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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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because savarin was right. recent studies prove that over 70% of the carbon inside our bodies can be directly traced back to corn. something to think about. think about this, too. there are over 150,000 people right now working in america's corn farming industry. and guess what? they're looking for more. there's opportunity there and you can read all about it over at or, you could head over to southern illinois this summer, detassel a few hundred thousand ears of corn. in august, trust me. you'll love it. (laughing) see you next time. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm larry: welcome to come but i asm larry kudlow.k inflation came in about hotter than wall street expected inespo
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stock market plunged across thef boarerd we have art laffer and john carney going to run it all down for us. joe biden makes a plea for ukraine money, never once mentioning the open border catastrophe here at home house member cory mills and scott perry going to tell usl what te house is going to do about this. tony bobulinski sings and testifies before the house oversight that the bidens sold out the u.s. to ukraine into china. and joe biden is going to get ah medical but noowt cognitive testing. how will s we know if he has all of his marbles. let's go straight to edward lawrence who is standing by at the white house with the gory details of today.rt , loert is cooking. >> you talked about it at the c top, the market is hottepir than expected cpi inflation report is signals to the federal reservet
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they may notra cut rates until e summer and that's what the markets reacted to, the market trend to figure out is the may rate that might be off the table with the numbers at the scene in o spinite house trying t it he indicators point toly inflation possibly picking back up. >> we understand there is more work tis mrk to be done but thie academy and a much different place than it was a year ago, much different place than it was three years ago, when you see exit and milk and products like that at the grocery store going down lower than they were a year ago, that is important. >> and talks about the time timeframe, rent is up 6.1% year-over-year, car insurance is up 21%, electricity of 3.8%, the white house talks about trends since president biden came into office frobetwm january 2021 to
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january 2024 overall inflation up 18%, food up 21%, here at th, white house as a prize add to the public schedule. president biden pushing house republicans to spend more money, $95 billion in a package to ukraine, israel and th, e indo pacific saying >> you have to decide are you going to stand up for freedom order side with tear in tierney i going to stand with ukraine or putin, do we stand with americae orpo trump. >> i was in the room with the president said he would not take any questions because he wante d his message to stand pushing house republicans returned and walked away. larry: he said do you stand with america.poli >> he said to stand with america or trump that stuck out to me,
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he's making this political trying to put sides on this same trump might not stand witha ve america on that, that was interesting thing that the president slipped in on this report on purpose. >> fabulous comprehensive report. now for the stock market not much of a stock market day. if it doesn't report by gerri r willis it did not happen. today was kind of ugly. >> it was very ugly it was a big stock selloff that started at the open and continued all day long getting a little better at the end let's talk about the major market average, the dow down 524 points. 1.3% off as much as nearly 801-point forget this is an improvement s&p 500 on 1.3%, the nasdaq 1.8%. big changes for those, index nowhere to run, nowhere to hide in the selloff, all of the
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magnificent seven those of the company should expect to see go higher not doing so today, tesla having the roughest dried up by 3% and video the a.i. chipmakero the best of the group losing only 1% that's what qualifies as a great day today. stunned bank stocks, j.p. morgan chase, bank of america androup citigroup all in the red trading lower but regional bank stocks taken on the chin, k re, the essen pet off by 4.9%, company america is an example of what i the regionals off 6.2%. utilities and consumer discretionary folly moreov than 2%, late in the afternoon double-blind capital jeffrey gundlach said rising interest rates could spur company defaults. a tough day, back to you. >> i've known jeff dunlop for
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years we should get him on ourga show, he is a very bright guy, gerri willis as always, bright stuff, a quick word on the hotter than expected inflation, joe biden's heavy duty federaly spendingdu fiasco is forcing interest rates to rise and keeping higher-than-expected inflation alive, biden ported $6 trillion in new spending and it looks like he is planning on another 4 trillion in the year ahead that according to the new c.b.o. baseline.en bidenomics would use federal debt held by the public all the way to $48 trillion froman 26 trillion if that weren't bad enough and gdp biden borrowing could reach 116% in the years ahead that is well over twice the 50 year average of only 48%. you have the fed trying to restrain inflation on the one hand but the biden
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administration huge spending and borrowing looks to be increasing inflation once rrtoday's unexpected cpi three tenths of 1% coming to 3.1% over the past year, that may not be a short-term one-shot aberration, over the past three months core inflation excluding food and energy is up 4 r% at an annual rate, the feds target is to, j powell's goofy inflation of core services excluding housing is up 6.7% annually over the past three months, that is thent fastest ratehs in 19 months,at ioservices inflation rising 6.4% over the past three months, just to add to it the ism survey and manufacturing prices that moved about 50% for the first time in quitthe a while, these are notge
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goodst numbers suggested inflatn is creeping higher not lower, long-term bond rates spike to 4.3% of 14 basis points, they s have been shooting up sincpie a new year began. all of biden's government spending gave them a temporary boost to gdp. now they're paying the inflatiol piper. actually we are paying the inflation piper.ll outsize price hikes continue to pop up all ove er the economy. grocery up 21%, energy up 29% but since biden took office, up 18%, do you want more, eggs 37%i gasoline 33%, baby food 29%, electricity 28%, i go on and on, all the price hikes for dailyty essentials, real average weekly earnings for typical families have fallepin by 4.9% under bidenomics. and that, under former presidenr
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trump rose $6000 for families and or roughly minus 4.9 +, there's a contrasto the moral of the story you can't spend your way into prosperity saying money can't buy love, ala the sudden prices are goining up again, interest rates are going up again in the biden created affordability crisis is worsened, if it were an election year the federal reserve should be tightening their money in interest rates, they're not going tos fo lower them, that ir sure, like i said money cannot buy love. let's talk about this with johnn carneyey breitbart economics and co-author of breitbart digest as they call following and our offer his own following breaking economists in presidential medas of freedom recipient and author of taxes haveqe consequences. john carney, you been s
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speculating in the last fewis reports, not so good, this blows out a lot, what do you make oftt this. >> is important you hear a lot of people say don't make a big deal out of one report, i've been putting out for the last few reports that inflation wass no longer falling and probably going to climb again that's whag we see here. a if you loorek at the underlying there were some headline number0 and median cpi, 60% in the said takes the middle of all of the numbers and says here's the real it was untp 0.5% for the month. were looking at a huge increase in inflation, was pulled down by some things that we cannot depend upon. energy prices fell for the montr but we havobe a big problem in middle east we can't depend on
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the happening we also have good inflation happening that'sin probably over we will see thed price of goodswe climb again and what were looking down the path is higher inflation later this year, we had year of year 3.1% was down from a month ago but last january was 0.56 we had a huge number, that dropped out year-over-year, the trend is upi larry: the innards of thisanpi report are. not good in the medium cpi you remember the year on year for the cpi. art laffer, money can't buy lovu but it can buy higher it's an interesting thing it'se. government spending money this time around it seemsere to me d there is no sign that is abating or slowing down or going away
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because of biden's love to spenr the taxpayers money, what you make of thisst problem? >> john is completely correct on d thwhat he said i would like ti that the core inflation is exceeded the cpi inflation for the last 11 whatnt john said they dropped of a high number this there will be a lower number o next month but the next three months on the court and the cpi are very, very low and they wila drop off and thitis will be wore for the body to administration. this has been not a good week for biden and frankly these numbers do look to be almost permanent there will be more rises coming in the future which is bad news and interest rates being up tell us that the markex expects this this is a bad number in the biden policies are playing not working. larry: i think it is importantrt to note, and gerri willis'
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report with market interest rates rising, not the feds target rate but market-rate that are very important more important than the feds target rate market rates have been going up since the first of the year, bank stocks are going down, regional bank stocks are going down big time, you have a commercial real estate threat out there, commercial realve estate loan we're going to have mr. wonderful kevin o'leary tomorrow or the next day, theset ar ie all issues, what is thety impact opin the average typical family on working folks, middle income working folks, blue-collar folks and lower income folks to come away to the price increase is due to t thems >> it raises the cost of living for all of thee m in that makest really bad. e is notd hin pric inflation. but if inflation goes higher and higher, the prices get higher d higher as well it just
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irritates and aggravates the family makes it worse offar there's other reports that have been out that the jobs held and created in all oalf this about e biden administration hasn't gone to the same group of people in the jobs for non- immigrants have not risen very much at all in the median income has also not risen anything like it should have in real wages fromhe the beginning the biden took today are lower than when biden took office.opho it's a cat funny a problem slowing down and that in t conjunction with the rest of tho stuff on the news which yous cover so well is really makingd it for a tough week for biden and i think it's going to continue being tough economically and also politically. larry: there is oua report out today 183,000 less us-born americans working today in 2019,
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jobs have gonee to illegals, i don't want to do in this segment is still an ongoing problem and it shows yoc the difficulties on the border, the other point, displayed on d breitbarowt in real wages camech down and part because of cheap labor from the illegal immigrants. i'm going to say bless them even though i think it's wrong what happened it created a fiasco o border security, that is a reality there taken the low intd low skill jobs away from nativeborn people who. >> not just nativeborn but recent immigrants, the people that get hit the hardest are thh illegal immigrants and people who came to thate last ten years and the bottom rung of the ladder getting kicked out from under them because of the flood coming over the border.
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, this is a big problem they call us anti-immigrant when they say we need to control the border but thehe fact that peo e are getting hurt the most are illegal immigrants. larry: i am pro-illegal immigrant and we have room inan this country to accommodate a million or so every year, maybe they do something about this country maybe they speak eng english. >> not uncontrolled numbers that come over. we'll be looking at a million a month if we don't get control of this border. larry: i know and it's election year end thus accorded tighten up your interest-rate targets windows this turnaround the fed's owd con assessment every h the fed comes oueyt says somethn the wrong, they said six month ago the economy is weak and going into recession and like the rest of us they were wrong economy turns out stronger, now three interest-rate cuts in inflation is coming down to the target looks like there could ba wrong about that. >> inflation is not coming downl powell was smart to say were
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docketed cut in march or may june looks very questionable there aren't that many reportsts coming, by the time they get to july they better not cut in juls because the political backlash will be enormous if theytain do that. i think it's possible we don'tcu see cuts until after electiont day and maybe none at all, the market is not prepared for that that will punish stocks and p people will beri shocked.ak larry: you make the point we all try to make this point there is something called overall inflation rate is lower that it was a year end half ago but individual prices continue to rise via more slowly but they continue to rise over three o years it takes a huge toll on family budgets and it takes a toll on what earnings are worth their work less you go to the store ang d buy less this is a g bipolitical problem, biden can y to move his way back and forth,>
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this is what has i plagued him i call it the affordability crisis, i give you the last word. >> is s ina huge problem not one inflation not coming down, if you look at the numbers dropping off the index and core versus regular cpi, core has exceeded regular cpi for 11 straighths months on inflation which means prices will rise at a fasterward rate at a slower rate going forward at least for the next four or five or six months. that's what's going to happenit and that provides ica huge political problem in the realpr economic problem forob people working in trying to get jobs, a it's a real serious problem as well as a political problem. putting it on top of all the other stuff is the debt for this administration. larry: eggs are up 37% under joi biden, that is a lot. >> why did you pick eggs for me.
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>> eggs are very healthy and i want you to have your eggs. even though there are 37% yourgs successful wealthy guy, you cana afford it but not everyone can eggs are very important. >> don't put them all in one basket here we go money can't buy love. >> cocaptain before they hatch. mr. cliché, joe biden makes a plea for more ukraine money, here is the thing you never once mentioned open border catastrophe hereer at home thats the northern border in the southern border as well, whatdo are the house members goining to do about that we will ask two leaders, cory mills and scottrr perry next up on "kudlow". you can catch "kudlow" mondayay through friday at 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business.ou if you can't catch c us at
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4:00 o'clock, dvr the show text your favorite 9-year-old she will show you how to dvr the a show you will never miss a thing and no one will throw eggs at you. i'm "kudlow". we'll be right back. nly limit i♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq,
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. larry: senate last night
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chose ukraine over our own border security in u.s. now i want to know what the house will do about that, w welcome florida congressman cory mills and scott perry, a quick clip from speaker johnson. >> national security begins >> national security begins with border security we have said all along, there is a limited process and we are engaged and we will see how it as i sairrd many times national security begins with our own border. >> national security begins with our own border. all start with you that's a bit of a non- denial denial doesn'ti say whether there will be caa v on the floorfu or not i think american's are still furious i want to add northern border security is now coming into play
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484 came around the terrorist watchlist they were apprehended, the southern border as been an absolute entered dailyou catastrophe and joe biden didn't mention a single word about border security and his speech today. what you make of it.ow >> in the senate build slow learners and i'm not sure what to say about president biden and i'll let you make your assessment to his abilities to understand. i the house was said over and over that were not going to be interested in funding securing other countries and thousands upon thousands ousanf miles awac while ours are wide open, we just heard the economic report which includes the things that are citizens are enduring because of all these people coming across the border illegally that has to be what we saw first once we saw that we could talk about a lot of different things but that has tt be front o and center the senate is going to get a one way oror
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another and if it passes bills that never come to light in the house then so be it fine by me. larry: putting in another hundred billion dollars maybe all sound like ramp all the others have said the same thingr putting $100 billion we're going to be on the road toil $450 trillion in debt and for what, mr. biden doesn't lay out our aims and goals of the ukraine he doesn't lay out any diplomatic exit ramp for negotiations and he seems not to care one way about whatever six, seven, eight illegals crossing the border and there's going tot be a lot more this year, i don't know what the strategy is for the war in ukraine or the border all i know is were throwing money at it in the inflation rate is starting to rise in the last few months.
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>> "the bottom line" were 34 trillion in debt that is the equivalent next year and are intrusive payments alone have been over $900 billion which is the equivalent of our national defensnte annual budget and if they wanted to secure our borders where they tell the omega people, he can do it righ now undewir executive authorityo 12 section f with unilateral authority in the senate and there is good see and we should prioritize our border or another border the reality is we have to stop funding the endless wars and stop prioritizing the peopll that they wereec elected by and start thinking about comingil across the border illegally. 8.5 acrossli the border 1.8 million getaways, you pointed out those on a known terrorist watchlist that crossed our borders and national security and humanitarian and health crisis. we as elected officials are elected by the american people
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of 47th district, i will serve the american people not zelenskyy and his people.ri larry: occurs to mene you guys e the leaders biden is trying tode make is about saving ukraine.te and i thins k we need to rely ol the united states. if you look at the numbers, 80%wa of americans want to dot something abouout our border anu biden is ignoring that. if you turn the conversation back tersao our border, the ukre thing would make less and less sense if we go back to ac porterville. th--noe u.s. public i don't know what the ukrainians want are not smart enough i would like to see negotiations with putin to tell you the truth i don't like putin but there should bee negotiations. american folks want to solvetr > border for any number ofut reasons.
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>> maybe the president is detached from reality but representative mills and mysel arame not our bosses and constituents the citizens of america whether in florida or, pennsylvania are demanding more from that we fix the border and like you said the president is not mentioning at all and were supposed to ship our hard earned tax dollars in the dark of nighy and the kids getou on the bus after the folks have gone to work there working hard to pay the bills the inflationary bills trying to put food on the tablem they can nono longer afford thic president wants to send the tax money to ukraine we don't know y the mission or success looks like and by the way where is europe why are they fixing the problem in the neighborhood why is it america's issue tobi fix t only our problem with theirtr problem as well. larry: all the big countries, wh did this last night, not the uk but france, germany, italy and canada g7 countries have not gd
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paid 2% gdp tornado, we had to have her bill on last night i don't like putin, don't get me wrong but why is there no effort at a diplomatic channel andou negotiation it would help the ukrainian people and might help the russian people. i'm just saying i think our foreign policy is completely w topsy-turvy out the window and i know our domestic border policy is topsy-turvy also. >> "the bottom line", president biden and the democrats haven'ti recognized that our ford andes domestic policies are linked as you talk about the three biggesn players, germany and italyce and france don't pay 2% of o the overall function 1947 for union expansionism there not saying we don't care about that in my
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opinion we go back to presidentr trump stands if you don'umt paye your bills you don't geted artie five services we need to understand that nato stands for useless nations, we have ts o go back to protecting americans and protecting our border on both sides and working for thepl american people as hard as what schumer and mcconnell to democrats in the senate are working to fund the foreign aid packages. larry: it's a repeat from the last segment that money can't buy love, congressman cory mills and scott perry, good luck. coming up on "kudlow", tony bobulinski, he is singing before the house oversight committee today and his message is bruta , the biden sold out the united states to ukraine and china. congressman andy biggs in the room to hear the discussion he will be with us next, the joe biden is going to have a medical checkup but it will not include a cognitive test, how will we know if he has all his marbles,
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liz peek will way and whenlo "kudlow" returns. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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larry: tony bobulinski tough larry: tony bobulinski very tough definition, he told biden sold out the u.s. to ukraine and china, let's talk to arizona congressman andy biggs, he was in the room, thank you for this, this is brutal, candid and direct, just coming through this, basically he is saying the influence peddling depending on the biden name and the power of the higher office the biden family business was joe biden. and he accuses them of dealing with the china oil company and the ukraine in aicul particular and i'll get your testimony in a t minuteo. he cited the fact that joe bidel was sitting next to hunter biden when they did the $10 millionis
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shakedown of the energy ceo sitting right next t to him. , is that what you heard, you were in the room today. >> tony bobulinski was forceful and provided documentation and i think is credible, everything bythat he says has been verified by other people when he said joe biden was a product of the bidee family was selling that waser verified by devon archerif andhe others, when he said he met with joe biden he can tell you the day, where and why joe biden was there and he was talking at 2017 at the conference in beverly hills. , he's very convincing andec supplied enough connectionti between joe biden, don't ever forget that joe biden told us in his campaign told us for years
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joe biden didn't know anything about hunter's business and nobody in the biden orbit got anything from china what tony bubbling he was talking about the fd 1023 the fbi statement of a plethora of information connecting joe biden to the e shakedowngn which is what hunten biden was engaged in. larry: one thing that bobne belinsky says, he says united states law enforcement has singularly unwilling to speak with me or hear the fact that we will be discussing. he goes on to say never been contacted to provide testimony nor asked to speak with anybody connected with bidenwith administration including themi justice departmentni, the fbi or the internal revenue service or local law enforcement or special
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attorney david weiss. nobody in the justice area nobody wanted to talk to tony bobulinski he was a navy veterai his father was a navy veteran they're both decorated he's given money to democrats it's not like he's a wha whack job republican nobody wanted to solicit his opinion. i find not credible. >> don't be too surprised about that every agency engaged in other acts to protect from hunter biden whether d.o.j. basically saying the laptop is t real and whether the intelligence community saying russian disinformation. tony bobulinski is coming in he has mounds of documents and he kept three phones from 201 2015 - 2020 where he has the text messaged hus between him ad
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hunter and everybodyan like tha, they cannot get those because the blackberries i don't know why he was using a blackberry in 2015 but he was still using itt and they claim that they can't get the information. what is more striking is and the fbi statement and he felt it was wrong and they reach out andac contactetsd the fbi and said we want to make corrections we think it was wrong and thecoydi stildl did not get any responsei that is amazing to me. larry: thank you for this m preliminary discussion we appreciate it veryov much. moving right along joining the onset i needed some company liz peek fox news contributor. conservative journalist andco commentator, welcome.. enough of that here.
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joe biden said today or people said today or his wife who werel calling mrs. wilson, the inside joke, he's getting a medical but he won't get a cognitive metal,s if he doesn't get a cognitive test how do we. know he has all of his marbles. >> i think this is a teaser because you don't think he has all of his marbles. larry: i'm empirically askin this question. >> this conversation is gone on for four years, and 2020 peoplek were saying why does he take a cognitive test. now it is dire for joe biden, all of thi bs can be resolved if he took the cognitive test and did okay.ok end ofay discussion, obviously e can't do it or he would do it. you think is too old to run at ease, take a cognitive test and have the results verified did
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you see his speech about ukraine did we have a tape of that, he looked so feeble he's trying toz sell the ukraine money, ai do t happen to agree, my point how feeble he looked into liz point, they cannot continue to get away with this. whether he runs or not, the public is completely turningshow against him unless he shows that he has cognitive abilities or recovery or something. he's no different than any other democrat on the open borders in 2019 during the democratic primary debate who here agree that he should decriminalize illegal border crossing, everycs single person on that stage raise their hand except for one
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person john hickenlooper who didn't go very far marianne williamson, pete buttigieg, kamala harris, mary williamson, all of these people agree with him the democratic party agree c withau him and i say this not because of his cognitive abilities are terrifying but to say is a perfect representation of where the democratic party is at waging class warfare against the working class through the open border through ukraine funding. >> with or without his marbles you're sayining there relevant,o we have this quick clip to play, here comes, take a quick supported this bill and stated after putin, opposing it is playing into putin's hands,an house republicans you haves to decide are you going to stand up for freedom or are you going to side with terror in tierney like in a standard ukraine or s puti. we stand with america or trump.n
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larry: that is awful, the bestit thing could happen is daytime b tv, nobody saw. in all honesty we will be g on prime time, whatever you think. i agree with you, the policy is far left stuff and it's failingy >> and i say something about rep that. >> it's too much fun. >> republicans need to run against th ae policies not justn old person. i agree 100%. >> i would talk about new republican national committee, lara trump and chris la, here'se thing the democrats are to do the best that they can to sabotage, to l'affaire, to mail-in ballots, to undermine
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and stea andl the selection in republican national committee better be ready for, that is my point i don't know these peoplet he ihes the head of the rnc in north carolina, i do know lara trump she's a bright woman.t but they're good tiso try to stl it, that is my point. >> i think it's a great point. n i will say theot most important thing for the gop to be focused on right now is not just running against things but running for things, how are you showing your working-class voters who were the majority of the gop right now that you arer creating ark pathway to thein american dreama for them because working-class people is becoming harderer and harder, what are you running for and what you running on not jus- what are you running against. >> i agree, give you the lastbl word you have alesl of your marbles, the rnc, they are the machinery it's gotten so great
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in the last several elections. >> i went back and looked up by cycle fundraising they've not done so badly on fundraising but it's a legal stuff, you'ree totally right they need to bes authentically active andofs preventative in terms of stealing a ballots in the drop boxes full of ballots that somebody harvested that are notn otcorrect, et cetera gotta be proactive.ho hopefully larape trump will get the fundraising machine really activated because it has theth trumeyp name. larry: she is great. >> all the dirty trickssa possiblerg. larry: liz peek, batya ungar-sargon, we appreciate it very much. next up fani willis is in a heap of trouble, she won't tell the truth, she's going to lose herer job in her case against donald trump she's going to lose everything, live report from atlanta, georgia, i am "kudlow",
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fanlarry: fani willis in georgn in a heap of trouble, stev harrigan live in atlanta, what you got. >> a big hearing on thursday,
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that the hearing that faniocus willis did not want to happen ih e judge insisted on the focus oe the hearing will be her. relationship with the prosecutor that she hired, when did thatfr relationship start in the both. of them profit from the relationship they said the allegations are gossip but thely judge says, differently if the allegations are true she could be disqualified from the >> i think it's possible that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification and a hearingld must occur to establish a record on the core allegations.the we can see fireworks on thursday if the judge makes fani willis take the stand. the prosecutor she hired are lying about when the a relationship started and that she has the witnesses toha prove it. back to you. larry: the possibility, ther obligation they knew each other
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well before 2022, had the t relationship then shhee appoints them and throw 700 grand at them and then they joyride with a 700 grand, she could lose her whole career if the allegations in? fact are true. >> lose her career and when you get false testimony and affidavit in court records it can be a criminal offense., one of the themes is money can't buy you love, here we go again. in atlanta, georgia, thank you so much. i'll be right back with my last word. before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly.
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