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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: welcome back. good thursday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i'm hope you're having a good morning. it's thursday, march 7. time for the hot topic of the
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hour. the focus is on president biden tonight when he takes the podium for the state of the union address at 9:00 p.m. eastern. many will be watching for what the president says and doesn't say about the wide open border and increase in migrant crime across the country as immigration remains a top issue for voters. meanwhile, chinese snake head gangs are working with the mexican cartels to bring migrants into the country, senator roger marshall broke the news with me, saying the snake heads are helping the ccp transport people and drugs into america. >> the chinese have become an expert at money laundering. we'll see organized crime grow and grow. they're smuggling people from china to turkey. there's something called the snake heads, like coyotes. they hand them over to the cartel. the cartel brings them to places like kansas, not just working massage parlors, an explosion of
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what they call weed farms, marijuana farms. the chinese are intimately involved with those and exploiting labor for labor trafficking. maria: the biden administration admitting to flying over 300,000 my grants into america. they -- migrants into america. they claim to reduce the number of crossings at the border. hanna, how long did the administration tell us they didn't know how the flights were, they weren't in charge of the flights. they are finally admiting -- the new york post had cameras at at westchester airport. now they're admitting it. how are we supposed to believe anything the president says tonight? >> you can't believe him on anything, especially when it comes to immigration. i went to the border a few weeks ago and spoke with people who were working within i.c.e. they're so overwhelmed. they don't have the tools they need. they call them give uppers, they can't police the border as it is. the wall is so chopped up, you
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can walk around anywhere you look. the millions who are coming here for nefarious reasons, they have not shot at catching them. you have to fix the immigration system so people who are trying to do the right thing can do it legally and we can focus resources on people that are getting away. biden's not going to get away with it. he's not going to convince people he's doing a good job on this. maria: everyone feels it one way or another, because of the crime, the human trafficking stories and because of unfortunately murder. okay. a georgia nursing student was murdered by an illegal who came into the country in september of 2022. and yet the mainstream media is mocking it. okay. during msnbc's super tuesday coverage yesterday a panel led by rachel madu maddow mocked vos who listed immigration and the border as a top priority. >> immigration was the number
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one issue. i mean, again, these could change in virginia. >> virginia does have a bore of deer with west virginia. -- border with west virginia. [laughter] maria: yeah, the border patrol union responded to that conversation on x saying americans readying by the thousands of -- americans are dying by the thousands of fentanyl overdoses, women raped and a murdered kids sex traffic, cops assaulted due to leftists's open border. this is not overdoses, this is poisoning. people don't say i want to take fentanyl, let me overdose. they don't know what they're taking. they're getting poisoned. >> fentanyl is not specific to texas, arizona, new mexico. fentanyl end throughout the entire done you tri. country.the immigration crisis s become a healthcare crisis, whether it's fentanyl poisoning
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on the strain on hospital systems, they take care of everyone, whether they have insurance or id. that will spill over into an economic crisis as well. we have $175 trillion of unfunded entitlement liability, social security and medicare and if these 10 million migrants that have crossed the border so far, if they're granted you asylum at some point in time, they immediately become qualified ail aliens, immediatey eligible for social security and medicare. that puts a bigger strain on the country from an entitlement standpoint. the left is importing voters right now. they're not going to stop. they're importing voters. that's why they're pushing back against voter id. maria: give me a break. a chinese woman in san francisco, she is here i believe on a visa, she's on the election commission of san francisco.
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>> they're making a mockery of us. it's insane the levels they're taking it to. >> yeah, yo i mean, i have to u agree. there's intentional consequences. this is a long game strategy for them. there's a reason there's no incentive to fix the system. if people were concerned about people getting hurt -- people are getting hurt, not just americans, but the immigrants who are trying to come here legally. one man was kidnapped trying to come here for a legal hearing. he was sold by the cartel, held for random, they threatened to you cut his son's fingers off. this system is getting people hurt every day. the reason they don't have an incentive to fix it, it benefits them politically. there needs to be more outrage on the right and left. we need solutions. we talked about it for years. do. maria: and c krysia, at this point roger marshall told me about the you human trafficking. he said we're going to talk about human trafficking the way we talk about fentanyl within the next two years because the
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ccp working with the mexican cartels setting up fronts for human trafficking like massage parlors. i asked the chief of be a troll from the nypd about it yesterday and he too said he is seeing brothels in new york. watch this. >> we have shut down this year about 13 brothels that have a mmixture of asian workers and migrant workers and we're still going after it and it's terrible. the community applauds us for it. we're trying to help these women who are victims of these people. it's terrible. the queens d. a is working w with us, the locl elected officials are working with us. it's a problem. we see it and we're dealing it. maria: i don't think you'll hear any of this tonight. >> you definitely won't. i'm insensed when i see the msnbc host laugh about the issue. it's a humanitarian crisis, the so called feminists are basically laughing in the faces of women and children who are
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being exploited. it's so sick. they're so out-of-touch. this is a crisis of biden's own making. maria: we're just getting started this hour. markets are on the move on day two of the federal reserve chairman's capitol hill testimony. the word on wall street panel will weigh in, as markets trade higher r this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria." stay with us. ♪ whiskey for my men and beer for my horses. wed ♪ nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪)
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yesterday, dow industrials up 34, nasdaq up 66 right now. on top of a 90 point rally yesterday. are interest rates back down to 4.1% on the 10 year, take a look. we've got the 10 year at 4.10%, up just two tenths of a basis point. jay powell saying the central bank is on track to cut interest rates this year. >> we would like to see more good relatively low inflation readings. we're not looking for better inflation readings than we've had. we're just looking for more of them. 12 month inflation will continue to drop. because it will be lower than early last year. committee does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2%. we remain committed to bringing inflation back down to 2% goal and keeping longer run inflation expectations well anchored. maria: powell will testify before the senate banking committee today and we're waiting on the european central bank and i know that you've been
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anticipating the ecb to move perhaps even sooner than the fed moves in terms of lowered interest rates. tell me about the ecb. your expectations and the impact on the u.s. >> the data continues to be horrible coming out of particularly germany, they had a an 11% decline in factory orders for the month of january, 6% down year over year so really bad data. we think the ecb is way too optimistic about their growth forecast at 0.8%. at the end of every quarter they update their economic forecast. we think that will be downgraded. they're not going to be bullish about cutting rates. it will be implicit in the forecast, the lowered forecast will we think validate our june call on a cut from the ecb. maria: the ecb is expected to hold rates steady at 4:00%. we'll have that for you in about
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an hour. you say in the u.s. one of the biggest risks for the economy and for investors is this potential increase in corporate taxes which the president is likely going to talk about tonight. >> we think that's the absolute worst thing you can do for economic growth. it's a disas disaster for two , first of all, competitiveness. it's terrible for the stock market because of the aftertax return on investment drives the earnings multiple and growth. so it's the worst possible thing you can do for the economy and stock market and everybody else they the world agrees with us, agrees with that view, except u.s. politicians. maria: you don't think it's going to actually stick? >> the senate math looks very favor. maria: the republicans take over in november and maybe they stop it. >> correct. yes. we think that's the most likely case. maria: mark, we still have issues with the banks. new york community bancorp is
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agreeing to a deal with several investment firms, they needed a cash infusion. they will get $1 billion in exchange for equity led by liberty strategic capital. the stock is down 66% year-to-date. look at this stock at 3.6 right now. your reaction? >> that's a tough one. look, i think it's great that they got their billion dollar capital infusion. that's going to give them a lifeline, should keep them alive for another six, 12 months. we've been talking about the looming commercial real estate crisis. but we've really been focusing mostly on office buildings. and specifically class b, class class coffice space. with new york community bank, their issue is multifamily and when we have not been discussing challenges within multifamily at i'll all a. that's palms. 50% of their portfolio is rent
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stabilized. kathy hochul said you can't raise rent rates that much. what that's done, the cost of servicing their debt has gone up astronomically because of where interest rates have headed. they've either had to refinance or on variable rate loans on these properties but they can't pass through any of those increases and they're getting squeezed because of that so this is yet just another situation where progressive policies are disrupting the free market system the and certainly putting banks in jeopardy. i mean, i don't even know who could step in if things end up going south with these guys to buy them. probably not jp morgan. maybe citigroup. i don't know. maria: who is there to pick up the pieces, right. jpm did it last time. but you made the point the last time we heard from jay powell that he took out that one line, that the banks system -- >> is resilient or whatever. i mean, obviously there are
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issues with the banking system and we've known that for roughly a year. a year ago we started to get the issues out of signature bank. i guess that would -- if there are issues in the banking system, you would probably expect jay powell to cut rates sooner than expected but i've got to tell you, that's not what i heard yesterday. what i heard is he's going to be cautious and calculated. i heard the momentum, maybe the three month moving average of month over month inflation is more important than the year over year going down and it's been coming in at 0.4%, 4.8% annualized run rate. i'm expecting fewer cuts this year than most. maria: i agree with you. i don't know how he cuts more than once. we're going to cut in june but anything beyond that he's going to get criticized for getting involved in the election. >> we think next week's meeting could be negative because the sep may only show two cuts from three. investors need to be cautious
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about that. we think it will keep the market rallying for the rest of the year. maria: you raised the target. >> we raised it. we were bullish at the beginning of the year. it's obvious the a.i. boom is going to keep the market -- this is the pullback. this is their pullback. we don't have earnings right now. but the a.i. stocks, nvidia is up every morning premarket no matter what. maria: all right, jay. great to see you. thank you so much. mark, you're sticking with us all morning. we're happy about that. quick break and how the billion dollar donation is impacting students, we have a college of medicine student to tell us about it, will j join me at 7:45 a.m. eastern. we'll talk would the billion dollar donation. it's day two of jay powell's testimony on capitol hill today, he'll speak on the senate financial committee, dan meuser is here to recap what he heard yesterday and look ahead to today. you're matching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain.
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-hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. maria: welcome back. president biden will be delivering the state of the union adress tonight at 9:00 a.m. eastern. katie brit will deliver the gop response. the white house put out this statement saying president biden will, quote, highlight that middle class families deserve
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further relief from corporate greed and high cost. joining us now is pennsylvania congressman dan meuser. good to see you. thank you for being here. what are you expecting from the president tonight? we're getting a taste that he is going to blame any failure in policy on corporate america. >> yes. hi, maria. great to be with you. yes, tonight will be a little bit hard to take, frankly, a little hard on the ears. whenever you hear things that exaggerated, gaslighting, some call it gas-lying. a lot of blaming will be taking place. so it's unfortunate. that's the state of affairs. but that's the results of the policies of the biden administration. i mean, when you have open borders, when you have an assault on american energy, when you spend like there's absolutely no tomorrow, and your response to it is to propose -- we're going to hear about taxes tonight. taking the united states
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competitiveness literally away interest the private sector. and by the way, the blame just won't be on republicans. it's going to be on the private sector. you know, all these companies that are so horrible that are engaged in shrinkage due to greed as opposed to awful fiscal policy from this administration. so what do you think is the most egregious fiscal policy that caused inflation to spike the way that it has and caused the economy to he slow down? >> spending. it came in, we were entering into recovery right after covid. and 6 trillion, $7 trillion of added spending. as a matter of fact, just in the last report, most of the wage so-called income and wage increases that added to consumer demand came from transfer payments from the government to individuals. in fact, it was 2.6%. normally it's about 0.10.2 so
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there's a lot of artificial demand a being -- spending being created and very, very little to no focus on growth. right? on competitiveness. on supply. it's healthcare, it's of government spending. maria: you can't get out of it, right? the house just passed six spending bills to partially fund the government yesterday, lawmakers combined the funding for six federal agencies, worth $460 billion. this is headed to the senate. speaker johnson says republicans are making gradual changes and making reforms to the funding process but kentucky congressman thomas massey wrote this on x, the republican led house spent more than nancy pelosi spent on the same things last year. you can't get out of the spending circle that you're in. >> look, if it weren't for a republican majority there is no question the democrats and biden
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would have spent another trillion dollars, trillion and-a-half dollars. the level of spending has been slowed. there's a lot of backlog. a lot of allocation of spending is continuing now which continues to add to inflation which is why jerome powell is keeping the interest rates where they are. i hear where thomasy is coming from. there's a reduction from last year. i don't know what math is going on here. it's a 3% reduction in discretionary, not counting military. we did a number of good things on the appropriations bill no, where near what we can do if president trump is in office and a republican led senate. i studied it very carefully. it's the most conservative bill we could get through bought shutting down the government. maria: do you think we're going to see a shutdown for the next deadline on march 22nd? >> i don't. you know, it's been going on too long.
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it also is that we need to move on. we can't just be trying to work around the margins and the edges. we have some big things to do. and we also have -- you know what? it's an election year and the only way we're going to get a course correction is with a new president and with new senate leadership and support to bolster our majority. i mean, that's the state of affairs. one thing you're not going to hear tonight -- you'll hear a lot of blaming. you're going to hear a lot of tall tales. you're not going to hear anything about any court correction. you'll a hear a doubling down on socialism, expansion of the size of government and government overreach. you're certainly not going to hear about the border being closed or a plan for the ukraine. even that is just about asking the american taxpayers to spend more. i'm for supporting ukraine. as many of us are. let's have a plan.
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let's have accountability. let's be serious and do it right. maria: it's amazing to me that you actually have been unable to secure the border. you talk about it. the republicans talk about it all the time and yet we're not seeing any change. yesterday i thought it was really interesting that even yesterday chairman powell mentioned immigration as helping the economy grow. you're on that commit you at this. y-- committee.what did you hear? jay powell will testify before the senate banking committee. what was your take away from the financial services committee yesterday and what he said and how he actually said immigration was one of the reasons that the economy is growing. >> well, he's looking at things -- we're feeling he's looking a at things what holistically. that's more government spending. we espent $450 billion last yean
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processing and settlement of illegals. if that's added into the gdp numbers, that's not exactly product i've the. what i heard yesterday was largely a very sober interpretation of where things are. it was more holistic than chairman powell has been in the past. they agreed they were very slow in dealing with inflation, two years ago they were calling it transitory. now the most rapid increase of interest rates ever. that's where it is. powell said some very important things. bbasel three is going to have broad and material change as he stated. he also stated that spending was minimizing the level of inflationary growth and a they're going to be staying there with the interest rates until some real corrections take place. so it was relatively sobering.
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it was fine. it was sound. but again, i mean, there's no pro-growth initiatives coming out of the white house, outside of spending taxpayer money. maria: that's a great point. just to conclude that point, this is the comment from powell. the share of foreign born workers has been steadily increasing since the pandemic, that's helping add the labor supply needed to cool inflation. so he's connected the dots to the foreign born workers. i found that really incredible. that's what he's -- >> remarkable. yeah. but for the ag culture industry, the service industry, you know, it adds into the equation. however, we need to secure the border and then allow some legality when it comes to work visas. maria: understood. congressman, good to see you. thank you so much. great to see you, congressman. dan meuser joining us this
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morning. we'll see you soon. we'll be right back. ♪ (vo) explore the world the viking way from the quiet comfort of elegant small ships with no children and no casinos.
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maria: welcome back. americans are waiting to hear if president biden will address illegal migrants at the state of the union tonight. the country is phasing a rise in migrant crime. cheryl casone with all of the details. >> the parents of murdered georgia nursing student laken riley will not attend the state of the union you address tonight. her parents declined an
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invitation from georgia congressman mike collins as they are still mourning the loss of their daughter. the congressman does say he is not going to be filling their seat. he wrote on x the seat will remain vacant to honor laken and all a victims of illegal alien crime. new court documents reveal the brother of riley's suspected murderer is linked to a crime gang many members of the gang are believed to be responsible for attacking two nypd members back in january. he's due in court for a detention hearing after several run-ins with the law. the attorney for a co-defendant in former president trump's georgia case testifying before state law makeers yesterday. she said fani willis paid special prosecutor nathan wade almost double his salary and attended an event with vice president kamala harris before
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indicting trump. watch. >> there was a period of i think it's 15 or 16 days where he did not have a contract. which also happened to be one of the times they were out of town. but so they reuped the contract. the cap was significantly higher. we have records that ms. willis and the mayor of atlanta were at a meeting with the vice president. >> she also testified that wade's cell phone data shows 1:00 a.m. trips to willis' condo prior to his hiring. a judge expected to rule whether fani willis will be removed from the case by mid-march. a judge finding a restaurant owner guilty in the deadly shooting of helena hutchins. she was responsible for the live rounds being on the set afteral alec bald m baldwin has to facen trial this summer.
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finely, get this. this is something else. the north face company is offering customers a discount if they complete an equity course that teaches how white people never experience racism or hardship and how the, quote, outdoors is oppressive to black people. for the discount people take a two hour class. one example is black people is barred from outdoor activities because of systemic racism and oppression. an official from the heritage foundation took the course and said the course was insulting and offensive. mariamaria. maria: is this a real story? >> barred from outdoor activities? >> this is what they were teaching in the course. >> there are actually real things happen to to black people in the country by the government that needs attention and they'll do this thing. it undermines the need for reforms to uplift minorities and give them more opportunities. >> this is north face, outdoor
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company. so maybe that was the connection they're trying to make here. falling flat. maria: who competes with north face? that's what i want to know. >> patagonia. >> rei. >> the goose. >> buy those. [laughter] maria: thanks, cheryl. i thought it was a fake story. >> yeah. no, heritage foundation person took the course. and walked out and was disgusted. maria: former president trump is calling tore he debates with president biden ahead of the general election. he posted this on truth social. any time, anywhere, any place, trump wants to debate biden. the biden campaign fired back telling fox news digital, i know donald trump is their city for u attention. he can tune in to watch the state of the union tonight. peter doocy grilled the white house about a potential debate. watch. >> now that the field is down to two, is president biden going to commit to a debate with donald trump? >> that's something for the
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campaign to speak to. >> it's possible that there will be no joe biden/donald trump debate. >debate. >> is that what you want to see. >> how would dpie president bio in a debate? i'm not asking about a specific debate. >> you literally saw last year in january of 2023 at the last state of the union take on republicans during giving a major speech. maria: joining us now to talk about that is former arkansas governor, former presidential candidate himself, mike huckabee. always a pleasure. thanks so much for being here. i'm not really sure what karine jean-pierre was just saying. but she didn't answer the question and i don't think it's a lot to ask for the american people to see a debate of the two candidates running for president. >> it's ridiculous for her to hide behind the hatch impeachment. she does political talk all the time at the white house podium.
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when she doesn't want to answer the question because the answer would be embarrassing she says i can't answer that, you'll have to talk to the campaign. there's a reason she's always deflecting, go talk to my colleague, did ask the justice department, talk to somebody at the state department, talk to somebody at the department of defense, because she has nothing to say. she can't defend this president, not just his policies. she can't defend the fact that he cannot walk to the podium and make a comment even with a teleprompter the size of times square's billboards and somehow get through it without stumbling and mumbling. that's what a lot of americans would s he actually would engage in a debate. maria: i don't know if the strategy bill to stay in the basement this time around. we'll see about that. but president biden is trying to get tough. he said he wants to go for the jugular of donald trump and donald trump came right back
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today saying he is going to be doing a play by play live tonight during the president's state of the union. mike, what are you expecting tonight and i guess i'll be watching what donald trump those say as he does this play by play. >> i think donald trump's reaction will be far more maybe enlightening and entertaining than anything. anything joe biden says.i expecy everything is fantastic, that he's done the best job any president has ever done. that's what car reason says from the -- karrine says from the podium all the time. what universe does she live on? it's not ours. you see people who are younger than the age of 30 who say i'm not going to vote for biden this year. you see large amounts of african-americans and hispanics who aren't going to vote for biden who did before because their lives aren't good. they're hurting. joe biden is going to go to the podium and say who are you going
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to believe? me or your lying eyes? i think a lot of americans will say i'm going to believe my lying eyes because joe, you're out of touch. maria: how can we believe him when we found out that they're admitting they did fly 300,000 plus migrants into the united states on these private jets. all the while when the new york post was there filming it, they had cameras in the westchester airport, not a peep from the white house. now they're admitting it that, yes, we wanted to alleviate the numbers at the border so we just flew them in. we're supposed to believe anything he says tonight when we've had two years of them denying that, now they're admitting it? >> it's beyond comprehension to understand how they can justify this and we can only hope that the house at least will have hearings and will make them say in public and bring a mayorkas up to the table, he won't tell the truth but at least make him squirm a little bit and explain how can we justify flying in
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324,000 people who weren't even supposed to be in this country and we paid their air fare and americans go to the airport, they get the shakedown, luggage goes through. people if they don't want more of this, don't vote for joe biden. just don't do et. maria: you won't have to show photo id to vote, ag garland the other day said he's going to fight to the nail that any voter id laws are going to be present. he wil will not allow voter id. >> why not? why wouldn't we allow voter id? the whole point is one person, one vote. that's how it's always been. now it could be one person be, many identities, many votes. why not? they don't want to win an election. they want to steal an election. and they'll do it any way they can including robbing the
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integrity of simply saying that we want to know that you are the person that you present yourself to be. there's no reason not to have photo id. you can't have it to get into his building at the justice department. now he says you can go vote without it. maria: unbelievable. what do you make of nikki haley stepping down? trump and biden now are both vying for nikki haley spouters after she suspended her presidential campaign here's what she said about president trump yesterday. watch this. >> i congratulate him and wish him well. i wish anyone well who would be america's president. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. and i hope he does that. at its best, politics is about bringing people into your cause, not turning them away. maria: so governor, she still is not endorsing trump. trump reacted on truth social, writes this.
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all hal hey supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. he is inviting them to join. p president biden wrote this. donald trump made it clear he doesn't want nikki haley's supporters. there's a place for them in my campaign. i know there's a lot we won't agree on but on the fundamental issues i hope and believe we can find common ground. govern northern huckby, where do -- governor huckabee, where do you see haley supporters going. >> i think some of her supporters were democrats who went across the line to try to mess donald trump up. nikki haley could have been gracious. she could have come out and a said look, i did it my way, i did it the best i could. i lost. donald trump won. clearly he's the choice. i throw my support behind the person that the republicans have decided to nominate. but she didn't. and she can't recover that. and it's unfortunate. it was a missed opportunity, a failed dissent into oblivion. i've been on that stage when you had to concede an election. it's not pleasant.
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you don't enjoy doing it. the one thing you don't want to be looked at as the person who didn't have enough gracious spirit to acknowledge that you lost and then to be able to say but i will support my opponent because he won. maria: yeah. the biden campaign is hosting more than 200 state of the union watch parties tonight. across all 50 states. biden is expected to defend his policies that many believe have failed. that includes excessive spending which led to 40 year high inflation, the open border and yet biden posted this on x yesterday. watch. >> mr. president, how's the state of the union? >> the state of the union is strong. tune in tomorrow night to hear more. maria: governor, are you buying it?>> no, i think the 200 watch parties are basically better than a cup of warm ovaltine. it will help people get straight to sleep. it will be a snooze fest.
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nobody believes joe biden will go to the podium and give an honest assessment of what he's doing to the border, to the economy. we'll watch. but we'll pretty much laugh it off. maria: mike huckabee, good to see you this morning. thanks so much. we'll of course keep a spot light on that. quick break and then degrees without debt, how a billion dollar donation is impacting students at the albert einstein college of medicine, student ariana cavali is here to tell us firsthand. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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debt. joining us right now is a student albert einstein college of medicine student ariana cavalli. ariana, great to see you. >> thanks for having me. maria: you were in that room, right? >> i was in the room. maria: tell us what it felt like. you were told go to the auditorium. >> we were told go to the auditorium, last monday, all four classes. we had no idea what to expect. we didn't know if it was free lunch or some big announcement. slowly we started seeing cameras come in, the doctor goes up there and kind of talks about her devotion and alliance to einstein, she worked there forever and aannounces that free tuition is going to be granted going forward starting in august so it was really, really an indescribeable moment. the whole entire room was filled with shock, tears, gratitude, everything. it felt unbelievable. maria: so tell us about your debt of. debt.
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you already have debt. >> i'm about to enter my third career. going forward the rest will be free for me. i'm so grateful for this. going into medical school we had no idea that was going to happen. going forward, now i have half of my education tuition free. maria: amazeing. >> it's not just the debt you sign up for. it compacts and interest accumulates so it's actually way more than the 250k that is projected. >> when its comes to industries, particularly the medical one, of course because of these debts many are saying they don't want to go into medicine, it's preventing them from becoming doctors and these are the people we need, similar to those on the front lines of nypd or others. can you talk about what inspired you to go to medical school and what your cohort is saying about becoming future physicians. >> yes. you bring up a great point. i think a lot of people are deterred to go to medical school because of the price tag. for me, i think a lot of us have
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a story, a moment that impacts you and motivates you. for me, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when i was 5 years old. so since then i watched doctors around her save her life to this day and i've been so moved by that and to your point, i didn't care about the price tag. i just knew, no he no matter whe cost, i wanted to do this. nothing would stop me from becoming a physician. maria: do you have a specialty you want to go into? >> i'm figuring it out. right now i'm debating between surgery and obgyn. breast surgery is what i'm doing research in right now. maria: how sweet would that be. >> i took my daughter to a school that was $80,000 a year. maria: that's undergrad. >> yeah. i've got to tell you, i work with -- what gotensman did, it's pretty incredible. because i've got some younger physician clients and one of the biggest issues, one of the
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biggest complaints they have is, well, hey, by the time you're done with medical school and residency, you're 30 years old, you finally start making money, they feel like the breakeven until like age 40 and beyond. so i mean, the fact that someone is stepping up to the plate and encouraging more people to pursue a career in the medical field, i think that's awesome. >> 1,000%. i have a lot of aunts and uncles who are physicians, five. maria: wow. >> to be exact, i think they were like 50 years old once they were done paying off their loans so for me, to have that kind of jump start and a obviously the einstein students to come to have no tuition, it jump starts your career, ahows you to give back to the attorney. maria: it encourages lower income students to pursue a career in the medical field. >> that price tag is intimidating for anybody. i'm glad dr. gotenman is able to make this donation. >> we need more doctors
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desperately. doctors are leaving the field because of all the regulations, making less money. we need more of this kind of investment. kudos to her and thanks for the work you're doing. maria: ken langone did it. it made such an incredible difference for anybody. >> we're all so grateful. the sky's the limit. maria: we'll be watching your career. >> thank you for having he me. maria: soon to be dr. ariana cavalli. thank you, ariana. we'll be right back. stay with us. massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything.
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