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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 11, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> we need innovative business people running companies, great american companies finding solutions and that's what's happening. >> not that we're anti-immigrant
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but anti-illegal immigration. president biden is completely negating his obligation to the person people, his obligation of the american people to protect is and doing it on purpose. what used to be a bad dream will turn into a nightmare. >> child trafficking, human trafficking, it is sex trafficking. we don't know who these people are. they just flow into the country, welcome to america and we're all going to pay for it. >> joe biden wants this problem. he thinks people will turn into his voter for the party and sacrificing 300 american as day dying from fentanyl poisoning in order to achieve his goals. joe biden created this humanitarian disaster. stuart: 11:00 eastern time, thursday may 116789 let's get on with it. check the markets, first of all, dow was down 350 now down 260.
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slight losses for the s&p and for the nasdaq. a little bit of red ink. check the regional banks, lot of red inc except for western alliance that's now moved up but pac west down 22%, real trouble for some of the regional banks this morning and maybe it's un-celting the overall market. big tech on the upside with the cole exception of apple and microsoft down. alphabet, amazon and meta up. 10 year treasury yield coming down. that's a story. the yield is down to 3.39%. now this, it's time for a reality check on the migrant crisis. point number one, the border is now the state line, the county line or city line. that's because migrants are being shipped all across the country and local authorities are increasingly saying no. you can't come here. we've already seen this in two counties near new york city.
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you'll see a lot more of it as the numbers explode. we all live on the border now. and don't let secretary mayorkas fool you, the millions here and millions more to come will be staying. no way ice will deport them. the democrats won't allow that, they want them here and see a crop of future democrat voters and they're staying and will work here too whether you like it or not. they have to. we're not going to pay for their food and housing forever and beside there's a labor shortage, this is the new reality. president biden came to new york city wednesday and didn't see the migrant disaster, didn't have anything to say about migrants camping out in central park just as the city is considering closing whole streets to make space for tent cities, whole streets were closed so the president could raise money. ironic, isn't it? the president that opened the border begs for reelection money in a city he helped ruin.
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third hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: will cain joins me now. the border crisis moves in lamb. ask and it's going to get worse, that's my opinion, what say you? >> no reason to get better, stuart. no disincentive. no sentiment among those living in central or south america if you come you'll be turned away. no logical reason or downturn in the united states of america that would pale in comparison to the economies from those origination destinations would be a disincentive and we've created a magnet and magnet has a pull. all you can do is really do your best to shut down the magnet and, you know, that's probably going to be a situation we have to see localities and states pick up the burden. regardless of its constitutional ability, just do it because you've got a problem. the federal government will not
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stop. somebody has to step up, stuart, and lead. stuart: yeah, step up and say no mass, no m. here's one for you. look at headline in the new york times. it says the republicans report on the biden family found no evidence of wrong doing by the president. it house oversight committee james comer responded to that to the times headline, roll that, please. >> if they think it's normal behavior by a president's family to set up 20 companies and have e-mails where they use code names talking about that president, all while they're receiving payments from foreign nationals while the president or vice president is in office? then that's their opinion. let me assure you, joe biden was actively involved in this criminal enterprise. stuart: well, the media is saying there's no direct link of
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the money going to the president or vice president back in the day. so comer is convince that had the president was involved. how do you think this plays out? >> sot media is all of a sudden playing the role of a jury who needs something that amounts to proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the media has no ability for the historical mission to investigate, to understand, to see the power, the importance of circumstantial evidence and the most compelling line that i've heard the republicans say when they have given press conference is what's the business of the bidens? hunter, jim, grandchildren, what is it? a dozen members of the biden family that receive money from companies in ukraine, china, what is the business, what do they do? what do the bidens do? the answer only comes down to one word, politics.
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they do politics. the centerpiece of the politics is joe bind. what are all the companies paying them for? why are they involved in if you don't think that comes back and points to joe biden, you're doing see no evil, hear no evil. you're only not interested in investigating but putting on behinders and playing intentionally stupid -- blinders and playing intentionally stupid. who's at the center of politics, joe biden and they're playing politics. stuart: i'm looking forward to -- not looking forward to it but anticipate the next few weeks to be relatively constantg out what we do with hundreds of thousands if not millions walking across the boarder and find out what we'll do when we find out that the president and his family right in the middle of a scandal. i don't know how this will play out, but it ain't going to be good. last 30 seconds to you. >> yeah, what's really important to that point, stuart, is as long as the american people
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understand and know, and i do think that both of the stories received media blackout beyond a few outlets that include the one where you and i are currently sitting and if the american people don't know, i don't know how there ever is a price to pay. stuart: got it. will cain, always a pleasure. thank you very much for being on the show. we always appreciate it will. see you soon. >> thank you. stuart: back to the markets. i got some red ink. it's not serious except for the dow down 274 points. minor losses, nasdaq and s&p. gary with us this morning. is the debt ceiling a crisis or the debt itself a crisis. >> the debt and the favorite line of people that brought us here is they're basically telling us, oh, we spent it already so we must raise the debt. well, how about not spending so we don't have to raise the debt
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and i'm going to give you a number that came out from the u.s. treasury, stuart, and i'll stay this number slowly for the viewers, 929 billion of our very important tax dollars this year going towards interest. almost $1 trillion going towards interest not to the downtrodden or elderly or kids in need or roads and bridges but interest because of all the debt they have put us into and the longer they've been in dc and get on tv and tell you what we have to do with the debt ceiling, the more nauseating i get because these are the people that brought us to this point and leave no doubt in my mind, i don't know what day or number and there'll be a come up p upance on it. stuart: guests are saying
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they're buying gold. are you? >> i have not yet but i'll give you a number, stuart. we had an all time high in 2011 and just about hit it in 2020. we just about hit it in 2022. if we break above the range, and we're talking close to 2100, buy the heck out of it. that would be a 13 year breakout to highs and invite a lot of buying, and i think gold would be on its way to 2500-3,000. i am not in it yet, i'll be patient and wait for that move to happen. if it doesn't, i have nothing to do. i think there's a chance it'll happen because you hear the news about the dollar, you also hear the news just what we're talking about, the debt, gold is the anti-against everything you're seeing right now. stuart: you would buy gld, etf for gold; right? not the little coins and that kind of stuff. >> no, or phys, which is physical gold. again, wait till it breaks above that 2100 and sticks.
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that would be the point in time where the market says another leg up and due to the fact we're talking about 13 years, it's probably going to be a pretty darn good leg up. stuart: i'd like to see that. gary kaltbaum, see you again soon. lauren is here looking at movers and the big mover is disney. look at them go down. lauren: i know. revenue of $21.8 billion, that was good. sales at its parks, they were great and that whole segment, revenue rose 17% but shareholders hit the exits when disney admitted a 2% quarterly decline for disney plus. subscribers fell for the second quarter in a row it joust about $158 million. stuart: got to be taking over 100 points off the dow industrials. an 8% drop there. lauren: yeah, it was 60 points at last check. stuart: all right., chinese company. lauren: yeah, china says it's willing to work with the united states to promote regulatory cooperation on audits. why is this important? encouraging step to help keep
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roughly 200 china based public companies on u.s. exchanges and and pdd and all others up big today. stuart: i see good year tire. that was the first stock i ever bought and i bought it through merrill lynch in hong kong office in 1974. what's it doing now? lauren: probably remember back to the month and date; correct? stuart: not quite. lauren: they're up 18% and changes could be coming since way back when you bought it. activist investor elliot management calling for operational review and recommending five directors for the board and better, more profitable stores. stuart: now it says tease. lauren: don't remember the date? stuart: no, i don't. lauren: darn. stuart: the tease means i'll tell everybody what's coming up. lauren: go ahead. stuart: climate czar john kerry has new target in ware on climate change: farmers. agriculture creates a third of all greenhouse gas emissions and it's got to stop. we're on it. scandal in new york city
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supporter bushes and nearby -- suburbs and nearby counties refusing to house mig migrants d restraining orders being imposed and one local leader calls it the wild west. title 42 ends at midnight, border patrol already dealing with the highest levels of illegal crossings ever. it's only going to get worse. the border patrol union says a title wave of illegal migration has begun. caroline schivley has the report from the border and she's next. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin.
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stuart: the images are stunning and extraordinary and thousands of migrants lining up, we're just hours away from title 42 expiring. fox's caroline schivley is at the border in the middle of it. what are you seeing right now, caroline? reporter: hi, stuart. this is gate 40 behind me and that's the fifth large bus they've been filling with migrants and you don't see anybody going in there right now and we shot video earlier today. people we've seen coming through, men, women, children. we saw women carrying babies and most folks we see going through are families and there's been single men and single women loading into the buses. we're well into the 100s, 200s and maybe approaching 300 of the folks getting on the buses as well as more than a dozen
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vehicles, passenger vans and the folks doing it the legal way applying for asylum going for customs and border patrol saying let me in. i'll go through the court system. migrant apprehensions again yesterday and third day in a row and that's the highest daily totals ever recorded by border patrol. now, putting these folks in a place is certainly a problem as of this morning and cvp has approximately 28,000 migrants in federal custody, capacity across the southern border at 10,000 and they're operating at three times of what they're normally comfortable with. people on the ground in el paso and border patrol and local city officials and people that run the shelters are bracing for anything. there's no way to tell how hard
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this city and border towns up and down the 2000-mile mexico/u.s. border will react tonight when it expires, stuart. stuart: caroline, we hear you and thanks for the report. see you later. warning from homeland security chief alejandro mayorkas. roll tape. >> smuggler haves long been hard at work spreading false information that the border will be open after may 11. it will not be. do not risk your life and your life savings only to be removed from the united states if, if and when you arrive here. stuart: the sheriff mark lamb joins me now. sheriff, let's deal with what mayorkas just said. is the border open after today? he says it's closed. straight is out, sheriff. >> well, their words mean nothing and their act actions ae what matter and they're saying it's not open but their actions say it is open and been that way
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for the last two years since the administration took over and that's what the cartels look at and all the people coming to the border are looking at. they're looking at their actions and their actions saying they're not enforcing the law, which is why everybody is showing umm here. the reason they avoid by county is because we do enforce the law and our actions match up with our words. stuart: they're releasing people as of now without a court date and without knowing where they're going. they're just letting them in. i think that's against the law, isn't it? >> yeah, it's absolutely against the law. we have a contact at border patrol, i have a ton of border patrol agents saying we feel like we're aiding and abetting in the smuggling dropping off hundreds if not thousands of people in cities. i just talked to border patrol yesterday, i talked to some of our local communities, the governors are planning on doing this but they're going to start releasing people into yuma county, tucson. today may might be be releasing
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people into my county and casa grande sector and people that are going to be dumped on the street because they don't know what to do. your reporter mentioned they're at 28,000. our word that we get from border patrol is if they hit 29,000 people in custody, they shut everything down, bring everybody over to those processing centers, which means it leaves our boarders even more wide open. stuart: extraordinary. may i offer my opinion, sheriff, these people will stay here, they will work here, and they're not going back. millions of people. they're staying, they're working, they're not going back. is that how you think this is going to play out? >> absolutely. i don't think any of these people have any intention of going back, and this will cause a lot of problems. people are lining the streets in el paso, yuma sector not much different. what are these people going to do when they get hungry? we'll see violence on the rise, stolen vehicles and break ins
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and when people are in tough schismuations to eat or provide for their families, they start committing crimes and doing things in communities like ours. stuart: what a mess. sheriff, thank you for being with us and we'll see you again soon. >> thank you, stuart. god bless. stuart: more new york city suburbs telling mayor eric adams they will not accept migrants. ashley, what's the mayor's plan going forward? ashley: they're sticking with it for now even though it's being delayed. that plan was by new york city to send up to 300 single adult men to rockland and orange county and they'd be there for up to four months but it's been delayed even though as we say new york city officials insist nothing's changed. the migrants were due to be moved yesterday and that didn't happen. both counties have declared an emergency, designed to block hotels or motels from housing migrants. rockland county also secured a temporary restraining order stopping a local motel from
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taking asylum seekers and orange county executive steve newhouse took to facebook saying migrants are not coming at least for now. listen. >> asylum seekers were intended to be bussed up to orange county, and they were going to be coming today, and i am happy to say that for the time being, no buses from new york city with asylum seekers are coming in the near future. ashley: for the time being, new york city mayor eric adams has been using hotels within the city to house migrants and mainly families with children, but plans to use other sites including a cruise ship terminal and beach parking lot in the bronx. those plan haves been abandoned. what a mess. stu. stuart: well said, it is a mess indeed. all right, ash, thanks very much. back to the markets please. we've got the dow now down 266. it had been worse earlier.
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fractional losses for nasdaq and s&p. this is coming at us, adidas just announced what they're going to do with their unused yeezy gear. they cut ties with kanye west. come back in again, ashley. they say they're not going to burn this clothing so what's the plan? what are they going to do with it? ashley: well, they've confirmed that. they have a ton of unsold jeezy stock but they'll try to sell the items and donate any profits to charity. after a nine year partnership, the company was one of several that cut ties with kanye west in the wake of anti-semitic rhetoric and burning the merchandise was not the right move and the german shareholder company said organizations representing people that were hurt by the singer's comments.
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those profits going up in smoke. stuart: nicely put, thanks, ash. now this. artist is suing artificial intelligence generators and she says they're using her work to train their robots. and bots i should say, not robots, bots. she calls that brill level identity theft. we've got a report. the white house claiming republicans are the cause of the mess on the border. >> they refuse to act and come to the mid and will meet us in the middle and come up with a real solution. stuart: former acting attorney general matthew whitaker will respond to that nonsense after this. ♪
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and i remember kind of thinking like, "oh my gosh, i think we could be sisters." because i think we looked... yes. right. yeah. and i don't think at that time- i think you're the one to tell me that we had the same birthday. yes. it's really unbelievable when you think about it, because it's been, like, really over 20 years that you were my mother and father's banker, you became my banker and now fran is in her third year of college and you're her banker. it's so unbelievable because i'm just 20 years old. [laughing]
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stuart: did you know this is national eat what you want day. it is. our frequent viewers know that i
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enjoy the occasional meal from wendy's. for the entire month of may, you can get a junior bacon cheese burger for one cent. this is to celebrate national hamburger month. unfortunately you can only get the deal if you have the app. so it's probably not for me. stop laughing, susan. you've got to cover the markets. show me the markets right now. i see red ink on the left hand side of the screen. don't worry about that . watching big movers and starting with what? susan: banks. actually with google. in the future if you go to wendy's, the drive through is an ai chat bot for you. this is about ai and google ai trade today and wall street optimistic and 5% rally and a huge trillion dollar company and their new ai search has unveiled yesterday will likely keep google in the lead and don't have to play defense versus microsoft and c chatgpt when it come tosser much and that's important because the search is the main moneymaker and
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two-thirds of revenue at google and 90% of market dominance and their new search generative ai not only getting usual search results in the bar at the top but they're make ago suggestion for you on what you may want to know next. going to australia, it suggests the weather forecast and great vineyards that varney wine makes. ai powered g mail and capability and 3d realtime and street view maps and editing and new pixel foldable phone. starting at $1800 and new hardware announced and makes apple the last major smart phone maker without a foldable device and not a big loss, not a big seller. google is up 26% this year. apple is roughly the same and apple's market cap is recently bigger than most stock markets in the world except for the u.s.. stuart: one more time, why don't we press this? google up by a whopping 8% and microsoft is down $3 or $4 on
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the grounds that google has a leg up on ai. susan: that's a countedder trade? microsoft -- counter trade? microsoft isn't down that much. there's room for everyone in the new ai race of the future. china stocks, top performers in the nasdaq and now nine month highs and nasdaq hit this morning and they're trying amazon equivalence lifting this rally and jd made more money and it's a tesla china competitor soaring to eight month highs and doubling sales reversing losses. stuart: getting to regional banks way, way down and i'm looking at them now and still way down. susan: western alliance down a lot more and 9.5% of deposits withdrawn in the week of may 5 and they only have $15 billion in cash on hand. concerning because that's not enough to cover a silicon valley bank like bank run and jm morgan
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jamie dimon saying they should look at short selling and they bought first republic a few weekends ago and pac west great example and down 40% this month and 70% on this year. stuart: remember when the short sellers ran the big banks way almost into the ground back in 2007, 2008 and tried to stop it. tried to stop all short selling. susan: they tried to stop all short selling during that period and it gets on a capitalist-type of move. stuart: doesn't work either. susan, great stuff. thank you very much indeed. house oversight committee investigation identified nine members of the biden family who received payments from foreign source. that includes hunter, the president's brother, even one of his grandchildren. former acting attorney general matthew whitaker joins me now and no direct link to the
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president and didn't receive money directly and does that mean he's off the hook? >> well, good be with you today, stuart. i don't think he's necessarily off the hook and listen, all of the people are blood relatives or related to him through marriage and each one of them was receiving very generous flow through money for about 20 limited liability companies and millions of dollars for places like romania, ukraine, communist china all while joe biden was vice president and i think that is kind of a quintessential example of corruption where families are enriched based on service of one of their members and i think what the house is doing and not only revealing this but continuing to investigate is important. the question is where is the fbi when it comes to these payment withs the biden family for foreign countries and foreign actors. stuart: i believe there is a
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separate either investigation or separate issue in which a whistle blower is saying biden himself took money during his either vice president seizure disorders or actually in his president -- vice presidency or presidency and is that accurate that somebody is out there saying that thing? >> yeah, it's a really interesting question and that is that the fbi whistle blower saying joe biden received payments and wrote down the information and don't want to put that information out into the world and that's concerning and during the justice cavanaugh hearings and tried to verify every allegation and whistle blower so why not verify this allegation? it's pretty spurious and concerning and i think they
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should run that to ground but don't think they're going to unfortunately. stuart: prez address the immigration issue and white house says it's republicans who "refuse to act on the border". roll that tape, let's see it. >> the president has been dealing with a system that has been broken for a decade, since day one. he put in and put forth a comprehensive immigration plan in legislation and he is using the tools in front of him and dealing with the challenge prophetic voice proceeding at the board -- proceeding at the border and congress refused and literally refused to act. they refused to come to the middle and meet us in the mid and will come up with a real solution. stuart: your honor, is that legit to say that the republicans, you blame the republicans for an invasion? is that a legitimate statement? >> no, of course not. we see it with our own eyes and
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we're the most generous country in the world. we admit over a million people to lawful permanent status and no one can suggest we don't have an immigration system and have rules and boundaries and the problem is that joe biden's department of homeland security is not enforcing the laws and not enforcing the criminal laws at the border and not even making a good faith attempt to try and decide who has legitimate asylum claims and who doesn't. the doors are open and world is coming in and playing out before our eyes and it's affecting everybody including i was just with the mayor of miami today and he said 15,000 more students year over year and seven new schools just in one year. it's extraordinary burden that every state and every city is bearing because of joe biden's failed policies and inability to enforce the laws at our border.
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stuart: thank you, matthew. appreciate it always. producer flight inflation up in the past months and welcome number on wall street but a different story on main street. the cost of staples whether it's food, gas, electricity, absolutely surging. edward lawrence has that story from the white house, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf
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with gold and copper prices pushing towards all-time highs, u.s. gold corp is advancing its environmentally friendly gold and copper mining project and creating american jobs in mining friendly wyoming. with a proven management team and board, a tight share structure, and a solid cash balance,
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u.s. gold's portfolio of world-class assets are creating american growth and homegrown strategic metals as the us moves towards an electrified future. u.s. gold corp. stuart: the ppi number is the inflation number and it's moved down for the last eleven months in a row. edward lawrence will break down the numbers for us and you'll tell us i hope, edward, what this means to the main street consumer. >> yeah, exactly. i'm going to go through some of that and i can tell you that this is the lowest level, lowest pace of increase since january
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of 2021. this is some relief for businesses that they see because you look at inflation year over year and we're talking about 2.3% for the stuff that companies need to make the stuff they sell us. now producer price index in the core level is 3.4% and that's without food and energy prices and we have a good news/bad news situation without inflation and good news is inflation edges down looking year over year and bad news is month over month numbers are not going down and companies might not pass alongs all of the savings that they're seeing from the reduced inflation to make up for losses from earlier in the year. now former cbo director douglas holt ege n said this is all complete the catch the path forward. >> the key number is the core, which is pretty stable and seeing in all the inflation measures that the core is not coming down rapidly. combined with yesterday's cpi report, this gives the fed room to pause in june if they were
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inclined too. doesn't enforce them to. >> consumers might not always see that cost passed onto them. might feel that pressure for a bit longer and business experts look at reports and wonder what else might break in the fight against inflation. regional banks are a concern they're still under stress. listen. >> the fed raised rates from 0 to 5% in one year. that has negative consequences for a lot of things with a lag we can't predict. >> and adds that the federal reserve is more aggressive in fighting inflation and not getting help from the fiscal side from it specifically and president joe biden pushing for more spending. stu. stuart: more spending, that'll do it. john kerry with the new climate target: farmers. ash lauren: i know all about this story.
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ashley: mr. kerry claims claims agriculture production creates 33% of the total greenhouse gas emissions and fight against climate change cannot be tackled without addressing what the farmers are doing. in fact, kerry refusing to call climate change anymore and it's climate crisis and kerry says emissions are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by the year 2050. the former secretary of state says lives depend on world leaders and scientists developing the tools necessary to lower agriculture emissions. it's all about the cows, stu. stuart: yeah, that's part of it, ash. believe me. this is really something. ashley: a lot of it. stuart: the southern border crisis felt all the way up to maine. so many migrants are arriving there that new shelters are completely full before they even
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open. that's maine. madison alworth has the story after this. ♪ my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions
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stuart: as far north as maine cities are struggling to deal with the migrant surge. madison alworth dealing with this in portland, maine. how many? reporter: stuart, 3800 people receiving assistance from the city of portland and overwhelming majority being migrants and expo center behind me was opened as emergency shelter for migrants in april. before it even opened, 170 of 300 spots were taken by the end of the week the expo center was at capacity. since january 1, city of portland has seen over 1,200 migrants make their way into the city and that number is expected to increase in the end of title 42. the migrants that make their way here are mostly from south africa, congo and angola. these groups fly to south america then make their way to the mexico/u.s. border and cross
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into the united states. once here in the sanctuary city of portland, they expect housing and resources. local leaders and nonprofits say it's got ton a point where they cannot keep up. >> whatever you plan now, before you plan for it, it's already at capacity. how do you plan? are we ever going to get to a point where we've planned enough to be able to address the need? i don't believe so. reporter: the city has tapped out and don't expect much change and the city has no more resources left and this fiscal year alone, they've spent $25.6 million on general assistance and that's a 345% increase in spending since 2019. now that total includes everyone who uses ga but again vast majority of that is asylum seekers. we are currently 2,000 miles away from the closest point on
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the southern border and even this far away, the city is bracing itself from increasing folks but title 42 set to expire in a mere couple of hours and both nonprofits and city officials say they do anticipate more people coming here to maine. stuart. stuart: thank yous madison. new york city reportedly considering closing down streets for migrant tent cities and i next guest is happy homes h-a-p-i, hapi holmes building tiny homes. we're joined from new york this morning. new york city dealing with tens of thousands of migrants. they need housing. but your tiny homes, there's not enough of them; right? he can't do this? >> we can be part of the solution and we can help facilitate our homes that are 420 square feet. stuart: there's a picture on the screen. 420 square feet? >> yes, we can assemble in less
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than eight hours. stuart: you can be useful in terms of dire emergency and not a sudden migrant surge but a bad weather event and catastrophic event and surge. >> disaster relief and we can deploy these units and build them in less than eight hours and they take four to six we could accommodate it. stuart: how much? >> 50,000. $50,000. stuart: $50,000 installed and out the door and open the door and i'm in. this can be a perp nathanial hackette solution or temporary solution and moved and reopened again. stuart: how many homes have you sold? we started doing this in march and we've sent out ten homes already to ukraine. we're familiar with disaster and
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ready for work. stuart: you're a brand new company? >> yes. stuart: you just started putting these on the market? >> yes. stuart: and selling in ukraine already? >> yes. stuart: but our government bought them? >> no, we donated them. we were focused on new york but it's our backyard. we were previously talking to certain agencies working with the department of housing to get people out of shelters and homeless and these talks started way before this. so we have a small part solution and we believe we can fill in the void. stuart: 50 grand for 400 square feet? >> yep. stuart: very attractive looking place. >> kitchen, bathroom, proper lighting, weather proof. you will get a high quality affordable home. stuart: good stuff. hapi homes, h-a-p-i, thank you for being with us. i'll shake that hand. >> thank you so much. stuart: time for the thursday trivia question. very interesting. how many women live in the
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united states: 164 million, 167 million, 170, 173? the answer after this. you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at lomita feed is 101 years old this year and counting. i'm bill lockwood, current caretaker and owner. when covid hit, we had some challenges like a lot of businesses did. i heard about the payroll tax refund, it allowed us to keep the amount of people that we needed
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and the people that have been here taking care of us. see if your business may qualify. go to . . .
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stuart: good question, this one, how many women live in the united states? i want to go first on this one. the population of america is what, 330 million people. half of that would be, what, 165 million but there is always
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more women than men. i will guess 173 million women living in america. what say you, ashley? >> i was going to go for that too. we're talking legally, right? number they, 10.5 million. stuart: we're both wrong. i was right. 167.5 million. thanks ash. send in "friday feedback." what do you want to know about us. email us at varney "coast to coast" started almost immediately. like right now. neil: 42 ends at 11:59 tonight. getting ready for a surge at the bolr


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