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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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casone in for maria bartiromo. off today, it is monday, february 19. 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour alejandro mayorkas's job maybe on the line after house impeached him two weeks ago, a report from new yorker shoes may have been in general long before that mayorkas was instruct instructed as early as march 2021 the story says, according to three administration officials during a white house meeting in late spring biden chief of staff, ron klain raised the possibility of firing mayorkas. just to reset the administration message, he denies that, meanwhile, new research poll find 80%
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americans think biden administration did a bad job handling the migrants compared to 18% who say doing a good job, let's go back to this for secretary if you think about this, makes sense, because mayorkas is always refused to call crisis in fact, i want to play sound bite bret baier and mayorkas listen how he handled that listen to mayorkas's response to brett i want your reaction. >> the numbers are historic, the numbers are extraordinarily large this is something that is not specific to the united states' southern border. >> but do you think it is a crisis now? >> but it is a challenge that we have been decreasing vigorously. >> a challenge not a crisis is he coached? tiana: you can tell number one priority, in his answer
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there, not about actually addressing what when he is going to do to fix it just can't -- call it i can't call it a crisis, the interesting thing about this report that you march 2021 date, remember when biden took office, border crossings were low not just because of success of "remain in mexico", but also because of covid, it was much slower, it would have stayed like that, even before biden was you go ining a rated announced going to rip up "remain in mexico", not increase spending not any of that tom cotton saying i was saying if you rip up those two deals, it will cause a crisis, you know. ron klain pushed back joe biden pushed back immediately the number of, the cartels the caravans got green light that you are not only able to make it through mexico cou.s.
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border you are able to make it through all of them because you you won't claim asylum if coming from -- from ecuador. cheryl: i want to take this to luke how cartels began to use tiktok instagram facebook, they actually used president biden's own words about the southern border right when he got elected used that to recruit people to bring them up when you saw unbelievable crisis because people crossing the border were telling, chris jenkins, i heard president biden said open to come over that is what they think. >>. >> you have one side using social media to get people across the border another side no one kaerdz on our side about social media what is happening it is concerning psychology of people how people think is they only care when it starts to directly impact them unless you live in new york, are, in southern border in chicago in l.a. you
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truly might say you care but you aren't directly being impacted directly seeing in city every day, so, until that happens sadly, until that happens i don't think people are going to wake up in america quick math. >> 10,000 migrants every single day through border, there a is 3.6 million 10 years ago down road 36 million people keep on this track -- >> the point i will make he in terms of affecting most of the country is okay. so maybe you don't live in los angeles, but you live in central valley, you are getting hit with tax increases, along the way california, historic budget shortfall localities to state budget republicans in illinois not many in chicago they left they to want want to be shot and killed not only that way we are seeing the fact that
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because, these migrants often most do not have work permits, because when you are -- >> can't get them. tiana: can't get them the demand is increasing but they aren't the supply input reducing inflation for inflation is worse housing demand higher, and state budgets drained people are feeling it, even if you are in downtown san francisco -- >> with a look texas has done tiana started construction on 80 acre base camp for thousands texas national guard groups expected by april will and an to house 2300 national guard members government abbott last week. >> it is essentially that we build a camp for these soldiers good for them improving living conditions quality of live improve sustain very strong morale, for our soldiers, again as
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opposed to scattered around many different places, across this region they will be operating, out of one place. they will amass a large army very strategic area. cheryl: that is the point. you do it yourself or left in the dust abbott is doing it. tiana: most fundamental job of governor to literally protect your state. it makes sense he does need to mobilize that; right? almost reminds me of movie oppenheimer describe housing projects to be built to make sure best minds people willing to up thrives bull market to build something we've mad migrant waves arak spring from syria obama era failures.
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cheryl: coming across the border. cheryl: a couple crossed this weekend chinese managers. luke: i think we will look back look back say why didn't we care, we talk about a lot here why is america why didn't we care more than we did. cheryl: we seem to care now according to polls we are just getting started, this hour, coming up, another you confusing moment for president biden, this time mixing up nato with ukraine. calling on congress to pass the foreign aid bill roger marshall is going to be here next don't miss a moment of it, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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so the idea that we're going to walk away from -- ukraine, the idea that nato will begin to split is totally against interests of united states of america so it is about time we make sure that congress, go home, pass the legislation, for nato. >> mixed up urging house lawmakers to pass 95-billion-dollar senate foreign aid bill he said funding nato went to say funding ukraine biden administration pressure on lawmakers to prove more ukraine aid claiming country suffered a major loss because of congressional inaction,. kansas senator roger marshall member of the senate homeland budget, committee, we appreciate you joining us presidents' day let's talk about this because any aid
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that is going to be sent to ukraine or to israel or taiwan has to go through the house does not seem willing to take the steps that the senate wants them to where are we now? >> look. that is up to the house what speaker johnson wants to do i don't think they have votes to fund ukraine or israel, unless we secure our border first. if i could as an example this interview with president biden is exactly why putin does not respect joe biden. putin does not respect the european union nation we have over 100,000 troops in europe right now actions show standing up to putin but we need european countries to but on big boy pants to stand up pushback on putin too, look if if you are bullied on, at you don't ask your mom to fight bully for your it is time for the european union to pushback
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as well cheryl: the other side is former president trump running for another term he was criticized over the weekend because you know he made comments critics are saying make it sound like encouraging putin to tactic nato countries, obviously, the funding for nato u.s. role in funding for nato is a hot button topic, but is this the time to battle it out with nato and address funding, considering that you know we're not talking about vladimir putin and russia murdering a critic alexei navalny we clear and russians taking out u.s. satellites communication satellites with potentially nuclear weapon escalating what does our role need to be whether president biden can figure out when he is talking about nato, ukraine or what --
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>> we need to secure our border first number one immediate threat to national security 6,000 to 10,000 illegal alien crossing offer day two gotaways in our country as well we have 100,000 troops in europe right now training over there for decades, 70 years, it is time for europe nation to put troops forward into poland at aboutics nation baltic nations as well, we need a huge presence president trump saying time for european union as i said earlier to the put often big boy pants quit depending on your mommy to take care of you. cheryl: i brought that up because i think that mr. trump's he comments were taken out of context i want to ask you about this senate is expected to hold impeachment trial, on alejandro mayorkas
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texas ted cruz joined maria worrying they are going to try to table the articles of impeachment i want your remnant. >> seems like all of the republican efforts die in the senate, we know what is going to happen to this impeachment of mayorkas when it gets to the senate it is going nowhere mayorkas keeps his job. >> with the mayorkas impeachment you know what schumer want to do he doesn't even the wavent a triem didn't want to have senators get on guilty or not guilty over 200 years of nation history, the senate has never once tabled articles of impeachment that never happened if republican leadership in the senate doesn't like criticism here is an opportunity to demonstrate back button think stand up say let's have a trial. >> first time for everything, is this it? >> well, i hope not, about it certainly senator cruz is correct, that schumer does want to table this he does not want it to be front page of
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the newspaper so to speak does not want this lead topic on all the media as well, i agree with senator cruz that our leadership needs to step up be vocal on this issue as one on ukraine funding this should be priority, again 10,000 people crossing our border every day. that -- that is secretary of dhs has broken the law broke his oath not enforced the law the law clearly statelies he should maintain operational control. he has not done that. president joe biden par role two million people illegally let them into this country mayorkas executed that order from the president. this needs to be front and center. that is why we have this process. americans demanding it realize that open border is our number one national security issue. cheryl: i want to bring in tiana quick. tiana: in the house there is
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a bipartisan propose in process 66-billion-dollar bill that would authorize more funding to ukraine israel not to gaza but would cruciallyly unlike the prior bill that i know you he voted against would reimpose "remain in mexico" the signature trump achievement secure the border that is what you would bed from in voting for if that would secure border. >> i have not seen this bill absolutely the last has to address two things has to address "remain in mexico", but also has to address parole, right now what we're seeing again two million people that joe biden has brought into this country, illegally through parole, under president obama only 5,000 people were apple role under his entire four years, so there needs policy changes with the parole some type of quota number with that "remain in mexico", we need to quote a number, 5,000 approximately as well a -- at a minimum has to
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address those two issues. cheryl: are i do want to ask about what happened at the kansas city chiefs parade to teenagers charged for deadly shooting last wednesday, how is the community dealing with this tragedy, senator? >> yeah, certainly this was a very emotional roller coaster day, i was in kansas city the day before i was at this event i was in kansas city the day after went from highest of the highs to celebration, to the lowest of the lows, the whole community feels a responsibility for this so many ways they feel like we've been violated that we had something taken away from us why we need to address also very at basic community level we have a cultural issue here right now become a lawless land we have open borders we have cashless bail, defunded police don't respect law and
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order john adams said on presidents' day the constitution was meant for morale religious society that would apply to our laws as well we need lawful society that obeys laws we punish criminals, this is the horrible event i mourn and grieve with families that lost loved ones that people, we pray for quick recovery as well we have a community issue cultural issue at community level we need to address. >> a woman took children to a parade to celebrate chiefs winning the super bowl lost her life i felt with people of kansas city heartbreaking to watch this unfold last week thank you for joining us this morning we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right. we've got a lot more coming up to a big week of retail numbers tomorrow we are getting home depot and walmart that is before the bell, nvidia coming out of after the
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bell wednesday we've got consulting group ceo jimmy lee with his expectations next. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ .kyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. (♪) grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes.
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closed for the presidents' day holiday furthers open, as you can see, green arrows across the board see how tomorrow shapes up markets closing lower on friday after producer price index rose ploern more than coupled. >> markets across the board so far for the year, investors warn the war in the middle east can pose a risk for earnings boycotts could impact sales and red sea all of that supply chain could be a problem bring in wealth consulting group ceo jimmy lee, earnings coming in, obviously, concerns about what is happening with regarding to the u.s. economy and inflation where do we start? >> good morning, cheryl, you know i think investors are in on idea that the fed may not
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lower rates as soon as they were hoping. and so maybe a cut in may might be later, i think what is really happening is that depending on inflation data, certain sectors of the markets are going up or down based on that right now seeing, you know saw a little bit of a blip with higher inflation numbers cycle sector selling off, i think that later in the year, as we get interest rates in the fed become tailwind for investors, look at equities, real estate, i think cyclical doing better we think technical will continue to be well into late cut others as financials industries will do well, as far as the economy goes certainly the consumer is weaker than before still resilient, strong enough to even be spending i really do believe the retail sales number that came out in
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january was due the partially because of weather i think the economy is pretty strong. cheryl: interesting, as ready for walmart and home depot tomorrow morning i want to ask you about this, then nvidia in a second, because, obviously,, you know we've got, layoffs announced 30 mainly u.s. corporations announced over 28,000 just about cuts in january might be the year of the job cut last year was apparently this year so there is that, but seeing more layoffs in technology, surprises me but then, back on the other side u.s. economy walmart or home depot, i think forecasts about what they say about consumer is going to be what drives stocks drives the market tomorrow what do you say? i think you could be correct this reminds me like last year big tech companies, announce
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layoffs proposing for potential recession never materialized. >> this year so far than last year i think companies feel, phenomenal job navigating higher landscape to produce great earnings continuing to see reports 70%, 80% better than expectations, as long as companies continue to navigate higher rates i think second half of this year we could be okay. i do believe you are right that, you know, companies are being very careful about how managing their balance sheets investors awarding with quality earnings if you follow quality as a factor, up, a lot this year relative to the other ways of investing so we also think that quality earnings, manage capital,
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other great ideas. cheryl: before you go quick, your thoughts on nvidia the big one this week. >> well investors have bet a lot on nvidia earnings, i think call activity is on a publicly almost could go both ways, so i think actually nvidia might produce good results, but it could be very volatile i was warning investors that is a stock could be very volatile based on any earnings report. cheryl: based on the forecast, i think the big question for nvidia jimmy lee good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. coming up race for the white house heating up, with the south carolina gop primary saturday former president trump holding a strong lead over nikki haley in her own state our political panel to weigh in on all things 2024. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox
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we are now less than a week away from south carolina primary in palmetto state what haley said about trump's legal troubles during a for, news townhall last night. >> the problem is this is someone we're talking about, could win the republican nomination. and he is going to be in court, march an april, may and june by his own words said going to be spending more time in court than on campaign
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trail. that is a problem. republicans will not win if donald trump is the nominee. >> all right. trump meanwhile, taking aim at haley's proposal while on campaign trail in michigan on saturday watch this. >> that will i will always defend medicare social security unlike birdbrain unrick frankly a lot of other people, remember that because there are not going to did you have. nikki haley ever heard of her? you don't hear her name too much anymore she wants to step minimum wage of social security by 10 years. >> citadel poll finding trump has 3-point lead in south carolina political panel enact strategist atv president freed mitigation, jonathan madison, both fwooj jonathan i am going to start by, your reaction, to
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the verbal barb. s, back-and-forth i want to let you know nikki haley has on "fox & friends" last hour went after trump again this time for his lack of response. to the death of alexei navalny not talking about it said weak in the knees when it comes to putin reaction. >> absolutely she is billing out all stopped that is what this is about, going to happen unfortunately in our state she is going to lose by all margins all polls show that if you are a nikki haley supporter a record you fund-raising month in january i think raised 16.5 million dollars, great but she lost this race, writing has been on the wall for a long time now, i think time she bows out personally as a republican. >> let me follow up this
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primary, is open. so you know you can pick one to vote in, and we have democratic primary down there biden it was incredibly low turnout couldn't if centristwhat do you say. >> there has been a lot of talk behind scenes of democrats now pulling in certain money, into nikki haley's pain so there is a lot that has yet to be seen. it is a possibility that she could do something i mean, but polls are otherwise, you know i think going to stand risk you've seen comments no signs of turning back or slowing down against trump but i think the writing is on the wall. cheryl: again, the polls have
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the polls have been somewhat on track i do want to ask barton swaine writes in the "the wall street journal" what is going to happen on saturday could avert the outlook if trump beats her one could be conviction on criminal charges, number two, is that basically, again when i mentioned with jonathan, fred, you have swarm of independent democrats that come out vote in the republican primary, to take down trump what do you say. >>. >> what i want to say i happen to agree with jonathan looks like donald trump is going to win this primary be nominee, that doesn't mean a loss for nikki haley, like new hampshire talk is a possibility for nikki haley in south carolina looking for, south carolina, areas where
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people are highly educated, and tend at least in other states, to have moved away from donald trump, smaller to medium sized numbers, does not mean will win south caroliha if she can make a point winning more republican voters, i said before i say again donald trump being nominee is best thing for democrats. cheryl: fredlet stay with democrats here for a second i want to ask you about this, michigan congresswoman rashida tlaib encouraging democrats in her district to vote uncommitted in the primary, watch this. >> it is -- to believe on a bullhorn to say enough is enough we don't want -- support -- the destruction we want to fight stand up for every single -- >> the way you phrase voices
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continue make us more invisible right now completely neglected, and unseen by government if you want us to be louder come here and let uncommitted. >> he is another candidate there is nothing about joe biden, that makes you want to listen to him he has no energy at all that is age is? it way he is? what is the problem? i don't think it has anything to do with age. you know. i think it has to everything do with him. >> donald trump is four years three years younger than president biden but comes off a lot more youthful like he has a lot more energy, i always say about him donald trump, seems more sincere, about his lie than joe biden does about his truth. cheryl: fred reaction to
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that? >> a couple, i think, what she is doing trying to give voice giving to tension in democratic infrastructure, or base, what to do about what is happening in the middle east. for many people represented, wants more action the other direction. so i am not surprised by that, i am disappointed that she is encouraging a republicans used in nevada a knew weeks ago she is advocating for a position that is one thing, charlamagne entirely different situation, no one said in 2020 joe biden and kamala harris were aspiration i would say on breakfast club donald trump is dangerous, joe biden might be
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old donald trump as pointed out three years younger, by all accounts health is not solid not good, joe biden might not be great motivational speaker that wasn't why barack obama selected him to be running mate he selected joe biden because he knows how to get things done we've seen that last three to four years here in the united states, all inflation downing managing to deal with economy, navigate, managed to get -- passed in very, very, very hostile congress, so the reason joe biden was selected in 2008 and elected 2020 was not inspiration it is because he knows how to get things done. cheryl: jonathan last word your reaction. >> cheryl i think anyone continues to support joe biden, today, not 2024 but today ought to be ashamed of themselves not because of politics but because anybody
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with eyes and ears out there can see decline in age can see him talking about speaking with foreign leaders, have died about 30 years ago in 1996 talking a to those people rernlt special counsel report on memory, people ignoring signs about a man's age not competent those people are saying we need to support this man for president? they ought he to be ashamu 6 themselves choose to with sovereignty of our country the final week in south carolina interesting makes politics interesting, and, we will see what voters have to say fred hicks, jonathan madison thanks to both of you. we appreciate it we've got more coming up fox business handing you keys to unlock your dream home we are hitting home rebuildings the dream,
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we've got a take own hot housing market you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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state of the housing market highlighting bright spots reason optimism is out there predictions for the top 10 hot evident housing markets in 2024 buffalo, new york coming, in the top of the list cincinnati columbus, ohio inindianapolis and more, we are look for hot markets what is your reaction, to some of those that you saw? >> well, the hottest markets have stable economies would you like in any market, stable economy strong job market growing home valleys
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affordable the opportunity to build equity sound fairytale buffalo, new york tops list three stedz in ohio cleveland cincinnati columbus atlanta, georgia, on scale end is my home state of florida tampa, orlando a great opportunity for people if looking to relocate, live there or look as investment, these could be great places to investigating. >> what about this list that these are cities towns where you are going to get a lower-priced home the higher interest rate environment isn't going to affect you as much if you are buying in these cities. >> right. obviously, people right now are very sensitive to mortgage rates because this year supposed to stay around 6 to 7% maybe quarter four lower to less than 6% everyone's prediction has been 6 to 7% range we talk a lot about how you can refi if you buy now
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lowers later in the year i want to put a strong emphasis on this market is a more creative market so what o does that mean? seller financing, is something that buyers should go out and try to obtain, especially if they have enough money, they can't show enough money i am seeing that more and more you often a lot more sellers flexible open to creativity of providing seller financing. cheryl: i want to interrupt you be sure viewers understand you are selling your home but you are the bank for the buyer, i think interesting you are bringing that up. >> right. a lot of people think oh, seller is giving me a rate, 8, 9, 10% not reality sellers want to sell to move to next home. so you can essentially bargain with them maybe only need loan a year two years three years some will do it for five years
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just be open to negotiating with them, again, i know we talked about this in last segment negotiate the price rates are hire you can get a little loan or lessr loan negotiating price down i have buyers have negotiated prices down by hundred of thousands of dollars, for average person maybe your price point 400 or 500,000 go ahead realtors might hate me for saying this look up 100,000 to 200,000 more than budget try to negotiate down. sellers need to get realistic if not getting rate cuts from the fed i agree with you, the national association home are builders rose for february highest since august of '23 freddie mac is telling us 30-year mortgage rate 6.77%
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not 8% this earth than what we've seen, i mentioned abouting bargaining for price one wain that we can counter high interest rates. you also mentioned seller financing another way that you can counter positives rates but from your perspective what is the best way to get the seller to come down on price in waiting them out? a lowball offer? what do you do? >> find good realtor like me. >> okay. >> you have to -- bring to the table bhauns is your seller wanting to do learn mind-set of the sellr, is it a matter of their trying to move out of state? are they motivated because they want a bigger home? try to work with emotions of the seller it is all buying and selling real estate all about strategy, so coming in, with you know this is my maximum that i can do if would you officer seller financing
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maybe could i pay more, coming in with more flexible as a buyer, are again -- so many options out there, there is so much creativity you can put in there still can be a great time to own real estate to buy real estate because there is opportunity in every market just a matter of finding it. cheryl: i got to get luke lloyd in like comment he is in ohio, cincinnati on this list columbus, cleveland what is happening in ohio i don't know about luke? luke: , asome in ohio you have a backyard not like new york you can't have a backyard play with dog maybe central park here ohio good spot great in midwest a lake in cleveland boating three months out of the year i am concerned with housing some people getting overextended even cleveland
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cincinnati columbus line in sand 25% of gross income, i have seen upward 506% from friends people i know buying houses overleverageing themselves in areas. >> one hundred percent i think because rates are high or higher people are trying to add bells and whistles into purchase torrent want to come out of pocket too much for renovation buyer maybe put expectations not buy, cheryl you will pressure this don't buy "american dream home" right now think about that "american dream home" in the future, buy maybe your second home first buy the property later on if you can't make a big killing when you sell it maybe rent it out, so another suggestion strategy that i like outside of hot markets i
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like investigating the airbnb markets because if popular on short-term basis, it is generally particular also on annual basis, and if particular on both it can also sell for that much more of a premium because you can sell it not just as that is great area to live in, but, also, a potential for investor. >> sam thank you great to see you people can watch american dream, just a thought, tune into fox business for hitting home rebullying the dream real estate all week being my favorite topic, a quick break. we'll be right stay with us. .re ♪ ♪ . of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you.
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>> barbara president trump unveiling his limited-edition gold sneakers during the sneaker con in philadelphia 399 kicks are selling out within hours of their release. >> i hate to say this but is a wise investment, the sneaker resale is worth $10 billion and projected to triple throughout the decade. >> to see all the knockoffs we will see that come up in the next couple of days. >> we shall see, "varney & company" is coming up next and ashley webster is in for


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