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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 13, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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>> oh my god from a dell, i'm not sure the relevance but will run with it. manhattan six avenue, is going to be a nice day, good morning
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10:00 o'clock eastern any moment the house is going to start voting on a bill that would ban the use of tiktok in america is expected to pass with bipartisan support, were following it and will bring you the results as soon as it comes in. let's get to the money not that much price action where the dow up 90 and the nasdaq and big tech 100 points, the ten year treasury has been going up saturday the nasdaq, 418, earlier in the week close to 4% earlier. the price of oil approaching $80 a barrel 79.78, oil stock is doing well and bitcoin had to stand out of the market this far and 70000, about 73000 earlier, that's a market if you wouldn't know the extent from the terror threat, look no further than
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europe, they're giving us, in 2152 iranian agents arrived in sweden, they were part of the wave of migrants arriving from the mideast they were asleep or sell, they were planning to murder three jewish leaders one who moved to israel and the other move massive security forever. in december, germany, for hamas members were arrested they received orders to open a secret cash of buried weapons that are going to attack jewish targets, three palestinians were arrested in italy and they were going to attack civilian and military targets all across europe. yesterday mick's intelligence chief outlined the terror threat here. the fbi director christopher wray warned of dangerous individuals coming across the southern border, all the red lights were flashing, terrorist
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had gotten in and flying around the country and i believe the answer to that is yes, the president refuses to take executive action that would cut the migrant flow, he refers to them as newcomers, or undocumented heaven forbid a tear instant link to a tear migrant, there's risk the tears dirty here. the second hour of "varney" already getting started. ♪ ♪. stuart: liz peek with us this morning. why wont the president take executive action with a clear threat. >> i cannot imagine but i can't imagine this the last two or three years that it's been allowed to go one i imagine why he hasn't fired alejandro mayorkas who should absolutely be impeached for not doing his job, not keeping the borders
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secure. it is not just the terror threat, i agree, red lights flashing, what is customer ray doing about it to track everything a person coming across the board of that could be a threat to america that could be particularly evident from this testimony, more than 100,000 people with fentanyl, isn't that something that maybe joe biden should be awake at night worrying about, i think it's despicable, dereliction of duty, it's not surprising to me that this is one of the top or second most important issue for voters, it is incredibly important. stuart: if there is a terror incident and the united states linked to illegal migration, that is the end of his presidency. i totally agree that soap it doesn't happen. even if they catch a buddy before happens, that might be a heads up to america.
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who in the world thinks that we should have an open border, there may be ten progressives in the country who think that's a super idea. ten democrats want the voters. here's the hadassah price. hispanics are moving away their neighborhoods being overrun by other gang members and drug dealers in their making life miserable for the people who live here legally. stuart: i've seen your latest op-ed. there was one issue that could cost trump the 2024 election. this is a big deal. >> this is a big deal, it's abortion, i wanted to headline this thing. it's abortion stupid because we've been losing election after election. the 2022 midterms were a bust, considering what a workable president we have and that should filter down to a red wave which never came. we lost special election after special election, the gop has to begin to take this seriously. my contention that nikki haley who by the way even georgia,
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last night not being part of the primary at all still gets 15% of the vote because there are a lot of women out there in particular who don't like what the gop represents in the way of abortion policy. donald trump gets this, he is willing and i think he backs a 16 week ban on abortion with exceptions for rape, incest and health of the mother. what the gop has to do, get that out, there in the way of the message the liberal media will never carry that story. secondly we have to present democrats as the extremist that they are on abortion. i was telling a democrat friend at dinner, they approve of abortion through nine months. she said that's not true, 49 senators in 2021 voted for a bill that does exactly that. that's what we have in new york. and that's what we have, they want no restrictions whatsoever
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and that's what at risk. there seems to be some problems, new problems within president biden's advance team, first of all what is an advance team and was a problem. >> i'm so glad you're asking me when i had to look this up i had to look also. those of the aides accorded the president event, his speeches. politico is reporting about complaints and verbal harassment from members of that team including a gentleman and mole the former executive of the group from politico. he did advance for biden's 2020 campaign joined the white house early on in the presidency would threaten staffers that he would ruin your life when mistakes were made and regularly called junior staffers, pieces of blank
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and worthless and would demand interns to run personal errands. i think the bottom line like accusations like this are at odds with the president's pledge that he will not accept that sort of behavior. he would fire staff that was disrespectful and reportedly the white house counsel is investigating. stuart: there important people because there advance planets for around the country campaigning. trouble that is a battleground. >> michigan and wisconsin, and minnesota and pennsylvania. >> i want you to tell us about the next republican who is stepping down very quickly, it's a big deal amongst republicans. >> can backup colorado is leaving not at the end of his term but in days. >> this place keeps going downhill, mike johnson's ability to stay here, is it going to be his successful ability of an constitutional impeachment. >> he was one of three republicans that voted against
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impeachment of alejandro mayorkas. with his exit the republican majority in the house dwindles, 218 to 213 democrats, they can only lose two votes maybe this is a question for jason there is a crazy but maybe possible chance or idea that hakeem jeffries could be the speaker of the house. ken bock means we could have hakeem jeffries as a speaker. >> you get a couple people that are sick in a car accident and some videos, the margin has never in the history of the house has been this close, this is a real problem. >> the democrats get the majority then hakeem jeffries becomes a speaker. >> they can call for a vote at any time, this is what kevin mccarthy gave up in the roles packages a single person can call the vote, the democrats can call the vote if they think they have enough people. 70 gets the flu and they can't get in there then they can have a vote. stuart: what did ed bock do to his party.
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>> him. he used to be the chairman of the republic and party in colorado. he has lost his way. >> the house has just begun voting that would crackdown on tiktok in america. we're going to monitor and bring you the final tally. it looks like it'll pass. to the markets, we have the dow up 100 points, the nasdaq down 100 points, joining me now david traduce key. how come the market is rallying and has been rallying when rate cuts are pushed back later into the year. >> good morning great to be with you as always, we were expecting six or seven rate cuts based on powell's december meeting and those haven't manifested yet. i have three reasons why the market is rallying even though we've not seen the rate cuts that have been expected. first one is the expectation are still in line for rate cuts. if they said hey it's completely off the table, i don't think we would see a rally but everyone
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believes it's going to be later just punted down the road, the second is the economic data has been really strong if we look at employment gdp and some of the consumer sentiment it's not been negative enough to say, we are not in as good of a position as it seems like the data is showing right now. the third would be a long-term perspective, a lot of investors recognize that we need to have a longer-term perspective in our investment inside of the stock market. they're not bbs concerning the day-to-day fluctuation is fundamentals. >> you continue to like that board. >> when you achieve an all-time high and you can maintain the high that establishes things on the floor, golden bitcoin on a tear right now, they have exceeded their all-time highs which are taken years to take out specifically with gold since
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2011. i believe both of them are position very well right now for the future as the economy is continuing to roll forward and tech stocks are looking a little frothy and overpriced and magnificent seven to the fabulous for or whatever we call it, if you are a trillion dollar company, it is difficult to find 20% growth on a year-over-year basis, golden bitcoin had been lagging and i think they will continue to drive in minors are going to follow. stuart: thank you so much for joining us, always good, looking at the movers, i'm going to look at nvidia. >> are down by 3% they had an increase of the price target from bank of america to 1100 that's one of the highest on the street the stock is down for many reasons is up so much this year but they have competition. a chipmaker called cerebrum's and they have a chip wse three which is the fastest a.i. chip in the world 50 times from
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nvidia. stuart: that we have rumble. >> there extending the huge gave that they had yesterday another 7.7% after they told tiktok ready to join the consortium to acquire tiktok if they vote in their voting now divorced divestiture when their chinese owner. had to go to the senate as well. here we go carnival cruise lines. >> at three and a quarter% gain this is worth $20 the price target increase of 20% and they say carnivals guidance is too conservative for what they're singing. stuart: i am still not taking a cruise. the fbi christopher wray says that her throat into the u.s. has reached a whole other level, his words since october 7 attack on israel a significant uptick in known and suspected terrorist across the southern border, brandon judd deals with that.
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my spiraling out of control in haiti they taken over 80% of the capital border agents warning of a massive wave of migrants coming here. steve harrigan has a report from florida. he is next. ♪ only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> the house is voting on a bill that would crackdown on tiktok of america and that is likely to pass will bring you the final tally when we get it. violent gangs have taken control most of haiti's capital. border agents in florida are warning about a massive wave migrants coming here. steve harrigan is in fort pierce florida.
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what's there? >> it's really dangerous power vacuum right now, no one really knows what's been happening next the acting prime minister who resigned can't get back to his own country because criminal gangs and contact there also controlling more than 80% of the city they attack jails and freed thousands different political groups are trying to agree on the appointment of an interim prime minister but it's not clear that people will accept her decision. >> how many times has it come here, they go from failure to failure and could do nothing for us. the u.s. plans to spend $300 million on a peace forced from kenya but they are saying they're knocking to go to haiti until a government is in place. u.s. officials have been clear that the haitians who decide on their next leader. it's not for us to make the call on who leaves haiti as for the
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haitian people to make that c call. >> florida congressman cory mills carried out a dramatic helicopter rescue of ten u.s. missionaries in haiti, he complained about administration had abandoned them, the u.s. embassy in haiti still functioning reinforced by more marines. back to you. stuart: brandon judd is the national border patrol, he joins me now. what is the status of patients who arrive on the florida shores by boat. do we let the mineral person mom back? >> not allowing boats to make it to our shore, you got the coast guard and the border patrol, what that e-mail was is more being proactive, letting all the agents know if this happens were to be overwhelmed one boat could overwhelm us ultimately you got the coast guard that doesn't
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allow boats and and maybe a couple could get past but when reality what were expecting to see, were expecting to see them come up across the southwest border through mexico, that's the easiest route there's a lot less layers that they can have to pass through we can expect to see what we saw back in 2021 and we can see that again under southwest border, that e-mail was simply being proactive because we only have very few agents in florida so simply one ship can overwhelm all of her resources in florida if that were to happen, the e-mail was being proactive. what we should be watching is what is going to happen on the southwest border. stuart: on top intelligence chiefs are warning a terror threat from the open border, watch this. >> the terrorist threat level that were contended with right now without a hold of the level from an already heightened terrorist threat level that we were seeing before october 7. i believe the most significant
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terrorist threat to the united states as loan actors acting with readily accessible weapons targeting soft targets and that includes both domestic extremists and what we call homegrown extremists charging why is the administration doing nothing when our intelligence chiefs are warning this is a serious and dire terror threat but the administration does nothing. can you ask why not. >> first off what is disappointing about this, chris ray knew this was happening six months into this administration we saw a huge uptick in six-month in the administration, maybe if it was out front of the we wouldn't have gotten to the specific point, what it comes down to what we have constantly witnessed in this administration is about politics and the safety and security of the american
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people is 20 or 30% of the population saying he's doing a good job on her border, that shows you that that base is still there and they want to continue to see the chaos and they will open borders he continues to pander and recognize if you were to shut down the border which he could do if you were to do that he's going to lose the voters and he has no pathway to victory, if he loses the huge base, he continues to look at what's going to be best for him politically rather than what's best for the american people, that should never happen from an administration. we should always be looking out for the best interest of the american people, not the best interest of base or the best interest of other countries. stuart: brandon judd, thank you very much indeed, jason chaffetz and new york city. i put it to you, one tear instant late to migrants in this country and is the end of the presidency. >> the only thing that hear from president biden he apologizes
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that he use the word illegal, you have a death, you have somebody that is actually murdered in the allegation from any illegal person who is here illegally and that's with the president comes up with, simultaneously for more than three years told us the border was safe and secure that operational control, meanwhile you have every bit of intelligence telling us were at the highest threat level that we've been above and beyond 9/11. you can't have it both ways. i'm glad that they have these hearings and they illuminate this but what are they doing about it, that is what you never hear from the administration. what are they doing to make the country safer and more secure, nothing. that's why they are inviting terrorism and when it does happen in it will happen it is on joe biden, layers in this administration. stuart: it'll be a terrible thing. here's what we have for the rest of the show big news out of the
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uk the health services band, pewter blockers for children we are on it, robert hur's testimony will be about whatever president biden that didn't stop democrats they accused robert hur of helping donald trump get reelected. we will explain it next. ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back.
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stuart: we will bring you the result will be get it. on the market the dow is on pace for record close, up 140 points, 39151, the nasdaq on 85, lawrence looking at the movers which would include quite base but up 3%. >> jm pieces is going to $300, $220 billion of money coming into the spot bitcoin ets over the next three years, off to a good start. stuart: mcdonald's up or down, their flagging lower international sales, this quarter going on in the middle
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east and china and tesla's falling some more there down 30%, there down 172 wells fargo cuts and cuts it from 20125. elon musk is tweeting, thanks to the hard work of the tesla giga berlin team and support from the community, the factory is back online on the fire and the alleged arson. >> not helping the stock, down 3%, they could help but mention donald trump during robert hur's testimony, the open with a video montage of trump's memory, they were trying to flip the script. >> given that this report is so damning in the contrast between biden and trump it's hard for me to see where colleagues think that this hearing advances an
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in-person quest to impeach the proposal of the united states president biden how did mental acuity. donald trump did not. >> that was roscoe did not learn all politics invited is capitalizing he's traveling the battlegrounds a doubted every single one and he thinks many of the party the state of the union was strong and they feel exonerated by what happened yesterday with robert hur testimony thank. stuart: robert hur got into a heated exchange with democrats. >> whatsoever you are a member of the federal society are you not. are you a member of the federal society. >> i'm not a member of the federal society, you are republican. >> i'm a registered republican. >> you're doing everything that you can do to get president
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trump reelected season get appointed as a federal judge or another position in the department of justice isn't that correct. >> i have no such aspirations i can assure you. stuart: you watch the whole day long what is your take. >> clearly joe biden is guilty of using classified information. there is no fact pattern which the united states senators in possession of that type of document but what does it take to go out and prosecute somebody and what you're left with you have people that are prosecuting for mishandling classified information but they're only republicans, donald trump, you look at hilary clinton, joe biden, what's it going to take to prosecute somebody i thought the way that matt gaetz said why didn't you prosecute the ghostwriter, classified
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information, they're doing the investigation unit destroys information isn't that an obstruction of justice, he did not get prosecuted. i feel for the people who put their lives on the line for the country in these classified e-mails, they put their lives on the line and nobody gets prosecuted when it's abused. >> change the subject, england, they just beyond puberty blockers for minors who are seeking treatment for gender dysphoria do you think this will come to america i see a situation where puberty blockers are banned in red states but encouraged in blue states. >> i applaud what happened in europe and for minors this is terribly dangerous you don't know the long-term consequences they are almost always negative, for adults if you want to do something, go right ahead and do it, i think you're right and i think you were going to see a mismatch in a pattern or california will be a sanctuary state for puberty blockers and
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other places will. scary stuff it's amazing we have to talk about it but i think you're right i think it'll be a checkerboard of allowing loss. >> young teenagers the choice of becoming a boy. >> not engaging parents and allowing parents to have a say is unbelievable. stuart: stay there more for you to come arkansas banded the use of x as an alternative to male or female and driver's licenses. tell me more about this. >> sarah sanders mandating the gender listed on your license must match on your person to get meaning to options male or female they used to be expert on binary that's no longer the case after arkansas banded. subjective. stuart: more on this going on, jojo and nikki are known on tiktok for their hilarious rants
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on inflation. here's a sample. a dollar 25. a great buy what a lie they were 99 cents for years and with inflation i get it, this should not go up it's unconstitutional. stuart: i like the accident. the boys are back there to tell me how their life has changed since becoming tiktok stars, house lawmaker on the bill to demand tiktok, kelly o'grady will have the latest from capitol hill after this.
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stuart: the tiktok threat they just voted on the bill that would restrict the use in america and it passed by a large majority, kelly o'grady joins me. it passed what does it now do. >> it passed 352 - 14 that was a resounding majority, basically is going to go to the senate, there were a couple of things on the debate on the house floor that i want to highlight that will make its way to the senate whether the of the government to go after other platforms not tied to china and another concern being a band for the bad precedent, members voting underscore tiktok will have the choice to divest from bytedance or remain as part of the larger company. the legislation is going to have to pass the senate before making
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his way to the president's desk, has bipartisan support but it could face a rockier future especially around concerns that it could impact free-speech. listen to this. >> 180 million american jews shows tiktok to express themselves they're not allowed you to take the company way, destroy the value of the company in the fifth amendment to the constitution that says you can't take 70s property without due process. >> another because bill moves forward former president trump opposes it a tiktok band would strengthen facebook which he called enemy of the people and raising concern that it would make young people go crazy, here's what some of the young folks had to say. >> are not for the banning of tiktok. i hope it's not man, i cannot really care i think it's fine if they were to ban it. i would like to feel protected and safe when i was going to the social media like my information is not being violated.
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it's a little bit of a mixed reaction according to research 56% of the 18 - 34 used tiktok and a lot of those are ones that president biden is looking to create favor with if this does make it to his desk and he signs it could put him on thinner ice going into the election. stuart: we hear you, the bill did pass, jason chaffetz with us in new york, do you want to see a band or do you want to see tiktok sold so it's no longer chinese control. >> i'm not anti-tiktok is a great platform and amazing people they put together great videos and technology. what i don't want is a conduit for the chinese government to use the office of propaganda peter schweizer blood money points out there using as a conduit to push and have an information flow that is anti-american that is a problem it is china it's not tiktok. >> if you consolidate cut ties you're okay with.
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the question can you sell it. is not the technology is a chinese letter using it as a tool of propaganda. >> thank you very much indeed, with special guest, closely connected to tiktok our guests actually went viral after complaining about inflation, these guys are stars jojo and nikki. i can't remember which is which. going to have to guess 50/50. stuart: jojo. what a guy. this made a huge difference to your career, tiktok, how do you feel about it being banned. i think there's going to be in a matter of time before another app takes its place but her to creators but obviously there's some concern for security in america but tiktok creators i think right now is a crazy situation. stuart: could you move to a different top form, youtube. >> were grateful that we transferred our filing to instagram, youtube and a little bit on twitter so were not banking is solely relying on tiktok so we have a few
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platforms that we transferred, thank god that some people are not not boat they just built a massive filing on tiktok and rely on it for money and the whole platform. >> we have to understand that some people is solely rely on tiktok to pay bills and put food on the table and they're not translating the other platforms which can hurt. >> the last time was a couple of weeks ago i asked you how much you were making you refuse to tell me, now i rephrase the question. >> do you make between you a million dollars a year. >> we don't, were not highrollers yet, a couple of years. we definitely building. better than the union but is not there yet, you were with us two or three weeks ago, have you improved your following in the two or three weeks. >> all the press we were getting definitely helped. definitely 20 or 30000 followers we grew altogether on the
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platforms and it couldn't be more grateful, don't worry about it, do you have a staff of producers and writers and camera people. >> we don't have a staff we write and produce our own stuff and we have a few camera people that we work with on a project basis but for the most part we direct our own stuff and we film everything ourselves. >> your lies have completely changed. >> yes they had and were so grateful and blessed to even be here right now a year ago we were in the streets digging up and fixing water mains and now were sitting with you in this fine gentleman. >> why do you think you're so successful and what is the message that you're driving home and people love to see that. >> a great question. >> our country relates with not only new yorkers but american people and people who don't live in new york find new yorkers hysterical we relate with so many people.
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>> 72 dozen live in new york i love watching it, people are dealing with inflation you talk a lot about that, it's unconstitutional i love that clip that we shown, your extremely talented and you bring enormous energy to the screen in short bursts that's how we use your platform and you doing extremely well, jojo and nikki, thank you. i don't how to follow this consumer prices came in higher than expected in february, janet yellen treasury secretary says encouraging signs on inflation. edward lawrence sat down with a treasury secretary janet yellen with an exclusive interview that we will bring you and nikki and jojo will be watching a very carefully. robert hur shutdown claims that he exonerated the president. watch this. >> you exonerated him. i know willful retention. >> we will follow up on that. jason rantz will follow-up, priscilla jayapal failed
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miserably. he is next. ♪ business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business.
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stuart: congresswoman pramila jayapal tried to get robert hur to say he exonerated president biden. watch the. >> this expensive and independent investigation resulted in the complete exoneration of president joe biden. he found insufficient evidence that the president violated any laws about possession or retention of classified materials. >> i need to go back and make sure i take note of the word that you used exoneration. >> i'm going to continue with my questions, i know that the term -- >> i know that the term. >> evidence existed in the likely outcome. >> you exonerated. >> i know the term willful retention has a commitment. stuart: that's ridiculous jason rantz joins me i did not see much democracy and you say jayapal failed miserably i will
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agree with that. her whole goal was to convince people because there was no charges brought that it was in exoneration knowing that most people don't realize the prosecutors so exonerate anyone in all of this but at the end of the day we know very clearly why the decision was made in pramila jayapal wants to help defend biden from having to deal with the whole idea of this man who doesn't remember basic facts in her tactic was smart and she was talking to someone who is stupid you start at the beginning making this assertion that you hope that the person that you're talking to forgets so that later you can say new opportunity and he didn't say thank any lead with a statement how how to deflect from the fact, no. he was much smarter than pramila jayapal when you're going up against her in these tactics i'm
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glad it didn't work. stuart: she also claimed that migrants contribute by propping up the economy, she said migrants help the economy because they're here, watch this. period immigrants contribute into a system where they take little out, that is for a number of different reasons people think that immigrants have access to the safety net benefits and they actually don't undocumented immigrants even illegal immigrants do not even social security is propped up the contributions of undocumented and documented immigrants. >> wait a minute she is confusing legal and illegal immigration, legal migration helps the economy, illegal migration does not. what do you say. >> she's not confusing it she's doing this intentionally and she talks in this way, there is no difference between someone in this country illegally and someone who came to this country
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legally, they don't even make the difference on the radical left between someone whose only crime is coming here illegally enter come here illegally and commits additional crime which is precisely why they offer the same level of protection to both groups. it's absurd in the intent she is very clear how, i don't think all democrats hold that view she's very radical to position in particular no, she's been consistent for years and years before she came to the congress she was someone who was working on behalf of illegal immigrants in immigrants in this country illegally to get them a foothold in american society and at the end of the day we know exactly the talking point that she uses because she uses it all the time in its intentional. stuart: thank you so much for being with me. jason chaffetz is still with me in new york. if the congresswoman is right, evidently the mayor of new york and chicago and everybody else, why do they need billions of dollars to take care of all of these illegal immigrants.
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she's obviously going to vote against additional funding to the century states. they actually approve the economy so we don't need to spend anymore money helping them with housing, healthcare, food, all of those things because she doesn't need it, we don't need more money for them, she is normalizing. >> this is a fundamental pro problem, her deception is on purpose as jason rantz said, you just do this because you want to, they want to give them voting rights they want to do a lot of things that are putting the various and even in the noncitizens that would change, no doubt they want them to vote. house seats they would gain 20 how seasonably states in the next census if we got ten or 12 million extra people we always love it. come back soon.
10:56 am
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