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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good wednesday p morning, everybody. thanks very much pour for mones joining isthis morning. president biden launching his biden harris campaign program in phoenix yesterday, attempting to court hispanic voters wooed by trump. watch. >> this election is not a referendum on me, it's an election between me and a guy named trump. the way he talks about the latino community is, well, 2016 he called latinos criminal drug dealers and rapists when he came down the escalator. now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country. what the hell is he talking about. i need you. i need you badly. kamala and i gu desperately need your help. there are toss-up states. this is one of them. maria: that was the president
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this week. rebecca, he foregot to mention when jill biden called the hispanic community tacos. >> yes. i did see that as well. maria: she did. >> maria, you know, i think actions over words obviously under trump's economic policies we had the lowest latino unemployment rates historically ever. i'm not saying they've worsened substantially. i'm saying this administration is pushing corporations to let go of u.s. citizens employment like tyson foods so they can give $10,000 tax credits to hire illegal migrants. what is that doing to the latino community. it's actions, not words. maria: we can talk about all these communities and where they are with trump versus biden. this is more in my view, adam, this is more division. okay. >> oh, yeah. maria: divide us over everything. >> divide and conquer. maria: rich versus poor, heterosexual versu homosexual.
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can you stop it. we all want prosperity, safety for our families. just stop it. >> it's so insulting. the fact they would call the campaign latino con, biden and a harris, thomas, maybe you could go create a brits for biden and blonds for biden and i'll be blue blazer guy for biden. it's insulting. maria: it's a way to divide and conquer. that's what they're doing. put the country against one side of the country because of this one thing and one y group, rich versus poor, et cetera, et cetera. >> it was 40 years a reagan sad latinos are republicans and they
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just don't know it yet. today, they are knowing it. 46% said they'll vote for trump. he literally said it, i'm desperate, i need you guys. they're really struggling. 35 people in a mexican restaurant, that's a biden rally. look at what trump is you pulling in. it's getting embarrassing. maria: that's just another indication of how the administration is worried. really worried to look at the swing state groups, whether it's latinos, blacks, whites, whatever, they're increasingly going for rum. >> yeah, maria -- trump. >> they are, maria. they're putting it together, even if they do don't vote in te general election, they want things repopulated for the census. i think this is an attack against americans. maria: we did a piece on sunday morning futures looking at the census and how the census
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changes and congressional districts change depending on what the census number shows. that's why they want all citizens to be counted in the census, and that gets more congressional democrat seats. so yeah, maybe the jig is up. maybe that's why the border is wide open. >> maybe it's not just counting citizens in the census,. maria: people, that's what i meant. >> isn't it amazing. you were the one -- maria: not just legal citizen, all people. >> you shined the spotlight on what's happening in san francisco where the local elections board has actually put a chinese national who barely speaks english and is not a u.s. citizen on the elections board. what in the world is going on? maria: can you imagine, kelly wong was -- she's now on the federal elections board in san francisco. they did the whole ceremony in chinese, thomas. >> to accommodate her. maria: yeah, to accommodate her. >> i could walk into a voting
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booth and i could probably vote. you don't need id, you don't need any of those things. they're against putting the rules in. why wouldn't they allow these allow thesethings to take place. maria: how long did it take you to get the green card. tell us about your journey. >> i've been in the u.s. for four years. i'm on a good visa. it was easier than an h1b or one of these things. it's complicated. and it's expensive. it takes a long time and it's really expensive. and as i said, i should have just swam the river. maria: you did it the he legall way, now you've got thousands of people ahead of you in line. coming up, it's day two of the two day federal reserve meeting. we expect jay powell to speak at 2:30 p.m. eastern. one portfolio manager said traders are expecting high rates but the real economies does not.
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jim juror jordan is here at 8:. eastern. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your monday. joining me is payne capital management president and host of the payne points of wealth podcast, ryan payne. also with me is adam johnson and rebecca a walser. thank you for joining the conversation. it's day two of the federal reserve's meeting of. dow industrials are down about 18, nasdaq up 36, pretty good
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day yesterday. triple digit move the dow had yesterday, 320 points higher at 4:00 on wall street. up about almost 1% ahead of the federal reserve's rate decision and commentary today. interest rates are pulling back. the 10 year now at 4.28%. ahead of what we're expecting to be the fed holding interest rates steady and jay powell giving us some clarity on where the fed heads next. there's been a lot of warning signs and commentary about don't think that this is just a shoe-in. that the federal reserve is going to cut rates multiple times. that's what's been priced into the market, is that what you expect? >> i expect -- really we have a zero percent chance of an actual cut today. it could happen as a weird thing. i think we'll hear a similar tone to powell. that will be the data, data, data, and don't expect if we start to cut -- she was very clear, if we start to cut, don't
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expect that means you'll get two more cuts in a row. the market is pricing in three. maria: we played the sound bite from james grant the founder of interest rate observer. he said the fed could raise. we heard from jeffrey lacquer, the former president of the richmond federal reserve who said a similar thing which with i want to take note of. he says don't think the fed is that restrictive. here's jeffrey l lacquer with me yesterday. >> you look at spending, inflation picking up, the strong labor market, yeah, doesn't sem like policy is that restrictive. it doesn't seem like this will be enough to get inflation down to 2%. the inflation adjusted interest rate that's nearly constricted or expansionary, a decade ago estimates were about a half a percent on that and now estimates are between 1 and 2 and-a-half percent. if you take those figures and
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add the current inflation rate of 3%, you get 4 to 5 and-a-half percent. compare to that the funds rate of 5.3%, isn't terribly psychiatric testify. maria: so this is -- restrictive. maria: this is the kind of commencomment expecting today tl have to back pedal out of rate cuts because of the hotter than expected inflation data last week. >> it's true. steady as she goes has been the message and i think will continue to be the message. there are four measures of inflation, ppi, gdp prices and the pce are either at or be low 2%. cpi is still above 3. that's the one that we all have to deal with, consumer price index. so that's the one that's in our face and we see. but my point is, it's going the right you way, it's just not there yet and that's why i say steady as she goes, we're making progress, needs to say mr. powell, but we're not there yet. maria: talk about expensive. is nvidia expensive right now? >> no, it's not.
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maria: look at where the stock is. it unveiled the latest blackwell a.i. chip last night and the cfo confirmed this new chip will ship out this year but it's going to cost more than $30,000 per unit. take a look at the stock this morning, up another 1%. i know you own this stock. you still think it has room to run. >> yeah. ryan thinks i' i'm crazy. there was a time when nvidia was expensive. ironically nvidia was expensive at 3 or 4 $400 bass the earnings were so much smaller. the earnings tripled and the price to earnings ratio is 30 times. you can buy the s&p 500 at 21 times earnings, growing at 7 or 8% or you can buy nvidia at 30 times earnings, growing 100%. so from that point of view i think nvidia actually is cheap. my target was 900. i raised it to the 1200.
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because i think they're going to generate $40 in earnings next year. so a 30 multiple on $40 in earnings is 1200. maria: are you on the other side of that trade? >> my hair is on fire right now. the problem is, when do those earnings expectations get too high? analysts were way too low before be, they were completely wrong. why are they right now? ?>> because something has changed. there's a new chip that's capable -- this is incredible. 20quadrillion calculations per second, 30 of times faster than the competition. that enables a.i. it uses 4% of the electricity of the old chips so it's way more efficient so that's what sets nvidia apart. that's why people are willing to pay $30,000 for a chip.
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maria: are you willing to pay that? >> i'm on the other side of that respectfully so. i think the fed needs to be more restrictive. there's so much money out there. bitcoin right now at 63,000. micro strategy, the companies have a problem proxy for bitcoiy raised money to buy more bitcoin. you look at liquidity, it's extremely high. $1.6 trillion t sitting in cash. maria: and we've aced about that. talked about that. that is often seen as runway. you've got which wiggle room te money out and put this the stock market or bitcoin. we're still talking about $63,000. and you just mentioned micro strait pstrategy, also extendin. that stock down about 3 and a quarter percent. what do you want to do now? >> i think you have to be very, very careful. i think at this point, look, adam's correct in the sense that
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if the fed cuts this year there's a lot of cash out there that could push stocks even higher. i said it before. the lesson to learn, it's okay to be early in a bubble. i generally think we're in a bubble. >> sell early. >> sell early. it took 15 years to make up the difference when the nasdaq burst in 2000. if you bought small caps, international, you doubled your money in the timeframe. same thing today, small caps are cheaper. massive diversification is the only way to protect yourself in opinion right. maria: ryan, thanks for joining the conversation. adam rebecca, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. top committee republican west virginia senator shelley moore capcapito is here to tell us why biden u.s. push for electric vehicles fuels our reliance on china. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu rejecting president biden's warning about invading the southern gaza city of rafah, netanyahu said he's standing by his attack plans and saying in order to fully take out hamas they must enter rafah. chuck schumer claiming he will prevent elections in israel and warning the leadership will turn israel into a pa pariah. joining us now, senator shelley moore capito. thank you for being here. how does one look at this. i want to get your take on basically attacking the prime minister of israel in public in the middle of arguably the war of his life. they are trying to survive an a attack on the country and now bibi netanyahu has to defend
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himself from chuck schumer and joe biden. >> i was astounded when leader schumer made his speech last week. israel is a sovereign democracy. they should determine when and how to did forward with elections, they should determine who their leader is. we know net ya you h you hugh t- netanyahu to be a strong leader who has the strength to make the decisionses they the best interest of the israelis. we ought to respect t that. if someone told us when to have elections, we would say election interference and that's not proper and they shouldn't be doing that. i think that holds true in this case as well. i can't believe schumer is doubling down. i think he's been soundly criticized in my opinion. maria: he certainly has, been criticizecriticized you bibi neu
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himself. he said we have to go where hamas leadership is. we no they're had in rafah. what is president biden saying don't go into raff rafah and da cease fire when the israelis say they know where the hamas officials are. >> what president biden is doing, he's listening to the political left in his party who are saying that they want to have a cease fire, they want it to stop, they don't want israel to complete the job. let's be -- what kills me in this argument is nobody goes back to what happened on octobe. if you were living in israel and saw and heard what happened there, why would you not want to eliminate the forces that were so brutally attacking the israelis and that's what they have to do in rafah. i'm sure they will give warning. i'm sure they will do it as carefully and strategically as they possibly can but let's remember, hamas shields
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themselves behind isn't people in hospitals and schools and if hair not eliminated now they'll come back because it's in their constitution to want to destroy the state of is. maria: we haven't heard any -- israel. maria: we haven't heard leadership from hamas about releasing hostages, the talk of cease fire, don't go into rafah, comes when they're not making promises at all. here''s bibi netanyahu on sunda. >> i think schumer's statements are wholly inappropriate. we're not a banana republic. this is not something that's forced upon us. maria: he is sticking to ha ha this morning. but i want to move on to domestic issues. the environmental protection agency expected to announce new guidelines requiring car manufacturers to produce electric vehicles beginning in 2027. this push will target gas power vehicle emissions. you're saying it's all about biden trying to control what
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type of cars americans will buy and the issue that i'm really battling with is the fact that it's not even resonating of. americans don't want these cars. >> no. i mean, the ownership of these cars or people buying them, they're more expensive, don't work in certain environments. i'm from west virginia. i'm not driving an electric cars in the hills of west virginia in the middle of the winter, that's a recipe for disaster and i think also these are unrealistic goals that supposedly we're going to have 60% ownership by 2032. the electric grid will falter under the demands of the electric vehicles and there's other issues associated with them. the weight of the car, how does this perform on the highway in terms of guardrails and a other issues. so there's a whole host of issues, not the least of which the consumer can't you afford a, doesn't want them, doesn't fit the patterns of many consumers across the country.
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maria: let me get your take on the business be at hand, feels like we've got, what, 290 days and one speaker of the house later, we're back to where we started. you've got another deadline coming up, this friday or saturday at 12:01. what what will get done? will the security supplemental package have a path or to do you have definite self dense the rg appropriation bills will be passed? >> in the short term i do believe the remaining appropriation bills will get passed. whether they're passed past the deadline, maybe onto sunday, it appears the actual text of the bill won't come out until tomorrow, that pushes us back. it's no way to govern up to the end every time, threatening of a government shutdown but i do believe the appropriation bills will get panned we'll move on from that. in terms of the supplemental there's talk on the house side in the terms of what we should be doing in terms of support for
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ukraine. i think there's talk of maybe a lend lease or long-term lease and purchase kind of agreement to be able to get the help to ukraine that they need and to be able to refurbish our own stockpiles. this is lost in this argument, the grave majority of this money stays on shore here and we use this to manufacture, replenish our own supplies and that's absolutely t critical. maria: it's a good point to make. prespresident biden i think shod us what a potential additional democrat led four years would look like when he came out with the budget. 5 and-a-half trillion dollars of new taxes and defense budget actually declined when you consider where we are on inflation. so is that a what a biden next term would wok like, 5 and-a-half trillion dollars of new taxes, declining military budget and wide open border. you still have yet to make a
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difference, the republicans, in terms of securing the border. >> well, i think probably that will be part of the discussion, i think as we move through these appropriation bills. i think it's important to note that the bills that we're going to be passing in the next several days has a bu bump in defense and a cut in domestic spending. we're moving in the right direction every so slowly and slightly in terms of spending. but i think also that we can't take another four years of this. i mean, i'm over on environment and public works every day. it's a new rule, it's a new regulation. it s doesn't have a g gradual transition into renewables, it stresses the grid. i could go on and on on why this administration needs to stop. maria: it's a good point. i saw a sorry yesterday what the securities and exchange commission is being sued. testify got all these lawsuits from businesses because they can't handle all he these new laws.
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laws around esg and laws around the climate change agenda. before you go, senator, got to ask about tiktok, the senate intelligence and a commerce committees will be briefed by officials of the fbi and damagej will be briefed on the tiktok threat. they're weighing whether or not to take up the bill that would force bytedance to divest tiktok or risk being banned in the united states. will this come to the floor in the senate? >> i hope so with the overwhelming vote in the house, i think it needs to come. i'm in favor of this. i think it's a national security issue. we have 11 11-year-olds callie office. to say they don't have the ability to push their agenda, -- maria: when you say 11-year-olds calling the senate,
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wasn't there a tiktok influencer at that time white house and the tiktok influencer met with john pedesta. >> apparently. maria: what happened? >> the tiktok influencer world is lost on me. you can see when a communist nation has your data, how they can push their own agenda, even through younger people who are making these phone calls. it just -- i think it's a great illustration of why we need to do this. maria: i'm not sure biden is looking at the national security issues or if biden is looking at at the political votes because this influencer i'm told went of the white house and met with john pedesta and told him we will not vote for biden unless he doubles down on the climate change agenda and he wants that vote. >> oh, everything he's doing is
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political. let's look at the things we just talked about. israel, tiktok, influencer there, i mean, it's all done through the -- he's going to be in texas in the southern parts of the state. obviously everything is through you a political lens and it's not a good look for the country. maria: we'll have to get used to that in this election year. senator, good to see you. thanks for joining us. we appreciate your time. >> thanks. maria: quick break and then troutrouble in plane paradise, y one aviation analyst is calling out sloppy manufacturing. not a good look when you're making planes. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay wi -- stay with us. ♪
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slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. maria: back. president trump continues to fight back against the mainstream media. cheryl casone with details now. >> the former president filing a lawsuit against abc news and george stephanopoulos for defamation after an interview with nancy mace, this happened on march 10. watch. >> you've endorsed donald trump for president. judges and two separate jurors found him liable for rape and defending the victim of the rape. how do you endorse -- >> i'm not going to be asked a question meant to shame me. >> he was found liable of defaming the victim of the rape
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by a jury, confirmed by a judge. >> it was not a federal court case, number one. number two, i live with shame. you're asking a question about my political choices, trying to shame me as a rape victim. i find it disgusting. >> stephanopoulos said he was found liable for rape about 10 times. mace pushed back, she herself a former rape survivor as you heard. she said she felt personally attacked during the interview. a federal jury decided trump was not liable for rape but for sexual abuse and defamation. mark cuban coming to the defense of former president donald trump, responding to this tweet from ted lu who wrote this on x, trump claims he's a billionaire but can't pay a $460 million judgment, that means he's lying. how do i know, matt. had hashtag trump is broke. cuban responded. ted, you know i'm no supporter
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of trump. net worth is different than cash in the bank. we were in a zero interest rate environment. keeping cash in the bank was dumb. searching for yield killed small banks last year. cuban wrote trump the may have hurt himself. while he was president he argued for low interest rates and it made it tough to keep money in cash. trump's lawyers argue he won't sell his building in a fire sale because he would take massive losses. the cash crunch the result of a judgment against trump where he lied about net worth. finally, saudi arabia is planning to invest $40 billion, they're going to invest in a.i. the fund if it becomes true you wwould be the largest player in the overall race for a.i. dominance, the government has had discussion with the top vc in silicon valley and other
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names. this is in the early stages. the saudis have been trying to diversify their economy beyond the oil market and it's a.i. and it's hot. we know it. maria: there's a lot of money there to be deployed and all those companies want that money. the you sau saudis want to make. i was a saudi conference. i know all of wall street was there. they're all looking to work with the saudis right now, cheryl. >> of course they are. maria: exactly. thank you. meanwhile, the bad news for boning is piling up, travelers are increasingly uneasy about flying. there have been 20 unrelated incidents involving boeing planes since the beginning of the year. 10 of those were united airline flights. they stress that, quote, safety is the highest priority. anil an alaska airlines windsd cracked over the weekend. there is a criminal robe into the january door plug blowout.
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i spoke with congressman jeff ran drvan drew yesterday. >> china is getting now as you know, i into the airline indust. china is worried about being a giant social experiment. they want the best planes, safest planes, most cutting edge plans. that should be the american policy and american philosophy. we're sending out, trying to get the cheapest parts and materials we can. and worse of all, we're v havina social experiment within boeing. they're concerned if you look at what they put online about dei and are we looking like we're in cool kids on the block and all the right things to say. if we're not careful, we're going to rely on china like we are for batteries for electric cars. maria: joining me right now is boyd group international president and aviation analyst
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mike boyd and equity analyst, stuart glikman. thank you for being here. mike, i want your reaction to the airline mishaps. you heard what jeff van drew said. he suggests part of the issues is that boning is focused on diversity, and wokeness and that is getting in the way of safety. >> well, let's start with this. with all due respect, representative doesn't know what he's talking about when he talks about china. china has nothing in regard to any kind of an airline industry right now. airline or industry. we know china is one of our focuses but the fact is, boeing is now basically resigned itself to being number two. they don't have any new products coming, can't compete with the a321 or a220. they don't follow through on basically on how to put airplanes together. so the consumer is going to probably start to get a little
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nervous unless something happens big-time at boeing and very soon. maria: i spoke with the ceo of spirit airlines the other day. he was happy with his decision to go with airbus planes by the way. mike, what happened? what happened to boeing? ?bo. >> boeing fell down. boeing doesn't have management. when have you a ceo that comes out and says we had an escape from quality. what the hell does that mean? is that like a wardrobe malfunction at the super bowl? we've got to get rid of the management and a put people in that can run it. guess what? boeing is like avis, they're number two and they're trying for their customers. maria: this is a serious situation with the public recognizing the issues. boeing's cfo announced the company decided to keep the 737 jet production below 38 a month, 38 per month. the production constraint expected to impact revenue, earnings and cash flow. not just this quarter. but this year as well.
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boeing's stock has taken a hit, down better than 30% in the first three months of the year. but steve, even more important than all of these metrics when you look at the financial part of this, is the safety issue. if people are you afraid of a boeing jet they're not going to fly them. >> steve, your thoughts on the impact on boeing and even the stock moving forward? >> hi, maria. good morning. it's stuart, by the way. so i think you're right. the risk is that if the flying public is uncomfortable flying boeing planes it's going to weigh on future orders. i think in the near term, boeing has a lot of fish to fry to get their manufacturing processes fixed up, shored up you, deficiencies ironed out and it seems they're having a difficult time late late achieving
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manufacturing aviation 101 challenges. maria: my apologies for that. there are typos here. i take responsibility. i apologize for that. stuart, i want to get your take on investments right now. if the if an investor is out there, knowing that these issues have affected their holdings, what are you telling clients to do, stuart? >> so cfra ah has a sell opinion boeing, and have a strong buy b strong buyopinion on airbus. there's a saying good, fast or cheap, pick two. boeing has been trying to achieve all three and not succeeding and i think they have to get back to square one. they have to figure out what is wrong on the production lines and i think there needs to be a change in culture at boeing that is going to prioritize quality first, speed second and in the meantime, airbus has been
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gradually increasing its lead in market share. last year, they captured 58% of the market share between airbus and boeing. this year, they're beginning to extend that lead. i think that there's a fix down the road for boeing. i think it's going to take a very long time. maria: mike, what about you? you said we need to see change in leadership. i mean, that's pretty obvious from a shareholder standpoint but does the memo get to the board? >> i don't think so. look, the fact is, just like we just heard from stuart, the fact is, boeing is now number two. there's no question. you look at their product line and their lack of planning over the last few years, they've got nothing to go forward with. i mean, nothing. they can't compete with the a321 or 320, the 737-10 will be another two years late. the fact is, the people at the top i think like they've been planning fast, as stuart said. they haven't been b planning for
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the future. maria: you know, earlier we touched on china, mike, and you made a great point that look, they're nowhere. it's not -- that's not the angle that you're worried about. but who is winning? is it airbus? is it german manufacturers? who is winning at boeing continues to trade down and lose confidence? >> okay, america is win withing. right now today -- winning. right now today airbus needs to increase production china, forget that, they can't do much there. the place they can grow is mobile, alabama. they can put in two more production lines. america might be benefiting more than you might think so if airbus adds and they're going to add, it will probably be here in they the usa. maria: i see. okay. stuart, in terms of the investment profile of phi of of any ofthese stocks, do you ha favorite here? >> i don't cover the airlines
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myself. cfra has a strong buy opinion on delta and a hold opinion on american, united, southwest and jetblue. maria: what about aerospace in terms of boeing and its competitors? >> yeah, so we like companies like rtx, we have a buy opinion there. one of the major manufacturers of engines that go into the planes. i think to mike's point, boeing has a long-term problem. in aerospace, boeing 737 the initial version of that came out, what, 50 years ago. maria: right. >> they have really not invested in innovation. that's going to be a long time coming. maria: gentlemen, great conversation. we appreciate your time this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. maria: mike boyd and stuart glikman, thank you, gentlemen. lawmakers are looking at china's threat to agriculture. fox business''s hi hillary vaugn is on capitol hill with that angle. >> reporter: china is buying up america's farmland.
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lawmakers on capitol hill have major national security concerns. it's not just how much land china is buying, but where they're buying it. i'll have all the details after the break. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts
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maria: welcome back. the house agriculture committee investigating china's threat to u.s. farmland of. in a high profile hearing today. fox business' hillary vaughn on capitol hill with details. hillary. >> reporter: good morning, maria. well, china is gob belbling up america's farmland. chinese ownership of u.s. land increased by 256%. some democrats in the senate warn we truly don't know how much land china owns because our dissdisclosure laws are outdate.
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there is a bill that would make it easier to root out and prevent china from buying up our land. brown saying this, foreign adversaries, especially china, bought up prime farmland across the country for decades. we don't have a good handle on how much and where because of lax, outdated disclosure laws, it's a problem for family farmers in rural communities and a threat to our national security. it's not just how much land, it's where china is buying it. law make aers say the chinese are strategically purchasing land around sensitive intelligence sites and national labs, giving them the ability to essentially plop a spy operation in plain sight on their private property, something that came to light two years ago when fufang group a company with ties to the ccp announced they would purchase land near grand forks air force base in north dakota. the governor will testify at the hearing today. the new focus on china's land ownership a part of considers'
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overall effort to pry the claws of the ccp off americans from the farmland to smartphone as the senate waits to act on a bill that body vest tiktok from chinese ownership. >> we have 170 million americans whose information is under that same control. so they can use it to i spy on us. you know how people get very mad when we hear of a spy balloon going overhead or from us in the west where with you see china is buying farmland, ranchland near military installations. this is much, much worse in terms of what what they're trying to do. >> reporter: maria, this morning senators on the commerce and intelligence committees are going to get a closed door briefing from intell j from inte officials about the threat that tiktok poses. poses.maria: there's been a t f signs of the threat. look what south dakota governor has been saying not allowing chinese companies to buy any
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land in her state because of the closeness to military installations. >> reporter: yeah, maria, we've seen local cities push back as well. there's that lawsuit in michigan where the local community is pushing back against a chinese ev battery plant, march. .maria: thank you. there's a public hearing today examining joe biden's abuse of public office and influence peddling potential bribery, judiciary committee chairman, ohio congressman jim jordan is here with details next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. do we finally have it?
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