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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. t i hop yoi hopeyou're having ay morning. time for the hot topic of the hour democrats reportedly panicked of the strength of third party candidates, some say it's the single biggest threat that helped put trump back in the white house. the democrat national committee establishing an official commit the at this to counter third party candidates. president biden's team shielding biden from the press during a campaign event yesterday in michigan. watch this. >> can you take a few questions? >> thank you, guys. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> back to the car. thank you. maria: thank you, thank you, get out of the way, thank you, no questions. a ashley, what do you sunshine. do you suns think?
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>> i think it surprises many people. it's sad but it's what we have. maria: that's what they have to do, cheryl. >> we're looking at a complete repeat of biden 2020. that campaign a is just on repeat. maria: in the basement. >> the basement, he's going to run from the basement. they know he's weak, has trouble answering questions, he's visibly aged during his first term as president. if they want a second term, had have to make sure they keep him away from the microphone and from reporters. he y avoided the soft ball of te super bowl interview that, would have been a slam dunk for them. maria: the mainstream media has gotten the directive, say it's black when it's white, say it's raining when it's sunny. liz peek is out with a new op-ed. she writes this, democrats gas lighting about biden's record cannot change facts or mind as
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the president's posse wants voters to deny what they see and experience every day. she points this out. msnbc host chris hayes, this is a crime example, liz writes. compared to four years ago when trump was president the cup p ti is safer -- country is safer, more prosperous. there's more people starting new businesses. these are just facts, says chris hayes. where is getting this? >> i don't know where he's getting that. the average american disagrees with that you assessment. my goodness, four years ago housing was affordable a, we had a 10 year treasury yield, 2 and-a-half percent and thus we have a 30 year mortgage yield of 4.2%. now it's 7%. there are plenty of jobs out there if you have a government job or job that is funded indirectly by the government like in healthcare, and consumer
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sentiment and consumer confidence are much, much lower today. they're lower by 20, 25%, if nt more and that's because the young people don't have the confidence in the future that ty had prior to covid. maria: inflation was a better story also, cheryl. we went to 40 year highs on joe biden's watch because of all of the reckless spending. under trump inflation was manageable. >> right. we had 9.1% was the record, even just a year ago the cpi was at 6%. and even though it's declined you still see poll after poll showing that the average american is suffering under high grocery prices and high gasoline prices which are elevated along with higher rents even though that story may be changing. liz did a great job of pointing out the crime problem. i mean, immigration's an issue, the economy, china. but the crime problem and she points out most violent offenses
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remained elevated last year compared to 2019, right before the covid outbreak and also right before we got president joe biden. so crime is also a major issue and that's going to be something that voters are going to be voting on. maria: it's a great point. ashley, you look at both of these two terms, biden versus trump. it is night and day. and the trump economy was just better. and that's how people see it. look at these polls. six in 10 people say the economy was better under president trump. >> absolutely. and i think that what the democrats are doing is insulting to everyday americans. i mean, if they're going to the grocery store and have to pick and choose what they're buying because they just. can't afford it or they can't accord to go out to dinner, it's a horrible situation for americans. i think that's why president trump is going to have a lot of momentum going into the election because of americans not feeling like they were in a better place than they were four years ago. maria: yeah. and you know, when you look at
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the actual metrics, we know the metrics. i mean, one point i think it was before covid the economy was growing at 4% under trump. >> we had strong gdp, john can answer that, but obviously strong gdp, lower inflation and better stock market returns. maria: and then covid showed up, john. >> right. if inflation had grown at the same rate that it was growing under trump, it was a much slower growth rate for inflation, prices today would be lower b 10 to 15% on average. under trump we didn't have an $$18 ham burr. hamburger.maria: you also had s at low levels. he said he wanted to fill up the strategic petroleum reserve at cheap prices. biden needs to fill it up now at $80 a barrel. that's the issue keeping inflation elevated. >> i'm glad you brought that up. as we see gas prices higher, we
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saw it again this week, that's because they've done nothing but stop domestic production and stop drilling. when they give out a couple of leases, gee, thanks, up in alaska, it does nothing to solve the overall problem that we are once again back to where we started, dependent on the you saudis. maria: msnbc's chris hayes needs to get informed on all these issues before posting these things that are getting slammed right now online. >> yeah. >> and the geopolitical situation was much better under trump than it is today. maria: great point. >> oh, my goodness, yes. maria: the botched withdrawal exit really put our adversaries on the march. it wasn't just russia which then went and with its hostilities against ukraine, hamas against israel, but also china. china and its aggression has risen since biden walked in the door. >> yeah. and to your point about the afghanistan withdrawal, i really do believe that is -- that was
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the turning point, maria. that was the turning point around the world. they saw that. putin saw it. xi jinping saw it. iran saw it. and they have done nothing but take advantage. by the way, i still can't get over that they threw out and arrested that gold star father and what was he upset about during the state of the union? the deaths of american soldiers including his son in afghanistan, all on president biden's soldiers. maria: he yelled abbey gate, how about abbey gate. president biden is telling us how great everything is on his watch. we're just getting started. quick break and then markets are on the move you ahead of the fed meeting next week. we want to look at what jay powell may say in that guidance, inflation data of course, giving the fed more reasons to delay rate cuts until later this year. we'll get into it with the word on wall street panel and their expectations. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me right now is former gartman letter editor and university of akron endowment fund chairman, dennis gartman. also with me this morning, johnn lonski. dennis, i want to look at futures this morning. we have another firmer tone, opening expecting a stronger opening for the major averages, dow industrials up 58, nasdaq up 25 after a rip-roaring year-to-date. as interest rates spike a bit, now they're pulling back this morning on the 10 year but we're still at 4.27% on the 10 year after this week's hotter than
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expected inflation data, dennis. we're looking ahead to the fed meeting next week, the two damon tri policy tuesday and wednesday next week, the central bank expected to hold interest rates ready. we'll be focused on what the fed says, what jay powell says or suggests about a cut in rates to come. and this is all happening you amidst housing data next week, we'll get the home builders confidence impact on monday, housing starts on tuesday, existing home sales on thursday. where are you in terms of where the fed is right now and how you want to allocate capital in the midst of the data coming out next week? >> the fed is going to sit tight for quite some period of time. there's no question they will hold rates steady at next week's meeting, probably hold rates steady at the may meeting. if they move rates slower it will probably be the june meeting, maybe. i maintained when the march mars saying there would be five to six cuts by the year end, that was wrong. i think at best we'll get two
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cuts this year. time shall tell. i think the fed will patently sit tight next w week and may ad maybe move in june, the earliest they could move. people are holding large amounts of money in money market funds. the yield curve remains positively sloped. everyone feels comfortable with their 401-k. housing prices are up. with the yield curve as positively sloped as it sitting tight with money market funds where they are is a reasonable and rational expectation and movement for the part of consumers aacross the done you tri. so steady -- country. so steady with the fed, no change next week. maria: i am glad you mentioned the money market money. wow. you're talking about money market cash reaching a record of $6.1 trillion. when you see that kind of cash in people's money market accounts, i you request guess you want to look -- i guess you want to look at the money market account as a temporary place
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parking place. what's the likelihood people look at that money market cash and say i want to move some of that into stocks? >> that's been the driving force other than the fed's policies thus far that have driven stock prices higher. i suspect that people will sit tight in money market funds for a longer period of time. no question, expectation% that money will move you out of the mope market funds into the -- money market can funds into the stock market. i've been surprised by the strength of the stock market thus far. i should have taken into consideration the fact that money market accounts are as handhave as much money in them s they do right now. i have been wrong on stocks, right on gold, right on interest rates, i've been wrong on stock market. maria: i'm reading a fund strait report this morning, thomas lee, he's been so right about the market, even in the face of skepticism, he says in short $6.1 trillion of money market represents dry powder.
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plenty of fire power to buy the dip. so if we see another selloffs he's expecting people use that money to buy that dip, john. even as we see worry over the major banks, okay. so, look, people have taken a money out of banks because they're worried. they're taking it out of their savings account. new york community bancorp reaping the benefits from the $1 billion capital infusion that it got, led by former treasury secretary steven mnuchin. the regional bank will sell consumer loans nearly $900 million and add a collapsed listlender signature bank into reporting for the first quarter. the stock is down 63% year-to-date, john. this morning it's trading up, $3.77 a share. >> i'm going look at this from a broader perspective. dennis is right, you're right, maria, there is a lot of liquidity sloshing around.
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that's how we could come up with the money to provide a rescue package of sorts for the new york community bank and it's all this liquidity that tells me there is no sense of your screen of urgencyabout the need for a e cut. who knows when the fed will you cut rates. the fed won't cut rates i think until the u.s. economy slows considerably, until growth is stk at 1 at1 and-a-half percente unemployment rate is 4% and until we see jobs creation dropping to fewer than 150,000 jobs per month. i'm going to add one thing that doesn't get much mention of. right now, we have very strong conditions in the corporate credit market. the junk bond yield spread is only about 3 percentage points over the comparably measured treasury yield. that is an atypically narrow
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spread. it tells me the market has a lot of confidence in the outlook for corporate earnings and in the availability of liquidity that can be used to bail out, to rescue distressed companies. no need for a rate you cut. maria: it's just interesting to see what's working right now, what's working, nvidia, a.i., semiconductors, ozempic related stocks like eli lilly and novo, financials have been working as a well. this is from fund strat and tom lee, and bitcoin and bitcoin problems proxies. you would put money to all of that. dennis, i think you know where you stand on that. >> on bitcoin, i'll avoid i any further comments about bitcoin. i'm surprised by the ability of the public to em are brace embrn thus far. i'm of the opinion bitcoin is ridiculously over valued. i would much rather own gold. maria: it's down to 67,000 right now, got up to 73,000
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plus, john. >> 72,000. maria: john, final word here. >> a lot of volatility with bitcoin. the fact that bitcoin had such a strong recovery says there's a lot of money out there and if you think the fed is definitely going to cut rates by june, you might well be wrong. maria: if you think. yesterday we spoke with jim grant. he said who knows, the fed might decide to raise rates because inflation is still elevated. we'll play that sound bite coming you. thank you, gentlemen. dennis, good to see you. john, you're with us all morning, we appreciate that. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> i think that the governor's done a great thing, trying to protect our sovereignty and the citizens in florida but we're seeing mass migration of haitians across eagle pass in texas. there's been an increase for over a year of haitian migrants coming over. there's a couple hundred left in haiti right now. you heard the spokesman talk about how they didn't have plans to help evacuate. i have a problem with this. bear in mind, the state department allocates funding to u.s. aid. maria: that was florida congressman cory mills with me earlier in the program on governor desantis' response to the haiti migrant crisis,
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desantis sent over 250 soldier as well as aircraft and boats to try to protect florida from boats carrying illegal migrants from haiti into florida, the country is just over 800 miles to the south of florida. joining me now is florida congressman greg steube, member of the house ways and means committee and u.s. iraqi freedom veteran as well. assess the threat from haiti right now. >> yeah, i mean, mr. mills said it correctly. every state in joe biden's america is a border state and a now florida's having to react and thankfully we have strong governors like governor desantis and governor abbott who are standingststanding up and usinge authority under the constitution to defend our states' borders. if it wasn't for the governors defending their states and our country, we would have a more wide open border under joe
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biden's regime. it's absolutely atrocious. the national security threat right now is the southern border. p fentanyl comi coming across ty droves, killing americans. known terrorists are released into the country, murderers, rapist, i don't have to tell you the stories that have happened across america of american sit suns being killed or raped by illegals. i had a consistent constituent y district who was raped by an illegal. they should use the ayou pro presappropriation process to stp it. maria: we have potential terrorists coming in, human trafficking spiking as a result of the wide open border. why? is it because they believe they will become democrat voters. the ag merrick garland comment
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hehas me scared, the attorney general of the united states vowing to fight voter id laws. really? why? >> you're exactly right. you have democratic cities and states that are doing this, new york city allowed illegals to vote, cities and states like california a want to a allow illegals to vote, there's a supreme court decision that common sense would dictate it's illegal. this is 100% their political obobjective, you allow them to e into the country, you know they will vote democrat, you have absentee ballots, you have the ag going against voter id law so you don't know if the people voting are illegal or not. you don't know if the ballots that are harvested, that will be harvested in november especially in democratic states when no voter id laws, no ability to know who these people are,
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you're going to have illegal immigrants in the country voting. that is their political object geek i've the. they don't care about -- objective. they don't care about the safety and security of the american people. they care about being forever democrat in the united states and they can get that by allowing i'll l illegals to votr them. maria: lara trump told me that protecting vote is her most important priority. she joined me a week ago. watch this. >> people say why do we have a fully open southern border, why is it you're willing to allow fentanyl to pour over and kill 100,000 americans a year, why is it you're you allowing 169 people on the terror watch a list last fiscal year to come over and i think the only thing people can figure is the democrats are bleeding and hemorrhaging voters. they understand that they cannot fool people in this country any longer so they have to import people and the only reason you wouldn't want he voter id is if
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you want people who cannot vote to vote in these elections. it is insane. maria: unbelievable. and by the way, we should say, congressman, roughly 81% of americans support voter id. just putting that out there. according to a poll back in february by pew radio search, -, people as a majority support vvoter id. >.>> this is exactly their objective. they're trying to use the weaponization of the federal government and the department of justice to accomplish their political goal by doing that and so the justice system should be involved, saying everybody should have no voter. d laws when the democrats are in control of the house they tried to pass hr1 which would do away with voter laws in ever state that had them, like the great state of fl florida, we he
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voter id laws here. the democrats want to do away with it in their bill. they feel like flooding the countries with these illegals will get to their political objective of having more democratic voters. maria: let me get your take on the issue of the moment, the house passed the bill forcing tiktok to divest from bytedance or face a ban in the u.s. the ceo of tiktok reacting. watch this. >> there's a lot of misinformation out there. i intend to claire i phi it. clarify it. there's a lot of noise. i haven't heard exactly what we've done that's wrong. it's very disappointing for us that the bill passed in the house of representatives. this is a bad bill. if it's passed into law, it's going to impact 170 million americans who use the app a, impact 7 million small businesses and i hope their voices are heard. >> law makers are saying this is not a ban that you're spreading misinformation, sir.
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this is not a ban. maria: you voted against the tiktok bill. why? tell us more. >> yes. so there's a he pr provision ine bill that allows, again, first of i'll a, we're ceding power to the president and his corrupt anweaponized doj. why would congress want to do that. they you allow attorneys in the doj to shut down a business if they're influenced by a foreign entity. what does that mean. remember the trump russia collusion hoax for two years. the democrats, the fbi said the trump campaign colludend and conspired with the russians, that the your chance had russiae over the campaign. all they have to say is truth is being influenced by russia or the chinese communist party and the thr president through the dj can shut it down. why would we give that 0:wear to you pawwear to the -- power to e
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influence. subject to foreign influence is a broad term. putting my lawyer hat on, it's not defined in the bill. i think it's very problematic. two or three weeks ago we weren't talking about tiktok and all of a sudden we have a bill that we're banning tiktok without the ability for members like myself to amend the bill on the floor. if you i had the ability to take the paragraph out that says what i explained then probably would have voted for it. they pushed it out. we push it on the floor. no ability for members to amend it. i've seen senator cruz and others in the senate talking about going through amendment process, maybe they can fix the issue and sent it back to the house and then i can supreme court it. maria: side issue here. similar issue, side issue. do you agree that the united states should not be buying drones from china? >> 100%. maria: okay. loretta lynch, the former ag under barack obama, apparently reportedly is lobbying on behalf of dji, the chinese drone company. the chinese drone company
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accordiaccording reuters is on t of department of justice's list of mill he tri companies in china. she's lobbying they take the company off the list. why? why would we buy drones used for the military from china? >> that's a heck of a lot more of a security threat than tiktok trying to work the minds of our children. that should be banned in the united states and why all of a sudden is the department of justice under biden so focused on tiktok when as we explained earlier we have a complete invasion at our southern border. that's affecting the safety and security of the american people. that should be the focus of congress, rein reining in the complete destruction of our border. you're right, the things going on in washington don't make sense. maria: i think the american people are so sick and tired of politics getting involved in our national security conversation, we are talking about serious national security risks for america. we're losing the country some
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people say. and now we're talking about politics. i mean, you and your colleagues went to washington to represent the people. not represent politics. and now you have this. the white house impeachment is over. declaring the white house, that this impeachment inquiry into biden should be over. they sent the letter to house speaker mike johnson. the white house counsel, ed siskel writes this, it's obviously time to move on l speaker. there is too much important work to be done for the american people to continue wasting their time on this charade. your thoughts? >> well, good thing white house counsel can't tell the american people and speaker of the house and the house itself what we're going to do on impeachment. we've uncovered evidence that. jon:joe biden has gottenpaymentt millions of dollars from ukraine, the chai northeast communist party, romania. we've shown that through the impeachment inquiry we had and we voted on that to open up the
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impeachment inquiry. i think we're walking through that process. i filed an impeachment resolution last year. i would love to be able to vote on the impeachment of joe biden, for one the border and the atrocities that happen there and intentionally violating federal law, but also the federal crimes that the biden family has committed that we now have evidence of. maria: congressman, thank you. we'll be watching that. greg steube joining us this morning in florida. we'll be right back. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k.
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you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit maria: welcome back. president trump mulling some potential cabinet positions should he retake the white house, this time coming from tiktok, cheryl casone with the details. cheryl. >> maria, yeah, former president trump reportedly considering billionaire tiktok investor jeff yaz to serve as treasury secretary. the hedge fund manager runs
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susquehanna capital, which has a 15% stake in bytedance and yaz owns a 7% stake. other names include robert lighthizer. ymaria: do you see them being n the next cabinet, mike pompeo, for example? >> i don't know. maria: john ratcliffe. >> he's fantastic. he's a gr great guy. he's done a great job. maria: dr. ben carson. >> he's done a f fantastic job. maria: you're expecting them toe be in your cabinet. >> they've done a great job, yes. >> president biden said on thursday he owe opposes a dealt would have nipon steel take over u.s. steel. the $15 billion deal announced in december has fierce opposition from the united
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steelworkers union. the company, u.s. steel, is based in pennsylvania. they operate in michigan, minnesota and ohio. let's take a look at the stock right now. it's actually flat but this is certainly a stock to watch today. and then there's this. the media is torching aaron rodgers as speculation swirls that he could be rfk junior's running mate. listen. >> this is where we are as a nation. it's a subject for debate whether a vice presidential candidate thinks a massive shooting actually happens. should aaron rodgers be chosen as a running mate, it might cost him. donors have voiced discontent directly with the campaign, pledging to withdraw support from kennedy if he chooses rogers in particular. >> rogers responded to that report, that basically says -- he flo floated consist conspiras
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about the sandy hook shooting. maria: president biden was near detroit, michigan, yesterday, he's campaigning in michigan, a crucial swing district that he won in 2020 election by just 303 votes. earlier this week biden was campaigning in wisconsin, another swing state. he announced more than $3 billion in infrastructure projects for local communities the including 36 million to mill wamilwaukee to help improve city street. he took a shot at former president trump while there. watch. >> i know this sounds like hyperbole but it's all in your hands. this is how you i i won the fit time. this is how we'll p win again. a lot of you helped me in 2020 and we need to make sure he's a loser, and he is a loser, and we need to make sure that happens again. maria: joining us now, wisconsin senate candidate, eric
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hudai. thank you for being here. your thoughts. >> good morning, maria. good morning to all your listeners. look, it's very unfortunate. joe biden shouldn't be running for president. everybody knows that cognitive abilities have been diminished. president trump's policies were vastly superior to president biden on every level from an economic standpoint, from a domestic security, you just got finished talking about the border extensively. if you look at our international security, on almost every single level. i don't know how to he respond to some of the comments that joe biden made in the state of the union address or what he made here. you couldn't understand half of the comments he made in wisconsin. maria: tell me about your chalchallenger and tell pea poue feeling in wisconsin right now. what are you hearing from constituents. >> the number one issue in our
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state right now is the border. every state is border state. we have a town of whitewater, they just dropped 1,000 illegal immigrants in the state. we lost a truck driver who got killed with three young daughters by an illegal that had repeated drunk driving incidents that killed them. so look, our country is already struggling with housing and providing medical care to our own citizens and now it's only been hammered even harder. i think we brought in almost double the population of the state of wisconsin. wisconsin is about 5.7 million voters. so that's how much they estimate and it could be far more that have been brought in in the last three and-a-half years under this administration. i think the state of wisconsin is starting to of move, as pertains to my challenger i'm going against senator baldwin
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with,she is one of the most libl senators, votes with biden 95.5% of the time. it's considered one of the most winable seats. i'm the first republican candidate that chuck schumer is spending money on attacking so that tells you how concerned they are about this seat. maria: look, your challenger, wisconsin senator baldwin, you're clearly having her attention. she said this is her most competitive and expensive race yet, branding you as a republican millionaire. she posted on x republicans got a huge boost in the fights to take the senate after mitch mcconnell's preferred candidate in wisconsin got in the race. if my o opponent defeats me they're guaranteed to flip the majority. sshe said the senate margin is razor thin. tell me your path to victory. can you get across the finish
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line? >> 100%. look, wisconsin is considered one of the three most winable seats. she is exactly correct. it's not going to just be control of the senate for the next two years, it's the next four and the next six years so i'm running holding her accountable for her record. all she does is throw personal attacks on me because she has no record to run on. she's been a career politician for 37 years, 25 years in washington. look what happened to our debt in that timeframe. we added more debt in the last three and-a-half years that we did in our country's first 250 years 6. our interest costs on our debt is the second largest ex pen i expenditure to our federal government. it's bigger than the defense department. she voted for every one of the spending bills. she supported the iranian deal which as we know how that had played out under obama and now
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under president obama -- biden. go ahead. maria: let me ask you real quick. if you're elected into the senate, will you support term limits? >> i signed the term limit pledge already. i can't understand why anybody would want to be there for more than 12 years. maria: thank you. the people want term limits, i think, because some of these people who get in there for 40 years and then forget who they're working for is obvious. eric, thank you. we'll be watching race. >> thank you. maria: it could be real important for the overall senate majority. thank you, sir. >> have a wonderful day. maria: and to you. we'll be right back. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪)
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you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. have you been to the airport lately? tsa is expanding its biometric facial recognition technology. testing it in about 300 airports nanationwide. lawmakers are concerned about privacy and security. gerri willis is live at laguardia airport with more. gerri. >> reporter: good morning, maria. that's right. it could be a tipping point in the use of biometrics in air travel. facial recognition technology coming to an airport near you. fox business today taking a look at this technology, how it's
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being used with the lead engineer of the machine and how law makers are raising privacy concerns. >> good afternoon, ma'am. just insert your id right here for me. >> reporter: next time you're at the airport, you might notice you can get through security with just an id and a photo. it's part of a tsa pilot project to assess the use of facial recognition technology. travelers insert their id into a card reader and look at a camera on a screen. the machine checks to make sure that the image matches the id to make sure their identification is real. >> it informs better security, physical security. it's good for the passengers, the safety of the airplane. >> reporter: the technology is beingested in 30 airports across the country and will come to 400 of time. since the debut, the program has come under scrutiny by some elected officials and privacy advocates. >> where are you going with this? how do you know you're getting
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rid of it before someone is stealing that data as well? americans are very concerned that this is another step of big government assessing our personal data. >> reporter: tsa officials tell us they're not retaining data with the exception of select airports where they are collecting data from volunteers for mo no longer than 24 monthso improve the technology. that's right. so 24 months they're holding onto some of this data, not all of this data. they say they need to test that technology. maria, back to you. maria: well, you need the id to get on a plane but you don't need the id to vote. gerri, thank you very much. gerri willis at the airport. >> reporter: there you. maria: ashley, your reaction. youtrage over the voter id, vowing to fight voter id by the ag. >> this doesn't bother me at
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all. maria: it doesn't? >> anything to help me travel faster is something that's fine with me. i understand there's concerns but i feel what the government or somebody has all of our data anyway. maria: there are billions and billions of pictures of all of us, john, and the facial recognition is happening i think whether we like it or not. >> i think that's you true. true and ifthis means we're movs getting rid of passwords, i'll be glad. i can't wait to use biometrics on my phone and computer and what not. maria: it's hard with all the passwords. >> to john's point, your iphone is using your face. if you use clear at the airport which i think is better and faster than tsa precheck, that's an eye scan. most of the time it works. and i think it's fine. when you come back in from another country, you put your fingerprints down or put your face up there and if you've got
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global entry it knows you and it all makes it quicker and better and i'll take it and i don't care. i'm not worried about my data at this point. just get me in and out of that security line. maria: we don't worry about any issue to the eyes? i don't know, i'm just throwing it out there. that was one thing that i was not comfortable with, with clear. you've got to put your eyes in there. i'm like what is this light going into my eyes. i don't know. i wasn't p comfortable with it. >> i want to get to the gate. maria: i know. i know. you're right. >> i'm dying from something much worse than probably my eye issue so i'm good. maria: fair point. this has been a great couple of of hours. i want to thank you ashley davis for joining us. please come back soon. john, cheryl, great show. thank you so much. we're going to take a break. when we come back we've got the power hour, coming up. fox news contributor kelly ckellyannecon wway and morgan oe here for the 8:00 a.m. hour.
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morning thank you so much joining us. i'm maria bartiromo i hope you are having a good friday morning, friday, march 15, 8:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast, ruling whether to disqualify fullerton county d.a. fani will fridays the georgia election conveys is expected day 6 so you wants tossed against former president 18 could deft jim jordan is threatening to hold willis in contempt of congress if she does not comply with subpoena give up documents related to federal funds joining me harvard law professor aemeritus author of get trump threat to civil liberties due process our


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