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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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ends monday. only at sleep number. maria: welcome back. good thursday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. t it is thursday, february 1, just before a7:00 a.m. on the et coast. kathy hochul says d deporting illegal migrants who viciously attacked police officers over the weekend is something that should be looked at. watch. >> the police officers who were assaulted near times square by a group of individuals who were migrants, why is it okay that they are left out on bail and that they're left to remain had
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in the city's terror. >> i'm not satisfied with that at all. these are law enforcement officers who should never under any circumstances be subjected to physical assault. it's wrong on all accounts. >> will the individuals be he deported. >> i think that's something that should be looked at. if someone commits a crime against a police officer in the state of new york and they're not -- they've not -- they're not here legally, definitely worth checking into. maria: so are you checking into it? who is looking at it? all five of the migrants were released without bail. one giving the middle finger to the cameras as he was leaving court. look at this. i spoke with ten tennessee congressman mark green in a the program a few moments ago. he said it all comes back to china. >> the chinese government knowing about it, they fly to el salvador and trek across central america into the united states.
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this has to be a consistent r ad effort by the chinese, part of the strategy to become the h henchmen of the world. maria: it bothers me we're not hearing more about the chinese nationals, largely middle aged men coming into the country. we hear of christopher wray of the threats by chinese hackers. how many came through the border. >> how many threats do we need to do something significant about this. on this program a couple years ago we reported about the police stations right down the street from us here in new york city staffed with chinese nationals. basically the ccp can set up a police station in new york. that makes no sense. when you talk about everything else that christopher wray spoke about, we are allowing the ccp to set up various shops in our country for what purpose? just for fun? no, obviously there's a an
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ulterior motive. until we wake up, we'll be in a world of hurt. maria: i don't think the migrants who beat up nypd are chinese, however, we're talking about a wide open border where we're looking at terrorists on the terrorist watch list getting apprehended. >> think about the prevailing attitude in the democratic party to treat the migrants like someone stealing a loaf of bread for a dying baby. these are not family units. if they're coming over with kids, they're not biological children. children are effectively trafficked. maria: and they rented the kids. >> this is an exponential problem. in the prior decade there was an average of 1.5 -- 1500 chinese nationals at the border each year. last year it was more than
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31,000 chinese nationals, coming through ecuador, salvador, coming through canada. the point made earlier with the social credit scores, it's not that the chinese government doesn't p know. and we know that when on the very rare occasion that the buy biden administration asked to deport the chinese nationals back. xi jinping won't take them because he wants them here. maria: i really think they are being sent here to be saboteurs should the u.s. an china's relationship deteriorate further and they want their own army on the ground and we're allowing it. >> why did the government april of last year when it comes to the vetting process for chinese nationals take the interview questions from 40 questions down to five. they're five soft ball questions. why are we making it easier if you're a chinese national? maria: that's why we ask the question is joe biden compromised. we have to ask the question because none of this makes sense. china sends a surveillance
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balloon, no problem. china unleashes covid. no problem. china has a covid coverup. no problem. china has been stealing intellectual property for decades, no problem. china is sending fentanyl into america. no problem. >> especially when it's killing his re-election odds, right? this is now becoming the most important issue even more than the abysmal economy where prices have risen 18% since he took office. immigration is becoming the issue. republicans in new hampshire said it was the issue they cared the most about when they voted in the primary. yet, he's committing to the fact that the bipartisan senate deal is saying that we have to take 5,000 migrants a day and remember this is not the catch and release of the obama era where you're caught, given a court date and a say hopefully we see you for the court date, now it's catch and release with no court date and maybe they'll report back. >> dem democrat in inner citie fighting back against joe biden. it begs the question why. as china gets way more eyes on the ground in our country, we
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are having an increasingly difficult time getting eyes on the ground in china, our surveillance apparatus in china according to people in the know is deteriorating precipitously, this is an uneven playing field and we're in trouble because of it. maria: of course it is. do you think they would allow all the things they've done to the united states happen in china? if there was a surveillance balloon in china, do you think it would last a week? how many millions did joe biden and his family take from china did the oversight committee report? i no it was in the millions, correct. >> it was in the millions. >> was it close to 10? we don't know through the paintings. hunter is selling paintings for millions and the white house says we won't find out who the buyers are. i think we should all know who the buyers are. maria: maria: we should. we want to take a look at business this morning. the bank of england rate decision hitting moments ago, leaving central rates unchanged in the u.k. we are expecting the ecb at some point to cut interest rates, perhaps sooner than the united states.
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european markets are mixed. we're just getting started this hour. we have big tech on the horizon markets are on the move. we've got the word on wall street panel weighing in on earnings, the fed and january jobs report, meta, apple, amazon, reporting tonight after the close. and then house speaker mike johnson will be with me here tomorrow live, we'll talk business, politics and policy and that new border deal that we think is dead on arrival in the house. the speaker will be here. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ i'm looking to the sky to save me. ♪ looking for a sign of life. ♪ looking for something to help me turn out right. ♪ and looking for a complication. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is infrastructure capcapital advisor ceo, jay hatfield. also with us, mark tepper. i want to take a look at futures this morning, get your take on where we are. markets are trading higher on the first trading day of february. s&p is up 19 points. the federal reserve left interest rates unchanged yesterday, fourth consecutive meeting, we expected that. they're making it clear they're not ready to start cutting yet. we will likely see a cut later in the year. jay powell says march is off the table. bank of england held steady for the fifth consecutive meeting, 5.25% on rates in the bank of england. jjay, your reaction what took place at t fed. >> i thought it was constructive to take increases off the table and also take the
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march cut off the table. i thought that was wildly optimistic this fed is going to wait pour what we call roll-down which is going to be profound which is worth getting into. we're rolling off point five in january and about point four, so if we just do what we were doing in the last six months, inflation is going to go below 2.5 and that's when we think the fed will have the data to cut and that's what powell is talking about and they realize this is not a hard calculation to do. maria: i wonder because it's an he'llelection year, people willy you're cutting rates, getting into election interference. >> we think there's a greater probability for a june you cut than a may 1st and that's after the ecb meeting and there as we've discussed before the european economy is terrible, germany's in a recession, the rest of europe is stalled. they really have to cut rates. and that's going to be really their first opportunity. so they're going to go first.
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i think that will clear the decks even from a political perspective to have a fed cut. maria: mark, one of the big stories certainly tomorrow will be these magnificent seven companies, we've got amazon, apple and a meta reporting tonight. a.i. related companies lost $190 billion in market value this week after microsoft, alphabet and amd reported earnings, they were light, didn't impress investors. big tech earnings wrapping up today for the majors. how do you want to position yourself going into this earnings period? >> when you go back to tuesday, google, microsoft and amd, they all actually had pretty good quarters but they were not outstanding. and they were priced to have outstanding quarters because the bar is so high, expectations are so high and so far a.i. results have not been consistent with all the hype that was built into these stocks last year so i expect a lot of the same today out of what do we have, meta,
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amazon and apple. maria: next week is nvidia. >> you'll have the whole magnificent seven. with apple, this could be the fifth straight quarter of revenue declients. this is kind of showing when it comes to iphone demand that's softening a bit. amazon, i'm actually expecting them to do probably best of the three today. they seem to be picking up advertising dollars from the googles of the world, the metas of the world, because why go and search for something on google if you're then going to go and buy it on amazon, you go straight to amazon so they're selling ads that way. their retail business is probably slowing when you look at what ups said about softening demand earlier in week. as far as positioning goes i wouldn't make any moves prior to earnings. i think what you'll see over the next couple weeks is big tech stocks will pull back and buy the dip investors are going to
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come in and start to gobble them up. maria: amazon is expecting $166 billion in revenue, apple's revenue, $118 billion and meta revenue, $39 billion of. those stocks could set the tone for tomorrow. they're all up this morning. they've had an incredible year, 2023. jay, you've got a unique view on what this bull market is going to mean for the investment banks. tell us about that. you're among the highest. you have higher estimates than anybody out there. >> for the market as a whole, we're 55 a h 5500, i haven't hea target that high. if we're correct about a bull market, what most investors don't appreciate, the pure investment banks, they're built for bull markets. if there's offerings and there are offerings, by the way, because we get aapproached on this corporate bond issuances talk, then their machine really hums. it goes into wealth management that get he fees from underwriting, goes into sales and trading, get additional
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flows and the asset manager business, if the market's up, then that business will be up as well. we think estimates are too low for investment banks with those being the biggest beneficiaries, also jp mover morgan ab of a. maria: you would buy b of a and morgan stanley. >> now, the your aings are a -- theofferings are already t. there's six, seven ipos in the pipeline. there's been a fair amount of m&a activity and usually accelerates later in the quarter after everybody files their ks. i don't think it's a consistentn call anymore. maria: jay, thank you so much. quick break and then another member of the biden family facing backlash of poor business decisions, joe's brother, james biden set to appear in front of the house oversight committee this month.
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we'll talk about the details with wisconsin congressman tom tiffany after the break and we've got jason smith, chairman of the house ways and means committee coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar
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maria: welcome back. well, now it's president biden's brother on the stand, james biden is set to appear before the house oversight committee fofor a transcribed interview nt month, one week before hunter biden's scheduled deposition. oversight committee chairman james comer, james jordan, jason smith calling out the white house for refusing to turn over president biden's ukraine speech where he called for the firing of the ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating burisma where his son was making $1 million a year. the lawmakers sending a letter, pointing out they requested the information five months ago,
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saying the delay appears to represent an attempt to obstruct justice and the probe. joining us now, wisconsin congressman tom tiffany. congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks for being here. >> good morning, maria. maria: so what else is the white house sitting on? tell us why this is problematic for you. >> that is the question, what else is the white house sitting on, what else is the biden family sitting on, that's been the question now for over a year. and we just seek answers for the american people and that's why jim biden should come in and it's good to hear that he's going to come in and share information. really what this does, maria, this gives the buy done family an opportunity -- biden family an opportunity to be able to clear their names. this is fishy stuff when you get millions of dollars, over $20 million that has went through 20 shell companies, you know, how did you get this money when it appears there is no work done for it. it.maria: we don't have servics rendered. we're trying to understand why
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the biden family accepted millions from burisma and ukraine as well as china. what can you tell us? >> well, i thought in regards to jim biden, when you look at the trail of money from the chinese energy company, there was $400,000 that went to hunter biden. he transferred $150,000 to jim sarah biden. jim and sarah biden sent a $40,000 check to joe biden. remember, hunter economies rated on the laptop about how he had to give 10 froe 10% to the big e 400,000 that went to hunter biden ended up being $40,000 in jijoe biden's checking account. maria: we have the infamous e-mail, 10% for the big guy. i want to get your take on this, fani willis and prosecutor nathan wade have been subpoenaed
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to testify in an upcoming misconduct hearing. willis is accused of having a romantic relationship with wade and a misusing taxpayer dollars, we have a list of trips they took. she put him in charge of taking down donald trump. your thoughts? >> what is i it with these love birds, maria? we saw it with peter strzok and lisa page with the fbi when they were carrying on and trying to take donald trump out. it appears we have the same thing going on in atlanta. but nathan wade has been paid $650,000. the fulton county district attorney's office received nearly $15 million in federal payments and you have them working with agencies in washington, d.c. and possibly the white house once again, the american people deserve answers. i can tell you what i'm going to do. i'm going to urge chairman jordan like when he went to new york city, like when he went to chicago as the judiciary committee, it's time to go to
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atlanta and get some answers from these people of how they're spending the american taxpayers' money. maria: it's a good point and we'll certainly follow it. let's move on to the business in the house. the house passed its $78 billion bipartisan tax cut bill expanding child tax a credit for low income families, restoring business tax breaks to boost u.s. manufacturing. how did you votend vote and whes this going. >> i voted against the bill. i thought there were good provisions with regards to research and development tax credits, those type of things but the reason i voted against it, i'm deeply concerned about expanding welfare. and it is the worst thing that we can do. we've got enough help wanted signs around america, we should not be discouraging work. maria: that's why you voted against it, todd, jump in. >> a lot of people in the northeast are focused on the salt provision. i think it goes beyond the northeast. i think you have people in florida who pay a lot of money in state and local taxes and
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would be interested in seeing that number jump from 10 to $20,000. you did not vote for the bill. do you see some relief coming in the salt provision? i know they said the new york delegation got a table for another discussion but at the end of the day do you see the salt cap going up? >> there's discussion that's going on in regards to that. i personally am not supportive of it. i would have to see a bill that has a lot of good stuff in it to vote for a salt provision. i have a problem with the bill that we passed last night, in expanding welfare, especially allowing illegal immigrants to be able to get that child tax credit. that is not what we should be doing in america. and i know many businesses are going to benefit from the tax cuts that are in there but they're not going to benefit in terms of the help wanted signs. we're discouraging work which is the worst thing that we can do to the american people. work is central to our self worth. and we did not do the right
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thing last night in diminishing work. maria: tiana, real quick. >> i want to ask about the expanded child tax credit. congressman, according to the wall street journal, the provision for expanding relies on the prior year's income which means that even if someone is not working in the current fiscal year, they're still eligible to receive that expanded child tax credit. why is that? is that just a handout to the democrats to a allow people to get welfare even if they're not working? why is it based on the prior year's income rather than current employment status? >> it really appears the wall street journal article hit the nail on the head, that senator widen got the best of the deal. as you stated, you can cite your previous year and then not have to work for, what, the next year or two and so it's a disincentive to work and at the end of the day it's the worst thing we can do. remember, we had 3 to 5 million people that left the workforce during covid when covid started march of 2020.
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many have not gotten back into the workforce and we're disinsun testifyizing them even -- disincentivizing them even more to get back in the workforce. maria: thank you, sir. congressman tom tiffany in d.c. coming up i will be speaking with congressman jason smith, the chairman of the house ways and means committee. we'll talk about this tax relief for american families with the congressman. after the break, former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe is joining me. we're going to get ratcliffe's answer to the response to iran. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. a deadly building collapse near an airport in boise, idaho left three dead, nine others injured. cheryl casone with details. >> that is right, it happened at a construction site collapse last night near the boise airport, a hangar suddenly buckled sending a crane crashing down. five of the injured rushed to the hospital in critical condition. officials calling is cat stroh catastrophic. >> we've encountered everybody
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in and around the collapse area, we had some that were challenging and there was hoists and so forth that our technical rescue team were able to rescue those people. >> authorities are working to determine what caused the collapse at the privately owned site, airport operations were not affected. shea gillis is partnering with bud light as the beer brand continues to struggle with tarnished image and plummeting sales. they posted welcome to the team, excite todd be part of your tour. it was april of last year when bud light partnered with dylan mulvaney that led to a mass boycott. the vp of marketing called it fraty with out of touch humor. bud light is no longer america's top selling beer brand and she reported has since been fired. and those are your headlines. maria: all right. thanks so much, cheryl. meanwhile, the u.s. carrying out self he defense strikes on a
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drone controlled station and 10 one-way drones in houthi controlled areas of yemen as the uss carney intercepted an anti-ship missile and shot down drones, earni tensions are builn the middle east as we wait for president biden's response to a drone attack that killed three american soldiers. >> w we will respond on our t, on our schedule. just because you haven't seen anything in the last 48 hours doesn't mean you won't see anything. when you see the first thing, don't come to be thinking that will be the last thing. maria: the u.s. determining the islamic resistance in iraq was responsible for the deadly drone attack. joining me now, former director of national intelligence, former congressman and pros you cue tore, john ratcliffe. thank you for being here.
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>> you bet. good morning m. maria: they're talk about this resistance group. that's an iranian backed proxy, correct? >> correct. maria: yeah. tell me about the u.s.'s response. go ahead, john. >> well, the u.s. response, ironic that you played that clip of john kirby yesterday where he said the united states will respond in a time and manner of our choosing. the day before, general ryder from the pentagon podium said the same thing four times. here's my problem with it. here's why it's a broken record and empty rhetoric until some action is taken. hit rewind. go back to october 26th when the number of attacks on u.s. troops was somewhere in the range of 25 or 26 at that time. john kirby went to the same podium and told the american people that the united states would, and i quote, respond in a time and manner of our choosing.
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a few days after that, when the attacks continued to increase, secretary of defense austin in senate testimony said under oath the united states would reand i quote in a time and manner of our choosing, end quote. since then there have been well over 100 more attacks on u.s. troops and you had guests, not just myself, folks like general jack keane and former national security advisor o'brien, secretary of state pompeo, coming on saying you're not taking actions directly, tier one targets against iran, these atax will continue and americans are going to die and i take no satisfaction in saying unfortunately we w right. do i think the administration is going to respond some way? yes. i think it's after at least three preventable deaths and so we'll see what happens. i do expect there will be some targets taken, maybe as early as today by this administration.
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but maria, this should have been done not today but should have been done not weeks ago but should have been done months ago. maria: it's all very disappointing and discouraging to see how this administration allows all of our adversaries to roll over us, john and unfortunately we've seen it in china, now we're seeing it with iran. i would like to know how it's possible that the u.s. did not intercept that drone coming from the enemy. i don't know if it was human error or what the story is. they say they thought it was a different drone. how is it possible it wasn't intercepted and now we've got three dead, three fallen heroes? what is the motivation? why is this administration so perplexed, actually blame iran and a say even when president biden yesterday said we're going to respond in a manner that we choose and a time of our choosing but i don't want a wider war in the middle east, why add that, i don't want a wide war in the middle east and show your cards?
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>> well, on top of that, he may not want that, maria, but this escalation is widening because of their approach. you ask why. it's because joe biden came into office and bragged about the fact that he was going to take a 180-degree reverse in policies from our trump administration policies everywhere around the world but particularly with respect to iran and he got exactly what he did. he reversed those policies 180 degrees and as a result, the results are 180 degrees different. we have no attacks. iran was broke, they couldn't afford to fund these backed militias, these proxies, hamas, hezbollah, the the houthis, evee throughout the middle east. it was reversal of policies, state department saying we're prepared to lift all sanctions against iran, they began negotiating an iranian nuclear deal that never happened. it was the reversal of these
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policies is why we have 160 plus attacks, rises every day and why even today after three american service members were tragically and unnecessarily killed as a result of these things, we're still on our back foot. we're still playing defense. we're still having to t shoot down houthi missiles and iran now emboldened with an economy that joe biden helped rebuild are the ones that are putting americans' lives at risk. maria: helped rebuild because he didn't follow through on sanctions against iran that enabled iran to generate billions of dollars in revenue from selling oil on the black market and what do they use that money for? >> absolutely. to fund these proxies. the central bank reserves reflect that so clearly, maria. and he didn't -- he has not enforced any of the sanctions that still exist, that haven't been lifted and not just against
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iran but against china. you i mean, those are the things that we were in the trump administration saying to china, look, if you buy iranian oil we'll sanction you further. that's how we prevented those things. that's how we will if there's a change in leadership which is the only way this problem is going to get solved. maria, americans increasingly are reflecting and we all sit here and talk about why doesn't joe biden do this, why isn't he more like donald trump, the fact is, he's never going to be more like donald trump, he's never going to be a great commander in chief and so the thing that will solve these problems around the world is to change leadership. maria: part of it is retaliation. when joe biden walked into the oval office he wanted to undo everything that trump did. ben carson i was speaking with him on sunday morning futures and he said that's infantile behavior. we don't overturn things because we don't like the guy that put them in place. he did that with china, canceling the china initiative,
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he did that with iran, pursuing the nuclear deal. he did that at the bore kerr the where you and your -- border where you and your colleagues negotiated deals with honduras, el salvador, mexico, to stop the flow at the door of mexico. house speaker mike johnson slammed president biden's handling of the border crisis and he overturned all of that we know, biden overturned everything you put in place, the senate border deal of course was the focus of johnson's first floor speech since taking the gavel. he warned about the heightened national security risk caused by this chaos. watch this. >> i am here this morning to beg on colleagues to help us force the administration to take action. we have to stop this now. and put americans and america's border security first. understand the situation at our border presents a clear and present danger to our national security and it demands that it be you addressed, even officials
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within the executive branch are saying so. we don't know how many terrorists are inside our borders, it's an unknowable number. maria: it's an unknowable number, director. you know, 302,000 illegals in the month of december at the southern border, you look at the whole nation it was 371,000. for just a month. the democrat eagle pass, texas mayor told fox news yesterday the ongoing showdown between the state and biden administration over control of shelby park is a constant struggle, he said he's tired of the games both sides are playing. john, assess where we are with the border, this is your state, texas. >> it is. and god bless texas. god bless governor abbott, lieutenant governor patrick and the things they are doing to try and enforce the border. governor abbott was absolutely right in saying that there's an invasion taking place and that the federal government has violated its compact with the state of texas so texas is doing something that's very smart, it's very important and a it's
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constitutional. and the numbers that you're showing, maria, that you've been talking about, you and a i talked about this years ago. so for an entire last year of the trump administration, we had around 400,000, for the entire year, roughly 1,000 illegals passing our border a day. those numbers now are 6,000, 7 6,000,7,000, 8,000, 9,000, 10,0a day, you have 600, 800, 900% increase, governor abbott is absolutely right in saying that's an invasion of people coming here illegally, committing crimes once they're here, drug trafficking, human trafficking and he has every right. texas has every right to defend the border that the biden administration won't do. what texas is doing is very smart. what senate republicans are doing is not smart. look, when the speaker of the house says you're debating a bill that's dead on arrival if
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it comes over here, when they've already had a very good border security bill from the house, hr2, that's over there in the senate that they could take up if they really wanted to do something, that's the bill that they would be debating. but let me tell you what's happening, maria. this is why senate republicans need to be smart. chuck schumer's trying to build an excuse for joe biden in an election year for an issue that now poll after poll shows that immigration and border security may be the number one concern of all americans so an administration that spent the first three years saying the border is secure, there is no crisis, is now saying yes, there is but we need help and it's congress that's preventing us from doing it. look, you could give joe biden 10 more laws. the guy won't enforce the laws that are on the books and with the laws that are on the books, president trump had it down to 1,000 a day with building a border wall and most importantly policies and agreements that you
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talked about with our neighbors like mexico and countries in the triangle to the south and really the respect to enforce those laws with us. maria: well, i mean, look, you're right and you've got republicans enabling it, right? mitch mcconnell and james langford are pushing this idea -- >> makes no sense. maria: that we should have 5 a t5,000 illegals that could come in every day without anything. we've had 50 terrorists in the last year. i'm wondering how many of those like you said 8,000 a day are chinese nationals. during a house select committee on china hearing yesterday fbi director christopher wray had a stunning warning about the threat of chinese hackers, saying the issue requires our attention. how many of those chinese hackers got here through the border? watch this. >> china's multipronged assault on our national and economic security make it the defining
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threat of our generation. there has been far too little public focus on the fact that prc hackers are targeting our critical infrastructure. china's hackers are positioning on american infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc and cause real world harm to american citizens and communities if and china decides the time has come to strike. maria: and john, i know this is nothing new to you. you've been warning about this for years. we've been keeping a spotlight and i've been reporting about the dangerous adversary that is communist china now for five years plus. your r reaction to what you head yesterday and why we're not seeing action from the fbi in response. >> yeah, maria. you know, the good news is, listen, i'll start with the good news. the good news is the fbi is saying that it has prevented chinese hackers from planting
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malware in our critical iryou're like our water systems, our electrical grid, our transportation systems. that's the good news. you're right, maria, it's welcome to the party even if it's a little bit late. i mean, i wrote an op-ed as the dni back in december of 2020, talking about this very threat and why i increased spending on china by 20% specifically in part because of the cyber threat from china and these very same things that they were attempting to do then. of course, at at that time we e accused of being xenophobic and it was political. the silver lining in this, it's good to finally have the fbi and other agencies coming out and saying the things that the trump administration was saying three years ago, take this threat seriously. maria, you've been covering this. it's at every angle. the people's republic of china, the ccp and the pla infiltrating
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police stations in the u.s., intellectual property theft, cyber attacks, you talk about the border issue, people flooding across. we've talked about this, how many of these folks came in the last few years under the biden administration. we know certainly a significant percentage. there's absolutely no doubt about that. china's our number one existential threat, at least now everyone is openly talking about it and maybe we can make some progress. maria: unfortunately, it is maybe too late because remember when the ccp was beginning all of its aggression and we were putting a spotlight on it, many in congress mostly your colleagues then on the left, the democrats, were russia, russia, russia, russia, trump colluded with russia, russia, russia. meanwhile, china was eating our lunch. i would like to know how many of them were being paid. i remember back in 2017 and 18
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talking with you and devin nunes about an investigation that was underway into communist china which devin nunes launched as well. add a p dam -- adam schiff and r colleagues on the left were all about russia. final word. >> on the issue of election interference you have nsa and fbi saying china is our greatest threat. we were saying that back in 2020 and again, what china is going to try to do is interfere in a way that keeps joe biden in the presidency because he's been very good to china. maria: is there anything we can do to stop that? >> yeah. everyone here needs to take stock of american leadership and needs to be changed. all of these things were talking about, maria, joe biden is never going to be like donald trump. americans want him to be more like donald trump. replace him with the original, donald trump in 2024. maria: john, it's good to see you this morning. thanks very much. john ratcliffe joining us this morning in texas. quick break, it's been one year
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since the toxic train derailment in ohio. kelly is on the ground right now. kelly. >> reporter: maria, we were speaking to residents this week about how life has changed. we're going to explain why they feel they've been forgotten, still ahead. the thrill seeke. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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maria: welcome back. well, president biden will finally visit east palestine, ohio this month, that's one year after the train derailment. fox business' kelly is live in east palestine right now you with more. kelly. >> reporter: good morning, maria. residents tell me that when the president visits there will still be reminders of what happened here, things as simple as a rainstorm serve as a reminder of what happened a year ago when the moisture makes the town smell like a paint factory. east palestine is a working class community and the residents here tell me that now they have health battles that they are enduring and they could endure for maybe five, 10 years down the line. the epa and local government told residents they were safe to return to their homes less than a week after the derailment and this did not sit right with dr. redr. rick sy.
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the epa says things are okay. he says it's not the case. now he's running for congress because he said east palestine has been forgotten and the president's year long wait to visit the site of the wreck. >> when i saw the injustice of the people that are living paycheck to paycheck, being displaced from their homes, the stories i would hear when i started helping people. >> reporter: norfolk southern is the major train company to agree to participate in a national train safety program, we're finding out this week, maria, we also have the statement from the epa that says they continually have been testing but residents say it's not enough. back to you. maria: kelly, thank you. i want to thank todd piro for joining us this morning. it's been great having you this morning. we'll see you soon. house ways and means committee chairman jason smith is here after the break.w ap back in a moment.
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