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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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answer. >> 1946 celebrated the second of the world war must've killed a lot of fish that turn green. >> ashley our guest. >> 1962. >> i'll take 1970 number four. >> i'll take 1955, the answer is 1962 it was originally suggested by the columbus union when they first died the river a stay green for nearly months now the coloring last only a few hours. thank you for sticking around a programming note our favorite mentalist is back on the show tomorrow. we will see fees able to shock us like he did last time "coast to coast" starts now. >> nvidia and the fed which do you think matters more today it's not the fed weirdly kinda know what they're not going to
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do this week at least not right away but we very much know what nvidia is doing right now nothing artificial about this intelligence the company is kicking off a big conference in california today and word is not only showcasing the a.i. in advance but a supersecret superpowerful series of new chips that could be a game changer grade for nvidia stock but not as great as it was this morning and tech companies from computer to alphabet even with today's bumpy ride are soaring even more. working to get into the details time for tim anderson to spell out geek speak, what you make of the nvidia news in the technology news bumpy and crazy ride today i don't understand the reason of that but i understand the intention of what it's announcing. what do you think. >> i think we have to think back 5 - 10 years ago when apple developers conference room got tremendous amount of attention
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and definitely had market impact, apple has been much more of a mature product line and nvidia is all the rage and you could not underestimate the impact potential that this conference will have. if you pair that with the announcement that apple is in serious talks with google to license their software program on the iphone, those two stocks which have been stagnant to under a little bit of pressure for the last couple of months in gear again today. this is a big week for tech and i think also we are two weeks
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from the end of the quarter. you have to pay close attention to the market rotation in the sector rotation that may be going on in the market. i think a lot of portfolio managers at mega- billion-dollar fund management firms are still in the process of setting up how they want to be positioned for the remainder of the year just before the end of the quarter and three weeks before q1 start to come out. >> i think you bring that brilliantly. i always think of a lot of these managers that have nvidia and some of the other key players in their portfolio, you're always concerned should i trim the holdings or lock in whatever profits, there's another couple of weeks ago. you can see the pressure to do so. i do notice not across-the-board
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but the spike in the morning and the trend remains their friend if you look at what's happening on the chip side alone and nvidia alone, spectacular this year and the whole a.i. seems real. i appreciate how you frame it with apple and google pack together, that again with either company it's another stamp about a.i. into enormous market impact. what do you think. >> i agree with that completely, your other point both profit-taking from managers that got into some of the a.i. stocks really, really right on the price appreciation may have oversize positions and could be trimming a little bit but you will also see some pushing as we get to the last few days of the
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quarter from those the also have large positions in the stocks some people would call that windowdressing at the end of the quarter. i think you'll see a little bit of both. >> let me ask you the reddit pricing an ipo and how it's going to be received, this is a company that is yet to make money which is an old fashion way to say you have to make money but for technology concerns or those growing at reddit space might not be as crucial but high expectation because it could be a preview of coming introduction announcement, what do you think. >> it'll be important to see how the market takes it during the craze in 21 and a little bit beyond we had a lot of companies coming public that really weren't making money yet and 80 to 90% have been washed out this is the first significant company coming to market that really
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isn't making money although you would have to think they have a lot of potential. it'll be very interesting to see how the market takes that might help but the price expectation are significantly lower than they were six months to a year ago but we will have to see. neil: always enjoy talking to you tj m investment in the floor of the big board, let's go to chad pergram getting the latest on the possibility of another government shutdown may be as soon saturday what are you hearing? >> good afternoon the border is the biggest flashpoint funding for the department of homeland security is where there's a standoff and secretary alejandro mayorkas says renewing current funding will not help.
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>> were limited in the poll of funds that we have available to us right now the department of homeland security does not have a fiscal year 2024 budget we are facing a significant budget cut. part of the problem republicans are trying to attach policy writers to the dhs portion of the bill democrats will not go for that the deadline is friday night there is no bill text that could trigger we can shutdown at the house struggles to pass the bill in the senate always takes longer. >> if you were to see chaos at the border get a government shutdown when you're not paying border agents in processing claims and amnesty request all of the system shuts down or incredibly stall that will lead to more chaos that we see at the border. >> another part of the government which needs funding is the state department and
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lawmakers are at odds through ukraine house speaker mike johnson wants a bill exclusively for israel. >> it should be done by this friday which speaker indicated he is committed to putting the supplemental on the floor that would be israel and we should attach iran sanctions ukraine and indo pacific. >> the gop rejected an offer of a $1.56 billion for border security fox confirmed they arrested a lebanese man at the border any claim to be a terrorist with hezbollah. neil: incredible, thank you very much texas congressman pat fallon was kind enough to join us, do you think there will be a shutdown. >> we always hope that there won't be but what the white house needs to understand their undivided government and were not asking for everything that we want we will have compromise in the inside story the deal was
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reached in the white house pushed back this weekend and said they wanted more flexibility in how the spin dhs and homeland security funds it was going to be passed in the continuing resolution will be passive the 2023 level so the white house is reaching out pretending they're controlling all levels of government and they're not. >> to regret the border security measure the bipartisan measure never got off the ground and for whatever reason now you are in this pickle. >> i regret that the house republicans were impervious to the conversation that all in the senate was acting as if there was not another chamber that needed to pass the bill. i'm all for compromise but when you read the text of the bipartisan bill it was giving more of the same because it allowed dhs alejandro mayorkas and joe biden more flexibility, they are already ignoring
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existing laws so we passed another law with loopholes. >> if i can veer to tiktok in the move the senate will take it up, that is no guarantee it was overwhelmingly ruled in the house the republicans wanted it to go away or at least go away with chinese control that might change. i'm wondering if that change when donald trump was saying maybe not so fast he is not a fan of having to go away because meta does far worse, what do you think. >> respectfully what the legislation did was going to compel sl outside of the communist party. >> varinbarring the cell it woud push for a ban. >> i'm still in favor of it
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because the terms of use with tiktok is too dangerous for the communist party to have a window into what's happening in this country and the bill was narrow and had to have a company that engage in certain activities and social media platform and controlled by north korea, iran, russia or china it was a narrowly written piece of legislation. >> you been very patient with so many news issues. putin signed up for another six year lease running the kremlin in russia that would make 30 years in power if he completes this term. he is pretty emboldened talking about nuclear war and beyond the west of the deer moves in ukraine, what do you make of all of the seas a lot stronger and affirm her position that he was before the ukraine war started he has more, russia has more o
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oil. >> is doing the saber rattling use trying to bully he is a bully he is the mafia and tried to get concessions. the fact of the matter the best way to battle putin is to have the american energy sector unleashed, we have tremendous reserves of natural gas and oil into fully flooded the global market i shouldn't say flooded but if we opened up and utilize the resources that is going to depress the price of the global commodity and that will make it difficult for him to fund the war and using her soft power but joe biden has done the exact opposite. neil: thank you very much i appreciate each and every answer, pat fallon is a texas congressman committee member and house armed services, you name it he's attached to the committee. making some news on tech stocks
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they're not all being tested today, there is tesla with a huge turnaround today. we will tell you why after this. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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neil: getting word that their talking on the phone president biden's counterpart in israel benjamin netanyahu they spoke on the phone we don't know how long but courtesy of the backdrop of chuck schumer and everyone said why don't we hold elections because benjamin netanyahu is doing things that we find palatable having said all that the president discusses situation in rafah we don't want them to go full cycle bombing attack and benjamin netanyahu said will make those decisions herself and part of this to come to the phone call and they did talk about humanitarian assistance being ironed out for gaza we've been critical of the campaign the israel has waged ever since the hamas attacks on israelis back at october 7 we don't know whether this broke, ground we know that there talking that i haven't talked on
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the phone or any other way for quite some time. in the meantime another big development later this week that's the two day meeting which kicks off tomorrow know what is expected the federal reserve to move to cut interest rates so soon but they might telegraph would not happen the former a windy office of management and budget it's good to have you back. >> good to be with you. i take it you're not expecting to move for this meeting a lot of people focusing on the june meeting when we would see a cut. >> i think that's right when you look at inflation its remaining hotter than what many expected well above 2% in the federal reserve's balance sheet is around $7.5 trillion double what it was before the pandemic, if you look at the cost pressures and inflationary pressures i don't think will see higher interest rates for longer. >> and i asking about the expectations of the political
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year nothing ever occurs in a vacuum. the backdrop for the fed meeting is a talk among trump advisors already planning what he'll do when he gets back to the white house if he gets back there are really signaling he would they would be considering for chairman of the federal reserve seeming is unlikely that jerome powell will be reappointed another the names mentioned kevin hassett on the former chair of the council of economic advisors art laffer, kevin warsh and economist during george w. bush administration. what do you think of those three individuals. >> president trump nominated the current federal reserve chairman jerome powell but as he would not want to confirm or nominate again these are three good folks who would be good nominees for the federal reserve that would do the right things when it comes to look at inflation price stability should be the key thing that the federal reserve should look at and only have
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control over others would be john taylor from the hoover institution with the taylor rule we need rolls in place for the federal reserve not just a discussion of higher inflation throughout the economy somebody's going to put in place what americans can expect and what the federal reserve will do overtime. >> another factor for donald trump the wrath against jerome powell he did think that donald trump did not like he started raising interest rates earlier in the president came on him like a ton of brics but then criticized policy which is unprecedented at the time. does he want a yes man or woman in the office? >> i don't think so, i think the president will tell the federal reserve chairman whatever he wants but he want someone who's going to be out there looking at inflation and what happened in the economy and do what's best at the end of the day. that's one reason we need more rules in place compared to the discretion of the federal
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reserve. i think the three that you mention with others out there we do a good job of being chair of the federal reserve and making sure that they're not putting their thumb on the scale one way or another the fed should be neutral we don't want them to manipulate markets and everything else and we had that in the past they kept them too low for too long and too much money in the economy and that's why we have so much inflation. >> to be fair donald trump liked interest rates too low for too long. every president does. >> they do but i think we did a higher interest rate given how much money the federal reserve has put in place there is a constant decision-making process with how much government spending and natural debt and when you see the national debt as high as it is with a trillion dollars. neil: thank you for that. >> you also the opportunity of inflation. neil: grow quickly while i still have you are you in the camp that says we get the cuts but
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they're not going to be many cuts and it will make a big difference? >> i don't think were good to see cuts until june or later than that maybe july because we've been on positive july of last year, i don't think we'll see as many were expecting three cuts this year alone and i think that's a max maybe only two with inflationary pressure high we gotta make sure we don't repeat during the 1970s when inflation began to moderate but it came back up because of too much spending and too much money printing by the federal reserve. neil: that's a very good historical point. if we forget that we can go too far and compound the situation. thank you again. >> in the meantime were watching president biden is in full campaign mode three day swing out west richardson following all of that at the white house.
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>> good afternoon, the president heading to arizona, nevada than texas, the white house campaign promise either were good to see a lot more of president biden in swing states after the state of the union address and that's what he's been doing. not only what he's doing this week but what he did last week in a couple weeks ago he spent part of the month in wisconsin pennsylvania, georgia, new hampshire this weekend biden spoke at the annual gridiron in washington not just presumed general election saying the big news this week is to candidates clinch their party nomination for president. one candidate is too old unfit to be president and the other is me. over the weekend the biden campaign announced a raise $53 million in february in 155 million in cash on hand. it's a total that they say is the most from the democratic candidate in history at this point in the cycle were waiting on the trump campaign february numbers. the associated press says by the end of january the two major committees had $36.6 million on
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cash on hand. israel could be a major problem among democratic voters. >> i think the democrats are really scared right now because what we've seen is so many of the far left democrats are supporting hamas instead of israel they're afraid it's going to cost joe biden the election. >> recent polling has president biden's poll numbers under 40% so swing states show him trailing the former president donald trump narrowly in a number of key states. >> richardson at the white house. a lot of people that like to haggle he haggled with everybody especially the car salesman but he never had the opportunity to haggle with the realtor but now you can do that. after this.
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neil: are you ready to haggle with the realtor in the supreme court decision is possible the 6% base commission which is establishing industry bond expectation when you put your home up for sale is it in stone you can negotiate, how low does ago, the real estate attorney out of llp, good to have you where do you think this goes for those putting their home on the market there always going to envision i like no commission myself but you're starting from the base when you think of 6%, where are we going with it. >> one thing i want to clarify commissions are negotiable, what drives that market condition and community standard and historically hasn't been something that negotiated on every single transaction but it
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wasn't completely negotiable, if this does get approved i would have to imagine that the frequency of how many of these commissions are negotiated both increase significantly. how this th impacts our market h the fed increased interest rates year end a half ago you and i predicted and spot on accuracy that pricing will not change much at all because your huge supply issue and transaction volume will plummet in this ruling with the unintended consequences is a harsh reality, right now play out a transaction. if you're looking to buy a home in the listing agent is unable to advertise whether a seller will pay the buyers or broker's commission, then the buyers broker will have to go to the buyer and say here's an agreement that list that you will pay me my commission under circumstances a, b, and c. when you bring up that agreement
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that's incredibly awkward and uncomfortable conversation and most buyers will be intimidated. what happens the buyer with the barrier of entry to the housing market the highest in u.s. history. forget until the buyer pay commission you can negotiate most buyers will end up under representing themselves which is a huge disservice a buyers agent historically was a free service to buying and i know the argument is factored into the price and the buyer pays because you're paying more of the price and there's a little bit of credibility not much of my opinion but at the end of the day if that were to be accurate it's a finance ebola charge because your financing most 90% of your home purchase price this is an additional expense considered a closing cost that is not finance ebola which are true liquidity. to circle back the unintended consequences of first-time homebuyers will suffer because
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of this. neil: sellers might be more inclined to put their home on the market they know they don't have to shell out as much for the realtor. >> that's a tough one. >> what is so tough about it, you're brilliant but i'm just saying. i want to get a little bit more clear to me from this transaction so i'm not quite to pay my realtor 6% of pay him 4% the realtor was used to thinking that 6% was the baseline but chances are he or she would not bolt and it's like a new reality. >> it could be a new reality but play devils advocate, the 2% delta are you losing the traction that you would be getting from additional buyers and buyers agents should you be willing to pay that. >> for the seller they don't really care that you think that would limit for the buyer? the seller might say that these
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guys are pooh-poohing me because i might not pay the full 6%. >> absolutely, they will suffer in terms of traction and demand for the property which subsequently will cost them more in reality than the 2% that they are saving. >> that's of the realtor is going to tell them there to say just saying but if you want something cheaper you get what you pay for. >> your spot on. if i had to predict a third of transactions you will see this as a negotiable term two thirds by community standard. what happens 99% living by the old community standard there will be disruptors that come in, new companies offer 5g and hourly rate on different services and you have disruptors come into the market, that's inevitable but at the end of the day i think most sellers for the foreseeable future are going to stick to the conventional that
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we become accustomed to over the years. neil: is still early in the process we will watch it happen. always good talking to you. i don't know if donald trump is talking to realtors about renegotiating the sale price of his property but i do know you can't make a 450 million-dollar appeal in the new york fraud case and his lawyers are saying that's not doable, what happens right now after this? ♪ moving forward with node-positive
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california talking about this day, how promising the technology looks. there are other factors read it with the ipo due later this week on wednesday. pricing is once again demand is another it is vastly oversubscribed which means more people getting interested in a piece of it then can get a piece of it. scott martin on what is at st stake. >> why is the question for me a copy that launched in 2005 that lost money every year sentence other than the bed scurries, luring kennedy in front of congress thrown out there is a guy that started this in 2021 when god it was at its peak valuation than 10 billion has now fallen a few billion as a valuation tells us of ipo or what we think is ipo coming year later this week. to me this has burnt out the
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stars are falling so i would be avoided this like i avoid coldwater. neil: that is your view and other people say a larger framework for technology in general and the promise of a.i. even though this is more social media street play but there's plenty of other social media concerns. somebody said it's beneficiary if tiktok is flopped, i don't know if that's true. >> it is possible but social media is bifurcated what are you getting out of it and what is it do for you what does it have for advertising. if you look in a social media you have to stay with the leaders in facebook which bought instagram many years ago and now the loan that integrate platform for the new ipos coming out this year a lot are good to be frothy and full of investors and early investors that want to get on get liquid i would wait a couple months for the price to settle
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out and look at buying into it. neil: due under this vindication those doubted what was going on with a.i. given nvidia successes slowed and some of the other players that come well off their highs today, not nvidia so much but it's real and has sustaining power, do you agree with that. if you think about it so much of the nasdaq rally in the market rally seems tied to it. >> i don't think folks understand but investors and legislators who are controlling what a.i. is going to be and how were going to use a going forward is going to take over our lives or our jobs or work to school to home. when you look a.i. has to be separated to what the a.i. company is and what they will do in nvidia and amd and some of the companies that are taking off on the a.i. side we still like doesn't have those in her
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portfolio that is proven a.i. is going to be creative going forward. neil: that is different and is different than the last big internet technology boom and 99 that imploded in 2000. we know that in the difference there are far more companies and major players making a ton of money this is not the role of the dice there is demand. >> it's true but the demand is getting loud and strong and i hope is there a lot of these say they pop five or $10 for no reason because they mention the two letters. neil: my favorite cereal now with a.i. how is that even possible. scott martin thank you very much. i would go to lydia hu, donald trump had to come up with 450 million-dollar yield bond and sell a lot of real estate to make up the money his lawyers are saying we can't do it right now for a while, the fallout
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from lydia. >> this is really remarkable donald trump's lawyers say he is facing insurmountable difficulties in obtaining the bond for the $465 million civil fraud judgment, his lawyers say he's been turned away for about 30 companies, the lawyer says trump is financially stable but the judgment is so excessive it would require him to use his real property as collateral but here's the problem with the experts with the bond process that they really accept real estate as collateral in trump does not have this half a billion dollars to get the bond, the filing comes today one week before the bond for $464 million judgment is due, trump's lawyers have asked the trump to accept a
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lesser amount $100 million attorney general suppose the request and trump's lawyers are asking the court to waive the bond requirement entirely but here's the thing, if the court denies the request the former president could possibly be forced to decide whether he sells his own properties to raise this half a billion dollars to post for the bond while the appeal moves forward or without a bond and leave the properties vulnerable to the attorney general and as you know leticia jameson new york attorney general has said she will look to seize his assets. >> incredible, thank you very much speaking of incredible my buddy is back with us right now a lot of things we want to discuss not the least of which of anyone republican in this race right now. china's new warning of singapore to stay away from all forms of betting and gambling. it's not a lot in china why is
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it allowed in singapore, how you think the responding after this? ♪
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extraordinary and you want to book and for any event he will have you roaring in your seats as radio show is an unequivocal hit there is life, good to see you. >> how are you happy st. joseph's day tomorrow. >> you are now set for another appearance after this one. let me ask you a little bit, if you looking forward to the fact that i would have you and you ready different era but this era seems to pound the notion that republicans are joke donald trump is a joke don't take them seriously and then this caught my attention from the most recent episode. take a look. >> will be performing an original monologue that this country is hell i'm not just a senator, i'm a wife, mother and the craziest [bleep] in the
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target parking lot. i'm worried about the future of her children and this is why i have invited you into the strange kitchen. neil: funny stuff a lot of people that alabama senator might disagree with that but it got a couple good chuckles and a lot of play what do you think of the tone they have this campaign season. a lot of people in general are watching. >> funnies funny and you don't cut funny. scarlett johansson is such a big fan from the phil lawson transition but hearing sophia cope is great as soon as i saw senator brit i called my producer and i say let's see if senator brit wants to come on him the father of three daughters and i thought it was very nice. the way that she soft peddled it getting across the women but she got slammed but when scarlett johansson does an impression of
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you you have to say thank you. that's exactly what senator brit did. neil: it got a lot of attention and a lot of people singing her but it stood out and there were a lot of funny skits including donald trump i get. as much a joe biden maybe we should openly focus about that they had him on the state of the union about how we did you don't see that we get used to it because that's the way it is. >> it's a great question. the tone has been the same from day one. when i was there to registered democrats. we talked about it before on this program, order now. but the difference was i don't
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think it was as edgy now i'm doing politics every morning on am 9070. to your point the biden stuff when scarlett did katie britt they did a little bit of joe biden and pumped up the state of the galley did just that he gave, that was gold they could've done that for ten minutes. neil: we should be willing to laugh at ourselves some people got super serious and so many people laugh at me in my e-mails which i read that come from your family by the way i'm okay with that. there is another story i want to bounce off of you china is warning its citizens in singapore going to gambling all the time, you better not do that you know it's illegal back home, as if, what do you think you're going to do.
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>> and i favor in situ is a high rollers, playing their next week. neil: that is your demo right there. >> itself on, ladies and gentlemen. do not gamble your be whacked by the chinese government. nice to have you here. if china can make you dishwasher were machine or dryer that wo works. i gotta tell you this when i play at the casino, not a dime do i give. there is something to what they're saying. neil: i don't believe it. not a dime? >> i will walk to the casinos because i'm obsessed compulsive and pfister all start.
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neil: while i got you, the tiktok to bay i want to bounce you off review. very different audience and they're not keen on it. every companies by zombie. what i tell them is china they want to kill us they is say whatever. how do you deal with them to his senses. >> my son michael, mikey p he's an influencer. i'm going to be his roadie. his videos go right onto tiktok indies so huge for. kevin o'leary is going to buy it. once mr. wonderful buys it then everything is good. but i believe for the first time
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in a bipartisan way in washington they're doing the right thing. your 30 hours a week on television i have to do 40 hours a day. by the tiktok that would be my answer. neil: my universe is shrieking my next job will be do you want fries with that. we take it one day at a time. you are one of the classic classic iconic figures on that show i don't know why anyone watches it today. neil: thank you. ♪ (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic.
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constant contact. helping the small stand tall. neil: joe when i were talking about our staff and how much we love them. you have to know, there's a neil oil is trading above $82 a barrel the highest settle that could be since november 2. i immediately said thank you for the. brian brenberg now from "the big money show". >> you the wonderful staff i don't know why you make them buy you gummy bears i think they do it anyway but their wonderful people. >> has to be more substantive than thabuth


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