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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  September 6, 2023 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. larry: that's it for kudlow, than larry: that is it for "kudlow", thank you for watching folks. ♪. cheryl: good morning i am cheryl casone in for maria bartiromo. it is wednesday september 6, your top stories at 6:00 a.m. eastern. today features are to the
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downside. a big piece of the story you are seeing on your screen is the oil market. were watching was happening in oil, it is pulling back as russia and saudi arabia extend their supply cuts until the end of the year. yields on the two-year and the ten year also climbing for the second day and a row. what you need to know, that is coming up. taking a look at european markets right now, as you can see we have a few things going on in the european markets. they are on the reds, cac 40 is down, the taxes lower, not to each overnight. a mixed bag chinese real estate giant evergrande stock jumping 70% after developer country gardens managed to avoid default over there. as you can see a mixed story but the shanghai are actually in the green. here at home democrats are
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voicing concerns about president biden's electability as he faces criticism on the economy and worries about his age. new accusations of playing politics between ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy as voters watch the race for the gop nomination. former new jersey governor and presidential candidate chris christie plays out how he's faring and the hectic field he is here at 7:30 a.m. eastern. the house preparing a host of investigations as they return from recess nest enter next week including covid funding and possible interference of an interview with hunter biden which is a postop back in 2020. joining the conversation all morning long pollster in landscape lee carter and wealth management rebecca walser. "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪. cheryl: time for the hot topic of our fox news white house correspondent peter doocy grilling the biden administration from a claim from the new book the last politician that president biden fumed with friends that the staff treats him like a toddler. >> president biden is the oldest president in the u.s. history why does white house staff treat him like a baby. >> no one treats the president of the commander-in-chief like a baby. >> there is a book that says. >> that is ridiculous claim. >> a regime change in russia the president rather than owning his failure he fumed her friends how he was treated like a toddler.
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>> were not going to litigate those here and it's not something were going to speak to. cheryl: peter doocy also asking karine jean-pierre about voters concerned when it comes to biden's age heading into the 2024 presidential election. here's what she had to say. >> why do you think in wall street journal poll, two thirds of democrats think president biden is too old to run again. >> here's what i know here's what i speak to you i speak to a president has wisdom i. larry: a president has experience, i speak to a president who has done and taken historic action and has delivered and is stored pieces of legislation and that is important. cheryl: lee carter i want to get your reaction because obviously his age as we learned of the poll over the weekend is a big problem for president biden when
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it comes to voter opinion. >> it is a big problem and i think he has a number of problems not the least of which is age. he's very out of touch with it comes to the economy pretty says it's never been stronger and americans are saying that's not how i feel, when you see people in the media and others reacting saying how is it possible that trump and biden are neck and neck. when you look at the statistics, has economy gotten worse, 60% say it's gotten worse when you look age, people are very concerned about his age and fitness for office. when you look across the board the handling of foreign policy and immigration and when you go down the line people seem very concerned that this is the right person for the job. 65% of americans say they would like to see somebody else running for the democratic seat beside him and that's a really big issue not just because it could impact his candidacy but it could impact voter turnout for the left and people are
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enthusiastic about supporting the candidate the more likely to stay home and that can prove to be a big problem especially with the audience that he finds so important to spit on to specifically the women vote, the hispanic vote in the black vote. he lost significant support from where he won in 2020, hold onto every one of those in order to win. >> i can bring this to you as well, even the new york times has an editorial this is why so many americans are down on biden, the new york times and they say it's easy to see what is happening because a dozen eggs up 38% between january 2022 and may of this year, white bread 25%, whole chicken up 18%, his ratings on the economy are abysmal. >> rightfully so this is not economic policy i would pursue but what i don't like about the secretary's response to peter's question, she speaks to what she
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wants to speak to, that is her job, he's this this and this but they don't speak or explain to the republic why is 70 telling biden where to go and walking alongside. what is the mental. cheryl: why is he falling. >> they never address it treat the american people, cognitive dissonance only last so long, you say something is not right and you're not addressing and that's a problem. cheryl: we also have this former democratic arizona senator dennis who served with president biden when he was in the senate, he tells nbc news that the president is too old to run for reelection and then he also said the problem in my opinion is the democrats really have a problem if he did not run because vice president, the here is i don't think she could be elected were stuck with biden because of t that. >> is interesting but inner monologue become outer monologue because that's what a lot of people are thinking and i think nikki haley is tapped in the and she said a voting provided your
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voting for kamala harris and the only person right now in public office it was less popular than joe biden's kamala harris she is the lowest approval rating of any vice president and recorded pulling history. it is getting worse and worse. she has all the elements that you think would be winning. she is a woman. >> first female vice president. >> one of the issues that will drive a lot of folks as women's rights when you look at democrat in independent women say nine out of ten democratic women said one of the primary reasons they will vote is because of abortion and women's rights. she should be able to have a message and draw people in and she doesn't. cheryl: republicans are going to have to figure their messaging on that as well. that is a mix depending on the candidate. we are just getting started this morning. coming up congress teaming up
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for a slew of investigations when they return from recess next week missouri congressman mark albert breaks down from what we can see from the small business committee, that is coming up next. the big-money show brian brenberg is here our special guest panelists and the 8:00 a.m. hour, don't miss a moment of it, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ ♪ my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college, and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. the high interest... i felt trapped. debt! debt! debt! debt! so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with low fixed rates
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surprise visit this morning in kyiv, he is there right now he will be holding wheezing under meetings with ukrainian officials. he is announcing over a billion dollars in new funding for ukraine. house lawmakers are returning to washington next week. the government runs out of money october 1. a lot to go through i want to bring in mark all ford contravention alford. good morning. >> good morning how are you doing. >> i will start with the breaking news on anthony plunkett. this was a surprise visit we did not know about this but he is announcing a billion dollars in u.s. funding this is on top of the fact that president biden has asked for 43 billion weaponry and military aid to ukraine, you are in the house and you control the purse strings, your reaction. >> this is a clear picture of it administration that has gone amok we support ukraine to the
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feet russia and vladimir putin, what i don't support is unlimited spending congress authorized $113 billion, 67 billion to direct military assistance it is like a home equity line of credit. we've given the president authority to spend up to that amount. he spent less than half that what we've given him and now he's coming back asking that we give him more before we left to come back to the district it was 20.6 billion in aid to ukraine. now he wants to tie that to assistance for the folks and now we who were devastated and the folks in florida i think that is sad and sick. we need to keep the supper i'm not voting for anymore ukraine funding until he spends the money that we very allocated. cheryl: i think americans might agree with you, half of americans now oppose additional funding for ukraine. >> i'm not surprised, were in the southern part of her district on a townhall tour of
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12 different towns listening to people that's one of the top topics that comes up in our town hall meetings, why are we continuing to fund the ukrainian people in the ukrainian government and also the ukrainian military apparatus. were doing that because we don't want russia to win, i totally agree with that but once again if you read our editorial on the hill that we published last week, we've got to make sure that the money that we are the allocated is spent. it's very simple, then come back and ask for more. cheryl: let's talk about money that's been allocated, the house small business committee launching this investigation into the small business administration after a new report from the agency inspector general found that it overpaid a contractor millions of dollars for running covid pandemic loan programs. i asked the chair of the committee roger williams in texas congressman about this investigating covid fraud yesterday, listen to what they
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told me. >> is a guesstimate, basically guess on the amount of fraud that has been lost under this, can you give me a number. >> it's interesting you ask t that. when we have the administrator guzman and our small business committee we asked for that she could not provide us with an answer. >> the inspector general said 200 billion it may be 600 billion, the sba says it's 36 billion like it's trump change. one out of five of these loans were fraudulent and these are taxpayers money. we've got to get it back. cheryl: 600, that is an incredible number. it's probably higher. you remember the small business committee, what is your reaction. >> two buds ago we had the inspector general he was very cooperative and i fully believe he is not a republican but he wants to find this money that's been ripped off from the
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american taxpayers. and guzman refused to come testify. she sang 36 billion was involved in fraud and he saying over 200 billion per he has more investigative power so he was able to come up with the bigger number. the point is these are taxpayer dollars and we have to return it to the american taxpayer. cheryl: i have lee carter with the onset, go ahead. >> i understand this is a huge issue but how do you plan to get the money back. when you look at the way the american people view government, they don't trust the government to do right by them. 80% say the government is not here to fight for people like me they think the system is rigged to benefit the few not the many. this is, located. it is a great thing to see the monies going to get back to how is that possible and how can we make sure this doesn't happen again going forward with any kinds of allocations. >> that's a very good question i understand the frustration from
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you and on the part of the american people they have lost trust in the government and federal law enforcement agencies. we are leaving up to the inspector general to work with the programs in the sba to get this money back. he has investigative enforcement power for this. the small business committee as much as i like to i cannot knock on 70s door and demand that they give me whatever they ripped off from the taxpayer. let me assure you roger williams and i and other members of the committee will be working with inspector general who is fully cooperative to get the money back. >> the federal deficit is sitting at 1.4 trillion for fiscal year 2022, $600 billion is what congressman williams told me yesterday, he is ahead of the committee were definitely looking for more from this investigation as it moves forward when you all return next week. we look forward to seeing you. congressman mark alford.
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thank you. cheryl: we have a lot more coming up this morning the mask mandates coming back? one senator is working to make sure that that does not happen, that is making a buzz but first futures extending yesterday's loss, we lost a couple hundred yesterday, the dow done 39 this morning to the premarket investors have a close eye on the bond market and were watching oil we're going to talk about all of that when we come back. sho♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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a few moments ago are planning to extend oil production cuts through the end of the year. apparently vladimir putin and mohammed just finished up the phone call, that is breaking, that's bringing lpl technical strategist adam turnquist. here we are under the biden administration and were dependent on foreign oil not just the saudi's but the russian component which is more troubling than anything. your reaction. >> when we look at crude oil or wti it's too much too fast for the market to absorb running a day winning streak in predicated on the support from opec plus notably the saudis and russia extending the production cuts, that's an ongoing theme throughout the years since beginning of the spring and starting to shore up the supply side of the equation, on the
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demand side the recent report from the international energy agency highlighted the fact that were at record high use of oil hitting 103 million euros per day and add those together we have a tightening oil market and you can see that in the futures curve, you can clearly see that in price, were watching technically on wti i am from the bottom surpassing the area at $83, we think we can see 83, $97 oil in the next major area of resistance, i think the trend is up for wti. cheryl: that will add to gasoline prices. were coming off the labor day holiday where we hit new records for gas prices and here we go with this new news, the cut through december on the global scale. unfortunately it's all intertwined. we've been looking at yields this morning, were looking ahead to the federal reserve policy meeting that is coming up this month. as you can see the yield on the two-year and tenure are lower
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there's a new san francisco fed study finding the interest-rate hikes reduce potential economic output for at least 12 years, 12 years this as were coming off an unprecedented run-up in interest rates from the fed. >> not the news that we want to hear from san francisco fed but if you think about the study it's a pretty lame defect overall the 12 year time horizon. a 1% increase with decrease gdp by 5% over the 12 year period, however, i know they did not include a.i. or the impact of widespread a.i. into the study because it's relatively new. i would be curious to see how they would factor that in. if you think about the economy it's doing pretty well i would consider it resilient despite the fact that the fed raised rates to 5.5% since march of 2022 we saw that in the latest jobs report. now the market is looking at the
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economy and it seems to be a mix between the soft landing and hard landing a little bit more leaning towards a soft landing as we work our way through. cheryl: i like the soft landing expectation that your throwing out for obviously this quarter into the next year i want to bring in rebecca walser, we chuckled a little bit, the san francisco fed's research but who are we to criticize the san francisco fed. >> usually we see more oil prices escalating over having a great global manufacturing order up in servicing, everything is coming out look at s&p global numbers we are sequel global numbers and everything coming down it's interesting that were at a peak oil usage but i was reading economic analysis that we need a hundred dollars a barrel to support his economic project. i think this is more about what russia needs and saudi arabia needs and not so much where the actual demand is and it will create more inflationary
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pressure obviously. cheryl: that his economic story read we used to look at core cpi not as intensely as headline cpi that is food and energy and what americans are seeing and feeling and showing us in political polls and showing us that in their spending which seems to be pulling back a little bit, what do you say. >> absolutely, that is the real inflation when you're at the pump were buying airline tickets we saw a huge surge in summary travel that's been a big driver of crude oil and is not what the fed wants to see as they try to tackle the inflation battle we will continue to watch inflation for now is trending in the right direction and i think crude oil in the latest move it does raise the risk about the trajectory of inflation coming down to the fed's 2% target. cheryl: sectors i'm assuming energy on your radar as well you mentioned a.i. which is been the
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performer of the year and if you're looking at different sectors to invest in, what do you say? >> a.i. has been a big theme in the driver of the rally however, would you look at evaluation in that space it is definitely stretched, i think energy should be on investors radar we talked about crude oil breaking out impacting the energy sector and you can see that is starting to do well it's been a laker for most of the year end we've started to see increase in relative strength with the commodity components doing well. natural gas is also in the mix that i would consider and were starting to see that gas price move higher off the lot and we like the energy space into this fall we think it's a potential area where investors could pick up additional yield with the dividend yield in the adjustable dividend. cheryl: adam turnquist, thank you for being here. we appreciate it. we have a lot were coming up oversight committee chairman james comer is working what he's
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on recess subpoena and homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas for possibly interfering with a hunter biden investigation. what you need to know, that is coming up next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪
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and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at cheryl: he has committees going after cabinet members with a slew of new subpoenas. gerri willis has a detail.
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>> good morning, six subpoenas house oversight committee chairman james comer issued subpoenaed dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas along with several secret service officials wanting documents and testimony related to the hunter biden tax investigation. comer alleges the secret service tipped off the biden administration team back in 2020 about a planned interview with hunter biden that ended up never happening, this according to testimony from an fbi special agent, dhs denying claiming the congress obstructed the probe. the ongoing sag actors strike could cause warner bros. discovery to take a $500 million hit to earnings this year. this according to an exchange commission filing where the company cut its outlook and lowered its expected earnings between tended to half-billion and $11 billion. they attributable to million-dollar losses to the strikes themselves, the film and
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tv industry expected to see more than $3 billion in losses. now to the u.s. open, 20-year-old ben shelton upsets ten ranked francis in the battle of the american quarterfinal list, listen. what a shot. [cheering] >> shelton's stunning four set makes him the youngest to win since michael sheng way back in 1992. he will face novak djokovic for a spot in the finals tomorrow, as coco has her matchup against helena winning industry sets, the 19-year-old reaching her for semi-finals becoming the first american team to do so sent
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serena williams. fellow american madison keys after his match today. cheryl: were you there, did you go out. trump reporting from the field. here's what you need to know the honeydew is $22, that is me this is the littlest fan, isn't she adorable that is the championship, that's what you get if you win. >> reporting on inflation. >> yes $22. >> is that a way of trying to keep people from -- >> at the getaway of getting revenue and earnings. everything goes up in price even there but i did want to tell you the young fellow, amazing in the tournament yet 14 days but 11 double faults. cheryl: i cannot believe tfr was
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knocked out. did you smoke pot at the u.s. open apparently that's a big thing. i did not i know people got upset if i was an athlete i would not be happy about that. cheryl: apparently is wafting into court 17 from corona park outside of the stadium. >> corona park in circles, the entire area and there is a lot of criticism that people go to the u.s. open don't spend time in the neighborhood. it's a different crowd. cheryl: i know we have to go but all the drunk people in the stands. who's paying $22 per honeydew's, back to beer. >> i did not get one that is for damn sure. cheryl: t thank you very much. china banning central government agency officials from using iphones and other rented devices for work, china accounts for nearly 20% of apple's revenue. china reportedly preparing to
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launch a 40 billion-dollar government-backed investment fund to subsidize a semi conductor industry as the u.s. china chip were heats up, i want to bring in senior research fellow of naval warfare and advanced technology at the heritage foundation brett sadler. thank you good morning. >> good morning. cheryl: i want to start with the move with the iphone and the chinese government employees, did that surprise you? it seems like they would want to be connected as ever as they continue to try to steal u.s. secrets. >> it is not surprising u.s. government had been very careful about huawei phones for quite a while. so this is just the playback on the united states. but at the same time until very recently iphones were manufactured by foxconn in china but the production line is moving to places like india so there's less pressure or more if
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it is for the chinese to do this action but surprising it is not. cheryl: i want to ask you about a story that broke over the weekend is about the chinese nationals coming into our country and trying to gain access to military bases here. the defense department is trying to downplay the report from the journal. again they cited many instances, over a hundred of the chinese nationals that try to access the u.s. military bases, some successful and other sensitive sites. here's what the pentagon spokesman had to say yesterday, watch. >> a very small number of the controlled turnarounds were additional checks in a small warrant investigation. i would say these incidents are generally low level and so far none of them indicate espionage. cheryl: there is more breaking news this morning the journal is reporting that the pentagon is creating a.i. power tech drones, autonomous systems over the next couple of years to counter threats from china.
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your reaction to that? >> the first thing i think the response by the department of defense to downplay the incident by chinese nationals and some of which the most notorious was a vehicle from the chinese embassy in d.c. getting onto a sensitive base in virginia warrant special forces operate and train so to downplay and say things significant not connected espionage is not being honest and clear with the american people and also sent a very dangerous signal for the chinese that this activity can continue and most likely if it is not aggressively confronted in my end up in more dangerous and provocative attempts to get on our basis. in some of these there so sensitive there could be a use of deadly force and that's not something either capital wants to see happen. on the other point. >> please finish a thought.
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>> absolutely, i apologize for the time lag i'm a world away right now. it is interesting that you have the deputy secretary of defense kathleen hicks announced that the department of defense is going to try to rapidly expand unmanned platforms and some is driven by artificial intelligence to get a handle on the need to monitor vast spaces in space as well as on the sea and under the sea. it's a little too little a little too late, the navy specifically does not have the assets to cover a very rapidly expanded and globally operating chinese navy. it is good to hear but i'm not sure it'll be delivered on time. cheryl: i think it is interesting and i don't mean to interrupt you but i think it's so interesting you're of the opinion that the pentagon by coming on trying to downplay the chinese train to access hotels on military bases and scuba
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diving off the edge of other bases and trying to gain access to our facilities actually bold in china, the exact opposite. anyway i found that fascinating. i want to move on to the vice president, she is in indonesia today the southeast asian summit her trip is ahead of g20 which is in india, president biden leaves tomorrow to head out there, he scheduled to meet with india's prime minister friday and all of the big sessions are going to be happening over saturday and sunday. what are you expecting to come out of this, we know the chinese president xi jinping will not be going he is sending us arrogant. it seems there is an expectation from the white house that she should paying will be seen president biden on u.s. soil at some point but our relations with china are strained at best
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right now. >> yes. >> not surprising that the chinese would not send president xi or he decided not to go the economy is softening significantly and there have been series of purges with questionable circumstances most notably the leader and the ministry of foreign affairs and a general in charge of the chinese rocket forces and recently days ago the senior most pla officer in the military courts. there is a lot of interesting things going on, yet the brics summit were president xi did not show up to deliver a speech now he's pulling back from attending the conferences. there is an expectation that the g20 that china will be more actively engaged in financial assistance and economic involvement but it comes at a time when they cannot deliver and there's a lot of questions of their sustainability and things like the belton road
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initiative. it makes some sense that china would send the number two but it does not make a lot of sense that biden our president would not go, this follows a trend sending a signal to the indo pacific nations that it's not a top-tier priority. he has picked and chosen some of the places that he goes to like japan for the g7 but he skipped on a months long event on papa new guinea and shortchange the indians played in the regional economic event that they canceled to get president biden the chance to have the stage and papa new guinea only to pull out the rug from every one of the last minute. the signal is at the highest level in d.c. the indo pacific takes a second to other issues more pressing either domestic or in europe. cheryl: i think the signal to the chinese you fly over as many balloons you would like to over the united states. brent sadler, not sure where you are but thank you for joining us wherever in the world you are
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this morning. thank you. >> thank you very much. cheryl: a lot more coming up this morning. the mask mandates coming back? one senator is doing everything in his power to keep that from happening. that is making a buzz, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ts that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. ai has the power to generate solutions. but if it's using unverified data, it could generate problems. your business doesn't just need ai, it needs the right ai for your business. introducing watsonx: a platform designed to multiply output by tailoring ai to your needs.
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cheryl: time for the morning buzz, president joe biden bringing back mask mandates as first lady jill biden tested positive for covid-19 on monday. even though biden doesn't have covid help mask up in doors and around others as a precaution in the policy is facing backlash at schools are now forcing students to wear masks again ohio senator jd vance introducing the freedom to breed act that will crackdown on the ability by the federal government or commercial airlines to enforce mask mandates again, he joined fox news sean hannity yesterday. >> if you think back to the origins of the pandemic these guys used mask mandates and
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vaccine mandates to talk about the country as second-class citizens. this is coming back unless we stop it from happening. that's why i introduce the legislation and i will force the democrats to vote on it. if they say the mask mandates are not coming back then come to the senate floor, vote with us and say no more mask mandates let's make it bipartisan. cheryl: can you believe are in a place that we have to talk about legislating not having to cover our faces again after two plus years of being locked down thanks to covid. >> it's hard to imagine this is a place that we are in and i understand why joe biden might want to wear a mask. that is fine, that is his choice, let it be our choice. there are so many studies that masks are not effective so what happened to the whole message of following the science, are we not supposed to follow the science when it disagrees with what it is when you want to be perpetuating. in this case i think it's time let's get the masks off, people want to wear them, wear them, if you want to send your kids to
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school with them, you should have a right to do that but you should also have a right not to. there's plenty of studies that say there's no proof that it will help you. cheryl: i know several people in new york that cannot wait to put their masks back on covid was their super bowl but at the same time you have the school in d.c., this elementary school that will mask up all the kids again, the university of michigan is sending the guidance out and if you have covid in your own dorm room and you live by yourself you have to leave campus. it's gotten ridiculous at this point. >> i think people realize it's ridiculous and people want freedom and when you look at asia and they say everybody wear their masks and everybody masks up, that's a problem and that's what we see we want that level of control in america and it does not work for americans. cheryl: is going to work for the mask sellers and the drug companies that are putting on the new boosters, i think that's really interesting. i don't know you think this will
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become, we have 2024 around the corner will this become another political issue i think jd vance is ready to put down legislation. >> it's going to become a political issue again is it going to be as political as it was before i don't think the murky people stand for and certainly we've seen what happens with certain states. certain states say we will not allow this to happen. if this does become confronted center i think it will be of advantage of ron desantis and he gets back to his message of freedom in his message of keeping businesses open and his message of allowing kids to be kids all of those kinds of things rather than focus on somebody other things that has a losing ground he focused too much on woke wars fighting against companies and a lot of things that aren't most important to the american people. it'll be interesting to see i think it could help the republican candidates if it does become front and center because i don't think americans wanted and parents of young children are really going to really push
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back on this because it has a huge impact on them. cheryl: even senator rand paul is saying enough is enough especially for the children and he's been very vocal saying the science is not there into lee's point, it is not. even doctor anthony fauci even though he's retired refused to admit that masks were a mistake i don't think is ego can handle that even though he is a public e-mail saying mass don't protected psychological. that's in writing released. we have the data, let's get real be real and be honest with us, if you get a lightweight phase we are not going to believe you it is that simple. cheryl: it'll be interesting. rand paul says not of her children should be put back in masks, enough is enough. he even said in america not one healthy child died from covid, i repeat that not one, the number is 0 that is what rand paul said on fox news.
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>> it's really important that we not forget that. i think fear is a really powerful motivator and i think it's really important that we don't scare the american people and we stay levelheaded. we've been through an extraordinary amount over the last several years and we need leadership that's going to help us get through with hope and optimism and smarts. we don't need to be scared into doing things are going to help us. cheryl: we have a lot more coming up this morning. philadelphia crime crisis is so out of control in the police commissioner says peace out, jeff flock live in philadelphia with a lot more. good morning. >> good morning to you from philadelphia police headquarters, about to get a new boss. it's been tough and it's not easy being a police officer. we will have the full story when we come back in just a moment. ♪
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7:00 am
cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, i'm in for maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, it is septembee east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. philadelphia's police commissionernn


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