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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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maria: good wednesday morning. thanks very much for joining us i hope you're having a good morning. i am maria bartiromo weapon wednesday, february 21, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast hot topic of the however president biden in california for three-day fund-raising trip with wealthy liberal donors speaking in los angeles later as speculation grows whether or not gavin newsom will be tapped to replace biden before 2024 election the president dodging that question this week. >> -- mr. president -- you are going to cal is this about coming up with a landfall b, for 2024 goes gavin newsom stand by. >> are you ready. >> yer. >> i am looking at you hey, whoa. >> the president also seen tripping up the shortstairs of air force one again as he boarded the flight todd
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reaction. todd: where start? the trip same area trip 20 same area of the stair every time they can't get a shorter spare he has to levitate that hannity debate with ron desantis ron desantis not even in the race anymore wipe the floor with him if you get to gavin newsom you have a serious issue on policy, california just added another 20 billion dollars in the red to their -- at 73 billion dollars in the red, do you want california the rest of the country? each if you are a democrat, in a swing state i don't know if that is exactly what you want. but we do have to talk about, why he is ultimately there in the first place, one, it is to get that money, but shore up support among those people convince them they is all mentally there if he is not who is the person replaces him gavin newsom has to be near top of the list despite that
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hannity town hall. maria: administration feels state of the union address a reset, new among mouth university poll shows president biden approval rating 39%, 34% said good job 26% said feel positive immigration policies new op-ed in journal claims biden is rewrigthe novel american tragedy the shame of the presidency has been a tragedy for at rest of us three years wasted worse by someone from whom whatever his faults we had a right to expect more, we sure did. sarah: the problem they can't put biden out there, to address the problems that he has with how people view him on immigration or economy because he is not cable of interfacing with public anything outside of highly scripted piece like state of the union. >> reason so much focus on joe
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biden tripping upstairs or when mixes names of world leaders when he is speaking in brief moments because we don't see him that is all we have to go off of in terms of insight into mental state right now ability to do yob white house hiding him away i think the democrats are just paralyzed with fear right now they know a huge problem with joe biden trying to keep that under wraps to the extent that they can they know donald trump is surging afraid to rock boat if they replace joe biden with governor gavin newsom there is no the guarantee any more he electable, they are afraid to rock the boat. maria: if you are saying not capable of doing any of this, he is not capable of botching it up right? democrat policies, the withdrawal from afghanistan, is largely, said to be the reason that our adversaries are on the march right now, and, you know, the massive -- you know, out of this world
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spending is largely the reason we saw inflation at 40-year highs so sure, maybe not capable to make decisions but these are democrat policies. that are in place, that have put america back in the last three years. >> i am glad that you phrased it that way. democrat policies in other words, a whole party here, juice somebody is making decisions is it president obama? >> someone pulling levers in the back joe biden polls 39% you reported, gavin newsom in own state of california pulls at 44. that is the point, it is -- it is not just that you have two weak he possibly not-electable candidates but a weak apparatus if the best two people they can output forward democrat party if best two people they can future forward are biden and newsom what does is a say about democratic party? no wonder they are scared no
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wonder going after trump so hard no wonder using unconvenoxygenal means weaponization of judicial system to do it can't necessarily be unpopular opinion. maria: the way they law fire judicial agencies disappointing people worried they are next this is just a predicate not about trump, it is about, the way they weaponize agencies. todd: made this point talk leticia james going to seize donald trump's property in new york city i can't ultimately see that happening but if it did imagine that visual for donald trump armed agents going in seizing the property? i think you can guarantee his election right there and then because that is un-american, and i think donald trump would again on that say look look what they did to me they sent armed individuals to take my
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property. what are they going to do to you american people would scare not just republicans not independents but democrats as well. maria: i don't know i feel bad guys getaway with everything we have not seen accountability fantastic lie russia collusion a viewer said why didn't informants who lied about trump get indicted, smirnov indicates because they claim he lied, yet all of those lives from steel dwaif making it up having beer christopher steil never indicted. >> one informant was acquitted by d.c. jury the point is a really good one that this double standard is out of control, under, under this administration, and the -- whatever you want to all day
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it "deep state" under even during trump's administration i think may start to dawn on democrats a lot of this stuff has backfired in georgia that case is unrelative because of conflict of interest. >> they wand it in trial early march now in a position whether some cases are unraveling backlash new york civil fraud case rulings weakest criminal case in one that goes first not a great situation for them. maria: isn't itting from statistic on charges of hunter biden for years statute of limitations to go up in this case, got to have -- get it on calendar this week, we are going to take a short break come right back you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, right back. . ♪
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attorney general leticia james is warning that she is prepared to seize president trump's assets if he can't pay fine in civil fraud case they areing seizing assets the former pr firm fox business lydia lou outside trump tower in novembers with more. >> former president donald trump sat down with laura ingram said never would have been a target in civil fraud trial or any number, of legal cases he is facing if he were not running for president. of the united states. watch. >> we are turning into a communist country in many ways if you look at it i am the leading candidate, i never heard of being indicted before i get indicted four times i have 8 or nine trials because
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of the fact that i am you know this, all because of the fact i am in politics. >> but trump insists he did nothing wrong fade all bank loans back on time attorney general leticia james tells abc news she will seize trump assets like massive buildings in new york if unable to pay, the 35-million-dollar refine trump legal team says they will appeal that means only 30 days from date of the verdict to pay cash into psychoaccount or post bond for pale last night former president said, last night former president would not say whether he would have to sell, being properties, to make that happen, watch here. >> well i have a lot of cash, but that doesn't mean he can take it i mean already did i think looks 5 cash said, we
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will take all his cash. >> now meanwhile, appears that president is ready to sweep south carolina primary. maria: outside of trump tour i said instagram kevin o leashy call him mr. wonderful said never doing business in new york begins a he said this is obviously, so unfair the treatment the idea that they could seize your assets, not doing business in new york anymore. >> individuals you need to listen to make the city hum kevin o'leary individuals look at this say why would i take the risk, to go into that city, and if i one afoul of the body politic could have all assets in new york city seized juice not worth the squeeze a lot of places you can make a pretty penny investing in those cities that is bad news for new york city,
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because if we lose any more taxpayer dollars where do you see money going to migrants we see tax base dwindling if we loss business -- >> mayor adams says he needs billions facing massive holes in the budget already people leaving new york because of ineptitude in terms of good morning new york. >> a complete betrayal of trust that laws are going to be applied evenlyly fairly even if ruling judge engoron acknowledged this is sort of everybody does it more reason to example of donald trump this is a selective prosecution to send a message i think a possibility democrats overplayed their hand there is plenty of time for appeals process to play out before election donald trump would have last laugh on this if headlines that is
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closest to election day is him getting this overturned, in higher court perhaps often supreme court tearing this ruling apart how unfair selective it was. >> so far not able to leave a glove on him in terms of criminality civil judgments bleeding him dry of money no doubt about that look what is happening in georgia, that case is collapsing jack smith in new york wants him in trial now or yesterday. that isn't happening right now we will seal when he actually goes to trial for that. >> well, i know if you look at this judgment we talking about where they have to seize a trump tower to pay the fine the whole reason that fine was imposed penalty was imposed because he supposedly mr. trump misled banks, that loaned him money except that he paid back all the loans, plus interest,not only did nobody lose money the banks said we think a good client we want to make more loans to him, where is the crime in yet
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somehow whatever he is accused of having done misleading banks in terms of what properties are worth to get more loans, that is worth 345-million-dollar penalty? by the way, we are going to not only make you pay but seize selling ats actually two assaults on freedom nursing home kevin o larry comment i want do business in new york because new york is modifying the goalpost. >> there are professionals that do valuations of businesses i don't know i am not real estate executive i don't think you rely on person who puts valuation of his building out you hire, an auditor appraiser to do this work. >> make an off the wall prediction in light of impact this will have, i think individuals democratic politicians in new york city will see what they are doing if donald trump gets a positive ruling on appeal, i wonder if leticia james drops the overall suit if it happens
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after election because their goal is to damage donald trump between now and the first tuesday in november, i think once that is -- is passed a result there, they may say, ahiwe are moving paf it off the wall prediction i don't know if i one hundred percent agree but mark this case that could happen. >> goal is november the election that is the goal here. >> otherwise. >> stop him from winning. >> you can't justify, they tried to justify you can't if you are rational serious legal person you can't do it. maria: markets on the missouri ahead of busy week retail earnings target, tgs former target vice chairman is with us don't miss it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ ♪ make you feel, the way you
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futures declination as we kickoff, a -- a number of important interviews and earnings this week we've got
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nvidia after the close tonight walmart out with earnings yesterday, beating fourth quarter earnings rv expectations global e-commerce sales up 23% walmart announced will acquire smartv making sure for more than two billion dollars, home depot a double beat also lowering forecast for the year walmart as you can see, trading, up two-thirds of a percent yesterday home depot was down three-quarters of a percent more on deck next week with target, tjx lowe's dollar tree macy's joining me ceo of storch advisers former ceo of toys "r" us former vice chairman of target great to see you this morning. thanks so much for being here. >> great to be here. >> a lot of earnings numbers, require peeling back the onion actually understanding what took place, i know right now, while many headlines look good you are skeptical that actually the consumer is as strong as many make the consumer out to be tell us
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more. >> well i think a mixed bag i am not surprised walmart did well, i expected it told you that was going to happen, last month, why? because consumer is very stretched, in tough times they go to walmart you saw that happening yet again keep in mind as good as that number was they are doing great. with 4% same-store sales gain worse than prior quarter 4.9 worse than, over 5% preceding quarters, good news for companies that do well with strong consumer but not so good elsewhere, look. it is very important to put numbers in context when you look at raw data coming out of consumers department for retail sales what you see is for the last three months, consumers average 3.2% gain in retail sales that ras -- consumers health wonderful guess what inflation rate is? almost exactly that, so consumer is peddling harder to get no owhere basically spending 3% more to get same
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amount of goods last year people go great sales up only reason looked could so good in december consumers department does a thing seasonally adjust sales, a month like december with small month like january most favorable adjustment ever made in history last month, seriously, they've been doing this data goes back being 22 years most favorable adjustment ever for december, and november saw looked terrible almost the same you with a takings using out of it the factor in january wasn't so accountable favorable what we have a consumer plodding along 3% growth basically same as inflation, and retailers can play in that game providing necessities at a good value, are going to do great, you know walmart, costco, tjmaxx great value doing great, others continue to struggling. maria: look, you say that
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we're looking at these government adjustments, i have a feeling we are going to see a lot of government adjustments to the positive given election year, just throwing that out there, they are going to try to make as many adjustments as they can to make things look better than they you are say actual retail sales consumer has not been as strong answer often described given ups and downs in consumer behavior i want to ask what are they buying feeling inflation is still up 18% overall in the last three years. >> there are applying a lot of food walmart is a world, our country, buy a lot of food necessities, cosmetics why cosmetics always a great you know gift, a great thing to buy during difficult times not that expensive, to get sort of a nice you know nice perfume or other gift with cosmetics, ultra a company they might be
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doing well in this what not buying a lot of discretionary products apparel struggling a long time home depot numbers beat negative three same-store sales now struggling to get back to positive, that is part of the reason you saw stock down a little bit yesterday. maria: how does this credit card use buy now, pay later schemes play into this? we keep seeing, debt going higher, consumers are tapping into credit cards to afford he sen shals like you say food, fuel rent there are buy now, pay later approaches. >> you are sealing gains in a traditional credit card debt from the consumer as well as buy now, pay later for bigger ticket purchases but, you know,, it is clear consumer is saving less, spending more money than they have going deeper into debt eventual going to have to pay the piper i don't know exactly you know
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when this comes down it is election-year history has been very kind on economies during election years because of obviously, politicians do they don't want a problem election year the reality thank you fundamentals for consumer aren't good a lot of growth came from higher income consumers trading down into a wallwall not a sign of great times that is a sign of higher end consumers stressed going where value is. >> tell me about 2024 whether or not you believe, we are going to see the impact of those 11 rate hicks. for awhile many expecting a recession put that off to the next year, they've changes pins because of so-called strength of consumer. do you still believer we many see a recession this year? >> a recession, you go know, what definition of recession is or isn't i definitely think is going to be tough times for consumer, tougher times for
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the retailers don't offer a true value, i have heard numbers we haven't seen from some luxury, retailers, i have heard that has been a very stressed market luxury, for example, us know, the aspirational shopper use to throw money around not doing that anymore i think a tough economy, for consumers but they're going to trudge through the election what is really interesting what happens in holiday of 204 that is when we there is going to be no the cloak unveiled see what happens. >> we have to talk about shrink has a become new watch word in retail, what i am talking about retail theft but they call it shrink, shrink age in inventory interesting temu he advertising on intourl, temu chinese retailer go after walmart, with cheaper items there fry to have cheaper items there what are your thoughts on that part of the
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business? and also, about, these companies handling shrinkage vin because of retail theft. >> start with shrink meaningfully causes clear retail theft is up arguing like some kind of political issue whether or not people are stealing, videos what else do you need your eyes orientlying that is up, very clear self-checkout big problem seemed like great idea c, consumers kind of like self-checkout guess what they make mistakes or outright steal, so a lot are pulling those, might be interesting topic for future discussion what is going on there, that is happening as well. so shrink is up multiple causes for it theft definitely up, certainly in big cities, and in most difficult areas stores, temu another chaen shine two chinese companies have come in taking, material
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market share on internet amazon doing great as well, but that has to come from somewhere, that is one of the reasons also why i think you are going to see more muted nushz out of a lot of retailers because the amount of money spending on advertising is, the cost, on google search words up significantly because of what temu china are spending to buy them heavilied concentrating in apparel i don't think walmart will feet it strongly i think a lot of apparel companies will 10, 20 bucks outfit chinese companies losing a lot of money in case every temu just to do look more advertising super bowl a long time during that but stealing market share, from our traditional retailers. >> i have to say is it cheap stuff? that we don't really want?
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>>. >> definitely chinese a lot of other stuff buy in chinese. maria: good point always a pleasure thanks for weighing in on this good to see you, quick break examining the growing biden family scandal spotlight on it president biden's [james sitting with house oversight judiciary committees today in a transcribed testimony, missouri congressman house ways and means chairman jason smith here with more on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on business. ♪ ♪ . there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way.
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maria: welcome back, more -- scandalized surrounding harvard university anti-semitic behavior on campus. cheryl: harbored interim president apologizing for ant semitic cartoon, the faculty organization campus wide message writing this,% pettateing violent hateful, engageing in inflammatoriry rhetoric sharing inlz on base of it the opt what this moment demands controversy, university says investigating who is responsible for this posting, what next steps they may have to make. texas search crews found body of 11-year-old audrey cunningham vanished heading to
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school last week. >> -- the body was located at trinity river on u.s. highway 59 you my heart aches with this news i scomplef deepest sympathy coffin will doences do everyone who knew cared for. >> d.a. says preparing arrest warrants will likely procure capital murder charges a neighbor friend of the cunningham family denying any involvement in the 11-year-old's death, has long history of violent offenses in krud since friday locked up on unrelated aggravated charges. >> switching gears mcdonald's expanding the menu to beauty products, the first ever line of mail products teaming up with british brand inspired by
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polished stickers more one has red nail polish stickers burgers fridays will goern arches another a french fry manicure mcmanicure i worked on that all morning, quick tesla spacex elon musk nominated for nobel peace prize billionaire given nod from norwegian member of paramount for adamant defense of dlvg free speech the possibility to express views continuously more polarized world, connectivity to ukrainian soldiers the win announced in october. just some headlines. maria: thank you so much president biden younger] james biden appearing for transcribed interview before house oversight jaesh committees lay lawmakers expected to grill two separate quote/unquote loan repayment
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checks 240,000 dollars that he sent to joe biden directly, in 2017 and in 2018, how jim jordan joined me in the last hour. >> he was involved in the precandidate stuff chapter i call money the business "the brand", 20 before i companies over 20 million dollars, coming into biden family members by selling access to "the brand" to hunter biden business partner told us us that is where jim biden was mostly involved whether cecf or some other business deals involved with. >> joining us me mo chairman house ways and means committee, jason smith thanks very much for being here what should we expect from joe bidenr james biden temperature. >> hopefully very cooperative witness we have a lot of questions as jim jordan
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highlighted, we want the terms of the loan what was 240,000 dollars that joe biden loaned james biden has there interest paid? in president biden's tax returns insure didn't slow any interest income, we also want to know all of the business dealings that were never asked, never asked when the irs whistleblowers highlighted that investigators was wanting to ask james biden numerous questions that led to president joe biden but high ups in justice department said you cannot ask any questions in regarding to president joe biden. >> i want your take how they used the tactics for americore whether or not the same but looking at screen at check that sara james biden sr., sent to his [joe biden, for 40 thousand dollars 10% of
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overall 400,000 dollars came from china is that correct? >> that is. that is exactly you know a chinese energy company that joe biden says his son was not involved in. in fact in 2020 in the presidential debate with donald trump joe biden was asked a question, if his son had received any money from chinese he said absolutely not. but what we noef different last week we had tony bobulinski for one transcribed interview he said the date time location in 2017 where he sat down with president biden, and explained exactly all the business twists that chinese energy company james biden was also part of. maria: and they were negotiating this, according to tony bobulinski, while joe biden was still vice president. before 2017. so i am looking at this politico article how james biden title is biden's brother used his name biden to promote
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a hospital chain that collapsed jim biden played a major role in american americore government xhufd massive medicare fraud the piece goes on to really deal the way the bidens came up with a structure, so they could get paid, jim biden spoke of plans to give brother joe equity in americore according to one americore executive talk installing him on the board of directors according to second faukdz about jim biden offering to secure capital for investors from middle east also talking about money up front one domestically situation james biden trying to get business from americore the communist party of china energy company and biden family accepting money but the structures are they the same the way they set these up?
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>> maria, this is the pattern biden family business dealings set up numerous llcs, joint ventures traverse from one entity to another this 200,000 dollar loan repayment president biden from james biden happened to be same amount one of those accounts got that filtered to james biden from americore just you continue to follow the faction, you see they continue to lead to what irs whistleblowers originally said president joe biden is brand the family has been selling for millions all over the world, and domestically. >> do you believe this influence peddling was going on while joe biden was vice president? >> without a doubt, without a doubt, maria. we see so many instances where
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there were official activities in the vice president's office that were also tied up with the hunter biden and james biden birs associates. >> i know tony bobulinski testified to that, but let's talk about news of the morning because hunter biden's attorneys this morning are asking a california judge to dismiss all the tax charges against hunter claiming indicted ex-fbi informant alexander smirnov tainted the gaegs in july 2023 special counsel would follow smirnov down rabbit hello of lies as long as it did smirnov was indicted for allegedlylying with hunter, joe's business in ukraine being released from custody the examine department of justice says he has extensive ties to russian intelligence correct me if wrong this is the individual so i had burisma executive told him you got to give five
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million to one biden five million to the other biden we need biden family to help protect this company. got to pay them off, the father and the son. what do you want's about smirnov for months we were incredibly trusted fbi source paid six figures now all of a sudden indicted. >> let me say this two irs whistleblowers never got access to smirnov's report never that had in testimony investigation their research, they said that hunter biden should be charged with everyone one of the crimes, that he is charged with in the california court. in fact, that should have been done years before, the only reason why hunter biden wasn't charging ease before because his last name is biden, maria. maria: i am trying to
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understand, how it is possible, that you've got this person who is supposed to be a very important trusted informant that government can turn around indict him how are you getting more whistleblowers to tell you what they know if they are afraid the doj is going to weaponize the agencies against them? >> maria, the whistleblowers especially irs whistleblowers claimed retaliation against them at irs, we had more maria, we've had more whistleblowers come forward, that about have not been made public yet. the ways and means committee i am afraid that these tactics by those lawyers and by several entities in the democratic party that this only pushes the whistleblowers from not coming forward but i am thank full for ones that have so far. maria: politico report that i mentioned about the americore story details how james biden
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once said joe biden was sitting next to him in healthcare pitch my brother, flex to me mirrors the hunter biden 2017 with whatsapp message he warned chinese business associates that he better way up because, he is going to make sure, that his father and everybody he knows, remembers, that he did not follow his direction and i am sitting here with my father. he wrote. in this with a whatsapp message. >> exactly same pattern goes to show what bobulinski and all the other -- um -- a lot of other witnesses said bobulinski testified last week and said that joe biden was not just a parse pabt whatsapp message showed but an enabler in business activities that is what tony bobulinski testified
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last week in transcribed ep, deposition. >> let me get your take on evidence at hand because mr. chairman you know that a critics of have this investigation have come back even your colleagues in congress, democrats, like dan goldman among others adam schiff basically saying look, joe biden is clean he has not had any involvement here, so can you lay out for us what you believe to be the most egregious evidence that you have, that joe biden was aware and was participating in this influence peddling and potential money laundering bribery scream. >> joe biden stood before american people numerous occasions saying he knew nothing about his son's business dealings, we know that is not true. he then said that he wasn't vochd in his son's business dealings. based on whatsapp messages testimony we know that is not
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true it continues to lead to him. if joe biden knew that his family was selling his brand, his access to foreign entities in russia, country, russia, china, ukraine, he could have stopped it but he didn't, because he knew it was finance because he knew it was finance finance financially benefiting his family. maria: we'll be right back. stay with us. . three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy fly fishing and america's finest trout stream. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks to book your luxury experience.
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>> welcome back, lots of requests around the biden administration energy policy and whether proving harmful to the pipeline workers in energy are? of the u.s. take a listen. >> this pipe should be louisiana right now along with all the equipment. but when biden administration paused liquefied natural gas export permits some projects for construction came to an immediate stop. >> what happened was business was gone like out of the chute. >> ceo says 3,000 jobs are on the line, these are the people
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impacted by policy. >> your personally furloughed right now, you just told me you have, a one-year-old daughter. >>, about a house, i got a mortgage, i got, truck payment take care of little ones diapers. >> sets out to tactical climate change the administration made a goal 10 million green energy jobs environmental group climate power estimates so-called inflation reduction act. >> what do you hear when you hear get a joe biden at renewable. >> i am good at my job like to see them doing it would like them get a job doing something else they are not very good at their -- >> it is too late to switch we live to do what we do like it proud of it. >> biden administration, is rushing to push through as many renewable energy
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initiatives as possible before the election, republicans of course if they take back the white house are promising to reverse those policies, but, maria, in talking with pipeline workers you really get the sense a lot at stake personally this november including jobs and livelihoods. >> thank you so much grady trimble that is for us quick break varney at 9:00 a.m. have a great day, everybody. . if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity so you can generate code quickly. let's create a more modern foundation for business, with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create.
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9:00 am
stuart: good morning, everne


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