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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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maria: good morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good monday morning monday, march 4, 8:00 a.m. on the button, about to be at 8:00 a.m. on east one kauntil surl tuesday former president trump would defeat biden in a 2024 rematch, 49% voters say they support trump. more than 47% who say they support biden "new york times" poll shows 73% registered voters face joe biden is just
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too old to be an effective president bill maher and -- >> saturday night. >> stop with untrumper admit it i am bad with names i walk like a -- toddler with a full diaper. [laughter] >> but i believe in democracy. whoa! . . >> where is on the menu? bad enough car cher girl makes a face m we don't know how to use gizmo. >> same man people call "sleepy joe", he has to sleep, hold on, i was going to turn up volume -- find the button -- [laughter]. well, looks like he hung out.
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>> joining me right now texas congressman ronny jackson member house armed services foreign affairs committee former white house physician for presidents trump and obama congressman great to see you this morning thank you so much for being here, of course, we are watching jokes about, joe biden's mental capacity and age something you behind a spoken about for years how would you access all of that today? >> well, i think it is -- it is everyone is laughing it a you and i know american people know it isn't a joke anymore it is a serious issue our national security is at stake our economy, our safety and security our own country, all issues that are going on with open border i don't think joe biden is in charge what is happening i don't think has been since day one look at economy disaster there oversees performance started with afghanistan with horrible
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withdrawal of from afghanistan, u.s. ukraine,ish with i would iran proxies attacking us we have no sense of safety and security adversaries fear allies -- a big issue not a laughing matter anymore, just not getting better with time only going to continue to get worse very thought that this man can you know be president until the beginning of next term serve another four years? i just think that is crazy. i think that american people seeing that is crises i think where the issue is right now with white house you and have i been talking about it a long time that everybody is talking about it now everyone, they tried physical exam cover it up check that box hoping press will talk about something else not working this time people are seriously concerned about what is going on in this country we've got a problem. maria: not just american citizens that are watching joe biden's trip, and go to shake people's hands that are not there trip on words, et cetera. it is our adversaries, these
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this is becoming a national security issue according to many there is a op-ed in "the wall street journal", titled the republicans are party in search of failure. by alex, he writes next generation of democrats is coming hiding socialism behind fresh faces all next generation republicans can beat them despite mr. biden's slaim full retreat from afghanistan putin's brazen invasion of ukraine,. , across the southern border normalization of crime at homes america should buckle up lowest point of about administration yet to come, congressman you are a doctor your thoughts on where joe biden is now and does this decelerate, decline accelerate, is his worse or the lowest point yet to come?
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. >> well absolutely, i have said before you may have heard me say joe biden is not a fine wine not getting better with time all issues, that have this element to them 4 one thing in common worse with time not better so he is going to continue to get worse the fact here i think -- related to what you said some policies put in place some damage he's done to this country last three years ago are going to continue to have a negative impact on our country for years to come that part is going to get much worse what is happening in southern border with chinese people crossing the border with cartel criminal element coming in all countries that you know president trump said for years dumping prisoners insane sigh lumz into country we know probably radicalee hadi terrorists crossed into our border, the seeds sown yet to declare themselves going to happen next few years even after joe biden is gone set this country up for failure
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going to take somebody extremely aggressive, to turn things around, that is why i personally want to see donald trump come back to the white house because i think one person that got guts know-how to turn this ship around. >> do you think this is just joe biden's incompetence? his weakened mental capacity or is he just driving the agenda that elizabeth warren and others pro agreesive left hel him. >> i have never been impressed with joe biden as politician or intellect now worse you mistakes adversaries taking advantage people within party want power authority are taking advantage of iflt as well. they are pushing the biden administration, in certain directions, that serve their purposes, this has been going for awhile he can't stop it
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doesn't have where wutal people around him consumed the pour authority having him in that role no one wants this to go away in his circle the party has to figure out how to get rid of him. >> we know mitch mcconnell not running for reelection past november not a fan of donald trump in any way the writing on wall congressman i want you to tell me who you think could rise to run in a leadership position here is what j.d. vance senator from ohio told me yesterday about mitch mcconnell stepping down, watch. >> i think that we have to use this leadership election to turn the page, on republicans senate leadership i cannot have a senate republican leader who is far more obsessed with securing ukraine's border than he is focused on the american border, you can't have a senate republican leader who seems to ooze hatred dismay
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for very people who vote most republican elected leaders our base i think good people we should listen to them more than we do. >> congressman your thoughts? >> i would bike to see new leadership in the senate for sure i have said that a long time i wanted mitch mcconnell to step out that have role for years now. i think has been a problem are us i would like to see somebody young fresh j.d. vance lvlt new would like snb like j.d. vance to run this, tom cotton, hawley, enthusiastic member step you the to plate take control of our party we need good leadership we haven't had good leadership since trump left the white house across the board we've fragmented take advantage of how american people see democrats for what
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they er if he are stupid if we don't take advantage that have. >> thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thanks, maria. >> dr. ronny jackson right back. . ♪ .the
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coming around to the idea physical barriers actually work. watch. >> it has been six weeks since, the supreme court case, would have allowed you to remove razor wire texas border you argued was an emergency immediate need to take down. but it is still up, so -- why is it still up. >> i i mean -- to speak to the department of -- um -- of -- um dhs obviously. i just don't have anything for you on that we were very clear about what we thought about those wires, obviously, doj took action i just don't have anything on timeline of those coming down. >> liz peek i think what happened here, i think you what happened here that is the administration figured out quick if they send biden officials to take that wire down, that is going to be the picture, for the election. biden's people removing the
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wire at the southern border texas put up. liz: to ridiculous guess what border walls work? wire at the border workers numbers coming down very much favor joe biden at this point, so the -- frankly having pictures of them cutting the wire wasn't so terrific. >> why allowed this to happen? he could have taken an executive action they could have taken different kinds of actions, a year ago two careers ago because this has been, a cancerous sore for this administration, it has really driven down his approval ratings even as it has become voters number one or number two issue. how is it that they allowed this to happen with all the national security threats all the things that have gone wrong it is unimaginable to me that no one in the white house, has thought that maybe the time had come some point in the last three years to say enough we're not allowing
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300,000 people to come in in one month which is what happened in december. maria: exactly right, mark, "saturday night live" taking swipes at the administration, over the weekend, "snl" parade ad group 6 democrats their stalwart defense of joe biden's age and vigor what they did for homeland security secretary mayorkas. >> thanks for having me down man i am exhausted i was with joe biden past weekend he wiped me out we both went to the border down brownsville texas joe went into bismo said we are going to tighten this look how easy i can cross it then poured up top of the border wall rio grande came walk in with a fish in his mouth. >> secretary himself responded on cnn, watch. >> they should spend a bit of time with joe biden, like, i have done. let me share something with
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you. i prepare a lot for meetings with him and engagements he is remarkably detail oriented probdz operationally focused. >> for that you will so-called preparedness former border patrol chief ortiz toll 60 minutes last night he never heard from the president or vice president during his tenure watch this. >> i have never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. and so i have gones chief of the border patrol i commanded 21,000 people that is a problem. >> mark, he commanded 20,000 people never heard from joe biden number one issue for voters. >> we have an executive branch doesn't want to move laws that are already in place, but to summarize what is going on at the border you can do it with one word that is actually come from the white house lately, and that word is newcomers that is what the white house
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now refers to these criminal illegal migrants as new comers they are breaking the law illegally entering our country o white house want to call them newcomers democrats' plan since day one has never been to enforce any border laws it has been to get as many people through as quickly as possible, get more processors judges so they can grant asylum to as many people as possible, or just let them loose in america, then they ever show up two, three, four years down the road they knew asylum claim was a bunk not good. under joe biden's watch we've seen over 10 million migrants come into our country 7.3 million southwest border 1.6 million other locations, at least 1.8 million gotaways largest, the "saturday night live" ask it very funny but incredibly disturbing that president biden v.p. kamala harris alejandro mayorkas like, who is talking?
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to the border patrol out there? and sending marching orders? a lot of the neglect there. maria: how do they use the word "newcomers". liz: chinese military-aged men are newcomers give me a break, by the way, in terms of lack of communication, the fact that joe biden never talked to lloyd austin in we can in the hospital, how does that happen? i don't think they are talking to anybody, maria. maria: good point, new comeers just so happen to be on terrorist watch list, new comers, a major week of jobs data jammer powell two-day testimony on capitol hill we're getting ahead of its weighing in on stocks how you are allocating money you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪
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first trading week of march dow industrials right now down about 150 nasdaq up squeaking out gain about 1 point, as extending last week's record performance s&p 500 down nine points interest rates around 4. % on 10-year take a look at 10-year 4. 3% up almost 5 basis points ahead of week for to jay powell the federal reserve chairman will testify before house financial services committee wednesday the senate banking committee thursday this is the annual humphrey-hawkins testimony lawmakers will ask him about, the central bank handling of inflation whether or not cutting interest rates, plans to raise bank capital requirement a big subject as well we had a big week with of jobs data february adp january jolts number on wednesday, followed by important labor department report friday ceo of crossmark chief investment
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officer bob doll welcome back thank you. good morning. >> what are you expecting from the fed, first talk about jay powell, what do you think he is going to be messaging to congress wednesday and thursday? >> look maria going to walk that fine line too soon to think about cutting rates inflation we've got a couple bad newborns cpi, ppi a couple weeks ago, so he is going to walk that fine line to say we done a lot of work inflation has come down not red to cut because we need more signs heading toward 2% number we target i don't think we get to 2% that is a whole 'nother story. >> sounds present given where we are right bob? look, you've got an economy that is slowing, even though you see good news on the consumer, and pretty good news on jobs what is your take on the macrostory and inflation right now? >> well, certainly, stronger than almost any but there are signs as you point out that
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there seems some weakening i think we will see that before long in jobs market as well. we can't keep this pace up in my judgment, given all the crosscurrents still a lot of excessive savings from covid not sure what encore is to keep economy strong. >> the fed dealing with economy slowing host of stimulus out there, like, trying to take inflation down but got this tsunami of too many dollars chasing too few goods all the time. >> all the time, an election year you know the incumbents will spend as much as ethic to try 20 get reelected the risk is excess spending eventual fumes we have a problem. let's hope we don't have to go to that place then a more significant downturn. >> i am with mark tepper this
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morning. mark: i want your read on consumer throughout the rest of the year i mean if you think about it consumer spending has remained resilient, for you know i would say probably three -- number one multiple job he holders all-time high people working two jobs, just to put food on table number two credit card debt continues to go up so looks like consumers are reaching for the credit cards, and the third thing consumers are scaling back on how much money they are saving every month that is really helped consumer spending to remain strong, i would love your take on whether or not it can remain strong throughout the rest of the year. >> i agree with all your points i think all lead to an eventual slowdown in consumer i add to what i said a minute ago the decline in oo. excess savings from covid that is about to run out, then you have, you know, the people working two and three jobs ro government doesn't measure that well you probably know there is evidence those working three jobs or only
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working two, a lot working two, only working one not because they want to cut back but jobs aren't available companies are beginning to have issues in raising prices. that is profit margins we've seen pressure fourth-quarter earnings the next thing begin to lay off people we've seen that in financial sector the technology sector already. >> how about this "the wall street journal" is writing this morning that we could see another quote/unquote china shock as beijing floods foreign markets with exports of cheap items to boost growth isn't buying anything in return or not applying much china adds yuan last year your reaction to whether or not china is a factor o going forward? >> i think going to try you all remember 1990s early 2000s when they flooded the system with goods that created, yes lower prices but also had job consequences, as people know.
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look. they are going to try again. that is not from a strong economy as it was last time they did it think an economy where they are struggling aging population reproblems if we get a glut of their cars, the consumer electronics, et cetera, that is a damener on inflation good nice i think you will see a lot of flight from around the world including u.s. ton donald trump talked about significant terrorists if he gets into office will curtail some cheap prices coming into our country >> would you buy stocks right here? >> i am crush a over 20 times earnings only seen that three times in my career, the tech bubble, covid, now the first two times did not have pleasant outcome i think world has to be pretty perfect to justify evaluations i wouldn't run for the hills but i am cautious. >> bob good to talk about you
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as always thank you, sir. . >> happy monday. >> your morning more of apple the stock premarket, european commission, is fining apple for two billion dollars, the eu says apple abused its rules for music streaming providers finds apple restricted developers from informing about alternative cheaper services, or providing instructions to you to subscribe to offers apple issuing a statement this morning saying commission failed to uncover any credible evidence of consumer harm ignored realities of a market thriving competitive growing fast the stock down one and two-thirds percent but up about 19% in the last year, quick break super tuesday is happening tomorrow. even as nikki haley wins one primary in washington, d.c., this weekend president trump's lead could going to be up gop
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nomination for him within two weeks, kellyanne conway is here with her stake you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large.
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. maria: welcome back, presidential candidates making push ahead of suptuesday tomorrow, the biggest gave day for primaries voters in 15 states plus one territory, head to the polls with more than 800 republican delegates up for grabs more than 1,000 up for comrabz the democrats. nikki haley this weekend, had a win ended former president trump's undefeated primary run when she won in largely democrat washington, d.c. . a new fox news poll shows trump has edge over president biden in potential rematch, for 2024, 49% said they
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support president trump, 47% said they spr president biden when haley biden going head-to-head smee fares better beating biden by 8 points fox news contributor pollster former senior counselor to president trump kellyanne conway, great to see you new fox news polls out i want to talk about first give us your assessment, set the tone going into super tuesday where are we in 2024 presidential race. >> look, the match rematch joe biden donald trump for all people closed that 70% americans don't want this rematch don't want either one i would politely reminded them from 1980 to 2004,straight on bush or clinton on national ticket 24 straight years i understand people say they are revolutionaries weren't seeing change in options but leaning this way for rematch i think
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we are going to have a very binary choice of when presidential rod you prefer important to me in new polls when president policies helped your family you and family. it is the reverse, the same number who say donald trump had helped them are the same number that say joe biden is hurting them that is really the tell a i think polling questions that mimic same questions you asked yourself as you head into polls or that envelope stick in mail with ballot the best polling questions asking us now as voters what we're asking ourselves as we head into the ballot box. maria: great point, i think it is really interesting to see some of these important groups who could decide the election toward trump look at this poll finds 28% black voters support trump, hiept they want cal rematch with biden seven times number supported him in 2020, trump
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also saw near record support among hispanics that is 48%, 51% support him for voters under the age of 30. 8% democrats even said they would support trump if he goes against biden kellyanne. >> no question president biden burrowing into core consistencies of the democratic party joe biden had a tenuous coalition in 2020 so many leaving joe biden leaving democratic party that is with a woman of color as vice president i would say partly because vice president people very worried a vote for joe biden is in fact a vote for ka potentially next 12 years scary thought for many people if you ask african americans hispanic americans young americans in the polls why this is, their view on issue is the same, as everyone else, yen population worried about inflation in the economy, what
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macro economists say about improving economy sly chain shock inflation wages the rest if not feeling it not voting it if you are a young couple or young single person you want to buy first home when are you able to do that 30, 32? joe biden's "bidenomics" prevented you from doing that there is a point when people hear donald trump say two tiered system of rescues over procession, persecution many can relate to that. >> a kellyanne doesn't matter all policies in the world if in fact the biden administration is getting people to vote to come out because they are paying them, that is basically what they are doing they are paying college students young people, to engage to get people to vote i had a friend other day text me say i was standing at a food truck two people came to me looked illegals one guy
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had tattoos all over his face dangerous looking to me said miss do you want a clipboad do you want to sign up to be a democrat vote in 2024 election? my question to you as leader in this party what is the rnc doing to ensure a free and fair election in 2024, indication i tell you right now biden administration is approaching this according not federalist as whole of government approach got every agency, talking about, getting out the vote engaging making sure you are going to get new people to become democrats. >> no question maria this is what keeps me up about 2024 election, the democrats mechanics rnc a better job set up a permanent election unity filed dozens of lawsuits to clarify what new normal voting roles even are what rules even
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mean i feel they who mechanics controlout coke i would love president trump mrs. trump vote early in florida so voters go and vote early for him also, because if you wait till election day take big chance everybody can show up on election day for whatever reason you may not be able to, but your point that using not even "deep state" the shallow state bloig deploying it weaponizing it to get more people on roles look at what is happening in california new republicans voting m democrats losing voters, this is possible even in blue states, but maria i am a big, big proponent i say it i say on your show i believe that republicans and donors need to start investing in nonsexy parts of politics this legal blast harvesting election integrity i am old if a shunned i vote in person every election let me tell you
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something new normal is early voting if we don't adapt politically we die politically. >> is there anything else you think rnc needs to be doing o ensure fair election. >> november. >> spent a ton of money i think part of the policies have been what asking for, are nonpartisan even by bipartisan vote watches in 2020 recounting votes in philadelphia pennsylvania put up, pizza -- people couldn't see you need chain of krud so people feel free to give vote to someone else, and i think there are you safeguards they can put in place, lawsuits are very important, for very simple reason they are expensive they need to happen we need clarity ahead of time i wish united states supreme court had taken up that pennsylvania case in 2020 i guess fearful of doing so because rbg passed away a 4-4 split in courts it was a straight up
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question of fact, not law. can change the way the way it handles elections your ballot without going to state constitution the question was very straightforward the answer was no to everybody knew it had they done it think we could have had a different outcome stick with pennsylvania for a moment on tv every day saying going to win pennsylvania, pennsylvania economy had no early voting, that totally burned out now in 2022 fetterman meet mehmet oz, oz bref two xhldz on election day never enough to make that up deficit. >> a great point the analysis spot-on doesn't appear democrat with an win based on policy, 58% voters in that same poll dispolice of the job joe biden is doing, a majority said the administration has
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mostly failed on top irz including handling of the economy, making u.s. safer national security major, unifying approving borrowed they talk about trump a threat to democracy they are trying to take trump's name off ballot before you go we are waiting n supreme court may be an hour away from major is asking from scotus we think the decision is whether or not trump is eligible to be on ballots, you say? >> most ballots have failed or pending, colorado maine illinois has at least gotten a rogue official in the case, i am glad supreme court is expedieding cases, if going to stick with joe biden-kamala harris going to have to find a way to win election outside of
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a good, fair fight on the issues, last point, in 2020, we found out after the fact this is legal, zuckerberg, saying won't participate equate same way but half a billion dollars to two nonprofits, exposed the fact 90% districts got 100,000 dollars ran higher districts joe biden won didn't zuckerberg want us all safe voting that kind of stuff was legal a bunch states 17, 18 banned that personal funding in the future, this is kind of thing we have to watch too, not just fraud, and other it is doing things that are legal in front of -- illegal in front of us i am saying to donors please step up start investing in who cares about idle network tv nobody is watching. >> we are watching all that great to talk with you thank you. >> take care.
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>> kellyanne conway this morning in new york. we'll be right back. .
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last year united states had one of the lowest rates of all violence crime of all violent crimes in more than 50 years,
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murder rate, aggravated assault robbery dropped sharply with burglary crime and theft since day one my administration has been working with law enforcement mayors community leads to do what we know workers. >> really? president biden touting last year's reported lower crime rates during a white house speech last week, saying has been working with the leadership in these cities he failed to mention illegal migrant crime wave including death murder of 22-year-old georgia student laken riley alleged killer was illegal venezuelan national went to country in september of 2022 through el paso joining me with facts fraternal order police vice president joe, thank you for being here your reaction to what you just heard from president biden. >> yeah. i don't know what at alternate
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reality he is living in he if he looking out front door murders up 30% washington, d.c., car jackss up one hundred percent, 20,000 homicides in three years we haven't seen seen those numbers in 30 years reretail theft up, crime disorder, if president biden wants to help how about tell activist judges to do their job why doesn't he con convince the rest of his party to top treating cops like cra p in america. >> i don't know how he comelts away with this is to be telling us the sky is black when sky is blue sunny out when rain out we know what is going on we live it spoke with sheriff in arizona said never heard from the administration, then we spoke with raoul ortiz on 60 minutes last night said
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he never heard from joe biden and never heard from kamala harris, what is biden saying to us when he says i am working with sheriffs and local police? it doesn't seem that he does then residents in is atin texas outraged over police shortages, longer 911 call times city council vote to defund the police department in 2020. austin police association president told fox news digital steady decline in public safety put city on brink of disaster, go to chicago two police officers injured after a stray but will weather hid windshield 6 their police car the suspect allegedly shooting at group of men walking down the street, how is it possible that joe biden, is reading from notecards reading from teleprompter with all rainbows puppy dogs narratives we are living a completely different story? >> yeah. the claveng don't believer you
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are lying eyes, how bad it is, 150-million-dollar, next year highest murder rate can't respond to calls another chapter in the war that is raging in the country we have 378 police officers shot last year, that is 60% increase over last five years, in 2024 this year we are already outpacing those historic numbers, you would think that maybe the president could hold an dmashl address condemning the violence against lawmakers, not a peep, we are being attacked every day for uniform we wear he can't even make a statement? our leaders are asclooep at the we'll have our entire profession suffering. >> we need honesty here got it with former nypd commissioner ray kelly what is concerning me jee we've got too serious gangs right now in new york, i
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know they are gangs all over the country entering through wide-open border nypd has told me about a gang that is very dangerous from venezuela, in the country, right now, and raging throughout new york ray kelly addressed it when i spoke with him here is the former nypd commissioner. >> we know they are astonished in several south american countries been there for awhile in 12 years moved to new york, their mo of stealing phones, back to colombia, cleansed sold stealing bags from women, riding on scooters they pull up next take the bag take off, and they are gone, in a flash, so those are the two primary way they have been
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make money in the city but they also are involved in human trafficking, and drugs. >> what do you think about gangs what do you know about it? >> well, of course, operating in new york guess what they know not going to be held accountable for actions, thanks to resolving door criminal justice, as a country, maria, we need to get backing basics stop prioritizing criminal victims -- people come to this country illegally over those citizens came here legally, or doing it the right way, basically, how about we stop prioritizing people who break the law over those who follow it i tell you right now if you are willing to throw the book at dirt bags doing robberies, i sure you you could throw them in jail and immediately deport them out of the country but until we secure the border doesn't do much good because they come right back in. >> serious stuff,
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disappointing, great to get your take thanks so much. thank you, sir. . >> thank you. . we'll be right back. . rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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welcome back. we have a quick market check before we go. take a look at these markets 1 hour before the opening bell sounds. down 201 points. n nasdaq is down a quarter point. let me tell you, we had breaking news while on the air. jetblue announced the
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termination of the merger talks with spirit airline. they had an agreement in place but they are terminating it. jetblue will pay spirit $69 million. spirit remains confident, in our future, as a successful airline. >> spirit, a successful independent airline? good luck. i'd never fly spirit. earning season is behind us. all eyes are on jay powell and the fed. he won't have a rush to cut rates. >> real quick, final word. >> jetblue termination is because of the government stepping in. they are doing it too much and it's antibusiness. >> they don't want to see companies get bigger. thank you everybody. see you same place. varney and company picks it up.
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>> what a week


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