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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: good wednesday morning. thanks for joining us i hope you are having a good wednesday morning. i am maria bartiromo, wednesday, march 20, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, hiding from american public hunter biden is not expected to show up today for a public hearing before the house oversight committee his lawyer dismissed the hearing as quote a carnival sideshow in december before he testified under oath behind closed doors hunter pushed for a public hearing, remember? >> i am here to testify in a public hearing today.
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to answer any of the committee's legitimate questions republicans do not want open process where americans can see -- expose their faceless inquiry or hear what i have to say what are they afraid of? >> i am here. i am ready. >> yeah hunter biden former business parn tony bobulinski testifying today told lawmakers joe biden is quote "the big guy", there is op-ed with exerpts from testimony says i want to be crystal clear from a direct personal experience what i have assessed -- come to learn clear to me joe biden was brand sold by biden family his family foreign influence peddling operation, from china to ukraine and elsewhere sold out to foreign actors seeking to gain influence access to joe biden and u.s. government
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another hunter former business partner jason galanis will testify remote in alabama jail told lawmaker hunter once put vice president joe biden on speakerphone meeting weapon russian oligarch and husband who was former mayor of moscow, joining me hae congressman jim jordan,mr. chairman, thanks very much for being here today . >> good to be with you. i was mentioning, the call that galanis said joe biden when vice president called into a meeting it was elena baturina and husband the mayor of moscow. we understand, that elena baturina sent hunter biden money is that correct? >> that is exactly correct this call may 4, 2014, took place in new york some party they were at stepped aside, joe biden called put on speakerphone by hunter biden and takes to miss baturina
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other folks there at that event i think this is interesting time miss baturina wealthiest woman in russia at the same time,two months after russia takes crimea all kinds of sanctions put on seem she somehow escaped sanctions, paying biden business operation hunter biden and partners money before and after that meeting on may 4, 2014. >> correct me if wrong did she spend a check for 3 1/2 million dollars to biden clan. >> yep, yep part of real estate investment, entity working on together she did that big picture you played clip from hunter biden said base leinquiry we got millions of dollars from foreign intez flowing through 20 different companies for what? what was service what were they selling offering devon
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archer told us in deposition for access to the brand,"the brand" was joe biden. the ballooned played rounds of golf took phone calls in meetings attend lunches dinners with hunter biden and his business associates, "the brand" who who conditioned one billion dollars of american tax more than on firing of the prosecutor who was investigating the company hunter biden set onboard up receiving over a million dollars a year tanninging about this is that baseless ridiculous the country can see what was going on, mr. bobulinski mr. galanis will talk about when joe biden showed up when joe biden was actually involved in these things what we're going to hear today and the contradictions when hunter biden testified under oath what he said swlars all partners he no longer has any relationship with, what they said under oath. >> a policy decision get former prosecutor in ukraine fired. you are saying you believe joe biden and family was paid for
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making that policy decision, to go against ukraine prosecutor, is that one i am trying to connect dots if they did anything policy affects more than family, the country is he getting paid for that? >> the state department sent prosecutor a letter saying, doing a good job before joe biden goes over there conditions release of money on finger of same prosecutor that prosecutor was looking into burisma, the ceo of ukraining, energy company allowing 23 million dollars seized, one after him, dropped charges so one in the middle doing the investigation that is one gets fired, by the way, the state department as well as the interagency policy committee said don't fire the guy focus on -- excuse me don't condition release of money on firing of the guy joe biden makes game time decision
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called you had able on flight over said we need reef from pressure from prosecutor hunter biden onboard burisma paid a million dollars a year wasn't a qualified he told us that in interview he did he said himself he wasn't a qualified, hunter biden gets asked by, to relieve precious four days later joe biden flies to ukraine conditions release of tax dollars on firing of the prosecutor applying the pressure, those facts are functional never changed that is key when you couple with all other information we have that is what was going on here are. maria: democrats also invited former rudy giuliani associate to testify today expecting to make this hearing all about trump. mr. chairman is it going to get lost in the fact that now we're talking about a former aide or associate of rudy giuliani, i mean is think same subject? >> yeah, who knows this is what democrats do every time,
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i mean last week when we had robert hur telling us that joe biden retained disclosed classified information, he did it because he gave it to ghostwriter writing a book getting 8-million-dollar dollar advance the motivation according to special counsel but not going to charge him because he is a forgetful old man that entire hearing wasa what democrats do focus on president trump they know president trump leading in every poll i believe our next president what this country needs i assume doing the same thing today but what they do every day talk about president trump, you knowings bike deal. >> the hunter biden other business partner eric schwerin, told lawmakers a grand child of joe biden may have put money in joe biden's checking account, got to explain this one to me also said that he had access to joe biden's checking and corporate accounts, through end of 2017. he said never saw any loans
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made out to james or sara biden we know that joe biden received 40,000 dollar payments, directly to him he says that was a loan repayment from sister-in-law september 2017. mr. chairman i want your take on all of this, why would joe biden's granddaughter be putting money in his account? and how much money have you been able to identify that has gone gone directly to joe biden? because i know your colleagues james comer chairman of oversight told me you identified 30 million dollars, from foreign characters all over the world that have sent money to the biden clan. i am trying to understand how much joe biden actually got of that if in fact he got any of it. >> there is -- there is the loan payments 200,000, the 40,000 dollars, that we can show, they say loan payment even though no documents this is stuff oversight committee uncovered part of the whole strategy here, moving money
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around all different companies, what i do find interesting, is everyone hunter biden seem to be in business with devon archer walk walkr, schwerin, tony bobulinski jason galanis smoem they are wrong he is only one telling the truth they tell things that directly can dick what he said i than anied if interesting fufgs mills from foreign entities to all kinds of bidens, hunter biden and jim biden owe money to all kinds of folks as well this is this is -- this whole access to the brand, that -- devon archer talked about others have talked about, that i think is the central issue. maria: new department of justice filing reveals one of james biden's business associates conspired to defraud medicare with alleged
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landlord of colombo crime family what happened here? i know that the structure of the deal that james biden did with americore healthcare company was very, very similar to the structure between biden camp, cefc chinese oil question so many questions eric schwerin if joe biden said he had nothing to do with any how come made it easier i don't pay fees going to wire money certain wiring fees, i mean he came up with all kinds of reasons they did it that way doesn't make much sense to me i think final take away don't get into business with biden crew fairly obvious anyone gets in business some falling out takes place a bof people wind up being owed money by jim and hunter biden,
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that to me one of the big take waigz but four fundamental facts relative to ukrainian energy company hunter biden set onboard to get paid a bunch of money wasn't a qualified to be onboard he was asked to relieve pressure that was coming to the company of board he sat on joe biden took action i think those four facts, tell the central story all this other stuff i think but but trusses this game providing access to the brand. >> did he cancel china efficient get paid for that questioning why so soft on communist china you and colleagues identified money going to this group from china, i was stunned when he canceled china initiative kiesh into oval office. >> what knows why? it does seem strange that that happened, and happened on
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timeline that it did. but, again, we don't know for sure don't know reason he did it seem strange that he did it. maria: mr. chairman thank you. we will watch open hearing we appreciate your time jim jordan on o capitol hill, we'll be right back. . (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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maria: welcome back,
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time for hot topic of the hour federal appeals court putting texas immigration law on hold that law would allow state to arrest migrants who crossed into america into america illegally, supreme court ruled that they could o deal with decision interest appeals court taking hours after supreme court ruled that they would allow the enforcement of that law texas could arrest people who brek if law and came o into the country illegally, the appeals court will hear more arguments today, texas lt. governor dan patrick last night on if angle following the decision.
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>> watch is this we believe great first step going to start arresting illegals backs to mexico or in pail. maria: they won't appeals decision came out, after that this is just temporary, while we understand where this is going, correct? >> yeah, maria, the law fifth sirt to come back hours after supreme court said you can enforce enjoin, it is i have it seems unprecedented that you have a lower level appeals court creator cut court hours after ruled. maria: ho would allow your country to have absolutely no borders to hour anybody wants to come in for a long time i was thinking that the obama administration, was really running things, telling biden what to do seems there is a real rift between obama and biden maybe that is why obama is pushing susan rice his team
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to russianing biden maybe trying to push back we know that obama appointed illinois judge ruled that illegal immigrants can own firearms, the judge said the federal ban on illegalsing on fire articles unconstitutional if applied to noncitizen never convicted of a crime you can't say to one with you can healthcare a gun to another you can't it is for people in general, but do you change that opinion at all adam when you take into account we don't know who is coming in should they be able to hold a firearm. >> yes enshrined by bill of rights same way right to free speech walk into any church worship as they so choose, if they are arrested entitled to a trial innocent until proven
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guilty these are rights enshrined by the constitutional, we can't change them simply because the preliminary moment has changed completely out of control different issue. >> unless name is joe biden if your name joe biden blow off supreme court saying forgiving student debt unconstitutional you can plo off border, allowing all illegals to come into country i mean unless your name is joe biden. >> unless jour name joe biden you have presidential authority to do as you wish, good news. maria: he doesn't have authority to blow up the supreme court that is not true doucht have authority to blow up but he is doing it i want to ask you since your british what you think about the other day former president obama, made a surprise visit to 10 downing street for informal meeting we are told with uk prime minister sunak we don't know if informal or formal a
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former president meeting with sitting of the uk i am sure of talks about to take down donald trump. >> can you imagine if donald trump meetinging with leaders, outrage, this plays into if a question who is running show i think very objects obama is behind a lot of decisions being made leading the administration why out there to meet world leaders, probably some concerns that people have trump may be coming back in, no worry what's going to happen, you know, a double standard if trump doing this meeting with french president. maria: i saw open letter on twitter, dear mr. obama on bavr british public we would like to politely request you f-off to whenever sinister island you have flown into from private jet people in
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british mad. >> from brexit vote when he told people how to vote for this we've seen that a biden administration won't engage with uk no trade deal so much for special relationship long dead. >> a great point interest came in said guesss who is first in line for trade deal uk. >> a short break expecting a rate decision from federal reserve, today, and jay powell commentary about rate cuts potentially 2:30 eastern former kansas city federal reserve president thomas hoenig here june the month to focus on you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. many take a look at futures we are looking at mixed story, going into the open an hour away from the opening bell dow industrials down 30 nasdaq up 30 s&p 500 lower by 1 1/2 markets very strong yesterday in fact dow industrials closed higher by better than 300 points almost 1% ahead of today's federal reserve meeting rate decision, we are looking also, at interest rates pulling back a bit this morning 10-year treasury down 1.1 basis points level 4.28%
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fed is wild expected to hold interest rates steady we will hear from federal reserve chairman jay powell 2:30 this afternoon everybody wants clarity whether or not we are going to see cut in interest rates sooner rather than later former kansas city president ceo also former vice chairman, distinguished senior fellow thomas hoenig with us great to see you. thank you so much for being here, i want your take, on what the fed is looking at ahead of the conclusion of today's meeting given the fact that last week we saw, much hotter than expected inflation data thoughts. >> i think fed will -- support a little more towards higher side, but won't see a big change i think in terms of interest rates to be in -- in the future that means they are still talking inside about
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whether should be three cuts but don't know very carefully next two months numbers then decide. >> look, they don't know but the market thinks it knows, right? the market has been expecting lots of cuts, and maybe you know the first cut happening in june. but i want to get your take on really how restrictive things are given that hotter than expected inflation number i worn if sentiment inside fed changing to well. maybe we need to take a step back access further before we commit to cutting contractors i spoke with jim grant said fed may decide to raise interest rates yesterday jeffrey lacker former clique of yours former president richmond federal reserve said right now fed not as restrictive as the market thinks i want your reaction. >> you are not expecting a cut in rates any time 12507b.
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>> no -- well might decide three-ish is fine. >> 3% inflation. >> concern over inflation, and to focus on financial stability if they would define it so but i think there ails chance maria, you know the fed raises if they are confronted with an accelerating rate of inflation, might feel they have no choice, who is to say that the 3.2% thing couldn't go up, 80 dollar oil price no longer 70. >> if you look at spending the inflation picking up look at strong labor market, yeah, just doesn't seem policies that about restrictive right now, there is a chance this isn't going to be enough to get inflation down to 2% this year, the real federal funds rate inflation adjusted interest rate neither con strikive or expansionary if
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you take figures add the current inflation rate 3% you get 4 to 5 1/2% compared to that fund rate 5. % isn't terribly restrictive. maria: so thomas i asked you how restrictive really are we right now does the fed have some wiggle room to say we're not done hiking rates yet? >> well, i -- i would be very surprised if they start raising rates paul does not want to raise rates in this period, talking about rate cuts, i don't expect it i agree with jeff lacker, i think number one not as restrictive as people think he said between 2 and 3 i think the show called equilibrium interest rate beginning to figure out closer to 2%. they have a 2% inflation goal, that is 4%, and if rates now
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modestly restrictive plenty tight not interested in cutting rates i might argue should not be cutting rates anytime soon, but number one -- number two i also think ought to be careful how much they talk about cutting rates, fiscal policy isn't going to be easy we have congress, no inclination to raise taxes momentum infrastructure, chips money we read more about that green energy there is a lot of stimulus in the economy, jeff is right. but in that environment could bike pretty good acceleration, there are some i reminding if they give up too soon we
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repeat 70s with this return to higher inflation they are going to pay a dear price for it very difficult for them to get control again so better be careful. maria: given the bulk of that movement cpi last week energy will related oil, 83 almost right now are there any indications that oil goes down anytime soon? i don't think so. what do you think? >> i don't think so so either the economy the united states stronger. other parts of the world are -- slower perhaps, but i don't expect inflation to come down that is really part of my concern about talking about cuts. one thing to talk about -- about leaving unchange higher longer, but talking about cuts, really premature. i am glad you mentioned global central banks uk inflation in february was down, 3.4% that was, the largest downward contribution came from food
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and restaurants, largest upward pressure housing fleen oil bank of england expected to leave interest rates unchanged earlier in the week we saw japan, japanese central bank raise rates for first time in a long time, thoughts on what is going on across the world? >> well, on uk, i -- you know they've had more recession certainly than we have they are seeing effects of that they are talking about tax decreases, in political realm i see where bailey is talking about, moderating, their discussion june whether fed in june odds of that have gone up given more recent inflation numbers, but like everything else depends how of things go between now and june as well. japan, they've been leading the world, just coming out of it they can change dynamics,
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valuing of the yen their role in manufacturing global. maria: you mentioned all exclusive stimulus we continue to see tluf for giving student loan debt considered stimulus, right. very much, right now people talking about not spending more still over six trillion that means we are continuing with infrastructure, lot of spending on that chips, manufacturing, building plants still going on, so, yeah, there is a lot of things can, the point one of the things was how much euphoria in the market we are still fed balance sheet to having take almost 500 billion out excess reserves from money markets, reservation near 3 1/2 trillion there is a lot of stimulus still on this economy of ours that is why we should be talking about rate cuts
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anytime soon i think june is a real -- >> great commentary analysis we so appreciate it markets expecting one thing when they don't get it we could see impact, thomas great to see you this morning. thank you tier have a good day thomas hoenig joining us. we'll be right back. with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend time in range and lower your a1c. ♪ ♪
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some assets can evaporate at the click of a button. uckeye state for ohio senate primary race cheryl casone now. cheryl: ohio senate candidate bernie moreno endorsed by former president trump vowinging to restore trump's agenda he beat ohio state senator and secretary of
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state. >> going to be as in for one reason can't run on anything other than nastiness has no record an ab joe biden failure. >> moreno saying on x, i look forward to uniting our party working to send brown packing in november. >> steady below state of texas pulling 8 1/2 billions from blackrock citing firm boycott of energy companies this is tied to the taz permanent school fund state board of education, in a statement, the texas state department of education, writes blackrock's dominant pest leadership i am measurably damages our oil and gas economy companies that generate revenues texas psf, worked hard to build texas's schools blackrock did he
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struckive approach incompatible with texans. >> denying a report that star traction bruno mars owed casino 50 million dollars in debt the company responding to that report 38-year-old was indebted to the casino for gambling losses during las vegas recess densy mgm writes, mgm and bruno's partnership longstanding any speculation otherwise completely false he has no debt with mgm we are excited to continue to create unforgettable experiences for governors the report alleged making 90 million a year most was paying the company back, no comment from bruno mars so far. >> breaking moment to go the prooument of ireland announcing he will resign and election held april 16 thomas you are with us this morning i know this situation, better than many of us here your reaction to the resignation of
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the irish prime minister. >> shocking that it is food news the guy lost two constitutional referendums but that is vote about immigration policy of ireland people who you know live in small country are flood as is a lot of europe with immigrants, people in dublin struggling to own houses, this is just another kick not globalist to say we don't want these policies the world order crumbling rather quick. new world order led by china and russia, president biden calling on congress to pass his budget plan in las vegas yesterday, that budget includes 258 billion dollars, in housing investments, biden claims plan will lower housing korts reduce federal debt joining me indiana senator mike braun member senate banking committees, thoughts
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on the biden budget. >> more of the same 258 billion, every bit will be borrowed money number one. it would be adding to the sugar high economy we've had ever since he took over. maria, you never hear about the fact most of the good number jobs government jobs, that they brag about in terms of job creation, laboring participation rates are low. he and his crew have grown the federal government to about 25% of our gdp. it is has never been more than 20 outside of wartime take a crisis go to town with it, rob emmanuel done that doubled down, inflation high interest rates, that is the issue behind housing. we do not need more federal government where we borrow every penny that is desperation in my mind.
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maria: overall budget 7.3 trillion dollar budget 5 1/2 trillion dollars tax increases talking about a 3.2% boost in defense spending when you look at that compared to inflation, stocks decline this is priorities declining defense higher taxes? >> their political enterprises going to say raise taxes, but that is not going to happen, because even when it comes down to the nitty-gritty they never get that across the finish line the default measure for our country, maria, is borrow and borrow and borrow. to the point where there at least putting a budget out there, that has some honesty 52 trillion in debt, in nine to 10 years, i mean this has to stop, the burden putting on kids, grandkids, is immeasurable never has this happened before in history of our country.
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>> you know you are requesting a full audit of medicare from accountability office you ever covering massive fraud you write the victims are often most vulnerable americans, the "new york times" "washington post" said medicare increasingly large target for fraud games, data breach online phishing scam what can government do to fix it? >> we wrote a letter to the gao just found out going to finally gait why it would take a senator to have to weigh in, to look into what is happening, listen to this, 2.7 billion a year, on europeanary catheters medicare trust fund grows broke in four years ineptitude of agencies, and amount of waste and fraud, is unbelievable i couldn't
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imagine how you could -- you know dupe seniors have fraud on urinary catheters, part of 60 billion dollars annually fund going broke, something has to give. >> a great point, of course, ab absurd, but what happens ineptitude in terms of getting work done six bills spending packages need to get passed, then this is happening before the east recess do you think we will see a government shutdown this weekend? >> this song and dance going on since i have been here leaders like it gone behind closed doors, remember, this is spending that should have been done done by september 30 last year we're starting to stretch this into the next fiscal years here, then they get all it will area marks pork barrel continuation of
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spending beyond what we can afford, do it behind closed doors, then you generally get a couple days to read, several thousands-page bill breaking the country. >> is there any path do you see for supplemental 80 billion dollars package with money to ukraine? >> i think at stage of the game speaker johnson said if not substantive borrowed reform we're not jumping ahead to try to protect other country's borders when you have get consequences from open borders we all know that they should know what needs to be done first, again, their priorities are in other places. not here in our own country. maria: are i understand that, but the senate hasn't done all that much about the border, look. the other day we saw chuck schumer say i had a meeting at the white house, everything
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was clear priorities ukraine ukraine ukraine, sure border needs something done going to do that later have the priorities in the senate changed did you do something to secure border or at same place we were. he is majority leader his priorities clearly are not to secure the border threaten they tried to use the kind of fake border bill, that would have codified, illegal immigration 8 to 10 times where it was under president trump then say republicans fault they are fast footed take an issue get in their faifr but this open border crassly to get more voters american public seeing through it why it is the number one issue back loem in our states, nationally. >> sure is, do you think that is the reason they want to get voters? because i know we did a
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segment this weekend on census how it captures a people allows democrat districts more congressional seats do you think they want illegals to vote when you push crazy border policies unless you think benefits you in the long run then, in vegas, you know trying to defend, you know things going south, in his own base where now, hispanic support trump about the same level they do biden that should be the statement. and many people have come here legally don't want that open border -- doubled down i think coming back to cost him in november. >> they want to do it the legal way that is right good to see you. thanks very much for taking all that money mike braun joining us in indiana president trump has 454 million dollars in bonds by
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monday fox business lydia hu with details on new york city fraud case lydia. >> hi trump lawyers say that bond is just too high coming up with a collateral a problem could there be headwinds in the way getting into that coming up. .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okathe future is here.for.
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former president trump has until monday to come up with a 454-million-dollar bond in his new york city civil fraud case or his properties could be seized lydia hu. >> good morning according to lawyers for donald trump the reason former president was turned away from 30 insurance companies for appeal bond collateral companies will not accept his real estate a exert says is a possible second headwind issuing the bond will create a negative reaction for the insurance company, that played out recently when insurance company posted near 92-million-dollar appeal bond for donald trump in another case federal matt by carol, ceo evan greenberg forced to defend to investors writing this i fully realize how polarizing this case defendant
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that is trump, are and easy it would be for to just say no, we support rule of law our role in it consider this the right thing to do we frankly left our personal feelings aside one expert called the letter surprising said could illustrate the headline risk other companies seek to avoid, watch. if there a was already backlash supporting another bond that much credit risk for one individual something going to take into consideration. you know. it is, obviously, not helping the case not a positive. >> now clock ticks down to next week developments we could see possible trump could raise capital for the bond still time left we could see, the court gee to a lesser, after that development. maria: thanks very much lydia hu, this is also the democrat machine puts pressure on a company not to go forward with something that would help trump, lydia hu thank you stay
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[laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... mucking. maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. well, this pup ising is a ball in a dry year. look at this. -- dryer. one user posting this video on social media, their dog seen leaping into warm clothes sitting in the dryer, and he doesn't want to get out. i mean, how cute is that? but i'm a little worried. what do you think, rebecca? >> is i want to get in the dryer and be cuddled by warm clothes.
9:00 am
maria: you wouldn't let your dog do that. jon than, would you? >> no, i'd be scared to i'd ferret forget9 the cog was in there. maria: we have to minutes before the opening -- 30 minutes before the opening bell. dow industrials down 69, the nasdaq up 28, s&p lower by 4 points. we will get the feddecision today at 2 p.m. eastern and hear directly from jay powell at 2:30 on the path forward. we'll see if he's a little more hawkish than usual. i think that's what came out today. you agree with that? >> there's no reason to lower now, that's for sure. expectations have been ratcheted back. maria: thomas, great of to have you, come back soon is. have a great day, everybody. "varney & company" pick it up. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. try to find the news on the border these days, and you'll get whiplash. late tuesday the supreme court said it's okay for authorities in texas to arrest illegal migrants. just a couple of hours later a


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