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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 14, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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so i told you about it. have a great night. that does it for us on "fox business tonight." "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. >> "happening now," far left on a mission. stop elon musk takeover of twitter. content moderation works. coming on the same day revealed the brooklyn subway shooter he posted on social media for years racist violence to literally kill people who disagree with him. how is that for content moderation? why there is no guarranty twitter's new poison pill plan to stop musk will work. with us dan bishop,
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darrell issa, steve forbes, "fox nation" host tomi lahren and kara frederick, former nymd detective, dr. oscar odom and texas mayor don mclaughlin. black lives matter accused of corruption. the cofounder of black lives matter is triggered by same tax laws all-americans must follow. new york city mayor eric adams slams black lives matter and anti-cop activists as quote hypocrites. we've got the story. dr. fauci praises china's total lock down for the u.s. even after murders and homicides soared and the economy collapsed. an president biden's poles again collapse. he is now losing key democrat voting blocks. we have the story. new white house turmoil. hunter biden's strained connections to notorious mobster whitey bolger. hunt hunt pushing natural gas deals around the world before president biden blocked u.s. natural gas here. blockbuster case rattling d.c.,
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against a top member of hillary clinton's team. the takedown of hillary's trump russia deception, is it it beginning? texas send as second bus of illegal aliens to d.c. today the white house and democrats cry foul. new crime data shows more mayhem in biden's border collapse. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: welcome to the show. twitter went up after musk's takeover offer. major breaking news a a russian warship sunk in the black sea. ukraine claim as missile strike. russia denies that. u.s. sending heavier weaponry
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into ukraine, artillery, helicopters and more. russia accused of 6500 war crimes, murder of ukrainian civilians, 200 children massacred. serious underestimate, likely what es going on there. let's go back to elon musk. he claims he has a plan b if twitter's board rejects his historic all cash offer to buy all of twitter. musk is warning free speech is in danger. kelly o'grady is in los angeles with more. kelly, good to see you. reporter: great to see you too, liz. elon musk feels twitter has failed society. at the press conference he confirmed the hostile takeover event not about the money but protecting free speech is essential to democracy. proposing $54.20 a share, nine dollars above where it is trading. he revealed pass on censorship, if in doubt leave the tweet up. twitter is asking a poise sown
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pill to prevent musk from taking over. it would essentially finance alley ruin the company if. but elon alluded to a potential plan b. >> if in this case you're not successful and the board does not accept your offer, you said you won't go higher is there a plan b? >> there is. [laughter]. [applause] >> i think we would like to hear a little bit about plan b. >> for another time i think. reporter: classic elon, liz, right? well this is as elon is under scrutiny from the sec, attack from twitter employees, the target of a class-action lawsuit. it is developing by the minute, liz. make sure we keep our eye on elon's tweet. elizabeth: exciting stuff. great journalism, kelly. come back soon. joining us congressman dan bishop from house judiciary, research fellow, top facebook,
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pent gone analyst kara frederick. she also served in afghanistan. great to have you both on. thanks for spending time with us. for you, congressman, if musk takes over twitter what happens to the national conversation in america? >> i think it is fantastic. the developments we've seen the last couple weeks, then the last day are a master stroke by elon musk and i, it is nice to see someone who has those resources who believes that robust free speech is more valuable than, you know, control of our thoughts by a ministry of truth that sits in a private company out in silicon valley. >> you know, cara, to the congressman's point the you know the irony is pretty rich. the far left, they claim musk is endangering free speech on the same day revealed the brooklyn subway shooter posted for years on facebook and youtube, racist violence, posts literally kill people who disagree with him. unclear if youtube or facebook
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red flagged that to authorities but what is your take on this? >> that is exactly right. the hypocrisy is just dripping here. i mean i really like to be a fly on the wall right now. there is a twitter all hands started at 5:00 p.m. eastern time and they're melting down at least publicly on twitter now. i wonder what they're saying inside. that hypocrisy, apparently you can talk about anything you want, killing white people, all the racist hatred that you talked about but you can't reference studies to natural immunity, can't talk about the hunter biden laptop, you can't talk about all sorts of things that normal, natural for us to have a free and open discourse in our society. so they're not even hiding it anymore at this point and that shooter, that is a massive issue of misplaced priorities. you know facebook is going after moms and people who are just speaking out at school board meetings, recording it, yet they allow this to persist on their platform, not to mention the ccp, taliban. the president of russia still
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has a account on twitter. a matter of misplaced priorities. it has to be rectified. hopefully elon can cut into that. elizabeth: to cair a's point, congressman, twitter allows iranian dictator khomeni plans to kill trump. that is what he is tweeting about but twitter allows that. get back to this, twitter keeps say our free speech is in jeopardy. silicon valley, media, says twitter is doing quote, content moderation. scientists doctors, politicians, say no, no, they're suppressing us to push their far left point of view. when you see khomeni of iran is still up there and more, then you see what happened with hunter biden's laptop being censored by twitter, the hillary russia collusion story, all those stories were censored, is social media meddling in u.s. elections? >> to be sure they have, liz. everybody has got their own favorite. the ones that come to mind recently on twitter are "the
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babylon bee"'s website or, account was suspended and libs on tiktok for harmless human or on there. you say horrible stuff allowed to stay up. i think what it indicates we're on the right track, those of us in congress looking hard, including kara are looking marred we may need to act in order to get at big tech. elon musk is showing you might use the private market, a private investor with sufficient power, sufficient resources to get ahold of twitter, but that is the small fry, liz. you still got, as you suggested google and youtube and facebook, all the really big enterprises that seem to be able to do this with impunity. they want to, they did. when they blocked hunter biden back before the last election, they blocked that story by the "new york post," yeah, they interfered with an election. that is what they intended to do. elizabeth: kara, to the congressman's point what is
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twitter? what are these social media sites? twitter and other social media they get government protection against all lawsuits to publish anything they want. it's a free-for-all over there. newspapers, other media, don't get the government protection. they have got powerful lobbyists and top democrat allies. a free twitter would mean a direct challenge to the people in charge of our government, many of whom are incompetent. for first time in years we can talk honestly about our leaders and what is going on in this country. do you think they twist the national conversation? >> i think this is huge. at elon musk himself said, this is the new public square. i don't think people can deny that, the influence they have. this is where elites refine their thinking when they talk to one another. ron klain, direct power in the white house, he is scrolling twitter, retweeting all day. so the idea, this is like spaghetti on the wall for leftists. they throw their ideas. they see what sticks. they use critical. it is critical.
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absolutely important. as elon said today, it is a societal imperative to have free speech. it is imperative to a functioning democracy. twitter could lead the way in this regard if somebody like him steps up to the helm. we can't necessarily -- elizabeth: tell you something, there is this too, congressman, there is bullying on twitter. they all talk about content moderation, right? what a bunch of phonies. meghan mccain tweeting about hypocrisy of conservatives, gets harassed all the time, physical threats. fox news, fox business anchors get physical threats all the time. mark cuban, maybe his plan b, team up with paypal cofounder peter thiel, go after twitter buy them out that would make the far left go crazy. how they claim content moderation when we get physical threats all the time on twitter and they do nothing about it? >> it's a euphemism and it is language they can cloak what is,
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censorship by any other word or name. that is what they intend to do. it is idealogical. again what makes elon musk a hero to many, he is putting on the horns of the dilemma. free speech that is robust, open, censored more valuable economic -- elizabeth: it is appalling what it going on in this country with twitter, facebook, big tech, social media. the fact they allow what is going on is so dangerous to the national discourse. congressman dan bishop, kara frederick. you were terrific on this. want to have both you back soon. more on the white house possibly averting va medical care to the border from our veteran soldiers. law make remembers upset. we're on it. biden is set to let the trump border policy, title 42. border chaos is getting worse. we have a mayor from the border on with us later. plus, president biden's approval ratings crash to new historic
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lows. bad messaging to blame. even obama and biden officials saying white house press secretary stop it, your messaging is wrong on inflation. we've got the story next with steve forbes. >> this is like the biggest tax increase in history. if you look at what inflation is doing, i saw a number today that wages can go up but they're nowhere near what being taken out of families by inflation. r , and we gotta do it fast. ♪. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit to help prevent bleeding gums,
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♪. elizabeth: look who's here, for example media chair, editor-in-chief steve forbes. also wrote a new book, inflation, what is it, why it is bad, how are you going to fix it? you know what, so good to see you, steve. >> good to see you. elizabeth: president biden is in north carolina touting supply chain successes as an inflation fix. his poll numbers are crashing. at 33% in quinnepiac. when you look at numbers, steve, historic 26% with independents, 26% with hispanics, 21% approval gen-zers through millenials. they're getting the message. what do you think is happening? >> what happening people don't like it when they go to market, suddenly have to pay more and more and more. they get a raise but it is taken away by taxes. inflation is a tax increase.
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also paying more. so it is no surprise because he is unfortunately come across trying to blame it on vladmir putin, for crying out loud. the american people aren't stupid. they know this problem was there, they understand part of it was supply chain problems but they also know that this administration has waged war against the oil and gas industry. we're suffering the consequences of that and other regulations and also we're suffering from the fact the federal reserve has been printing too much month any. it is pretty basic. elizabeth: he is doubling down on on spending, not taking responsibility that causes any problems. hillary and obama saying you should tout your record. what is the record? >> the record is scratchy, that is what the voters hear. when he, he talks about spending, that is throwing gasoline on the fire because who , who bout bonds last year when doing all the bing
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spending? mostly by the federal reserve. where do they get the money? out of thin air. call the dealer, billion dollars worth of bonds. credit my bank account the dealer says. where do they get the money? ultimate atm. out of thin air. elizabeth: money supply is up over 40% last two years. the white house press secretary again doubling down claiming inflation is transitory when biden, obama officials say it is not. watch this, watch. reporter: does the white house still view inflation as transitory? >> that is the view of the federal reserve and outside economists and they all continue to project it will come down this year. elizabeth: wrong, steve, wrong. it is not the view. federal reserve chair powell says no, it is not transitory. so us did the treasury secretary yellen. so does, obama officials like larry summers and steve rattner. so why are they still doubling down on the wrong message? >> i think what happened with her she got last year's talking points when the federal reserve was saying a year ago it was
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transitory. oh, no. this is 2022, not 2021. the amazing thing, this is so cynical but it is true. the federal reserve did not do what it should have done last year because powell wanted to be reappointed. they didn't want interest rates to go up. kept printing money. a gimmick to keep it out of circulation, 1.7 trillion. that gimmick will unwind at some point. they're out of game praying. they now paying the price. elizabeth: do you think inflation will get worse? >> if they let the economy alone the supply chain problems would eventually sort themselves out. although what china is doing is not going to help, the war in ukraine but those things sort themselves out, supply chain inflation. monetary inflation is the big question mark. unfortunately the fed does not know how to fight inflation. they think you do it by raising interest rates. that is price controls and by hurting the economy. they say soft landing. it is a crash landing. >> oh, gosh, we hope not. that would be painful for the economy. >> unnecessarily so.
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elizabeth: we just came out of a pandemic. what more can the u.s. taxpayer take? show senator marsha blackburn's tweet here. president biden campaigned on a promise to ban drilling on federal lands and waters but now the white house blames oil companies for not drilling enough and biden and saki, they point fingers at putin as democrats pointing fingers back at them because they will lose in the midterms and lose control of congress. let me ask you this, did putin kill the keystone pipeline? did putin debank and defund natural energy? did putin stop drilling off the federal coast? >> putin applauded. tell farmers for example, not to grow food, you blame them for food shortages. telling oil companies don't drill, don't produce because we think what you do is bad we want to put it out of business. then they get the consequences. he still isn't changing. sadly this administration will not change? elizabeth: why? >> because the far left of the democratic party they're fearful of it. only after the election, get a
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shellacking, words of barack obama only then will the party change course. elizabeth: why is the american taxpayer part of their science project or you know experiment? we're the ones who suffer. gas is up nearly 50% before putin invaded but they're blaming the pandemic and they're blaming the shutdowns democrats started. can you blame the supply chain crisis on the shutdowns or gas or anything on the shutdowns and on the pandemic? >> you can blame part of it. when you disrupt the whole global supply chain, billions of transactions done every day, shut it down like turning off a light switch. that has consequences. leave the economy alone, people would adjust, things would be put back in shape. but the biden administration keeps getting in the way of that. federal reserve misbehaving. biden administration misbehaving. bad stuff. american people unfortunately unnecessarily suffering for it. we don't need a recession to conquer inflation. stop trashing dollar.
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stablize the dollar. you will be amazed how quickly the economy comes back. elizabeth: that was good stuff you said. good stuff you hired me to be an editor at forbes. kidding. what is good stuff, your book, steve. >> thank you. >> we're excited everything is falling down on the floor. good to have you, steve. come back soon. next up, we have new white house turmoil of hunter biden's business dealings overseas. curious connection to mobster whitey bolger. more on how hunter trying ukraine for natural gas deals around the world before president biden blocked u.s. senate gas here. we have the latest. evening edit just ahead. >> we have papa joe saying he is absolutely sure there were no ethics violations at all. he knows this of course because he has had absolutely no conversations with his son about his business dealings. now the logic on that just falls apart on itself. ♪.
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work. they need to do their job, but the time for the special prosecutor quite frankly is probably going to be bigger than hunter biden because the real reason for the grand jury, and you might remember, i supported a grand jury for the so-called russian collusion. it is actually the fact that it is now beginning to point directly at the president. we now have proof that the president received money from hunter biden at one point during hess time in office, and then later helped him soft there is true business connections between hunter biden and the president that we now understand. and so the real request and the request that i expect we'll be forwarding will be for a independent counsel who understands his job includes the former vice president now president of the united states. that level of independence is going to be critical. elizabeth: okay. >> we're going to need to have it. >> we have got hunter biden.
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he worked on energy and natural gas deals for china and ukraine around the world as biden blocks u.s. natural gas here. hunter was getting paid by a chinese company backed by communist china to do china's natural gas deals in the state of texas, permian basin feel and arkansas shell field, west virginia marcellus formation field, and more. "daily caller" reporting on this. why this is coming out about joe biden and hunter biden? why is the cnn, "washington post," "new york times," authenticating emails? do democrats want to push aside joe biden and get somebody else in there for 2024? >> what they want to do get past the fact they covered this up in the october before the president was elected. they want to try to get their reputation back but want to do it in as quiet a way as they can. you're seeing some leaks. "new york times," came out shocked, about paragraph 24 of
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an article they admitted in fact what they said was misinformation in october before the president was elected it was in fact was the truth. that hunter biden was in fact a agent of a foreign government. he was deeply involved in activities and the president, then vice president, had been helping him including putting him on air force two. all of that now is known to be true. elizabeth: you know, those forensic scientists who authenticated hunter's email, they were not just born yesterday, they were around in 2022 as well, rather. why didn't "the new york times," why didn't they dot legwork back then? we have this, a curious twist, jim bolger, nephew of boston notorious mobster whitey bolger was a business associate of hunter biden. this is fox news digital. they have emails and texts on hunter biden's laptop. jim bolger has never been accused of anything. this is not a good look, the headline for the white house. what do you think? >> there is enough smoke, there is enough fire here that we
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don't have to look for smoke. the fact is, you know, hunter biden was effectively an agent for foreign powers, operating with the help of the vice president. the vice president then vice president now president, and his brother are deeply involved in this. they are financially benefiting an candidly the president has said that he didn't know things that the laptop shows us he clearly knew, including meetings he did to help facilitate his son and his brother's financial activities. so you know, we now have enough to know that the president needs to be investigated for his activities prior to being president but, liz, there is something that is more dangerous to our democracy and that is, how compromised is the current president of the united states by these past activities and that is an investigation that needs to be put into high gear because the activities, the reluctance to help the ukrainian
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people, some of the other activities certainly the fact that when the president talks to putin for 65 minutes, putin decides that, you know, that biden is not a threat and as a result invades his neighboring country. those are concerns that we should all have. american dollars and potentially americans will die along with thousands of ukrainians because this president appears to have a conflict that he cannot do what president trump did, which is look putin in the eye and make him believe he should not invade another country. elizabeth: congressman issa, good to have you on. come back soon. coming out of the bottom of the hour now. you're watching the fox business network. new york city mayor eric adams, blasts black lives matter, anti-cop activists as quote, hypocrites. this outrage, suspected brooklyn subway shooter was set free after multiple felony arrests dating back to 1991. that is next on
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♪. elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show, former nypd detective, dr. oscar odom. doctor, it is great to have you on. first to this, we have horrific new video coming in. criminals in los angeles literally ran over a woman in broad daylight. they were trying to steal her watch this is tough stuff to watch. l.a.p.d. warning that 17 gangs targeting the wealthy to stock and rob them. we also that, brooklyn subway shooter, frank james held without bail on federal terrorism charge. when people see images, they get scared about mayhem on the streets, doctor. james was let free after 12 prior arrests. why did liberals or any prosecutor let him go? >> that is the million dollar question. why would you let him go. this is one of the problems with the criminal justice system, when the police officers do their job, they lock someone up. they do their part in the process. therefore takes the prosecution
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to make sure that they prosecute the person. then the judge to make sure they do what they have to do. always have to watch out for the legislators which they change these different laws as far as like the bail reform law. that is a big problem. elizabeth: got it. that is an important point. new york city mayor, eric adams, is calling out brac lives matter and anti-cop activists as quote, hypocrites. shootings in new york city soaring. violent subway crime up 40%. even after that brooklyn shooter, multiple shootings, six shootings all throughout new york city. let's watch this. watch. >> where are all those who stated black lives matter? then go through analysis who was killed or shot last night? i was up all night speaking to my commanders in the bronx, in brooklyn. the victims were black, lives of these black children that are dying every night matters. can't be hypocrites. >> he just called them
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hypocrites. what do you say? >> well, i agree because they need to come sit at the roundtable. you know all lives matter. we realize that but black lives matter, if you're stating this, nobody gets a pass on black lives, whether you're black, white, whatever, nobody gets a pass. because you're black, that doesn't allow you to take a black life. you must sit at the table, value them, no matter whose life it is, who is ever doing it you must speak out against them to stop this from happening, when you don't, that becomes hypocritical. elizabeth: we have black lives matter, they raised nine at this million dollars. no one knows where 30 million went. they have $60 million in donations. they're getting slammed for buying a six million dollar mansion using charitable donations. that is against the tax law using it for personal benefit. let's watch cofounder patrice cullors, the tax laws everyone has to follow trigger here. yeah, i will be transparent but i don't like the tax laws
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everybody else has to follow. >> i don't know if i have clarity or empathy yet, wow, this doesn't seem, this doesn't seem safe for us this 990 structure, that non-profit structure this is deeply unsafe. this is being literally weaponized against us. it is such a trip now to hear the word, the term 990. i'm like, triggering. >> how is non-profit tax form that been out there for generations triggering? she has been accused also, she bout i think four homes worth more than three million dollars. she says it is aboveboard. how is a tax form triggering? >> well, it's not. that's why it is important to have a lawyer in the family or someone to review any type of activities that you get into, any type of investments whatever. therefore if you have a lawyer, you will be properly informed about the laws, the loopholes
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and everything as far as that is concerned. no one is above the law. so therefore, you must comply with the law, regardless who you are. and if you don't, there are penalties for violating the law. plain and simple. get a lawyer. elizabeth: talk about this. crime did spiral out of control during lockdowns. murders, homicides soared. because of defund the police. watch dr. fauci praise china's total lockdowns, full-on total lockdowns even after the u.s. economy collapsed. watch this. >> well, china has a number of props, two of which are that their complete lockdown, which was their approach, strictest lockdown that you would never be able to implement in the night, although that prevents the spread of infect shun, when you use lockdowns to get people vaccinated. elizabeth: okay. total lockdowns did not stop the spread in china. okay? they did total lockdowns. wuhan, excuse me, city of wuhan
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also did lockdowns, so did shanghai. total lockdown in beijing. dr. oscar odom, when you hear authoritarian rhetoric like this, are you worried about the u.s., u.s. economy, and about crime? >> oh, yes, because we must reevaluate. we look at what has happened and the data will bear out that doing practices like that will not help. so you have to look at it. just like when you look in new york city, how mayor adams is opening up a lot of stuff and he is watching the data. he is watching the science. but opening things back up so the economy can flourish and that people are safe. elizabeth: got it. terrific interview, one and only dr. oscar odom. come back soon. it is good to see you. more on the blockbuster case about to rattle d.c. next month. it is against a top member of milliary's team. is this the beginning of a take down of hillary's trump russia deception? we'll break it down next with tomi lahren on
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(jessica, brinley's mom) st. jude is fighting for one goal, like this one mission: life. i get to keep her, and we get to have her and enjoy her, and she gets to grow up, which is the best gift like anyone could ever give.
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♪. elizabeth: back with us now, "fox nation" host tomi lahren. good to see you again. a court green lighted special counsel john durham case against clinton lawyer michael sussman. is this the end of the hillary trump russia deception? will this be the takedown of it? >> i think about time hillary clinton and her campaign answer for all the dealings they were involved in. the question becomes though, who will be willing to fall on the sword for the hillary clinton and hillary clinton campaign and family? so many people have, managed to get out of every single one of her debacles unscathed and her political career continues. looking may 16th, in the trial who will be willing to fall on the sword, who maybe will be willing to sell hillary
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clinton down the river? that is what i'm waiting to see. elizabeth: it goes to trial next month, as you point out in mid-may, federal court in d.c. special counsel durham charged sussman with lying to the fbi and justice department, covering up he was working for hillary clinton's campaign, pushing debunked false narrative inside of the u.s. government to go after trump for russia collusion. that basically trump's organization was talking to russia's alfa bank over the internet. let's listen to former attorney general william barr. he is saying yeah, hillary and her team were trying to do a hit-and-run on trump to get the government to do this, go after trump with a fake narrative but no fingerprint the of hillary on this. watch a.g. barr. watch? >> why did the fbi act the way they did? there was no basis, really a flimsy basis to go after the trump campaign. even as they learned this information was bad and could easily be russian disinformation they continued. this was a campaign ploy to put
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out scurrilous information about trump then after the if in by investigate it, leak it right before the election. the ultimate corruption of democracy to have people in charge of the coercive tools of the country, national security police power, use it to choose the leader of the country. elizabeth: you know this is really poisonous and stuff what hillary and her team did, abusing the doj and the fbi for their own power? >> this is well beyond opposition research, what normally goes on in a campaign. what is being alleged with the durham probe and investigation, hillary clinton and her campaign doing more than just a witch-hunt. false, sometimes even salacious information, hurling that at the trump organization and trump campaign. you got all the other folks, all other characters interwined into it. hillary clinton has been largely able to escape a lot of ridicule for this.
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come may 16th, we'll not only find out what ties hillary and her campaign has, what is going on, lying to federal agents, sussman telling them who he actually worked for even though he was billing the clinton campaign, we'll wait, we'll see if the media will be willing to cover this with the same appetite they covered the mueller investigation that went on for pretty much the entirety of trump's term, really clouded great achievements of that administration. elizabeth: hillary allies, doing a service to our country, alerting to the government, of trump-russia collusion, if it happened, the problem they were trucking it around the media, including nsa jake sullivan, leaking it to the media when there was no proof of it, to whip up the u.s. population against trump. that's where, that narrative falls down. durham has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt criminal intent. can he do it? can he get a conspiracy charge going? do you think sussman might take
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a plea deal? what do you think is going to happen? >> listen, i think that those that are around the clinton campaign and around the clinton family will do everything they can to protect the clinton network because that is what history has showed us over and over again. so will he take a plea deal? if that means protecting hillary clinton, protecting that campaign, potentially hillary's future, political ambitions? everything points to hillary wanting to get back in the race now that joe biden is so obviously failing. she has a real appetite to back into political power. she will want all those around her to make it go away as fast as possible. if that mean as plea deal? that is exactly the kind of pressure those involved in this will be put under. elizabeth: tomi lahren, good to see you. come back soon. texas sends another bus, second bus of illegal immigrants to d.c. today. the white house cries foul. as lawmakers warn biden, stop diverting va medical care to the
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border away from u.s. soldiers. we have the latest on "the evening edit." >> this is the first administration in the history of this nation who came news and unsecured the border. i worked for six presidents starting with ronald reagan. everyone, clinton, obama, wanted to do something to secure the border. ♪ ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪
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look who's back with us, mayor john mclaughlin in texas, it's good to have you back on. talk to us about the reports the white house stopped dropping migrants often your hometown after governor greg abbott is putting them on buses to d.c., is that true? >> yes, ma'am. for the most part. they dropped some off a few days before and we called the governor's office and we took videos of us having to provide buses to send the migrants to san antonio. we didn't have the resources or the time or money to do this and we were aware the plan was fixing to come out. liz: now they are diverting migrants elsewhere, illegal immigrants. this is more transparent than biden flying them in secret to other states in the dark of the night. biden's low approval rating with hispanics, now 26% in a pool.
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talk to us about the chaos at the border because we got florida's desantis saying i'm going to send martha's vineyard nantucket, a state in delaware. florida is not, can you tell us what you are seeing in your city and town? >> what we are seeing, every time we see the national news, and it is a tragedy, a family unit coming across or child but that's not what we are seeing. we are seeing young adult, males and females in their coming across the border in droves. they just cross the river coming across and say i'm here, come get me. what everybody forgets when you cross the border without going through port of entry, you broke the law so these people claiming giving them asylum to, we reward
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there in the first place for breaking the law that is there. this is a daily occurrence now. del rio anywhere from 500 -- 700 a day, same thing in eagle pass and border patrol in title 42 goes away, it will be unbelievable. liz: now we have fee of 50 gop lawmakers stopping medical care to the border away from u.s. veterans. what you think of that story? >> i think that's terrible i feel for these people coming over but when do their rights override our flights? why are we not taking care of our veterans? why are we making them wait? the same thing at the hospital i have an emergency room filled with citizens and border patrol brings in illegal immigrants, all those people in the emergency are on hold while they take them. liz: people of all states can feel what you're feeling, we want to embrace immigrants, we are an open arms country and we want to help illegal immigrants
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but we have so many problems. texas governor greg abbott operation lone star alarming statistics since they started this last year in 14000 criminal arrests, 11000 felony charges, 3700 weapons seized, 300 million doses of fentanyl ceased in texas alone. fentanyl kills people. they are fighting that, too. watch jen psaki on illegal aliens free to travel. >> these are all migrants processed by cbp and free to travel so it's nice the state of texas is helping them get to their final destination as they wait the outcome of their proceedings. liz: the politics of the border and chaos seems to be ahead of what's going on with democrats. >> they are out of touch because all those wonderful migrants are free to travel to united states, not one of them crossed the border legally.
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second, if they look at statistics, none of them show up to hearings. liz: the other thing is, they all have to pay pretty much majority have to pay human smuggling cartel, maybe 10000 or 12,000 a piece so when you talk 200 or 300,000 crossing every month illegally, that means they are turning border cartel human smugglers into fortune 500 companies. >> the government figures not mine, the estimate cartel makes 14 million a day. liz: say that again, how much a day? >> $14 million a day. liz: so that billions. we've not even counted the drug trafficking cartels. your final word on what you expect next month when title 42 is lifted? >> if they lived title 42, border patrol right now are searched with 12, 1300 a day, they can't even handle it now so
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all of a sudden you bring 15, 16, 17000 a day storming the work to come across? it's going to be total chaos. liz: mary mclaughlin junior, come back soon, it's good to have you on. i'm elizabeth macdonald, we want to thank you for watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. thanks for watching, we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: it's getting so exciting, twitter is going to work with elon musk. the future of free speech could be hanging in the balance. who comes out on top? billionaire spaceman or wealth weirdos in silicon valley texas ceo last week got 9.2% of twitter. today he offered to buy the entire thing for 43 billion in cash. that's a major premium on the cost a share.


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