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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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and they can go long and short in all of those categories. and what they've shown historically is they've been up when markets have been down. ashley: right. >> so while i'm kind of scared of bonds for insulation because we don't know the inflation story, i think that a managed futures story like this could round out your portfolio really well. ashley: right. a lot of information on this friday afternoon. eddy gifford, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us as we head towards the closing bell on this friday if, wrapping up the week. it's been a down week for the major indexes, as you can see, the dow off 199, 200 points. that means it will end the week in the anything. same story the for the s&p, down .6%, the nasdaq down about 1%. we are out of time. have a great weekend. coming up next, the country and only larry kudlow. ♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow."
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i'm larry kudlow. inflation isn't letting up, and now the democrats want to juice the economy for an election year win. but this election's about one thing, working class folks got richer under trump, and they got poorer under biden. a couple of rate cuts not going to help them at all. sandra smith and steve moore are going to break it down for us. and this just in, breaking news from hot-lanta, fani willis dumped the man she loves. she didn't stand by her man, exactly. we're going to have the great alan dershowitz on set to weigh in about this story. and how about all these dumb democratic ideas? if california make more, pay more. bernie sanders wants americans to stop the working but get paid anyway. and then what are we going to do about tiktok? if north dakota governor doug burgum is going to be here to talk about all that. and donald trump's electoral map is expanding, and america's political realignment is real. breitbart's alex marlow and our own steve hilton are going to
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talk about it with us later. and senator joni earnst is going to tell us why chuck schumer should want regime change in iran rather than israel. now, a couple thoughts from me. here's the question du jour, are jay powell and the fed going to juice the election year economy by cutting interest rates? if you've got some democratic senators and house members and various civilians who are calling for the fed to raise their inflation target from 2% to 3%. and that flawed argument goes a 3% target would give the fed more elbow room to start cutting rates. and don't forget, president joe biden himself said the very day after his bellicose, overcaffeinated state of the union speech and i'm going to quote him, i bet you those rates come down more because i bet you that little outfit that sets interest rates is going to come down. all right. end quote. little outfit.
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so there you have it. the big with guy with wants a little juice from the fed to get reelected. does jay powell really care about joe biden? well, powell's term as fed chair goes all the way to may of 2026. there's really nothing joe biden can do to him, because biden will be retiring in january of 2025 anyway. and jay powell has indicated that he won't seek a third term. and for all the cynical talk about how the fed somehow must bend to the political whims of the president and his little minions, i actually think powell is immune from that kind of thinking. anyway, why should the fed get tangled up in election year politics? especially because the actual ed on inflation does not point to lower fed interest rates. that's the important part. now, surely the year on year inflation has dropped from 9% to somewhere between3 and 4%. but even with that, the actual level of consumer prices is up over 18% during biden's term,
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and that's driving typical families crazy. measured there from february of 2021, groceries up 21%, gasoline up 30%, cars up 20%, airline and transportation services up 34%, and those are just a couple of categories. the lag impact of that 9% cpi is going to haunt folks for years to come, and that is joe biden's problem, and that's the achilles heel of bidenomics, biden-flateon and biden reelection. a couple of rate cuts by the fed are not going to bail biden out, and indeed, could a make things worse. donald trump would tee off on the fed and biden if they start juicing the economy without any economic reason to do so. anyway, here's a couple numbers that should make the fed think twice about stepping on the accelerator. over the past three months, cpi has actually jump ised up 4% at an annual rate, twice the fed's 2% target.
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and jay powell's favorite measure, something called core services excluding rent, well, that's up 6.9% other the three months -- over the three months. commodity index is starting to jump again, the crb is up 30 since mid december can. the price of gold has moved from $18,000 to 2 -- i'm sorry, 1800 to 2150, that's a 20% increase since last fall. and then think of this, if you have $1,000 and you held it for 20 years at even a 2 if inflation rate, all right? -- 2%. your money would shrink by almost a third to $690. now, if you took joe biden's advice and applied a 3% inflation if ratings over 20 years that $1,000 would drop 44% to $560. the point is even 2% inflation's no bargain. price stability would be a better idea. and then on top of that, when you look at a biden's new
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budget, he continues to spend like there's no tomorrow, boosting inflationary demand, plus he's taxing everything that a moves which will choke off incentives to produce the supply of goods. and when demand outstrips supply, inflation goes higher. that's another reason why the fed should cool its jets. of course, there's always cynicism about the fed. but, you know, a couple sundays ago on "60 minutes" jay powell said, and i'll quote, we do not consider politics in our decision. we never do and we never will. end quote. all right. that may not be the last word on the subject -- [laughter] but it's a very brave statement. if anyway, let me say joe biden needs a lot more than a couple of interest rate cuts to bail out his re-election. and you can take that to the bank. and that there is my riff. i'm the straight man for sandra smith. that's the whole point of this. [laughter]
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joining me now, aforementioned sandra smith -- >> drop the mic. >> and steve moore, host of moore money on wabc radio. all right, sandra, you started this -- [laughter] with me a couple hours ago. that's my entire discourse on the subject of a fed if interest rate -- >> it was fabulous, by the way. and i sent you this piece, multi-page write-up in yahoo! finance, chock physical of democrats saying -- full of democrats saying interest rates are too damn high. they want those interest rates to come down, and they want to do it by raising this inflation threshold, right? it's becoming very popular on the left. i don't know, i don't know who it was, ayanna pressley, the democratic congresswoman, interest rates are too damn high. oh, here's maxine waters. i think it should be higher than that, the inflation target for the fed. i think. that doesn't sound like an economic calculation. larry: and bind was jawboning the fed, which presidents are not supposed to do. he was basically saying, come on, boys and girls --
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>> and,s by the way, when we covered jerome powell in that hearing this week, let's see is, 7 times in his 5-minute opening remarks he insisted that -- and very strongly signaled to this market that the 2% inflation target is not going anywhere. so, i mean, look -- larry: that's good. >> we had this -- larry: he's manning up. he's manning up. he's discovered his big boy pants. >> we'll see. >> robert wolf was on with steve moore if on "america reports" this week and he said, no -- >> should go to 3%. >> time to go with the 3. larry: you see that though, you take $1,000 and run it out 20 years at a 3% inflation, you basically lose almost half of your munch that's no bargain. and i think that's an interesting point. whatever happened to price stability? >> right. first of all, what they want to do is what i call dumbing down the test. larry: yes. >> can't get to 2 so is 3 is the target. i'm comfortable with 2% because
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you don't want to have deflation, so you've got a little cushion there. because the worst thing is actually deflation. but we're a long way from deflation. we haven't had that in a long time. i agree with you, the solution is not to dumb down the test and say we're going to -- because, by the way, if you increase it to 3%, then you're going to have 4 and 5% -- larry: that's right. the next step will be 4 and after that 5. >> then the question is how -- and, by the way, you are spot on, correct, larry. i've been following those saw statistics, i'm very concerned about the commodities index. 30% increase, that's a lead indicator to where prices are going. larry: gold story. the cpi is soaring in the last three months. not just one month or or but three months the cpi's taken off, right? if hang on. what would donald trump say if the actual inflation numbers are coming in at 4 or 5% or 6% expect fed starts cutting rates to goose the biden economy. what do you think trump would say? >> oh, well -- larry: seriously.
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as an objective -- >> no one could ever predict that -- larry: what would he say? >> i'm sure he would go ballistic. larry: ballistic, and he'd be right to. >> powell was raising rah rates -- larry: yes. >> -- when we had, people forget under trump's presidency the inflation rate was in, you know, basically it was 1-3%. larry: it was 11.5 president for four years -- 1.5%. >> practically, yeah. so the point is why would they be raising rates when you've got 4% inflation right now, cutting them -- larry: why would they be cutting rates at 4. >> yeah. larry: no, but i'm just saying, okay, it would ruin the fed's reputation. >> it would. larry: it would embroil them in presidential politics on the campaign trail because mr. trump would be absolutely right to blast off on them, absolutely right. >> but could they somehow spin that to make the case that they were looking more closely at employment and there were indications there that they had to make -- okay. i'm just throwing that out
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there. [laughter] but you just make your own -- just having fun with you. did you just make the case for raising the hold? i mean -- threshold? i committee -- i mean, the commoditieses. larry: i actually, look, i'll go back, breitbart's john carney and i have talked about this. there is a non-zero probability that the next fed move could be a rate hike. >> i think that's -- larry: non-zero. it's not likely -- >> it could be. larry: larry summers who, by the way, was dead right three years ago about the inflation rate and said this fed should stop worrying about climate change and woke social policies and focus on -- >> jerome powell said that thissing week. he said that the he believes they can achieve this target in a matter of months. so he's already -- >> you mean the 2% target. >> yes. >> i doubt that because we're not headed to rah right now. and by the way, do you remember the fed chairman who really kept an eye on commodity prices? larry: yes. >> it was paul volcker. larry: paul volcker.
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and you had wayne with angel and manly johnson and --manly johnson and wall street jockeys like myself urging them on because that was real price level stability. the fed should do that now, by the way, because tease are warnings signals. >> i want the people at the fed to go to the grocery store, buy a car, pay for their energy bills because you just get a totally different perception of of what's happening with prices -- >> because it's really easy for any mom at home who went to the grocery store today to know that she buys the same a basket of 15 items, and she knows that's costing her $125 today and it was probably $95 -- larry: fries and a milk shake at mcdonald's cost rich howly $17. [laughter] he's the editor of "national review." two fries and a milk shake, and there was no -- what is it you call it? shrinkflation? the only shrink shrinkflation -- >> but when you've got credit card interest rates at 20.75% and you have 45% more credit
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card debt today than you did when biden took office in a 3-year period, you've got problems. larry: steve moore, from the committee to unleash prosperity hotline, household worth -- which is a very important measure, it's everything you own, houses, stocks -- >> 401(k) plan, yeah. larry: okay. looked like a good number, but with when you deplait if it -- deflate if it, it turns out under biden wealth went up less than 1%. >> wow. larry: under trump it was up 28%. that's a big story of this election. that's like real wages falling under biden and is and rising under trump. and the other one from the committee to unleash -- [laughter] real stocks using the s&p 500 deflate stocks for inflation so you have real stock prices under biden +7% in three years. under trump at the same, up 36%. so really a couple of interest rate cuts will have no meaning whatsoever on any subject. i mean, that's the bottom line here. >> trump was not just the working class president, which
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he was, but he was also good for investors. you need more informs ifment -- investment, a return on investment. wait to make one other quick point. you made it, but with it deserves amplification. you want to bring inflation dow- larry: i know what you're going to say. stop government spending. [laughter] >> biden has pep spent $7.3 trillion! larry: you been saying that absolutely for years. i like it though, cutting spending that's better than worrying about the deficit. and, by the way, if you tax everything that moves, you will choke off supply-side incentives, and that's inflation ary. i gotta get out. sandra smith started this -- [laughter] >> happy friday. larry: be sure to catch sandra and john roberts on "america reports" every day at 1 p.m. on fox news. and right here coming up, oh, this is so wonderful, breaking news out of "hotlanta", georgia, fani willis dumped the man she
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loves. she just wouldn't stand by her man. we will ask the great and famous professor if alan a dershowitz about this right here on set. just listen to that. of. ♪ ♪ stand by your man ♪
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larry: all right. so break news out of "hotlanta", fani willis jumps her man. as we -- dumps her man. as we know, the judge said is either you get with rid of the prosecutor with whom you had an affair, or you're going to have to disqualify yourself. she chose to get rid of the
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prosecutor. to coin a phrase, she didn't exactly stand by the man she loved, but that goes if back to a long time ago. joining us now on set, the great al a an dershowitz, professor emeritus at harvard law school and author of "get trump." first of all, professor, it's a pleasure to have you on. we are honored. >> pleasure to be on. my honor. larry: thank you very much. what do you make of this fani willis story so far? >> well, this judge tried to be solomon. he cut the baby in the half, and the baby died. [laughter] this was a terrible, terrible decision. larry: ah, interesting. >> he says i have reason to believe and doubt the credibility of her testimony. that's just a euphemism to say she was lying through her teeth when she denied having an affair. i have reason the doubt the credibility of her testimony. and then he proceeds to believe her and says, oh, but, you know, she didn't benefit at all, and she didn't bring this prosecution in order to benefit. you can't have it both ways. this was the an attempt to try
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to satisfy both sides. it was a terrible and dishonest opinion. larry: so he should have said, if i listen to you, this is fascinating -- because this is a new, breaking story. he should have said, first of all, to wade, you're out and to will his, you're out. >> you're out and you're going to jail with because he saw her with her, with his own eyes and with all of our eyes. she looked him in the face and lied. she committed perjury. she committed obstruction of justice. she committed conspiracy to commit perjury. she did everything a prosecutor shouldn't do. the idea that she started her affair years before she appointed him and then the cell phone records. they don't lie. there are people in jail, people on death row on less convincing evidence -- larry: 20,000 text messages. unbelievable. >> and cell phone records that show him driving toward her house, getting there at about
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10:00 at night, staying until 4 in the morning. that was a long scrabble game. and then leaving, going home and she calls him when he gets home. no jury in the world would have believed that testimony, would believe her uncorroborated testimony oh, i paid him back every penny. no, i didn't keep a record. i had no withdrawal or deposit slip haves. i didn't take any photographs. i didn't even make a note of it. just trust america i'm such a truth-tellingperson . after all, didn't you see me tell the truth about the affair? why don't you believe me now? if no, he shouldn't have believed a word she said. he should have disqualified her and and recommended her to the district attorney for prosecution in a a different county. larry: so, therefore, have we heard the last of this? in other words, mr. trump's side and the if other defendants' -- defendants, can they come back and appeal this decision? >> that's an interesting question. larry: the kinds of things you're suggesting. >> i hope so. i think when you refuse to disqualify somebody, that should be an issue that the you can
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take up to the court right away because it's a final judgment. if she's in the case, she's in the case. if they can't do it now, they can certainly do it if they get convicted, but if i were trump's lawyers, i would make every effort to try to bring this case to an appellate court now. it's a good record. he basically finds her lying, basically finds he paid for all of their trips. there's documentation of that. then the burden should shift back to her to prove she paid him back. she can't do that. larry: no proof, no receipts, no nothing. you're still left with this rio approach which many people --ly coe approach which many say doesn't fit. >> i once had a client who was in prison and said what's this rico stuff? it's anti-italianful it's designed -- it was, it was dekinded to get -- designed to get the mafia. it wasn't designed for political figures who have a reasonable argument. an argument i disagree with
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fundamentally that they could have challenged the election through a different slate of electors. that's all legal stuff. that's notly coe stuff. so this case should be dismissed. all of the cases against trump should be dismissed. the only one that has any plausible possibility of winning is the florida case where he waived -- waved a document in front of a journalist and said this used to be classified, i could have declassified it, but that's not a smoking gun. that's a smoking cigarette e butt -- larry: not even smoking hearsay is. no one knows for sure who said what to whom -- >> there's a tape of that, but we don't know whether he actually showed the document to anybody and whether it contained classified material. knowing trump, it could have been a blank piece of paper. larry: so you think the georgia case is going to wind up going up in flames. >> i think it will go up in flames. i think it's the never been a strong the case at all, and i thinkable will -- this will delay it probably beyond the election. the goal here was to rush convictions, particularly in new
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york where a jury will convict a ham sandwich named trump, and to try to get a down and dirty conviction knowing they may be reversed after the election is the personification of election interference. larry: professor alan dershowitz, the best of the best. it's such a pleasure to see you ?rcht pleasure to see you. larry: next up on "kudlow," coming up, california dreaming. democrats have all these really dumb ideas like if you make more, you pay more in california regard rest of the climate. bernie sanders wants americans to basically stop working and get paid anyway. we're to going to talk about it with north dakota governor doug burgum. we might even that talk a little tiktok as well. and then breitbart's alex marlow and steve hilton, our own steve hilton, on donald trump's electoral map expanding and america's will political realignment. all that and more on "kudlow." we'll be right back, folks. ♪ ♪
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♪ larry: all right. welcome back. let's head over to the white house, our own edward lawrence live there after biden said it's vital u.s. steel stays in american hands, not sold to squaw a pan's nippon steel. edward with, what a did he say, how did he say it? >> reporter: exactly. that $14.9 billion proposal to buy the u.s. steel from nippon steel, a japanese-owned firm, president joe biden releasing a statement that says, quote, it is vital that, for it to remain an american steel company that is domestically owned and operated. now, the president of the steel workers' union also coming against it. nippon steel calls itself the right partner for this in a a statement saying it bolster u.s. steel and provide significant commitments to its workers. now, on china fiji has now decided to maintain its close relationship with china through a security partnership. nsc spokesperson john kirby
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deflecting on the growing china threat and influence. listen. >> this nation has to decide for itself. we are not asking people to choose between the united states and china. we have a bilateral relationship with china which we greatly value, and and as you saw in the fall in san francisco. >> reporter: and the administration still maintaining that line that china is a competitor, not an add verier share is, larry. larry: thanks very much is, edward lawrence. we appreciate it. now we bring in the distinguished governor of north dakota, edward burgum. douglas burgum, rather, sorry. governor,ring you probably heard what edward lawrence said. do you have a thought on this business? nippon steel has a much higher bid than cleveland cliffs or other companies for u.s. steel, but what do you think about a this? if. >> well, japan is our ally. japan's got a fantastic record of owning assets in the united states and being a great partner in those communities with those team members, with those, the members that work at those
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whether it's an auto plant if manufacturer. i don't know what the biden administration is screaming about here. i mean, i think the sad part is, i mean, we're talking a $14 billion i offer on an $8, 9 billion market cap company? this is tech companies that the people have never hard of that got two or three times that. it's just sad that the unions and others involved in this thing have allowed u.s. steel to be run down to such a small, little company from a market cap standpoint. we need investment. if nippon is going to invest in u.s. plants, this isn't like they can pick up and move the steel plants. if they're buying it can and spending that kind of money, they're going to be investing in our country, and we need to have domestic steel production. that won't go away if we've got one of do our allies investing in that company. larry: yeah, indeed. governor, let me switch, i want to talk about -- we've talked about tiktok before, but now the issue is growing after the house vote and it's in the senate. my friend steve mnuchin, former treasury secretary, wants to buy it. he says it's a national security threat owned by bytedance, and
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he believes it should become an american business-owned company. what do you think? >> well, i think there's two things people are getting confused between the platform itself and the algorithm. temperature there's some folk, you know, now democrats want to ban the platform, they want to make it go away. i'm sure that's a because, you know, biden's poll numbers are dropping with the youth. and a lot of the youth are turning off on joe biden, and he knows that they're getting their news -- it's a news platform. so he wants to ban a news platform that's saying things that he doesn't like? if we want to start regulating social media companies, we should be regulating all of them and making sure that we're in, we've got free and fair speech going across all of them as opposed to picking the one that he doesn't like. as far as national security, president trump, you know, he helped take care of this when he was in office. no one's been tougher on china than president trump. and under president trump, data security for americans is going to be secure. he insisted that oracle manage all of the tiktok data in the united states. and it is here in the united
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states. so if people don't like the a algorithm, you know, they should focus on working on the current owners or the new owners on the algorithm to make sure that's fair. but with we shouldn't be banning a platform that is so popular in the country right now. larry: but bytedance, as you know, is essentially like any big chinese company, it's the an instrumentality of the chinese communist party. that's written into the if various corporate covenants. when they get a call, they have to answer the call. so wouldn't the optimal if position -- now, china doesn't want to sell bytedance. that's going to complicate everything. but in optimal terms, i mean, isn't mnuchin right? wouldn't it be better for a u.s. group to purchase tiktok, you know, try to move if the algorithm with. s in the right direction or change them and most of all get it out from under the ccp? >> well, absolutely. if we had u.s. ownership of that company, everybody would feel better about it not being used as a weapon of espionage. as i've said with you before, i mean, we're in a cold war and
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cyber war with china. this would be one way for us to take a step forward if we had u.s. ownership. but it doesn't stop there if you've got meta and other people suppressing information in 2020 ahead of the elections. we can't just have all the focus on tiktok. we've got to look at all the platforms and the roam they're playing as a basically -- roles they're playing as basically news media. we've got to look at all of them. larry: yeah. no, i agree with that. another subject, i don't -- north dakota's sort of near california. not exact9 arely, but it's kind of out there on the heft side o. gavin newsom, governor gavin newsom's got this great new plan. he wants to bill rate payers based not on how much electricity they buy, but on how much money they make. this is a novel approach. you make more and you pay more. it's not a carbon tax, it's not anything related to electricity or climate, he just wants to raise taxes on the middle class as well as wealthy people.
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now, i don't guess a sensible state like north dakota would do that, would it? >> not a chance in the world. and it's just amazing to me, this is another almost unconceivable, this is, like, a -- if you'd have told me, if i'd have run this on babylon bee or a satire page, i might have thought this is where it belonged. they've got the highest electricity rates in the country, 25% higher on average in california than any place else and among the lowest reliability. they already have that, and then they're trying to increase the tax tax on think people and turn ec will be are terrorist, a core thing that everybody needs to operate every single day, they're turning that into class warfare between rich and poor? they'll just keep driving more people out of the state. and that's what's happening right now. population and people are voting with their feet, or they're voting with their pocketbooks. they're leave california. this'll just accelerate the number of people that are leaving, and it won't do anything to help have low cost, reliable energy which, of course, north dakota, huge energy exporter.
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we're delivering it here. we're on the path towards having low carbon, reliable low cost energy. you achieve that that through innovation, not through regulation. california and the federal government tries to solve every energy problem with regulation. we need innovation. that's what we had under the trump administration, and that's why it's so important president trump win again in no. larry: one more, governor. in a "kudlow" half a minute, sir. senator bernie sanders wants people to work less but get paid the same or more. what you think about that one, above burgum? >> well, if bernie sanders, i think, should make pick up if move to france. [laughter] we've seen what reduced workweeks do. i was a corporate executive. we had people working in 120 countries. when france passed some of their labor laws to reduce work, we said fine and just moved the headquarters to belgium and moved out of france. they lost jobs. we'd lose jobs in america if they start trying to have a 32-hour workweek. it's anti-worker, anti-american.
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larry: all right. governor doug burgum, we appreciate it so much. covered the waterfront. all right, folks, let's talk about the election. donald trump's electoral map expanding, and america's having a real political realignment. joining us now, steve hilton, fox news contributor, and alex marlow, editor-in-chief of "breitbart news," can co-author of the bright with bart busy jest and author of "breaking biden." very interesting. al will lex marlowe, i'll start with you -- alex. a couple of good articles out today. matt continenti, for example. trump's coalition looks like it's a broad-based, working folks, white, african-american, hispanic, latino, young people, women perhaps. he is breaking through in ways that no republican has broken through in a very long time which probably attests to his lead in the polls. what do you make of that, alex marlow? >> yeah. it seems like biden's policies
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particularly with regard to the economy and the biden-flation as well as the open border, it just seems like this is finally resonating with a lot of these groups, these coalitions that joe biden has had working on his behalf for his entire career. sub you are urban women, latino voters, black voters, all of them can't be lied to anymore. they're seeing what's happening in this country at this moment, and the polling's backing it up. there was no doubt about it, donald trump is polling better than any republican candidate in decades. that's a major thing right now, and you got to wet the democrats are scared -- bet the democrats are scared. larry: you know, steve, steve helton, this could be a tech tectonic change, okay? if the fdr democratic coalition is breaking up, all right, before our eyes. joe biden doesn't know what to do with it. ing i think so much of it is because working folks are losing money after prices and taxes under biden whereas they made a lot of money under trump. now, there's other stuff here, the border and crime, various
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woke social policies, but that's got to be at the heart of it. steve hillton, which makes me think based on economic grounds this coalition trump's forming is for real and will stick around. >> yeah, i agree with you. i think that's exactly right. but there's even more to it than that. i mean, look, a few years back when donald trump was emerging as a leading figure in american politic, i used to speak about the potential for the gop to become a multiracial working class coalition and and leave the democrats as the party of the rich, white and woke. basically, that's what's happened. and it is all the economic issues you talk about, but there's something deeper as well which is donald trump's personality and the way he engages in politics and the whole tone of the conversation. remember, he's someone who spent his career, midwest of his career before -- most of his career before television with working class people. he works in -- worked in construction. he understands them, he speak their language. so the language and the message
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of the gop has become much more relevant to working class people where you see the democrats off with the academic elites talking this intellectual gobbledygook, and people don't want that. they want pact if call things that improve their lives. larry: no more college professors. alex marlow, trump's going to widen the map. trump's going into virginia, he's going to new mexico, he's going to arizona, trump's going to minnesota. and you know what? i know he's not going to win it -- or maybe, i don't know -- he's going to come to new york. he wants to speak at a rally in the bronx, and he wants to speak in madison square garden, alex. maybe you'll invite you to the rally at madison square garden, and you can come on set here. but trump is widening the map. >> yeah. i just spent some time with trump at mar-a-lago this week, and he's so excited about this stuff. look, larry, nevada's a flip. look at the polling in georgia. this is pre-when laken riley's body was found on the university of georgia campus. he's winning by 6 points there. he's crushing it in michigan.
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minnesota's back in play, wisconsin's in play, pennsylvania's in play. it's pick-up after pick-up. look at a states like virginia where there's all these empty factories. that's not going to be a secret when people go to vote in november. and, yes, trump is focused on it, new jersey and new york i think partially as a patrol -- troll, but it's so fun what's happening right now. larry: oh, god, i can't wait for him to speak at madison square garden. people around here are just going to go before serge, crazy on the streets -- berserk. steve hilton, trump's going to speak in california so baseball player steve garvey can be the next senator. what do you make of that? >> that's exactly what i was going to say, larry, i want him here in california because i think we have a chance. adam schiff is so unpopular, steve garvey is, an incredibly likable, attractive character. california wants change, donald trump can help cause that revolution to happen. larry: breitbart's alex marlow and our very own steve hilton, thank you, gentslks, up next, c,
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why isn't mr. schumer calling for regime change in iran instead of israel? senator joni ernst joins us next to talk about that and a couple of other things as well. i'm kudlow. trump coming to new york, just can't wait. ♪ ♪ everyone say, “space pod.” cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like.
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larry: it really might have been better if senator chuck schumer called for regime change in iran instead of israel, which is a democracy. but we'll talk about it with our next guest, iowa senator joni ernst. senator ernst, thanks for coming back on. you know, i just thought that was so inappropriate and so out of place. what do you think about it, your colleague, chuck schumer? >> larry,ing or thank you. i am absolutely disgusted. and you are correct that chuck schumer or should be calling for the regime change in iran, not dumping on our most significant ally and partner in the middle east to, israel. so he needs to refocus on supporting israel, making sure that they are able to defeat hamas rather than speaking words that just play right into the terrorists' hands. larry: i mean, you've got
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democrats, you've heard them all, some of them are now threatening to withhold weapons and and ammunition from israel. you've got the bidens talking about building this pier off the mediterranean coast of gaza which would put american military troops and construction people in harm's way. as a you can well imagine. we know that hamas takes a lot of this humanitarian aid, uses it for themselves, sells it on the black market. so palestinian arab as can't possibly afford it. i mean, it just seems like everyone's ganging up against israel. as i recall, it was a -- hamas who had this hideous, horrible attack and killed 1200 people on october 7th. whatever happened to that thought? >> well, exactly, larry. and let's not forget as an american people there were well over 30 americans that were killed by hamas on october 7th. they have held 8 americans in
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those tunnels, 3 of them as we know right now are decease ised, and it's a very unfortunate situation. we need to demand that a hamas get back to the table, release all of the hostages. but my priority working in the united states senate is to make sure that the americans are released. i mean, think about it, larry. if we had had 30 americans killed by terrorists on one day in any other country, we would have demanded their blood. larry: yeah. >> and yet this administration instead of going after hamas, we have their leadership including leader chuck schumer in the senate, really plague into their hands -- playing into their hands and going against israel instead of supporting them. we shouldn't be interfering with their elections or calling for their elections. instead, we should be supporting their leadership. larry: i should think so. amen to that. senator, let me change the
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subject, come back to the issue of tiktok which is a hot subject. first of all, what is going to happen in the senate? will there be a floor vote? will it be held up in committee? how do you see it? >> well, larry, i to do think this is a bipartisan issue, and so many of my colleagues have been discussing this in the last few days. we knew it was going to come to us. we had no idea it was going to be overwhelmingly bipartisan in the senate, so i do anticipate we will take a floor vote in the united states senate if schumer can stop talking about, you know, new elections in israel and actually focus on our jobs in the united states senate. i would anticipate a floor vote, and i do think it will be overwhelmingly bipartisan in the united states senate as well. larry: that's very bullish. let me play some sound from former president trump on tiktok. hang on a sec. >> what i would like to see if
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and if you're going to do it to tiktok, do it to facebook. and what you can do is let them sell tiktok, let them sell it on the market. maybe get a good price, maybe not get a good price, i don't know, but take it away from china control. larry: all right. so he wants to sell tiktok. steve my knew chin might buy tick tofnlgt my mnuchin's a very smart fella. i don't know what happens with facebook, selling facebook. where do you come out on that? if china's saying, as a you know, that they don't want to sell bytedance, china's said that again today, so that kind of limits the options. if they don't want to sell byte danes, how are you going to buy tiktok? is the next step to just ban the app altogether? >> right, exactly. and we'll see how this plays out, but i do think we need to sever ties with the communist party of china. i think that's really important when with it comes to tiktok, any other tech companies. so let's not forget that a lot of these big tech companies,
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they were really targeting president trump and conservatives, people on the right, limiting their speech opportunities on their platforms. that's why the president feels the way he duds. but -- he does. bottom line if we look at a tiktok specifically, it is because of those direct ties and ownership by the communist party of china. that's what we need to focus on at this point in time and if other issues arise in the future, then we address those issues. but right now it's all about the communist party of china, and we need to make sure that they are not influencing tomorrow's generations. larry: all right. senator joni ernst, thank you, ma'am. we appreciate it very, very much. folks, i'm kudlow. we'll be back with my last word. ♪ if j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research.
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