isn't it.
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>> it is, the child labor in africa that digs out the coble and other minerals but this is absolute fantasy and hypocrisy, you may remember the joe biden sources 1967 corvette stingray with a 327 v8 and the same garage that is stored is classified documents. >> it is a good point, who is running this is this elizabeth warren coming up with the new ideas of getting more aggressive on regulations around ev's. >> regardless of who's making the decisions, i all the time talk about this is the third obama term and this is why we need president trump so we don't suffer a fourth obama term. >> let me get your take on the cost of all of this, what we hear from businesses this is actually overwhelming businesses because the cost of putting the new regulations in place and the paperwork around it is probably
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doing more harm than good. >> that's what i said this is fantasy i had dinner with two of the major automobile dealers in my area recently and nobody is buying tvs, ev are a rich man's toy and this looks like a command economy that you would see in russia or china because they cannot force this people will not buy the more expensive ev's, the man on the street suffering the inflation that you talked about in the last segment they are not going to buy these cars and you cannot force them to unless you go to the joe crowley and measures of russia and china. maria: let me get your take on other major issue that the biden administration is allowing and that is the open border, the texas immigration law that allows the state to arrest migrants crossing the border illegally is still on hold because of another appeals court hearing yesterday lawyers for the state faced skeptical questions from the judges but
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texas governor greg abbott is pushing back he said texas has the legal authority to arrest people coming across the border border patrol agents in el paso arrested the columbia migrate with gang tattoos he was attempting to cross the board illegally in agents found photos of people being tortured on the suspects phone, what is happening with all of these gang members coming into the country? >> we know that we have terrorist in the united states today and we are more than 20000 chinese military aged males in the united states today. without their families. this is a standoff between texas and the federal government but it increasingly looks like a standoff between the fifth court of appeals and the supreme court. this is going to go back to the supreme court whatever the fifth court of appeals does it will go to the supreme court and governor abbott has the constitutional, not just legal but constitutional authority to defend his day because the federal government refuses to do
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so and they made great strides. i will tell you we wet from several thousand to ten the lieutenant governor said in the cartels have moved the flow over to arizona and california so you don't have to be perfect you just have to be serious. maria: look at the numbers that we are showing. border patrol agents have arrested more than 32000 migrants with criminal records during the fiscal year 2023. that's a 340% in the past three years, you were a homeland security, you've seen this happen personal. >> you gotta be concerned, here's the supreme court saying the state can have a role in this and yet the biden administration saying if you do this texas and ask these policies and starts arresting folks you're going to make texans less safe but your experience that does not work at all when you think about it, you're going to arizona as opposed to being in texas that is really a problem, the white
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house is not seeing what is reflected on the ground and they take and how many years, three years to focus on this issue. >> i've been down to shelby park twice in the last few months once before texas took control and once after i will tell you they beefed it up in the border patrol on the border itself does not reflect the biden administration policy they were putting both on the boat ramp inside of shelby park and they are cooperating. all it takes to be serious and i don't see the biden policy being enacted in shelby park when i go there the border patrol, the dps, texas wildlife are putting boats in the river and cooperating. maria: 32000 migrants with criminal records, those are the people that were arrested in 2023. imagine the people that got in you also have a criminal record
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but were not apprehended in. >> that's what we see across the nation the criminal element is acting up now that's why we have laken riley in the rapes and the murders. that's what you're seeing right now. my concern we've also set ourselves up for october 7 terror attack in the interior of the united states should these people get together and find the weapons which i believe that they will probably be able to find. that is my concern the criminality is one thing but that's only the tip of the iceberg that we have set ourselves up for. maria: that is what were all concerned about, the fact that he put this nation in jeopardy or at risk from a national security perspective, thank you very much for weighing in on this, we will keep following it. keith self in d.c. a quick break the senate considers the public hearing on the tiktok crackdown bill. we'll take a look on where the opportunity stands. apple in hot water with rival
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maria: welcome back, the usa lifting americans out of haiti and away from the growing gang violence there, sure concerned with the details. >> former flights are set to land later today in new video
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into fox shows a plane arriving in stanford florida carrying 14 americans escaping the chaos governor desantis said he's proud of his state efforts to get floridians home. >> it's easier to get into this country illegally through our southern border then it is to rescue u.s. citizens from a country that is collapsed and where they're in danger, that is that that the bureaucracy really turns very harshly against their own citizens. >> an emotional reaction from those that are grateful to get out. >> they stayed with us until the end of the mission which i can happily say was a mission accomplished and were reunited with her 2-year-old son it took about two and half weeks. the days were turning into weeks and weeks turn into months but were very grateful.
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>> other headlines u.s. officials are calling for an immediate cease-fire between israel and hamas in exchange for release of hostages. anthony blinken says the draft resolution was sent to the un security council overnight. he said it would bring immediate relief to so many people who are suffering in gaza, the children, the women and men on his six visit to the middle east since the war began in october and the secretary in egypt with a meeting with arab leaders including a top palestinian official, he will head to israel tomorrow he is set to meet with leaders there. there is this the justice department looking to sue apple for antitrust violations as soon today, the loss is expected to be filed in federal court accusing the second valuable tech company of blocking rivals from access to features of the iphone, shares of apple fell yesterday on this news this will be the third time the justice department has sued apple in the
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last 14 years there also facing scrutiny in europe, anticompetitive, not antitrust but anticompetitive, the attacks on apple continue in this is really the biden administration continuing the attacks against the technology company. maria: i'm surprised. >> about the antitrust. >> i think with apple a lot has to do with smaller companies and markets a better expert there saying we want more access and open access to the iphone because of the dominance of the iphone. >> it's about charging a 30 or 40% right off the top and all of the subscriptions for apps. if you look at what elon musk did with his workaround he said if you want the premium features to the app store $12 a month go to, $8 a month. >> is about the services. thank you. >> the leaders of indo pacific command warning of a potential chinese invasion of taiwan yesterday, the u.s. navy admiral saying this all indications point to the pla meeting
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president xi jinping's directive to be ready to invade taiwan by 2027 taiwan's foreign minister said china has built an enormous military base on three islands surrounding taiwan's main holding in the south china sea, joining the hudson institute senior fellow alice organization founder and decisive decade author jonathan tt ward. your reaction to what were hearing. >> anyway this is not news the indo pacific command has been very clear and consistent about the 2027 date and he's brought this up now but it was admiral davidson before him that establish what people call the davidson window explaining that the pla may be ready to conduct an invasion a successful invasion of taiwan by the date and the chinese side this centennial of the founding of the liberation army gives us the date of 2027 and that's why xi jinping is organizing the forces to be able to undertake what he sees as a major mission of
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natural reunification for the problems in the pacific are growing more significant and more urgent this is the focal point of what is next for the geopolitics of the u.s. china competition in our major security challenges and something the admiral said at the beginning of his testimony to congress which i thought was very important. he said the prc, the u.s. cannot spend its way to a position of preeminence as their economic and technological advantages over the people's republic of china continue to narrow. this is what i've really been trying to tell people about economic continue of china and were letting go of the window to be the economically and the consequences were no longer going to have economic and technological superiority underpinned americans security for so long, meanwhile tim cook is an apple, howard schultz is an apple a whole bunch of ceos are in apple and were running a
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strategic schizophrenia were on one hand. maria: what you mean during apple. >> i mean in china. >> they're all in china the china development forum that began on sunday. a piece in the journal titled american ceos get ready to go to beijing but who will receive them, what are you suggesting, all of the ceos are in beijing but they're worried about their stance there? >> what i'm suggesting what i've been saying for quite a long time we have the strategy that we have not fixed where businesses, capital, technology continues to go to the primary adversary in here you have the command of the most significant combatant telling us that are economic advantages over china are narrowing and what he's trying to say that we are losing the edge because we really have not stopped economic engagement these are going to be the consequences it's very clear. maria: we have identity thing,
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committee chair maria cantwell said she's considering a public hearing on the house passed tiktok bill that is another way that communist china has been able to undermine america, here's what a bipartisan group of senators had to say about the legislation after a closed-door briefing on the threat of tiktok. watch this. >> i want whatever modifications keep the spirit and the impact of the bill but also help with the past. we want a good piece of legislation we don't want to overshoot the target but we don't want to miss it. >> there was a reason why with this brief was given on the house side to the energy and commerce afterwards they voted 50 - 0 to move the legislation forward. >> we had a full hearing room in the classified briefing and there was deep concern about the threat from tiktok on both sides of the aisle. maria: jonathan, north carolina senator thom tillis said his office received a threatening voicemail about the tiktok bill,
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he writes this on a post on x tiktok's misinformation campaign is pushing people to call the members of congress and callers like this who communicate threats against elected officials could be committing a federal crime the communist chinese aligned company is proving how dangerous the current ownership is. if you hear this message that thom tillis received on his phone and his office is incredible the person says i'm going to shoot you if you ban tiktok i'm going to come get y you. >> i believe he posted the message online for everybody to hear but where we are we've seen the full power of what the app can do in the flood congress with calls and death threats and suicide threats. it's really gotten out of control coming of 170 million americans on this app with a major information operation and many called the malware, spyware
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not all of it is true but it can compel political action and people is giving people the capacity to dial those numbers and they press a button on the app and they can get to the congressional office and then you have threats like this coming, you just have to get this out of china's hands you have to get it out of bite dan's hands. there have been a handful of lawmakers saying the classified briefings that they receive should be made public so people understand how serious this really is. i think it's time for the american people to also understand whether or not they are users of the app it is so dangerous to be in the hands of our primary adversary, a place that is absolutely determined to overpower this country in the long run, we cannot have them in control of this very dangerous technology. it would be great to see the senate, and do the right thing. maria: chuck schumer has been waffling on it he's not even bringing it to the floor it's
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definitely not coming to the floor this week i'm told and i don't know where it stands and that's what were talking about a public hearing. i think your message seems to be that were running out of time never losing opportunity to actually get ahead of communist china. in fact beijing is winning. >> that's been my message for a long time when i wrote the vision of victory i was concerned we would not wake up and see the threat and when i wrote the decisive decade if we were going to start to see are we going to act but our commander in the pacific is telling us what is going on our advantages are narrowing and eventually you give us a few more years and it's not good to be advantages narrowing its could be much scarier than that then americans experience a very long time and we've not been for a very long time for generations confronting and dealing with another power that has essentially comparable power to the united states of america in the intent to do was harm people like myself have tried to explain this to this country not
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just for the sake of awareness but for the sake of action and again, i believe we can handle this certain economic competition and we can convert economic power into military power but i don't see us handling all the pieces in a way that is making great strategic gains the gains that we need to have in order to win. the people's republic of china is the most dangerous entity that is ever existed when it comes to the consequent is for the united states and i think were about to potentially live there what that means. maria: there was a piece in the journal that i saw. america sliding toward chinese style capitalism what a headline chinese style capitalism. there is not capitalism in china is there. >> unfortunately, gerry baker wrote an op-ed in a british newspaper saying tiktok is a wrong way to go, focus on the u.s. military but understands how chinese power works we have to get over this idea in the
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trade with a nonmarket enemy state is free trade it is not we may be free-market capitalist that believe in free trade and free market but that does not mean that you hand the keys of the kingdom to your main adversary, we've got a lot of the ideologically driven it's not sensible or practical it is time to change. maria: this is a gift to china to say the capitalism is so ridiculous and there's no capitalism there and one thing is right america is sliding into a chinese way of doing things, certainly feels that way from the citizen standpoint with censorship with the police state. it's pretty incredible what is happening right now and apparently this administration is allowing it. working to keep the spotlight we appreciate your time. thank you. >> jonathan d.t. ward. americans like their streaming services how advertisers are capitalizing on the content and
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artificial intelligence next you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it.
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maria: welcome back a new deloitte survey shows american consumers in every age group would rather watch a show or movie written by a human that artificial intelligence advertisers can make tailored ads to target their audience by using a.i., and zimmerman advertising founder and chairman jordan zimmerman he is back after technical issues yesterday, great to see you think it's a much for being here we were in the middle of talking about geography and demographics which i'm going to get to in a second but first let's talk a.i. how is that shaping the industry right now. >> it's great to see you, thank you for having me back, what it is doing when you look at it let's go to atlanta or georgia to tyler perry read if you think of the studios he's built and many people have no idea that
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tyler. built these huge studios but it's on through 250 acres and he was building 12 new soundstages spending the hundred million dollars and he canceled it he canceled it because he was doing the move himself and he wanted to age in the movie and he knew makeup would take forever and ever and ever and he did it through a.i. which is again the future of how movies will be produced and i think what we are reading about and reporting about is not what's really going to happen, what's going to happen people are going to not know the difference between the a.i. produced movie in the real produced movie with real people and the actors will become more and more famous that are created through a.i. technology not through real people that are real doctors and actresses that we've now followed with us the same way that in social media today we have the new social media stars. maria: he canceled all the
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plans. it was that much cheaper to use the technology to do it. >> correct. we've seen a happen in the advertising business as well, you and i talked, tv is evolving over 300 million tv sets in america today so as it evolves we saw this in 2012 a zimmerman and we said we need to build something that is very different build the hyper local data driven audience target platform. amazing and what we need is lots of data to target your audience, say i wanted to advertise on your program for mercedes-benz of america. i need a lot of data about who would drive for mercedes-benz until we built 4000 data layers and we are to do 50 million
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adults, over 3.1 billion e-mail addresses 300 million cell phones and were now connected to over 65 million homes that of connected tvs. we could send the right message to the right person at the right time, what's going to change this is going to be amazing. >> that applies to streaming as well and when we spoke about this recently you were telling me how you can target different geographies, let's say that you're talking about the mercedes add and you want to share with them a part of the country and you know it'll designate and you don't have to buy the entire market is that what you're referring to? >> 100%. i can target the entire country and i target people that are interested in buying mercedes-benz are people that are interested in buying products of value from one of our retailers and people that are hungry and the qs are.
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i know who they are and where they are but i also target them around the location if you look at office depot whatever brands we can target them locally or on a local level which is a city or in the suburban area or rural area and it goes from blocks to miles to 30 miles. it can go out there pretty far and it can send the right message to the right person at the right time. maria: i love that and terms of streaming are people turning off because there is add-on streaming this is a relatively new element that you could do advertising on your streaming. >> you can buy products that you can eliminate the streaming ads or you combine it at a cheaper rate and get the streaming ads people are not turning off the
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streaming ads and especially you're interested in getting and we know what people are interested in getting today. >> it was great to talk with you, thank you so much. >> i appreciate you being on. >> jordan zimmerman as well as me, quick break, illegal migrants early in the country are benefiting from the progressive policies dominating blue cities. that is a hot topic of hour coming up. "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations.
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