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tv   Risk and Reward With Deidre Bolton  FOX Business  December 28, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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and send it through a giant shredder. lea: i think people are putting that post age card we file our taxes on in the shredder unfortunately. david: unfortunately no postcard this year. risk & rewards starts right now. >> could the middle class tax cuts become permanent? a new challenge from texas republican senator ted cruz to socialistic bernie sanders may give the push some bipartisan support in the new year. we've got more on that in just a bit also democrats are rallying against the rich, but there are, well crickets over liberal billionaire's trump million dollar impeachment push you've seen those adam:s plus apple is giving ceo tim cook a huge multi million dollar pay raise after a rollout delay and what some people might call that cluster sales and tonight a guest who says forget tim cook. what about the employees? where is their thousand dollar bonus? and now that the republican tax
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cuts are signed, it's time for america's biggest company to bring the billions of bucks they're hiding overseas back home. we have an all-star guest line up including republican south carolina congressman ralph norman and president trump 2020 advisory board member bruce lave ll. also legal attorney are all here tonight. but first politics and money we've got you covered welcome to risk & reward i'm adam shapiro. before we go into the first story i want to share something with you because this is breaking news and we're going to address this in just a second. the house intelligence chairman nunes sent a letter to the department of justice addressing its response and requesting more documents in relation to the russia dossier. nunes due to numerous delays and discrepancies that hampered the process of subpoena compliance the committee can no longer credit representations made by the agency, the department of
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justice. the doj and fbi have until january 3 to produce all outstanding records, identified as responsive to the august 24 subpoenas. the chairman closed that letter by saying "at this point, it seems the doj and fbi need to be investigating themselves." so i'm starting with this. we'll get back to the main topic we want to but this is a big issue and joining us to discuss it is republican south carolina congressman ralph norman. do you want to weigh in on what the chairman is doing or wait and let's see what they gather and where the chips fall? >> well, it's sad to say the least. august 24 is four months ago and i've heard from congressman jim jordan and others during the hearings they've been completely frustrated by the response from the fbi, which you know that's you're not supposed to have that type of delay, so i'm glad the congressman nunes is requesting it and it should be a given but
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unfortunately, it class not been adam: so in just a second i'm going to go back to our discussion of the bipartisan effort for perhaps making the individual tax cuts as part of tax reform permanent but one last question about this. there's been a great deal of concern about the fbi and the doj. is this going to undermine their credibility, what the chairman has done? >> no. i think the credibility is already been undermined and the questions again this shouldn't have happened. they ought to gladly produce the documents they have. that's their job and i think it's putting the deadline on it and they aren't going to be able to delay it like they have the last four months. adam: all right so let's shift back to the other big issue because we're all talking about the tax reform package which is sooned sealed and delivered we reported earlier this week that 143 million people will get a tax cut under the new gop plan which had socialistic been it sanders actually agreeing that this is a good thing. take a listen to a sound bite
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from him. listen to bernie sanders. >> i understand you're not a fan of the tax bill, you don't like the large corporate tax cut and you're not happy with the tax cuts for the wealthy but according to the tax policy center next year, 91% of middle income americans will receive a tax cut. isn't that a good thing? >> yeah it is a very good thing and that's why we should have made the tax breaks for the middle class permanent but what the republicans did is made the tax breaks for corporations permanent, the tax breaks of the middle class temporary. adam: now bernie sanders wants the gop tax cuts to be permanent so we had senator cruz responding to all of this and inviting him to, well listen to what senator cruz tweeted. he sent out earlier. i agree bernie sanders, let's make the middle class tax cuts permanent. join me, we'll co-sponsor legislation. i've already got it drafted. that does exactly that and we will get it passed in january.
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all right, sir. what do you think? congressman do you think, i know how ted cruz has felt by some of his colleagues they won't say it publicly but is this the kind of thing that could lead to a bipartisan compromise to make those tax cuts permanent? >> i welcome the fact that bernie standers is now coming on board. i have a news flash in the form of a question. where were they during the debate? they just didn't think we had votes to get it done and with the help of the president we did and where were they? and they did not only were they saying this was the most doctor kenyan thing that ever passed the house and criticizing every move republicans made to give money back to the taxpayers, so the fact he's coming on board now that's good. i think he realizes that the new part of the world, the at&t's who have given 200,000 employees
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a thousand dollars, the fifth third bank raising the minimum wage to $15. adam: don't forget comcast. comcast owns msnbc across the street giving their employees a thousand dollar bonus. >> wells fargo, yeah, the number of companies in my state that are seeing this for what it is a chance to expand, a chance to give money back and again, it's not the government's money. it's the people's money and we made the move to do it and i applaud senator sanders for finally coming on board. i wish he would get his other members to do the same. adam: here at fox we would keep the drum beat going to try and make tax cuts permanent because a lot of people say you should have done that from the get go but you're getting some support for the tax reform bill from an unlikely corner. not everybody in hollywood not exactly the most conservative place on the planet is opposed to the republican tax reform plan. big time director ridley scott famous for the movies alien, gladiator and blade runner actually defends the gop tax
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bill saying clever business owners will reinvest and generate economic growth. this is his exact quote. "well, let's take the tax bill, people say republicans are doing it for the wealthy class. what they forget is if you get a clever unselfish business person i don't care if it's a corner store or a big business who suddenly is saying 15%, they will put it back saving 15% will put it back in this business, then you're going to get growth and there for people will become employed." congressman, do you think more business people in hollywood hold that opinion but don't speak up because it's the stars and the celebrities who are out in front? >> i've never been able to figure hollywood out. i don't particularly look for them for any advice because i don't think they are real world. and i applaud him from coming on board and saying this but this is real but again i've got a news flash. this is just the beginning. i hope we can give more money back to the taxpayers capital gains reductions.
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i would love to see that. there are other things this president will do and this is just the beginning. this is our first blush, hasn't been done in 31 years and i think we're going to do great things as we move forward. adam: congressman, i've got to let you go. just one quick very quick question. you talked about at&t and the companies what about the jones and the phillips and the regular american people who don't get a permanent tax cut will there be an effort to try and do that or do you leave it for future congress? >> oh, no the only reason the by rd rule was in effect we didn't think they could get 60 senators to come on board to support it we would make that permanent and if bernie sanders and senator cruz would lead the way we would gladly have support in the house. again we had zero democratic votes and the republicans will be all on board to make this permanent which i think it should be. adam: ted cruz, bernie sanders sounds like the beginning of a new ridley scott film. don't want to go there at least for the films congressman thank
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you very much have a happy new year. the irs is warning homeowners rushing to prepay their 2018 property taxes before the newly- passed tax plan goes into effect that the payment may actually not be tax deductible this year. our washington correspondent blake burman is live with the latest and explain this because i know people thinking i want to try and do this but not so fast. >> yeah so the irs adam tried to provide clarity with this but now there's potentially for even more confusion for homeowners considering prepaying their 2018 property bill now, the reason because come next week when the new tax bill goes into law, the state and local income tax, plus your property taxes that will be capped at a $10,000 deduction, so some people are thinking let's front load those deductions in 2017, try to get more of a tax benefit come this year. the irs got wind of course there was news stories all over the place about this so they put out an advisory just about this time yesterday in which they said this could be done under " certain circumstances" and they laid out the two different factors here.
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the first pretty straightforward that you would have to make this payment within the next few days by the end of the calendar year but the second one is the one with the big question mark a round it and here is what it is quoting from the irs. a prepayment of anticipated real property taxes that have not been assessed prior to 2018 are not deductible in 2017 so the translation there is this. if the place where you live has not yet assessed you for 2018, you might be out of luck. the tax foundation says that this is probably going to be heavily litigated going forward. there are a lot of questions surrounding it but they also say if you end up on the wrong side of the coin, make those prepayments and it turns out you might not get the tax benefits not like you'll lose that money but there is a catch. >> at worst if they did make the payment and it's no longer deductible they've simply provided an interest-free loan to may municipal government but there is always these complex questions and this is a one by one situation where contacting your tax advisor really is the
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best advice. >> the tax foundation also warns adam depending on the person or the family here if the deductions start changing a lot this could potentially bring into place amt issues however on the flip if you are able to front load these deductions there could be a lot of tax savings packed into this year, bottom line with all of this, everyone that we have talked to today from the irs on down says if you're considering doing this first off if you got the cash liquid to be able to do this in the upcoming days, either call your local tax official and/or call your accountant before you decide anything. adam: as you and blake were talking about front loading and all of the different nuances of this i kept thinking what happened to the postcard make it all so simple. >> they all said it would be simple right and now here we are , but that's their claim. adam: it keeps us employed. >> yes. adam: thank you very much see you later wish you and your family a happy new year. the dow set another record close today gerri willis is on the
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floor of the new york stock exchange with that. gerri? gerri: the dow closing higher 63 points blue chip industrial doing very well hitting their 71st record gain today united health, caterpillar contributing the most to their gains also doing well, banks and financial stocks goldman sachs, bank of america a lot of them moving higher why because strategists are saying this is the sector to be in in 2018 as tax reform helps these companies and also amazon gaining on the wake as we found out that 45-50% of all online holiday sales went to amazon's bottom line so good news for amazon and of course as we know online retail sales up 18% as well. adam back to you. adam: gerri willis thank you very much. coming up democrat sheila jackson lee accused of taking somebody's seat on a united airlines flight a first class seat and now that congresswoman is playing the race card and we'll tell you about it but first democrats are once again
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going after the rich but cricket s over liberal billionaire million dollar trump impeach. push, conservative radio host gina lowden is here to call out the hipocracy right after this.
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>> trump's tax plan was written by a billionaire for a billionaire. >> [applause] >> democracy is not about billionaires buying elections. >> don't give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. >> whether this country works for billionaires like trump and their big bank friends or whether this country works for everyone else. adam: democrats certainly have a favorite target whether en they go after the rich and billionaires but crickets when a billionaire whose also a liberal
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launches a $10 million campaign to impeach president trump. billionaire democratic donor tom stires created an online petition that has more than 4 million digital signatures and stire is a so-called well he's a hedge fund manager and some people call hedge fund managers evil and we won't do that although have you ever had lunch with one of them anyway me had a $1.6 billion net worth in the private sector and definitely part of the .0001%. joining us to discuss this trump media advisor board member and radio host gina loudon. i'll ask you a politically charged question but do democrat s pick and choose which billionaires they target because i think they're pretty cuddly. >> yeah, they definitely do. they must not have had those lunches are hedge fund managers that you've had because they apparently don't know that you take all of the what i noticed
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in your clip since the very beginning was you take all of this we hate billionaires we hate billionaires, trump is a billionaires, republicans like billionaires that you have somebody like trump walk in and say i want all people in america to be as rich as me that's my goal and it sort of flushes everything they've said right down that swampy drain he was talking about in the first place adam: you've got microsoft co- founder bill gates, amazon ceo jeff bezos, warren buffet among the wealthiest people on the planet that have more wealth combined than they have of the entire united states and all three are well-known to support in some cases democrats, but why do you think people, there is a common i don't want to say the word hatred but there is we target the wealthy and we should point out that when people identify as conservative that doesn't necessarily mean a celebration of wealth for wealth sake, to be conservative is a celebration of core democratic values, wealth and the ability
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to gain wealth would be part of that. the ability but why do you think the rich become such an easy target for people on the left? >> well it's just simply identity politics. this class warfare just like they do gender warfare and race warfare and the sad things for the democrats if i were a democrat strategist one of the reasons i'd be panicked aside from being on the sort of anti- economic success side of the coin would be because you look at their issues and they just don't have any so the minute the american people catch on and i frankly believe that they are catching on to the way that the left exploits division in this country is the minute that they don't have any issues at all. let me ask this question of democrats. if you didn't have the issues of identity politics and class warfare, race warfare, gender warfare and all the rest, what are your issues? and i don't know a democrat that
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can answer that. adam: well bernie sanders doesn't he own three homes, their carbon footprint must be enormous. >> and a lot of cars . adam: don't be going after anybody on the cars i'm a car nut. >> i don't go after them that's what they do. adam: let me ask you this. the house rejected the democratic resolution to impeach president trump. take a listen. >> his motives and his actions, i will fight every day until he is impeached. [applause] arise today mr. speaker to call for the impeachment of the president of the united states of america. >> the president's decision to end daca was heartless and it was brain less. >> the president's fitness for office is something being called into question. >> i'm very worried about his fitness. adam: two key points here. schumer and pelosi leaders of
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the democratic party in washington did not use the word impeach. they're actually afraid that impeach. could back fire on democrats and then you have this issue. democrats some are pursuing the impeachment issue we talked about the billionaire mr. stire with the petition and they've now got a database of 4 million plus potential activists might not be the right term but they've got a 4 million plus base on which to build to drive what might be anger towards the president to the polls. do you think that works to their advantage? >> i don't think it works to their advantage. in fact i think it's a pathetic attempt. now i do believe it works to mr. stire's advantage to have this mailing list but does it work for democrats i don't think so and there are a few reasons why. one again it exposes their hipocracy if they who are opposed to anything changing on the rates americans in general don't like the overturning of elections. it just doesn't feel right to them and so americans are never
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going to go for that and 4 million signatures sounds like a lot but it's not in the vast majority of voters. adam: gina loudon we appreciate you being here and if anyone calls you new vote remind them it's what counts all the best to you. >> [laughter] you too, happy new year. adam: thank you. coming up democrat sheila jackson lee accused of taking someone's seat on a united airlines flight. not just any seat but a first class seat. the congresswoman is playing the race card and my next guest says the congresswoman is used this kind of excuse before on a variety of topics and trump national coalition university director bruce lavelle has examples so we'll share them right after this. [lance] monica, it is absolute chaos out here! gale force winds,
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. adam: sheila jackson lee, a representative and democrat from texas accused of taking someone else's seat on a united airlines flight. now the congresswoman is using the race card saying the allegations are, and this is a quote, racist. -- now, taking a look at how stocks of united continental holdings did today. company ended the day in the green. with me now is coalition executive bruce lavelle. also a member of the president's 2020 advisory board. thank you for joining us, just
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want to bring people up to speed with this. a passenger got bumped from her seat, united airlines said that the representative jackson lee got the seat because she was first in line, but there's disputes over that. and that maybe united was giving her favorable treatment because she was a representative. the woman whose picture you just saw is the woman who got bumped. she's a civil rights activist, a photographer, with a long and solid history of supporting liberal causes. she documented abuses in war-torn guatemala in the 80s. is representative lee out of line bringing in racism as a potential for what happened? >> yeah, and thanks for having me, mr. shapiro. i appreciate it. so sad, i've been dealing with this for 2 1/2 years, it seems like it never ends. if i was representative sheila jackson, i would humble myself and give up the seat. if my congress person here in georgia would pull that, i would be totally disappointed
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also. leadership is humbling yourself, and she should try that and go with the flow like everyone else does. the other thing that bugs me is the race thing is the fact that representative jackson has been in office over almost a quarter of a century, almost a 10% unemployment rate. if i were her, and i hope she watches this tape. please, representative jackson, work with your constituents and district. try to promote jobs. try to bring businesses in your district. work with this president. he is the best and the biggest best we've ever had that understands business in this administration, and work with him to help bring jobs in the district. don't sit up there and tweet the race card every time. it's like representative al green, working on impeachment instead of working on 17% unemployment in his district and promoting jobs in his district. adam: i've got to share with you, these are what i think
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first world problems getting, quote, bumped from a first class seat. i have issues much less serious than this. with congressman lee, i made it a point to point out that united had said that the woman that was bumped canceled her flight, that representative lee was first in line. to go to where she went, to automatically assume this is because of racism, when you look at her history, point this out, other situations, like the fight to raise the debt ceiling. president trump criticizing the nfl. she has accused hurricane names when noaa pix the names as being racist. she is a leader, she is a member of congress. >> absolutely, like i said before, it's kind of like we elect our congress person just like in georgia, i would not want my republican congress person to pick a fight and spend more time doing nothing, not presenting any bills that
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help my constituents than picking fights with the president. it is so counterproductive and does a disservice to the people in her district. the other thing, this goes across the board, republican and democrat. i hope people see this behavior, republican or democrat, and vote these people out that want to vote -- vote for people who want to do the will of the people by the people, for the people. not pick fight with the president and work on something that's so counterproductive that is a conflict of interest that doesn't have the best interest of constituents in the district. this is crazy. absolutely insane. >> i think you said it best, i will let you have the last word. i think people shake their head, when a first class seat and to bring up racism considering who the passenger got bumped from the seat actually is. swing and a miss is what it would appear. >> right. adam: we appreciate you being here, bruce, you have a happy and healthy new year. >> yes, happy new year, merry christmas.
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adam: thank you very much. apple is giving ceo tim cook a huge $100 million pay raise after a bunch of rollout delays in reports of lack luster iphone x sales. tonight a guest who says forget tim cook, what about the employees? and now that the republican tax plan is signed, sealed and delivered, time for america's biggest company among others to bring the billions of dollars they're holding overseas back to the u.s.
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. adam: apple ceo tim cook received a big, big, big, huge increase in his annual bonus for 2017 along with other top executives at the company. it's worth millions upon millions. cue the dr. evil music, i'm going to put the pinky up. slowed down phones like my iphone 5. fox business correspondent hillary vaughn has the story for us. is he a billionaire, tim cook? and why is he getting more money? he slowed down my iphone 5. i'm upset, i can't say what i want on tv. fcc will fine us. >> 74% bigger bonus compared to last year despite the controversy surrounding apple heading into the new year. apple's ceo has hands fullsa the company juggles hype or
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anniversary phones and iphone users aren't happy with apple after they copped up to limiting battery life on old phones. several class-action lawsuits in california, new york and illinois. the suits say apple's decision to tamper with battery performance through software updates is illegal, in their opinion, and think it scams users intoonging they needed to upgrade to a newer phone instead of replacing the battery. one user called apple support about fast draining battery and never recommended he replace it. but apple just this evening is apologizing to users over what's called battery-gate. saying in a statement -- apple says it's cutting the price for out of warranty battery replacements by 50
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bucks in january. apple is facing sluggish demand over most expensive iphone ever, the iphone x. a new study at consumer intelligence research partners found that apple's trio of new devices that came out this year had worst debut of new iphones in the past four years. in 2014, apple's new phones ate up 91% of all new iphone sales with only 9% of consumers choosing to buy an older iphone. this year, over 30% of people who bought new iphones chose to go for the older models. despite there being three new phones on store shelves, adam? adam: the payout is $102 million in cash, stock options and do-si-dos, when you're the ceo of the company, you get whatever girl scout cookie you want. 74% increase over last year's bonus and they slowed down my phone. they slowed down everyone's
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iphone if it's lower than an iphone 8. that's not right. >> they issued the statement getting more serious recognizing this is a problem, but finally admitted it and seems they're trying to make it right. >> the way to make it right is get the creators of south park to talk about the pay increase for mr. cook, like where they called bill gates in, that's another issue. hillary, see you later. >> thank you. >> the republican tax cuts expected to bring a windfall of overseas tax dollars from the biggest players, lowering the tax allowance companies like apple and microsoft home or repatriate, huge piles of cash they've got stored overseas. apple has more than $250 billion in foreign cash stored overseas. but remember when apple ceo tim cook took issue with accusations that apple is not paying taxes, well, listen for yourself. >> here's what they concluded, apple is engaged in a
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sophisticated scheme to pay little or no corporate taxes on 74 billion in revenues held overseas. >> that is total political crap. there's no truth behind it. apple pays every tax dollar we owe. adam: every tax dollar we owe. that's the key. it's like the scene in casablanca. shocked to find gambling here, you're winning sir. joining me now is the federalist bre payton. i beg to differ because the paradise paper reveals apple created a tax haven offshore to side step the 2017 senate tax crackdown, will apple repatriate the billions in foreign cash or side step the tax overhaul? >> seems theying planning to repatriate it as they have set aside something like $36 billion -- 36 million, sorry, in order to handle the taxes that they would owe if they
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bring that money from overseas into the u.s. does look like they're trying to do it, it's not clear how much money they are going to bring into this country. and i think it's fine, honestly, to try to avoid pay taxes and pay as little as possible as a business, their motivation in order to keep as much money as possible and limit the tax burden, right? obviously doing that in illegal or shady means, like having money overseas and trying to skirt taxes or slowing down one's devices in order to spur people to get new ones. adam: thank you, hello. >> shady, shady things. and what bothers me is apple tries to pretend they're this benevolent, wonderful, silicon valley overlord individuals when they are not. they're a business, they're trying to make as much money as possible, which is fine, but they need to be transparent about it and not break the law. >> i joke about my iphone 5 being slowed down. i love my products. they have electrolytes.
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tim cook is projecting it as criticizing the president's decisions, this is a tweet and this is a quote, decision to withdraw from the paris agreement was wrong for our planet. apple is committed to fight climate change and we will never waiver. is tim cook hypocritical, criticizing president trump's decision for america while his company stashes cash overseas? >> that's exactly what i'm talking about. this kind of smug attitude like apple cares about the planet, so much more than any of you people and so much more than donald trump, and at the same time, you know, housing millions of dollars overseas and slowing down people's devices in order to spur them to buy their new products after. those two things don't go together and this is such a clear cut example of what silicon valley does time and time again. they like to pretend that they're these wonderful people that care, so much more than you do, for things like the planet and the environment and the every man.
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when in reality they don't, right? just in november, apple announced it was going to delete and get rid of skype and other voice messaging systems in order to comply with china's harsh censorship codes. it's clear they are all about free speech only when it suits them and they can make money from it. adam: i do wish apple could get siri voice recognition to work right. you say i have an emergency, i need an ambulance, and they would say there is a dominos around the corner. have a happy and healthy new year. >> same to you, thank you.
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adam: thank you. cnn is take a look back at the legal story, but our next guest says it seems to be a dark apocalyptic anti-president trump rant. attorney kurt schlichter says they missed most of the important legal stories right after this. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. :
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. >> here are the top seven justice related stories in 2017. in may, sessions directed federal prosecutors to pursue the stiffest possible charge in all criminal cases, upending obama-era push to phase out long prison sentences for nonviolent drug offenders. sessions zeroed in on immigration laws taking direct aim at so-called sanctuary cities, going after undocumented immigrants nationwide and linking hotly
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debated immigration policies to acts of terrorism. >> number five, transgender rights. >> ban transgender people from serving in the u.s. military. >> number four, when tweets haunt the president in court, trump hits back. federal judges pointed to the president's tweets when sizing up his travel ban restricting people from several muslim majority countries. president tackled the lower courts adding a slew of conservatives young and primarily white nominees to the court. number two, the president's attacks on the justice department and the fbi. number one, the firing of fbi director james comey and the appointment of a special counsel. adam: so that was cnn's version of taking a look back at this year's top legal stories. my next guest says it appeared to be a dark apocalyptic, anti-trump rant. time warner, the parent company of cnn closed slightly in the green, up less than 1% at $91 a
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share. attorney kurt schlichter joins me now. kurt, a lot of attacks on the justice department. some may be justified or not, the inspector general, mr. horowitz is conducting his investigation. we don't have the hard evidence yet but attacks on the justice system and the fbi does. president trump deserve the banner of having destroyed the u.s. legal system the way cnn is implying or something else? and also on illegal aliens, they talked about the evers to deport illegal aliens, wasn't only illegals the justice department was going after, it was people who committed felonies, correct? >> absolutely. cnn is outraged that president trump is enforcing the law. it's also outraged that donald trump has pointed out what's glaringly obvious not just to lawyers but everybody, that the fbi, the department of justice and the rest of the bureaucracy has been fatally and completely
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compromised under the obama administration. what we've seen, adam, is a disgrace. if i had anything approaching the level of conflict of interest that mr. mueller has in one of my cases, my gosh, i might end up being stripped of my license, it's unbelievable. adam: what you talk about mr. mueller's conflict of interest, the strzok's text messages to the other fbi agent, the issues with mr. orr or his wife receiving donations from mcauliffe. that's not mueller, that's people in the justice department, but how do those change, you brought up this, i'm curious, let's assume all those people did have an anti-trump agenda as we've seen the strzok text message. how does it change evidence that mueller might be gathering or not? evidence is factual. we haven't seen the evidence yet. >> we've absolutely seen the evidence, adam.
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adam: no, no, i'm talking about the mueller investigation. >> i am, too. i am too. adam: okay. >> what you just mentioned, adam, was stuff that came out in the last few weeks. let's start from the very beginning. let's start with mueller taking the job where one of the key witnesses, one of the key accusers is one of his best friends, james comey. right there, full stop. he shouldn't be there. shouldn't have taken the job. i don't understand why he did. i don't understand why he was appointed with the terrible conflict of interest. everything after that is gravy. if you look how he managed this. i keep hearing how mueller was a great marine, i was a military officer, i appreciate his service. i was a commander and a commander is in charge of his organization. adam, his organization is a disgrace, it is full of leaks, it is full of people with partisan agenda going out and leaking to the press stuff that should not be leaked.
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stuff that's often false, stuff that media often has to walk back, and if you look at the people he chose, adam, people who are all hillary donors. name me one guy, one lawyer he's appointed who donated a penny to donald trump. you can name a bunch of maximum donors to hillary clinton right there. you have a massive conflict of interest. adam: 50%, there was an article about all the people on the mueller team, 50% have donated to democrats and to clinton, the other 50% they had no record of to whom they donated if they donated. talk about the legal issue, the other thing cnn left out is the thing everyone is talking about, sexual harassment, and hollywood. how could they leave that off the list? how did they lose that one? >> well, perhaps they're feeling a little guilty about it being so close to hollywood, being so close to the media.
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politicians have disgraced themselves. what we've seen in hollywood and the entertainment industry at large and the media industry is just outrageous. look at harvey weinstein. you've got glenn thrush at the "new york times." you've got all these people. most of whom who parroted the progressive values and did -- and trashed donald trump for what he was accused of. look what they're doing, it's stunning, and embarrassing for them. adam: it is, unfortunately, we're out of time. you are one of the people i'd like to keep talking to, about so many issues. and kurt, we've got to let you go, and with that i get to say have a happy and healthy new year. >> you, too, adam. adam: another liberal governor defying the president and immigration law pardoning convicted felons, illegal immigrants. my next guest says this isn't an issue that should be politicized because her son, police sergeant brandon mendoza was killed during a police
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chase with an illegal alien. angel mom will speak out after this.
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reporter: another democrat, governor andrew cuomo, says he will pardon 61 people ahead of the new year, including illegal aliens, after governor jerry brown granted pardons in california including two illegal airiens. angel mom mary mendoza joins us
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now, her son was killed during a police chase with and i illegal alien. when governor cuomo or jerry brown do something like this, it must bring up painful issues for you. >> i think it's ludicrous that we are having this conversation that we have governors in our country pardoning illegal i am grants. they are not part of our immigrant communities. they are part of illegal immigrant communities in our country, and these governors will be remembered as two of the worst governors in the history of the united states. what governor brown has done to california sickens me. i will skate off into the sunset when he retired. and i can guarantee he won't
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retire in the state of california because he won't want to be part of that. the people in california and new york have to realize they have governors protecting illegal alien criminals over them who are american citizens. adam: when something like this happens, it has to take you back to that day when your son was killed in that chase. your family and your son suffered because of it. do you think when these governors are making these decisions, they are aware of people like you? >> they never take the time to meet face to face with us. we tried numerous times. they don't want to face reality. this could happen at any moment to them. when their family is affected by illegal alien crime, they will understand the tragedies happening in this country. it's not just us angel parents
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whose children have been killed. it's thousands of americans affected every day by crime, burglary, assault, hit-and-run. adam:ing this program has interviewed a variety of the angel families. >> a four-time deported illegal alien who had done five years in prison for attempted murder pulled up to spencer and blew his brains out. >> a classmate asked him for a ride home. we found out at the trial the intent was to murder josh for his truck. he brutally beat him. crushed his face and voice box. he beat him in the head with a closet rod until it broke. he tied him up like an animal, dropped him in a field and set him on fire.
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adam: we share that because stories like yours and others are not an anomaly. we wish you and your family the best. we'll be right back after this.
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adam: more than one mill people expect to ring in the new year in new york's times square.
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security precaution in times square are very heavy. there will be thousands upon thousands of police officers and you will be screened if you are going in there. but now we'll go to charles payne with "making money." charles: president trump counting the economy in the first year his administration. you said you haven't seen anything yet. so was the economy rooring, tax cuts done, infrastructure the next big thing? will opticals like the democratic mid-terms dig away at agenda? joining


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