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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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that is it very kudlow. thank you for watching, folks. ♪
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♪. maria: good wednesday morning, thank you for joining us this morning. i hope you have a good morning. i am maria bartiromo it is wednesday february 21st. your top stories examinees cause. the fed and focus, futures or extended losses right now as markets await for the fed minutes of the central bank january meeting. the dow industrial down 63, nasdaq 1062, s&p 500 lower by nine, futures indicate investors are expecting june to see the first rate cuts this year and were watching nvidia i had a quarterly earnings "after the bell", the stock is down this morning fractionally but it is up more than 230% of the last year, the earnings preview coming up, european marketing mix take a look at the eurozone, s&p 100 negative cat, positive, dax index higher by 62 in
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germany. in asia a mixed story, the asian embassies finished like this fractional moves across the board but hang seng in hong kong best performer up one and two thirds percent. at the border the massive flow of illegal migrants shifting from texas to you cuba california including rising numbers of chinese nationals military aged men crossing into america, the numbers coming up in the impact, president biden's brother james bryden sitting for a transcribed interview today in front of the house oversight and judiciary committee, covenant judiciary committee jim jordan is here with house ways and means entered means jason smith, we learned what they learned from tony bobulinski and what they're expecting from the bidens coming up hunter biden is expected to testify next week, joining to the conversation on boarding log bullseye ingenuity fund manager the steamboat institute sarah bedford and "fox & friends" cohost todd piro,
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"mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪. maria: is time for the hot topic of hour former president trump addressing his rivals at townhall last night here's what the 45th president said about president biden in nikki haley, watch this. >> she is not working she's down by 30 or 35 pointed everybody knows her, you're not supposed allusion homestay it should not happen and she's losing it. all challenge right now you can do anybody you want i'll take
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anybody who from cnn. i'll take anybody because i think you have an obligation in this case to debate and i don't think she's going to debate i don't think so i don't think she knows how to get out actually i really don't she did terribly in new hampshire. >> she is a lot of money behind her. maria: these remarks with three days before the south carolina republican primary happening on saturday, your reaction in anticipation for the primaries. >> i think donald trump is correct that nikki haley is looking at the defeat of a substantial one in her home state of south carolina, there are two rationales for nikki haley being in the race, one that she claimed she was more electable against joe biden oppose have not shown that they showed donald trump outperforming and she also
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argued if this primary became a one-man race or two man race between her and donald trump she could consolidate the non- trump vote none of those have panned out there's no except for the unspoken one that the legal issues take out trump and shall be the last man standing. maria: a lot of speculation because nikki haley will make a major announcement that announcement was her reiterating she's not stepping down she will continue on this race. >> she almost made it worst taking heat shedding a tear about her husband service abroad which i'm okay with i thought it was a poignant moment. but nikki haley reminds me a little bit of myself when i'm long a losing stock and i refused to sell it because i know when going to be right. maria: was not like palo alto this morning they have cut guidance this morning and it's facing a serious haircut.
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>> it's down 20%, i own it and i'm staying with it that what i think i'll be okay but there's others i should sell. the toughest thing to do is admit you're wrong you've done the work in time to save time to move on. similar to a politician, she put in so much time she wants it and can taste it and think she might be good she might be green 2028 but this is not her moment you can sell the losing stocks invite them back, for the moment some of the stocks that i wrestle with might be dead money, i think nikki haley might be dead money she needs to recognize that and move on. maria: nikki haley might be dead money but palo alto just to be clear the company cut guidance and the stock is reacting so the fact that it cut guidance yesterday. >> they lowered the buildings but they raised earnings and by the way the 31st consecutive quarterly beat, there's a lot to
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like and i'm sticking with it. the shift in the way that the trying to recruit customers onto the platform for buying individual segments. maria: you are in a good mood. >> i'm a chatty kathy. were talking about nikki haley being dead money she won't get out of the race, we were waiting yesterday to see what she wanted to say in the press conference, what did she tell us, i'm reiterating i'm not stepping down. great to be with all three of you. >> that press conference was a bad look for nikki. her tone seemed like desperation it seemed unhinged i'm not saying she was fully unhinged, there was something in her tone that was defensive and to me the thing that stood out the most if you listen to exactly what she
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said she was more critical of donald trump in the language used against him was the harshest to date and in my estimation she disqualified herself for any chance at being the vp nominee at this point. maria: i wonder she disqualified herself or 2028 because ron desantis stepped down with enough time to say he could be my guy and 28 i think some people were saying. >> ron desantis target got this whole process way higher than donald trump nikki haley when he went to east policy, donald trump can go to east policy new 2028 you raise an interesting point dropping for 28 and 32, ron desantis is rising. maria: we will get back to this, we have a big show ahead let's look at a short break, president biden's brother, james biden is about to sit for a transcribed
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interview in front of the house oversight and judiciary committee, pat fallon is here and doubly asking the questions and among those asking questions. a preview from them coming up. president trump says a growing chance he could whenever one of the biggest blue states. it's making a buzz. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app.
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that he was sending to joe biden totaling $240,000 hunter biden will testify in the impeachment probe in one week from today house oversight james comer joined the program last week he told me he could begin writing his impeachment report after hunter testifies next week. watch. >> i think you will see if the conclusion of this investigation when we issue the report there are a lot of crimes issued by many members including joe biden. >> when are you expected to issue the report. >> with to depose hunter biden on february 28 then will have a public hearing and start on that report after that. maria: joining us had of all of that texas congressman pat fallon the house oversight and armed services committee, good to see you, thank you for being here. maria: what are you expecting to have come out today in your james biden interview and then
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what did you learn from tony bobulinski last week. >> what we like to see from jim biden, there is flow from you to your brother financially but where is the original documents from joe biden to you, why so many shell companies what exactly did you do what services did you provide to your clients other than selling access and peddling influence and being part of the biden briand these are questions i would like to ask and here's another question will we find more loan repayments because there are so many bank accounts that jim, hunter and the biden family have it is ahead scratcher. maria: also when james comer joined me last week he said there are a lot of credit cards, he suggested the credit cards were being paid by chinese communist party members and that's why he sent a subpoena to american express and he was
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paying the bills but this is the check that you're referring to the james biden set joe biden on march $12,018,200,000 and very detailed article in politico about biden's brother and we use the biden name to promote americorps and the company collapsed they are suing him for $600,000, did they use the same tactics in this case the americorps tactics that they use another companies like cefc from china the fact that they're talking about giving joe equity into 10% for the big guy in talking about money up front. is this the way it works for cefc and china as well that's what politico says about americorps. >> that was an excellent article the red chinese company to pay hunter biden 400000.10% for the big guy that is 40 grand, hunter
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biden scratches the check for 10% to his uncle jim and jim magically in a 24 hour span cuts his brother a $40000 check and put the loan repayment. if joe biden let his brother borrow money months ego produce a long document he's not done that and it's been months and i don't think ever existed. >> even though it's apples and oranges i bet my bottom dollar the democrats are to focus the entire questioning about the fbi and the fbi informant smirnov being arrested what are you going to do to make sure that does not override the important work that you're doing getting to the bottom of the james biden joe biden relationship because i don't know any brothers that exchange charger thousand dollars i bought my brother
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sandwich one time, what you going to do with the distr distraction. >> this is the chancellery from the topic we were investigating the biden family we knew about the existence of the 1023 it was only as good as the informant and the fbi that told us this is a reliable source in always been indicted i don't know if anything's going to come of that but let's just say for the sake of argument the 1023 was garbage what about all of the things giving hunter biden $3.5 million in having dinner with his father shortly thereafter, $142,000 hunter biden the very next day he bought a porsche for the exact amount what about the cfo of burisma why were they giving hunter biden $100 million a year with no experience in the energy sector, all of these things are out there and what the 1023 was one small pillar of one that we
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have scores of. >> there is a lot of things you will be covering, we will be watching that but i want to get to the policy coming out of this a administration the most egregious is the wide-open border fox news analysis finding the total number of illegal migrants led and by the biden administration has surpassed the entire population of 36 states in america, 36 states but the white house focus on ukraine at tossing house republicans, white house communication director wrote that house republicans in action does escalating damage to our national security he claimed that ukraine suffered about a claim lost because of running low on supplies, no word from him about the national security threat that the open border has created, your thoughts? >> the biden administration and the allies of the mainstream media blame house republicans or donald trump for everything that's absurd if you look at what president trump was in a three year mark 1.7 illegal
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crossings under joe biden eight and a half million, you mentioned earlier about chinese nationals military age men and president trump administration 450 chinese nationals last year 50000, these are huge leaps and bounds as a factor wide-open border all he needs to do for you as a border patrol agent they want way in mexico to be reinstituted and they believe the numbers will go down 70% if they want money for ukraine there's a nasty word in washington that very few people believe which is compromised to help us secure the border joe biden and we will help you with a reasonable amount to ukraine to fight putin. maria: grow quickly do you think the chinese nationals are being directed to come here? >> i think there is definitely some much to say it's 1% but that's a whole lot of military
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aged men that could be saboteurs if china decides to invade taiwan and we find yourselves in a hot conflict. maria: will be watching the situation for sure. pat fallon joining us, good to see you. a quick break markets are extending the losses the dow and nasdaq sinking which the earnings, "after the bell" a preview on nvidia a major move in the stock over the last year end a half. stay with us. ♪
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i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. maria: selling pressure underway, take a look at the futures and the decline, the dow industrial down 73, nasdaq down 85 and s&p 500 lower by 12 and a half interest rates remain elevated take a look at the two year treasury yield out of the federal reserve january meeting minutes at 2:00 p.m. eastern the yield in the two-year down wanted to quarter basis points at a level of 4.59% this is a new reuters poll found the fed will cut interest rate in june
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but the greater risk was the first cut would come later than expected, joining me macro investment officer don luskin, thank you for being here today obviously a great market performance in 2023 and 2024 despite the new worry about the fed, what is your take on the fed action this year. >> the fed has its work cut out there out of control over the messaging. on the first day of the year markets were expecting the futures market more than 100% chance of a march cut that's been moved all the way to june, what are the minutes going to say there to say what they always say they're going to say policy is extremely restrictive in the next sentence the going to say they don't know the next neutral rate, how do they know it's restrictive and how do they know when they should cut, they don't, the markets don't, this is out of control but here's a nice safety valve, the economy
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is booming so the fed may say or think it's restrictive but it's obviously not restrictive we have a booming economy now we have st. louis james mueller out there freelancing saying they should cut in march, why wait, why not wait this is not a problem the economy is booming policies not restrictive. maria: of economy is booming we will have to see if i cut. >> the fed keeps saying it's restrictive i'm just saying it's wrong mostly wrong about everything that is says how does it know it's restrictive they say they don't know the neutral rate. maria: the pc index is one of the favored inflation index for the fed and we had jay hatfield he thinks the pce will be elevated and we have inflation data coming out next week in addition to the second read of gdp on wednesday will get the january pce on thursday.
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jump in the pce and dex that jay hatfield feels will indicate inflation stubbornly high. >> what is interesting, the components of the pce index which is the fed's favorite index, are or at below 2% with ppi in the gd price index. my price to you cpi seems to be above three that's what has everybody fixated. why are we fixated on three number versus two number with some of these are at or below two. >> as far as the feds index pce is concerned it was a 2% in q3, to present q4 in 2% is the target they stuck the landing anyone you said inflation is sticky is not looking at the numbers, the cpi is very
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different, it is been true for 60 years is especially problematic in the month of january which got everyone so disappointed because we did not meet expectations for cpi. because cpi weighs housing twice as much as a index pce. every january they change their waiting in the up the waiting of what they weight the most and in january that was the worst thing housing. cpi would not of missed, the whole thing is a subs sophistical aberration we will see that when pce comes out next week. maria: do you want to buy stocks, what is your take in terms of the market with the run-up in the last year? >> we are in a correction and i'm delighted to see the magnificent seven lighting a little steam out. if you are short-term trader this is a very, very valuable
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debt. maria: in terms of nvidia the company reports earnings "after the bell" any sense of that stock? >> i'm not qualified to answer that question except as a general matter a.i. is the biggest thing that's happened since the personal computer in the microprocessor. this is not a fad or a bubble this is not the coin this is the real thing i don't know which exact individual company will turn out to be what microsoft turned on the pc in the 80s but you have to get on the train and stay on the train. maria: good to see you, thank you so much. your morning mover walgreens down in the premarket as the amazon trades up walgreens is going to be replaced by amazon and the dow jones industrial on february 26 walgreens stock is 20% the past year. amazon up 74% in the last year it becomes a al capone after february 28 were also watching palo alto and the stock is
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plunging after the cybersecurity company cut the full year guidance. the lower guidance was due to a shift in strategy and wanting to accelerate growth as a company looks to activate the a.i. leadership strategy the stock down 23% this morning at a level of 281 and change. san francisco appointed noncitizen to serve on the election commission, gordon chang is here to discuss how this can happen in america, in a legal now in the federal election commission in san francisco. don't miss the power panel, that is happening friday right here on "mornings with maria" at 8:0d kellyanne conway will join me for the entire hour. it'll be one day for the south carolina primary. "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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call 1-800-miracle now. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. maria: president biden and nancy moore sweeping student loan debt forgiveness. cheryl casone with the details. >> the biden administration announced a one point to billion student loan debt will be canceled with loan forgiveness more than 150,000 borrowers have been paying for ten years will have their debt canceled the first group eligible under the same plan which biden administration launched last year american ballerina with dual citizenship has been arrested a hundred miles east of
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moscow, 33-year-old resident of los angeles has been charged with treason she could face life in prison for donating money to a nonprofit supporting ukraine photos and video were released and she's being detained wearing a white coat of white hat the fsb not providing more details on this. a wall street journal reporter evan kirsch go which repeal has been rejected by moscow report president biden will unveil new sanctions on friday all of this of the sudden death of alexi nevada yesterday the balm went to the severe and imprisoned where he died pleading for the release of his body, two adults have been charged in the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade shooting that left one woman dead and two dozen others wounded. >> we seek to hold every shooter accountable for their actions on that day. every single one. while we are not there on every single individual we will get
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there. >> dominic miller 18 of kid the city, 22 lindell of raytown face murder charges, two counts of armed criminal action the unlawful use of a weapon a lot of children wounded nine of them shot, two minors were also charged with gun related charges. finally this shocking new video emerging yesterday, migrants assaulting nypd officers at the randall's island shelter, watches. [shouting] >> nypd said the man at the facility did not leave it arrested for trespassing, no officers hurt but water bottles and backpacks were thrown at
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them here is mayor adams on all of this. >> do you have bad actors, yes and anytime you 3000 people in an environment they have to sit around all day and things like this have the potential to happen they carried out the job and were get into a review because of the video. >> migrant families can get up to 50000 taxpayer dollars a year this is a $53 million prepaid credit card program here is the breakdown of family of four if you're eligible for $1200 a family could get more than $2000 the more kids the more money as single migrant could get up to 345 a month this is what new york city taxpayers are footing the bill forward. why are we paying for the migrants i don't understand the
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logic. >> this is a way to get a waste of thrown out food remember the migrant said its gross food we don't want your food we want to make her own and our hotel rooms this is their answer adams answer. >> if they're not willing to abide by our laws by illegally entering what makes us think they can abide by our laws and norms which means you don't beat up police officers it's a sense of entitlement and it's not going away and the democratic leaders have unbolted this. maria: is crazy the cops did not get hurt but were watching them get bottles thrown on their heads you may not get hurt beyond constant defense because you're getting bottles thrown at your head. >> imagine if we assaulted an officer we would be dealing with lawsuits and who knows what for a long time. they're here illegally. >> is crazy to see the blowback that adams has gone from democrats to attempt to handle
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the situation or handle with the common sense. >> he got his without going to get the narrative. we're going to follow that. then there san francisco election commission swearing in kelly wong as the newest member. wong is an immigrant rights advocate they came to the united states from hong kong in 2019 to pursue her graduate degree she's been here on a student visa and believed to be the noncitizen appointed to the federal election commission in san francisco after san francisco passed the measure back in 2020 removing the citizenship as a requirement to serve on city boards, commissions and advisory bodies election commission saying i support the board of supervisors authority in kelly wong to the elections commission we respect the law and the will of san francisco voters the gate stone institute senior fellow of the coming collapse of china and china is going to work gordon chang, good to see you.
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your reaction to the chinese woman who was on the federal election commission in san francisco. >> she certainly should not be there china's national intelligence law in 2017 requires every national to commit acts of espionage if demanded but the communist party top-down system means no chinese national can resist a demand from the communist party which is to include the united states to be his enemy and we know this is not just theoretical because china has weaponize not only the nationals but ethnic chinese but this is absolutely wrong this is an attempt to delegitimize the whole notion of citizenship and what we see in our border is an attempt to delegitimize the whole notion of sovereignty importer and we have to take our country back. maria: there is a story from breitbart about a california county being sued for refusing to disclose foreigners
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registered to vote is this the ultimate goal i noncitizen in charge of the federal commission in foreigners, illegals who knows how many came to the border will be voting in our elections. >> will have 1.4 billion chinese were going to vote for the president of the united states this is wrong on every level, with to legitimize the whole notion of citizenship the borders and the rest of it this is an issue of sovereignty and we know the chinese, the venezuelans, iranians have been attacking the whole notion of american sovereignty. maria: specifically speaking of communist china were seeing serious breaches whether it be the surveillance balloon, covid escaping from the lab and the massive cover-up the ccc put in place, fentanyl coming in the border, customer border protection sources telling fox
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news 280 illegal chinese nationals arrested at the san diego border on monday, that brings the total to 452 chinese migrants apprehended in the sector in san diego in the last three days 452 people the last three days that's more than 450 chinese migrants across the entire border for the entire year of 2021 watch bill melugin talking with the migrants across the board are illegally yesterday in jacumba california. >> where you from. >> india. >> georgia. >> georgia. >> where are you from. >> india. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> georgia. >> china. maria: your reaction?
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>> we know somewhere between 80 - 90% of the chinese migrants are males of military aged. what we see also his images of recent chinese migrants taking target practice, sharpening their skills to kill people. we have a president who is unconcerned about this which is a matter of great concern because we know the chinese facilities such as the lab and really california and the secret biological weapons facility which is not the only one so you have the migrants coming across and link up with the facilities in china is creating infrastructure in the united states to launch an attack on the american homeland in the american people. maria: it's hard to believe anything different because of the ways that china has undermined the united states on so many levels why would we trust that these people are
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coming in because of writing for persecution as opposed to coming and after being directed to come here, what would they do i know there's a host of massive propaganda coming out of things like tiktok and that's considered interference in the election. is it about interference in the election or creating chaos should donald trump when or create chaos if they get in the way of taiwan. >> first about creating chaos xi jinping has taken a page out of the movement playbook and that's to create chaos. he said the creation of chaos around the world would lead to chinese rule not domination but chinese rule of the entire world so is trying to destabilize american society and we see this not only with what they do but what they say about the united states. the trying to break up the u.s. into separate parts in trying to create the chaos in trying to
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interfere in our election and we know it's going on and we have a government not doing much about it. this is just wrong. maria: there are so many companies that trade in the capital market and private equity market and are tied to the military there was a piece in the ft and this is exactly what you just said chinese companies are reviving the militias. now it's going to be mandatory for chinese owned enterprises to establish people's armed forces departments therefore militarizing the companies in china, what does that mean. >> it means china is going to work, xi jinping has been mobilizing the civilians for three years and this is in preparation for war. in the article is said the experts said this is not a war preparation move but it is
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absolutely that and we know what the chinese are doing and xi jinping talks about going to war all the time they're getting ready for and we have a president who is determined to tell the immigrant people that things are okay in china is not an adversary. i don't know what to say. >> he won't call china and adversary he will only call china a competitor. it's stunning we appreciate you weighing in on all of this. we'll be right back eese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪)
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is a chance to win new york the people are unhappy, relieving biden by 12 and 14 points. maria: time for the morning buzz that was donald trump during the fox news town hall saying there could be a chance he could take new york, thank you for the shout out laura, take new york we will see about that the new college poll shows president biden leads trump by only 12 points in new york, this margin is awfully close right now in terms of new york and i think what president trump said is right people are upset what's happening in new york. >> new york was a white whale in 2022, lee zeldin was expected to have a chance of the governor's race and fell short by six or seven points. i think there is reason for optimism from trump he is up and swing state polls in michigan and wisconsin in nevada, there is no reason to think with margins he cannot be competitive and states were democrats
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historically have had an advantage. maria: when you look at who comes out to vote for the mayor and the governor the electorate is so small that when you look at the electorate who was so small like bill de blasio you think more independence will come out and vote trump in new york given the backdrop. >> is the migrant crisis is the number one issue that would be passed trump. republicans always were in upstate new york it's a fraction of the population in new york city the only way he will win or carry enough votes if republicans continue to tie immigration to joe biden and don't let joe biden do this which is a state of the union which is i tried to come up with an immigration solution with a republican shot it down they need to be laser focus that cannot become the narrative my gut tells me joe biden did a port of job on the border that no amount of spin is going to spit them out. maria: no amount of spin can get
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over the crime in new york and what we hear about the dangerous gang from venezuela. have you heard about the venezuelan gain in new york taking everybody's pocketbooks pickpocketing people as are on their mopeds. >> i told my sister to put her purse under her coat that won't do you any good in springtime when you're not wearing a coat but that's scary when you have just family members to watch their back that's madison avenue were not talking about question parts of our brooklyn. in terms of trump taking new york it's going to be hard for ronald reagan took new york back from 49 of 50 states back in 1980 so these things can be done, you mentioned obviously migrants as issue number one. the other thing that brings voters is abortion and that stopping anywhere in the narrative, democrats if they do what they got in the past will
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wait two weeks before if republicans are to lead and then roll off the abortion card. maria: will see if they roll out a new candidate. for the election. they could do that right now at the convention that is in july or is it in august questioning ones in july ones in august. >> the democrat republican convention. more president trump's campaign this morning. we will slip in a break, how he's assuring voters another four years of his presidency will be about settling scores it's a hot topic coming up next. "mornings with maria", live on fox business. ♪ you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative
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how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. >> how can you assure independent and undecided voters that your focus as president will be on improving the state of our country and not settling those old scores? >> we had a great four years, especially before that very last part where covid came in and we did a great job there. we've been given great marks on the economy, the military, foreign affairs. but never g got the credit we should have gotten. we had the best employment numbers in history. everything was good and the


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