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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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larry: hello, folks.
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welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow all right super tuesday. donald trump in command on the republican side, 15 states, 884 delegates up, we have bret baier waiting here to talk about it to give us start off, and senator tommy tuberville, and kellyanne conway will stop by. about his historical political comeback really. tough call. and then mark simone and joe concha on whether joe biden is old or impaired or both. but first, let's go to our own grady trimble live in ashburn, virginia. grady what can you tell us. reporter: well, i can tell you as we have been talking with voters today, the economy is an issue that keeps coming up. the voters are comparing how they feel financially right now to how they felt financially when former
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president trump was in office. and you know white house likes to tout that rate of inflation has come down, and wages are now outpacing inflation. but when we talk to the voters, the economy thous white house is describing is not the economy they feel. >> inch is feeling the -- everyone is feeling the crunch right now, my wife says it every time, strawberries within unagain it south of hand. >> jobs on rise but the cost of leaving prices are up. there is a lot that is not right with the system. >> with me being a realtor and interest rates are discouraging people from buying, people are locked in with a golden handcuff, they can't afford to move now. reporter: on campaign trail, former president trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley are promising to get the economy on drag. for her part nikki haley has
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been criticizing r rahman spending by democrats and republicans. and also, the lower grocery prices, gas prices and interests, when he was in office. trump said he will get rid of bidenomics and bring back, maganomics, the former president leaning on his record and that is a mess message resonating with voters, they think pack to that time, they felt they were in better financial shape then. larry: a, grady. >> just a couple quick thoughts, a year ago if you suggested to a bunch of smart political pun pundits. that a year later donald trump would be in control of every primary on super tuesday. and the republican party.
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and the republican nomination, and the republican national committee, he would be prohibitive favorite to win general election in november, i don't think you would have had many takers, that is what is happening. one of the great political comebacks of all-time. just to stretch that point, if you asked pundits three years okay. are you would have had fewer takers. that is where we are tonight. as of this reporting. mr. trump has run on the issues and it is working. joe biden and the democrats are trying to throw him in jail for 750 years that strategy looks like a backfiring failure. national review editor rich lowry writes in "new york post" about trump nostalgia, that is an interesting point. for trump revival of
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america's world standing folks don't have nostalgia are in joe biden and his big government socialism with spending taxing, borrowing, over regulate, war on foes fossil fuels and war against business. a "fox news poll" rating shows that biden 58% mostly failed on helping the works class. 61% think he failed on improving u.s. world image and 63% think he failed on making u.s. safer. and 69% think he failed on unify the nation, 71% think he failed to improve border security. not good, joe. it doesn't look like people are that into it you any more. according to sienna poll, women are likely to say that
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mr. trump's policies helped them more than mr. bidens. go figure. but the fact show that when inflation is factored in, typical working class folks got a big pay raise under mr. trump, and pay cut under mr. biden that is a killer politically, guaranteed folks will vote in favor of the guy who gave them the raise, with in trump not offal. nostalgia. all of a sudden he has created a new g.o.p. coalition that appears to include working folks of all stripes and colors, white, black, latino, female, young, you name it across the board, reaganesque feel, there say border war, there is san economic war, people favor trump's limited government tax cuts and deregulate drill, baby, drill. and they prefer president trump's america first
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approach, , con rad black wrote in the sun today -- relies on prosecuting trump. that is a strategy that looks like it will be deferred or collapsed. and hot stove news this afternoon, suggests that mr. biden plans to get really mean and attack donald trump on the campaign trail, if he can muster cognitive coherence to do it hire we -- we're he are super tuesday, advantage trump. we're blessed, joining me now my hero bret baier. you are take us through the whole thing. i'm look forward to it. whatever one's political views, if you went back one or three years, you wouldn't have expected trump to be in
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this position, not saying he will win polls not votes, but you would not expect him to be where he is. >> tremendous come back politically. and i think that even 6 months ago, you would have said, this will be someone else's race, ron desantis or nikki haley. i do think you saying in open is right people go back to the time of trump administration and they feel how they felt at the kitchen table, they feel they were filing good about themselves about their economy about doing think about on the back of an envelope, d they felt good about foreign ol spolicy around the world, they were not worried about the border, there was a poll today from des moines register. trump is up 15 points in iowa. larry: really. >> 15. points, that is real change. that has shifted. even since the iowa
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caucuses. and i think you look at these resont polls. former president is in poll position into rest of the race. larry: part of this has to be biden 's failures, i repeat polls are not votes, they are snap shots in time. biden had a lot of failures there is a certain nostalgia for trump's positions. what is joe biden doing to do? story on fox news, i think i have seen it elsewhere in "wall street journal," he will come out fighting and slash and burn trump, i don't know what that means what do you think. reporter: it has to get ugly, you have to paint the other guy to be the worst thing ever. so that it is -- the devil you know. and i think that you will see a lot of, that you will see january 6, you will see
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a lot there was threat to democracy, in state of union address, he will try to hit on the economic numbers that are good. that you know he can tell a story, but there are other numbers that are concerning like credit card debt up 40%, that is a big number that i know people are worried about. larry: coming out and slashing trump that is what everyone does. all of the time. you know 24/7 does not sound much of a strategy to me, that may not pay payoff. >> not paying off in republican primary. in how it affects independents and suburban women we don't yet know, but early stuff has s sole
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edfid support. >> nikki haley will probably retire from the race tonight, she has no plans, no eventses, jimmy failla said she will be recruited for dancing with the stars. >> she does not have any ads, planned. we don't have a speech planned tonight, that is what we heard florida governor ron desantis in final days, it is crucial how former president talks about her and her supporters. is mag n mag nammous or not to unify the party. larry: people love the unity message. the best one in iowa. bret, kyrsten sinema said she will retirement any
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comment. >> interesting woman, you done know how she would vote earn time, she surprised democrats a lot. forming coalitions, a lot like senator joe manchin that race then, in arizona really leans toward kari lake, going up against rubin gallego in place that has been purple, i think that advantage goes to kari lake. larry: we'll be working for you. tonight we're coming back overtime, great fun. we'll work for you on the state of union night too in dc . >> good. larry: you are a prince to come on this set appreciate you. >> don't miss the super tuesday special coverage bret baier and martha maccallum, they did it all of the time, they did to grit, a special appearance by yours truly, a cast of
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thousands, ceremony started7 p.m. 8 of earn on fox news. all right. someone said something but we're a business show, stocks had a big down today. fox business kelly o'grady has been helpful, what is happening? i had a great intro, i got press bear on, now the stock market crashed. >> i am sporting red that is what stock market did, falling for a second straight session, the dow was down 404, and s&p also shedding gains down roughly a percent and nazdaq feeling pain down 1.65%. this story today is that your mega-captec was leading sell-off, apple of the getting hammered. investors got spooked on news that iphone sales plunged in china, 24%, so
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far in 2024. huawei, took a bite out of that apple. and china, tesla finished day down shipments from shanghai factory lowest level in years, that is a another company that seeing mayor competition from chinese competitors, you also say microsoft some other mag-7 lose a couple percentage each, they are up-to-date, they are stocks that have seen biggest gains this year this is a bit of profit taking. and outside of tech. targets, holiday quarter earnings stronger than expected. that stock finished day up 12%. finally, biggest bitcoin with an all-time high today 69,000 retreating that from quickly,. larry: all right kelly o'grady appreciate it. >> coming up on the show, we'll continue our discussion of super tuesday, we are bam senator tommy
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tupperville, talk about why americans like don's common sense policies. and talk a little bit about you know how did mr. trump get to where he will get, and you catch kudlow, monday through friday, every day 4 p.m. here on fox business, if you can't, particular y-- just disting text your favorite 9-year-old, and she will teach you thousand dvr the show and you will never miss a political come back, i am kudlow, we'll be right back. have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals
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larry: continuing our decisions discuss, super tuesday former president trump in command. a lot of middle class hopes of trumpian change. in the air. with us now to talk about this, we welcome back our friend alabama senator mr. tommy tuberville. let me play some sound from donald trump i think this morning on fox and friends, he was on -- take a listen to this. >> we have a different country than we had even two years ago this whole migrant invasion of our country
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destruction, you look at new york and chicago to los angeles. we have a much different country in many ways but also from a voting stand point. people that are modestly happy 3 years ago are devastated right now. i think that democrats have themselves a big problem. larry: so, you know democrats have themselves a big problem that is what poles say. and he is right. in a sense, things have changed radically in the last couple years, probably traceable to the border catastrophe and the crime, i would say also traceable to the inflation. now, here we are super tuesday, trump in control, how do you see this senator tuberville? >> well, trump is in the -- air here in dc they can't stand him, you can tell by the vote in dc here, does not have a lot of friends, but the rats are running for
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cover-up here, they know that president trump will win very big in my state of alabama he will get 85 to 95 percent of the vote, he will win the m nomination next week, at the end of the day it is about what biden has done, he has done nothing right for country, when you print and borrow 80 thousand a second. you will have an uptick in terms of something like the stoke market that went -- stock market that went down today, everything el will get worse, we are people coming here that hate the united states of america, they are coming here to have -- to push harm on the american people, and if we don't stope the border, soon, we will pay a huge price. larry: do you think that will continue to be the number one issue senator? >> 100%. 100%, the border is causing all kinds of problems, with our economy with our healthcare with our
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education. everything the border touches we can't afford it as president trump when he gets in office they are going home, if we don't do that we'll continue to go in debt more and more, we can't afford it people who are work hearing and paying taxes cannot afford to take care of these people that are coming in they can't speak the language, they don't want to work, a lot. they just want an ease ride, and democrats top give it to them, but, for these people, you have to go home. larry: i don't know what president biden will say about this at the state of the union thursday night. but, senator tuberville, you know it seems his so-called compromise plan and everything else is too enable do continuation of open borders and invasion of the interior of this
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country, he has authority to stop it, he doesn't want to, i wonder, this issue will be with us for the entire election, probably will prove to be the game changer. >> there is no doubt. people are sick of it even democrats. they are not even trying to do anything at border, not trying to help people in texas or arizona or california. and you said sanctuary cities have made it worse, now they don't want them. they have created a scenario where a lot of democrats will say enough is enough, we have to change the policies and again. this might have been a god's way of saying we'll give president trump 4 years, then show how it can be done, then we'll give democrats 4 years how it can't be done, then bring back president trump, he is only one that can save us with the skills and nerve and the energy to get this done, it will be very hard
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that is why we have to have a strong senate, a strong house, and to rally around him after next week, when he wins gnome nation -- gn nomination, everyone has to get on president trump's side get him across the goal line in november. larry: appreciate your time. in addition to using the executive 30 authority to closes border, i think we need policies, you mentioned speaking english, we had in trump administration, a set of policies f for legal immigration, no some civics, know the constitution and know history, speak english. and the visa lotteries for example, show people you can make an investment in the economy, or that you have a job or employer waiting for you there is a positive side
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to the immigration story which has been ignored by the biden administration. just, they don't care one wit about that, that economy part of the solution, a positive side for legal immigration. >> yes, love for the country, is there love what this country is about. most of them don't and won't, they don't know, they don't care. they just see possibly a better life or a way to change this country, to what europe is now a socialist agenda for everyone that is a european country. this country needs a heart heart transplant. if we do that we have chain to save it -- chance to save it i'm looking forward to it. larry: yes, sir, thank you senator tommy tuberville. >> coming up on kudlow, mr. trump in command on super tuesday. we'll ask former trump campaign manager, my friend
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kellyanne conway, how did he get here. not many people, a couple of years ago would have expected it. >> later on hillary clinton said that trump and biden are old. it may not be age. it is about cognitive ability problems. nobody better we have 2 experts on that. joe concha and mark simone, they will be here when kudlow returns. 't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. make more of what's yours.
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trump, fox news contributor. my friend. really? he is in a position today that very few people would have expected even those who were his most loyal followers and et cetera. how do you read that. >> never count donald trump out, people see in him a survivor, and a strong fighter, they want both right now. the word that people are looking for in presidency is strength, op opposite of that is weakness, we see every day, and failure we saw that every day. but thing about president trump, combination of luck and d 10 -- tenacity, also when people say his base, they are missing millions of voters who came from 2016 to 2020, he had a plus 13 million delta from his historic come from behind win to a better margin in 2020 of 74 million, that number will be higher this
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time. and the reasons is, this combination, you have i think donald trump has the hunger, swagger and underdog, underestimated ethos of 16 with presidential record, he has more joy on the job, he leaves his competi competitors more sour and dower. at the same time here, has joy, people want to follow him and listen to him, they know they will get more security, more prosperity and more opportunity and more safety, more strength, and more immediate results than they have, just as democrats swore donald trump was a gift to joe biden in 2020, the real seconde on the joe biden is a huge gift. larry: lowry wrote in "new york post" there is a n
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nostalgia for trump, for his success, he is a go i of success. -- a guy of success. mo mno matter what they try to pin on him, in the law fair suits. they want america to be strong again, closing the border and improving the economy yes, but i think it is an ethos, not carter malaise but it may be. but they want a guy to lead them out of it a tough guy. >> you have never known 3 1/2 years of success under joe biden that is a fact, they have known 3 1/2 years of prosperity and safety under donald trump, they want that back. the other thing that the prosecutions, as persecution as many people see them, increasingly, african-american, hispanics, college educated. a report about it how
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college educated republicans learn to fall in love with donald trump, that is bad news for nikki haley and others, i thought i would read a story about economy and inflation or border, no it was about the prosecutions, people saying, i may not like his tweets or his tone, but how much can you pick on one person without getting him, the most ridiculous looking people are the never-trumpers, get trump, this is the time, this is the investigation, this is the insight, they look foolish, they are no match for legion millions of trump voters who want prosperity and security back, i will say now, after access hollywood, more true, we like to complaint we vote about what affects us. >> people have to remember they got a pay raise under
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trump and a pay cut under biden. one last point, coalition is putting together, working class people, white, black, latino, asian, young, women, people who are -- veterans people who are working exppt and want a pay increase. they would like a pay increase. >> a surround sound coalition, and defund police. larry: elites don't understand it. >> fortunately for every one elite there are 10 gardeners and drivers and manicurists who are voting for donald trump this time, part is natural attrition, part is trump's message, i get this tell the president i'm for i'm, when you see the monster numbers in every's
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polling, donald trump 23% among african-american. and he does not need a majority of young people, women, folks in suburbs, he just needs to do better than average republican does, and he will. larry: he will, kellyanne conway the best of the best thank you. >> super, super tuesday. >> super super tuesday. >> witching gears -- switching gears a new witness emerged in fani willis case in georgia, madison s with details. reporter: two codefendants in donald trump election interference case in georgia filed a motion to pro sent more evidence to disqualify fulton county district attorney fani willis in the case, saying they have witnesses that will testify
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that the relationship again earlier than fani willis and wade said it did. this stems from a feeling by michael roman's attorney, alleging that willis and wade had an affairing and alleges that willis finish financially benefited from that benefit. and to testify before a special commit term, it to be asked about texts researched in phen toll -- t fall ton county court. in the high profile case. larry: thank you very much we have our eyes on that story. talk about old age. and cognitive ability. we have two experts about
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old age andi cognitive ability work is mark simone the other is joe concha. here is what hillary clinton says about old age. this morning? yesterday? >> someone the other day said to me, well, but you know, joe biden is old. i said, joe biden is old. let's go ahead and accept the reality, joe biden is old. so, really, pick between your two old ones. and figure out how you will save your democracy. because no matter where you stand, you want to maintain freedom, and rule of law and protection for people's fundamental rights, i used to think so. larry: before anything, hear donald trump on a similar subject with a different
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angle. >> i think he is in bad shape. i think he is cognitively impaired, he is physically impaired, it is not because of his age, i know people in their 80s and 90s, they are 100%. the whole thing is crazy, you know, i personally don't think that he will be make it -- >> mark simone, it is not age but your mental state, she is right. we know people well into their age who are sharp, hillary and them trying to make a case that does not exist biden has problems. >> hillary is trying to defended him, and hide his medicine. it is not about age, you have warren buffet 94, sharp. bernie marcus goes to work every day at home depot 95. larry: i had him on, wilbur ross is high favorite.
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the financial genius commerce secretary, great investment banker, 85 years old. i hope i'm not offending him, he is brilliant and not lost a step or a half a step, age does not necessarily mean you can't get the job done, joe. >> can i ask, answer the question with a question. what is in the chardonnay in chappaqua? right? if this is the argument now that joe biden is old so just accept it, because this is the best you will do at this point, to your point, not about age, about the policies that voters are rejecting, simple. she doing well on inflation, no, crime, now, on border no, immigration now, education, no. i could go on, but he is under water in those areas, 86% of americans believe that joe biden does not have mental acutie, you can't
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reverse, that hillary clinton saying, go with him, because he is the guy who'll save democracy. this is why we witnessed worst candidate of our life, hillary clinton she is not good at making an argument. larry: people are not into her or biden. mark simone she is trying to equate the two, you can't do that, see trump and listen to trump, he was on phone today with fox and friends. he is sharp and fast on his fight, everyone will miss, i might forget a last name or a first name or something, that is human nature. but they are trying to level the flying field, and -- playing field. >> ultimate genius, the guys that can play 4 chess games at once, trump is doing that running 4 major trials at the same time. no one has done that, it never happened.
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>> how is he doing. >> great, he will show them, in the end. you know hillary is like old whamo sunset boulevard, making that come back, she has been circling like a vulture, michelle own today announce -- >> pulled out. >> you will see a lot more of hillary. larry: i was crushed how lucky can we get, joe, you cucked. crushed. >> i saw this, she likes her life to much, he is producing for n netflix and a house the size of a zip code, i look at people a actions and their words, trump has more energy hand biden. look at joe biden schedule. monday, had nothing on it. today he woke up in camp david, was it a 4 day weekend. >> today is tuesday. >> he has been there since friday. larry: a workday. >> not like it was a lanhong holiday weekend. -- long holiday weeken. >> tomorrow he has nothing
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on his schedule this is an election year show us you want the job. >> thank you, joe concha and mark sy sy simone, two experts on old age. >> not me. larry: president biden placing inflation on companies price gouging, we get into it with michael faulkender and edware lawrence, i a i am kudlow, i am shark as a tack. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times.
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all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. larry: there he goes, joe biden blaming corporate deggreed and price gouging, edward lawrence is at white house, what is this, another gimmick? reporter: you know to go after this, president now announced a strike force to go after unfair and illegal prices that includes the doj and ftc, the strike force is necessary, pointing to this post on x by the cocookie mo monster. >> they charge you just as
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much for same size bag of chips but there are a hell of a lot fewer chips, i tell you who did notice was the cookie mini monster. >> trying to deflect the blame for inflation to companies, you see that all prices every 18%, food prices up 21%, since president biden took office. >> does president believe this shrinkflation and inflation are a company problem. >> c is for consumers getting ripped off, right, the president has called on companies to stop to stop you know, taking advantage of americans. >> why did it take the cookie monster to speak up
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for the strike force to go why not a couple years ago. >> i d disagree with the premise of your question, it did not take the cookie monster, it feels that cookie monster has been responding to us. reporter: she says that president has taken many acts to bring costs down but did not mention the costs started to rise when president biden canceled keystone pipeline, and signed 5.8 trillion of spending to law and added regulations that cost 3 tril i dotrillion to the economy. >> edward we'll bring in michael faulkender, i am looking at some, dj norquist sent me this. johnny rogers, barbecue and burgers in concord, north carolina, input costs,
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ground beef -- hot dogs up 12%, chicken 36%, cheese up 36%, bacon up 70%, french fries up 86%, italian dressing up 170%, what doe they do, if wholesale costs are going up, either they jack up their prices and lose customers or they try to shrink the products. but either way are they are between a rock and a hard place. >> that is right. because, not only have their raw material input costs gone up, but interest costs and recessi regulatory costs created by biden economy, there are two things that companies can do, they could either pass that price increase to the consumer or it may be better
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for consumers to reduce quantity of the production. the notion that government is in a better possess to decide whether to pass on a price increase through quantity or through price, that strikes me at the root of free market capitalism, let companies and c consumers determine whether a smaller package or higher price is better outcome, not the government. larry: what is this task force to go after the businesses are a armed? do we know more. >> not armed a strike force, generated out of this competition counsel that president formed, he formed it about 8 months ago. what do they have in common, they sue companies. they are looking for unfair pricing or illegal pricing, president biden did this
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november of 2021, directed ftc to look for oil companies to see if they were gouging consumers, nothing came of that it was more of a show, prices were passed to consumers for policies this is an election year, things happen, and they tail off. larry: all talk, all politics and show, they should quit spending their keisters off. fafaulkender, rich lowry on the set, he bought two french fries and milkshake at mcdonald's, $17. now, that is not shrink flation that is inflation. >> we need to focus on getting de deregulation under control, there is no
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reason for government do this. >> great stuff, thank you you both, i'll be back withac myk last word. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too.
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