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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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maria: good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i'm is monday, march 4th. i top stories right now, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today stocks are indicated lower, take a look at futures, on the downside, dow industrials down 88, nasdaq down 12, s&p 500 lower by 6 and-a-half ahead of the first full trading week of march. nasdaq on a tear this year, thanks to the power and promise of a.i. take a look. the nasdaq up 8 and-a-half percent year-to-date. but now one senator says it's time to break up tech giants like google. hear what jd vance told me about that coming up. more retail earnings on tap ahead of friday's jobs report and the february adp report ons wednesday. the labor department's job report coming out on friday, we have the preview on jobs coming up. european markets are mixed.
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the ft 100 in london is lower by 28, the dax index is lower by 9 in germany but the cac quarante in paris yo is up a fraction. take a look at the asian indices. in japan, the nikkei set a record high, closing about 40,000, money has been moving into japan in a big way. the best performer overnight was the kospi in korea, up 1 and a quarter percent. we are one day away from super tuesday with one-third of all delegates up for grabs for the republicans and democrats. 16 states voteing in the primaries, president trump could have the gop nomination locked up within two weeks as a washington, d.c. win happens for nikki haley on sunday, not enough, likely not enough for her to reverse trump winning winningevery other primary race. fox news polls spell disaster out of the biden administration.
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joining the conversation all morning long, mark tepper is here, fox news contributor liz peek is here. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. presidential candidates making their final push ahead of super tuesday, the biggest day of this year's primary campaign. voters in 16 states will cast their ballots tomorrow, more than 800 rendell gates are up for grabs in the gop nomination race. new fox news polls shows bad news for president biden ahead of his state of the union speech on thursday. take a look at the new fox news polls, 58% of voters disyou approve of the job that biden is
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doing as president be, 42% say they approve. 72% of voters say they're dissatisfied with the direction of the country, a full 72%. and then a majority of voters are saying the biden administration has mostly failed on several top issues. biden receiving the bad marks on his handling of the economy, making the u.s. safer, unifying the country and improving border security. that's about all of the issues americans care about, liz. your reaction. >> this is the latest in a slew of polls that show that donald trump is leading and what's really most important, maria, is that he's leading in the swing states too. but gosh, some of the details on the polls out of fox and also out of the new york times recently show joe biden is losing monumentally with a lot of his core constituencies, black voters are now in the fox poll supporting trump by 26, 28
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28%. in the new york times poll, hispanics are in favor of trump by a majority. there is no good news here. it makes the stakes for the state of the union address incredibly high. going into the election season, no candidate has had worse approval ratings than joe biden in the modern era and what it requires is a massive reset, a reboot of his extreme progressive agenda and if he doesn't do that in the state of the union you union address ane months coming ups he's not going to win re-election. there's no hint that he wants to turn around his position on the border or any other critical issue. maria: that's a great point, the fact that there's no indication that he's actually going to change or tweak anything that he's doing. i mean, he's looking at the supreme court and sticking it to them. they said that forgiving student loan debt is unconstitutional
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and he just keeps doing it and he sort of is bragging about it but one of the polls that really is stunning to me is the hispanic poll. the question is, if the 2024 presidential election were held today who would you vote for if the candidates were joe biden and donald trump among hispanic votes, 46% are voting for donald trump, 40% joe biden, 14% say they don't know. mark, these are serious numbers when you look at the hispanic population really overwhelmingly for trump right now. >> and to liz's point, i mean, president trump is gaining ground whether it's with his pan aices or blacks or -- hispanics, blacks or gen z voters because biden isn't accomplishing anything. i don't know what he's going to talk about at the state of the union coming up. when you look at the condition of our country, we've got a crisis at the border. we have inflation reaccelerating. people working a record number
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of second jobs. i mean, multiple job holders are at an all-time high. foreign policy a disaster. we have more divisiveness within our country than ever before. all the guy's tweeting about, some of the most recent tweets, i believe from yesterday, he's targeting junk fees again. he's going after doordash and uber eats, trying to save somebody $3 off their food delivery service. before that he was going after the airlines for junk fees, before that he was going after the banking system for junk fees. like he this is what he's trying to run on, this is where he thinks he is accomplishing little baby victories when actually he's doing nothing to solve the biggest problem and for the 24% of people who say biden mostly succeeded at the border. which border? alaska. maria: no, it's the ukraine border.
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he wants to send 60 billion to ukraine. chuck schumer is telling us this is the most important thing, we'll do the southern border later. the largest leftist political organization in the country, the ddemocrat socialists of america are endorsing the push for uncommitted votes, posting this on x, until this administration ends the support for israel's genocide in gaza and delivers a permanent lasting skier fire joe biden will bear the responsibility for another trump presidency. we heard the cease fire efforts from none over than kamala harris over the weekend. listen to this. >> i will repeat, the threat of hamas poses to the people of israel must be lim eliminated ad given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire.
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[ applause ] >> for at least the next six weeks, which is what is currently on the table. maria: there you have it, liz. >> look, this administration is keen to throw israel overboard because it's not helping his re-election effort. i find this pretty disgrateful, maria. maria: quick break and then markets are searching for direction this morning as we kick off the first full trading week of march and what a week it is, we're looking ahead to not just the state of the union and super tuesday but retail earnings and jobs data coming up this week. then kellyanne conway is here in the you 8:00 a.m. hour, we'll talk about the head to head polls and where the candidates stand one day before super tuesday. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ country roads take me home. ♪ to the place i belong. ♪ west virginia. ♪ mountain mama.
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures this morning on this kickoff to the first full trading week of march. we are looking at selling pressure, dow industrials down 106, nasdaq down 23, s&p lower by 9. after an incredible year-to-date and last year with stocks up sharply. we've got a big week of retail earnings on deck, we'll hear from target, ross stores, costco, foot locker, kroger and bjs this week, we'll get a window into the consumer after last week's numbers as well. joining me is u.s. bank wealth had management senior vice president, head of public markets group, lisa erikson. thank you for being here this morning. tell us what you're expecting from the data on tap which culminates with the jobs numbers on friday from the labor department. how do you see the macro story? >> overall right now we are
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seeing generally a balanced macro year and what i mean by that is while we have growth measures generally slowing, they have been surprising to the upside and that's really been on the back of a resilient consumer, supported by a solid jobs market. and so when we look at the week ahead, what we're really expecting is similar data to what we've seen in the last couple months, whether it's the jobs data or some of the big box retailer earnings that we're going to see this week. we are expecting to see, again, some evidence that hopefully the consumer is hanging in there but really what's going to be key is, again, that rate of change. again, we know that policy has been tight and that we continue to have some lag effect of past rate increases so again, just the nuance of how long that jobs and consumer market can hang in there relative to when policy will begin to ease is really a key question. maria: we've got the federal reserve meeting at the end of
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the month of march. take a look at interest rates as we approach that meeting the 10 year treasury yield right now has been pretty stagnant at around 4.2%, 4.3% for the last month or so. this morning it's up 2 and-a-half basis points. fed chief jay powell is expected to testify this week before congress, he'll have the house financial services committee and hen the senate banking committee wednesday and thursday. lawmakers questioning, will focus on the central bank's handling of inflation and its plans to raise bank capital requirements and cut interest rates. so i want to get your take on what the fed may say this week. of course, we've got the big week of jobs data on deck, the february adp number out on wednesday, the jolts report on wednesday, the jobs report on friday. so what do you think we'll hear from jay powell on this week, wednesday and thursday? >> well, certainly the fed speak really in the last several weeks has been around the concept of continuing caution while they they see a lot of progress has
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been made, they don't want to act prematurely and i think looking at the rising inflation we've had really since mid-2022, again, they're really wanting to make sure they can counter act that by ensuring that the data is coming in sufficiently supportive of their case to really be able to begin to move to a pivot and so we expect chair powell to continue that messaging here as he testifies before both the house and the senate, really in terms of just continuing to emphasize the data dependence and need for continuing evidence before really moving further. maria: mark ten r, jump in -- mark tepper, jump in here. >> i expect jay powell to double down on the rhetoric of the fed being in no rush to cut rates any time soon. when you look at what's happening and go back throughout history around the globe, whenever there's a high inflinperiod, -- high inflation period, 87% of the time we see a
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second wave of inflation. right now it seems like we're seeing a reacceleration in inflation. the numbers were up 0.7% month over month, doesn't sound like we're tracking for the fed's 2% target rate. it seems like the market is pricing in three and-a-half cuts this year, i think it might be closer to two. i can't see the fed being in any rush to cut in the immediate future. what's your take on that? >> certainly, again, chair powell and all -- many of the ffed number indicated the he desire to be cautious and prolong waiting for more data to support continued disinflation and i think, mark, you made some really good points, that historically when we've looked at inflation, often it comes in waves and we've seen our recent data really reaffirm that with some bumps in the way a lot of that path of price pressure is coming down. so again, we expect that rate
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cut hopes to continue to be a little further out as we look forward into the future. maria: all right. we will leave it there. lisa, good to see you. thanks very much. >.lisa erikson joining us this morning. your morning mover is macy's, it's up in the premarket. shares up 16 and-a-half percent after real estate faux of cussed investment firms arc house management and brigade capital raised the offer for macies by nearly $1 billion, they offered to acquire macy's stock they don't own for $24 a share, a 14% premium to the previous offer which was $21 a share or $6.6 billion. mamacy's confirmed it received e new proposal. the board is taking it under review. this comes as macy's is struggling to compete with e-commerce competitors and will close 150 stores nationwide. the stock is down 20% in the last year, this morning, up 16
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and-a-half percent on macy's. quick break and then president biden gives his state of the union address this thursday. some on capitol hill do not want it at a all because of the southern border and the fact that it's wide open. georgia congressman buddy carter is here with his proposal about the budget. stay with us. ♪
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family. maria: president trump honoring georgia nursing student laken riley yesterday while campaigning in richmond, virginia. he's blaming joe biden's border policies for allowing the illegal migrant to enter the country in the first place, he entered in september of 2022. hundreds of mourners attended laken's funeral in a church outside of atlanta georgia on friday when she was laid to rest. laken's mother changing her facebook profile picture, adding the slogan, h hashtag, save her name. she called the murder a, quote, avoidable tragedy. joining us now, congressman buddy carter. congressman, what a shame. what a tragedy. your reaction? >> maria, it's awful. this is something that should not have happened. listen, this administration has blood on their hands. this should have never happened to laken riley, this was an you
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anaspiring nurse. she was going to dedicate her career to helping people and now she's dead. this should have never happened. we have a situation where he came into the country illegally, he was detained in new york and released, new york city, a sanctuary city, and released and even though he was accused, even though he w charged with endangering the life of a child. if you read the report, the way this happened, this was awful. this has shaken our state, shaken our community. maria: the right thing would be to have laken riley's family sitting in the chamber at the state of the union. i do not believe that would -- that is jill biden's guest. not at all. she's got somebody else sitting next to her, i know that. but if laken riley's parents were in that chamber on thursday when the president delivers the state of the union and at least we could all stand up for her
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and honor her parents. the president will be delivering that state of the union thursday, congressman, i know you have a bill that prohibits the house or senate leadership from inviting biden to address congress. you have to invite him to address congress in order to give the state of the union but you say he's not invited until he provides congress with his national security strategy and his budget. have you gotten a budget from this president at all in the last three years? >> exactly. along with senator joe any joni ernst, ihave a request ford this in time. he was supposed to send this on february fifth. we still haven't gotten it. we can't start our work until we get this information that has numbers in it that we have to base our budget off of. so it's pretty simple. if you don't do the work, you don't get to deliver the state of the union and this is not
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just for this president. this is for any president. .maria: you're not going to stick to it? you're not going to invite him to do the state of the union until he gives you budget materials? >> if we can pass this legislation, that will be the case, yes. maria: speaker of the house mike johnson inviting new york city police officers who were attacked by the migrant mob in times square the other day, he's inviting them to the state of the union on thursday. he released this statement, sanctuary cities endangered american citizens across the country, brave law enforcement officers should never be victims of the senseless crimes these policies encourage. your thoughts on having the nypd officers sitting with mike johnson on thursday should the president deliver that. >> i think it's great. maria: we need to honor our men and women in blue. >> there's no question about that. after all, this president, president biden, has put illegal immigrants ahead of our police
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officers, endangering our citizens, leading to tragic situations like happened with laken riley, that should have never happened, endangering our police officers. and i applaud the president, i applaud the speaker for inviting the new york police officers and i applaud the new york delegation. i you hope they will be there. i look forward to seeing them. we need to let them know that we support them. maria: liz peek, jump in here. >> good morning, congressman. thanks for joining us. do you expect the president who is now drowning in effect to reach out across the aisle, make some conciliatory gestures, try to act like he's willing to work with congress? he has to do something different, right? what do you think that might be? >> well, i think you're right. i think he will make gestures and i think he will offer situations where we can work together and i welcome that. look, there's no question that he's drowning in the polls, that he is losing and if something
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doesn't changes going to get clobbered and you know what bothers me is that he visited the border last week. why did he visit the border? for no other reason except that donald trump was down at the border. this is the second time the president's done that. it takes donald trump going to the border before this president will even go down to the border. this is ridiculous and it's ludicrous what he's doing here. maria: it's pretty incredible. what's the motivation to have 10 million illegals in this country? >> i don't get it. i used to think, well, they feel like these are going to be voters at some point who will vote for them. don't they understand that these people are trying to escape exactly what they want to give them? they're not going to vote for them. some feel like they will. maria: congressman, thank you. great to see you this morning. buddy carter joining us this morning. quick break and then sheriff and arizona candidate mark lamb is here on the latest fox news
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polls which show more americans are fed up with president biden's border emergency, the crisis that he korea ated. it's coming you -- he created. coming up. a new crew goes into orbit, we have the new deals of nasa and spacex's successful launch. wait until you see this. stay with us. ♪ i've got my mind set on you. ♪ set on you. ♪ i've got my mind set on you. ♪ set on you. ♪ but it's gonna take money. ♪ maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, 16 states head to the polls to pick their presidential candidates, top pollsters mark penn and kris wilson are here. wednesday, jay powell testifies before the house financial services committee, congressman byron donalds r lays out the biggest and most important questions. thursday, mitch mcconnell
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announces his exit, senator marsha blackburn on who is coming in behind him. friday, our political power panel fact checks president biden's third state of the union younionaddress. it's all right here on "mornings with maria" " j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it.
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election he has also been barred from primary ballots in main and illinois, the decision from the high court coming within day before super tuesday. the court has aagreed to hear arguments in late april on whether or not trump could be criminally prosecuted for his role in the january 6 attack on the capitol. well, a major blizzard in california over the weekend stranding drivers, closing ski resorts and knocking out power to thousands and more snow is on the way. more than 60 inches of snow hitting parts of the sierra nevada mountains, a major freeway was shut down. more than 80,000 customers lost power. now the storm is moving in tonight and it's going to bring -- the second storm will bring more snow, heavy rainfall to parts of northern california, southwest oregon, expected to bear the brunt of the new storm. well, three passengers who were on board the alaska airlines flight who had a door plug blow
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out mid flight are suing the airline and boeing for $6 million. ththe flight was a 737 max 9 je. it tit took off from portland. they aallege the company ignored obvious warning signs. they say the plane should have never taken off. well, after two scrubbed attempts, nasa and spacex finally launching their crew 8 mission to the international space station overnight. >> three, two, one, ignition, engines full power and liftoff of nasa crew 8, go falcon, go spacex and go nasa. >> .>> the four person team wil spend six months at the iss,
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planning to perform over 200 science experiments aimed at preparing humans for staying in space long-term. and those are some of your headlines, maria. maria: all right, cheryl, thank you so much. meanwhile, a new fox news poll finds that 41% of voters say that the border is now an emergency. 72% blame president biden for a lack of enforcement. here's ohio senator jd vance with me yesterday on sunday morning futures, on president biden knowing what he's doing at the southern border. watch. >> joe biden opened up the flood ga gates, they said they e undoing the trump border policies and three years later we're living with the disaster of it. we go back to the terrible murder of laken riley, who was killed doing what young kids do, she was out exercising, enjoying her life and she was you brutally murdered by someone who
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shouldn't have been here. maria: tennessee is he deploying national guard members to the southern border. joining me is arizona a sheriff and u.s. senate candidate, sheriff mark lamb. good to see you. thanks very much for being here. we know that there's been a shift of people who are breaching the country, coming in illegally from texas where governor abbott has done everything he can to stop it, including razor wire. now they're shifting to your town in arizona. can you tell us what's happening. >> good morning. it's good to see you. look, tucson sector has been a hot sector for a long time. this is where the got aways are. when those people that come in undetected, they're typically coming through the tucson sector. because of what texas has done, changing the fair off the, saying if you -- narrative, saying if you come to our state we'll hold you accountable and a holding a two mile section of
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the border, this has changed it and people have pushed to a softer target in arizona and california and we're feeling the effects of it, absolutely. maria: do you know why the got aways go to tucson? because i know that. i've known that for a long time, that the got aways choose to go to tucson. can you tell me more about that? why are they going into tucson? is it easier to do that? and also, what has been the impact on the neighboring communities there in tucson? >> yeah, great question, yay. the big reason why is because of the expansive desert down there. there's so many places they can run them through, they're canyons they can put scouts in the mountains to ensure their product is deliver, which is drugs, and more common is the trafficking of people into the country. they can set up armed guards just on the other side of the border and sometimes even in our own country they can set it up. this is what we've actually routed out scouts out of the mountains in our county which is
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50 miles north of the border. we have the you native american reservation where there is no law. the entire portion of the native american reservation there is no wall, it's easy to traverse the desert and get into counties like mine. maria: jacqui heinrich asked karine jean-pierre about the razor wires and whether the administration is coming around to the idea that physical barriers actually work. here's the exchange. watch this. i think kjp was surprised. >> it's been six weeks since you guys won the supreme court case that would have allowed you to remove razor wire at the texas border that you argued was an emergency, immediate need to take down. but it's still up. so dhs hasn't touched it? why is it still up? >> you have to speak to the department of dhs, obviously. i just don't have anything for you on that. we were very clear about what we
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thought about those wires, obviously doj took action. i don't have anything on a time line of those coming down. maria: what a picture that would have been to see biden's leaders go over to texas and take down the razor wire, sheriff. >> yeah. look, they ran their mouths, they said hey, texas, you better take that down. texas said no, we're not doing it. it shows the weakness of this administration. first of all, they shouldn't be adversarial to our own people and states like texas and arizona but this administration continues to be adversarial. when we're trying to help fix the problem and trying to do our constitutional duty to secure our states. these guys can swoop in and try to stop us from doing that and then they talk tough but didn't back it up part of it because so many states stood with texas which i was very happy to see. there's so much we can fix on a state and local level. there's so much we can't which is why i'm running for the u.s.
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senate. we've got to take the fight back to d.c. you saw the statistic, so many people are unhappy with congress and senate as well because they're a failing to pass comprehensive immigration reform. make no mistake about it, this border problem was created by joe biden, he's the author of it, and he can fix it tomorrow if he wanted to. maria: yeah. you would be coming into the senate from a place where you've gotten your hands dirty. you are in the thick of things as sheriff there in arizona a. but i'll tell you, the administration doesn't deal with the people who are in the thick of things. we had the former u.s. border be patrol chief raul ortez say pawn has never spoken to him, nor has kamala harris, the pour deer bo, during his two years on the job. watch this. >> i've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. i was a chief of the border patrol. i commanded 21,000 people, that's a problem. maria: i mean, how is this
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possible that h commanding 20,00 plus people and he's never spoken with president biden or kamala harris, they've never checked in with him, he's the guy running it. look what's happening under our nose in terms of what the chinese communist party is doing. again, no response from joe biden. i spoke with kansas senator roger marshall yesterday who told me that at this point the ccp is running the show even more so than the mexican drug cartels the. they are the senior leaders here in terms of the movement of drugs and human trafficking and they're making real progress in terms of human trafficking in america. watch this. >> right. so we had more massage powers than we do starbucks in kansas. certainly, i think that can be said in most every state. the chinese triad, they are sophisticated. listeners need to understand this is not the dirty workers like the cartels. the car he'll the is do -- cartl is doing the dirty work.
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the chinese triad is sophisticated, harvard trained lawyers and accountants that mastered the money laundering part of this. you'll see massages parlors spring up. next to it might be restaurants and hair salons and those types of things. maria: what's happening is the ccp is setting up massage parlors as a front for human trafficking. and they could be next door to the nail salon, could be next door to a restaurant. but he says they've got more massage parlors set up by chinese than starbucks m his state of kansas and he said it's ripping through the country right now. >> absolutely. maria, to answer your first point, chief ortez wasn't the only one they haven't met with. they haven't met with any of us sheriffs. they don't care. they've shown a real unwillingness to want to know what law enforcement thinks of this country. they don't want to partner with us. unlike president trump. president trump had a great partnership with us, low law
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enforcement. this president refused to meet with any of the sheriff. what will you get as a are byproduct? you get chinese nation n nations setting up human trafficking rings. trafficking children, putting them in the sex trade. had this president has blood on his hands from people like laken riley. he also has, the other people that haven't died yet that are trafficked, put in hard labor, that are sex trafficked. this is on his hands as well. 37,000 chinese nationals last year, we're already at over 20,000 as you can see right there, 20,000 chinese nationals this year, we will be close to doubling what came in last year and remember in 2021 only 450 chinese nationals came in. so, yes, the ccp understands they can traffic humans in here and create this giant organization and like senator marshall said, they're very smart people. maria: very, very stunning
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information here. sheriff, thank you. we'll be watching your work and of course your race, mark lamb joining us this morning in arizona. thank you, sir. >> thanks, maria. maria: we will be right back. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪
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google split up? >> absolutely, maria. this is one of the most dangerous companies in the world. it actively solicits and forces left wing bias down the throats of the american nation. look, march kentuckiana, just ma man become pregnant? the result google will spit back at you is yes, a man can become pregnant. what happens when our 12-year-old children are doing that google search. maria: do you think that's likely, that could happen, a google breakup. >> i think you hear growing calls, from across the political spectrum, recognizing that google is too big, too powerful, they use the market power to control american politics and control american democracy. maria: and that is the morning buzz. that was ohio senator jd vance with me yesterday on sunday morning futures advocating for the breakup of google as house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan sent a letter of google parent company alphabet,
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demanding information on the biden administration's influence on the google woke gemini a.i. program. i mean, mark, that gemini a.i. program made so many mistakes it was really an embarrassment. what jd vance brings up is really important. if they were inputting all of that in gemini, having george washington become a black man, right, i mean, what are they inputting in the regular search engine that we're all using. >> that's the question. maria: can a man get pregnant? what? >> that's the question we want to know. look, it's super scary, when you think about it, google controls 90% of search traffic. it's incredible. i think bing is number two. but 90%. so who is to say what kind of woke results are being produced because maria, talked about this last week. the issue with gemini is that the programmers decided when a user inserts a prompt into the
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gemini system, what gemini and google are doing is they are intentionally modifying that prompt so that it produces woke results. so that's incredibly scary. and to jd vance's comments about google's level of influence, just look at youtube. if you questioned the vaccine or wearing masks, years ago, you were deplatformed. so it's 100% scary that they have that much control but the question then is, okay, what is the alternative. bing is number two. is microsoft really that much better than google when it comes to this woke stuff and unfortunately they just admitted to intentionally paying white people less than minorities so i don't know that they're that much better. i guess we have to rely on elon musk to come out and save the world with a not woke search engine. maria: there's also meta, liz, right, facebook. let's not forget how they interfered with the election with all the so-called zuker
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bucks and how much marge zuckerberg spent to super fear in the 2020 election. >> -- interfere in the 2020 election. >> i think it should make everyone very uncomfortable. i resisted the idea of breaking up these companies. america's tech dominance is the envy of the world. lease are amongst our biggest, greatest companies. when they a abuse that power, now they're not just controlling and distorting the current flow of information which by the way is the source of information for young people in particular, increasingly, forget the media. everybody's on social media. it's also now threatening to dominate our history. and when people 20 years from now google george washington and he comes up to be a black female, an awful lot of people are not going to know the difference and that i think is scary. i think instead of breaking these companies up, we should be going back to section 230 which
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protects these media companies from distortions that actually impact people's lives and they can be legally challenged. that's where congress should focus but maria, the flow of money from these companies is so gigantic, you've seen congress basically do nothing to abridge their power and i don't expect that to change. maria: yeah, but liz, it starts at the top, right? >> no question. maria: the administration sets the tone. look what they're doing now. they announced they're going to pay college students to register voters in and participate in get out the vote activities after they canceled the student debt. they're paying students now. >> that's right. but also they are broadcasting to students that it is joe biden who is doing that for them. i mean, that's their message and it's very effective particularly when you're losing the youth vote which astonishingly this administration is. i think something has has to be done. i'm not at all a confident that congress has whatever it takes.
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i won't use bad language to get there. maria: we'll take a break. when we come back, the stories of human trafficking are exploding as a result of people coming through the southern border, bringing decay to other parts of the country. kansas senator roger marshall has a new warning. it is the hot topic of the hour. wait until you hear what's happening now. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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maria: good mon


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