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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪
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maria: good tuesday morning, thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo, tuesday march 5, super tuesday your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. 16 states and one territory headed to the polls for the biggest rush of the 2024 primary season. 854 delegates after god for republicans another 1420 up for grabs for democrats, donald trump facing off against nikki haley as president by the contest with the growing uncommitted vote. all of this after historic unanimous decision by the supreme court ruling that states cannot remove a presidential candidate from the ballot but interest the string of democrat state by colorado to remove president trump from the state primary ballot. >> you cannot take somebody out of a race, the voters can take 70 alvarez very quickly but a
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court should not do that in the supreme court saw that. maria: president trump responded to the action, the market pulling back, indicating a decline, the dow industrials down 148, the nasdaq is notable down about two thirds of 8%, 125 points lower on the nasdaq and s&p 500 lower by 14, the consumer in the spotlight today with target earnings up before the opening bell one day ahead of vertebral shape and jj powell's financial services committee wednesday and tenant banking on thursday. the momentum is on for bitcoin, touching $60000 yesterday approaching all-time highs before pulling back to now undo $67000 this morning, more on what you need to watch on the crypto space coming up, european and the red this morning, take a
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look at the eurozone, s&p 100 in london entire by a fraction but the cat caught is down in the lower by 21, fractional moves in your, and asia markets finish mostly lower, the asian embassies and the one bright spot, shanghai composite up a quarter percent but the hong kong market was down sharply, hang seng.two and two thirds percent, joining the conversation all morning long wealth management president rebecca walser and maslansky and partners lee carter and fox business cheryl casone. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪. maria: time for the hot topic of hour, the biggest voting in the presidential primary calendar super tuesday underway with
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polls open in the east coast after the supreme court unanimously ruled to keep president trump on the 2024 primary ballot in colorado, the 45th president responded to the really last night sending a message to president biden, watch this. >> president biden, number one stop weaponization, fight your fight yourself don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to damage your opponent to win an election, our people can stand in the people coming in really cannot stand it because the dying many are dying on the trip up in their dying in the country and also many of the people are criminals and their doing tremendous harm, i call it migrant crime i say respectfully to president biden you have the authorization right now, i did i did not go to congress and said to have the right to close, i thought congress, close the borders you could do right now.
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maria: president trump after the supreme court ruling, lee carter, your reaction. >> a huge victory for donald trump for a number of reasons not just because of the legal when which is important that he stays on the ballot but is also really going to win enthusiasm with voters because we see more and more voters believe that the weaponization of different forms of government is being used against donald trump to suppress their voices and i think that is something that people believe the 78% of americans believe it's a two-tier system of justice and a lot of people believe his claim that the system is rigged, this is one of the moments at the way the democrats are going to respond is going to dictate how people view it and it seems like the trying to double down and say were going to go after them and trumpeted different way which is really going to hurt the narrative if they fit don't think they can win it fair and square and i thought donald trump enough the weaponization
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of government, when it fair and square if you believe you can and that's what the american people want. maria: just like president biden blowing off the supreme court over student loan debt, the democrats are working on legislation to force trump off the ballot regardless following the supreme court ruling, watch this. >> president biden number one stop weaponization fight your fight yourself don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to damage or an opponent as you can win an election our people can't stand in the people coming in really can't stand it because their dying many are dying on the trip up in their dying in the country and also many of the people are criminals and are doing tremendous harm i call it migrant crime so i say respectfully to president biden you have the authorization right
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now i did it i did not go to congress and senate had the right to close i thought congress on it. >> and working with a number my colleagues including debbie wasserman smoltz and eric swalwell to revive legislation that we had to set up a process for which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section three the 14th amendment. maria: here you go there can continuing to force this through jamie raskin and he says along with eric swalwell. >> jamie raskin was a member of the january 6 select committee and ranking member on the house oversight committee, it bothers me greatly they would go through all the committees and all the things and never formally say let's declare january 6 and insurrection is a trumpeted something wrong that congress but the supreme court has ruled and now he's saying i passed legislation to try to promote in 2020 with debbie wasserman schultz that was going to create a pathway and this is not a
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pathway for the justice department to sue and keep candidates off the ball into the 14th amendment this is the weaponization of the justice department against people in this country running for office, that is not a constitutional republic and we lost her country in the situation if this passes. maria: everybody sees through it. >> raskin is holding onto a wing and a prayer for one line decision yesterday that the constitution makes congress rather than the state responsible for enforcing section three under federal officeholders. again let the voters decide the supreme court there was unanimous decision and by the way i would think that raskin would november to partner with eric swalwell. his world compass doesn't exactly point north and i'll leave it there. maria: i can't think of -- when i think of eric swalwell. top house committee releasing the transcript of hunter biden's business partner jay single ans
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as he was interviewed last friday, they are guided into diving deeper into the biden influence peddling. jeff van drew is here without coming up. super tuesday political panelist is here mark penn talks the latest with poster chris wilson in the 8:00 a.m. hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [busy hospital background sounds]
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maria: will come back the house oversight and judiciary committee releasing the transcript of the interview with
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hunter biden business partner jay single lantus lawmakers interviewed him in an alabama prison two weeks ago, gop oversight revealing that the value of hunter biden was his last name and his access to his father, galanis called it the biden left and he said hunter would call his father and use him to close russian and chinese business deals, here is james comer with me on this program last week telling me more about the galanis testimony. >> what galanis was able to confirm is that joe did communicate with one of the people the russian oligarch who wired hunter biden through the half million dollars this happened when joe biden was vice president despite the times he denied having any knowledge of his family's shady business schemes this is more evidence that joe biden knew full well what was going on and to be good to his son had not long after that they wired. half million dollars.
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maria: joining the new jersey congressman jeff van drew a member of the house judiciary and transportation committee. good to see you, thank you for being here. what is your reaction to the testimonies and what can you tell us from the judiciary standpoint about the impeachment inquiry against president biden. >> it tells us what we learned more and more about, someday a book is going to be written and is going to be calling the selling of america were enemies that's what this really will boils down to the biden name was used in somebody different ways by so many nefarious people this is just one more example, this gentleman is then imprisoned in alabama with hunter biden still running around in joe biden is not even discussed, were not limited along that's what i'll tell you from judiciary we have a great chairman and burger work are back off and boiled down to
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what the truth is and here it is in a nutshell what your people are watching joe biden's name the vice president was used to get access to gain power to achieve money and all kinds of schemes in this particular one, they hope to literally achieve billions of dollars in profits and hedge funds americans are tired of it it goes back to the double standard. maria: i totally understand that and that's what james comer has been saying repeatedly on the program. do you have evidence to prove that joe biden was involved? >> it is clear i don't know how many people to testify. we heard from this gentleman and we heard from devon archer and we heard from rob walker just to name a few, the meetings the golf trips, the conversations and what i know and for absolutely sure, president joe biden when he was vice president
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and now he lied as president and said he did not know anything about the business dealing and he was not involved with them at all we know he was in on the telephone calls and we knew that he had testimony from the sources the city works called numerous times to common and try to save the day and uses name group. we do know he's testified because he didn't expect to be president that he would be on the board after his vice presidency was done. we do know that his associates have reissued $20 million from kazakhstan and ukraine in china and russia and romania. this is not normal there is something wrong here. >> this is what tony bobulinski has testified to saying the structure was similar whether you look at the structure of james biden used to do a deal with americorps the healthcare
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corporately who is suing them by the way and the structure of the cefc deal which was hunter biden and his business partners as you say promising and equity indices on the board for joe biden. i will get your take on the democrats are mocking you. they say look at what's gone on with this impeachment inquiry, their one source mr. smirnov was indicted in the fbi claims he was lying and the next doors, galanis they had to go to an alabama prison to interview him. that's why you have dan goldman, jamie raskin, eric swalwell mocking the investigation, you know that. >> they have no choice they have to market, they know that there is something here and they figure if they keep saying it's not true it's not true, there is nothing there, there it is it's a connection in the web that we can see it there wrong but is
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politics because only choice that they have. maria: let me move on to the op-ed miranda devine out with a new piece called hunter biden's chinese legal client threatens to sue him unless his son pays back a million dollars, the chinese are suing him cefc official patrick company says hunter biden was hired to be his lawyer now he says hunter did no legal work for him he wants is million dollars back he was arrested in new york in 2017 in charge of international bribery and money laundering offenses. this is the guy who hunter and his partners were doing business with he was arrested for money laundering and now he suing hunter biden wanting his money back what you know about patrick company it is ironic when judge people, look you hunter biden is involved with, one more bad character arrested in new york
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for everything he was involved in. ho at the time thought that he was buying access and it would work out and we gain something with this but now with all the work and judiciary in oversight that is not going to happen because it's too open for anybody to go forward so now he wants his money back but he knew damn well then he was not getting the work done and since he hasn't got it done he said give me a list of what you've done and then we want to reimbursement for the rest of the money but he knows there's no list because there was no work. he was buying access through joe biden this is what it was all about this is one more example i don't know how much more we have to see democrats can walk all that they want were just laying it out and telling their testimony of person after person this is not just one individual we keep finding more and you keep seeing more. what more could you want, lasting if joe biden was a
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republican he would've been pushed out of office already, this is way bigger and way more than anything that ever happened to him. maria: that the bottom line. thank you, good to talk to you. jeff van drew we will follow your work. we appreciate your time. thank you so much. a quick break, bitcoin pulls back after incredible euphoric moment, it touched all-time highs yesterday what is driving crypto, we're going to talk about it in take a look at whether or not you should be jumping in. stay with us. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? (woman) what if all i do isn't enough?
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maria: welcome back, take a look at future subtraction of decline at the start of trading the dow industrials negative by 39 nasdaq negative by 114 and the s&p negative by 14 and we have huge gains here today in all of last year were awaiting retail numbers, target without any moment the stock up one in three quarters percent, later raleigh or from nordstrom and ross stores "after the bell" with costco and kroger, bj's out on thursday into the window coming out this week, joining me to get out of it wealth advisor founder and president mark avallone, great to see you what you expected from the retail quarterly numbers. >> i think it's good to be store
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by store action it's good to be about execution, the consumer is still spending and services are outstripping goods so that's been a headwind for retailers travel on independent activities other than staying home and buying goods has been the focus of the spend, macy's had a mixed bag we were surprised the digital sales went down that's a company by company, walmart was 60% of the groceries and target with only 20% that's a bigger headwind for target because they need traffic in their stores cvs is pulling out some of the stores that we see them looking forward having trouble getting foot traffic relative to wal walmart. maria: that's a great point were getting your from the federal reserve we have interest rates hovering around 4.2% take a look at the ten year we know j palpable testify before the house financial services committee and the senate banking
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on thursday in his annual testimony, the yield is now on the ten year at 4.18% that is down to nap basis points, the lawmakers question will likely focus on the central bank handling of inflation on whether or not they will cut interest rates and on the bank requirements what are you expecting? >> i'm not expecting too much that's expected from the fed we have to remember that economy was strong for number of years and they kept rates near 0, why do we think and they economy begins to slow they will ease immediately there is no correlation so i think investors got ahead of themselves in 202030 expecting a massive rhonda rate cuts and it's not happening now. yesterday we heard it might not happen in one or two cuts this year end why would they be aggressive we have sub 4% unemployment and wage growth over 4% the fed has never cut
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and the environment and initiated a rate cut cycle. think investors need to pay back expectations and maybe level for longer and it can still be reasonable for stock and bond investors. maria: a great point, jumping we have the atlanta fed president saying he expects the central bank to deposit interest-rate moves after one cut in the third quarter also the big week of jobs data on deck, the february adp in the january jolt report tomorrow and february jobs report on friday. >> i completely agree with mark this fed is not interested in cutting a good economic environment we say over and over the economy is good and labor market is good and inflation is ticking down but it's not at 2.4 it's not exactly, there's a lot more risk to cut prematurely and it's so interesting because at
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the meeting in december the.plot showed three cats the market had six and now even with the three we have bostic saying maybe only one and that a positive can see how the data actually impacts the economy and this is a much more cautious and hawkish fed there but we saw in december and that's pushing the market back and that's why yields are up in the market futures are down. mark do you agree with that. >> i do, it's interesting consumer confidence is on the decline despite the strong data numbers, it's very ironic when you have low unemployment relatively strong wages and awful consumer confidence i think the american consumer is smart and they seem what's happening at the border or with deficits or seeing what's happening with crime and i think combine that is a big driver for the slowdown when consumer confidence flows that can be a headwind for the economy despite
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good data so the fed is looking at crosswinds and they need to reconcile it i think i'll reconcile on the backs of being cautious and doing less not m more. maria: what you make of investors going further on the risk curve, look at bitcoin it is pulling back this morning but it topped $68000 yesterday, were talking about all-time record high territory, bitcoin erasing a majority of its losses from the record high back in november of 2021, now or the ghetto bitcoin is 66000, what is behind this and would you put money to work in bitcoin. >> green eventually replaces fear and that's true in every asset class and we have to call bitcoin and crypto and asset class it also goes back to an econ one-on-one it is supply and demand if you could only build 21 million bitcoin and you could create a frenzy or belief system
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that this is an asset class and you need to own it you can create foam out, the etf set up and constructed are driving the same beginning easy for people to say i want to put two, three, four, 5% of my money in crypto allegedly non- correlating and there you have a frenzy to buy and it's simply a price function of supply and demand are not really sure those economic value other than the technology i'm on the charlie munger as he said but i don't want to go that far i'm just not sure that investors should look at this as a real asset class and a non- correlated area worth going i into. maria: thank you so much i would get to cheryl casone she has a target earnings. >> listen to this, they came up with a very strong beat 298 on the earnings-per-share, looking for 24231.92 billion in revenue
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that was a b as well, the prophet popped about 60% this is pretty strong in this really does look ahead to 2024 for target looking through some of the top things that were listening to that i'm watching, comps sales came down 4.4% but that's better than expected we were looking for 4.6 drop their, also it is the forecast that seems to be a positive look at the stock is up more than 5% right now this is the forecast and remember in january target came out and they launched a deal where the plan its beauty products, it's clothing, it is food it's everything people are going in there to walmart and target for groceries we know this and we know that mark mentioned the groceries in the strong for target as walmart but overall this is a very strong quarter for target and i know we have to run and i tell you this
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every time i went to super target last week and the stores are knocking out of the park you could get a 5-dollar yoga top and $20 running shorts. maria: you know what i think is interesting is the same-store sales they were down but they were not down as much as the market that was expected. it's a positive. by the way the stock can i point something out the november report to now edge jumped 38% and up 5.5% right now this is not a loser stock it's really recovered and theft has gotten better. i know we have to go but theft is got better at target they are throwing those headlines out right now. maria: stay with us, we'll be right back, stock is up 6% on target. ♪
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maria: welcome back, president biden announcing a crackdown on corporate driven trump fees. >> this is new, the president once again targeting corporate america he is blaming them for high inflation under his presidency the new strikeforce according to national economic council advisor bill brainard is going to hold companies accountable when they engage in unfair and illegal practices that keep prices higher were cutting credit card late fees and taken a big poultry meat processors and building by hundred of providers, president biden is in the fight for the long haul when it comes to lowering costs for american consumers and congressional republicans instead of standing in the way according to lael brainard, one of the top issues for immigration is economy many americans still struggling to make ends meet, personal savings rate have been down and inflation jumped 18% total since he took office.
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ohio senator cheryl brown is calling out companies for shrink leash and indians and unlike he allied, cookie monster the very blue sesame street character writing on x, me hate shrink flexion, cookies are getting smaller to which a senator responded to that, me too cookie monster big corporations shrink the size without shirking their prices to pay for ceo bonuses, people in my state of ohio fed up, they should get all the cookie they pay for, this is been a consumer play for several years companies charging the same for smaller portions like cereals, crackers and cookies. the battle of the billionaire continues, jeff bezos surpassing elon musk the world's richest person the amazon factor v claimed the title for the first time since the fall of 2021, baeza's net worth 200 billion on monday elon musk trailing behind at 198 billion, sitting at
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197 billion the three continue to roll tape places and that happened for the last several years amazon the biggest generator for bezos, there are one year books at amazon and tesla on your screen. a flying car started up, elon musk spacex hit a record preorder amount aeronautics is based in silicon valley and preorders for their modeling flying car hit 2850 units that's worth $850 million the car carries a price tag of $300,000 the first prototypes could be in the air next year this two-seat vehicle would be the first flying car, that they is published a report but right now there's no regulation or provision for flying cars, to be continued on that one. we shall see, those are your headlines back to you. maria: thank you very much, vice president, here is another biden administration officials meeting with israeli capital members a
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political rival of benjamin netanyahu against the white house yesterday, the white house says here is push for the pause and fighting in gaza just a day after she demanded an immediate cease-fire, watch. >> the threat of hamas poses to the people of israel must be eliminated and given the advance scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease-fire. [cheering] or at least the next six weeks which is what is currently on the table. maria: joining the fox news senior strategic analyst in chairman of the institute for the study of war general jack keane, great to see you, thank you for being here. were talking a lot about the administration pushing or
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pressure of bibi matt noll who supported cease-fire in place even though we have no evidence that hamas is going to unleash the hostages, your reaction to the mediated washington at the white house with mr. gantz. >> a couple of points, suddenly its prime minister been given yet not whose policy for a cease-fire, they proposed it weeks ago and it's conditions that hamas is insisting it's so unrealistic it doesn't make any sense. i don't what the vice president is suggesting an immediate cease-fire regardless of hamas conditions or is she just supported what benjamin netanyahu is doing. in terms of what is taking place with gantz, gantz unofficially is a political opponent of prime minister benjamin netanyahu but i thought it was the right thing to do with the prime minister brought into his war cabinet
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people that did not agree with him necessary politically but agreed there has to be a government to go forward against thomas post october 7 and there has been disagreement in the war cabinet as you would expect his defensemen to start from the outside wanted to go into lebanon and go after hezbollah and prime minister benjamin netanyahu said no to that and gantz has some objections in terms of prosecution of the war but i do think if you are a member of the war cabinet and you do have a prime minister who sits at the head of the table i don't think you should be in the united states coordinated with the united states government, the strongest support of israel without the approval of the prime minister and quite frankly he does not have the prime minister's approval he is opposed to him being here, that puts his shoe on the other foot.
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what is biden administration doing, they tried to exploit the differences that exist in this government, that is not healthy at all, the common objective is to destroy hamas instantly get the hostages released and hopefully a stable political situation post thomas that's what i think everybody's trying to achieve the memes to doing that will certainly always have differences. i think it would be much better if you're going to coordinate with israeli government and do it with the prime minister and his foreign minister and his ambassador here in washington, d.c. maria: integrate analysis and i appreciate that is exactly what i was trying to get to, the fact that here we are in the middle of a war, people are dying in your politics being put into the situation with the white house meeting with one of two competitors on a political stage
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in israel, it is not the time, i want to move on to china because china's national people's congress kicks off today beijing announcing the economic growth target to around 5% for 2024 china's premier said is going to be boosted its defense spending by seven-point to percent this year that is the same increase of 2023 the premier report dropped references to peaceful reunification with taiwan. we talked about this before how china wants to reunify with taiwan, take over taiwan without a gun being fired and the shot fired, can they do that what is your take on the beginning of the people's conference. i remember we talked about the people's conference with they were celebrating a hundred years a couple of years ago and wanted the comments that xi jinping stuck with me in so many words he said anybody who gets in our way and terms of taiwan their heads will be busted to just he actually said this.
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now the people's congress is kicking off again with all of the predictions about the economy, your thoughts? >> certainly as you been reporting for some time the economic headwinds that china is facing our real and they're not going to be overcome shortly and certainly china has come to the understanding of themselves in huge property value problems expert problems, foreign investment issues staggering youth on appointment and its reported that college graduate and appointments close to 25% we have tens of thousands of chinese youth showing up on our border we and that's the new phenomenon in terms of the number of them the thing that we are watching, we've been told by the administration and sources inside of it that the last two meetings that they had with the chinese, the one the president had in the last one in thailand
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with the national security advisor that the chinese fled to them and they want more stability in indo pacific and the reduction of tensions and other words there talking nice, they usually talk nice but play hard, what we are seeing will the economic headwinds have geopolitical impact on china to reduce tensions? or will they accelerate the tension to give them some cover with a domestic audience that the real problem is external and not internal, remember the social compact that china has with its people is the submission to the control by the chinese communist party in return and economic stability and a better life. if that continues to go south, that will be a major concern to
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the ccp. remember always that they fear their own people and rising up against the rule than they do any single adversary. we have to see what comes of this, doesn't have geopolitical implications the economic turn down. maria: integrate point, that's what the hong kong market was down better than 2% chinese stocks declined as a 2024th growth targets did not press there will be low expectation but i want to move on to iran we only have a couple of seconds, the fbi is looking for the alleged iranian spy accused of plotting to assassinate former secretary mike pompeo and other american officials. we talked about this that has been on pompeo's back four years according to the fbi the suspected member of an telogen security has been recruiting for operations in the united states including lethal targeting of current former u.s. government
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officials as revenge for the irgc qasem soleimani staff, your reaction to this, that's why pompeo walks around with security all the time he has it on his back for my man. >> is entitled for security for x number of years postimmunization but with the recent intelligence that security is likely been increased and counterintelligence services they foiled a plot years ago to kill the saudi ambassador and a restaurant café milano in washington, d.c. and they foiled the plot to assassinate john pulled for the same reason that there targeting pompeo dealing with the assassination of a qasem soleimani and they're all over this and that's very good counterintelligence taking place and releasing it to the public i agree the public with their awareness they can help catch this guy who is out there trying
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to put a team together to do it, good work by the agency and were not surprised by iran's behavior at all these are thugs and killers running the country. maria: great to see you, thank you. >> great talking to you. general jack keane, we'll be d yoright back. reen i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. everyone say space pod! (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪
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[crowd boos] your view to quality genocide. >> it's not okay there's a genocide. >> they are lying. >> you get cactus and clip this so it's completely out of context. ird said that it was in you will pretend that it wasn't over and over again. it's [bleep] up man and you're not helping them. maria: she is losing that that was the morning buzz, that was near congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez confronted outside of a movie theater yesterday over her stance on the israel hamas war, the protesters are demanding more from that she call israel's conduct a genocide they want her to use the word genocide, your reaction. >> these protesters, it is too much, to go after her of all
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people who is largely on their side is the irony of all of this but it's going to be impossible to get people going to a public office of this is the way they are treated even people who are arguably on their side, i never thought i would say this but i feel for aoc in this moment because she's trying to go to the movies, it's a different thing which is at a public appearance, come on. >> this is one of the best things i woke up to this morning watching aoc dropped the f bomb, this happened in brooklyn, her inner bronx really came out in this clip and i agree with lee, the protesters are still blocking traffic at the tunnels in the midtown, get over yourselves by pacing off new yorkers the trying to go about their lives and go after somebody has been on your side, it just shows how stupid they are i don't know what other word to use but they are stupid.
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maria: it's working look at what's going on at this administration i had a whole conversation with jack keane he made the point that why is the white house meeting with benjamin netanyahu's political enemy against wide meet with benjamin netanyahu's to put pressure on benjamin netanyahu to do a cease-fire when we know the hamas hostages are not being released. this comes from the top. >> i think the people who are in public office this is a very divisive issue in the protesters are beyond the pale this is beyond the respective human decency antilles point this is not a republican and a movie theater in brooklyn this is a democrat who primarily pro-palestinian so it does not make sense and it's a double message at this administration keep sending out and says therefore israel but then they meet with their enemies and that causes all kinds of problems and this is what we get.
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maria: even the liberal justice on the supreme court are now saying you cannot mess with democracy democrats, coming up unanimous decision from the supreme court keeps president trump of the primary ballot just in time for super tuesday it is a hot topic of the hour coming up next. you're watching "mornings with maria", live on fox business.rc ♪ h. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app.
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