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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll be making a life changing difference for a child just like sarah. your monthly gift today could change your life forever. because of you, we are happy and we know it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give if operators are busy, please wait patiently or go to right away ♪ larry: if you think about it, basically president trump's message last night, you know, let's pull the country together again. get it back working in the right direction. success is the best policy. and i think it's a winning, common sense if message, and i think a winner in common sense is liz macdonald. she'll take you through it. elizabeth: you and i should run are on that ticket.
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larry, thank you so much. it's good to see you. okay. we're going to get to this growing constitutional fight over trump's historic new york civil fraud verdict. coming up, we have got john yoo, and andy mcif car a think. joining us now from house oversight, congressman andy biggs. let's turn to this. congressman, it's the good to have you on again. it's good to see you, sir. so you were with house impeachment managers today taking testimony from the president's brother james biden. what did james biden exactly say about president joe biden's involvement in the biden family's like rah a ty business deals? what did you learn? -- lucrative business deals. >> jim biden said joe biden never knew anything about cefc, he never met with the chairman, chairman ci, who was the chairman of cefy, and that basically -- cefc, and basically joe biden never participated in any way whatsoever with these business transactions, these deals which there is so much con
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that districtly evidence to thay evidence to that that, that it doesn't make sense. he also a reiterated they never got money from china which is bizarre that he also had to acknowledge that he and hunter would be paid $165,000 a month from their new business partner which was cefc, the chairman of cefc, chairman ye, who jim biden himself described as a protege of ccp chairman and president of china, xi jinping. so there was a lot going on there to unpack, but it was very interesting, has been very interesting today. >> so, basically, james biden in your estimation is misleading america as the biden white house, has been misleading america? because house impeachment managers have bank records, government records showing what went on. and, by the way, didn't james biden testify that joe biden, that he always kept his
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professional a life separate from joe biden, but he invoked joe biden's name in business with deals? his bio reads brother, campaign chair, finance chair of joe biden. >> yeah. he, he just says that's not true. i mean, he would -- he just denied everything regardless of the fact that in the political article you have four separate sources that claim that he used joe biden. you have additional witnesses that we've interviewed that claims he used joe biden's name. elizabeth: yeah. >> but jim biden said, no, absolutely not. it was just an amazing, it was the an amazing performance. quite frankly, as you, as i sat there, you would hear jim biden say one thing and then contradict it within sometimes a matter of seconds. so what he was doing, he was, what jim biden was doing was he was actually working for the
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chinese company trying to get them to come over here and to do a bunch of projects. but the reality is -- elizabeth: yeah, the nat gas deals, liquid natural gas deals. there's still a mystery around a why at least 240,000 in, quote, loan repayments went to joe biden from james biden and the biden family. out of americorpss, $200,000 loan are eventually went into james and sara biden's personal bank account. that same day james biden writes a $200,000 check to joe biden. and money coming to joe biden out of china and other biden family members. but we've got to get to this, what is your word on this story? one week from today hunter biden will testify, special counsel david weiss in a new court filing says a veteran fbi informant has been dieted -- indicted for lying to the fbi about that bribery scheme. this new court filing says, yes,
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he had contacts with russian intelligence officials, that's where the bribery allegation came out of. now democrats are saying you guys have got to end the impeachment inquiry. what do you come down on this? -- where do you come down on this? >> first of all, it's a lot easier to indict than to prosecute. second of all, we have to see what evidence that there really is. the third thing -- against summer not. the -- smirnoff. the third thing is you have got to say the fbi used him for years, paid him and said he was a truthful informant. so all other cases tossed because of that? elizabeth: yeah, that's a good point. congressman biggs, thanks for joining us. former president trump not back down from his legal ballots after the nearly half a billion dollar ruling in his new york civil fraud trial. kelly o'grady live outside trump tower in new york with the latest. kelly. >> reporter: well, liz, last night at the the fox news town hall former president trump was very, very bullish on his
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chances on appeal. now, i will note until an appeal is filed, the penalties do stand. he still is required to pay that $450 million fine if you include interest, and he even has to put up that money just to mount an appeal. now, he avoided answering the question last night if he was going to put up real estate assets to fund that, but he mountain thed he's flush with cash -- maintains he's flush with cash, he's innocent, and he mentioned the banks in the trial continue to do business with him. and he also explained one legal strategy to use on appeal, the lack of a victim. >> we went through a trial. it turned out we're totally the innocent on everything, and he fined me $355 million plus interest and other things. my financial statements were conservative. everybody made money. there was no victim. this guy ruled that i was guilty before the trial started. >> reporter: now, the former president also previewed that he's going to take aim at the size of the fine, perhaps even invoking the eighth amendment
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which states no excessive fine shall be imposed. so we can expect trump may challenge this half billion penalty as unconstitutional. meanwhile, liz, attorney general letitia james, she is warning she's going to seize his new york assets if he doesn't pay that fine, even saying, quote, i look at 40 wall street each and every day. of course, that being one of the properties that he owns. liz, we are still within that 30-day deadline, so we're waiting for an appeal for him to put up that money but was definitely very confident last night. elizabeth: really interesting. kelly, it's good to see you, my friend. let's welcome back to the show former deputy assistant attorney general john yahoo! and former -- john yoo and andrew mccarthy. gentlemen, we appreciate your expertise. first to you, andrew, and i'm going to get to you, john. what do you make of former president trump invoking the constitutional a eighth amendment violations about excessive fines? >> well, it's one of the claims that he a ought to make, you know? there are other ones as well.
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they didn't get a jury trial. the case is, i think, the major thing about it is that it's a big mismatch between the wrong that they were able to prove which is whether he inflated his assets and the as to mom call penalty. -- astronomical penalty. so i'm not surprised that they are highlighting that because i think in terms of having the public understand what happened here, that's the best point they can make. elizabeth: what do you think, john? >> the excessive fines claim is interesting. the supreme court if is usually -- has usually looked to that clause to limit punitive damages, actually, that's what happened to trump in his defamation case when the court says you owe a million, and we're going to tack on $100 million to punish you. this haw's so strange and unusual that doesn't require or to show that anyone if was harmed. trump might go in and say, the whole $350 million is punitive.
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it's knoll -- not really to compensate anybody, so the whole thing's an excessive fine. he might get to the supreme court on it. there's very few case es that have ever got to the court like this one. elizabeth: so he could, on this alone, go to the supreme court over the eighthth amendment? andrew, what do you think? >> well, he's got a long way to go because he's only been before a new york trial court, so he's got to run the gauntlet of the new york appellate process. and if i do think he may get some relief there in terms of the dollar amount of the, of the claim which is just really exorbitant compared to what they proved he did. as john just pointed out, there's no victim here. but it's such a peculiar statute. today really applied to him a statute that belongs in a consumer fraud case, not a case where with you have sophisticated financial actors on both pens of the transaction. so i think it was 70 years was the recording i heard that this
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statute has never been used against anyone in trump's position until now. elizabeth: that was the associated press, finding that, over 70 years of court cases. what andrew just said, josh. ap said they -- john. ark p said they couldn't see anything similar to what's going on. letitia james, the argument about not having to find a victim under this new york law, a.g. letitia james said this was, quote, not a victimless crime, that the extent of the fraud was staggering. >> there is this kind of argument that you now hear new york state making, they weren't making it earlier. it's actually something like insider trading cases, andy, i think, used to prosecute in the sdny there in new york. but the idea is the government has an interest to make sure the market works effectively. so it's going to go after people even though there's no victim just to make sure they obey the law. the problem for new york, new york is the financial capital of the country, if not the world. but if those the rules get
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abused by prosecutors, they're going to encourage people to leave, companies to leave and new financial centers to arise. i could see president trump and other wealthy people and other big financial corporations moving to florida. elizabeth: interesting. >> if they think elected prosecutors are going to come after a them for no good reason. elizabeth: so, andrew, take this on. so he's being attacked in court: there's multiple course cases. democrats again, after he's being attacked if court, now they're resurrect ring this narrative of trump, without any proof, is a russian asset, that the he's vulnerable to blackmail. listen to former speaker nancy pelosi bring up the russian collusion narrative again without evidence, and you're going to listen to former president trump here. watch. >> -- shall not be named, there's another guy kind of like him. >> what does he have on donald trump that he has to constantly be catering to putin? telling putin, go into these
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countries. nato countries. >> what do you think putin has on him? i mean, it sure seems like something, as you've said a few times, given that he refuses to criticize him, that he seems to be a fan boy of him -- >> i don't know what he has on him, but i think it's probably financial, either something financial he has on him or something on the -- [inaudible] he expects to get. >> i got indicted four times, eight or nine trials, all because of the fact that -- and you know this -- all because of the fact that i'm in politics. the eighth amendment a, excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel or unusual punishment -- >> a lot of dough. >> it is a form of navalny, it is a form of communism or fascism. elizabeth: what do you think, andy? >> i think you need up someone like john smarter than me to figure this out because i thought that that trump was taking orders from putin. and now it turns out that a putin is taking orders from trump. they got me dizzy, i can't
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figure it out. maybe john knows. elizabeth: john is, final word. [laughter] >> well, i think that that all this doesn't really get to the core of the problem with the biden family which is even if all this is true, even if the russian intelligence agency snuck in some bad intel through this smirnoff guy with, there's still lots of tax money that has to be accounted for. elizabeth: in the biden case with hunter and james and joe biden. so we'll stay on all these stories. it's a really interesting race. john yoo, andy mccarthy, thank you so much, gentlemen. we appreciate you so much. have a good evening. okay, coming up, lieu ten general keith kellogg, former acting i.c.e. director ron vitello, price futures group senior analyst phil flynn and the new york post's jon levine. joe manchin says the border crisis is, quote, joe biden's false. he opened up the border from day one. we've got that debate. nikki haley and former president trump duke it out ahead of the south carolina primary on
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saturday. we've got the update there. trump says he's considering governor ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy and many more as his potential running mates including tulsi gabbard, kristi noem. and a new moll, voters say biden's policies are not helping the middle class. also this, democrat-run states, they're seeing an uproar from their voters and consumers. withdrew tilt bills are doubline doubling due to state green energy mandates. plus, gop strategist ford o'connell, the biden white house again ignores the supreme court, unilaterally cancels more student loan debt. in a may for voters. grab your popcorn. former president trump challenges biden to ea -- a debate. all of this tonight on "the evening edit." >> how many debates would you commit to? >> as many as necessary if. i would like to do it starting now. i don't think he's going to debate though. i really don't think so. ♪
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elizabeth: okay, welcome back. the biden white house today held an official event show a casing what it thinks is a major campaign issue, the president unilaterally circumventing congress and the supreme court bailing out student loan debt again. edward lawrence live from the white house with more on this. edward. >> reporter: yeah, liz. this is a result of changing
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rules around student loan repayment programs. the announcement today would cost taxpayers $1.2 billion. they're going to shoulder most of this. now, in this the leads to the biden administration forgiving under president biden a total of $138 billion so far in student loan debt. the u.s. supreme court ruled the president needed congress to appropriate as much money as he wants, so the administration went about changing the rules on a number of those plans to piece together student loan forgiveness. so last week the congressional budget office director testified that the rule changes will cost a lot more. listen. >> and he put in place the save rule, so it's an income-driven repayment. and and we've evaluated the fiscal impact of undoing that regulation, and that's, you know, that's more than $100 billion. >> yeah, i think 125-ish was what we talked about in our education visit, committee visit that we had recently. >> reporter: so when you with add it up, president biden is
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two-thirds to his goal of wiping out what the federal reserve estimates is $441 billion in student debt. now, the president saying today that he found that work-around to the u.s. supreme court ruling and will keep going. listen to this. >> so there's a student loan program to be able to afford a college degree, but a lot of people didn't take advantage of it. and i want to make sure they did. the ability to repay though has become so burdensome, a lot of people can't even repay, and they tried. they don't miss payments, they work like the devil every month to pay their bills. >> reporter: and all the student loan debt forgiveness is ultimately paid by taxpayers. liz? elizabeth: yeah, that's right. ward lawrence, thank you so much. let's bring in ford o'connell, gop if strategist is. yeah, paid by taxpayer, ford, who didn't go to college. you know, they're plumpers, electricians -- plumbers. paid for by people who paid back their college tuition. this is an upside down tax. they should go after and file a
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rico case, a racketeering case against universities and colleges for raising tuition in lockstep aprocess the board and gouging american families. >> well, liz, you're absolutely right. this does not solve the problem, but it also shows you the biden administration doesn't care about the constitution, the supreme court or contract law. all he's done here is shift money from american fax prayers -- taxpayers to people who didn't pay their -- this is vote buying, liz. that is why he's doing it. he recognizes that he's in trouble with voters under 35, so he's throwing them a bone hoping they'll remember him in november. elizabeth: the associated press is now reporting president biden is going to take a more aggressive, combative stance. he's going to be fighting against the media. the white house is upset that biden's age is getting more media a attention than remarks by trump about russia and the nato alliance. let's listen to a reporter here ask the president, he's about td fundraiser in california, asking whether california governor began new.
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>> needs to stand by because he may drop out because he's too old to run again. watch. >> mr. president, regarding california, is this about coming up with a plan b for 2024? does gavin need to stand by? >> you ready? >> yes, sir. >> i'm looking at you. i'm looking at you -- >> sir, or nikki haley or donal- >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. elizabeth: yeah. so, unfortunately, he did trip up the stair thes again. we don't want to see that for our president. what's your to this? >> well, the fact that 86% of americans think that biden is too old to serve another four years as a president and the fact that we see on a daily i -- basis how frail he is mentally and physically is the the biggest story in politics. elizabeth: let's watch former president trump challenge president biden to a debate, and then you're going to listen to gop candidate nikki haley on trump's refusal to debate her. we want your comment on both of these. watch.
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>> i'll do it right now on your show. i'll challenge him right now, and we can do you, you can do anybody you want. i'll take anybody from cnn, which is doing very poorly in the ratings, by the way, as you probably know. [cheers and applause] i'll take the anybody -- take anybody because i think you have an obligation in this case, you really is an obligation to deglai. times change and so has trump. he's gotten more unstable and unhinged. he spends more time in courtrooms than he does on the campaign trail. he refuses to debate. he's completely distracted. and everything is about him. he's so obsessed with his own demons from the if past, he can't focus on delivering a future americans deserve. elizabeth: what do you think,ford? >> well, nikki haley hasn't gotten the memo, the gop primary's over. there's no debate on that front. if you're donald trump, the best way to make your with case about bind's frail mental acuity and physical weakness is to stand side by side with him on the
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debate stage. biden will not debate trump. elizabeth: you think that's not going to happen. >> i do not think it's going if to happen, because it would benefit trump, and trump knows it. elizabeth: got it. ford o'connell, good to see you. coming up, new york post political reporter jon levine. you've got nikki haley -- look at that smile. nikki haley and former president trump continue to duke it out ahead of the south carolina primary on saturday. plus, we've got retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. he's so smart. the legal crossings at the border in california from places like syria, china, former soviet satellite states. plus, house judiciary chair jim jordan subpoenaed the hhs secretary for information on illegal immigrant teenagers behind, quote, heinous crimes against americans. taking it on, on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: let's welcome to the show former national security adviser to vice president pence, he's retired lieutenant general
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keith kellogg. general, it's good to see you again. okay, hillary vaughn is all right toking this, what -- reporting this, what do you make of illegal border crossers being caught from syria, china, former soviet satellite states? i thinkable in just a recent 3-day period they caught 450 chinese nationals. that's more than in just the last few days, that's more than all of fiscal 2021 at the border in california. >> yeah, liz, thanks for having me. look, we always -- we all know that our southern border's absolutely broken, and to me, it's the number one national security is issue that in this nation faces. let's look at the demographic9. look at the chinese alone. two years ago there was 415 chinese crossed, now it's over 24,000 have crossed. expect vast majority of the chinese coming across are military-age men. so you have to start asking the question is, why are they coming across in such numbers, and who are they and where are they
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going? same when you look at countries like syria, kazahkstan the, any of those countries. right now when you look at the demographics of people coming across, it's 150 different countries. it's just not central america or south america. it's now a global issue. and we've got no way to stop this. this administration's just kind of looked the other way. this laissez-faire in how you handle this issue, just let it go, we'll see what happens, it's quite dangerous to the stability of the united states. elizabeth: yeah. >> today, and you know that, over -- when you look at them coming in, that's over 35 populations of our states. think about that. elizabeth: that's a lot. >> that's more than 35 of our states, a bunch of people. elizabeth: and the cities are dealing with it. i mean, a massive brawl, a fight broke out at a randalls island, the illegal immigrant shelter in new york city. illegal aliens they violently attacked nypd officers. i think just i one was arrested. the problem is in new york they're releasing them without
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bail. you know, it's pretty mind boggling. that that's what cops are saying here. and then you have, you know, house judiciary chair jim jordan, he just subpoenaed hhs secretary becerra rah demanding records on illegal immigrant teenagers, jim jordan says they're behind the most, quote, heinous criminal acts against americans, general. what do you think? >> well, i think what you're going to have to do, you're going to have to study this and go back probably what president dwight d. eisenhower did in 1954 when they had an operation which was full scale replacement moving people back from the countries they came from. in one year, 1954, they were able to repatriate over 1 million illegal immigrants. i think we're going to have to do the same thing. it's going to be a hard effort to do that, we know that. there's going to be a lot of criticism of it, but we've got to reduce these numbers. we have to seal the border and take care and make sure that a lot of these people who come across, they go back to where they came from. because they've already done the
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worst thing you can do, they've broken the law. that's the first thing they've done to come to the guys. -- the united states. so if your asking them, well, what have you done wrong? you've come into the country illegally. elizabeth: that's right. broke the law. >> let's get your reaction to former president trump with laura ingraham last night. you're going to see senator joe manchin with neil if cavuto. watch this. >> we have a new category of crime, it's called migrant crime, and it's going to be worse than any other form of crime. you look at new york city, what's going on where they attack police officers, they want to fight police officer ifs. i've never seen -- they're having fistfights with police officers in the muddle of the street, and we have to do something about it. these are tough people. >> first of all, the border, the crisis that we have are joe biden's fault. starting from day one, i disagreed. and we've been arguing about this back and forth. i think then in defense of joe biden, their discussion and their, basically, explanation is the world was in a flux after
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the pandemic. a lot of people were hurting around the world. we wanted to make sure we could help as minuteas a humanly possible, and the border was overrun, unbelievably overrun. elizabeth: what do you think, general? if. >> well, that's kind of a comment of the obvious. of course it's been overrun. but that's the reason why you need to secure your border. you have to make sure people come n -- come in, in a a legal fashion to do so. i'd almost ask the senator, okay, so this had been going on since you, since the president reduced the executive order of remain in mexico. what have a you done? what have you done to change this? at least the republicans put forth h.r. 2 a year ago that was not even considered in the senate. why not? this is on their hands as well. elizabeth: got it. lieutenant general keith kellogg, thanks for joining us. thanks for your service to america. it's good to see you again. joining us now, new york post political reporter and columnist, he's jon levine. jon, it's always great to have you on. what do you make of this story,
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this development that politico is reporting that nikki haley is attracting thousands of donations from people who gave money to president joe biden's 2020 campaign? >> well, liz, great to be here. you know, i think it reflects her current status in the race where she once was maybe a serious gop candidate and attracting republican donors like the koch brothers network, now she's more of a nuisance candidate. and the people who are going to donate to her are not serious republicans anymore, but really democrats who are donating to her just to annoy trump. maybe they've maxed out to biden and they have money to spare, and it's just a keep -- to keep her in the race artificially and prevent him from being able to pivot to a general election. elizabeth: trump says he's considering as running mates governor ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy, tulsi gabbard and governor kristi noem. by the way, desantis was in south carolina talking about his push for a constitutional a
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convention is on term limits in congress, but he also touted trump. what do you think? >> it's very hard to say who would be the best choice of those individuals. they all come with pros and cons, they all will appeal to different constituencies. if you want to make a play just to win over more black voters, obviously, someone like tim scott is an obvious candidate there. if you want to try to get younger voters and people more online and plugged in in that sphere, maybe someone like vivek ramaswamy. if you want to try the heal the party and bury some bad blood from the primary, maybe ron desantis is your person. maybe nikki haley is the person. there's every -- there's no perfect vice presidential option. it will all come with positive positives and negatives. elizabeth: let's listen to former president trump with laura ingraham last night on his classified documents case here. watch this. >> first of all, i didn't have to hand them over. but second of all, i would have done that. we were talking, and then all of a sudden they raided mar-a-lago.
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do you remember? they said could you put an extra lock on the -- we showed them where they were. unlike being under a corvette in a little garage with the door open all the time -- [laughter] we had these things locked. we were surrounded all the time by many secret service agents. you couldn't take anything out. what happened, and when you take a look, biden didn't have the presidential records act. he's at great jeopardy really, but they said, look, he's incompetent to go to to court, but he can be president. figure that one. in other words, he can't represent himself at court because he's incompetent -- >> [inaudible] elizabeth: so what do you make of all of that? point of order, the fbi search of mar-a-lago came more than a year after the national archives asked to get the documents back, but what do you make of everything the former president just said here, jon? >> i think president trump should revise his legal strategy and maybe give a press conference saying he was best friends with winston the churchill and start speaking in gibberish and maybe the special counsel will be convinced to
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drop the charges, because that's really the only difference between his case and president biden's. but they're not prosecuting president biden because allegedly he's a senile old man and trump is not. obviously, trump brought classified documents to mar-a-lago and wouldn't give them back, and whether that's cleared under the presidential records act, that remains to be seen. but president biden did the same thing, and he brought them to his home by hunter e -- while hunter biden was staying there, and there's no consequences. it just feeds into the double standard of why is president trump being prosecuted for this? president reagan brought files back to his home and used them for various them -- memoirs. all presidents have brought classified documents -- i learned this from the hur report, and they've never faced charges. this is about keeping him from being president again, keeping him off the ballot, preventing the american people from rendering judgment with. elizabeth: got it. jon levine, thank you so much. we appreciate you, jon levine. okay, this story coming up,
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oil and gas workers, you know, the guys who with do the tough jobs, guys and gals working the pipelines, they're saying that, yes, president biden's energy policies, his attacks on u.s. energies are -- it's jeopardizing thousands and thousands of u.s. jobs. also this, a new poll reveals green energy policies are slamming the middle class. energy expert phil flynn will join us next on "the evening edit." gotta check in with dagen and sean. what you got coming up on "the bottom line"? sean: donald trump's fine and penalties in the new york city civil case, they're approaching half a billion dollars. he's pledged to appeal, but will he be successful? we have alina lab baa on that. it's campaign season, biden's offering more student loan forgiveness. clay travis here to discuss. dagen: throw the hammer down! our soup super duper, awe isome
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elizabeth: okay, you know, this shout-out is growing louder by the day. oil and gas workers, they're working the pipelines. they're speaking out in houston listen, texas, saying the biden -- houston, texas, saying the biden white house is destroying jobs in u.s. energy. grady trimble reporting live from houston. grady, interesting story. >> reporter: it is, liz. this company where we are, troy construction, would like for all of this heavy machinery to be at pipe ryan projects across the country -- pipeline projects -- but instead it's parked here, and the ceo is blaming president biden's policies. this pipe should be in louisiana right now along with all this equipment. but when the biden administration if paused liquified natural gas export permits, some pipeline projects for troy construction came to an immediate stop. >> about a half of our business is gone. right out of the chute. >> reporter: the ceo says
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3,000 jobs are on the line. these are the people impacted by the policy. and, ovid, you're personally furloughed right now. you just told me you have a 1-year-old daughter. >> i just recently bought a house, so i've got a mortgage and then i got truck payment, i got to take care of a little one, diapers. >> reporter: as it sets out to tackle climate change, the biden administration made a goal of creating 10 million green energy jobs. environmental group climate power estimates the so-called inflation reduction act has created 211,000 so far. so what do you think when you hear politicians say get a job in renewable energy? >> i'm good at my job. i want to stay doing it, and i'd like to see them get a job doing something else, because they're not very good at theirs. >> in my eyes, it's too late to switch. we live to do what we co, and we like it. we're proud of it. >> reporter: so the biden
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administration is rushing to push through as many green energy initiatives as it can before the election. republicans, of course, are promising to reverse those policies if they take back the white house. but you can tell from these workers how much is at stake this november. they feel if like their livelihoods and their jobs are on the line, liz. elizabeth: grady trimble, what a great story. thank you so much for bringing that to us. let's welcome to the show fox news contributor phil flynn. you heard grady's report. what do you think? >> i think he's absolutely right. i mean, i feel for these workers in the field. i peel for these companies -- feel for these companies. liz, we just had a collapse in the u.s. natural gas market over the last couple of days. part of that is because of weather, but part of that is because of president biden's policies. and this had significant ramifications across the industry and the economy. one of the things it does, it puts a lot of people out of work, it could cause bankruptcies, it could also spread to banks that loaned
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money to these companies. so this policy, you know, while it looks good for the election and his green energy base, it's terrible for the country. and at the end of the day, it's bad for the environment because liquified natural gas is the only reason the world has been able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an incredible amount. elizabeth: yeah. the other thing that's happening too, phil, what do you think of this? if the city of chicago has filed a rate against oil majors bp, he ron, conoco, exxonmobil p fill lips, shell over climate change -- phillips. and then you've got voters and rate payers in states like california, new york, you know, they're basically saying, wait . they're saying, those states, democrat-run, they're facing an all-out revolt, phil, because they're seeing their utility bills double because of green energy mandates. and then you've got to say, well, you voted these guys in.
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>> you did vote them in, you know? but at the same time, if the city of chicago can sue the big oil companies for, quote-unquote, climate change, then the voters should be able to, you know, sue the politicians for false promises. they kept telling us, oh, yeah, we're going to make things cleaner, it's not going to cost that much more money, but the reality is that some of these bills are up 100, 127% from what they were. people are feeling the pain, and there is going to be backlash. elizabeth: and you know what else too, phil? we're watching the dow, the s&p 500 and the nasdaq, they were heading for a third day of losses. the fed minutes show fed officials really leery about cutting interest rates anytime soon. they popped up, they're in the green right now. but it's a rocky ride in the markets right now because of interest rates. the fed may not cut interest rates, they're worried inflation if is not coming down fast enough. and then you have this new monmouth poll, many americans don't believe the president's policies are great for the
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economy. half says he doesn't deserve much credit or any credit, a lot of them are saying it's hurting the middle class. are they hearing -- 45% of middle class voters say they have not benefited at all from the president's policies. take this on. final word, phil. >> you know, i think you can rename the misery index the biden index, right? biden owns this economy. right? and he keeps telling us that it's doing great, but the people know better, and they're feeling it every time they go to the grocery store or the gas pump. elizabeth: phil flynn, thank you so much. good to see you. this story coming up, president biden publicly blames trump for the border mess if he himself created by reversing trump's policies. but now this, the white house again leaks more leaks to the media about the details of a possibly new executive order from the president that critics say will not stop the border crisis. former acting i.c.e. director
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ron vitello is going to break it down next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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unveil at the state of the union for the border crisis, trying to make it harder for illegal immigrants to pass asylum screenings, and quickly deport them if they don't meet the c criteria, it will stop the border collapse. >> it will not if we don't have an end game that allows people to be held in custody or return to mexico, you have to take people out of the pipeline, we heard for weeks, a couple of weeks ago, we heard for days that president could not do anything unless we signed bill and passed this oner, now he is thinking about executive order, always a little too late with this administration. i'm not hopeful they will come up with a solution. they are beholden to this open border chaos, and they have showed us for last 3 years. elizabeth: not normal. it is like, the "new normal"
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is the new abnormal. critics say, you know, it was infuriating to see president biden publicly blame former president trump for the border mess he created by canceling trump's policies, in the first place. you say president biden and his team kept saying that the border is security, then he kept insisting that border was open only because republicans refuse to pass that senate bill. that would have enshrined 2 million illegal immigrants a year, now he is fixing it with an executive order, really? >> he is not, let's go to first day of presidency he bragged about fixing our immigration system, and put an executive order that says he was not going to deport anyone, whether they had their court hearings or not and they stopd building the wall, they accused horse patrol of w whipping
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haitian m migrants, i don't know how joe biden or his team in this administration who are involved in border security could claim they love this country and the people in it, and looking back to when president trump was president, he decided to close the border and send people back to mexico to wait for hearings, he did not need congress for that, he was asking for wall money, which he got very little. it was interested and enthusiastic about closing the border, this administration is opposite, and to your point, they denied it for mornings and mornings and months now we're on plan to coover -- to do over 2.5 million encounters, it is not just encounters but all of the drugs that are being s smuggled, people that are buying trafficked and border
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chaos in community, new york, chicago, los angeles, miami, they are undated with the people from all over the third world, they could care less about what is going on with the border, they are asking for this problem did be fixed and they are asking everyone except effi -- for the president of united states who responsible for this k chaos. elizabeth: where do we go. >> people need to understand, this is not going to change with this administration, we're all stalk with their lot. elizabeth: von vitiello thank you. >> -- ron vitiello, joining ut tomorrow note, a great show, steve forbes, town, guy benson will join us. and the breaking news, thanks for watching the "evening edit," i am elizabeth macdonald, now time for my buddies on "the bottom line," dagen and sean. dagen: thank you emac. elizabeth:


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