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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 23, 2023 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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ex straiextraordinarily sensiti, the response too often had been that we were isolated. your thoughts here? obviously the fbi has been sitting on the biden laptop which was rich with information since 2018. >> yeah. and by all reports the strongest part of this case are the criminal tax charges and so if you don't have irs cid agents working a case or you take them off the case, that obviously hamstrings the investigation and we're seeing these decisions being made from very high up at the department of justice. it's been reporting that even memerrick g garland has taken an interest in the hunter biden investigation. the fact that there's by all accounts interference in the investigation, the slowing down of the investigation, trying to run it past any stat chute of limitation -- statute of limitations bar i vees is very
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concerning and should not be accepted. maria: is merrick garland on the hook for this? could get impeached or will they do nothing? >> we need to get to the bottom of this. if they're calling the shots and taking resources away from this investigation that ultimately would lead to the indictment, it's really concerning and we have to get to the bottom of this. maria: it sure is. thanks very much for weighing in. matt whitaker. the next hour of "mornings with maria" begins right now. maria: and it is time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me a right now is laffer tangler investments president, art laffer junior and strategic resource group managing director. burt, great to see you. joining stacy and myself this morning. i want to get your take on the issues of the day. we've got a death ceiling negotiation so far no deal. we've got evidence of a rough or
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mixed bifurcated season for retail. burt, let's weigh in on that. lowe's reported a double he beat this morning for the first quarter earnings but it cut its full year sales forecast. dick's sporting goods earnings crossing right now, reporting a double beat on earnings and revenue. lowe's is down 1 and-a-half percent. dick's sporting goods up almost 3%. your reaction to what we're seeing in retail, burt. >> market reaction at lowe's is better than home he depot and lowe's has great leadership and a lot of fantastic management -- great management team that's all alums mostly of home depot. great initiatives across canada, great initiatives across the u.s. lowe's is stronger with women, women make 80% of all purchase decision, either make them or influence them. home depot is better with pros, lowe's is winning with women. lowe's is a double beat and
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lowe's is down less today than home depot was when we reported a week ago. dick's, doing a fantastic job. double credit to dick's because one of the worst categories according to the u.s. department of commerce, double negatives last month and year over year with sporting goods and electronics and lowe's is really eclipsing that so real credit to lauren and her team. maria: stacy, jump in here. >> maria, we know discretionary is coming in because people are spending so much more on basics here but burt, maybe you can talk about this. because i want to know what happens when inflation really starts coming down. we've seen even deflation in things like lumber to the tune of 50%. but lowe's and a home dehe poe are not passing that -- depot are not passing that onto the customer. what we've seen is when prices go up they stay up even when costs of goods come down. retailers can't pass it on because revenues come down.
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how do consumers get a break when inflation comes down. >> you're asking the key question. we call it the country western song, another day of work, another day deeper in debt. that's the consumer. the consumer is seeing the inflation as you're presently pointing out and not getting a break. there's a debt ceiling in washington. but there's a debt ceiling for 99% of consumers, two thirds or about 166 million living paycheck to paycheck and they're going to dollar stores and buying for the day's need and not necessarily buying for big projects and full baskets the way they were a year or two ago. maria: i mean -- go ahead. >> we've heard all these excuses, weather, tax returns are down, how much is -- foot locker talked about the fact that even when they're having new drops and fresh product, the consumer is not showing up in the way they were. how much of this is weather and
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excuses versus the consumer truly getting hit by these headlines that are just nonstop? >> weather is a reasonable reference as fox weather's new channel is reporting, the weather systems are converting from la nina to el nipo, so tough weather system, that will be good for home depot, lowe's, tractor supply and a number of companies maria and a team are reporting well. on the other hand, it's just a consumer that's running out of cash. the credit card debt is getting higher and the country's really at a crossroads going into the election next year and the economy's going to determine who people vote for. maria: well, i'm looking at a potential storm in washington over these debt ceiling negotiations, art. because we still don't have a deal. we are nine days away from the country running out of money and we're watching an economy slow
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down and markets will react to this at some point. i know we've got a busy week of economic data with new home sales out today at 10:00 a.m., tomorrow we've got the federal reserve minutes from the may meeting. on thursday, we'll get the second read of first quarter gdp. friday we've got april durable goods orders, the pce index which is the fed's favored inflation index, art. all under the umbrella of these debt ceiling negotiations that so far have not produced any agreement. art a, your thoughts on where we stand with markets in the face of all of this? >> thanks for having me on this morning. you've got the fed obviously probably wants to take a back seat to the publicity they've had lately. you've got the minutes coming out which i think are going to confirm what we already know. i think you're going to see a pause coming here. they don't need to hike again especially the banking crisis, they've got a lot of cover for keeping rates the way they are but i think the narrative that they're going to lower rates sooner, not later, i don't see that happening because they really want to see the service side come down and it really
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hasn't yet. labor is still really strong, even though it's coming down. these numbers are starting to come the fed's way but they're not far enough for the fed to start cutting rates, maybe get one more hike but i don't think they do another hike right now. i think they pause. but yeah, economy's slowing down. which is what they want. they want labor to he slow down. they want the service side inflation to come down as you were talking about the goods side is very high even though the numbers are coming down. right direction. not enough movement. maria: would you buy stocks in the middle of all of this, art? >> i think incorpo i'd buy the t stocks. buying the market in general, i might pause on that you've got to look six months over the hump as we kind of get through this kind of quagmire of debt ceiling, keeping rates high. right now i don't see a recession but i definitely see a
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good slowdown. it may feel like one relative to where we've been in the past. maria: especially this debt impass doesn't help at all. thank you, art laffer. good to see you. burt, always a pleasure. thank you very much. stacy, you're sticking with us. we're grateful. thanks so much. great word on wall street. much more ahead. coming up, no movement on a debt deal again. house speaker kevin mccarthy says he wants to meet with the president every day until the debt dilemma is solved. nine days away from june 1st now. former house speaker newt gingrich is here later in the hour to react. and then doordash being sued for overcharging certain customers. wait until you hear the reason, making a buzz this morning you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ i'd have all the money in the world. ♪ if i was a wealthy girl. a ch♪ oh, an engineer.
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maria: welcome back. president biden and house speaker kevin mccarthy's latest meeting on the debt ceiling ends with no deal. both sides claiming it was productive but no agreement, no term sheet on a deal to avoid he defaulting on debt. and we are less than 10 days away from janet yellen's deadline for when the united states will run out of money which of course is june 1st. mccarthy says he wants to meet with the president every day until this is solved. watch. >> we literally talked about where we are having disagreements and ideas. so to me that's productive. not progress but productive. i would assume i meet with president biden every day until we get this done. this is too important. maria: joining me is ohio congressman and chairman of the house appropriations subcommittee on homeland security, congressman dave joyce. thanks very much for being here. where do you feel there are areas of agreement on this debt ceiling negotiation? >> thanks for having me. it's great to be here. one thing about sp speaker mccarthy, he claimed for a long time, that he and the
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president need to sit down. the president dragged this feet for 98 days to finally get here. this isn't new nor president biden. he was a senator, he was a vice president and now he's president. he's been down this road before. hknows how hard this is going to be, have you to have the two prinprincipals come to top line numbers. the rest will fall into place after that. it's important those two sit down and come to the numbers. the senate did a good job framing the issue. it's between the two of them, once they get the top line numbers it will be easy to work out. maria: i know there was commonality on clawing the covid-19 money that was unspent. that's one area both sides agree can be done. permitting is another area that came from joe manchin that is always making progress. i wonder about the caps on spending in the coming years and also the work requirements kevin mccarthy has been pushing to get work requirements as part of a deal as well, right? >> absolutely. and most americans agree that
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there should be work requirements. we're not talking bouts anything that's paralyzing, we're talking about 20 hours a week and the ability to do service time, to educate, to do a bunch of other things in lieu of work, to somehow be productive rather than sitting at home. we have a spending problem right now and the money has been rolling in and it's interesting. we're the only game in town. we passed the bill, senate hasn't acted on it. the president hasn't done anything until this week. what it's done, it put out the numbers for us and where we're at so back with a counter offer. maria: the president wants to see a counter offer include a revenue raise, that means he wants to raise taxes. the speaker has said tax increases are off the table right now so we'll have to keep watching that and speak with the speaker on that. i want to get your take on how you're using the appropriations process as relates to the border. because the republicans have been saying that is the power of the purse, that the republicans have right now.
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that you will either rescind money or try to p limit money to the fbi given their wrong doing. will you do the same at at the border? border patrol released this shocking video of somebody dropping a 4-year-old baby over the border wall yesterday. i mean, how much worse can this get? meanwhile, agents are apprehending more than 8,000 migrants in just 72 hours. more than 4,000 known got aways. agents are also encountering several sex offenders, at least one gang member, congressman. this border is wide open. what can you do from the appropriations level to counter this? >> i'm sorry to hear that about a 4-year-old. there's nothing come passionate about what the -- compassionate about what thation's policies are at the border. we have the ability to fashion a bill, putting in language had that ties border wall funding to the funding. you either build border wall or can't use the money.
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we'll be more specific in that, every line item account. we cut money in areas that have been used as a slush fund for this administration to continue to further their inhumane policies of letting people into this country and sending them all around with absolutely no guidance. we want to make sure that people come into the country legally and follow the laws. we're a nation of laws. we're a nation of immigrants. those don't have to contradict each other to work. maria: i mean, the biden administration is blowing off laws left and right. we've seen that in the last two years pretty consistently. but congressman, i want to get your take on china as well. because of course we know the economic coercion that china uses against the world and they have these new national security laws that enable them to march into any american company they want and start raiding the place like they did at bain capital and steal intellectual property and also just rule out any american company doing business there. so a he potential u.s. response
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to china's chip ban on micron technology is reportedly to place south korea in a difficult spot seoul's trade minister is saying it will be left to the individual companies to decide whether they continue to do business with china. of course, we know that china is banning micron technology's chips, saying they're a national security risk in china. i spoke with florida congressman carlos jiminez yesterday on this program to discuss american companies and how they're operating there in china and he brought up apple and he said he's worried about apple doing business in china and they need to get out. watch this. >> apple is unbelievably vulnerable to china right now and we advised them, hey, it's time to get out because eventually china will pull that string and china w cut you off. maria: so what about that, congressman? we've been talking about the
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strategy that the chinese communist party uses on american companies, foreign companies, rob, replicate, replace, that's what john ratcliffe told me a long time ago that is the strategy. rob, replicate, replace. is there anything you can do from your standpoint on the appropriations process to counter china? >> yes. and as a matter of fact, after i leave this i'm going down to the scif to have a briefing on china, their cyber security. that's where we can put more money into into the cyber secuy forces. in my district we have foxconn coming in to build chips. micron has moved around. other c chip makers are coming . it's important we bring the manufacturing home so we know it's being built in american standards, not with spyware installed in it. maria: should we be decupping
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from china, -- decoupling from china, should these companies get out before they are raided. >> it's in our best interest to. you can't trust china. they're not our friend. they're not our ally. they're out for world domination. that's been their motto since 1945. the steal industry, if you -- the steel industry, if you go through south america, everything that was being built, bridges, mining activity, everything is chinese. that's in our backyard. they're everywhere and they need to be replaced. maria: have you told joe biden that? joe biden keeps calling them a competitor, not an adversary. >> president biden says a lot of things that are inconsistent and not true with the modern day world but for those of us who watch it daily, china has a very corrupting influence around the world and just last summer i was with senator keuns in africa, same problem. they're in the mining activity.
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maria: big time in africa for sure. congressman. thanks very much for being here. we'll keep a spotlight on it for sure. >> thank you for having me. maria: quick break and then transportation secretary pete buttigieg trying to get ahead of a busy summer travel season after several missteps during the holiday hustle. fox business' madison alworth joins us from newark liberty international airport. she's got more right after this break. ♪ beverly hills, that's where i want to be. ♪ living in beverly hills. ♪ beverly hills -- from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank.
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maria: welcome back. transportation secretary pete buttigieg rolling out his plans to avoid another turbulent summer for air travelers. many are questioning whether he's up to the task. madison alworth is live at newark liberty international airport this morning with a preview. madison, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, maria. yes, we're expecting to hear from the department of transportation about how they've improved a chaotic travel system but critics, they're not sure that they really have been able to improve anything at all. this past sunday we saw a flight
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delay in denver airport, the latest in a long list of problems. there was a testimony prayerly ground stop -- temporary ground stop there. we've seen cancellations, delays and near misses on runways this year. we're heading into the memorial day weekend and the travel is exacted to heat up, 17 million passengers will take off from a u.s. airport from thursday through monday and as you can see behind me, that travel has really already started. people showing up at the airport, getting ready for what should be the hottest memorial day of travel we've ever seen. we spoke to some of those passengers and what they tell us about the travel system is they don't necessarily trust it and they're taking things into their own hands as much as they possibly can. >> i feel like respectively i've had a limited experience with delays. i've been lucky. i'm flying american airlines. you never know what could happen p. >> i have an air tag. invested it after last year,
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after my bag not getting here. it will arrive at some point. >> i haven't traveled in the past three. i am here three hours early. [laughter] >> reporter: all right. so early arrivals, air tags and checked bags and hoping for the best. but secretary of tran transportn pete buttigieg will lay out what he's done. we'll monitor that and bring the latest to you. maria: madison, thanks very much. mad omadison alworth. joe, your reaction. >> for better or worse the secretary of transportation often just serves merely as a ribbon cutter in chief, cutting ribbons and breaking ground on infrastructure projects. this is not a job you're supposed to mess up if you're given it in an administration and yet with the train derailments where he was absent, with the supply chain crisis where he was absent, with last year's airline meltdown when he's been absent, it's amazing joe biden stuck with this guy who has proven so incompetent.
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he wants to go out there and tout some evs and stuff like that and that's all well and good but at some point when the rubber hits the road, you actually have to show up for the job and perform the task and obobjectively, bipartisanly, if you look at the media reports out there, people are criticizing this guy as being not up to the task. maria: he was also mia during a potential rail strike. remember the potential rail strike that would have sent the economy into a total stand still? he was not around there either. >> right, right. >> maria, what's amazing to me is that the consumer is paying 20% more this year for airline tickets versus last year and traffic is still going to be up double digits and certainly we know you're getting a lot less for that 20% more and some of the proposals that we've heard about from biden are, sure, we want better customer service in a timely manner. bring it on. but the problem is, that's going to cost more money, that's going to be passed onto the consumer,
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whether you like to think that true or not. history tells us that's how it pans out. maria: yeah. for sure. and you make a great point. air fares are still up, we see that every month in the inflation reports had that we're getting, stacy. >> absolutely. and again, you're seeing the behavior in the airports, all sorts of chaos and consumers are still willing to pay up and i can't tell you how many retailers this past quarter commented that travel and entertainment is taking away from spend inside retail stores. maria: they're shifting their spend to travel. we'll take a break, when we come back still no movement on a deal to avoid default on our debt. former house speaker and fox news contributor newt gingrich will weigh in on the other side of this break. stay with us. ♪ rock with you all night. ♪ dance you in the sunlight. ♪ i want to rock with you all night.
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maria: welcome back. a driver arrested after crashing a u-haul truck into the white house security barrier, cheryl casone with all the details now. cheryl: the driver is now charged with threatening to kill or harm the president, vice president, or one of their family members. the chaotic scene unfolding moments after d.c. fire and ems got a call about a suspicious package. one witness claiming investigators found a nazi flag and other items inside the truck. roads and walkways around the white house were testimony tempy closed. thankfully, no one was hurt. let's take a look at walmart shares, stock is pretty much flat right now but you're going to like the story, maria about walmart. the world's largest retailer getting into the be pet telehealth market. walmart partnering with vet telehealth provider pop to offer walmart plus subscribers access to the start-up.
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it will be free for them. members get the annual membership for free, normally pop's annual member hership starts at $99. always good for the bet that doesn't like to go to -- pet that doesn't like to go to the vet. finally, arnold schwarzenegger adding a new title to his resume, the former body builder, governor, action movie star, has been named netflix's new chief action officer, explaining his new role on instagram. >> i'm working around the clock to bring you the biggest action on earth. i'm back, baby. cheryl: let's take a look at the stock, it's slightly lower this morning, maria, in the premarket. back to you. maria: i love it. thank you, cheryl. cheryl: you bet. maria: president biden and house speaker kevin mccarthy claiming that their latest meeting on the debt ceilings was productive but no deal was reached and then there's less than 10 days to go until janet yellen's deadline on when the united states will run out of
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money. and fail to fill its obligations. fox's jacqui heinrich asked mccarthy if he'll drop the three day rule for lawmakers to review the legislation before voting on it. here's what he said. >> i'm not going to waive if te three day rule. you have the rule for a reason. if you want to move a bill such as this -- i know under speaker pelosi it was different. they would move trillions of dollars in a day. i'm not afraid of what the agreement comes in in the end. i will sit that bill down and i will give everybody 72 hours so everybody knows what they're voting on. maria: joining me is the former speaker of the house, fox news contributor newt gingrich, author of the new book coming out june 6th, pick up the book. it's a best read. thanthank you for being here. >> it's great to be with you. in a lot of ways kevin mccarthy is following kind of the cookbook we developed with
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march for the majority. stay you position. stick to it. make sure members have time to read the bill. what a refreshing difference from nancy pelosi saying you have to vote for it to find out what's in it which is a statement of such amazing arrogance that i'm still astonished she got away with it. but i think speaker mccarthy has the right altitude. congress has to know what they're going to vote on and he's confident that it's going to be something they will generally like. maria: it is refreshing. you're right. he's been pretty adamant about his priorities. that's why his ratings and approval ratings are moving higher, doing well among republicans. but is he going to be able to take this home, is he going to be able to cross the finish line with a deal that pleases everybody here while president biden is reentering the notion of raising taxes on people, biden wants revenue raise if
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he's going to agree to spending cuts. >> i don't know what biden thought he was accomplishing with his comments the in tokyo at that press briefing but it was nonsense. no republican house is going to raise taxes. period. that's a lesson they learned in 1990 when george h w. bush broke of his no new taxes pledge. this party is deeply committed to lower taxes, not higher taxes. we'rewe're deeply committed to r spending, not higher spending. speaker mccarthy has a four part plan. part one is get the debt ceiling done in a way that begins to bend the curve and for the first time ever reduces spending, reduces spending. two is going to come up in the very near future when the budget committee reports out a budget that i believe will get to balance in 10 of years. 1 # 0 years.
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act three is continuing investigations into the corruption of our establishment and bureaucracy and act four is going to be a real fight this fall over appropriations. i have a hunch house republicans will be in reshaping the executive branch and the appropriations cycle. mccarthy has a four part process to go to members with. this is step one and it's a very big step towards a more effective conservatism. maria: and do you think that the conservatives and the freedom caucus who are really demanding spending cuts and demanding a more balanced budget in the future, do you think they're going to stand with him? >> look, i think the people are going to be the most unhappy are a a ooc and ratted call democra. they m -- radical democrats. everything biden promised, all that will disappear as they get down to the crunch and the bill
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that's going to come out of this which, again, has to have president biden's support, i suspect that traditional democrats are going to vote for it. the left is going to scream, call it a sell-out. on the right i think there will be a handful of people who vote no but overall i think when they realize this is the first step towards a balanced budget and i think that it's clear that the budget committee chairman can literally walk them through how they're going to get to a balanced budget within 10 years. i think most people on the right will think this is a very, very significant victory. maria: yeah. and he's already having victories. the republicans are doing what they told us that they would do. meanwhile, the president's approval rating keeps dropping, a new apnorc poll he reveals 76% of americans say the economy is they in poor condition. the poll finds two thirds of people disapprove of president biden's handling of the economy, newt. your thoughts on these numbers going into this election season,
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we're about to talk about the 2024 candidates. >> look, we went to the grocery store this weekend and some of the prices were astonishing. you go back and think a few years ago what you were taig. -- what youwere paying. every time people turn around biden failed on inflation, he failed on the border, he failed with crime. you go down a list of things, you had an interesting report about air travel and the degree to which secretary buttigieg is utterly, totally incompetent. president biden has never visited east palestine to see the damage done by the train crash for example. so i think people look at this and they say, you know, he ain't getting the job done. that's not ideological. he's just not getting the job done. and then you look at him overseseas and seas and it's em. you compare trump's strength to biden's weakness you see it this
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week with foreign policy. maria: we've also got so many missteps on china as we all question whether or not the president is compromised after taking all that money from chinese cops acco accord -- chie companies according to james comer. let's talk about the 2024 election, we have the first gop primary debate in august, another republican has entered the race for the white house yesterday. watch this. >> joe biden and the radical left are y attacking every singe rung of the ladder that helped me climb and that's why i'm announcing today that i am running for president of the united states! [cheers and applause] >> love america! maria: south carolina senator tim scott kicking off his 2024
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campaign with more cash on hand than any other gop hopeful. former president trump reacted on truth social. he wished him luck. he wrote this. good luck to senator tim scott. tim is a big step up from ron desantimonius. your thoughts? >> it tells you tim scott is remarkably likable and decent human being. i've known him and followed his career since 1995 when he ran for county commissioner. is a terrific person. he naturally brings people together. he's a deeply committed christian and thinks his job is to bring hope and opportunity and faith to people, not hostility and fighting. and i think that president trump genuinely likes him plus candidly if you're in trump's he position, the more candidates, the better. he beat 15 or 16 other people to
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get the nomination in 2016. what's happening to de santis, he's beginning to shrink from being one of two to being one of many which is a dangerous position for him. and makes it easier actually for president trump to win the president sigh. i suspect -- presidency. i suspect in his own mind president trump thinks it would be great if governor tusunu ran. it would be great to see youngkin get in the race. the more people that run, the more the anti-trump base will be fractured and the trump base remains remarkably stable. maria: incredible. trump this morning's poll has trump at 61%, up 43 points above de santis which is at 18%. pence, hailey, down 6 and 4%. vivek, 4%. all of these names are way lower than where trump is right now. what do you think is going on with that, newt? >> well, first of all, i think the most interesting candidate
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is vivek ramaswamy who came out of nowhere much like trump. i've done two pod casts with him, at gingrich 360 back when he was writing books. he's really smart. he's 36 years old, remarkably wealthy and i thinks brought a new air of interesting ideas to the race. gone, i think tim scott -- again, i think tim scott will do surprisingly well because he has such deep integrity such likability that i think he will be competitive. the challenge for desan is the, he's been sliding -- de santis, he's been sliding for three months. there was a period when he was in striking distance of trump and as you point out every recent poll shows trump getting stronger and i think part of that is the durham report. 300 pages that say that the fbi, the justice department and the news media lied about donald trump. i'm actually writing kind of an alternative history, what would it have been like if they had been honest, what would the
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trump administration been like if he hadn't been beleaguered since day one. maria: it's corruption in plain sight. i'm asking cap dates, you know, one of the reasons trump supporters like trump and go back to him because they know he's going to be tough on corruption. what are the others going to do? are they going to be tough on the fbi they are they going to call out the doj for this corruption? >> look, that's why i think the ayou pro presentations process -- apro presentations process -- a appropriations process will be the fourth act in the process. there's no reason they shouldn't be zeroing out large parts of the corruption. you could take the durham office and say this office ought to be he defunded and makes it a straight on fight. why are we paying for people who are crooks and liars and why are we empowering their efforts,
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starting with the attorney general of the united states. maria: we want to know what the republicans will do about merrick garland. great point. it's great to see you. >> thank you. maria: quick break and then miami mayor trai frances suarezs here with a major announcement. wait until you hear what he has to say with all of those crypto payments. back in a minute before... and bath fitter. before... and bath fitter. if you have a “before” bath,
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i'm announcing that i'm buying an investment property and borrowing against the bitcoin that i've accumulated. i've decided to do this with a local company called milo. i want to support my local ecosystem and continue the thought that miami is the most pro bitcoin, pro innovation city in america. maria: all right. that was miami mayor frances suarez at the 2023 bitcoin conference this week saying that he will be investing in real estate using the bitcoin that he accrued from his cryptocurrency salary. the miami mayor joins me right now with more. mayor suarez, great to see you. thanks so much for joining me once again to tell us about this announcement. tell us how crypto loans work and what you're doing. >> well, first of all, thank you for having he me and always allowing us to tell the story of innovation in miami.
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the way it works is i've been probably the only elected official in america that's been paid in bitcoin for over a year, accumulated close to six bitcoin throughout the time. what's happening is i'm buying an investment property and using bitcoin as collateral for the loan. i think that shows that the bitcoin is -- has more utility than just a store of value, that it can be used by banks to price collateral in a way that can a allow you to invest your money without sacrificing your bitcoin. that's the objective. it's another initiative to show that we believe in innovation, that we believe in the block chain technologies and i think bitcoin if it does nothing else but help keep the fiat system more honest, a system that has run y amuck with fiscal and monetary policy where in joe biden's america the poor get poorer because money is diminished through inflation and paying higher borrowing costs.
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they're getting poorer. we need alternatives to keep our system honest in but how much more expensive was had that for you, given the drop in bitcoin, right, mr. mayor? i mean, bitcoin is way down from the highs, talking about 59% down from the all-time highs. so this would have been a lot cheaper had the valuation been different. >> well, actually because of dollar cost averaging, i've been buying bitcoin every two weeks so it wasn't like i bought all the bitcoin when it was at its high. maria: okay. >> so using dollar cost averaging i'm actually up believe it or not in a year and-a-half that i i've been buyg bitcoin. i'm not trying to give investment advice. i use that disclaimer. the truth is bitcoin has gone up in the time i've been paid my salary on a dollar cost averaging basis. it's a percentage of the bitcoin that i've a accumulated. it's somewhere in the range of 30% loan to value so the lending
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institution has plenty of security. maria: yeah. okay. love it. i know you had a very successful conference last week, congratulations to that, to you for that. i want to get your take on this naacp story, the naacp issued a travel advisory for florida. they're accusing florida of being, quote, openly hostile toward african-americans, people of color and lgbtq plus individuals. the governor dismissing this. recent tourist data shows florida has never been more popular to travelers. what do you want to say to the naacp with this criticism? >> yeah, look, there are people moving to miami and florida from all backgrounds in droves. .maria: in droves. >> travel warnings are things you hear in extreme cases like terrorism or looming hurricane. this doesn't fall into any of these categories, it falls into a category of attempted
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political statement but i think miamians are more welcoming than they've ever been, floridians are more welcoming than they've ever been and will continue to be. maria: we'll leave it there. great to see you. any thoughts on the 2024 run, now that more candidates are entering the race. are you going to enter? >> getting closer to the day. my view is we want to be on the august 20th stage if i have the luxury to run. i don't have the luxury to wait and see how things play out, so soon. maria: always a pleasure. good to see you. frances suarez joining us thisdf morning from the great city ofus miami. we'll be back with the "hot topic buzz." topic buzz." stay with us .inder - topic buzz." stay with us that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases! and with greater spending potential,
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maria: welcome back. time for "hot topic buzz." so doordash facing-billion-dollar lawsuit over claims it charges iphone users more than android users, yes suit making the case about an expand range fee for iphone users charging customers premium fee they allege this being done because studies show iphone users tend to make more money than android users, wow. doordash denying wrongdoing stacey but -- this is quite the story. stacey: yeah, that is pretty bold profiling there, you know as talking about, in the
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segment with ai voivenlgs that you can have a profile then charge up charge for that profile egregious here to be charging two separate fees two different devices. . >> sure is, joe obviously, doordash pushing back denying that it does this, but let's look at the receipts got to be a way we can get to the bottom of this. joe: yeah another story in "daily mail" compelling with this attorney has done sample cases clear apple users paying more i am apple users i want to know where apple is if this holds true are they going to fight for rights of customers i hope so but companies like doordash, grubhub once big elephant in the room took dlaifr boy made a big corporation they sort of became targets you are seeing pushback on them in municipalities like new york big cities you are going to see m


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