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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  April 12, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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20 seconds before the closing bell ringing the dow and s&p are finishing below their 50 day moving average. [closing bell rings] that is certainly a flashing red sign. quick mention, united airlines stock dropping precipitously after that passenger carried from the flight is filing legal motions. david and melissa. >> thank you very much. wall street wobbling amid tensions here and home and abroad. dow ending down more than 60 points. s&p and nasdaq following suit. i'm david asman. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." we have a very busy hour for you >> but i want them to pay. i don't want to be taken advantage of. we don't want to be the stupid people anymore, okay? [applause] melissa: the president slamming nato on the campaign trail and then in office today he is hammering things out with the secretary-general. they will be holding a joint news conference at any moment.
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we'll take you there live to the white house just as soon as it begins. this as secretary of state rex tillerson is in moscow meeting with vladmir putin. russia is asking for an independent investigation into if there was even a chemical attack saying trust with the u.s. is at a low. the president telling our own maria bartiromo in a fox business exclusive that health care needs to come before tax form but a key replican congressman does not agr. david: not to mention melissa and david. the markets don't seem to like that idea much either. the dow tumbling today, over 60 points. go to ashley webster at the stock exchanges. ashley, what are the traders telling you there? ashley: david if you continue to tread water day after day be, weak after weak, it becomes harder and harder to keep your head above the water line. that is really the case for these markets. they have been moving sideways for quite some time. inaction in washington. rising tensions with syria,
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russia, north korea. all of that put together. we've seen a flight to safety in u.s. treasurys and gold. they're waiting for something to happen. in the meantime we do have earnings getting underway tomorrow with some of the big banks reporting. that could be a catalyst. if you get this market moving upwards. but that depends what those earnings tell us, david. david: ashley webster, who was once dragged off an airplane. but that is whole another story. ashley: i was. david: melissa, go ahead. melissa: president trump expected to host a joint news conference with nato general second stoltenberg any day now. blake burman standing by at the white house with details on that one. blake? reporter: president trump on campaign trail called nato obsolete. that is one of the criticisms he leveled against the north atlantic treat i organization. administration officials tell us as he is meeting with jan stoltenberg reaffirmed ironclad commitment to nato. several issues on the docket we
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were led to believe on among them syria, iraq, afghanistan just to name a few. the second criticism president trump had towards nato some member nations are not paying their fair share. it was in this very room with angela merkel last month he criticized germany and other countries not owning up to the commitment of 2% of gdp by 2024 for defense spending. the president has an ally we're led to believe in jan stoltenberg as it relates to nato members having to increase their defense spending. we were told that would be one of the topics that the two would be discussing throughout the afternoon here. senior members of the administration are walking in here, melissa. we believe this is about to get underway. i should leave you saying this is press conference. meaning that several questions, a handful we at least believe will be asked of the president. the big topics of the day of course being syria, russia, north korea, china. we will see what the president is asked and how he responds to those.
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melissa. the president being introduced i will sit down. melissa: let's listen in as the president comes out now to the podium. >> north atlantic treat organization. >> thank you. secretary-general stoltenberg, it's a pleasure to welcome you to the white house, especially at such an important moment in our great alliance. i also want to acknowledge the great work being done by our secretary of state rex tillerson to strengthen the nato alliance as well as the secretary's trip to moscow to promote the security interests of the united states and its allies. he did a terrific job. just watch parts of it. he did an absolutely terrific job. 68 years ago this month not far
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from where we are gathered today, president harry truman spoke at the signing of the north atlantic treaty. in t nearly seven decades since harry truman spoke those words, the nato alliance has been the bulwark of international peace and security. nato allies defeated communism and liberated the captive nations of the cold war. they secured the longest period of unbroken peace that europe has ever known. this enduring partnership is rooted out of so many different things but our common security is always number one. and our common devotion to human dignity and freedom. since 1949 the nato member-states have more than
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doubled, increasing from 12 to 28. on monday i signed the protocol to approve the 29th, the country of montenegro. in the coming month and years i will work closely with all of our nato allies to enhance this partnership and to adapt to the challenges of the future of which there there will be many. this includes upgrading night toe to focus on today's most pressing security and all of its challenges including migration and terrorism. we must also work together to resolve the disaster currently taking place in syria. we are grateful for the support of nato members and partners in their condemnation of assad's murderous attack using the most horrible weapons.
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the vicious slaughter of innocent civilians with chemical
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