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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 10, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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♪ ashley: i don't know about you but i feel good says pit bull looking at fox square on this monday morning, april 10. it is 11:00 a.m. on the east coast. good morning, i'm ashley webster. in for stuart varney. stu will be back tomorrow and let's get back to the markets starting quickly out of the gates and dow off 42 points and
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s&p down half a percent and nasdaq down 1% talking of the nasdaq and big tech names and take a look at big tech and they're all in the red and amazon, meta, alphabet, microsoft. they're all down 1% or more. take a look at 10-year treasury yield and the yield goes up and not much for the high growth tech names and the president confirms he plans to run in 2024. roll tape. >> i plan on at least three or four more egg rolls. maybe five, maybe six, what the hell. >> are you saying that you would be taking part in our upcoming election?
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>> help a brother out. >> we're not announcing it yet. ashley: that's all very mumbly but he said i'm planning to run but haven't made it official. >> steve, this isn't an official announcement and he sounded confident. could the economy survive another four years of biden's policies. that's my question to you. >> all those things, they're doing the exact opposite and lessons from 198 0e 0s and that's why he may talk like he's running in 2024 but he'll not be on the democratic ticket in 2024.
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>> he's not, that's interesting. ashley: get your crystal ball out and gavin newsom seems like he's measuring up the curtains in the oval office and he'll be a contender; correct? >> he'll be a contender and only problem is he's got a record as governor of california of doing everything wrong, talking about in the state level what biden has done on the national lev. whether it's raising taxes, regulations, crushing the restaurant industry in these new initiatives and bad forest management and land management and flushing half the ashley: we have an update that blasted a
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conservative judge in front of lawsuits and now the dean is reflecting on her actions, how wonderful. she told the new york times "my role was to deescalate and she said she wanted to placate students that said they were upset with judge duncan and"hope to give the judge space to speak his prepared remarks". it's all nonsense, and i call that a non-apology. what say you? >> if that's an apology, boy, their language has been totally debased and first model 1984 by george orwell and totalitarian concept and that's what the dean did here and that dean fanned the flames and not put out the flames. you wouldn't want her in charge of the fire department again. ashley: do you think voters, especially the indianapolis dependents, those perhaps on the fence do not realize and every day we talk about it because
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it's true and democrat run cities and they're in disarray and crime is off the charts and people are leaving in droves. does that ever compute out of voter way and these cities are malfunctioning and do you think that could make a big difference in 2024? >> i think it is going to make a big difference in 2024 if the republicans allow those issues to come to the forefront. not just the cities that are being mismanaged and washington is being mismanaged as well and people don't think there's countries moving in the right direction and running on a reaganist platform and i'm old enough to republican ronald reagan as president on getting america moving again and john kennedy's words and he was a democrat and the voter will respond and cities like chicago, portland and others and those bad governors and bad mayors out
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and chicago will have a terrible four years and i think then eventually you'll get change and people don't want to see cities and the country going over a cliff, which is exactly what we're doing now. not only in domestic policy but on foreign policy as well. they know the world's not a good place right now. ashley: democrats are happy for tram top be the candidate and the death penalty helps him and rally around him and they want trump to face up against whoever it is on the democrat side in 2024 and they bethink he's flawed and beatable with the strategy. >> we should have learned in the last 15, 20 years about making a>> announcer: ments in the so called conventional wisdom and the democrats wanted ronald reagan run in 1980 and trump to run in 2016 and republicans wanted joe biden to run in 2020
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and be careful of what you wish for. we should be approaching this election with humility and so much going against what people thought were going to happen. i'm going to keep my pundit powder dry and saying joe biden won't be on the ticket in 2024. ashley: very wise. steve forbes, great chatting with you. thank you very much. ashley: check the markets, jason katz is here. great to see you this morning. take a look at banks if we can. we'll hear from the big banks at the end of the week on their first quarter earning ands there are some benefits to private credit. credit that could fill a lending void, explain. >> in crisis come opportunity and subsequent to the banking industry and those few banks remaining and aren't going to lend as much. private credit will fill that
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void. basically our funds are related to private companies and private equity sponsorship and senior secured loans floating rate. given what's happened with interest rates, these funds are now generating anywhere from 8 to over 10% returns. they're senior in the capitol structure so if the you know what hits the fan, they're the first to get paid. wall street could be pretty credit card the but some looking past the volatility on the horizon. ashley: very good and you say investors might not want to root for bad news anymore because the rooting for bad news is a theory that the economy is slowing down and the fed will not raise rates anymore, but you say be careful about that. explain. >> yes, steve forbes said it best before. watch what you wish for.
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>> looking at last week's economic numbers across the board and notwithstanding friday's jobs numbers and stocks reacted negatively and i think you're going to see that reaction where bad news is in fact bad news because a recession at this point does not if it's when. it's a question of what kind of landing and rolling recessions and i do think we're going to have a modest recession but stocks are going to have to react to that. ache yep, cpi and ppi and that'll be interesting too. jason katz, thank you for being here. >> thanks, ash. ashley: lauren, you got some of the market movers. let's begin with apple and they're down more than 2% today.
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lauren: yeah, tech sector getting hit and bond yields rise and focusing on app and will idc report that -- apple and idc report and global pc fell nearly a third in the fourth quarter and 40% of apple not helping and meta down and microsoft is also down and they're paying $3 million to settle charges and accusing of selling software to ban russian companies. take a look at cinemark, my kids saw the new super-mario brothers movie over the weekend and had to reserve your seats because tickets were selling out and cinemark up 7.5%. they notched their single highest day of attendance since christmas 2019 on saturday. i can't give a review. i didn't know. but they did, they loved it. i didn't go. air is also apparently a great movie that everybody is talking about. that's one i want to see.
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i'll pass on super-marrow. ashley: yes, me too. another one, lauren, increasing number of green energy projects being developed with the involvement of chinese companies and what's going on? lauren: specifically two battery plans promised in the state of michigan where that governor gretchen whitmer is dangling $4 billion in tax insevenths for this pair of -- incentives for this pair of chinese companies to develop this so we can develop evs and meet the green goals of the administration and bottom line is chinese companies are becoming an even bigger part of our push into green energy anded aing insult to injury getting tax incentives to do so. some are describing this as china's influence, operation in the u.s. continuing to gain traction. ashley: interesting. lauren, thank you very much. now this, after a ton of backlash, twitter will no longer label npr as state affiliated
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media and came up with another disclaimer and we're on that story. new report claiming fbi has entire glossary of internet slang that they associate with violent extremism. we got the list. we actually have the list. and also been nearly two weeks now since a wall street journal reporter was detained in russia. the twin brother of another jailed american says this should be concerning to everyone. david whelan will join me next. you can't buy great conversations, or excuses to unplug. you can't buy possibilities, and you can't buy moments that matter. but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price we believe your investments should work harder for the future you imagine. and that's where our strategic investing approach can help. t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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ashley: mike tobin in kyiv and
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does ukraine have a plan to keep their defense systems online? >> there's a plan all along to get all the munitions to get their hands on and one blaring point is ukraine could run out of munitions for air defenses as early as april or may. only in the beginning part of this war did russia fly over ukrainian land in ukrainian air space and don't do it anymore for fear they could lose fighter jets. if the air deadly weaponses are used up, russia gains air superiority with the freedom to move over the battlefield and critical infrastructure and leaving them vulnerable to air attacks and changing dynamic on the ground war and obstructing cerumen the offensive. he declined to speak about the leak itself and needed more air defense munitions.
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all the equipment is produced in russia and just like missiles. >> multiple agencies are trying to assess the impact of the leak the department of justice has been tasked with a criminal probe and some of the documents appear to have been manipulated on social media and people on both sides of the war are skeptical about the leaked and
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the his brother david joins us right now. my first question to you is has the white house reached out to you, to your family at all? >> they have over the years. it's been over 51 months that paul has been a prizer of the russian bye bye bye residentenner of the russian -- prisoner of the russian government. we've been working to bring him home. ashley: paul was seasoned? 2020 -- sentenced in 2020 for 16 years for spying. have you spoke to him or when was the last time you had any contact? >> i haven't spoken to him since october 2018 and he's been able to call our par parents. ashley: what did he tell them?
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>> he mostly keeps them up to date at the prison or if he has needs like having money on his phone card to call home or having money on his prison account to buy fresh fruits and vegetables not made available in the prison. ashley: he used to make trips back and forth to russia. given the political climate and i'm not being 2020 hindsight here, was he playing with fire a little bit? i know he was on the trip that he was arrested, he was there to attend a wedding; right? he was and in 2018, hindsight, it wasn't as bad or as bad as now and we were probably not aware of how bad russia was going to become. ashley: was this brewerly done as a plan to do a prisoner swap
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and part of a common tactic these days? >> the kremlin is getting a concession from the u.s. government and that was always the plan whether it was for prisoners or whether it was for sanctions relief or other things, i guess we'll never know. we won't know till paul comes home. for sure it was extortion. ashley: it was extortion. if i'm wrong and could be wrong here, please correct me. there were reports he bragged about knowing an fsb agent. now, i don't know how that played into anything but that again playing with fire a little bit. >> well, that plays into the kremlin's narrative. the more that western media looks at weather the charges are realistic or founded and the kremlin as a hostage taker and
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your brother was part of the that discussion and look like he'd be released along with brittney griner? >> that was our hope. secretary bli blinken made a statement to bring paul and brittany home and they unfortunately left paul behind. ashley: that must have been devastating and 16 year sentence and how confident are you that your brother will be able to come home in the near future? i mean, it certainly has been a painful journey but are you still hopeful? >> you have to have some hope. we see cases like mark and china
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and no act account prisoners. >> even in the best of circumstances, they'd will be unlikely to go and even more so with the current government and kremlin. ashley: i understand. david, thank you for taking the time to join and yous bring us up to speed and we wish you the very best of luck getting paul, your brother, your twin brother out of jail as soon as possible. david, thank you very much. we do appreciate your time. thank you. >> thanks for having me. ashley: now this, new documents released by the fbi warn some common internet lingo associated with violent extremism apparently.
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tell me more, lauren. lauren: yeah, for many people every day internet lingo, slang is being monitored by the fbi. the records that you're using, they're looking at. some of these words are largely innocuous and red pill, remember the red pill or blue pill choice from the matrix. take the red pill and see another option, a new choice. the fbi lists as you were red pilled into racist or fascist beliefs. similar reference from the word based if you use that online. this is according to fbi documents released after the heritage foundation filed a foyer request and many people are angry about this and feel taggerred for using regular words, slang words on the computer. ashley: yeah, very interesting. lauren, thank you very much. now this, open ai and the company behind chatgpt considering opening an office in japan and the ceo sam altman met
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with the japanese prime minister and the merits and resident and can they're open to adopting it once the cybersecurity concerns are resolved. not surprised. now this, social media influencers could get their own briefing room at the white house. the biden team reportedly thinks tiktok stars can help them win gen z votes. what about tiktok? you look so cool. we're on it. meantime, governor of texas wants to pardon an army sergeant found guilty of killing a blm protester and attorney general ken paxton blames on soros-backed prosecutor and more interested in radford dallas cowboys agendas than justice. ken paxton joining me next.
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achier that was from the new --
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ashley: that was from the new super mario brother's movie and it was the biggest opening of the year and broke records in two categories: video game adaadaptations and animations. super marrow proving to be retrocochlear it -- super mario proving to be pretty super. susan, i did not see super mario. susan: no, but no matter how old you get, it never gets old and princess peach is my favorite. ashley: i watched peter rabbit 2 to get into the easter spirit and it was kind of fun. guest goat to the market movers and start with apple. ashley: mario is a class and i can apple is the same thing and
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apple is one of the biggest drags today because the world's biggest company saw a sharp drop in max sales in the first quarter of this year. down about 40% according to idc research and every pc maker going through a tough time and looking and staring down an inventory and apple had the sharpest drop to start the year and dell and lear lenovo seeings down about 30% and hp sales fell by a quarter and nobody is doing great in these times. chip makers that make the memory chips that go into the pcs and laptops have always been going through a rough production and u.s. competitors like micron and they're get ago lift on the news and boom days and workers scrambling to outfit their home offices and looking to buy the pcs and laptops, that trend seems to be done.
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that has them concerned about profit margins and margins fall below 20% if tesla means to cut their prices in order to drive demand why tesla is looking at other businesses and energy storage and megapact factory and thinking the trade on the market is sell tesla and buy gm for today and gm self-driving crus reported a crash in san francisco and means they're recalling around 300 robotaxis and impact on the stock. that i canning out 70 billion in
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deposits of svb collapsed and wal-mart sued alleging capital 1 didn't hold up their end of the bargain and jack dorsey's company known as square worth only $75 instead of $90 and concern that had small issues are building up and includes hindenburg report that alleges fraud on block. ashley: thank you, susan. now this story, the texas attorney general ken paxton lashing out at district attorney jose garza after u.s. army sergeant daniel perry was found guilty for killing an armed black lives matter protester back in 2020. well, the attorney general from texas himself, ken paxton joining us now. ken, thank you very being here. i guess my first question is will daniel perry be pardoned?
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>> look, i'm optimistic and the governor requests he has to work for the pardon and parole board and made up seven members by the governor and make the request and determination and i would be surprised if the parole and pardon board doesn't deserve it. ashley: defense and prosecution in this case said that he'd have to respond to that. >> all the information was not provided to the grand jury, he was forced not to provide information that may have cleared or given the grand jury some pause before they sentenced him to -- on the murder charge. this guy had an automatic weapon placed in his face, you don't have a lot of time to think
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about what you're going to do. if you make the wrong decision, your life is over. once a weapon is put in your face, in texas you have the right to defend yourself. i think daniel perry had that right. ashley: all right, we'll see what happens next. now this issue, you launched a lawsuit against the biden administration trying to block the $1.6 trillion spending package and the bill is not constitutional. can you explain? >> yeah first congress met in 1789 and had a provision in the general constitution and many legislatures across the country you have to have a majority of the members present. nancy pelosi waived that and allowed people to vote by proxy and in other words they were able to send in their vote through somebody else, which is not permitted in the constitution, and she can't override it individually. this has to be overridden by a constitutional amendment or as a constitution requires, you have
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to get a quorum that's required by the constitution. they did not pass this bill the correct way and you can't just make exceptions to the constitution at your whim. ashley: where was it filed, attorney general, and what's the process? could this play out over a long period of time? >> yeah, it was filed in texas and we're in texas and it was a district court and we're asking for a conjunction and these tricks affect us relatively immediately and asking the court to enjoy the provisions that affect our state that cost our state and then we hope that the courts will look at this seriously because this is a pretty significant issue if congress can just ignore the constitution and do what they want. ashley: yeah, we have to leave it there but attorney general ken paxton great stuff as always. thank you for taking the time to join us on this monday. thank you very much. >> thank you. ashley: okay. now this, half of all heavy duty
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trucks in california will be electric by 2035. that's not long away from now. the greens love it and it's a major expense for our truckers. tiktok banned by an entire country and which government is threatening to pull the entire site if toxic content is not removed. interesting. that's next. ♪
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>> but first, let me take a selfie.
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ashley: let me take a selfie says the chain smokers. you're taking a look at the white house and we're playing that song as you probably want to know for what reason? the white house is looking to hire a "army opportunistic influencers"to help with joe biden's 2024 campaign. lauren: axios is reporting he'll rely on social media influencers to sell his record to the public. this comes from the white house deputy chief of staff and i quote "we're trying to reach young people and moms to get different information and climate activists and have the main way of getting information digital. social media is so crucial to the president's success that axios say they may get their own
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briefing room inside the white house. hands down part of this is smart. young voters went fertilizer biden in 2020 by over 26 points and held democrats in the mid determine by a similar margin but biden is basing his strategy not on twitter but tiktok a. platform that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle want banned and part of the basement strait jim jordan is to stay out of the cross fire that journalists give you the softball and influencer is typically someone who sells your record. ashley: that's exactly right. probably a good strategy. label, npr as state affiliated media and instead twitter slapped them with a new label that reads government funded media as you can see. the classification and npr has
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their first label to get five days ago. call college students across florida will no longer be able to use campus wifi to access tiktok. kelly o'grady joins me now and, kelly, florida isn't alone in this; right? >> that's right, ashley. it is far from alone. vietnam is actually opening a probe into tiktok over what it calls "toxic content and here at home many are moving ahead in the name of national security and florida state university joining a growing list of schools to ban tiktok and we chat and tencent and students can find creative work around and tic tiktok with concerns on u.s. soil and states are
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pursuing action over government devices and montana could become the first to ban it outright. a new bill passed the state senate and expected to hit the house floor this week. montana's attorney general telling fox business: we know that the chinese communist party is using it to spy on americans and additionally the app is feeding harmful adult content to children that encourages illegal and dangerous behavior. this growing pushback comes as tiktok's owner byte dance has a second social media app surging in popularity called lemonade. it's a cross between tiktok short videos and a picture feed like on instagram and all led to bytedance being named the most valuable private company according to the financial times and it underscores how determined the company is to grow in the u.s. and unsurprising why i checked apps ter before coming on here with you. ashley. ashley: yes, indeed. all right. great stuff, kelly. thank you very much.
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all right, take a look at dow 30 stocks if we can to get a sense of the markets as they say, more read than green but about e call. caterpillar, dow, and home depot on the top, apple, proctor & gamble and microsoft on the bottom and the dow its reflects what we see in the colors even just up barely essentially flat, the dow at 33,490. now this, epa is reportedly set to propose the strongest limits on tail pipe emissions ever. it's all part of a big push to get more evs on the road, electric vehicles and grady trimble has that report from washington coming up next. ♪ - double check that. eh, pretty good! (whistles) yeek. not cryin', are ya? let's tighten that. (fabric ripping) ooh. - wait, wh- wh- what was that?
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>> you bet, ash. on the south lawn they're rolling easter eggs here on the north lawn and we're talking about the biden administration possibly rolling out new emissions restrictions, cracking down on tail pipe emissions if you will. the biden administration set a plan to running all half of all vehicles sold by 2030 to be electric and these new emission standards would go well beyond that and the rules would ensure more than two-thirds of all new vehicles sold to be electric by 2033 according to "the wall street journal" and epa expecting to make them on the new emission standards later this week in the motor city and wall street journal reports new standards report to model year vehicles 2027 and gradually increase through model year 2032. the white house not confirmed the new rules and the final one and epa spokesperson says as
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directed by the president in executive order, epa developing new standards that will seize on this historic progress and accelerate to zero emissions future and republican lawmakers point out the move could be doing more to help china than the environment. >> we can do so much better. if we want electric cars, we can do electric cars and find them in mineral america. we're sending to africa and china is the imperialistic proxy for us and engaging in slave labor, child labor in african mines with no safety or worker safety standards and no one producing a fair trade electric car. >> it's pretty ambitious. ashley. ashley: that's a good word for
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it. all right, grady, thank you very much. and also by the way. now this, epa approved california's plan to require half of all new electric trucks to go electric by 2035. chris what, do you make of this government mandate and is it feasible? >> it's disappointing and notifies and feasible and it'lla sheer embarrassment to our country economically and we're conceding more ground to china by mutting in forward and the federal government responsibility to regulate national environmental laws and just recently the biden administration handed the keys over to the state of california and doing that to basically regulate our industry nationally and we not only operate in california the fourth in the
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world and have a seemless fabric of environments and expect that from the federal government or expect leadership and conceding that ground to california not only raises the bar, they put forward unachievable time lines and more devastating our ability to serve the economy and supply chain and prices going umm exponentially. ashley: the gallon of gas in california $4.88 and diesel, $5.33 a gallon and some of the highest prices in the country on average how much does it cost to fill up a truck in california? out of interest, do you know? >> well, these prices it's well over $1,000 and listen, they're going to fluctuate and certainly if you're an owner/operator and independent -- operator and
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independent contractor and you'll feel the price on the bottom line and cost just under label and we look at this and the impact and it's not a very narrow margin business and they'll be seen at the shelf and everything they pay. a ashley: exactly, we'll have to leave it there and thank you so much. we'll follow this story and chris spear is the ceo of american trucking association talking to us today. chris, thank you very much. all right, time to move on. thank you. one of the most popular segments on our program on varney, the trivia question and the trivia question on this monday is this, what is the most popular diamond shape for engagement rings? round, princess, oval, or pear? i do not have a clear but the answer is right after this. ♪.
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♪. ashley: all right, earlier we asked you, what is the most popular diamond shape for engagement rings? i have no idea. lauren, what do you say? lauren: going with round. i feel like everybody i know has a round diamond but that also seems too obvious, but round. >> oh. i was going to say princess. let's get to the answer. you are right, lauren simonetti, it is round. according to the knot 41% of brides-to-be have round diamonds. "coast to coast" is next. neil: we


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