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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 1, 2024 8:00am-9:01am EST

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maria: good friday more
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thanning thaipgs very much for joining us i hope a great friday morning. i am maria bartiromo friday, march 1, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast president biden former president trump dueling trips to the southern border yesterday biden in brownsville, texas trump about 300 miles away in eagle pass, a 45th president speaking with fox news hannity about the trip. texas is now a war zone they view it as war zone mexico doing nothing to help us you have 28,000 from china all fighting age you don't see women you don't see men much older than that from 18 to 25, 26 years old, something going on, they are coming from yemen
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bottoming the congo from prisons in congo, the only good thing makes prisoners look like very nice people. >> trump said he spoke with the parents of 22-year-old laken riley, after we learned that her alleged killer is an illegal venezuelan migrant trump slamming the president for her death biden actually walked away from any questions about laken riley yesterday, watch. >> what he is doing is just unbelievable. joe biden, will never say laken riley's name we will say it we will remember not going to forget her. >> mr. president -- any responsibility for laken riley's death? >> joining me right now house majority leader steve scalise thank you so much for being here. >> a good morning great to be
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with you. >> i know o membership looking forward to you coming back your reaction to what you saw yesterday in texas. >> well you saw very different contrasts, photo open by biden he created this mess everybody revises that he ended the protocol president trump had in place therapy working to stop illegals from coming in mandates catch and release if you you caught by border patrol agents released into the country, we don't even know where they go governors don't know if a busload of 50 people or a plane full of illegals show up in a state governor, mayor doesn't know about that joe biden created this mess then you have donald trump showed up eagle pass with governor abbott by the way, when joe biden says he wants to solve this problem ask this question, why is joe biden suing the governor of texas right now when abbott
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put up razor wire to at least try to stop flow illegals accommodating into state of texas joe biden is in court to take razor wire down because joe biden wants more illegals accommodating into the country. he won't work with us in house we passed a bill to stop flow of illegals joe biden issued a veto threat wants open borders donald trump secured border will secure it again when he is president our country shouldn't have to wait jl january to solve this problem, kas as you pointed out with laken riley other capitals unfortunate every week people are dying caution of illegals into our country have horrible criminal backgrounds, want to do harm are doing people harm in america. maria: congressman maybe, but it is if president trump becomes president again, right it is if, because i am reading a story this morning from federalist nine ways feds are using biden bucks to rig the 2024 election goes through all
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the federal agencies, that joe biden has put on watch, to actually engage voters and supply voter registration services on agency premises includes personal management department of education department of health and human services department of agriculture the department of homeland security. department of veterans favors department labor department interior department of treasury, so what are you all doing about it on the republican side? and the government biden's government biden's administration, seem using a whole on government approach to get people to vote democrat. >> you know of you seen weaponization of government in fact we set up a committee just to look into weaponization of government there are a lot of lawsuits when joe biden said we're going to waive student loan debt the court said no, he can't do that he is going to continue to push the envelope, look the election held today
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we would win, i think works, election is not today it is 8 months from now as you pointed out i think going to pull out every stop we need pulling out every stop as well going to do that but i think the country is fed you up doesn't like direction under joe biden failed administration higher taxes, higher spending higher inflation people paying more for everything sick of it don't want open border watching chis around the world joe biden made it worse, donald trump you didn't have these problems you have had aing thriving economy you had a secure border, you had peace around the world you didn't have conflicts like being this why president biden leading in joining states pennsylvania, michigan wisconsin. >> so you believe that the republicans can do what the democrats are doing in terms of getting out the vote, because just one capital, the
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education department, and its role in carrying out biden's executive order, they are he telling colleges unfortunates to make a good-faith effort to make meal voter registration forms wildly available to students informed colleges may use work study funds work study month taxpayer money used to provide part time campus jobs to help with tuition costs can use that to pay students, to support voter registration activities. they are using taxpayers money to vote democrat you know that? >> while that is challenged will be challenged in the courts, one of the things, maria we've got to do look this is something, that i think everybody recognizes, this year, we've got to push our voters wherever the laws every state has laws that say you can vote early, we've got to push voters to vote early the other side is doing it if we sit back say no only voting election day i wish every state had only election day
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ebbs sent for military serving voes you had to show picture id that is not the law most states, so wherever the law says i can vote three weeks easterly we need encouraging our voters to vote early as well, because if their banking 40% democrat vote before election day we are waiting to election day might rain you might have other issues , being you don't want to take that risk in fact we won't win if we don't play by the rules, and that means maximizing the rules, just like there are going to do we better be doing the same thing. >> playing by the rules, moving the goalposts should -- also happening talked about economics that you are facing you the right now senate and house passed a bipartisan government funding bill yesterday this moves the funding deadline for 12 appropriation bills to march 8, 22 rather of that march 1, 8,. a 1.6 trillion 866 billion defense, 704 billion
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nonperfects purposes, what are we getting out of the -- continuing resolution nightmare you are all in? >> i think you are going to see us out of that next two weeks, negotiations are still going on, but half of the bill, 12ing appropriations bills agreement on the other six still pretty intense negotiations, we did break the cycle of omnibusbills under speaker pelosi had 3,000 page bills, entire government funding all 12 appropriations bills packed into one big3,000 page omnibus monstrosity brought before everybody in congress to vote on, literally the day after it was filed so nobody had an opportunity to read it. we changed that lgs a 72 rule for any bills brought before the house for appropriations bills so that everybody can read them, and you know is that a different approach. but at the end of the day, we've got to continue to move the needle lower spending, get our economy back on track.
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joe biden is not helping in that regard i mean his policies highlight his policies all the time continuing to move far radical left agenda not where country is i think is going to be biggest achilles heel november when voters have a say in direction of our country moving forward. maria: yeah. i -- i mean not just democrats, though i mean republicans divided how to spend yesterday, earlier this week we heard mitch mcconnell right there with chuck schumer talking about money going to ukraine. now senator mcconnell will step down republican leader in november john cornyn officially announcing running to replace mcconnell rather than change what is happening in republican party kevin mccarthy resigning, both rnc chair ronna mcdaniel, mitch mcconnell stepping down this year, you still have, this focus, on ukraine, over the focus on the border, let's look into chuck schumer, who you know attend that white house meeting, and came out of
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the meeting said the priority was ukraine, watch this. >> the edge when sentiment in meetings we got to do ukraine now there are other issues including border when we should address but not now. we said to the speaker get it done. if you don't do the right thing whatever politics are you will regret it. >> how come border is not the priority? >> my response to chuck schumer exactly that the border is americans number one priority, house republicans speaker johnson was in that meeting might have been five against one in cases but speaker johnson held the line made it clear we are fighting to secure america's border we want to help our allies around the world but we need to start with america first, we've got a major crisis, in all that needs to be on the table at the same time. i know over 100 billion dollars, approved for ukraine.
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it is putin goelt defeated we secure america's border laid out to biden how to do it joe biden started this, crisis, on first day undid all policies that were working under donald trump exfix it but won't we passed a bill through house to fix it need a negotiation on that, how to secure america's border. maria: all right. we will leave it there keep watching, congressman great to see you. thank you so much house majority leader congressman steve scalise. thank you, sir. . >> great being with you, maria thanks. >> we'll be right back. . use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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maria: welcome back. time for hot topic of the hour one southern border two very different visits former president trump eagle pass texas president biden 300 miles away brownsville, texas trump says he spoke with the parents of 22-year-old georgia nursing student laken riley after her allege killr
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confirmed illegal venezuelan migrant entered in september of 2022 trump slammed president for her death biden walked away from press questions about her watch this. >> what he is doing is just unbelievable. joe biden, will never say laken riley's name, but we will say it and we will remember we're not going to forget her of a mr. president do you bear any responsibility for laken riley's death? ? . >> laken riley laid to rest this afternoon in church outside at lantab michael balboni former official for hdz your reaction. michael balboni: this is laken riley, situation this tragic death has become the face of this issue. right now. maria: you are right. michael balboni: you can't walkway from it this is something that americans have to come to grips with. that this has been situation that folks living in texas
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have known this for years and years. this is not just a republican just a democratic issue it is a national issue, and what really strikes me is that this is something that has only come to the fore in election year issue since 2020 in terms of numbers millions of people coming across this border into the country why waited until now to do this. >>. maria: amazing then from so-called biden-harris 204 campaign, releasing this statement following trump's border trip, donald trump is weak on border security what they said weak on crime, that is why he directed maga republicans to kill the toughest fairest reforms to secure border in decades tried to defund police. yes, they say trump tried to defund police every year he was in office. the truth is they write donald trump doesn't want to secure border he prefers chaos, because he is betting it helps
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him politically, michael lee i think democrats believe biden-harris campaign believe if they say it then everyone will believe it just say it at this point is true? even though we know there is no truth to that we lived the trump administration, we all watched it, and he was not defunding police it was actually the progressives defunding the police in fact stripped a billion dollars, out of the police force, forcing new york to fire get rid of police officers. michael lee: maria, the walls are closing in on this administration, okay? their communist welfare tactics by way sided one by one, the drama in georgia, supreme court taking up -- charges this week, this is -- this is like the last gasp of -- you know dying regime to quote -- a program there but unbelievable to watch try to
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say this so objectively false you can ounl laugh it a an effort laughing matters the explanation defense is so far removed from reality, what else can you do. >> biden administration everything led trump to lead in the polls only going to get worse i would say materially worse over the next -- 8 to nine months before election, laken riley is by nowhere near first not going to be the last. americans going to die, as a result of -- biden administration policies at the border remember 66 separate executive actions, to weaken border security. >> all right. we will take a short break, then watching markets move this morning on this first trading day of new month, dow industrials down, but the nasdaq is now positive extending record performance from yesterday we are taking a look at a week ahead of retail
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earnings target, costco reporting next unique ershares ceo here with expectations you are watching "mornings with maria" live on stay with us. . ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what?
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maria: welcome back take a look at futures on this first trading day of march, we've got mixed showing this morning, the opening bell, about an hour away the dow industrials right now down 26 s&p down 1 point the nasdaq is further into record territory, the nasdaq closed record high last night for the first time in two years, the nasdaq finished at 16091 at 4:00 wall street gain 1% other averages higher stocks up across the board, month of february and year-to-date, take a look at month major averages ending month with a fourth monthly gain dow up 2 1/4% in february nasdaq up 6% in february s&p 500 higher by 5%, in february. dow is a factor stock soaring
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check this out reported double beat on earnings and revenue the rising demanded foray servers up 26% right now looking to retail earnings next week we will get target, ross stores costco nordstrom, reporting numbers next week get ahead of iter sheers joel shulman great to see you. thank you so much for being here assess the season for us if you will, your reaction to what we're seeing. >> sure. well i think this has been a big year particularly for i.t. and healthcare, i mentioned, last month a big month up 10 1/2 to 11% big month primarily driven by ai stock i know has been a story talked about last time i don't know your shoe ai a big story, driving nvidia other we talked about before this is a big month next week drug paraphernalia earnings, we have seen real estate,
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utilities get hurt, biotech another area big winners, far exceeding, the expectations last year you mentioned, about earnings so forth this earnings season, has been filled with surprises a lot of surprises. last year a lot of investors o don't know this last year we had expectations of declining earnings declining revenues, and companies cut costs we had a big year last year particularly in tech, up 30, 40% when you have expectations low and they competented it investors happy last year early part of this year. >> do you want to buy stocks with new money here joel? let's face it. look at outsized returns year-to-date, as well as in 2023. is this market ahead of us? >> well it may be in fact, we repeatedly in companies
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especially hot ones come wut with earnings massive surprises, we look at traditional evaluations metrics saying okay time to take profits off, then when they come out with earnings, in fact, nvidia very clear example we've been in stock over 10 years taken profits off many, many times gone up 180,000% -- i'm sorry 18 though i% gone up 180 -- in 10 years we repeatedly have taken profits of how can they about continue to do it we looked at 66,000 publicly traded companies it is the only company only large cap don't exceed expectations, about rapid growth earnings growth a hundred-billion-dollar market cap company started looking at it years ago increased revenues, in four years increased ebitda 11 times in four years, you compare to microsoft apple have been extraordinarily -- gone up 50,
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60% stock prices up 170%, in four years blown away s&p but nvidia nothing like it only large expect a stock like this in last five years anything close nothing close to this in terms of performance we've been surprised repeatedly how well they performed joel i have a forbespiece out weather or not investors get burned on stocks like nvidia super microcomputers ai stocks have revenues profits of margin expansion, a great point to make, and i tried to talk about that recently with howard lutnick in the studio i put same question to howard lutnick chairman ceo i asked straightaway if this rally in ai a bubble like the dot-com in early days ago was a bubble, watch this.
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>> of course, it is a dot-com bubble, how else can ai if every show we talk about ai, every time, you know it is overblown but there will be excitement for awhile then excitement will cool. but right now nvidia has ball everybody has to infuse ai into business we have to, everybody has to, that is great for the business. >> so what do you think joel? obviously, markets ahead of themselves i am not questioning, the promise of ai but is now the time to get in? are these proper prices or am i able to get in on this, are you know much better prices down the road? >> okay, a couple things i know howard lutnick we use -- for one of our companies taking public so, he makes a very good point a lot different, by the way, from dot-com bubble that i will say dot-com bubble in revenues, counting users eyeballs again
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i repeatedly taken money off the table, on stocks like individual yoo so forth if i -- in nvidia every morning reminded of portfolio 10 years ago if i stayed with it would be 78% total portfolio google amazon with it, nothing that would have gone to buy 78% one stock i repeatedly have taken money off. going into earnings i have had nvidia a strong weight in the indices i kept it as underweight how far can it be thousand can valuations be plain contained came out with extraordinary beats, on revenues, not just revenue growth it is revenues, and margin expansion, expanded margins two times last four just recent years from 26% to 50%, we have never before seen this i am not going to say, should you jump in now you are going to get extraordinary
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returns, i mean super microcomputer up 200% year-to-date hard to come in say i am going to continue to make money particularly with some people bike a meme stock i am not saying jump in it is part of models, a larget small-cap funds russell 200050 billion dollars top half of the s&p 500, if put into that mix, not even in large caps gone up so fast still considered small cap i am not saying time to jump in you're not going to make great returns people did, but but -- you have a portfolio you are looking to diversity you have to have scomoufr a stocking pooishgs market a lot of companies way up companies yesterday, up 20% because ceo left, you are seeing a lot of movement up and down >> by the way, new york community bancorp down 30%, new ceo, you know news on
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earnings, though, that as well, thank you sir. >> joel shulman on markets, mixed story one hour before opening bell defense secretary lloyd austin admitting he did not handle his hospital stay right away michael waltz is here with more on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold.
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perfect weather today... maria: welcome back. a massive snowmobiling smoke house critique fire in texas claims another live. gerri: the least at leaves two dead out of control fires through texas, oklahoma that smoke is largest in texas history more than a million
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acres of land burned in four days perfect last night only 3% contained take a look at this, a snowstorm helping to slow the spread of the blades at least parts of texas a live map where fires are burning around the texas and oklahoma pan handels, u.s. forces reportedly using ai to identify hostile targets in the middle east as they ramp up retaliatory strikes against iran proxy groups, helping lunch precision targets algorithm in locating specific person and/or exact position, elon musk suing openai and ceo confusing them breaching a contract maufkt helped found the company in 2015 suit
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claims an open source nonprofit to develop ai for quote benefit of humanity. lawyers say openai's focus on profit breaks that agreement. requests for comments not immediately answered. a fullerton county judge will hear arguments today of fani willis from prosecuting president donald trump defense donors say she had inappropriate relationship with nathan wade appointed special prosecutor text messages between wade's former attorney and defense counsel bradley asked about the relationship, quote do you think it started before she hired him he responded absolutely it started when she left d.a.s office and judge in south fulton contradecades
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what willis defended to a new prosecutor could come in, i guess bottom line potentially delays everything until after the november flex. maria: so this is no longer about the affair this is about the comp? >> yep, what exactly went down. maria: exactly, we are going to watch that this is important thank you so much lauren lloyd is atin testifying before house armed services committee yesterday claiming there was never a elapse in command and control during his secret hospital stay owns up to that did not handle the situation rite michael waltz grilling austin about failure to notify president biden and congress he was in icu for days, watch. >> did the president of the united states commander in chief first of january you were going to hospital in ambulance. he did not did he know on 2nd of january that you had been
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admitted to critical care in icu. >> he did not. >> january 3 come around did president know? >> he did not. >> he did not this is not process you made this about process this is about judgment. and poor judgment. my teenage daughter knows to tell her supervisor if she is not going to work, the american people truck drivers bar tendsers know they have to tell boss or get fired you held yourself to different standard unacceptable. >> joining us right now man himself florida congressman michael waltz good to see you. thank you for many here you know this business better than most a highly decorated veteran yourself, in have environment we're talking about backdrop of all aggression, from china from russia, from other adversaries, what do you think the threat or risk was the fact he did not notify the proper people in terms of control and command?
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>> well maria, while all of this was going on, while the secretary was out of secure communications with the rest of the military pentagon transferd authority or staff made decision not him to transfer a authorities to deputies deputies down in puerto rico on the beach she was never informed why didn't come back to washington. by the way, joe biden was in virgin islands at the time this is a total are dereliction of duty ships fired on by houthis baez attacked in middle east launched a drown strike against one of the key backed xhermz who the hell was in charge? the many of the dangerous peace we have 15 minutes to react to chinese made hypersonic first strike weapon
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if they decided to decapitate our government launch a nuclear attack this is dereliction of duty he should resign i don't see how you could enforce discipline on say a ship can't that disappeared for a week or anybody else down up to lowest private, if he doesn't impose that same discipline on himself, this is basic leadership by example, he failed it, he admitted it but there is no accountability in joe biden's administration. apparently, for the most egregious violations of basic discipline and common sense. >> every day another situation questionable, whether it be as a result of the wide-open border, or the excessive spending inflation to 40-year highs, or you know the worry over crime, the fact that we don't even have people wanting to go into the military, right now, they don't want to become police officers, they just
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don't feel that the administration and the democrats are having thir back what are we doing about this? country seems so unstable right now am i wrong? >> no you are not wrong, i think what we're going to do we need to win in november, the meantime between now and then our one of our roles to put a spotlight on these kinds of incompetent egregious abuses i know a lot ofings frustrations what we've gotten done or have not gotten done in congress if republicans didn't have majority that hearing wol never even happened we will continue to ask for accountability show incompetence that is in this white house, top of this administration, one other thing. he didn't know he couldn't tell me who made the decision to not tell the public.
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by the way. that that their secretary of defense was in the hospital and who the heck was in charge. it is mind-blowing. maria: you are dealing with all that you also have to ensure that the 2024 election is a fair and free election, and i want to know what you are doing in terms of -- riling up the base to come out and vote because that is all the democrats are thinking about right now there is a piece in the federalist nine ways feds using biden bucks to win 204 election writes shawn fleetwood at federalist going through fact a whole government approach to get young people to get people to come out and vote, democrat even get people at the border, and anybody who is -- remotely allowed to vote to get out and vote democratic, the agencies that the biden administration, is asking to get involved, personal management department
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of education, by the way, department of education sayings that universities have to make good-faith effort to make male voter registration forms wildly available to students and inform colleges may use work study defunds, so taxpayer dollars used to provide part time campus jobs to help students with tuition costs they want them to use that money to pay students to support are voter registration activities,department of health and human services department of homeland security, department of agriculture department of labor department veterans affairs department treasury department interior what are republicans doing? >> well, number one we have to defund a number of efforts, we have passed, in seven appropriations bills that are sitting the feet of chuck schumer. and we have to fight, to whether them or whether it is, for example, the corrupt unagencies that are supporting hamas over in israel we've also defunded that is one
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maria, number two we've got to fight in the courts. , which absolutely going to do with latest using taxpayer dollars for voter registration then number three we have to fight a lot of in state level, that is where voter laws constitutionally are determined we are doing that in georgia florida, michigan wisconsin, and, finally, we have stopped pelosi's h.r.1 which would have south to nationalize all this take voting age to 16 years old, nationalized ballot harvesting a fight on all fronts ironic to see the democrats lecture about democracy when are in assault every level including weaponization of justice department, leading presidential candidate donald trump. >> they move to remove trump's
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name in at least three states saying trump risk to knocks the house oversight judiciary committee released transcript of hunter biden dechgs hunter biden confirmed core facts against president biden including what we knew that joe biden is in fact "the big guy." although hunter said did not know why jims gilliar referred to him that aware hunter said chinese energy official gave him a diamond he was out of his mind when he met chinese business partner sitting next to his father congressman you are a member of house oversight committee were in that hearing i would like to know what you learned from the deposition. that is a fair reason oh, i sent text but i was high i was you know i was drunk? so that is that. >> maria, it is bad enough that corruption, unethical behavior from say kazakh
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romanian businessmen that were flowing money into biden family what i am he was vice president the thing that has me so concerned are the chinese deals chinese backed private equity put million dollars of dollars, into the biden family after hunter traveled to china on official business air force two admitted his father met with business partner after that sent eat quarter million dollars to hunter directly also the cefc hunter admitted his dad stopped by a lunch met with the chairman, then a month after he leaves the vice presidency three million dollars flows in how is that affecting our policy towards our greatest adversaries in the ends of the day we've got to talk about real crimes here foreign agent registration act tax evasion obstruction of justice crimes i believe
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enough to go to impeachment our colleagues, look if colleagues can't see how corrupt this is -- then i don't know what else we have to put at their feet joe biden needs to be impeached, we need to move forward we can't allow this kind of corruption dmot just to happen with anybody but with your greatest enemy. >> stunning, just stunning, michael waltz thank you, sir. congressman we will keep following up a of this we appreciate your time we'll be right back. . a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity so you can generate code quickly. let's create a more modern foundation for business, with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create. ah, these bills are crazy. she
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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. >> we have the most secure border and people are earnest coming they knew with respect to going to get in we were project free education free medical everything look what governor newsom from california isn't that his name news -- >> what he has done to california unbelievable people pouring in think getting med aid our vets aren't taken care of but people coming into our country illegal are. >> former president trump slamming governor gavin newsom, for handling of the crime homelessness in california mitigation in california may now have a chance to own a home, assembly bill 1840 was introducing last month get this expands
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eligibility requirements for he loan programs stated first time buyer lopes available to migrants, i believe, these loans are available to my illegal migrants with no interest, and potentially no reason to pay it back michael balboni. michael balboni: how do you term however getting that repaid you don't know who individuals are don't have issues any credit it is really kind of crazy. maria: that is the point. they may not need to pay it back, i mean there are a lot of accommodations being made to illegals undocumented grants in california could have new path to ownership a loan program launched in march could be that there is no interest on any loans we've got homelessness, on the streets, we're going to keep s
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♪ ♪ maria: welcome back. it is time for the big buzz of the morning. oh, deer. someone has visitors. check this out, a dog inviting a new friend over to its house to the surprise of its owners. you can see a deer following the german shepard through the doggy door to proudly introduce its to its owners. [laughter] sweet. mike, your thoughts. [laughter] >> this is so great. you know, when you think -- what are you going to feed him?
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if obviously, it's here for breakfast. and then what do you do, who's to going to walk him? that's the question at my house, who's walking the dog. so who's walking the deer? [laughter] maria: michael lee. >> when the deer gets in the house, i imagine you don't want its mom or tad to see you with it in the house because, like, who knows? all i know is that, like, deers will absolutely destroy your car, so if you see them on the road, i can only imagine what would happen in your kitchen. maria: all right. we are about an hour away from the opening bell, the dow industrials down 25, the nasdaq is positive, extending that major record showing yesterday, up another 6.5. s&p 500 right now lower by 1 point. i want to thank you, michael lee and michael balboni, have a great weekend, and we will see you soon. have a great weekend, everybody. i'll see you tonight on "wall street," 7 p.m. eastern. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. you might call this a
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