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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: welcome back. good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, february 2, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. new fox news polls show former president trump is taking the
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lead in georgia, beating out president biden 51% to 43%. remember, biden won georgia by less than a point in 2020. the same poll shows biden and trump are tied in a matchup in wisconsin, voters pointing to the economy as the biggest issue you with four in ten saying they're falling behind financially. you would expect this to be the number one issue for voters given the 40 year high inflation that we're coming off of as well as what's happening with jobs. your thoughts. >> look, these are you blue collar states with blue collar workers. the numbers the democrats want to ignore is the credit card debt, people behind on car payments and defaulting at record numbers. if you expand it, looking at things like the african-american vote. going back to 2016, there was a 19% decrease in afr african-amen turnout in wisconsin, michigan and georgia, the margin of
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victory for president trump was 12,000. african-american turnout was down 200,000 in in a place like michigan. this is what everyday people are seeing under joe biden have led them to reconsider the support they gave to joe biden. maria: south carolina, a new poll shows donald trump leading nikki haley in her own state, support for trump at 58% with republican primary voters, haley trails behind with 32% many cheryl, there's a lot of expectation that haley is not going to do so well in her own state where she was governor. >> you've got senator tim scott. he has come out and endorsed nikki haley. maria: tim scott endorsed donald trump. >> i misspoke. my apologies. endorsed donald trump. ron desantis has come you out and endorsed president trump. i will say this. the fact that she's staying in the race, she has powerful
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donors that want her to stick through to south carolina and she will. at this point when you've got 58% support among potential republican primary voters in south carolina and nikki haley has 32%, look, this is a numbers game at the end of the day, maria, and it doesn't look like she has the numbers. we saw the predictions going into iowa, we saw the predictions going into new hampshire. and the writing is on the wall. this is democracy, go out, don't stay home. real quick about joe biden, though, to his had point about -- he's also got a big problem, joe biden, with the young voters. that's why he's coming out and trying to forgive student loan debt. knows if they don't get the young voters to come to the polls or the ones he's made angry over the israel, palestinian conflict, joe biden has real problems in november. maria: last time, he lied and said he would forgive student debt. the supreme court ruled it was
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unconstitutional. he's talking about relieving student debt. to be clear, the governor of you south carolina and all of senators have endorsed president trump for 2024 election, including tim scott as well as lindsey graham. your thoughts. >> maria, we saw nikki is getting more support from independents than she is from mainstream republicans the base is with trump. i think that her state is going to show that in spades and i don't personally understand the continuing of the mission. i don't understand what it's achieving for the republican party. it needs to y unite at some poit because the country has a lot of problems. i don't think americans want to see the same problems for another four years. the republicans need to get it together. let's hope we understand where they're headed. maria: president trump could
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lock up the nomination in the next few you weeks. we have a lot coming up. the nasdaq is up in the triple digits. we're getting a look at what investors want to see on wall street and in the economy. dow industrials up 31 right now, nasdaq up 180. we'll bring you the magnificent seven reports from earnings coming up after this break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z?
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maria: welcome back many time for the week on wall street, top investors breaking down the biggest stock moves of the week, joining us senior analyst, reb
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angela, and also with us rebecca walser. nasdaq is up 171 points, that's about 1%, dow industrials up 32. it was a big week for big tech and the jobs data. meta tripled profits for the fourth quarter. it announced its first dividend ever. apple reported the first revenue growth for the first time in a year. it suggested weaker iphone sales for the first quarter. apple be is down. sales declined 13% in china. amazon, another winner, up 6 and a quarter percent, reporting a double beat, raising sales outlook for the first quarter. so angelo, talk to me about big tech, this is where the moves were, right? meta up 17% right now. where have you seen the biggest moves this week? >> yeah, no, absolutely. coming into the week i think the biggest question mark was on the demand side of things, specifically on the cloud and the digital ads market.
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when you look at the names that moved the most here, specifically execution, the focus on the cost side of things and he then then growing the to. we've seen cloud hold up very well, actually accelerate in terms of the growth piece across the three major players in terms of alphabet, amazon, and as well as microsoft and then on the digital ad side of things meta clearly has kind of really stolen the show here this week and really probably by far the best performer. you couldn't script a better quarter than what we saw out of meta which is why we're seeing the move we're seeing after hours. maria: we want to look ahead. would you buy the stocks now given the outsize returns? >> i mean, we would. we continue to have buy recommendations on most of these names. again, you're looking at a very favorable kind of cloud market as well as digital ad landscape. it's how the companies are doing and a again on the cost side of things and we don't see that
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changing as we go through 2024, into 2025. the comparisons do get a little more difficult as we go into the second half of 2024. so those growth rates are going to start coming down a little bit but nonetheless when you actually look at the valuations for most of these seven names, i know there's a lot of concern about the valuation but in our view most of the names are trading low, mid 20s on a 20, 25 basis and that seems reasonable. maria: rebecca, do you agree with that. >> i don't like buying at the top of the market. you buy at the top and you have to have more opportunity especially in difficult economic times, the cost of capital is higher, expansion is higher, all of those things are weighing on my mind as to buying into the top. you did see google, alphabet this week obviously have a little bit of a miss there. so all tech isn't across the board great but i do think that the a.i. frontier is just beginning and that's going to give long runway for the tech
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giants as certainly the mag seven. maria: hulu announced new password sharing crackdowns, adding limitations, the new regulations will go into effect march 14. is this a good thing for the bottom line at disney? >> we've seen a similar thing with netflix. obviously this is a problem. this is people that are absconding product without paying for it. we want to see them tack down on that. however, disney streaming in and of itself has other of issues. i think there's other issues they're going to have to address to actually continue what they started and they expect with their streaming service. maria: so angelo, how do you want to allocate capital here. when you look at the macro story, the growth story, and where you're seeing earnings come in, do you want to put money behind that? tell us how you're allocating capital or what you would recommend. >> yeah, i mean, look, i think when you kind of look at some of these kind of large cap tech names, the g great thing from
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them, a lot of them are less attached to the macro theme out there. again, cloud, accelerating digital ad growth, those type -- when you look at where the balance sheets and free cash flow potentially is, they can kind of grow without kind of participation of an atrack testify mack -- attractive macro landscape. given the you view that we're going to see bottom line earnings growth of low double digits here, going into 2025, we continue to tell investors to remain very exposed to those type of names. but over time clearly we start seeing an interest rate environment that gets a little bit more favorable in nature, you go out towards more longer duration type assets at least on the tech side of things where you can start looking at names potentially like shopi ify among
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others. maria: angelo, thank you. rebecca, you're with us all morning, we're grateful. the border crisis out of control, 30,000 illegal migrants apprehended in the final week of january. u.s. candidate for senate sheriff mark lamb is here to talk about that, what he's seeing. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. and we're speaking with the speaker of the house coming up. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work.
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maria: welcome back. customs and border protection sources telling fox news asians apprehended nearly -- agents apprehended nearly 33,000 illegal migrants in a week. more than 71% happening in arizona and california as crossings began shifting to those two areas from texas. we're seeing as sources told me recently san diego and arizona really see increases of apprehensions. joining me is arizona sheriff and u.s. senate candidate mark lamb. mark, sheriff, good to see you. thanks very much for being here. assess the situation. what are you seeing there? >> good to see you too maria. this has been consistent in arizona. arizona and the tucson sector which is what i'm in has led the way in got aways. we've consistently done that.
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over 50% of all the drugs that come into america come through arizona's borders as well. texas has gotten a lot of attention. arizona has consistently had people coming in. what i'm most concerned about what we're seeing is the amount of military aged men coming from places like senegal, chad, moratania, sudan, syria, other middle eastern countries, china, russia, that's what's most concerning to us in law enforcement. we have no way of vetting these people and who they are. maria: i know. you're right. i want to know what you think is behind this, we've seen 28,000 illegals coming from china in the last. the last career. you can't just pick up and leave china without government approval. what do you think we're seeing here in terms of military aged men flooding our shores? >> you're exactly right, maria. they don't just let you leave china. what we're seeing is an invasion. that's what we're seeing.
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this is what's happening on our southern border. we're being invaded by military aged men. 30,000 alone from china. i mean, that is crazy. maria: yeah. >> americans are waking up to this, though and we're going to show it in the polls this year. maria: we're seeing it in the polls, now immigration is the number one issue for voters, certainly coming out of new hampshire primary. immigration and customs enforcement announced the arrest of a terrorist that was allowed to roam the united states freely for a year. he was initially apprehended in march of 2023. then he was released due to the mismatch after his name was run through a terrorist watch list. human error. 171 illegal migrants across 25 cities were arrested and they were wanted for crimes including child sexual assault and murder. sheriff lamb there was one arrest one of my sources was telling me about the other day, they arrested him for putting illegals into texas and they
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found out he w was wanted for murder in mexico. how do we stop this. >> we've got to get rid of joe biden, we've got to get rid of mayorkas, get rid of the people that are causing the problem. they are the root causes. under president trump we saw 400,000 apprehensions in one year, now we're seeing 300,000 apa preenings -- apprehensions y month. the numbers are unsustainable. the only way to stop it based on what i see is to replace them. that's why i'm running for the u.s. senate. we talked many times. i loved being the sheriff. i can only protect my herd from the wolves for so long. at some point i have to hunt the wolves. that's why i'm taking my fight to the u.s. senate and hopefully people will support me at maria: you thinker republicans could take the senate in the upcoming election? >> i think we can and we have to, maria.
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if we don't take the senate, we don't the take the presidency, we've got some major, major problems. we already have major problems. we talked about the threats. i talked to an fbi guy, he said it's not just the terrorists on the watch lists, it's the secondary and tertiary terrorists that are coming in that are not on the watch list that will do the work that others may not do. we've let the devil in the back door, maria. maria: it's all very concerning, especially the story we've been reporting this week. four illegal migrants caught on camera who were attacking the nypd police officers this week, they were let out without bail. they fled to california. kathy hochul stepped up the call to he deport the people. it was incredible to me. first they come to the country illegally, they breach the border. then they have the nerve to beat up our nypd. then one of them has the nerve as he's leaving court to give everybody the finger.
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here's kathy hochul finally reacting yesterday. watch. >> any response to the police searching for additional suspects in the times square attack on police? >> get them all. don't touch our police officers. don't touch anybody. maria: so she finally says send them back. at a least seven illegal migrants have been arrested in connection with that you attack. the wall street journal says that liberal city topeka, kansas wants to lure migrants there. they want work authorization to fill some of the nearly 7,000 open jobs, sheriff. so toe he topeka wants them. what do you think. >> we can certainly accommodate topeka. i think topeka doesn't know what they're asking for. as far as these guys, shame on them. what a depickable act on our nypd brothers in blue. what kathy hochul should be doing is asking them to be held accountable, they broke the law, they should be held accountable.
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there should have been no bond. bond should not be available to somebody who is a flight risk. as we're seeing, these folks are exactly that. they're a flight risk. now they had go to a place like topeka, california, wherever they went. topeka has no idea what they're asking for. maria: we'll be watching your race and your leadership. sheriff mark lamb, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you, maria. maria: coming up, the speaker of the house is in the house, speaker mike johnson live in studio this morning for an an exclusive interview on this his 100th day as speaker of the house of representatives. he's here after the break. stay with us. ♪
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maria: is it dangerous right now to stop congress from doing a deal on immigration? should we be waiting for you to get back into office? >> you can't do a bad deal. the deal they're looking at is terrible. they're going to allow part of the deal. they're not releasing the papers, that's always a bad sign. nobody can get ahold of the papers. maria: they said they're going to release it friday night. >> why aren't they releasing it earlier? it's no good. it's no good for the republicans. any republican that signs it should be ashamed. you don't have to look beyond that. it's a weak deal. for starters, they want to allow 5,000 people to come into our country like on a daily basis, they said, on a daily basis, 5,000 people. that's a lot of people. maria: why would langford agree to that.
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>> i don't know. mitch mcconnell agreed to billions of dollars for the green new deal. i call it the green new scam. trillions of dollars for the green new scam. i di don't thinkthere's anythino that's worse than a bad immigration deal. you're better off not having a deal than doing a bad deal. 5,000, that's a lot of people coming in. i had the safest, most secure border in the history of the country and now we have the worst. we have the worst border in the history of the world. there's never been a border that allowed millions of people to come into a country, even a third world country. they would fight them with sticks and stones. they're destroying our country and it's not sustainable. maria: that was just a clip of my interview with president donald trump, the full interview will air this sunday on sunday morning futures on fox news at 10:00 a.m. a eastern. special interview. first we have nor special interview right now, on this 100th day as speaker of the
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house of representatives, louisiana congressman, speaker of the house mike johnson is with me now. great to see you. >> thanks so much. maria: congratulations on 100 days. we just led into the segment with president trump. what are your thoughts on the deal from the senate? are you going to agree to this? >> it's very concerning. we don't know anything yet. it's all conjecture. we've not seen the text. we've been promised that for over two months. chuck schumer is presiding over there, he has the democrat majority in the senate. they've been trying to work the deal. heard rumors, reports about it. i've never seen the techs the. maria: they say they're going to release it tonight. that in and of itself makes me think why release it on a friday night going into the weekend of. what's that about. >> who knows. i don't know what to make of that. i hope it comes out soon if there's going to be text but we've been promised this for weeks and weeks. the house did our job. remember, we passed hr2, the secure the border act, nine months ago. it's been sitting on chuck
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schumer's desk collecting dust. if they wanted to solve the problem, he has to bring it up for a vote send it to the president's desk. maria: mr. speaker, you've done hr2. what was the point of going to the senate and starting from scratch when you put the building blocks in place. >> the building blocks are the necessary elements. we would fix the broken pa a broke rolesystem. president trump had the most secure border in the history of the country. now we have the worst cat you catastrophe that you can imagine. biden issued executive orders to unwind and create this catastrophe. we say it's by design because there's no other possibility. we documented agency actions that he and mayorkas have taken to unwind this. maria: mayorkas is facing
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impeachment in the house. congressman ken buck was the one republican coming out against impeaching the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. he called it a stunt, mr. speaker. is it a stunt? do you have the votes to impeach mayorkas. >> absolutely not. ken buck is a good friend and colleague. everybody knows mayorkas is a disaster as a cabinet secretary, i believe he's the worst in the history of the country. impeachment is an important and serious measure for the house to take. it's a heavy responsibility that we have under the constitution. when someone refuses to comply with their oath of office, when they intentionally break existing federal law, and when they lie to congress, it's a great breach of public electricity and there really is no other measure we have in the house to hold them accountable than the ultimate penalty. maria: will anybody be held accountable for not sharing information with you, the leader of the house of representatives. with all due respect it's a little strange to me that you
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have not been involved in these talks and you say you have not seen any text on this border deal which is the crux of our issues in america right now. >> it's the biggest crisis that we face, i've been in 15 states since i've been speaker of the house for the last 100 days. overwhere i go, whether o west, midwest, deep south, everybody says the same thing. we can't continue this. this is not a sustainable thing. 302,000 illegals came across the border if december along. those are the ones encountered. we have no idea how many have come in. over 300 on the terrorist watch list. those are the ones we've apprehended. we have no idea what terrorist cells are set up around the country, was they're plotting right now. the fentanyl crisis, the leading cause of death for americans age 18 to 49. the human trafficking. we have to stop it. it's absolute madness. i gave a speech on the house floor this week. i can't understand why president biden would not use his existing executive authority a take he has right now to stop this.
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he won't. maria: yeah. instead he said things like give me the power, give me this. >> give me a break. knows has the authority. we documented it for him had. i read to him the law myself to the president, read him the provisions of the law and said mr. president, please take action. i don't think he's allowed to do it. i'm not sure joe biden is making the decision, i think it's staff around him and they're pushing him to hold the or to keep the border open. maria: that's what it seems like. people are wondering who is running the country. you mentioned your first major speech on the floor, that was something that a lot of people were talking about, congratulations. 100 days. you gave the h the major speechk us through what kind of environment you're facing right now. what are your priorities going forward? >> in some ways it feels like 1,000 days. patrice: i bet. 1-- we're facing the greatest collection of crisis since the world war ii era, maybe the civil war when you look at the
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headwinds we're facing. we're keeping a steady hand at the wheel. the house republican conference is a small minority. maria: one vote. >> one vote margin. i have a couple folks out on health leave so we navigate that every day. we get everybody to work together. we had major achievements we're getting through the house, tax bill the past week. to show that this can still work. i believe we're going to he grow the majority. here in new york, we have a special election coming up in new york's third district. she's going to get that job done. it will send a strong message to the democrats that coming into this election cycle we've got a great candidate, we're feeling bullish about the future. maria: mazi phillips is a legal immigrant. her story, she is running for the old george santos seat. what are your expectations come november in terms of expanding that majority? >> let me plug our website,
7:38 am we created an extraordinary stable of candidates, work horses, not show ponies, people who are credible, know their districts, ready to help us solve the great challenges facing the country and incumbents are running really strong. we're running great in deep blue districts, blue states because the radical progressive governors and mayors are destroying communities, crime is through the roof, cost of living. people are saying i'm going to let my voice be heard, i'm going to vote for a republican for congress. that's what the polls are showing. maria: people feel the effects of the policies from the white house every day with inflation to the impact of foreign policy decisions as well. you just mentioned the tax stimulus bill. it passed the house. it is still taking lots of incoming fire, a lot of people say it expands welfare. your thoughts? >> it's not true. there's a lot of misinformation about the bill. what we did, we extended some of the critical elements of the tax cuts and jobs act which is of course one of president trump's signature achievements. we talked about that. we had a lot of democrats on
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record in the house voting to extend those trump policies. that's a really strong showing. it's pro growth. it will allow for research and development, innovation for the i writeoffs, that's a huge thing for small businesses around the country. we've heard take. it's pro family as well. it allows for larger families to have the child tax c tax credit. maria: you have the government funding deadline over a month away. lawmakers are facing a march 1 and march 8 deadline. will there be another continuing resolution, mr. speaker? are you going to get the appropriation bills done. >> i've talked to the chief appropriators a couple days ago. they're working through the process. we'll get the conservative policy writers to try to change the spending trajectory. we broke the christmas omnibus fever and that gave us two staggered deadlines. they're upon us. that will be here relatively --
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tomorrow. so the strong work is being done. i think we'll meet the deadlines. maria: you're hearing people say oh, the same thing is happening to mike johnson that happened to kevin mccarthy. all of this pushback in terms of spending the same levels that nancy pelosi put in place. you're sure you're not going to continue this again? >> yeah, well, i took the reins when the deals were made. we're trying to make sure we can institute conservative policies. when we win back the senate for the republican party and when president trump is returned to the white house, i'm convinced all those things are going to happen, we're going to do 180-degree turn. we're going to have a better time in january next year than right now because we'll be able to institute the conservative policies and reforms that we know are critical. reducing regulation, reducing taxes, getting the economy going again. right now, the federal government is working against the free market. it's working against innovators and job creators and entrepreneurs. we have to reverse that. we know how to do it. we're looking forward to it. maria: you think you will be able to work with president trump should he return to the
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white house in terms of progressing and getting things done. >> absolutely. we're talking about that already. he's a great champion for pro he growth policies. we have proven that, in his first term. before covid we had the greatest economy in the history of the world. that's because the policies that president trump and the republican congress advanced. we're going to do that again and we'll get this thing going. maria: i want to get your perspective from 30,000 feet on the money that we send overseas because this is really the crux of the fight of. you and your colleagues want something done at the border. you want the trump policies back in place to secure the border but your colleagues over in the senate, they want money to ukraine. they want money elsewhere. how do you see all of this? >> we're trying to make very clear, and i have since the day i got the gavel in late october, the very next morning i went to the situation room at the white house and i told all of the principals in the administration and key leaders in congress, we have to secure the american border first before we can talk about anything else around the world. maria: i saw what you said. then you said it in a press conference later. >> we've been very consistent about that. that's what the american people
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want and deserve and need. we get that priority done first then we talk about the rest of it. we need to fund israel forks example. the house voted just within a a fews days of my having the gavel to send over the supplemental relief package. that also is sitting on chuck schumer's desk and has been for three months. those are priorities we have. there's a lot of debate about ukraine. i've been telling the white house you have to tell us what is the end game. what's the strait ism how would we have -- strategy. how would we have accountability for the funds. we understand it's critically important to not allow vladimir putin to march through europe. of course. but the white house has not had a clear message on what we're doing there, what is our role, how long will this take. they haven't supplied the answers. those are important questions that we're asking and as we sit here today, still that information is not provided to congress. ma.maria: it seems the foreign policy decisionings coming out of this white house has actually sparked our adversaries and enemies to get on the march. how do you see foreign policy
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and congress' role in terms of putting america first? >> the biden foreign policy is a disaster. everybody knows it. it's so dangerous. we're projecting weakness on the world stage. as we say all the time, that invites aggression. that's why our adversaries around the world are acting so provocatively. we didn't have this under president trump. remember? you know why? because they feared him. they knew he had a strong hand. it's critically important as reagan used to remind us that we maintain peace through strength. we have to project strength and we're not doing that right now. that's why this is so dang. maone--dangerous. maria: people get into congress and spend 50 years there, forget who they're working for. they want term limits. this is one of the first things you started to talk about. you wanted term limits in place. >> i arrived in washington in 2017, same time president trump. maria: it failed to make the full house last year. >> the first bill i filed was a term limits bill. we've done it every congress
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since. that's something we have to build consensus around. desperate times call for desperate measures. your point is well taken. maria: congressman ralph norman introduced that as well. foreigns and all the democrats voted against it. a recent poll found 87% favored term limits for members of congress. >> so do i. we'll look at that. it would be a major change to the system. when the founding fathers, the genius of the framers what they put together, i don't think they could have anticipated anyone coming to congress and staying for 50 years or longer. that's frankly what happens now. maria: unfortunately that's what we're seeing. let move on to the biden impeachment inquiry, interviewing biden associates rob walker and eric schwerin. james and hunter biden expected to sit for depositions later this month. impeachment investigations, hearing from joey langston. he told the committee he gave james biden $800,000 in loans,
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james paid of half back. mr. h speaker what's your sensef this inquiry. >> listen, impeachment that power is one of the heaviest the constitution gives to the house and it does reside exclusively in the house. we have a responsibility to follow the facts wherever they lead. what's the judiciary committee and ways and means have been doing over almost a year now. we followed the facts and they're alarming. we have irs whistleblower testimony, associates of the biden family have come in to testify, we have bank records and the financial records that show that something is very wrong here. there was a lot of smoke. we believe there's fire. we're connecting the final dots there. as you noted, james biden comes in for the deposition the end of the month and after that hunter biden. i think we'll connect the remaining dots and we'll see where it goes. maria: do you expect articles before the summer? >> we shall see. the white house has been stone wall on us, tried to you void giving us the remaining records and resisted subpoenas.
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we had to enforce some of that and almost go to court to do so but we're finally getting to the end of that and we're going to draw to a conclusion. i don't want to prejudge because i shouldn't but i'm deeply concerned and i think the american people are about what we've seen here. maria: let me end where we began and that is the border deal and any agreement. what's most important to you that needs to be in that? you've done hr2 already. we know where your head is at in terms of the border. when you're hearing all of the this conversation about 5,000 people being let in before anything gets done, tell me where your priorities are, what needs to be in this and is it a no go if those things are not in it. >> it's a no go if what we're being told is true, it's a no go in the house. we took 64 house republicans to the border janu january 3. we were talking to the people in charge. the deputy chief of border patrol told us i feel as though right now we're supposed to be administering an open fire hydrant. we don't need more buckets.
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we need to reduce the flow. the best way to reduce the flow is to reinstate remain in mexico, trump's policy that says safe third party is where people -- safe third country is where they should stay. they 208d told us on the bordert one executive order by president biden would reduce the flow by 70%. knows that. i told him that. he refuses to do that. that and a few other changes would wipe the problem out but he won't do it. maria: why not? >> i do not know. genuinely believe the idea was to bring people in, open the border and turn them into voters. there's no other reason that would seem to make sense but now it's completely out of control and it's destroying every community in the country, every state is a border state now. we have to stop this madness. maria: do you feel the same pressure your predecessor felt, kevin mccarthy, that you have a wing of the republican party that will create drama and ah ha sock if you -- havoc if you
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don't do what they want. >> i don't feel that pressure. my job is to work with everybody every day, keep the team moving in the same direction. some of my friends want us to throw hail mary passes on everyy day. we're realistic. we're committed conservatives. we're going to get the job done and keep showing the american people what it looks like to govern. maria: let's say you get the text tonight, friday night going into the weekend. what happens next week. >> devil's in the details. we'll check it out. i'm not prejudging anything. the necessary elements are required to control the border i've been consistent. that's our standard. we'll be looking for that. maria: great to have you this morning. congratulations on your 1 had hundredth day. we're honored you're with us today. thank you. speaker mike johnson. we'll be right back with fox business' susan lee, live at an apple store with details on the latest product. you'll want to hear this one after the break.
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stay with us. next week on "mornings with maria," monday, general keith kellogg spells out the appropriate response to iran after the killing of three u.s. soldiers. tuesday, president biden claims he's done all he can do at the border. chad wolf responds. wednesday, the ceo of service now in the studio on the impact a.i. to his company's bottom line. thursday, taking on big tech to protect america's children, senator marsha blackburn is here. and friday, from the super bowl champ to u.s. congressman, burgess owens makes his pick for the big game. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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maria: welcome back. okay, a mixed reality vision pro head set from apple going on sale this morning, fox businesses s susan lee live outside the apple store in new york city with all the details. >> reporter: this is the first apbe pell product device launched in 10 years since the apple watch in 2014. i'm sure you've soon advertisements. they look like an expensive pair of ski goi goggles. they're loaded with a lot of tech. it doesn't come cheap, $3,500 is
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the starting price. look around. we've been checking out the long lines here outside the famous apple fifth avenue cube and these die hard apple fans have been lining up since the early morning, wanting the bragging rights to be some of the first to get their hands on the vision pro device. we know the ceo, tim cook, arrived. he'll be opening the doors to the store at the top of the hour. he'll be greeting the first customers. we asked some of them why they think it's worth it. >> the price point is not throwing me off. like i'm willing to pay $3,500 for all the technology they're packing in. >> it's a lot of money but you're getting a revolutionary product. this is different than any other head set. it's mostly vr. that's the future. >> reporter: so i've tried both the vision pro and the quest 3
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and i can tell you that as you heard from the reviews, the apple technology is incredible. no need for any hand controls. you basically select with your eye movements and you look at one thing and it will pop up in front of your monitor. now, apple is expected to ship around 400,000 of these devices in the first year, morgan stanley says that will r ramp up to 4 to 5 million in the next decade. apple needs the next big hit. they ended a year of falling sales, the first time in two decades. they have a lot of cash to throw at it, $173 billion worth. we'll see if this goes mass market. it needs to get cheaper, needs to get lighter. back to you. maria: i don't know how it's going to go mass market at 3,000 plus bucks, right, susan? we'll be watching that one. thank you so much. >> i mean, i used to explain about $1,000 iphone. so wow, i mean -- maria: cheryl. >> i'm going to go with why? [laughter] >> i don't get it.
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not my generation. $3,500. as an apple shareholder i hope they sell millions though. maria: what do you think, do you own apple? >> absolutely. i think it's got a long runway. hope they don't do any kind of trademark infringement like they did with the watch. >> can i add something. this has been the issue for tim cook since he took over. look, when steve jobs left this earth there was a lot of concern about apple, the company. he was the genius, he was the visionary and tim cook has not been that guy. so you need new products. you can't just keep redoing the iphone over and over and the ipad and the mac book air which again i own all of those and the biggest geek on the panel probably when it comes to apple but i think they're reaching here and they're struggling with this and the watch has had some problems. maria: they tried to do services more, gain revenue from services, joe and -- >> look, they interest to plant a flag. i think it's wise. you have to go back and remember when the black berry was king, the iphone was not the most
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affordable but they did become the preimminent device for the smartphone sector. will it succeed? time will tell. again, the prices will come down. if they're the one or went out there first and led the way he it could reap benefits down the road. maria: countdown is on. we've got the january jobs report coming up. we'll take a short break. when we come back we're all hands on deck. first, winter is ending soon according to punxsutawney phil. he did not see his shadow this morning, meaning spring is right around the corner. yeah, baby. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we need that.
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