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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 3, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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nsumer cellular. - double check that. eh, pretty good! (whistles) yeek. not cryin', are ya? let's tighten that. (fabric ripping) ooh. - wait, wh- wh- what was that? - huh? what, that? no, don't worry about that. here we go. - asking the right question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - yeehaw! - do you have a question? - are you a certified financial planner™? - yes. i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp®. find your cfp® professional at ♪ larry: look, we'll be back tomorrow to report on this allegations that the whistleblower is putting that there's a criminal scheme involving foreign nationals and joe biden and bribery and embezzlement. we'll be back reporting on this. but meanwhile, please watch liz macdonald, the best of the best. elizabeth: oh, we love you, larry. you know, this is, we haven't seen this in modern u.s.
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history, a sitting senator, a powerful house oversight chair accusing a sitting president of a criminal bribery scheme when he was vice president, larry. we're anytime middle of history. larry, thank you for -- larry: have a great show. elizabeth: okay, coming up we are going to talk to house ways and means chair jason smith, senators marsha shah black burn and senator ron johnson, we're bringing them in on the very serious charge from government whistleblowers. it looks like they were telling senator chuck grassley and house oversight chair james comer that the fbi does have unclassified documents alleging vice president biden committed bribery under the obama white house, got money from a foreign national to the alter or u.s. foreign policies. but first, let's get to the economic mayhem. the fed again raising interest rates a tenth straight time, this time in the middle of a bank crisis. edward lawrence is at the federal reserve with the story. edward. >> reporter: well, liz, the federal reserve chairman hinting
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there could be a pause now in rate hikes. the fed chairman pointing to the lag effect for monetary the policy from when they institute the rate hikes to when they actually are seen in the economy. >> our future policy actions will depend on how events unfold. in determining the extent to which additional policy firming may be appropriate to return inflation to 2 over time -- 2% over time, the committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic opportunity and inflation. >> reporter: the federal reserve has raised rates ten times in a row. three bank failures, we all feel the increase in pain with our credit card payments, trying to buy a home or car, borrowing money becomes more expensive. the markets wanted to hear if this is it, no to more hikes. the -- no more hikes. if -- the fed chairman hinted this might be it. the fact is the data's showing
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jobs a little hotter than expected, not good news, that's too hot for the federal reserve. core inflation without food and energy prices a little hotter than the fed would like, but the fed's staff projections saying there could be a mild version. the federal reserve chairman himself says he did the not project a recession e going bard and believes they can bring down inflation without really affecting the unemployment rate. we'll see. liz? elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. okay, we are in the middle of history being made. let's welcome to the show house ways and means chair jason smith. chairman, it's great to have you on the show. we need your reaction to senator chuck grassley, house oversight chair james comer sending a letter to a.g. garland and fbi director wray, congressman comer also sent a subpoena to the fbi that doj whistle blowers accuse then-vice president biden of allegedly engaging in, quote, a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national to change, to alter u.s. foreign policy decisions. what can you tell us about this?
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>> liz, it's great to be with you. you know, we cannot take any of these whistleblowers lightly. we have a whistleblower that's a contact of the house ways and means recently, and we're looking into it. but in this situation, what senator grassley and representative comer's doing in looking at all the facts and moving ahead and trying to get more information, it looks like, to me, the walls are falling in with the issues that's happened with this administration. apparently whatever you do bad deeds, they'll come to light. unfortunately, this is scary stuff. elizabeth: it looks like we've got doj whistleblowers, irs whistleblower, and he's what we know: -- here's what we know. the obama white house through 2009, they were quietly letting china buy major ownership stakes in u.s. oil and nat gas reversing a george w. bush administration policy that was blocking that. we know that hunter biden was
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doing liquid natural gas deals with china's energy giant cesc -- cefc starting around 2013. let's get your reaction the senator grassley here. >> this comes from a credible and unclassified whistleblower disclosures, in this possible criminal activity when biden was vermont. was vice president. and we want this information, and there's a subpoena going to be or is issued now. over several years i've made accusations about this situation or another crime being committed or another political or interference, and never once has the fbi or the department of justice challenged my authenticity on what i bring up to them. elizabeth: did you hear that? senator grassley is saying he's never been challenged sed on the authenticity. this is a white house embroiled in controversy. we don't know, this is
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speculation, we don't know what the foreign policy decisions are that are involved here. energy policy, energy security is a foreign policy decision, right? i mean, could it be that, you know, under the obama white house, obama's white house was letting china buy sakes in u.s. energy in texas, colorado, wyoming. let's show the cefc presentation of maps of the u.s. hunter biden was allegedly working on liquid natural gas out of five u.s. states. we don't know what this is. what could -- where does this point? again, hunter is making money in ukraine when vice president biden was overseeing ukraine. now this involves bribery. this is a very, very serious charge. >> it's a very, very serious charge, liz. what congress is going to be doing, we're going to use our tools of oversight to look into every aspect of these allegations and what the whistleblower's sharing. s the concerning to think -- it
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is concerning to think that our president could be prom moo -- compromised by a foreign entity of any matter, but it's something we have to look into it. it's so unfortunate that you'd even have to consider looking into it, but unfortunately, the facts are starting to lead us directly no that -- to that information, and this is why senator grassley and representative comer have taken the first steps in ordering subpoenas. elizabeth: it's coming at a time when the federal reserve now says the u.s. may drop into recession later this year because of the u.s. banking crisis. we're already at 1% growth. the markets we're told the banking crisis in the regional banks were ring fenced. now we've got three of the four biggest failures in just two months. have you ever seen the fed raise interest rates in the middle of a banking crisis? >> liz, this is the tenth time today that the fed has raised interest rates in just over a year, 5.5 the % -- 525%. it's the -- 5.25%. it's the highest many 16 years. that's a problem. but the reason why, liz, is
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because of the reckless one-party democrat spending that happened in the last two years. we saw an increase of $10 trillion that led to the highest inflation in the last 40 years. that is why they're raising interest rates. it's truly because of the democrat actions of $10 trillion in increased spending. elizabeth: okay. congressman jason smith, thank you so much for joining us tonight. we're going to the stay on this, president biden story, the allegation of bribery, throughout the show. we're staying on the heavy charges from the government whistleblowers. it looks like they're coming out of the doj, again, that then-vice president under the obama white house allegedly engaged in, quote, bribery to change foreign policy divisions. -- decisions. it's the about government overspending, the u.s. debt has hit more than $32 the trillion. there's a fight over the debt ceiling, but now this story: democrats want the irs to do your taxes for you? gerri willis is live, or she's got the story. >> reporter: great to see you with, good evening, elizabeth.
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here we are on a proposal to allow the irs to offer its own free online tax prep system. it's getting serious pushback on capitol hill from republicans and from taxpayers -- professionals, that is, who say such a program would be a conflict of interest. listen. >> what they're doing is going to create a huge, huge mess for taxpayers. and the primary reason for that is that the irs is doing your taxes for you, there's huge conflict of interest problems. they're going to the maximize the amount of money that goes not to you, but back to the urs. -- irs. >> reporter: now, the irs already offers a free file program for taxpayers earning less than $73,000 that includes a number of commercial tax the software providers including tax act and tax flare. you can see here while two of the best known tech software companies, turbotax and h&r block offer free decisions, though not on the irs web site.
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the inflation reduction act included $15 billion for a study. idea, though, backed by senator elizabeth warren who has criticized current free options saying they upsell consumers or are hard to find on the irs web site. the study expected to be completely the middle of the month, but critics already emerging. in a letter to the irs, ways is and means chairs jason smith and david schweikert say firm expected to conduct the study is no nonpartisan, nonprofit, but a left-leaning think tank already on the record endorsing such a move which they say violates the idea that the study would provide an independent assessment. now, liz, one study which has already been conducted shows that americans don't even want a free file version from the irs. that study shows 48% of filers prefer software they currently use. and 15% say they would use a
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system offered directly by the irs. liz? elizabeth: are hay going to fill out our expense reports and insurance forms too? you know what i love, gerri? they want us to report to the irs our $600 phone app transactions when congress doesn't even read the bills that they write. okay, gerri willis, that was a great story. thanks for your terrific journalism. former top treasury official michael faulkender. now the democrats want the irs to do our taxes for us. i mean, this is what's going on. there's also this, we've got to to talk about this, because this is the fed's fight against inflation. michael, they raised rates a tenth time today as president biden wants to do away with the debt ceiling. now they're talking about a constitutional challenge under the 14th amendment to get rid of the debt ceiling so katie bar the door. spending as much as they want. >> yeah, liz. it's amazing to watch how the democrats are unwilling to bear the consequences of all of
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spending that hay unleashed in the first two years of this administration, and now rather than be bothered with having to negotiate with speaker mccarthy and the house republicans over how to bring spend anding back into line, hay instead want to try to find a way to just abandon any notion of the debt ceiling existing. so rather hand addressing the fundamental problem -- than addressing the fundamental problem that we have federal government spending well beyond our means, they're looking for any and every way not to negotiate over spending reductions. elizabeth: you know, senator biden, vice president biden agreed to the same spending reforms that he now won't even negotiate. he hasn't talked to speaker mccarthy since february 1st. senator joe manchin and senator mitt99 romney saying getting to the -- get to the negotiating table, what are you waiting for? the president has been changing the economy with the stroke of a pen. do they want a 2008 financial cry us all over again? the regions -- crisis? the regionals have boat anchors of commercial real estate on their balance sheets. this all began with really bad
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mortgages and a credit crisis, and and now they're debating unlimited deposit insurance, michael, even on uninsured accounts at banks? former fdic chair sheila bair says that's a terrible idea. it means banks will make riskier interest loans right when the white house wants good credit borrowers to the pay more in higher fees to subsidize riskier mortgage borrowers. what do you make of all that? is. >> that's exactly what i was going to talk about, is the pact that despite the financial crisis 15 years ago arising because we were having low credit quality borrowers who didn't have sufficient down payments coming in and taking on mortgages they couldn't afford, 15 years later the biden administration wants to repeat that debacle. they want to have high quality borrowers subsidizing the mortgages of low quality borrowers while removing discipline from the banking system that would normally be there through uninsured depositors disciplining banks. so all the while we've got the
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fed who took their eye off the ball when it came to managing inflation, is now behind the curve and is now raising rates in order to the catch up because chairman powell knows more than anything else his failure to keep inflation from hitting 40-year highs is how he is going to be remembered in history unless he gets inflation back under control. and so whether that means a banking crisis, whether that means a recession, he is now singularly focused on trying to undo the mistake he made by allowing inflation to get away from him. elizabeth: you just nailed it, michael. in d.c., it's the all about your legacy. michael faulkender, thank you so much for joining us, it's good to see you. okay, the white house reportedly now scrambling. government whistleblowers, it looks like at the doj, accusing then-vice president biden of engaging in, quote, criminal bribery with a foreign national to the change u.s. foreign policy. then, secretary of state antony blinken, he faces a subpoena threat from the house to every the over his e-mails with hunter biden that he has denied.
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and russia accuses ukraine of trying to assassinate russian president putin in a new drone bomb attack. this is the second accusation of a drone attack in a week. the u.s. unable to confirm. we've got the update. and a blockbuster medical breakthrough, eli lilly's new drug, indications it slows down alzheimer's. the race for a cure that's looking more and more like the space race to the moon. and we've got a major case at the supreme court that could stop federal regulators dead in their tracks in their push to the change the u.s. again, senators marsha blackburn, senator ron johnson, fox news sunday anchor shannon bream and dr. jeanette nesheiwat all with us on "evening edit" tonight. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: we've got more and more mandates, they keep coming out of the administration. changing the u.s. economy at the stroke of a pen. now it's about cracking down on u.s. energy despite supreme court limiting the epa's authority to do that. grady trimble is live on capitol april with the -- hill with the story. >> reporter: epa administrator michael regan was here on the hill today defending his portion of president biden's budget proposal. that proposal calls for a 19%
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increase in funding for the epa. >> a reduced budget, epa may be forced to delay fixing america's aging border infrastructure, it might endanger our efforts to address climate change and might roll back our progress that we've made on environmental justice. at epa, we've built environmental justice into our very dna. >> reporter: lawmakers grilled regan on the epa's new electric vehicle rule and whether the united states will be able to generate enough electricity to power those vehicles. more broadly, republican lawmakers have expressed concerns that the biden administration is using sweeping rules to push climate prioritities. the supreme court is taking up a case that could limit the executive branch's ability to to issue those types of rules. the specific case before scotus has to do with a fishing program many new england. in new england. it could claw back some of the regulatory power from federal agencies. lawmakers here on the hill have also been speaking out against a
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separate department of energy rule that could limit gas stove sales in the united states. and, by the way, liz, new york became the first state today to ban natural gas in new buildings starting in some buildings as early as 2026. elizabeth: yeah, you know those michelin five-star chefs are going ballistic over that. >> reporter: they don't like it. [laughter] elizabeth: they'll be operating out of older buildings, i'm sure. fox news sunday host shannon bream with us, it's so good to have you on, we love your show. you've covered the supreme court for years, it's great to see you. of they're about to take on a blockbuster case that's about the power of federal regulators to introduce all sets of rules and set all sorts of mandates in the economy. what do you think about in this case? >> man, it's going to be so interesting because it's something called chevron, a case from 1984, and essentially what it said is, listen, if congress expressly lays out something and gives that the to the an agency, they can do it. if it's ambiguous, then the
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courts have to defer to the agencies, and conservatives have worried and others who are about smaller government for a long time that what has happened is these federal agencies have gotten a great deal of power. and there's nothing really that courts can do to rein them in. a lot of folks who are about less regulatory business have said let's take at shot at chevron. so for years that's been part of the question. they're now going to the take up this case here in the fall, anding ed the settle that chevron question once and for all, how much power do the agencies have, do courts that have the ability to to claw back if they think these federal agencies get it wrong. and if you're worried about regulations and their imposition on business and our society as a whole, this is a case to watch closely. elizabeth:st the like we built this under our noses, a regulatory superstate between the d.c. circuit court which oversees rulemaking and rulemaking authority. all of this outside congress. congress has the power of the purse and legislation. do you -- what do you think about this case? could it put new constraints on
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regulators over, you know, the environmental agencies, over, you know, the banking agencies, financial watchdog agencies? what do you think? >> yeah, liz, i think you're right. and that's what has the biden administration worried because if you can't get things done as an executive the, if you can't get them down on -- done on the hill, you'll write executive orders or allow your federal agencies to do it through regulatory actions. and if heavy done that quietly and smartly with policies within the biden administration. you set up a rule, you announce there is a comment period, people may not even be way -- awake to that until it's over. it's a way to get things cone through the executive branch. the supreme court has pushed back quite a bit under republican and democrat white houses. so i have a feeling that i think i know where they're leaning on this issue, but, of course, they haven't briefed or heard the case just is yet. but if you like the idea that a white house, regardless of who is running it, can get things done by going around congress, then this is a case that you're very invested in. elizabeth: exactly. again, to your point, this is
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about the constitution. i mean, this is coming, you know, shannon, the white house has been changing, again, economy with the stroke of a pen, notably forcing mandates to get everyone to buy electric cars. and you know what's interesting, shannon? we have got the secretary of interior completely unaware china controls the critical minerals needed for electric cars. so heir doing these things without knowing what's going on and the lay of the land. we'd like your reaction to this. >> can you tell me which nation is the largest producer of refined lithium in the world? >> no, i can't. >> it's china. cobalt? >> no, senator. >> it's china. kuhn which nation is the largest exporter of graphite to the united states globally? >> no, senator. >> it's china. jobs for blue collar workers in this nation are valuable resources. the livelihood and well-being of american families are valuable resources. why should those things for millions of americans be sacrificed many favor of your
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agenda for radical climate change? >> there's, like, 1.9 jobs for every american in the country right now, so i know there's a lot of jobs. elizabeth: what do you think, shannon? >> liz, i gotta tell you, i was surprised by the secretary, that she didn't have more knowledge about where the ev components come from. it's part of the conversation. and we always want to solve problems, we want to take better care of our environment, cothings the smart way, but there are ripple effects to everything, and there are all kinds of implications about things that are necessary, the components that are necessary to put together those cars where they come from, the labor that is used, which country is going to benefit. so i've got to say i was a little surprised by that. but this case at the supreme court is going to get to that point about just how much federal agencies can do. we've seen it with energy and epa, interior, hhs. we've even seen it with things like conscience protections for medical personnel. regulatory powers become very powerful. professor jonathan turley says
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it's become this fourth branch that the framers never intended or laid out in our constitution, and so there are questions about how powerful it is. elizabeth: shannon bream, you're so smart. you're a great writer, wrote a great book, "women and the bible," you know? it's a best seller, great read. i urge you to write it. catch shannon on "fox news sundays" 2 the p.m. eastern time. come back soon. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: more on the white house, it is now scrambling. reports coming in about that. we've got this government whistleblowers, looks like they came out of the doj, accusing then-vice president biden of engaging in bribery. criminal bribery with a foreign national to change foreign policies went he was vice president in the obama white house. that there's fbi documents about this. also we have secretary of state antony blinken, he's facing a subpoena threat out of the house to testify over his relationship with hunter biden that he has denied. and senator marsha blackburn, russia's coming up also on the
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biden bribery charge. also this, russia accuses ukraine of trying to assassinate russian president vladimir putin in another drone bomb attack. this is the second allegation of a drone attack in a week. the u.s. unable to confirm this. we're breaking it down on "the evening edit" next. ♪ . .
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go online today! ♪. liz: back with us now senator marsha blackburn from senate armed services. honor to have you on. your reaction to senator chuck grassley, house oversight chair james comer sends a letter to ag garland, fbi director wray. comer sent a subpoena to fbi, government whistle-blower disclosures out of the justice department, accused then vice president biden allegedly engaging quote in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national to change u.s. foreign policy decisions during the
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obama white house. senator, this is a negative charge. >> it is indeed a heavy charge. what we have to look at what we already know. that the biden's did five different deals with the chinese and chinese communist party. $31 million. we know a chinese energy exec bought an 80,000-dollar diamond ring given to hunter. we know that president biden said he never discussed any of these deals with hunter or his brother. there is photographic evidence shows they were together at some points. so what you have to say is, all right, we're getting all of these whistle-blowers. whether it is the doj. whether it is irs, it is time for some transparency and some accountability around the biden family, biden incorporated, the
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money that they have received through these deals, where that money has gone, who has benefited from that and indeed did the president and mrs. biden benefit from these exchanges of money? you know when you have got the bank records, you can see where that money is coming from, who it is going to, indeed it deserves more transparency, more accountability, and further investigation. liz: senator, forgive us, did you mention a figure, $31 million? >> yes. $31 million is the figure that i have been given on different deals that the biden family had done with the chinese. liz: okay. so we don't know again what the allegations are, where alleged bribery, what it stems from and what foreign national policy was changed. conceivably we don't know. it is speculation.
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it could be energy. it could be china because you know, the what you're saying, biden family and hunter biden involved in liquid natural gas deals according to house oversight, five states and more. the deal-making started soon after he left the navy, looking 2013 on. senator, we have to move on. we'll stay on the story with senator ron johnson coming on. what is your opinion about the attempt to assassinate president putin with a drone bomb? >> what we know that the iranians will manufacture 6,000 drones in russia. we know that north korea is involved, another member of that axis of evil. they have been sending rockets, military, sending these rockets
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into the wagner group which is fighting for russia against ukraine. we know that there is naval and navigation equipment that has come to russia out of china. and, i think you have to look at what is transpiring here in this space and, it would be of tremendous concern if you've got iran manufacturing these drones in russia. liz: okay, we need to hit this quickly. the bbc, financial times reporting russian ships able to perform underwater operations were spotted near the two nord stream pipelines from russia to europe were bombed out of commission. these are ghost ships that can operate under the radar screen, using intercepted russian navy communications. what do you make of this story? >> i think this is something we
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need to figure out what is happening here. we have not been briefed on it. i do not have any detail on that but you look how the russians are working with china, iran, north korea, and they are es can it haing what they are trying to carry out there in ukraine. liz: got it. senator blackburn, a pleasure having you on. thanks for your insights. perspective. >> thank you. liz: blockbuster medical breakthrough. eli lilly new all heimer's drug indicates to slows down alzheimer's. this is a race for a cure. it is akin to the space race to the moon drugmakers say. senator ron johnson more on the white house scrambling, government whistle-blowers look like out of the doj, accusing then vice president biden of engaging quote in criminal bribery with a foreign national to change foreign policies, that the fbi has documents to back it up. james comer is subpoenaing for that. and secretary of state antony blinken faces a subpoena threat
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to testify over his relationship with hunter biden during the obama white house. he has denied that. emails say the story is otherwise. that is coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ e age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss and if you're taking a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece... preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies.
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liz: back with us from senate homeland security, senator ron johnson. senator, thank you for joining us. senator, we're in the middle of history right now. we've never seen this happen before. senator, what can you tell us about senator chuck grassley and house oversight chair james comer sending a letter to ag garland, fbi director wray and whistle-blowers looks out of the justice department accused president biden during the obama white house allegedly engaging in quote a bribery scheme with a foreign national to change and alter u.s. policy decisions and make money off of that? >> first off, god bless the whistleblowers.
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the only way we can peel back the layers of this onion showing corruption, president biden, members of his family, members of the administration. we'll need more whistle-blowers. this whistle-blower went to the champions of whistle-blowers, senator grassley's office, essentially with information, a report after the fbi interviewed a confidential human source, alleged what you were talking about there, this is in june of 2020 and so senator grassley went to chairman comer who has subpoena power and they issued a letter, public letter to put pressure on attorney general wray, i mean attorney general garland and fbi director wray to provide those, unclassified by the way, investigatory reports so we see what is at the heart of the allegation. what i'm wondering is this part of the biden family influence
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peddling scheme or something completely different? this is incredible serious allegation that the vice president might have been engaged in, literally selling, profiting off his ability to change america's foreign policy. we have to get to the bottom of this. unfortunately we can't trust this department of justice, this fbi, they have shown to be corrupt. they have shown themselves to be coconspirators covering up for biden family, inc., and congress needs to do its own investigation of the allegation. liz: in 2020, they were vetting vetting biden for the presidency. sounds at least five years prior to that somebody in the justice department was upset with what they heard and saw. you know, we have been, tracking this about how the obama white house was changing u.s. energy policy with china, allowing china to buy u.s. energy assets including natural gas, and that you know, that was happening in multiple states, that the biden family was
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working on, hunter biden was working on natural gas deals with china's energy conglomerate cefc out of five u.s. states. >> listen, senator grassley and i laid out in our september 2020 report based on treasury records, interviews with u.s. persons, a vast web of foreign financial endanglements in china, russia, ukraine and other countries as well. the compliant u.s. media spent 2020 accused senator grassley and i accused of disseminating russian misinformation. have you heard that one before, liz. liz: yeah. >> coconspirators in the agencies, intelligence, department of justice, fbi, mainstream media covering up for the bidens. they wanted him to be president. that corruption goes back, this is written about biden, inc., by "politico" years ago. they traced the possible corruption of the biden family
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going back years. we know hunter biden joined the board of the corrupt ukrainian oil company burisma in 2014. antony blinken lied about emails he sent to hunter biden in 2015. so again this goes back quite sometime. now we know from testimony by former cia deputy director mower rael it was antony blinken literal was impetus of fraudulent letter by 51 former intelligence officials. the corruption runs deep. the deep state knows what it did. it doesn't give up secrets very easily. these investigations are arduous. they are not easy. we're peeling back layers, getting to more and more truth. liz: they would subpoena secretary of state antony blinken to testify about what is going on. striking president biden had oversight of ukraine under the biden white house while the son was sitting at the nation's lynchpins to energy for ukraine.
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that was buriesma. you know, "the washington post" is saying that the justice department is moving potentially on charges against hunter biden, that coinclude tax evasion charges. that is a story coming in there getting back to this bribery charge, we don't know what foreign policy decisions could have been altered. in your experience, and your expertise as a senator, is, u.s. energy foreign policy? >> i think so. you know what we do in terms of exporting, what types of subsidies and incentives we provide. obviously we were lobbying to not complete the nord stream 2 pipeline because of the geopolitical influence would give russia over the rest of europe. energy is power. countries need power. those that are supplying it can exert an awful lot of influence. it is definitely, in the purview
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of foreign policy. liz: senator ron johnson, thanks for joining us tonight. good to have you on. >> have a good night. >> our "hot take" is coming up. plus dr. jenette nesheiwat, the expertise we need from the doctor on blockbuster medical breakthrough, eli lilly's new drug indicates it slows down alzheimer's. this is a race for a new cure. this akin to the race for the moon drugmakers are saying. let's check in first with buddies dagen and sean, "the bottom line." you got to watch it. sean: we have kayleigh mcenany talking about this new report coming out from james comer. chuck grassley, that the fbi, doj have documents implicating vice president joe biden in a criminal scheme. as well as congressman bill huizenga from the powerful financial services committee talking about the fed raising rates. as well as bank failures across the country. liz: bill and sean will be rolling out victor david hanson talking about the death of
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san francisco. it is tragic. then of course we will be talking about the navy using a shipman in drag to try to recruit people. it will be fabulous. sean: drag queens. liz: can't wait. ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, ♪or c.
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from weathertech.
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liz: look who is here, dr. jenette nesheiwat. great to go have you on. this is exciting news. that eli little's new drug for alzheimer's slowed decline in alzheimer's, what do you think? they may have it approved by if the fda next year. >> they will seek approval based on phase three trials. this might be a game-changer, liz. the study found out about 1700 participants between the age of 60 and5, there was 35% decrease in cognitive decline which is fantastic. with this new medication, iv infusion, a monthly infusion, it reduces amy lloyd plaque build up in the brain. it kills your brain cells, confusion, changes in mood, inability to do basic things in life, drive a car, balance a checkbook. i'm excited about this.
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let's see what the trials show. liz: biogen, and alzheimer's drug reduces plaque by 70%. genentech has a drug that is promising too. we have the directors for centers of medicare and medicaid, testifying that medicare may help cover the cost of that good stuff. final word, doctor? >> right now, alzheimer's dementia most common cause of dementia, costs $345 billion every year. we need to protect seniors. improve the quality of life. liz: i love of the story, optimism, hope for some families. dr. nebuchadnezzer we'll stay on the blockbuster news on alzheimers advances. my "hot take" coming up next on "the evening edit".
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visit and get started today. ♪ liz: hope you like that little thing, e mack's "hot take." >> let guess wet with joe concha, katie cherkasky. first to you, bombshell out of senator chuck grassley, house oversight chair james camer,ag garland, fbi director wray, you have to turn over documents. there is alleged whistle-blower documents, allegedly engaging in criminal bribely scheme during the obama white house to change husband foreign policies. what do you think, katie. liz? >> if this were donald trump
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impeachment proceedings would be initiated. hope for of the american people this will be looked into sufficiently, exhaustive tiffly. we deserve answers about this. liz: will the media cover it, joe. >> this won't surprise anymore, liz. liz: >> this is involving current sitting president of the nighted. you cannot find this story anywhere in the homepages of "new york times." last time i look at cnbc and cnn they're not touching this story. how the alleged criminal scheme was employed, its purpose. we may have receipts. not he said/she said. it is silence ever the lambs. this is the forbidden fruit of journalism, anything involving joe biden, hunter biden, james
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biden, it is the third rail,. liz: joe said, doj whistle-blowers, fbi whistle-blowers talking about this. hunter was working burisma, oil and natural gas energy company. then the obama white house, like katy bar the door. they let china buy u.s. energy assets in 2009 including offshore theses and natural gas properties throughout multiple u.s. states. we're not saying well know. we don't know. nobody knows what happened. the only person who knows is joe biden and hunter biden, what they were doing during the obama white house and how foreign policy was changed including with things like u.s. energy assets. >> well i think that's the concern. i think the reason these whistle-blowers are coming forward there seems to be an allegation these allegations are not looked into thoroughly as they should be. certainly maybe the walls are finally closing in on the bidens. there is news hunter may be
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indicted. this is something that deserves to be investigated thoroughly. liz: final word, joe. >> we'll have to see what happens on the abc, nbc, cbs news cast, liz. they attract 20 million viewers combined. if there is a blackout you know this story, it will try to be suppressed as much as possible. when the receipts are there, gop congress asking questions, indictments start coming you can't ignore the story. liz: whistle-blowers who may tech h testify behind closed doors in depositions, right joe. >> that is the key. one whistle-blower, usually more follow. that is the pattern we see all the time in d.c. liz: we'll have you back on the show. tomorrow larry kudlow, congressman monica de la cruz her creative way to secure border security. congressman bill highs seng today joins us. take it to the "the bottom line" with dagen and sean. sean: thanks, emac.


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