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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ stuart: this is very nice.
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produces recognize that i'm the best dressed man. want to get on my good side. it is 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. see what the fed is going to do. most people believe there is no rate cut in the summer or later. that's the speculation. not much price movement. look at the 10 year treasury yield moving up a little bit today, looking at 429 on the 10 year. 8204 to be precise. look at bitcoin, 73,000 as of right now. here's "my take," on the primaries, donald trump clearly has a firm grip on the republican party. his candidate won begin ohio, trounced the establishment guy.
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the republicans would love to take a seat back in the senate if it means unseating someone so far out in the democrats left-field. shared brown is not close to bernie sanders. democrats spent money supporting, they think they can beat a trump candidate. trump is unify the ohio republican party, he won 17 electoral college vote in 2,020, needs them again this year. president biden victor called the democrat primaries tuesday but is dogged by write in plants who want somebody else, opposition centers on his support for israel even though biden has caved to pressure and called for a cease-fire. 10% % of democrat primary voters in kansas, say none of the names shown. in ohio, 13% voted for dean phillips who before he dropped out publicly stated biden is too all.
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that a persistent problem. the age issue will not go away. chicago, seems entrenched politicians remain entrenched, they may be responsible for chicago but voters don't seem to care. danny davis, 82 years old, representatives chicago district for 28 years. he was reelected in a landslide. jesus garcia won easily, he represented chicago for years and got mad at biden for using the word illegal. a few chicago folks would get rid of democrat incumbents, forget it. time to bring in karl rove who follows politics as closely as anyone. what is on your whiteboard? >> got two whiteboards. donald trump displayed his command. bernie and marino got 50% of the vote.
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he did with the democratic super pac. $2.5 million in the closing days advertising to boost bernie marino saying he was endorsed by donald trump constraint for democrats to do than a republican primary but there's a reason why. in ohio in 2022, republican governor, traditional republican won by 25.6 points and so did the rest of the republican ticket with one exception, senator j d vance won by 6.6% in an open race for the senate. if democrats are hoping they are going to be able with the far left candidate shared brown to pull out something. if you don't have the traditional republican at the top of the ticket, the guy
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running in the open race found it hard, what about running against an incumbent? we will see if the gamble works out for him but it is high-stakes, $2.5 million into the race. stuart: politics is fascinating. new york times poll found donald trump hold at 6 point lead over biden among hispanic voters. maybe that is why biden has a new campaign strategy targeting latino voters. why do latino voters favor trump? >> several reasons latinos are in play in this election. we have several groups of hispanics, in south florida for example cuban-americans, venezuelan americans, worry about socialism. in texas and arizona you see people worried about what the democrat border crisis has done to their communities. in texas we never had until now in the history of texas a
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republican congressman from south texas and she is a latino. we never had members of the texas house of representatives from south texas, and the border crisis and energy issue is driving that so the democrats have problems with this emerging political power of the latino communities who are entrepreneurial prophase, profamily and pro-military and in the case of texas and arizona strongly concerned what happening with communities on the border. stuart: would you say if donald trump gets, say, 30% to 40% of the hispanic vote he wins and biden loses? >> absolutely. in 2004, george w. bush got 44% of the latino vote and won reelection in a tough year. stuart: let's get the news on the border, the supreme court said it is okay for authorities in texas to arrest illegal migrants. a few hours later an appeals court said hold on, we will
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hear an appeal to the texas law so is all on hold. you are a texas guy, what happens from here. >> the decision by the fifth circuit was a panel of three and the vote was 2 to 1, the fifth circuit is a very conservative appellate court. this goes to the whole court, they have a hearing very quickly, likely to see a decision in days or weeks and my concision is they will allow texas law to proceed. there will be complications because mexico said we won't accept if the state of texas attempts to return people across the border we won't accept the man only accept them if the federal government does. maybe the federal government says we do need the extra manpower so if they get people across the border illegally, returned to mexico but don't hold your breath because the federal government is late on the border aren't wrong on the
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border. stuart: thanks for joining us. see you again. the anti-biden uncommitted movement is not slowing down ahead of the general election. what are they planning? >> wisconsin, state that the biden won by 20,000 votes and their primary april 2nd, the uncommitted ballot got 150,000 votes between michigan and minnesota together. that's enough votes to determine elections when looking at battleground states. organizers of the movement say they will keep pressuring the president, permanent cease-fire in gaza. he is listening. he backed senator chuck schumer's call for new elections in israel but actio's is reported behind the scenes biden is telling benjamin netanyahu i am not pushing you out but if you look at it looks like election interference and to continue with actio's's reporting they find recent is really polls say the majority
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of israelis do want new elections but they want them afterward. stuart: president biden is going after rent gouging landlords. what is that about? lauren: the big evil corporations, biden is making the landlords the latest friend in his war against inflation. >> president biden: my administration is tracking down on corporations, price-fixing to keep the rents up. landlords should be competing to give folks the best deal, not charging them more. we are going after unfair rental and junk fees. folks are tired of being played for suckers. we are also giving assistance to 100,000 low income families. lauren: you have a good tenant, you don't want to raise their ranch, you want to keep them as long as you can, you don't want to fix up the apartment and everything else.
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how much can the landlord eat, repair cost, higher taxes, heating bills, advertising, they are the ones gouging you. stuart: gas station hours are not gouging. lauren: he knows inflation is a problem and he needs to show he is on top. stuart: i am at a loss for words when our president talks about rent gouging from landlords. i'm at a loss for words on that kind of thing so i will move on. back to the markets. in new york this morning, david, oil companies produce more oil than any country in history. america produces a record, which oil stocks should i buy to take advantage of that. >> i am bullish on us soil, three positions here. first one being we have
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occidental petroleum, chevron and ultimately -- what we are doing is looking at us companies with good dividends, strong cash flows, great acquisitions and ultimately positioning themselves for a real nice increase. the united states does oil and energy safer and cleaner than anyone in the world, not cheaper but safer and cleaner so we should be rooting for this idea but the united states is doing deals with iran and venezuela. stuart: will the price of oil continue to rise? >> we will see the price of oil rise and the cpi report is telling us that. and increase on oil yesterday. stuart: three oil companies you would buy as of now. 73 to 63, what is the story? >> we are seeing this price
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movement prior to what is coming in a month. we've seen big upsides and downsides. it is a big deal but when you pull back, it is more like down 20, down 40 we are normally used to. the average is 58,000. looking at the very bottom if things slip if we continue to progress towards that -- stuart: you would be a buyer, 59 you get in. >> we are supposed to be buyers on the desk. stuart: thanks for joining us and thanks for being in new york. lahren as the story on boeing which is moving today. lauren: we talk about passenger airline problems, they closed out one. one billion dollar with the navy to supply the super hornet, that is a workhorse for defense in the state of california.
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lauren: really strong revenue, 43/45, stocks up two. 5%, a great week up 10% or 11%, median price target is 172, now stock is at 130. stuart: i use to track callaway. i used to follow 60. what do they do? lauren: up 11% on a report out of south korea that they are considering a sale, plan would involve spinning off top golf entertainment and selling the equipment for $3 billion. interested parties are purported. stuart: they extend their influence. lauren: and children's clothing stores too. stuart: senator bernie sanders and uaw president shawn fain trying to shorten the work week without cutting hay. they say it's not a radical idea.
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kevin o'leary says leticia james's fraud penalty against donald trump is an attack on america. watch this. >> number one economy on earth, we have laws and due process and property rights. it attract foreign capital from around the world. all of that is being shaken to the core here. this is an attack on america, attack on america. stuart: congressman russell fries on the show. does he agree with mr. wonderful? the congressman's next. ♪ and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: several of hunter biden's former business associates participating in the house oversight committee, the latest phase of the biden impeachment inquiry. david spunt on capitol hill. hunter was invited to testify. will he be there? >> reporter: he has not shown up. this hearing began 15 minutes ago, no sign of hunter biden. 's attorney indicated last week he would not show but we have been surprised in the past, the president's son has showed up two times since september without anybody knowing about it before. we are continuing to watch. abby lowell, and if you're serious about this in a legitimate anti-partisan fashion you would do with relatives of donald trump about whom you indicate you could ask, if you do, mr. biden would consider an invitation, hunter spent today testifying under oath last month even though he didn't
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show. as of yet he made some visits in the past. anything is possible. two witnesses are in the room. the first is hunter business associate tony bobulinki who will talk about influence peddling at the hands of the highest levels of the biden family. a former rudy giuliani associate will do the same and focus on the trump family and trump administration, devon archer, former hunter biden friend and colleague will not be there because of a scheduling conflict and listen to this, jason galanis, hunter business associate from years past is in federal prison over 14 years minimum for security fraud. he is testifying virtually today about what he sees as influence peddling bottom line here, this is a hearing about influence peddling but we expect this to be a proxy fight between team biden and team trump with each side blaming the other candidate for being more involved with influence peddling. stuart: it is always that way. thank you very much.
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investor and frequent guest on this program kevin o'leary is slamming leticia james at her lawsuit against donald trump. watch this. >> well past trump, whether he is president or not or this attorney general is gone and four years is irrelevant. this is case setting against the american brand. this is an attack on america. i don't know how you can look at it any other way. we need to an adult in the room. this is the united states of america under siege. stuart: congressman russell fry, republican from south carolina joins me now. do you go that far? is america under siege? >> i think it is. if you look at new york, new york is the poster child for bad government. leticia james got elected to go after trump, not to enforce the rules on criminals on the
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streets or subways of new york but to go after donald trump and you've got no aggrieved party, no money has been lost under this fraud scheme but she's acting like the country of venezuela in pursuing it and no wonder people are fleeing new york and coming to the sunny shores of south carolina. she is the poster child for this. stuart: as i understand it, the eighth amendment says no cruel or unusual punishment and no large fines, excessive fines. i would think the $454 million in as excessive fine making it unconstitutional. what say you? >> exactly right. hopefully with the appellate process, the courts see reason where the new york courts have not done that. there is no aggrieved party, nobody was wrong that, nobody
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was harmed in any financial way, the jury works its verdict. at the end it is so large they can't get a bond to secure it. it is unconscionable we are here but the eighth amendment is in play. stuart: senator bernie sanders and president shawn fain pushing for the shorter workweek. this is washington post op-ed and they claim this push for a 32 hour week is not a radical idea, their words. what do you make of this, could this really happen? >> bernie sanders claiming something is not radical is an ironic twist. the guy hasn't proposed anything that would work for the economy. we are suffering under inflation. businesses are having trouble hiring people, last thing we need is adopt a socialist utopia that is out of bernie sanders's mouth. is is the wrong message a for america and the workers of this country. blue one no chance of it
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happening? >> not under this congress. a small majority have the gap. i would venture to say even on the democrat side, people look at this and go this is not right for our country. stuart: we are relieved to hear this. congressman russell fry, appreciate it. guaranteed income program popping up in cities across the country. where is this happening? ashley: dozens of cities to your point led by democrats, it has to be said, they are distribute in unconditional payments to all americans for everything from groceries and child assistance. cities waiting to expand the guaranteed income programs including stop in california and alabama. for nashville, tennessee.
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vote buying and restrictions, who gets the money, republican lawmaker and state attorney general, unconstitutional, gop officials in iowa and wisconsin. a move to ban these handout programs. stuart: thanks. elon musk talking about his ketamine use, good for tesla investors. is ketamine a better way to treat depression? we are on it. is exercise not your thing? watch this. >> what are you doing? >> doing horizontal running. stuart: i hope you get this. there's a new poll that could give you all the benefits of working out without working out as in horizontal running.
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doctor frank contrasusa will join us next. ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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stuart: one hour into the trading session, the interest rate decision, 2:30 eastern time, markets somewhat on hold, waiting for that decision. she is looking at the movers and let's start with chipotle which just touched 3000. lauren: announcing the first ever stock split plan and bring shares to $60 june 26th. stock is down 20%. $3,000 is expensive for stocks. the first ever split and people will buy the shares. stuart: best buy. lauren: in a dozen stores, maybe a little bit into next year, they need a footprint that matches demand. that's one reason stock is up 3%. they got an upgrade to the
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equivalent, met with management, business has stabilized, they have nine's consecutive quarters of negative same-store scales. annual revenue forecast below estimates, saying same-store sales could fall 11%. the reason is easy. customers are struggling. they are not shelling out money for a big ticket item. stuart: a doctor in britain claims difficulties swallowing could be an early sign of dementia. doctor, is that accurate? having, finding it hard to swallow the first sign of dementia? >> great to be with you. not necessarily the first sign but a potential sign. anytime you have trouble swallowing could be a sign of something else whether it be dementia or esau for g a
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problems, difficulty swallowing should be evaluated by the doctor whatever the cost. it's also a signal for practitioners like me that when someone does presents trouble trouble swallowing, something you should consider as a possible cause and it is not what comes to mind for most physicians. this is a signal to doctors like me that someone is having trouble swallowing, think about early dementia as a possible cause. stuart: maybe stop thinking of names i cannot remember and swallow my breakfast properly. elon musk spoke about his ketamine use, small doses to treat depression, good for tesla investors. what is ketamine and is it of any use to investors in tesla? >> ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that can be used as a street drug and date rape
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drug. with other means of treatment, to the investors, elon musk is not anxious and depressed, it is good for investors. stuart: i want to talk about an exercise pill. i don't know much about it but is this, have you gone up on this? do you know what this is about? an exercise pill? >> here's the deal. before anyone quits their gym memberships, this medication or pill strengthens a muscle fiber, and people with neurodegenerative diseases can prevent the muscle weakening that can occur with these diseases.
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this pill could potentially have all the benefits of exercise, just one benefit is muscle strength. it does not replicate the cardiovascular fitness or mental depression or anxiety that comes from regular exercise. stuart: is this a pill you take daily? or a monthly thing? what is it? >> the compound has only been tested in mice. we are not anywhere near, oral medication to be injected but don't have any idea on usage for this particular compound. stuart: thank you for joining us. coming up. obama appointed judge rules whether illegal migrants have a right to own guns. appeals court blocked the texas
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law that allows police to arrest migrants who cross the border. what happens now? nate for a has the story from eagle pass, texas, next. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes.
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stuart: nothing much happening on the markets, waiting for the fed decision on interest rates the comes to 2:30 eastern. back to this. and appeals court blocked a texas law that would allow police to arrest migrants crossing the border illegally. nate for using eagle pass, texas. the police can't arrest them. what happens next? >> reporter: what happens next is going to start in 20 minutes. the fifth circuit court of appeals will hear oral arguments on sb 4. we have whiplash. over the past 24 hours the put
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supreme court allowed is going to affect that allowed texas to arrest migrants across the border illegally and after that the federal appeals court reversed that and continued to pause on sb 4. the biden administration argues that it overstepped, interferes with federal authority over the border, tony gonzalo's tells fox news the biden administration doesn't use the authority already has. >> if the biden administration spent as much time trying to fix the border as they are trying to block things from happening, americans would be safer. i am tired of the back and forth. >> reporter: sb 4 would make illegal border crossings a state crime. of migrant found crossing the border illegally could be arrested and sent back to mexico without being turned over to border patrol. a possible problem is the mexican government saying it won't comply of the log goes
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into effect. it's ministry of foreign affairs says mexico reject any measure, to exercise immigration control and arrest and return nationals to mexican territory. mexico said it will not accept migrants expelled by texas, quote, under any circumstances. the white house says the law will create more chaos at the border and pointing the finger at texas governor greg abbott. >> another example of what we have seen from the governor of texas attempting to pull aside what is happening at the border. >> reporter: as for what comes next, the case could go back to the supreme court but the federal appeals court comes first and oral arguments in that special hearing are set to start in 20 minutes about whether the laws unconstitutional. stuart: thanks very much. don buckingham's office commission for the state of
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texas and joins me now. seems to me if the texas law is blocked, there' s going to be a long delay, more migrants will come pouring into texas. what can you do about it? >> we are in the middle of judicial ping-pong, texas is trying to not only make texas safer but the rest of the country safer and you are right. we have to sit tight until the courts decide what to do. the fifth court of appeals will appeal to the supreme court but we will keep fighting the fight but i want to remind everybody, this is about a simple number and the number is 270, the number of electoral votes it takes to win a presidential election. the biden administration will do everything they can, abdicate their duty, let texas be invaded. stuart: i want to say to our viewers, what biden says about your texas law which has been
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blocked. the texas law, an example of politicizing the border and blocking real solutions. i put to you you have a real solution. you've cut the flow. people are trying to get through arizona and california. you had a real solution. how come the president is trying to say republicans don't have a solution and the mess is their fault? >> is an outright liar, his five minute trip to the border a few weeks ago for a photo up, he has no idea what's happening here. it is his policies that are being the drive to bring people here. when trump was president we had barely a trickle across the border. within 12 hours, biden is signing executive orders to make sure illegal migrants are counted for the electoral college, the census, his policies are driving this. he will do what he can to get the american public to watch
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the shiny thing instead of observing the complete disaster that he is turning this country into. stuart: i can't imagine anyone in texas would support the president on this, you had a solution and he has blocked it. thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. thanks a lot. >> look forward to seeing you. stuart: a federal judge in illinois just rules whether illegal immigrants -- what was the decision? ashley: us district judge sharon jensen coleman ruled the prohibition on illegal immigrants owning firearms is unconstitutional. the obama picked judge says there is no historical tradition that permits the government to deprive a noncitizen who has never been convicted of a violent crime from exercising his or her second amendment rights. the judge ruled that just because someone is in the country illegally is not
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sufficient to deny second amendment rights. the ruling has divided gun rights activists with some arguing noncitizens should not have rights protected by the constitution, adding the courts wouldn't have to decide the question if president biden in the democrat party would secure the border. that is another issue. the judge says they get second amendment protection. stuart: donald trump says he may deport prince harry for lying on his visa application and the hospital staff who treated kate middleton tried to access her private medical records without permission. neil sean has everything we need to know about the royal drama next. ♪ ♪
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♪ meet ron. ron eats, sleeps and breathes hoops. and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution
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like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you help ron with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. stuart: let's start with bitcoin, 64,000 a coin down last week. big tech, no clear trend. the fed decision on interest rates, big tech all over the
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place. have we got it? yes we do. now this. the hospital where kate middleton was treated for her abdominal surgery, security scandal, the staff tried to access the royals private medical records without permission. neil sean joined me which what do we know about the latest scandal? >> from london, this broke late last night. currently what we can tell you we know is this incident happened late january, early february. what happened is it appears to include scv site or something like that. people still working there who are susceptible. what is interesting at this
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point is somebody was marching much in -- wanting to target those medical records. the history of the clinic goes back to many periods associated with the british royal family, including the late duke of edinboro. there's a thorough investigation going on. whether we learn about it who knows? it must be stressful for the princess of wales knowing she has done what she can to protect and somebody behind the scenes is deviating and working behind. stuart: those medical records are extremely valuable. some operation, to find exactly what is wrong with princess katherine. they are valuable things. >> they are but medical privacy is one thing we all aspire to. nobody wants to reveal those things and this is the problem.
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part of the thing that king charles did the right thing, to be open. i'm not saying she should lose her privacy but wild speculation, for her she has been as open as she could be, disappearing for three months, but as we know in this 24 hour tabloid age, it is going to push hard. stuart: kate was spotted for the first time since her surgery at a farm shop in windsor, king charles and prince william getting back to normal and returning to their regular deals but are you hearing wild rumors about kate. some people think there's a professional double for kate. will crazy rumors still circulate? >> what he said was looking at
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the picture and the angle, lost amount of weight. looking at picture, in the united kingdom, looked totally different. obviously creates speculation. the rumor goes, 200,000 pounds. to confirm or deny, showing that picture in the car. what is so wrong in that? probably because it is a 50/50, it is up to you what you want to see, for someone who was allegedly that close, taken off camera.
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stuart: what is real and not real, the endless debate goes on. donald trump suggested he may deport prince harry if he won the election. >> he lied on his visa. should he take special privileges? >> we have to see if they know something about the drugs and take appropriate action. you have to tell me. you have to tell me. stuart: where would harry go if deported? i'm not sure he can go back to england. >> a difficult moment. the problem is being more transparent and from what he wrote in his boat which may be how this is. the situation i would suggest, if i was advising, the documentation.
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will knocko this story on the head? the possibility, he looks imminent and if i was harry i would be nervous along with where i might, africa looks more appealing after all. stuart: do you want him back? >> not for me to say. a lot of people would say, certain people said they would welcome him. not necessarily his life. that is interesting. stuart: endless source of separation and gossip. this is still ahead. mike huckabee on the rising tension between biden and
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benjamin netanyahu. the president's foreign policy is directed by thomistic politics. darrell isa on charges being dropped against the father who shouted during the state of the union address. caitlin jenner backing a bill that bans biological men from playing in female sports, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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>> this is literally an open sore for the biden white house. who is he pleasing and taking on greg abbott? >> this is exactly the wrong policy and what does it do? it drives our allies into the arms of our adversaries: russia, iran, qatar, they're all looking at increasing exports to them. >> right now the federal reserve doesn't want to rock the boat. they're basically telegraphing to cut rates three times. but in fact inflation in the last two comings have been a bit stronger


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