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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  April 19, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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etf we like to show top holdings here are the top holdings in the xlf. ralph, we always appreciate your views. have a lovely holiday. >> you too. bye now. liz: i want to wish all of our viewers a happy passover, happy easter. see you next week. it is time for no bell. ♪ >> because the markets are closed today, but the news however not taking a day off. we have new contender for the white house. fresh signs of the blue state tax exodus. i'm lauren simonetti in for melissa francis. ashley: i'm ashley webster in for connell mcshane, this is "after the bell." while cnbc take as day off, here is what new for you at this hour. he is the front-runner in the polls and he hasn't even
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officially joined the race yet but that is all set to change apparently next week. former vice president joe biden will formally throw his hat as "fox news poll" shows interest rate in in the white house is election day height. increased security at religious celebrations around the world. we're learning more about the suspect that entered st. patrick's cathedral with two cans of gasoline. we're live in paris as authorities are closer to identify the cause of the devastating fire that damaged notre dame. deadly storms in the south are now moving east. what you need to know as we head into the holiday weekend. lauren: but first mulling the mueller report. stay tuned, washington is not finish yet with the first subpoenas around capitol hill. blake burman at the white house with blake burman. hey, blake. reporter: took 24 hours for the
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top democrat on house judiciary committee to go forward with that threat. jerry nadler said he did indeed issue a subpoena to the department of justice. he wants the full unredacted mueller report but also the underlying documents that accompany it. nadler saying in a statement, quote, even redacted version of the report outlines serious instances of wrongdoing by president trump and some of his closest associates. it false to congress to determine the fell scope of the alleged misconduct, to decide what steps we must take going forward. here at the white house they say they are not worried about that nadler subpoena. >> we're not going to deal with jerry nadler in that manner. we already cooperated so much with the house democrats and we'll continue to do so but the fact is this is more political grandstanding by someone who has nothing to run on, nothing to talk about, other than trying to attack a man who has been proven completely innocent of any crime
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reporter: within 20 minutes the fresh reaction from 2012 nominee, mitt romney, romney saying of president trump in the mueller report i'm sickened and extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land including the president. i'm also appalled among other things fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from russia. that, lauren, highest level of criticism from a republican so far toward president trump and mueller report. lauren: blake burman, thank you very much. ashley: ending months of speculation, joe biden is expected to launch his presidential campaign as a new "fox news poll" shows voter enthusiasm is only at levels seen weeks before election day. edward lawrence in d.c. before the details.
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edward. reporter: one of those badly kept secrets here in washington. sources close to former vice president joe biden and his inner circle will announce he will run for president on wednesday. he is 76 years old. this is the third time running for president and about his age and his touch aniness that made women feel uncomfortable. when biden enters the race he will be the front-runner among a huge field of 18 democratic candidates among every poll you look at. the white house welcoming biden into the race. >> oh absolutely the president will beat anyone and everyone who comes into the race. anybody running against this president is running against the prosperity of the american people because he has systematically turned around what barack obama did to this country for the last eight years. reporter: biden has a record that goes back half a century. he will have to answer for some of the votes he made in the past. experts say he has to fight the momentum senator bernie sanders has seen and the platforms that
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pulled the democratic party to the left. ashley? ashley: edward lawrence in d.c. thanks. lauren: let's talk more about that, richard fowler, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, fox news contributor, ford o'connell, civic forum pac chairman and republican strategist. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> good to be here. lauren: i want to ask you first, richard, biden the guy right now? is this what the democratic party needs in a sense, richard to save it sell from going so far left? >> that is a good question. we have a very crowded field of candidates but all the polls show that quo biden is polling number one. what he has the, other candidates don't seem to have, he developed what we like to call a floor where don't go below 25%. where as other candidates develop a ceiling of nine or 10%
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melissa: it's a establishing determine limits. so, ford, i want your take on that follow-up for you ford, is you can see here, renewable energy, "medicare for all," free college, all of that is trending well above immigration which is republican issue. >> well, let me say this about establishing term limits. there is no question what americans understand, we have politicians in congress essentially are not doing american people's work f we establish term limits, essentially they will be forced because they will be out of office if they don't to do what the american people want. as for "medicare for all." that is something because essentially feces in tiffany's box. when 10 million people learn
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they lose their private insurance, taxes are going to go up, folks, current seniors on medicare advantage will lose benefits not a winning issue. keyser poll shows drops to mid 30s about longer delays, higher taxes. by all means the democratic party should run on that. as for joe biden he will spend more time battling past than battling the democratic field. it is not hands sy, touchy-feely vote, 1994 crime bill, anita hill clarence thomas hearing. there is lot to get through to respond in the primary are. lauren: richard, i want to ask you if democrats are focused on impeachment, mueller report, getting full unredacted version can they also concentrate on policies? can they ladies and gentlemen slate at same time? will that hurt specifically the swing state democrats? >> one thing i can see democrats legislate at the same time.
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they will pass bills out of speaker pelosi's house whether the bills picked up by the. >> and signed about president, is another thing. to answer ford, couple years ago passing affordable care act ford and others like them making same arguments, the affordable care act is overwhelmingly popular. number one. number two, what you have on the republican party is you have an onslaught against the affordable care act and any other measures that would expand health care. they have no solution. right? they have no solution. they have no way to deal with it. all you hear from republicans like ford is if you vote for us then maybe we'll get the solution after that. what the american people care about today, if you have preexisting condition you can get health care this president jeopardized that. on to joe biden, what do you got to say, ford? >> that is absolutely not true. you are talking about -- >> what the republican plan on health care, what is the republican plan on health care. >> people care. >> what is republican plan on
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health care. >> we're going to drive down costs an accept preexist conditions. >> how, how? >> trump makes that known. we will work with obamacare to -- >> pause you don't work with republicans on anything. >> that is not true. that is absolutely not true. >> does not have any legislative achievements. if you go down impeachment road, roll the dice. >> you're mixing apples and oranges number one. number two, more importantly, we are proposed multiple solutions to health care. what happened to solutions die in the united states where mitch mcconnell is leader. what we have here saw demonstrated by ford there is really no republican hard solution to fix the, fix the affordable care act or to deal with the fact that if you get rid of the affordable care act they cannot cover preexisting conditions. melissa: other issues are as we noted, immigration, what is the democratic solution to immigration? the economy, we're seeing repeatedly from democrats they're trying to say it is all
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about inequality right now and republicans are saying no, look, look how the economy is faring. the tax cuts are working. so those are other issues in addition to health care. but we do have to end it there. we appreciate your perspectives even though very different. thank you, guys much. ashley: how about this story? gaining steam ahead of its ipo uber striking a deal for one billion dollar investment in the self-driving car unit. this comes weeks before the company is set to go public. fox business's gerri willisly in the newsroom with the latest on this story, gear arery? >> they're all putting together a billion dollars into a single unit of uber and that is its self-driving car unit. that investment alone values autonomous part of the company at $7.5 billion. the company coming public in may, maybe may 15th, what we're hearing at $100 billion.
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the road show starts at end of april. it is onslaught of companies coming to the market. we just had pinterest and zoom a big surprise there. pinterest very well-known. not so well-known but zoom got a better valuation, 18 billion versus 16 billion. shares of zoom up 72% in first day's trade. 28% for pinterest. doing very well indeed. what was behind that? pinterest has no earnings, zoom does. pinterest can say, hey, we grow our revenues 60% year-over-year and we're narrowing that profit gap pretty dramatically but they couldn't say they had a bottom line. so everybody is watching this next deal, trying to figure out what companies like zoom, what companies like pinterest tell us about prospects for uber as it comes public as early as next month. just one other factoid for you here, ash, the outlook, the ipo line upcoming up starting next
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week, some 80 companies looking to raise a total of $27 billion. and that is just in the near term. ashley: ipo market heeding up indeed. gerri willis great stuff. reporter: you're welcome. lauren: ditching northeastern cities, heading to the sunbelt suburbs. why the trend is taking off in the united states. ashley: taxes. that's a clue. a warning from top executives, why 2/3 of cfos in the u.s. is predicting a recession coming by next summer. lauren: we have a year. steve forbes, forbes media chairman respond after the break to that. plus the powerful storm tearing through the south is leaving four people dead. it is heading here towards the east coast. what you need to know ahead of the holiday weekend. ♪ ame, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs.
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ashley: go west young man or maybe west southwest south. the latest census data showing exodus of americans moving from cities in the northeast and rust belt to cities in so-called sunbelt. it may not be the pleasant weather that attracts them but the tax climate as well. let's bring in steve forbes, chairman of forbes media, steve. no big surprise here, once we had a cap on those salt deductions, state and local tax deductions, people in
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connecticut, new york, new jersey, illinois, usual suspects living with high taxes can't deduct these particular state and local taxes they're getting out. the exodus is quite remarkable. >> it is, even going on before the tax bill of 2017 because of the high taxes here. ashley: right. >> not just the weather as you pointed out in texas summers are not very pleasant. ashley: true. >> no matter what part of the state but the tax climate makes the difference. who would have thought a few years ago, toyota, japanese company, nationally headquarters in california, decided to move their headquarters, u.s. headquarters to texas. ashley: nissan moved from california to tennessee. >> yes. ashley: same thing a trend we're seeing. >> tennessee, no income tax. ashley: i lived there. it was wonderful. >> less is more when it comes to taxation. ashley: less is more. because it creates more. new york governor andrew cuomo says tax the rich, tax the rich,
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tax the rich, the rich leave. this is from a democratic governor of a state continues to tax. seems like he is seeing the light a little bit. >> he hasn't enacted on light. they will enact every new tax, they will have congestion tax. new york city rips up streets. third world streets. can't move around. let's tax it. next i expect from the democrats breathing tax, because that hurts environment. they need money to help the environment. they give you a device, the more breaths you take, more taxes you pay. i'm joking. maybe i'm into the. ashley: tax revenues will shoot down. these are wealthy sid. >> new york state already has 2 billion-dollar shortfall. people moving out. and, i don't get why they don't understand it. ashley: is this enough to change their policy towards taxing everything that moves? >> no. i think the next election, if the republican party in the state can get its act together they will have a winning issue. nobody likes excessive taxes.
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ashley: nobody. >> period. ashley: next one, steve, new survey of cfo, 67% predicting a recession by the third quarter of 2020. that is out of 1500. are they right? >> no. trying to predict the economy is almost as treacherous trying to predict the stock market. if they knew that they would be on the forbes 400 list. actually a bullish thing that they're predicting that because that means that it is probably not going to happen. ashley: usually they are wrong. if that happens it would be a big campaign issue. if we're going into third quarter with recession before november of 2020? >> yes, happens to be conventions, would really heat up. the only thing that could hurt the economy if we don't get these tariffs off and get a trade deal with china and trade deal with europe, not have massive sales tax on auto imports and auto parts. ashley: says some of the people who responded to the survey said, gdp growth less than 1 1/2% would be a concern. growth of 3% or greater that would show the economy is
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resilient. where are we when it comes to gdp and growth as you look forward? >> getting these trade issues out of the way, 3% easy. ashley: easy? >> we used to do five or six, for crying out loud. people say we're much bigger economy. we're the largest economy in the world back then too. hello. if you get things right, get money right, taxes right, regs, things happen. ashley: quickly if a deal, trade deal continues to drag on, especially with china, is that an issue that really could perhaps lead to recession? >> it will -- not recession but it is going to lead to a slowdown because of lack of investment. people don't know what the rules of the road are. they will hold off on investment. if the tariffs do come in big time, autos, china, all bets are off. cfos will be actually right for once. >> leave it right there. have a freight holiday weekend. thanks for being here. lauren. lauren: watch out mr. mark zuckerberg, federal trade commission eyeing the facebook
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ceo over privacy issues. we'll tell you what actions they are considering. this is more than a fine, folks. we're approaching the easter holiday spending expected to hit, guess this, $18.1 million, a lot is coming from sweets. 16 billion jellybeans are eaten, 91 million chocolate bunnies sold here in the u.s. but how do you guys eat your bunny? 59% of the americans say they chomp on the ears first. that all according to wallet hub. i can tell you how i eat the people -- peeps, you stick a hole in them. they won't get steal that way.
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ashley: breaking news. the trump 2020 campaign, apparently racing more than a million dollars since the release of the redacted mueller report. now the move spike ad 250% increase in fund-raising from grassroots donors and that is according to the campaign. lauren: that is a lot of money. challenging mark zuckerberg's leadership. the ftc is weighing whether and how to hold the facebook ceo liable for the privacy breaches following the cambridge analytica scandal according to a new report from "the washington post." we have fox business's susan li, and carol roth, legacy filing planning system and former investment banker. susan, kick off with you. if you could lay out what the report says, how much in jeopardy is mark zuckerberg as ceo of facebook? >> so this is being reported by "the washington post" and they're naming two anonymous sources at ftc is looking to rein in mark zuckerberg but we
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don't have anymore details besides that. is it going to be money which probably most likely at this point? as far as deep pocketed billionaire will that make a difference? no jail time is expected. sec doesn't really have that type of authority but when you rein in someone that is a majority shareholder in the company that really overseas it since 2004, you know it sends a message to silicon valley? it depends what type of punishment we're talking about. the sec i should remind viewers they're in negotiations with zuckerberg and facebook for multi, multibillion-dollar fine. but at the end, it is just money. i'm not sure it will make that big of a difference. lauren: carol, when you look at the five commissioners on the fcc, the two democrats there they say look, we're open to, typically it is fines, that is how we punish companies for their bad behavior, if you will, maybe we need some executive change at this point, particularly as the fcc is looking to bolster its own reputation versus all the
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crackdowns in europe by regulators there. your thoughts? >> this is such a slippery slope. i know big tech, the big bad, villain, it is so easy to pick on them, but think about what you're saying if you're now going to hold ceos of companies, other people within companies individually responsible for what the company has done. if the individual has not committed fraud directly if they have not commit ad criminal activity, to start levying dictations and fines and whatever else against individuals, this is not just going to happen to mark zuckerberg this is going to be something that is held across the board. it is going to end up impacting small businesses dealing with privacy issues. lauren: right. >> i know it sounds like a great idea, it is a very slippery hope and i think it is horrible, horrible idea. lauren. lauren: we can keep boeing but i want to get to this.
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tesla ceo, elon musk is fighting sec. this this case has one week, musk will be held in contempt. do you think that happens? >> no. as you said, both sides are looking, i don't know, find some sort of a middle ground i think both sides knows how tenuous this case is. this comes from a tweet that elon musk tweeted in january, talking about 500,000 deliveries this year. not like he said that before. he said that in the earnings call previously. the sec trying to enforce that, trying to make sure elon musk understands who the boss is and tamper down the tweeting. lauren: the judge said, put your reasonableness pants on. we'll see if they can do that. carol, talk about another tweet. this one is not so controversial if you will, from mr. musk. he said on april 22nd which by the way is monday, investor
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autonomy day. tesla will free investors from the tyranny of having to drive their own car. okay. let's just unpack this a little bit. so we get tesla earnings on wednesday. we know the picture is not looking so good for them. inventory building, prices being cut. are we overestimating the power of self-driving cars, carol? >> actually the tyranny of driving your own car from somebody selling the driving experience is so amazing from his own cars. i just fundamentally don't understand that. if you're somebody who loves to drive a car you want to drive a tesla for that experience, or some other sports car. if you take that out of the equation you're looking at a completely different experience. even though he wants to go into ought -- autonomous taxis and other areas, if you're looking to do business with a company in autonomous direction, that you
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want somebody with finances in order and has reasonable pants. i'm not sure elon musk fits that bill. lauren: you ladies are great. have a happy weekend. >> have a happy holiday. ashley: i don't know about reasonable pants, turns out bottoms-up paid off for a ohio man. del hall, ambitious, beer only lent fast, ended and healthier ever before. 40 days, consuming two to five beers per day, he needs less sleep. has clearer mind. by the way he lost more than 40-pound. not one of the doctor would recommend i have a feeling -- lauren: is that a lot of beer. ashley: two to five over course after day. i don't know. not on keto diet. works for him. >> beer distributor, fyi. there is this. gloating response from the kremlin. how russia is reacting to the release of the mueller report. ashley: plus searching for answers. what authorities are now saying
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could have caused that massive cathedral fire in notre dame. lauren: tornado warnings are in effect for the south. we'll tell you where the storm is heading next. ♪ with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2019 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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hey! you still thinking about opening your own shop? every day. i think there are some ways to help keep you on track. and closer to home. edward jones grew to a trillion dollars in assets under care, by thinking about your goals as much as you do. ashley: on high alert, the new jersey man accused of carrying gasoline and lighter fluid into st. patrick's cathedral is appearing in front of a judge today. the arrest prompting places of
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worship to step up security ahead of a holiday weekend. as a new "gallup poll" reveals church membership in the u.s. is at an all-time low. fox news's lauren green is outside of st. patrick's cathedral with the latest details. reporter: ashley, it is the holiest week for christians and jews, for easter and passover. while the pews will be full to overflowing in weekend, that poll shows dramatic drop in number of people that belong to a church, synagogue and mosque. between the late 1970s to 1990s the church interest was 70%. now it dropped dramatically to 50%. baby boomers make up those who attend a house of worship attend regularly the driving force of decline in membership is millenials. they make up the biggest amount of people that don't identify
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with a religion. but this is wider trend of millenials. >> the quarrel is with organized religion, churches big institutions across the board. not just religious organizations but lots of large organizations. reporter: but the drop in membership doesn't necessarily mean americans are not religious or not belief in higher power. 3/4 of americans, 77%, still identify with some organized religion even though that number is down. >> god means something to me. doesn't mean sitting down for an hour, being devoted to that. >> i think it is time thing. no one has really time for it. it is not a main priority. reporter: decline in membership is greater for catholics than protestants. possible by-product of the clergy sexual abuse crisis. a modest decline for republicans, for democrats, a nearly 25% decline. ashley. ashley: lauren green. thank you very much. lauren: director of the notre
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dame cathedral is reportedly saying a computer glitch may be the reason it went up in flames earlier this week. let's go to molly line. she is in paris with the details. good to see you, molly. good evening. reporter: good evening from paris, lauren. though the faithful cannot get into notre dame cathedral to celebrate easter weekend, that is likely the case for many years to come they have been able to have their rituals in the streets nearby, including beginning on the bridge earlier today. ♪ catholics walked in solemn remembrance the way of the cross, a profession that emulates jesus christ carrying his cross to calvary. this is done many places. but has unique significance with the treasured themes of easter hope and renewal close to the heart of those praying that the spirit all heart of the city rices from the ashes. safety of the structure is still
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being assessed. area around the cathedral remains closed with netting. investigators continue hunting for clues they are focused on the investigation surrounding the reconstruction. french president president emmanuel macron promised a speedy timeline to rebuild the cathedral, welcomed officials from united nations you fence cothe cultural arm, to discuss the very difficult task rebuilding ahead. this week the focus has been on restoring notre dame. this weekend he may have to switch the focus, predominantly middle and lower cast protesters dubbed yellow vests. complained about the economy, high taxes, and reportedly miffed by the billion dollar outpouring to restore notre dame. more protests are expected. saturday is the traditional day of protest meaning tomorrow. we'll see if that comes to pass despite the weekend. despite this holy easter weekend. lauren. lauren: many of those protesters saying hey, billionaires you could solve some of these social problems too if you had the will
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to do so. molly line live in paris. happy easter. ashley: let's move to this story. escalating tensions. secretary of state mike pompeo dismissing the latest threat from north korea, what the move could mean for u.s. efforts to denuclearization the rogue regime. plus calling for evidence. why the kremlin is now fighting back against the mueller report and allegations of russian meddling. ♪ ble value of a business in the transportation industry without knowing firsthand the unique challenges in that sector. coming out here, seeing the infrastructure firsthand, talking with the people behind the numbers creates a different picture. once i know what a business is truly worth, we can make better informed investment decisions. that's why i go beyond the numbers. ♪ is it to carry cargo... greatness of an suv?
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lauren: rejecting north korea's demands. secretary of state mike pompeo dismissing the calls from the rogue regime to have him replaced as president trump's top negotiator as he meets with his japanese counterpart today. fox news's rich edson live at the state department with the details for us. good toe you, rich. reporter: good to talk to you, lauren. the secretary of state faced some comments from the north koreans this week including accusations that he is fabricating stories and talking nonsense. as for calls from north korea that secretary of state mike pompeo should be removed from the u.s. negotiating team, the secretary says the team will remain. >> nothing changed. we're continuing to work to communicate. still in charge of the team. president trump is in charge of the overall effort but it will be my team. they will continue to lead the u.s. efforts to achieve what chairman kim committed to do
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back in june last year was to denuclearization. reporter: after two summits between president trump and kim jong-un, the u.s. is still waiting on north korea to take significant steps to dismantle the nuke weapons and ballistic missiles. they want to lifted sanctions before the north korea gives up weapons program. they give u.s. end of the year to change its approach. the u.s. resisted. we asked secretary come pay yo if the talks can continue without the united states giving up some. sanctions before north korea gives up its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. the secretary said yes the talks can continue without the united states making those concessions. the as for the missile test this week, the defense secretary or acting defense secretary said it was not a ballistic missile. the united states has not changed its defense pot ture as a result. there is international news out of north korea.
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kim jong-un is planning a meeting, first meeting with russian president vladmir putin. that is expected to happen this month in russia. lauren. lauren: sure is. rich edson. thank you very much. ashley: here is rebecca heinrichs, hudson institute senior fellow, national security analyst. let's begin with pompeii i don't, secretary of state mike pompeo saying i'm not getting off the negotiating team. do you think he is being particularly hard on north korea? i thought john bolton was the real hard-liner? >> what is important is that secretary pompeo is accurately reflecting president trump's position which all the indicators suggest that he is. north korea continues to do this. they keep trying to peel off president trump's advisors away from president trump because they seem to think they can get a better deal, a sweetheart deal just negotiating with trump and putting it in the mind of trump perhaps that his, his advisors are not serving him well. and so they did that with pompeo. they did it with pompeo. they did it with bolton ahead of the singapore summit.
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so president trump is right to keep pompeo to keep bolton in place, keep this particular diplomatic team in place. it shows a united front. the fact that president trump is the one that walked away from this deal in hanoi. it wasn't secretary pompeo. it was president trump himself. ashley: exactly. as secretary pompeo said we had missile testing not ballistic missiles. this is a little desperate, poking the u.s., saying remember me because he wants those sanctions taken off as quickly as possible. that is the leverage the u.s. has over north korea? >> that's true but when i heard about this particular weapons test, tactical weapon, wasn't a ballistic missile. to my mind wow, is that the best you have? that is as far as north koreans willing to go to poke the united states? to me that signals that the united states is really in a strong position and has north korea very contained, in regard to actually missile testing which president trump
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has drawn a line on that particular issue. but north korea can still improve its missile program even if it is not testing. remember that they can buildout number of missiles and their capabilities. so it is important they're not testing. shows to me the united states still has a strong position here. as long as united states does not release sanctions before the north koreans make the strategic decision to denuclearization. otherwise they would be doing what the clinton administration did. ashley: exactly. as you were. while we have you here, want to get your take on this, russia pushing back on the mueller report. the kremlin says it doesn't contain a single piece of evidence that russia interfered in the u.s. election campaign. it is almost laughable. rebecca, your reaction? >> it is laughable. you can tell the russians are lying about the relationship with the united states because they're speaking. the russians, they interfered in our election. president trump in the past said he wasn't sure if they did, but he was going to believe putin.
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he walked that back. president trump understands that he understands that the russians interfered with the election. intelligence community said he did. mueller report says that as well. russians continue to conduct cyberattacks against the nights lead be you to the next election. they will not stop. they do it against our allies in eastern europe as well. this is intel and united states department of defense have to work on to counter. ashley: they forget to mention two dozen russian officers were indicted last year as a result of the mueller report but they did create bogus accounts on youtube, twitter, facebook that did generate a lot of followers here in the united states. do you expect the same thing for 2020? >> well they will continue to do that and more. they're constantly looking for opportunities to ex-might the united states, to divide americans further, to inflame the divisions that exist between races and so one of the best things i know it is very difficult because you're talking to an entire electorate, don't let them do that. don't be a russian pawn. dope turn against your neighbor. don't do it online.
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that is what russians continue to do to weaken the united states. they continue to counter the united states all across the globe. they will do that with sigher attacks as well. ashley: rebecca heinrichs, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> severe storm heading towards the east coast, causing if you're traveling this holiday weekend, massive flight delays and cancellations ahead of the holiday. we'll tell you what you need to know right after this. ♪ 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars.
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. tornadoes and flash flooding. southern states from texas to georgia are bracing for more dangerous weather and the storms continue to spread up the east coast. we're reporting from atlanta with all of the details. >> right now if you look at the warnings in effect, there are tornado warnings in effect in portions of north carolina and virginia and although this storm
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is perfectly capable of producing tornadoes, when you look at the damage it's already done, it appears that straight line winds have been responsible for much of the damage. on the florida panhandle, the leon county sheriff's office says a tree fell on a house injuring two children, one of the victims within an 8-year-old girl pronounced dead at the hospital. in mississippi, two cars flipped over in the parking lot of a walmart in clinton, a town outside of jackson. statewide storm conditions are blamed for two traffic fatalities. in a different leon county, this one in texas, wind speeds reached 200 miles an hour downing trees and power lines. the winds flipped over a mobile home in the town of buffalo injuring a man and was wife. and in alabama authorities confirm that a woman was killed after heavy winds caused a tree to fall on her mobile home in st. clair county, l located just
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about 35 miles to the east of birmingham. as we head towards the afternoon rush hour, the storm is moving across communities in the eastern states. and so you can expect many disruptions. >> jonathon, thank you very much. now this story, the fox regional sports network sale finally over with one bidder hitting a home run. box fizz senior correspondent charlie gasparino here with details. >> this is an apparent home run. we should point that out. as bankers always do, they work the deal. they're looking for a higher bid. this auction has been going on since, i guess, november. it's part of the regula regulaty process. disney buys the entertainment aspects. had to sel21 are left.
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there are 21 that are being sold. the final bids came in this week. the process has come to an end today. what we understand is that sinclair broadcasting with, the same sinclair shut of out of the tribune deal appears to have emerged as the winner. the leading candidate. we know this. bankers are continuing to work the deal. they're clearly going back to the other potential bidders, liberty media teamed up with major league baseball, ice cube's 3g basketball league is in it as well. these are the three bidders. they're prodding the bidders. clearly what we know our long national nightmare known as the bidding of the auction of the fox regional sports networks is coming to an end. i'll tell you this, at first thithere was a lot of hope that they would get $20 million.
4:58 pm would come in and put a bid in said they nbc, that was never true. they just bids on the yes entertainment networks. and people essentially walked away from a lot of this. here's one reason why. cord cutting has made the regional sports networks a lot less valuable than they were in the past. to all told, disney, if this thing happens as it looks like it's happening with sinclair, they're going to get, when you add in the yes deal plus this, they'll get about 13 billion, not the 20 billion. again, i want to be real clear here. nobody has called us back for comment. we're getting this from people with first-hand knowledge of the auction process. the auction has not been declared over. liberty could come in, john malone's liberty, they got money, right, they could come in with major league baseball and put a last-minute bid on this.
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and if this thing is ending now, sinclair is the winner. but it isn't winning now. we'll have more on monday. >> that's a tease. >> but we should point out the thing is eminent. the end is near. >> the end is nigh, as they say. keep working the phones. you're going to get a comment sooner or later. thank you. so, yeah, it's easter this sunday. >> is it really? >> yo he night not get that cal. people take often for good friday. >> sinclair has the most affiliates of any group in the country, or close to the most. they get in on the regional sports channels. but in this age of cord cutting do you really want these? obviously they see value. >> that does it for us here on "after the no bell." on monday when the markets reopen, i can leave you with good news. 2019 high for the dow jones
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industrial average. where we'll open on monday. but the european markets are closed. >> they are. they take off every day they can. thanks for joining us. "bulls & bears" starts right now. ♪ how did we get here, how did it start. >> need the whole report. the american people need the whole report minus some redactions and congress should decide on and we'll subpoena that report. >> what's most important, they want us to get to the bottom of this. david: everybody has an opinion. the mueller report aftermath begins. tensions rising as the republicans demand to investigate the investigators and democrats fire of a subpoena for the unredacted version of the report. the markets and our competition are all closed. but fox business is open and here to entertain. this is bulls & bears. thank you for joining us. i'm david as maj


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