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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 6, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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like fighting with a frock of sea -- flock of seagulls. larry: yes, ma'am. elizabeth: good with to see you, larry are. tonight president biden in south carolina after former president trump went there but with bigger crowds this past weekend. and economists the wall street probes, official officials not buying biden's economic claims. with us only the, senator ron johnson, missouri attorney general andrew bailey, donald luskin, miranda divine, fox news contributor liz peek, journalist michael shellenberger and white house reporter phil wegmann. top republicansen recently alarmed, biden's power grid rules could trigger blackouts. biden's rules also are an x-ray blanket on the u.s. we've got the analysis there. and where are the white house calls to prosecute whomever left can cocaine in the west wingsome why the tepid response there? and president biden is keeping
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hunter biden close as scandals mount. we've got new developments. and the biden white house now not giving up on manipulating social media. they're not going to give up without a fight after a judge blocks the white house contact with social media over, quote, orwellian censorship. i'm liz macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: okay, let's get right at it. president biden again falsely claimed the u.s. is in a manufacturing boom today. ism and s&p global say u.s. manufacturing is in a recession. the reason it's not an even deeper manufacturing recession is because the president is spending your money on chips and green energy. and his $6 trillion in spending is causing a wage recession because of inflation. but the the president says give him four more years when more than 7 out of 10 voters say the u.s. is headed in the wrong
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direction urn this white house. grady trimble is live at the white house with more. grady. >> reporter: hi, liz. the president spoke for about 20 the minutes at that manufacturing facility in south carolina touting new green energy jobs. here's how he described the manufacturing boom he says we are in the midst of. >> we have attracted a half a trillion dollars, $497 billion, in private investment in american manufacturing. both here and around the world. it's historic. it's bidenomics in action. instead of exporting jobs to cheaper labor costs, what we did for decades, we're creating jobs here. >> reporter: so that's bidenomics, he says. but the economic picture is a little more complicated. the markets drop todayed today -- dropped today after the adp jobs report showed the private sector added nearly half a million jobs in june. that's more than double what economists expected and a sign
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the fed might have to keep raising interest rates to cool the hot job are market and keep reducing inflation. the report also reveals the manufacturing sector lost 4 2,000 jobs last month -- 42,000. so while the president is touting bidenomics, republicans are giving it a different definition. they says the big government that is bad for business. >> in this environment it is almost impossible to start a business because of the cost to just get moving down the road. trying to find people, trying to comply with the mountain of regulations that are there, it's actually working against you. >> reporter: the latest fox news poll found that 60% of americans disapprove of president biden's handling of the economy. so, liz, the polling anticipates that he's trying to -- indicates that he's trying to sell bidenomics to a nation of skeptics. liz?
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elizabeth: grady trimble, great reporting, as always. let's welcome back to the show liz peek and donald luskin. first to you, liz. biden goes to south carolina. 50,000 showed up for former president trump's rally in south carolina this past weekend. that's more than double the seating capacity of madison square garden. what did you make of biden today, liz peek? >> oh, look, i think he's just e trying to promote bidenomics across the country, and i guess it's a good defense is a strong offense, liz, because as we discussed, the polling is absolutely horrible on joe biden's economic program. the most amazing thing to me is if you look at a recent economist poll, the people most unhappy with this president is the middle class. and he goes everywhere and talked about -- talks about the bottom up, the middle out, etc., but those people are giving him worse marks on his economy than anybody else. and i think you really kind of come back to the number one concern of voters continues to
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be inflation. because, yes, the rate of inflation has come down, but everybody knows prices are not going down. real wages are going down for 26 straight months. americans aren't stupid. they know that they're worse off than they were under president trump. elizabeth: yeah. to what liz was saying, donald luskin, it's good to have you on too. biden has the worst polls in modern u.s. history dating back to the truman era. what liz is saying, middle and blue collar workers are making less money after inflation, it's about 15%, 16% inflation under biden. what do you think, donald luskin? >> i think this is the same president who executed an utterly humiliating, disastrous humanitarian satisfy in the way he withdrew from afghanistan and then stood in front of the american people and said this was the most brilliantly executed maneuver in american
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history. so he's just getting wheeled from venue to venue telling people that this horrible economy in which they're losing purchasing power every day is the greatest economy they've ever seen. and the kind of audiences he get, there haven't very many people in them, but i'm pretty sure they're hand selected to just nod their heads and agree with that stuff because they don't care about the economy. they don't even care about a joe biden. all they care is it's not donald trump. elizabeth: when biden took office, inflation was 1.4%. the fed is cutting back on money printing and raising rates, that's trying to take a dent out of inflation. it's still sticky high. and it's not because of biden policies that core inflation may be trending down. listen to him touting spending your money on infrastructure and green energy. watch this. >> and today in new york we're investing a record billion dollars to renew the hudson tunnel. you walk through that tunnel, it was built a hundred years ago. it's falling apart.
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you'll be able go through it 100 miles an hour instead of 30 miles an hour. you're going to hear about the deficit. i cut the deficit $1.7. trillion in two years. nobody's ever done that. [applause] [inaudible] has grown at the fastest pace in two decades. elizabeth: you know, all those three things were false. nobody wants to go 100 miles an hour true the holland tunnel. [laughter] liz peek, did he cut the deficit? >> no, he has not cut the deficit. this is where he gets into the bottomless pinocchios even from the washington post, liz. and the deficit is up enormously over last year, it's about double where we were pre-pandemic. look, everything, as you say, about those comments is complete malarkey, to use his order word. and i don't really think the american people are buying it. it's atrocious. when someone, you know, to go back to don's comment, when someone passes a bill called the inflation reduction act that has
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nothing to do with reducing inflation, you know, it kind of begins to wear on your credibility. and i think he has none. elizabeth: yeah. the deficit is because pandemic spending expired. more than double, it's more than double that,s more than double that in the last 20 yearses. that's more than the gdp of south korea. jason furman, top obama economist, says the u.s. is lagging between south korea, sweden and australia. final word, donald. >> well, look, it's all that stimulus spend spending on top of trump's stimulus spending that created this inflation. inflation is economic cancer, and it starts from the bottom up. it's the least among us who can least afford to pay these inflationary prices for hamburgers and milk shakes. and mark my words, joe biden -- if still around -- he's going to pay for this at the ballot box next november.
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elizabeth: donald, liz,thanks for joining us. joining us now, congressman pat fallon. congressman, if this white house is such a success as the president keeps trying to claim, why is he doing a basement campaign strategy? scripted speeches and events, no press conferences but still a lot of blunders. this is out of the norm for an incumbent. >> well, liz, you just heard him say we're going to drive 100 miles an hour through the hudson tunnel? he's barely able to i nonesuate a sentence -- enunciate a sentence. by good friend dr. ronny jackson was talking about, he needs to take a cognitive test because i don't think he's honestly capable -- i don't like his policy, but i don't think he's capable of running the the government, never mind walking down the street, liz. elizabeth: where are the white house calls to prosecute whoever left cocaine in the white houses? now the white house is changing its story. now apparently it was found outside, near a west wing entrance near the situation room
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near where the vice president parks her car. i mean, the white house is being criticized for a really tepid response and little outrage are. the issue about cocaine at the white house is this: it's dangerous for the president's already bad, bad polls. the public sees this white house as a free-for-all bashing norms. what do you think? >> liz, you have to think about the fact that somebody that's eau very close to the president compromised. is and we already know that hunter biden -- [inaudible] so did he relieve his bag behind and full of proud orer? it really literally could be hunter biden's cocaine. i don't know that to be true, but karine jean-pierre was saying initially it was found near where there's visitors and things like, you know. it's not true at all. it was found in a very secure area inside the west wing where people work. so this is a huge story. it makes me, again, very sad. but, you know, people gotta get out of this. elizabeth: so we're supposed to be okay with cocaine at the white house, with the president telling aides according to "the new york times" not to
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acknowledge hunter biden's daughter with london roberts, we're supposed to be okay with hunter biden deducting on his tax returns costs for prostitutes and drug's ca pads -- escapades in hotel rooms. watch the white house take this on. watch this. >> reporter: there was a story in "the new york times" over the weekend about hunter biden's daughter in arkansas. does the president acknowledge this little girl as hissed from? >> i don't have anything to share from here. >> reporter: would the president be satisfied with, sure, this is a busy room and we we found some cocaine? we don't know who brought it? >> let's see what secret service says, right? >> reporter: how determined is the president to get to the bottom of who brought discussion to the white house? >> the president thinks it's very important to get to the bottom of this. elizabeth: it's outrageous that there's cocaine at the white house. critics say this is abnormal. it's also ab a normal and cruel for this president to have never met his granddaughter telling aides not to the acknowledge her as "the new york times" reports.
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this is hunter biden's seventh -- excuse me, daughter. this is the president's seventh grandchild. why won't he acknowledge her in. >> it goes to strength of character. you have seven grandchildren, joe biden, and he says he has six. they're just trying to always lock away hunter's sins. $8.3 million in income he doesn't pay taxes on, oh, he should get probation. wesley snipes got 3 years. he should be looking at about 4-5 years in prison considering also he has a gun charge, but yet again we're seeing a two-tiered justice system where if you're left of center and close to power, you get to skate. it's ridiculous. elizabeth: the other thing ooh too is we've got to that talk -- let's revert back to what we were discussing at the top of the hour. congressman, with liz peek and donald luskin, we've got to return to this: the president claimed falsely we're in a manufacturing boom. we're not. we're in a manufacturing recession according to ism is
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and according to s&p global. we've got to turn to this energy story. we've got senate energy ranking member senator john rahs sew and shelley moore capito in senate environment saying to the ferc, listen, you, what the biden white house is doing to the power grid could trigger blackouts. and at the same time, congressman, we've got china saying, you know what? china is now buying enough liquid natural gas to last for three decades. china is saying liquid natural gas is the clean energy choice. where a's the white house on that? [laughter] >> well, they're living in orbit around neptune, liz. i mean, that's the fact of the matter. the united states has done exceptionally well over the last 25 the years in reducing our carbon footprint. we've reduced it by almost 25%. china has increased theirs by 300%. natural gas is a clean energy, but now they have some lollly pops and rainbows and unicorns plan to we're all going to go electric not understanding,
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first of all, how you're going to generate that electricity. it's going to -- you can't -- the grid can barely handle what we have now. can you imagine 100 million cars drug on that grid? they have no plan, they're just constantly catering and pandering to their left-wing base. elizabeth: this will be a kitchen table election. this election will be about people's pocketbooks and their wallets. now i see cnn and msnbc still reporting on trump. we understand the issues with the former e president. we understand the the cases, we've reported on that. but what's uppermost now according to voters in the polls is the economy. they don't like this economy at all. >> no. the economy has suffered greatly under joe biden, and president trump for four years we had a great economy right up until the pandemic. and, you know, that was something that was unprecedented in history. we need to implement those kind of policies, and right of center policies actually work and prosper. people vote with their feet. california, new jersey, new york, illinois, they're losing population. the texas and florida are
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booming, why? because we have low taxes, reasonable regulation and, you know, free -- economic freedom. elizabeth: got it. congressman fallon, thanks for joining us. okay, this story, president biden is reportedly keeping hunter close as scandals mount. new developments there. plus, the biden white house is not giving up, manipulating social media without a fight after a judge blocks white house contact with social media finding, quote, orwellian with censorship. this is the same kind of court fight the white house has waged over things like covid mandates. those fights failed. the story coming up. ♪ i was told my small business wouldn't qualify for an erc tax refund. you should get a second opinion from innovation refunds at no upfront cost. sometimes you need a second opinion. all these walls gotta go! ah ah ah! i'd love a second opinion.
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transferring your services has never been easier. get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. elizabeth: look who's back with us, the attorney general of motorcycle andrew bailey. sir, it's good to have you back on. this censorship lawsuit that your state and the state of louisiana led e the charge on, now the white house is appealing judge terry dowdy's ruling blocking white house officials from contact with social media. there's major censorship allegations here. the media's say, no, no, no, this is about removing falsehoods about covid is vaccines is and about the vote. what do you find -- where do you come down on this? >> well, we're not going to let joe biden destroy free speech in america. this has never been about truth,
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it's always been about power. the white house wants to control what we should and shouldn't with saying on big tech social media, and that's why this -- elizabeth: what did you find? sorry. what specific examples did you find about the white house pushing censorship on social media? >> well, specifically i could point out to 20 the -- 20 the ,000 pages of discovery, the numerous depositions. there's ea an e-mail exchange between march and may of 2021 where the director of digital strategy in the communications department is specifically targeting anyone who expresses hesitancy about the vaccine, and the white house demands that those posts be removed. specifically a tomi lahren post, tucker carlson. those are just some examples, but it's gone well oncovid. if it was just covid, why are they fighting the injunction? the pandemic has ended according to the white house, so why not allow this wall of separation? someone needs to hold the white house accountable and ask hard questions about why they don't want that separation, why they want to continue what the court
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has found to be a dystopian scenario, an orwellian attack on the first amendment. elizabeth: you know, the plaintiffs, your side found that the white house was manipulating and censoring information about even gas prices, the economy, about the dangers of covid vaccines. can you imagine the number of people out there who did not get that information, got a can covid vaccine and didn't realize it creates myocarditis, things like blood clots and more? is that what you're finding? >> absolutely. every single instance of suppression of free speech on big tech social media at the bee he's of the biden white house turned out to be true. but it also is a violation of our constitutional rights. the whole idea of the first amendment is to have an uninhibitedded marketplace of the free exchange of ideas. uninhinted from government interference. i would go beyond manipulation, i would say it's a relationship of coercion and collusion, and it's gotten so big9 that the white house9 and the federal government had to create a new bureaucratic apparatus to manage it. this is dangerous stuff. the court identified it as much,
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and what a great way to celebrate our nation's birthday than to start building this a wall of separation between tech e and state. elizabeth: it's striking when you go out in the world, you talk to people who don't watch fox business or fox news don't get what the information is out there. they're just not getting the information. and it's like we're in two different worldingses. i mean, some in the media and the white house are taking this over the top, apocalyptic tone. they're trying to claim free speech is only a conservative ideology, that justice dowdy is an activist judge. he's not. he's sticking to the constitution. watch the media a reaction. >> but if you look at the substance of the lawsuit, there's actually some merit there. we don't want the government tell deeing social media companies what they can and can't do, but it's trick tricky because the government does work with cooperatively with social media companies. >> i think the judge's decision goes too far. we're in the press, we're always used to people from the government saying, hey, don't print that. government has to have right to
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have its own free speech to the push back when they see things on social media they think are dangerous. >> but the idea a that the government can't have any communication with these social media companies, i don't think is really a world that we would want to live in. elizabeth: none of this is giving the viewer the information about exactly what was going on. nothing in this order stops the government to put out information. no one's trying to side with the government. it's about the government silencing citizens. i mean, we see the twitter files, the biden white house. the governor's actually threatening and intimidating social media to block and ban and censor and to deplatform: even joke tweets about the president. they threatened legal consequences, they threated a break-up of companies, you know, talking about not approving new mergers or removing the liability shield from lawsuits from section 230. they're talking about regulating social media like utilities because they didn't get what they want. how can dr. fauci, the the cdc and the sun general think --
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surgeon general think they have the right to censor? you till can get covid even if you're vaccinated, that's dr. fauci 's study. >> yeah, absolutely. mine, look, at the edge of the day it's not only unlawful, it's counterproductive. the whole purpose behind the constitution so to protect us from the government, and look at the speech that was censored. it was only conservative voices. biden's trying to silence opposition. that is exactly what george orwell wrote about in the book "1984" and what the court picked up on in its ruling. so that's why this separation is so important, to protect americans' right to dissent on big tech social media platforms. we have a right to free speech. this isn't just government trying to coordinate with social media to protect us, this is government silencing opposition. elizabeth: right. americans deserve the truth. americans need truth. not government truth. that's what this whole story's about. missouri attorney general andrew bailey, thanks for joining us. we hope to have you back on again soon. >> thanks for having me on. elizabeth: new worries and concerns that facebook has its
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new app to take on twitter, it's called the threads app, that it too is already censoring on that app? after the uproar over censorship on twitter? is and we have got "the new york post" columnist miranda can devine, president biden is keeping hunter biden close with scandals mounting. new developments there. stick right there. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ for moms, from centrum. ♪ this new mom ♪ ♪ here i go ♪ ♪ i am strong and brave i know ♪ ♪ with a little time for me ♪
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elizabeth: joining us now, post columnist and author miranda devine. miranda, so great to have you back with on. so we're hearing the president's keeping hunter biden close. what are you expecting from this house judiciary hearing this coming wednesday with fbi director christopher wray? there's a lot of problems with what went on with whistleblowers saying the bureau's politicized? >> hi, kennedy. look, i'm not expecting much from christopher wray, he's very
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practiced at going before these oversight committees and just stonewalling, and, you know, putting off questions and saying he'll answer a them later and being generally smarmy. i mean, memorably i think last year, if you'll remember, he told chuck grassley he had to leave early, and it turned out he was using the fbi jet to his holiday home inside ad a ron damages. i don't think christopher wray's on top of what's going on, and he doesn't want to know what's going on in terms of the cover-up and the scandals inside if fbi. elizabeth: what are the latest developments there? because we're hearing that bank records, house oversight is getting, biden family made at least $40 million from overseas deals and basically took in at lot of money from china as china was pushing its belt and road initiative around the world. >> yeah, exactly. and i think that's what james
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comb or and the oversight committee is doing a good job of, and it's a painstaking job, and that's just amassing these suspicious activity the reports that the treasury department has when these transactions go through and then finding those bank records and putting them out to the public and then trying to trace all the money and figure out how much there was, where it went, how it went there and is there any hidden money. i think's very important. -- i think that's very important, and it just doesn't grab the headlines. but the other thing they're also doing now that the republicans have control of the house is they have just an avalanche of whistleblowers and other evidence that's coming in with these more allegations pertaining to bribery and the biden family. and so whether it be china or ukraine or russia or to wherever. and we already had the irs whistleblower gary shapley with some bombshells and 11 exhibits. we're expecting in the next week
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or so devon archer who was hunter biden's best friend in business. he will be testifying, and he has a lot to say is, a lot to say or particularly about joe biden's involvement. and there are other whistleblowers, i understand, that have come forward with similarly damning evidence, evidence that is as powerful, as potent as the ed that gary shapley provided -- evidence. elizabeth: let's watch chair comer on the bribery allegations against the president and hunter biden. >> we're up to six banks now, jason, and we're going to have an announcement hopefully next week. more findings, more disturbing findings that we've found. bank records are don't lie. we're hoping that, treasury will give us access to more bank violations that we believe would have information on the potential bribery charges that were alleged in the fbi documents. devon archer will be the first person that was involved in the
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hunter biden business dealings or whatever you want to call them. he'll be the first person that we deposed, and we have a list of who's who that were involved in the biden organization that we plan on deposing throughout the summer. elizabeth: miranda, what's really interesting is what's being called the sweetheart deal that the doj gave hunter biden over his tax evasion and gun case, basically it gives credence to the irk rs whistleblowers who say, yeah, he's getting preferential treatment at the irs and doj. there's that, but you point out something interesting, you know? house oversight has written to, apparently, rob walker, hunter biden's association, saying he's got to testify and give information. he distributed, reportedly, about a million dollars out of china to at least three of president biden's relatives. so when you see stuff like that coming in, again, this is. >> cesc paying $100,000 a month to hunter, $65,000 to uncle jim biden in exchange for pushing china as a belt and road
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powerhouse around the world? >> that's right, liz. i mean, at the beginning of that investigation into momentummer biden back in 208 -- into momentummer biden back in 20 # 18, they were look at money laundering and farah violations. there's certainly tons of financial records showing that something untoward was going on that is above and beyond the couple of misdemeanor tax charges and the deferred, you know, prosecution on the gun. elizabeth: got it. miranda, it's good to have you on. >> the thanks, liz. elizabeth: okay. we've got this, this is a way to check out whether or not yourty's in trouble. we have a number of real estate indicators that people are using to see if liberal policies are going to destroy a city like san francisco. the downtown is now being with called a wasteland. and we've got this new development, new concerns that already facebook's new app,
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threads, that's supposed to take on twitter could be doing censorship after the uproar on twitter. with us next a journal who's raising that issue, he broke the twitter files story, a lot of them. he is michael shellenberger. we're excited to have him on coming up next. ♪ ♪ on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, ♪ ♪ but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too.
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elizabeth: well, look who's here, journalist and author, he worked on the twitter fileing broke a lot of stories there. michael shellenberger. facebooks has this new app to take on twitter, it's called threads. but you're finding this threads app is already censoring users with no avenue or way to appeal? what's going on? >> well, right. i mean, when mark zuckerberg, the owner of meta, facebook, threads and whatsapp, announced threads, he said it would be a free and open platform. right away there were users who show is they'd been censored. i myself when i tried to follow those users, they were
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censored -- elizabeth: why were they censored? >> these are folks, one of them wrote someone actually had sued the social media companies for his censorship because he express frommed election expressed election skepticism. that's the whole point of free speech, is that it's for everybody, not just people who we agree with. i did respond to mark zuckerberg on threads. he did not reply to me. we've tried to get in touch with facebook for years now, they will not respond. this is secretive, and this is no right of appeal. no way for anybody who's being censored on hose platforms make their case and and to try to * off the blacklists. -- off the blacklists. elizabeth: so this is going to be a big story in the days ahead. this is the not going to go away, michael. >> that's right. look, we had on july 4th this incredible, historic ruling for free speech by a federal judge ordering the biden administration to stop pressuring social media
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companies to censor. one day later there's mark zuckerberg up with threads that's censoring users and doing so secretly without right of course. think -- recourse. i think it's time for congress to act. yes, they're private companies, but if they don't -- section 230 # protections from liability should come with a requirement that they be transparent about the decisions they're making and give the people that they're censoring the right of appeal. elizabeth: yeah. >> i mean, look, facebook and met that are, it's a massive conglomerate. if they succeed, they're going to have 80% of social media networking market outside of china and russia. elizabeth: yeah, you know, and also zuckerberg's charitable foundation did a lot of work on the election. so if they're anywhere near to censoring any debate about what goes on with our elections, that's a danger zone for mark zuckerberg. airbnb. rentals, so you're from san francisco. you wrote about problems of san francisco.
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there's a lot of misinformation about democrat and liberal policies ruining cities. we're seeing these real estate indicators that will tell viewers and people out there when a city is going downhill. look at what the airbnb rentals in san francisco, hotel bookings, rental prices are down, office vacancy rates plunging, you know? people don't want to go to san francisco. what do you make of this story? >> well, look, i mean, there's -- as you said, there's actually a lot of misinformation about this story. people say they claim it's because of the high rents. it's not. it's because, first of all, the current mayor demanded the defunding of police. the police are demoralized. there are 540 police officers short. there's open air drug dealing, open air drug markets, open air drug use that's taken over much of downtown san francisco. the businesses are leaving. the nordstroms is leaving, old navy, all of the big with tourist kind of stores that people have downtown that you expect to go to, families don't
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want to come. it's terrifying downtown san francisco. so it's understandable that tourists are staying away. elizabeth: got it. michael shellenberger, you're terrific. we want to have you back on again soon. >> god to be with you. -- good to be with you. elizabeth: okay, this story the, president biden, he did follow former president trump with a trip to south carolina. but look at that, he drew far fewer crowds. trump pulled in crowds twice the capacity of madison square garden. plus, a major setback coming up to the dei movement. we're going to talk to senator ron johnson about all of this. let's check in first with dagen and sean, they've got a hot hour coming up on "the bottom lewin." sean: it's going to be exploding here in just about 17, 18 minutes. we have "fox & friends" weekend cohost will cain, also doing the 8 p.m. hour tonight on the fox news channel. dagen: and charlie hurt will be -- it's a book end of sorts. charlie hurt, he will cover everything from mark levin's new book, is it in target or not?
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elizabeth: welk look who's back with us, senator ron johnson from senate budget. it's good to see you again,
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senator. talk to us how you and other lawmakers are asking the office of special counsel to investigate and punish government officials retaliating against irs whistleblowers on the hunter biden cases? >> well, elizabeth, senator grassley and i together with james comer or and jim jordan have written to the office of special counsel and asked them to investigate these allegations of whistleblower retaliation. i come from the private sector. i've been shocked at how much retaliation occurs true the federal government and how these agency heads and supervisors get away with it. literally, it is shocking. the private sector the will be sued out of existence, but because the federal government has immunized itself against these things, it just continues. and the biden administration is doing everything they can to retaliate against them, trying to do it urn the radar screen to send a very clear signal against others if you want to retire
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with your pension, continue to get promotions, do not tell until congress and the american people the truth. but, elizabeth, we need people with integrity that want to restore integrity to their agencies now more than ever. elizabeth: yeah, it's important. i mean, irs and government whistleblowers, we've been hearing about them for some time with these issues under this administration. this white house is all about transparency, but yet we've got government officials shutting it down by attacking whistle blowers. that's not a good look. >> this white house is all about a saying they're for transparency but doing the the exact opposite. this is a wallace administration. let's face it, president biden after, in the last session e when the supreme court rulesed that the moratorium on evicting renters was unconstitutional, he just shrugged his shoulders and said we're going to to continue with the moratorium.
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now he gets a ruling against his student loan forgiveness, and he's got another unconstitutional scheme up his sleeve and announces that the next day. could not care less about constitution -- elizabeth: and this is a man, this is -- >> it's all about power. elizabeth: this is a man who ran senate judiciary, chair of it, and he's been in d.c. since the nixon era. we've got to move on to this. this is about telling people how to think and what to do. we've had this major set back for the diversity, equity and inclusion movement. your democratic governor of your state of wisconsin, tony e wards, he just signed legislation effectively defunding dei in universities. what do cow make of this story? >> well, apparently, he's going to keep these offices open though. he'll circumvent the will of the legislature here in wisconsin, if he'll continue with this dei initiative. elizabeth, i think most
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americans embrace martin luther king's call to judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. we made great strides in country. we ought to celebrate that conclude the -- success, whether it's critical race theory, dei, this is their technique anemic of selling their support in identity politics that the other side, republicans late them so they hate us. they are the ones, democrats are sowing the division and hate in this country. it's got to end because i think right flow the the greatest threat we face. elizabeth: yeah. ap says we're more polarized than ever. we've been whip sawing back and forth in polarization since the mid '90s, so how does this stop? 40 to -- the how do you bring more transparency under this white house that routinely, continues to this day even if south carolina, misleads america. how do you keep getting at the truth?
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>> well, we keep dig doing, we keep investigating, we keep exposing the truth. now, i don't know whether you'll ever provide enough evidence in the main treatment meet ya to come clean. they're a bunch offed rah call leftists hard going to support president biden. we just teed to keep up bringing more and more evidence, and let's face it senator grassily and i hate out all evidence that we would yield. we're going to probably need, we'll need a mobiling gun on joe biden. elizabeth: got it. senator johnson, thanks for joining us. we're staying on the story about how president biden went to south carolina after former president trump went there this weekend. the president did draw smaller crowds today, and he made some whoppers. we're going to dig into it more coming up.
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liz: who is back with us "realclearpolitics" white house reporter phil wegmann. pleasure having you on. president biden in south carolina made some whoppers. claims in manufacturing boom. ism, s&p global says, no we're in manufacturing recession, that is going on 10 months straight.
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>> what the president want to do here clearly tout his economic agenda. what is in the inflation reduction act which a lot of critics talked about spearheaded a lot of this inflation. a lot of talk we heard from south carolina, not his plan is complete, essentially saying to american voters give him more time things will turn around. but i don't have to tell you voter patience is growing thin. liz: the reason we're not in deeper manufacturing recession because the president and democrats passed the chips act to spend more on chips and spent six trillion dollars you know, trillions of, billions of hundreds of billions going to green energy. that is causing a wage recession, after inflation, phil, you know this, inflation is up 16% under this white house all in, that is hitting peoples wages, blue and middle class workers. >> we were told this inflation would be transitory. certainly hopes springs eternal
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that the fed can achieve that soft landing and avoid a pretty deep recession. i think what we're going to see in the coming month is both republicans and democrats arguing over which policy did what but frankly here the white house knows the president's approval ratings are underwater, in "realclearpolitics" average just 42% of the american electorate approving of the job he is doing. obviously that started two years ago with afghanistan withdrawal but the reason why they have not rebounded is because of the economy. there is deep pessimism. voters are frustrated with inflation. bloomberg reported in the last couple of years middle class wealth has been wiped away bit tune of two trillion dollars. speech here and there that is not going to satisfy voters. they will want to see results. liz: how can he go into the presidential debates when he is not going to face primaries? when he is not having press conferences? when he is doing a basement
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strategy with scripted events, scripted speeches, scripted questions from, list of reporters will ask the questions? how will he handle all of this in debates? >> my bias is towards more access clearly. i would love if the white house would schedule a press conference for tomorrow to have the president there to answer all of our questions but it is something that we're very interested in. how is president biden going to stand up and defend his record against whatever republican nominee comes his way? and i think that whoever gets the nomination they're going to be pointing to his record. he will have to defend it. they will be real world examples for republicans to point to. liz: doesn't work just yelling at reporters. he will have to answer the questions. have to be ready. doesn't look like they're preparing him. phil wegmann. thank you. time to give it over to daigh again and sean. jackie: thanks so much, emac


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